[AGS HELP WANTED] Small voice acting parts needed!

Started by Akril15, Sun 05/05/2024 22:06:07

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I need some voice acting for my game's intro and outro. None of the required roles exceed 20 lines, and right now, I'm looking for two parts in particular:

Female, early 20's, medium-high voice range, neutral American accent
Female, 30s-40s, medium voice range, neutral American accent

I should also specify that I'm looking for soundalikes for particular characters, but due to wanting to still keep this project confidential, please PM me if you want to hear recordings of what I'm looking for.

Thank you!


UPDATE: I've found actors to fill the two roles mentioned in my previous post. I'm now looking for a 20s-40s male actor with a very deep voice (ideally with an American accent) for a single, dramatic line.


I've managed to find all the voices I needed.

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