Game screenshot upload bug?

Started by Akril15, Tue 07/01/2025 04:36:37

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I seem to have encountered what I can only assume is some kind of bug. It seems that I accidentally uploaded a thumbnail of a screenshot as Image 2 for my game It Takes Two to Tangle rather than the full-size screenshot. When I tried replacing this image, I thought I accidentally uploaded the thumbnail again, but when I tried a third time, I realized that no matter what image I tried uploading, it still ended up as that same tiny thumbnail. Deleting the image didn't work, and renaming the image before uploading it didn't work either. What's going on here?


All three screenshots I saw are quite high res.
It's possibly that your browser had cached the page and its images.
Try clearing the browser's cache and refreshing the page and see if that makes a difference.


All right, that's fixed it. Thank you!

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