Adventure Game Studio

Community => The Rumpus Room => Topic started by: frenzykitty on Wed 17/04/2013 17:17:08

Title: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 17/04/2013 17:17:08
Just came up with this idea last night! Similar to the movie thread, but this time with adventure game screenshots :)

I'll start:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 17/04/2013 18:05:58
Operation Stealth by Delphine Software.

I'm so bad at guessing the movie titles. Here I can finally compete :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 17/04/2013 19:38:47
I think you have to post a screenshot of your own for others to guess, now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Andail on Wed 17/04/2013 20:18:00
Excellent, why haven't we done this before?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 17/04/2013 20:30:35
Sorry, here you go :


I think it's little known.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 17/04/2013 20:56:39
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 17/04/2013 18:05:58
Operation Stealth by Delphine Software.

I'm so bad at guessing the movie titles. Here I can finally compete :tongue:

100% Correct. Sorry - I was AFK for a bit! :)

Quote from: Andail on Wed 17/04/2013 20:18:00
Excellent, why haven't we done this before?

I dont know. When I came up with it I was worried that it HAD been done before! Glad its a new thing :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 17/04/2013 20:57:03
Creamy: Is it Shadow of the Comet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 17/04/2013 21:05:14
It's not the coach from SotC coming to Illsmouth, even if I can see the similarity.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 17/04/2013 21:26:41
Quote from: frenzykitty on Wed 17/04/2013 20:57:03
Creamy: Is it Shadow of the Comet?
Funny I thought the same at first, although then I realized the buildings are rather the ones of a large city ;).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 17/04/2013 21:49:33
Gene Machine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 17/04/2013 22:03:09
Yes ! It came out the same year as the first Broken Sword in France.

Your turn, Gribbler.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 18/04/2013 05:41:39
Nicely done Gribbler :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 10:45:37
Here goes!:-)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 18/04/2013 16:18:33
Wow - I can honestly say I have NO idea! Looks good though :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 18/04/2013 16:29:38
yay, another thread where I don't know anything! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 18/04/2013 17:33:03
Amazon Guardians of Eden?

That game is hilarious, but still pretty good.  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 18:31:42

Sunny, your turn:-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 18/04/2013 18:40:42
Not so much of a conventional adventure game but I'm pretty sure it sits happily among the genre:


Sorry for the small image size guys.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 19:28:21
Litil Divil!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 18/04/2013 19:40:48

Your turn, Gribbler (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 20:13:24
This little gem. One of the best old adventure game releases in terms of box contents.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 18/04/2013 21:10:08
Barn Runner?

Okay, sorry, just kidding.
BTW, are AGS games allowed to be used here?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Thu 18/04/2013 21:12:46

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 21:32:12
Bravo, Khris!:-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 18/04/2013 22:01:40
Chewy - Escape from F5 :D

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Thu 18/04/2013 23:06:44
I was waiting for somebody to not rename the file :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 23:08:58
Escape from Delirium it is!:-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/04/2013 23:12:59
Try this one!:)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 18/04/2013 23:23:56
"Innocent until caught"
Well, not 100% sure, but looks familiar to something I saw loooong time ago. I mainly recall those interface icons for some reason.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 00:08:19
Close, but no cigar:-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Retro Wolf on Fri 19/04/2013 00:10:51
Innocent until caught 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 00:19:35
It has a different title...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 19/04/2013 01:08:18
Well, looks like I'm going to have to be that guy.


Now, here's another incredibly obscure choice, but arguably still falls into the adventure game genre:


Good luck.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Fri 19/04/2013 02:03:33

I give my turn to the fastest reply! Go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Fri 19/04/2013 02:46:24
Meh, easy.  But it might trip up some of the kids around here. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 02:50:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Fri 19/04/2013 03:16:21
Quote from: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 02:50:56

Correctomundo.  Armageddon's turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 03:42:02
Everyone probably knows this one, I'm not well versed in many adventure games, certainly found a lot of cool ones in this thread I'm going to have to try.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 07:43:42
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 18/04/2013 21:10:08
BTW, are AGS games allowed to be used here?

Sure - just make them not too obscure i.e. something theres a fairly good chance some of the users might have played :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 08:54:28
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 10:29:48
Yup, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 10:41:22
Remember this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 10:52:42
I do but I forget the name. :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 10:55:10
Countdown :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 11:01:10

Pretty awful game, tbh :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 19/04/2013 11:09:44
Hey guys, use "zoomable image" tag please  :(.
It is [ imgzoom ] image link [ /imgzoom ] without spaces (or click on corresponding formatting icon)

Working example:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 11:16:33
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 19/04/2013 11:09:44
Hey guys, use "zoomable image" tag please  :(.
It is [ imgzoom ] image link [ /imgzoom ] without spaces (or click on corresponding formatting icon)

Working example:


Apologies CW :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 13:26:12
HINT TIME: It's based on a HORROR NOVEL by a very well known horror author. :) There was also a movie adaptation. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 14:29:33
The interface seems familiar... Horror author you say? I bet it's some Stephen King's novel.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 14:36:35
The other "The Birds" movie... :tongue:

Ahh, George...Stark?
Then it's probably 'The Dark Half'.

Admittedly, I would've never guessed it without your hint.
Never played the game, only read the novel during my Stephen King craze, a long,
looong time ago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 15:43:57
Correct Trampoline :D Your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 16:31:07

The second game that caused me a considerable amount of discomfort & a feeling of nausea due to 'motion sickness' upon my very first try
(...the first game being Wolfenstein 3D). Nudge, nudge! :wink:


I'll be honest: too much hassle to make this one google image search safe :cheesy:
Stay fair peeps, though the choice is yours, obviously...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 16:58:26
Is this Eternam?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Fri 19/04/2013 16:59:52
Easy. Eternam.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 17:14:02
Wow, man, you are on a roll! (Dang, and Ascovel too! I knew I should've removed that
GUI! :cheesy:)
You guys must be 'freakishly' old to know those titles!* :tongue:

*Tramp, takes proverbial pot & kettle and annihilates his own glass house...

Your go Gribbler...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 17:27:48
I remember Eternam back when it was still in "upcoming releases", kid :-D

Something for true adventure connoisseurs:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 17:38:28
2nd part was published in the same year as Eternam, but can't go again...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 17:55:34
Lara Bow?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 19:32:07
Laura Bow, but it's a character's name not the game title. It doesn't count! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 19:35:39
The Colonels Bequest :-) afk so someone can have my turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 19:45:01
Yep! But it can't be me again. Anyone?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Fri 19/04/2013 19:50:19
One of my favorite Point'n'clicks!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 19/04/2013 21:44:35
That looks BEAUTIFUL
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 19/04/2013 22:24:15 it sinking island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Fri 19/04/2013 22:26:59
Nope! And yeah, it is quite a beautiful game! If nobody gets it when I wake up tomorrow, I'll give some hints! Don't wanna drag this out too much!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 22:30:06
Black Mirror?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 22:31:45
Black Mirror 1, 2 or 3 :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Fri 19/04/2013 22:40:32
Yep, correct. Looks like Tramponline was a good minute earlier!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 23:22:42

Sweet! Hopefully somewhat more obscure this one and not that well known I hope.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 23:30:16
Three games come to mind: Noctropolis, Bloodnet or Blade Runner? Is it one of those?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 23:32:10
It might be... :tongue:. What's your guess?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 23:36:58
A cross? A mausoleum? I'd go for Noctropolis.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 19/04/2013 23:37:43
Blade Runner, or the uuhhh, Tex Murphy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 19/04/2013 23:43:17
...And Gribbler continues his guessing spree (almost) unchallenged! :wink:
(just realised myself that I chose a screen-shot with the mausoleum mouse-over -
that wasn't too clever, I admit :tongue:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/04/2013 23:51:03

This one will be a piece of cake for you guys!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Fri 19/04/2013 23:57:03

First game of all here that I recognise, and supposedly an easy one. I get the feeling I'll be just as bad at this game as the movie one :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/04/2013 00:00:46
Congrats Babar! Hit us with your best shot :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 20/04/2013 00:27:14
Don't currently have the patience to load and screenshot the game, so off the web, is:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 20/04/2013 00:37:16
Ah, nice one Babar! That games was awesome! Subaquatic twist and all that.

Can't guess though, really have to go to sleep or I#llbe wasted tomorrow... :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/04/2013 06:04:49
I'm pretty sure I saw this one (in some game magazine maybe) but I certainly didn't play it. Help us Tramponline, you're our only hope :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 20/04/2013 09:11:54
It's Fish!. A wacky graphically enhanced text adventure about a goldfish secret agent on vacation(!),
involuntarily forced to foil the plan of a group called the "Seven Deadly Fins" who're trying to take over the (water-)world.
It was all the rage when it came out and even 'Game of the Year' in most computer magazines. Also one of the
most discussed games that year throughout various magazines' hint sections, coz people kept on getting stuck...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 20/04/2013 22:41:49
OK, I hope Babar doesn't mind that I post the next one alreay to keep the game rolling...(and Gribbler happy! :tongue:)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/04/2013 22:55:48
Jeez! And I AM old? :) Where do you find those games?? :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 20/04/2013 23:04:34
 :grin: Hehehe, you've to read the small print in that particular post ( :wink:

This game already featured the 'combining notes' function. Only it's execution in-game was so particular and at the same time so random (you had to guess which
words were important and which ones weren't) that it drove you nuts! Still, a great game...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/04/2013 23:20:19
Got screwed by the small print again... eeeh life  :-D

Is this even PC? Looks like Cruise for a Corpse on C64 with a little dose of Spy vs Spy :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 20/04/2013 23:23:25
You're on the right track, it's C64. :wink:

Additionally: Your first 'guess' is veeery close...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/04/2013 23:45:21
Two characters... And one of them is a Lord. Hmmm

Is this an adaptation of some novel? Agatha Chrisie's Poirot? Naah, he wasn't a Lord...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 00:09:42
Not based on a book, but it does 'borrow' from a few (in particular Christie):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 00:24:31
In what way can it be related to Cruise for a corpse? Only that the setting is steamboat? Or does it go deeper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 00:37:26
They share the same genre. The only difference being that Cruise for a Corpse takes place on the open ocean, while for this game rather 'the opposite' is true.
If you know 'where' you've almost got the name of the game. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sun 21/04/2013 11:22:56
It's Murder on the Mississippi. I only know of it because some dude wanted to turn the setting into a Maniac Mansion Mania game.

Here's a fresh one, let's not let this die:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 11:38:12
Legend of Kyrandia 3: Malcolm's Revenge? I'm pretty sure it's his silhouette.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sun 21/04/2013 12:08:56
No :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 21/04/2013 12:28:53
Legend Of Kyrandia 1?  :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 13:06:59
Kyrandia 3 had this ugly 3D Studioish graphics. Must be different part. Crimson already took 1 so I vote Kyrandia 2 just to be safe and cover them all :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 21/04/2013 14:15:00
It's a tricky one, that's for sure!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sun 21/04/2013 14:54:27
Yep, it's Kyrandia 2 (a cutscene near the end, I believe).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 21/04/2013 15:30:40
Gribbler is on a ROLL!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 15:33:24
I gotta go afk now. Crimson Wizard can you take my turn? We were going head to head :smiley: Show'em what you've got!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 21/04/2013 16:06:38
Umm, okay.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 16:09:08
Future Wars
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 21/04/2013 16:32:07
Yes :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 16:41:50
Awesome choice Crimson! Loved that game - stunning graphics for that time (and still are, kind of)...

Sorry for only half a screen-shot. If I'd posted the whole one it wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 19:16:35
Is this one of Twinsen's adventures?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 19:28:39
Pshaw, that's some wild conjecture! But what's your inference, sir? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 21/04/2013 19:43:40
Little Big Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 19:46:12

Take it away...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 21/04/2013 20:06:23
An EASY one :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 21/04/2013 20:13:28
the dig
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 21/04/2013 20:14:29
Yessir :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 21/04/2013 20:57:34
the only scene that is not instantly recognisable, but still easy ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 21:08:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 21/04/2013 21:10:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 21:32:40
My turn (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 21:42:28
Blue Force
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 21:48:38
10 minutes Tramponline. You're getting rusty :P

I was hoping for some Police Quest guesses but you had to spoil the fun! (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 22:14:07
Sorry, couldn't help it. :tongue: I was so much into the whole police procedural stuff back then.
(I'm so looking forward to General_Knox's project by the way. Check out his threads, if you haven't done so already!)

The next one is a bit tricky: I hope you guys will forgive me, but I had to 'alter' it slightly.
Where it says 'Player' is has the protagonist's name in the original screen-shot. (That would've been
a dead giveaway.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 22:19:38
Lost files of Sherlock Holmes: Case of Serrated Scalpel? One of my favourites by EA.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 21/04/2013 22:23:58
Spot-on! Both of them were incredibly atmospheric, but I prefer the first one as well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 22:40:48
First Lost Files had a very specific graphics type. I would recognize it by the fraction of the screen :smiley:

My next is super easy but I just can't resist myself, I love this game. Some time ago I managed to snatch on ebay, new and still in shrinkwrap!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 21/04/2013 23:08:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 23:15:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 21/04/2013 23:19:32
Amiga times...
I'll pass my turn Gribbler, will you continue please?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/04/2013 23:38:27
Say no more! :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Mon 22/04/2013 05:44:49
Gone With The Wind: The Movie: The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 22/04/2013 05:55:02
OK, I admit, you have me stumped, Gribbler!

Following Armageddon's lead...

Indiana Jones 0: The parenting years are over: The Movie: The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Mon 22/04/2013 06:44:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 22/04/2013 07:47:31
That rotoscoped train game.... aaaahhhhh. Damn it... What was it called again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Stupot on Mon 22/04/2013 08:31:59
You're thinking of Last Express.  I don't think this it it though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/04/2013 08:56:58
Hint: it was made within Sierra family
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/04/2013 08:59:29
And the game is not about trains at all. It is just the scene from the outro, so if you haven't finished it...  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Mon 22/04/2013 09:23:39
Heart Of China?

Yeah, pretty sure about it. Heart of China.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/04/2013 09:41:39
Aaand we have a winner! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Mon 22/04/2013 11:11:46
Sweetums! Now riddle me this (it's an easy one)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Mon 22/04/2013 11:19:19
Brain Dead 13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Mon 22/04/2013 11:27:26
('twas too easy)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Mon 22/04/2013 12:42:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/04/2013 12:49:30
Is this text adventure with the text interface removed? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/04/2013 13:49:01
The Famous Five: The Graphic Adventure: Deluxe Edition : Episode 3: The Trees of Doom?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Mon 22/04/2013 13:55:26
Hah, famous five adventures actually do exist but that's not it. :)
It's also not a text adventure although the interface is indeed cut out I think.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 22/04/2013 14:08:56
The Sinister Girl.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/04/2013 17:28:35
Judging by the children's ears it's a fantasy game... At first I thought it's Fable but now I don't know. I'll need a hint on this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Mon 22/04/2013 18:54:35
Not Fable.
Here's one with text.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 22/04/2013 20:57:42
Wow... That key is in an awkward place...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Mon 22/04/2013 22:14:50
David Bowie Shows Off His Keys: The Game?

Certainly looks elvish. Darn I remember seeing this somewhere. Post-90s, or 90s?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Tue 23/04/2013 00:21:12
Blade Runn...

I said it, okay? Now what?

Blade Runner! La-la-la-la-la-la! It's Blade Runner!

Blade Runner!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 00:41:06
Pff, you guys guess litil divil and murder on the Mississippi but not
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 00:43:09
Death Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 00:44:20
Yes. 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 00:55:27
I had slight suspicions, but the interface was a best hint :).

The next one, it made me start programming my own games on QBasic back in DOS times :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 01:09:49
Just my reaction after waiting whole day for someone to guess that Death Gate game and seeing Crimson Wizard's choice for the next one :smiley:

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 10:17:21
Elvira 0? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Tue 23/04/2013 19:34:31
Barbie and the crazies? That's one seriously messed up looking game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 20:21:50
I see that pic slowed the game down, so here's another screenshot. Not sure how much more clear it will be :-\.


But, seriously, don't you see you only need 16 colors to make a game? And people keep asking how much to pay a background artist.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 20:37:23
Nope. Still doesn't ring a bell. How many words are there in the title? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 21:10:30
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 20:37:23
How many words are there in the title? :)
only half
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 22:29:59
The Last Half of Darkness
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 22:30:29
Quote from: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 22:29:59
The Last Half of Darkness
:D yes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 22:42:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 23/04/2013 22:58:17
what kind of strange games do you people play?
A cop in pink underwear in a strange dimensioned castle. There are only the swastika flags (or on his underwear) missing to make it even more absurd...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 23:14:45
Hahaha good observation, selmiak :) I've played literally hundreds of adventure games and never seen this one. And if I have, I must have quickly forgotten - looks crappy as hell.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 23:23:41
It's a weird game, but strangely fun too. The graphics are actually praised in reviews.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 23/04/2013 23:27:35
Pink Panter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 23:35:09
No, it's not specifically aimed at children.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 23:37:26
Alright then, wild guessing time :smiley: Watchmaker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 23:56:18
No, earlier.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/04/2013 23:57:13
Game looks very 1996. Am I correct?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 23/04/2013 23:57:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/04/2013 00:14:55
Is it gameplay screenshot or has the interface been removed again? I assume that the character visible is not player's too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 24/04/2013 00:31:51
There are black bars above and below the picture to fill up the screen, but that's all. I believe the inventory is visible below the picture, when opened.
The guy in the screenshot is not the player character.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/04/2013 00:40:50
Is it Chronomaster?

Naah... it had visible player character. Right?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 24/04/2013 00:52:30
Not Chronomaster. This one also has a visible player character, but I think he just went up the stairs.
I'll look for another screen tomorrow if it hasn't been guessed then.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 24/04/2013 06:43:09
Ark of Time? :undecided:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 24/04/2013 10:50:26
That's the one.  :)
The first line of Ray Ivey's review says it: "This is the worst game that I've totally enjoyed."
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 24/04/2013 12:31:31
Easy but amazing:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 24/04/2013 12:34:01
Beneath a Steel Sky :D

Okay, I am right, right?

Here's the next one, I just cut off the interface to make it... less clear:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/04/2013 13:53:58
Veil of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 24/04/2013 13:57:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/04/2013 14:19:05
At last! :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 24/04/2013 15:20:28
I, once again, have no idea - but it reminds me of that scene in Kill Bill... Wiggle your big toe...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/04/2013 23:52:35
Nobody recognizes the character?

A little easier screenshot:


Wacky adventure game in a fantasy world.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 25/04/2013 09:49:46
This thread is making me realise just how many adventure games there are that I've never played!

Based on your clue I'd guess maybe Simon the Sorcerer?  Sadly I've never got round to playing it.  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 10:19:34
Man, Simon the Sorcerer 1 is one of THE BEST non LucasArts and non Sierra adventure games ever! You must try it.

Sadly, this game is not Simon1. Another hint: there are no dialogues in an entire game, and the interface is icon based.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Thu 25/04/2013 10:47:03
A game with no dialogue and a surreal journey from a coffin to a cave? This is a game I want to play.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 11:12:30
HINT: Four years after this game the same studio made Tomb Raider.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 25/04/2013 11:14:16
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 11:12:30
HINT: Four years after this game the same studio made Tomb Raider.

Cave Raider?  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 25/04/2013 11:20:47
Curse of Enchantia? I'm pretty sure that's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 11:28:13
CORRECT!! Curse of Enchantia. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 25/04/2013 11:31:06
OK, here we go:


Come at me brah!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/04/2013 11:39:42
Lost Eden by Cryo?
That was my first PC CD game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 25/04/2013 11:41:47
Indeed it is - what a game that was! I'll have to go back and play it sometime.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 11:44:06
Gee, that was a quick one :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 25/04/2013 11:46:15
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 11:44:06
Gee, that was a quick one :smiley:

Yeah... I think I'll have to up my game in here.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/04/2013 11:51:20
I am giving up my turn, don't have time to find something interesting right now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 12:55:27
Well, I volunteer then. Here's the next game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 25/04/2013 13:20:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 13:28:31
You got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 25/04/2013 13:46:36
Here's a new one for you:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 14:15:17
Is this player character?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 25/04/2013 14:35:20
Sure is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 25/04/2013 16:38:42
Tomb Raider 0: the early years?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 25/04/2013 17:06:17
Haha :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 17:42:22
Can you give a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Thu 25/04/2013 18:14:16
It's Druuna.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Thu 25/04/2013 21:19:12
Quote from: HandsFree on Thu 25/04/2013 18:14:16
It's Druuna.
I just read about this, the comic actually has a pretty good sf story behind it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/04/2013 21:31:21
HandsFree, if it's in fact Druuna I think you can post next screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 25/04/2013 21:39:36
Quote from: Anian on Thu 25/04/2013 21:19:12
I just read about this, the comic actually has a pretty good sf story behind it.

It's certainly got something behind it . . .
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 25/04/2013 22:57:08
Let's make a game based on a highly pornographic comic book, but leave out all the pornography!

Druuna, the comic, does have oodles of European sci-fi weirdness to it, but it's also wall-to-wall genitals. The game is just six CDs of balls.

Man, I miss Cryo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Fri 26/04/2013 00:01:15
I miss Cryo from when they were good.

...erm, that is, their very first game. :D

Druuna: Morbis Gravis is correct, bring on the next game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 00:27:15
Hey guys! I've just released my game, it's called The Bum. Head over to Completed Games Announcements for the premiere party! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 00:54:38
And bring the next game, HandsFree! :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 26/04/2013 07:31:06
Since HandsFree is taking awhile I thought I'd steal his turn for a moment with a wonderful game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 26/04/2013 08:09:05
Bum Runner?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 09:09:50
I'm clueless. I'm pretty sure I've never seen this one. What year is it? 1992?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 09:12:25
Yes, The Bum's looking good. Congrats on releasing it.  8-)

Completely unrelated:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 09:30:36
Is this Reah?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 09:33:05
Not too far off, but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 09:40:14
Schizm 1 or 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 09:51:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 26/04/2013 10:28:25
I thought for a second it was from The Book of Unwritten Tales, but it doesn't look familiar enough.  :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JJS on Fri 26/04/2013 10:49:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 10:54:05
I've just thought that myself. Uru, or some other Myst-type game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 26/04/2013 10:56:04
The Man Hole?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 11:07:58
You could say it's a Myst-style game. But not Uru (or Manhole).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 12:12:24
Is this First or Third Person Perspecive type of game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 12:17:19
First person.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 26/04/2013 12:20:53
ooh wait a minute... this isn't from Journey to the Moon is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 13:20:03
Indeed it's not Journey to the Moon.
It's based on a short story. But although the game is released with two names neither of them is the name of the story.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 26/04/2013 13:43:19
Mysterious Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 26/04/2013 15:45:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 26/04/2013 17:10:03
No and no.  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Fri 26/04/2013 19:27:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 26/04/2013 19:28:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Sat 27/04/2013 00:14:48
It's Myst-like, but not an actual Myst game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 27/04/2013 10:09:34
Most Myst-like games that went 3D (not prerendered) tend to look the same because technology at that time clearly crippled the artistic vision (take Shizm 2 or Uru). So hats off to anyone who knows the anwser :)

p.s. cool thread
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sat 27/04/2013 10:11:07
Even most prerendered stuff looked bad, which is why I completely skipped over all these games. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 27/04/2013 10:17:34
There were few gems like Riven, Zork Nemesis and Zork Grand Inquisitor. But then there were also Cryo games with their stiff, plastic characters >.<.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 27/04/2013 13:37:11
I think I recognize the landscapes. Is it Sentinel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sat 27/04/2013 13:46:47
Red Sonja?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Sat 27/04/2013 14:14:52
Quote from: nihilyst on Sat 27/04/2013 13:37:11
I think I recognize the landscapes. Is it Sentinel?
(nod) Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 27/04/2013 14:30:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Sat 27/04/2013 14:33:02
Is that Beardy Dude in: HOLY COW is that a dog or a bear?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 27/04/2013 14:35:40
I, too, wondered ...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 27/04/2013 16:39:36
Henry Jones Senior and the Fate of Nursing Home?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 27/04/2013 22:49:29
I've never seen this one before, although I'll bet I can safely say that's a dog.  (laugh)

EDIT: I know what it is now, but I cheated, so I'm not going to say.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 28/04/2013 18:20:01
Hint: It's a German game by a German game company, based on a story by a well-known German writer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/04/2013 15:05:17
I think you have to give us some hits, man :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 29/04/2013 16:24:11
I suppose it's "Der Schatz im Silbersee" (or translated "Treasure of Silver Lake") after a book by
the German author Karl May...?

edit: OK, I'm really quite certain it's that game. To keep this game rolling I'll post the next screenshot. Hope nihilyst won't mind...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 29/04/2013 21:38:56
Due to the "worshiping computer games" thing I'm guessing it's Neuromancer or some other cyber-thingy game, although I can't be sure as I've never played the game myself.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 29/04/2013 21:40:00
Not bad, Surplusguy, not bad at all! It's Neuromancer. Your go...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 29/04/2013 21:41:44
Trampoline, you were right :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 29/04/2013 21:55:26
OK, this next one should be easy. I just hope it qualifies. It is a point and click adventure game, so it should count.

edit: for some reason the picture won't show up if I try to make it zoomable. Apologies!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Mon 29/04/2013 22:02:57
Clock Tower?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 29/04/2013 22:06:45
Maybe some bracket was missing...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 29/04/2013 22:32:43
Quote from: Tramponline on Mon 29/04/2013 22:06:45
Maybe some bracket was missing...

Yes, probably. Anyway, Arj0n, yes. Your go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Mon 29/04/2013 22:47:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/04/2013 23:09:33
Putt-Putt on ZX Spectrum? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Mon 29/04/2013 23:14:32
it's a DOS adventure game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/04/2013 23:35:05
Andy Capp?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Mon 29/04/2013 23:44:49
Negative, captain.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: MiteWiseacreLives! on Tue 30/04/2013 06:09:22
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Tue 30/04/2013 11:27:15
I can see why but no.

It really IS a DOS adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 01/05/2013 22:21:26
Could you post another screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 02/05/2013 09:43:00
OK, since no one new was able to guess the name by the 1st screenshot
(which was a bit hard to do, I admit), here's your second change:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 02/05/2013 16:28:08
221 Baker Street?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 02/05/2013 17:50:55
No, it's "the scoop", I recognize the guy :)

A recent one, for a change :

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 02/05/2013 18:06:39
Is that The Trader of Stories?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Thu 02/05/2013 18:07:05
Finally one I know: Trader of Stories

Ha, now I don't have to post a new one  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Thu 02/05/2013 18:13:35
Haha sorry Khris. :D

Something a little different:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 03/05/2013 09:46:29
Hmmm...The Neverhood?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Fri 03/05/2013 09:52:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 03/05/2013 20:21:15
It looks beautiful!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Sat 04/05/2013 16:11:54
I'll relieve you of your turn, ThreeOhFour! It's ТаниÃ'‚а или ÐÅ"оÃ'â,¬Ã'ÐºÐ¾Ðµ ПÃ'Æ'Ã'‚еÃ'ˆÐµÃ'Ã'‚вие, or Tanita: Plasticine Dream, as you would probably call it. :)

Guessing all these obscure games is all well and good (and quite impressive, to be honest), but how about something a little more challenging, eh? Guess these 4 in correct order!  :cheesy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sat 04/05/2013 16:18:34
Battlefield 3, Spec Ops The Line, MoH Warfighter, either MW3 or Black Ops 2? I'm only sure about (3) though., that's definitely Warfighter
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Sat 04/05/2013 16:25:09
Khris, yep, those are correct! Well done, your turn! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Sat 04/05/2013 17:17:03
Haha, you cheeky Russian, Ilyich! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Sun 05/05/2013 15:17:50
Brilliant indie game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 05/05/2013 15:19:58

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 05/05/2013 20:04:25
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 05/05/2013 20:38:41
it sure is.
is that R2D2 in the lower left?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 05/05/2013 20:50:24
Holy crap! It is R2! I've played FoA dozens of Times and never saw this cameo! Sweet!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 05/05/2013 21:22:02
3... 2... 1... GO!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 09:28:34
Nobody? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Tue 07/05/2013 13:09:34
The suspense is killing me!  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Tue 07/05/2013 13:15:27
I really wanna know too :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 07/05/2013 14:11:17
Clue clue clue clue clue clue clue clue clue clue clue...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 15:16:50
Clue you say? But of course: it's a nearly 18 year old niche Polish adventure game. :-D

I was hoping for older Poles to come out of the forums shadow for this one :smiley:

Come on! I know you're out there!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 15:20:48
I also wanted to make a point. Where's the fun in posting super old games published just only in one country? I mean, that "German game, based on German novel and published only in Germany" :-\ It only grinds the thread to a halt.

Or that Russian plasticine game.

There are many great well-known games to guess. If you want to make it harder cut out interface, or character, or post non-gameplay screenshot. I mean, take that "Death Gate" post for example. It was clever, and I had my slap facepalm "Of course!!!" moment when I saw the answer. And I was hoping to get many of those here. I wish somebody posted a King's Quest V screenshot I could not guess, or some other widely known game. You get the idea. :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 07/05/2013 16:55:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 07/05/2013 17:19:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Tue 07/05/2013 18:58:35
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 15:20:48
Or that Russian plasticine game.

The Russian plasticine game is readily available for purchase and playing ( I live in Australia and I've played it!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 19:23:11
Come on, kconan. You found it with Google Images. Admit it :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 07/05/2013 20:59:20
@kconan, is it "Mugsy"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Tue 07/05/2013 22:25:27
The King of Chicago. The EGA version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 08/05/2013 02:34:18
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 19:23:11
Come on, kconan. You found it with Google Images. Admit it :smiley:

No, I found it looking up Teenagent.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 08/05/2013 02:37:40
Quote from: LimpingFish on Tue 07/05/2013 22:25:27
The King of Chicago. The EGA version.

Yep, nailed it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 08/05/2013 03:25:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EchosofNezhyt on Wed 08/05/2013 04:43:44
Quote from: LimpingFish on Wed 08/05/2013 03:25:06

devil may cry?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 08/05/2013 23:49:56

Think more...PC adventurey-type deal. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Thu 09/05/2013 00:02:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 09/05/2013 03:22:57
Nope again!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 09/05/2013 03:43:17
Amnesia: The Dark Descent?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 09/05/2013 08:37:33
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 09/05/2013 10:12:44
Dracula 1, 2 or 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Thu 09/05/2013 10:19:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/05/2013 10:31:30
The Curse of the Unnecessary Appendages?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 09/05/2013 13:50:06
Booby trap?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Fri 10/05/2013 02:50:45
Sorry for the delay.

HandsFree is right! It's Salammbo: Battle of Carthage!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 10/05/2013 12:12:45
Without the giveaway interface:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 10/05/2013 13:34:53
One of the Zork games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 10/05/2013 13:48:27
Sorry, not Zork.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/05/2013 13:59:56
I dunno... Return to Mysterious Island maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 10/05/2013 20:56:51
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 07/05/2013 15:20:48
There are many great well-known games to guess. If you want to make it harder cut out interface, or character, or post non-gameplay screenshot. I mean, take that "Death Gate" post for example. It was clever, and I had my slap facepalm "Of course!!!" moment when I saw the answer. And I was hoping to get many of those here. I wish somebody posted a King's Quest V screenshot I could not guess, or some other widely known game. You get the idea. :smiley:

Well, this one is well known, because I recognize the visuals. It's either



the sequel Shivers II: Harvest of Souls.

But if someone could determine which they'll get the turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 10/05/2013 22:04:42
Yes, one of the guesses is correct...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 10/05/2013 23:22:06
Well, I finished Shivers 1 years ago but I don't recognize this one so I guess it's Shivers 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Sat 11/05/2013 10:17:32
Err, actually it's the Giant Eagle nest in the Strange Beasts room from the first Shivers.
So that makes it who's turn?   :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sat 11/05/2013 10:48:14
I believe it is my turn by default.

Does anyone remember this oldie?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 11/05/2013 11:04:03
YES!!! :cheesy: I remember that one!
I used to haunt a local department store's computer section, just to be able to play that game (before knowing anything about computers or owning one).
I remember, I got chased away by the store clerks on a regular base, only to sneak back in after an hour or so!
Never knew what it was called though...

edit: That's so AWESOME!! Still can't believe it! (Sorry for raving - I'm' having kind of a moment here!! :tongue:)
THIS game is how I got into computers in the first place! (Around later that year I got my C-64) WOW! 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 12/05/2013 17:27:42
It is Castle Adventure!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 13/05/2013 03:20:26
Correctamundo! Yes, it's the classic adventure game from 1985. Ah, those were the days!
Your turn..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 13/05/2013 09:04:05
Woo hoo! Okay, I don't have access to many resources right now, so it's going to have to be an old savegame thumbnail from my hard drive:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 09:15:38
Mhh, I know this one, but from where...?
Hot, cold - Toonstruck?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 13/05/2013 09:49:58
Extraordinary, Holmes! Your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 09:55:30
Elementary, my dear! :grin:

OK, more of a hybrid adventure game this time... (we're not obsessed with genre conventions, are we? :tongue:)
Generally speaking, it's in the genre of AWESOME!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 13/05/2013 10:44:47
That looks very much like the awesomely awesome Beyond Good and Evil to me!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 10:56:35
Ahhh, I see, a connoisseur of the good stuff in life!

The Game's afoot, CaptainD! (no pun intended/ pun intended - not sure, am confused myself! :tongue:)
Your turn good sir. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Mon 13/05/2013 11:54:22
Somebody created a 1:1 Windows version of Castle Adventure, in case you want to wallow in nostalgia :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 13/05/2013 12:17:09
@Trampoline - yes indeed, that game was tremendous on so many levels!  ;-D

Okay this is probably a pretty easy one, but...


(Irrelevant information - my 1000th post!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 13/05/2013 12:23:35
Is it the unreleased Nelly Cootalot 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 13/05/2013 12:24:59
Quote from: bbX1138 on Mon 13/05/2013 12:23:35
Is it the unreleased Nelly Cootalot 2?

Nope! It's a game that's been around for less than 5 years though...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 15:52:11
Jolly Rover :D

This one is too easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 15:58:05
The Bum
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 15:59:13
Nope. Think... award winning...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 16:08:12
The Rail
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 16:09:53
Nope... :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 13/05/2013 16:12:46
gemini rue?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 16:14:04
The Good, The Bad and The Math Dude!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Andail on Mon 13/05/2013 16:14:13
Easy, Resonance
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 16:16:37
Aaahww man, Andail! (wrong)
At least selmiak rolled with it...thanks, man! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 16:21:12
Lol. I know :) There were so many obscure ones I felt like doing one ridiculously obvious one :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Andail on Mon 13/05/2013 16:22:54
Haha, I just wanted to win once because I haven't known any of the previous ones :(
Shows how much I suck at this
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Andail on Mon 13/05/2013 16:24:30
Quote from: Khris on Mon 13/05/2013 11:54:22
Somebody created a 1:1 Windows version of Castle Adventure, in case you want to wallow in nostalgia :)

Oh man, get out of here!
I played that one a LOT as a kid. Even my father helped me. I will definitely give it a go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 13/05/2013 18:07:25
Great! Then I can ask you when I get stuck. :cheesy:
Thanks for the link, Khris!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 19:05:45
Your turn Andail. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Andail on Mon 13/05/2013 19:16:05
Rats, i'll have to forfeit this one (can't access my comp right now)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 13/05/2013 20:21:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/05/2013 20:39:36
Adventures of Willy Beamish!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Mon 13/05/2013 20:43:11
OMG what is wrong with his left arm, it sort of partly melted with the rest of the body?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Mon 13/05/2013 22:27:40
Quote from: Anian on Mon 13/05/2013 20:43:11
OMG what is wrong with his left arm, it sort of partly melted with the rest of the body?!

It's that blasted youth of today - too much computer games and not enough sunlight.

That's evolution for ya!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/05/2013 23:02:32
Okay, I'm pretty sure it's Willy Beamish so I will go with the next one.

It's a drastic change of tone so all children and those of queasy stomach, be wary. :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Tue 14/05/2013 03:14:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/05/2013 10:58:02
That's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 15/05/2013 02:59:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Wed 15/05/2013 12:10:08
Resident Evil?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 15/05/2013 12:56:58
Silent Hill?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Wed 15/05/2013 16:49:05
Half-Life Lassie?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Wed 15/05/2013 19:16:57
That is Legacy - Dark Shadows

EDIT: With the tell-tale interface removed:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Thu 16/05/2013 01:42:18
King's Quest: The bad 3D one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Thu 16/05/2013 02:08:43
Return to Krondor or something?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Thu 16/05/2013 02:11:46
Yes, Return to Krondor.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 18/05/2013 20:22:27
Ok since Ascovel is taking his time i'll just leave this here. Buggy but fantastic game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 18/05/2013 20:32:23
Universe!!  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 18/05/2013 20:36:53
I forgot to mention you were excluded :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 18/05/2013 20:45:25
You wont know this one, that i know for sure :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sat 18/05/2013 20:45:39
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 18/05/2013 20:32:23
Universe!!  (laugh)
That game seems to have passed me by completely. Is it really that good?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 18/05/2013 20:52:08
That's not fair!!

If you're so sure I don't know this it must be some old console game. Dreamcast? Saturn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 18/05/2013 21:07:39
That reminds me, that I have the PCE version of Sna... err... CD-Romantic but I never got around to playing it. Maybe I should.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 18/05/2013 22:45:00
That's it! It's Snatcher! Than Japanese adventure game you were always bragging about (nod)

Thanks Iceboty :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sun 19/05/2013 06:19:41
Congatulations Iceboty (yes you should:) and Gribbler :) Sooo anyone posting some new screenshots or what then? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sun 19/05/2013 06:37:11
Quote from: Tramponline on Sat 18/05/2013 20:45:39
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 18/05/2013 20:32:23
Universe!!  (laugh)
That game seems to have passed me by completely. Is it really that good?

Universe is a very unique looking game. There were non other i can remember that had this 'grainy' effect except Curse of Enchantia by the same developer. I cant say much about the story since i played it almost 20 years ago but i remember it as a very fun and original experience. Tramponline You schould check it out some time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 10:03:52
Here's the next one:


And Parafia is excluded!! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 19/05/2013 11:05:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 11:36:42
Yep! Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 19/05/2013 13:21:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 19/05/2013 13:27:48
Quote from: Parafia on Sun 19/05/2013 06:37:11
Universe is a very unique looking game. There were non other i can remember that had this 'grainy' effect except Curse of Enchantia by the same developer. I cant say much about the story since i played it almost 20 years ago but i remember it as a very fun and original experience. Tramponline You schould check it out some time.
I am. Literally right now!
('Curse of Enchantia'(!!! :angry:), that explains why I missed the other one: I hated that game from the bottom of my heart, it felt like stuffing quite beautiful visuals with nonsensical & irritating fluff! Uhh, how I despised that game... :tongue:)

on topic: Looks like a fairy tale
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 15:25:51
C... C-something. Ceville?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 19/05/2013 15:39:02
Yea that's right, its Ceville.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 21:51:21
One of the very best:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Sun 19/05/2013 22:08:31
Quote from: Parafia on Sat 18/05/2013 20:22:27
Ok since Ascovel is taking his time i'll just leave this here. Buggy but fantastic game.

Sorry about that. Busy days, completely forgot about this thread... :embarrassed:

That's Shadow of the Comet btw. Possibly he best horror game ever made.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 22:33:41
It sure is! Don't keep us waiting so long this time, please :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Sun 19/05/2013 22:54:33
I wonder who'll guess first this 90's SierraArts classic. :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 23:13:31
It's Escape from Delirium, right?

I think it's already been posted :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Sun 19/05/2013 23:28:07
Correct. On both accounts apparently.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/05/2013 23:35:44
I always wanted to play this but never got the chance...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 19/05/2013 23:54:39
At first I thought "Conquests of the Longbow", but the graphics weren't that elaborate and I couldn't think of any scene
that comes close to this. I'm intrigued!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 20/05/2013 00:46:05
Nope, not Longbow.

My deception worked well :smiley: I didn't play this game but judging from other screenshots this particular one doesn't say what the game is about at all. :smiley:

HINT: It's based on the book, or is set in the universe of the book at least.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Mon 20/05/2013 09:09:51
For some reason I thought it was an Amber chronicles game (checked on MobyGames, there's just an 1985. game, so the graphics are not even close). Really should finish reading those books...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Mon 20/05/2013 17:44:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 20/05/2013 19:08:53
Yes sir! Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Mon 20/05/2013 23:29:20
All those screenshots make me want to start a space opera project. >.<
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/05/2013 11:47:21
Quote from: Parafia on Mon 20/05/2013 23:29:20
All those screenshots make me want to start a space opera project. >.<
All those screenshots make me want to make a game  :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Tue 21/05/2013 13:18:56
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/05/2013 11:47:21
Quote from: Parafia on Mon 20/05/2013 23:29:20
All those screenshots make me want to start a space opera project. >.<
All those screenshots make me want to make a game  :~(
If only there was a cool free game engine one or two clicks away...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/05/2013 13:20:48
Quote from: Anian on Tue 21/05/2013 13:18:56
If only there was a cool free game engine one or two clicks away...
If only I had free time to use it :P.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Tue 21/05/2013 17:54:03

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Tue 21/05/2013 19:50:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 21/05/2013 22:21:55
Red Volition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Wed 22/05/2013 04:36:19
Quote from: Anian on Tue 21/05/2013 13:18:56
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/05/2013 11:47:21
Quote from: Parafia on Mon 20/05/2013 23:29:20
All those screenshots make me want to start a space opera project. >.<
All those screenshots make me want to make a game  :~(
If only there was a cool free game engine one or two clicks away...
AGS is bloated and outdated though, and still isn't cross platform, better to make a new engine with something like SDL.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Wed 22/05/2013 05:41:05
Nope, nope and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 22/05/2013 06:58:32
Not as old school as the movie, but old school by game standards...Metropolis

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 22/05/2013 07:02:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Wed 22/05/2013 07:21:41
Hector: Badge of Carnage.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 22/05/2013 07:24:56
Yup, got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Wed 22/05/2013 07:44:27
I don't know why you guys keep posting adventure games, it's 'Name the Game' not 'Name the Adventure Game'.

Here's one you will never get in 100+ million years.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 22/05/2013 07:53:44
Quote from: Armageddon on Wed 22/05/2013 07:44:27
I don't know why you guys keep posting adventure games, it's 'Name the Game' not 'Name the Adventure Game'.

The thread starter's first post is what lead me to believe it was focused on adventure games.  Quote: "Just came up with this idea last night! Similar to the movie thread, but this time with adventure game screenshots"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Wed 22/05/2013 08:32:14
Oh, well someone else posted a non-adventure game screen.

And that was a red herring my shot is from an adventure game, with gun shooty flashbacks. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 22/05/2013 18:09:53
Could you give a hint? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Wed 22/05/2013 21:34:35
That is Tunnel Rats.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Wed 22/05/2013 21:39:02
If we're doing obscure FPSs try this one (telltale interface removed)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 22/05/2013 21:53:08
Dunno about Telltale interface... but I think it is "Clive Barker's "Undying".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Thu 23/05/2013 14:26:07
Calin I refuse to believe you didn't use Google image search. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 26/05/2013 15:52:34
So, is this Undying or not?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Tue 28/05/2013 07:42:09
That is definitely Undying. CW, your turn :)

I think if we are confident it is a game, then we should just carry on with the next one to prevent the thread from dying.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 28/05/2013 20:15:04
This one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Tue 28/05/2013 20:18:04
Goblins 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 28/05/2013 20:20:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Tue 28/05/2013 20:28:07
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 28/05/2013 20:29:54
Quote from: Grundislav on Tue 28/05/2013 20:28:07
The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble!
Yes :)
(aka "Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth").
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Tue 28/05/2013 20:32:18

Kind of obscure screenshot from a pretty well-known game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 29/05/2013 00:24:45
Obscure? Certainly not Titanic Out of Time then? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Wed 29/05/2013 00:46:16
Nope! And it's the screenshot that is obscure.  The game is well known.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Wed 29/05/2013 05:58:57
Cruise for a Corpse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 29/05/2013 09:07:52
Grim Fandango?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Wed 29/05/2013 09:09:57
Darn, same thought Crimson! Too late... :tongue:

Edit: Then I'll say Doube Fine's 'Grim Fandango 2' - you know, the one there haven't been any rumours about at all!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 29/05/2013 10:07:49
I believe there was a capsizing ship in one of Tunguska games but this looks older. 1997 or 1998?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Wed 29/05/2013 11:58:53
Cruise for a Dango?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Wed 29/05/2013 13:39:09
Crimson Wizard is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 29/05/2013 14:14:21
Something reminded me of the next game today. Back in 90-ies it failed to run properly at some times because my comp did not have enough memory, so I never finished it. DOS times :).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 29/05/2013 15:44:45
The Legacy: Realm of Terror  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 29/05/2013 15:54:11
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 29/05/2013 15:44:45
The Legacy: Realm of Terror  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 29/05/2013 16:08:23
edit.. dammit,  this one was taken :P I'll carefully browse this thread and post another one in a minute.

Finally, here we go:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 30/05/2013 08:08:50
too hard? come on ;)
This is an action adventure about a guy having his bike stolen. You need to find all parts and buy concert tickets to invite your future girlfriend. The timelimit is so unforgiving that I actually never managed to beat it on a 16 bit system. This screenshot is from the speccy version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Igor Hardy on Thu 30/05/2013 08:46:18
Ladri di Biciclette?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 30/05/2013 10:38:33
hehe, nope. Bike as in Motor-Bike.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Thu 30/05/2013 16:18:17
A game where you pick up hookers in a seedy part of town? Quick! Someone guess the name of this thing so I can find a torrent support my local used game shop. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 31/05/2013 06:49:12
Moonwalker?  Nahh, can't be...

Does the game have a prequel or sequel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 07:51:15
A little bit of googling and we have a result:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 31/05/2013 08:53:25
yup! A fun little game with lots of political incorrectness :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 09:27:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 31/05/2013 09:32:56
Could it be "Make your own point n' click as a Second Life Machinima" ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 09:35:07
No, but it's a pretty awful game.  I actually owned it because I won it at a Mittens.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 31/05/2013 09:49:15
Quote from: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 09:35:07
I won it at a Mittens.

Ha! ha! Oh, the irony! Was it Mittens in Ireland? If so, I probably have the video of your delighted face when you receive the prize.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 31/05/2013 10:25:15
Prunella Popov the Pretentiously Pouting Petrifying Pianist?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 31/05/2013 10:26:09
Clue Chronicles: Fatal Illusion
But who was the noble donor :D ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 16:20:05
Haha holy crap you got it!  Was it you who donated it?  I honestly can't remember which Mittens it was.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 31/05/2013 16:52:58
Heh, no. I just wanted to know where the other copy went to.

Here's the next one:

Yeah, it's a JIF file  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 31/05/2013 17:58:46
I remeber this one: Pepper's adventuers in time.

How about this little EGA gem...
I blackened the interface...
( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 31/05/2013 18:10:00
Secret of Monkey Island?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 31/05/2013 18:23:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 31/05/2013 18:39:55
damned, I also instantly recognised this... too late :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/05/2013 19:12:17
Damn, finally some normal games and I logged too late... :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 31/05/2013 19:18:14
I'm bet  we all recognise Lucas Filmgames/Arts adventures by even an inventory item  (nod)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 31/05/2013 19:40:05
Name the Lucas Arts inventory Item forumgame next?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 31/05/2013 19:43:46
just don't bring up that freaking "monkey wrench".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Fri 31/05/2013 22:49:39
Is it Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 01/06/2013 09:03:59
it sure is! And I thought,  a title without mobygames having screenshots would be a challenge :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Sun 02/06/2013 02:25:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/06/2013 11:33:51
Dracula in London?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grundislav on Sun 02/06/2013 16:52:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/06/2013 18:56:36
Let's see how this turn out

Hint: Very well known game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Calin Leafshade on Sun 02/06/2013 19:14:15
A Dizzy game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/06/2013 19:33:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/06/2013 20:27:48
Awesome! I knew you could do it: Gribbler is next
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 02/06/2013 20:34:31
Drat.  I was going to say Loom but convinced myself that I must be wrong!!  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/06/2013 20:46:52
When it comes to game guessing, if anything comes to mind right away it's usually correct answer. As soon as I saw that sprite I knew it's Hetchel's egg. Try this obscene example now :)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/06/2013 21:02:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Sun 02/06/2013 21:03:59
Adobe Dreamweaver!

(It's Dreamweb, not Dreamworld, but I think this one goes to abstauber :))
EDIT: abstauber, yes, that's better. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/06/2013 21:05:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 09:36:44
Sorry, that was my stupid SwiftKey enabled phone which doesn't know anything about adventures :) Incredible that you've spotted this, though I did the edit in less than a minute.

Anyway - which game might this be?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Mon 03/06/2013 09:54:35
Sam & Max

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 10:19:36
The Whispered World?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Mon 03/06/2013 10:21:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 10:31:28
aahhh, think of the children! /o\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 14:39:26
Health bars? Is this RPG?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 14:43:07
Yep - you cought me. But it's very *cough* adventurous.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 03/06/2013 15:15:54
I think I remember those faces. Looks like Albion.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 15:22:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 03/06/2013 15:24:08
I removed the interface and the characters.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 15:26:49
Inherit the Earth :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 03/06/2013 15:37:55
Yup! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 15:45:21
so! many! verbs!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 03/06/2013 15:51:30
Quote from: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 15:45:21
so! many! verbs!

Now, this template must be in AGS!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Billbis on Mon 03/06/2013 16:12:55
Actually, the game by itself is being redone ( in AGS by Vinkei.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 03/06/2013 17:04:38
Terrific news, I really loved that game and it's quirky text-to-speech feature - even though it could be completed in less than 10 minutes if you knew the suspect.

Billbis, you're next
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Billbis on Mon 03/06/2013 17:42:59
So it was Le Manoir de Mortevielle (I have no idea of the english title).
Let's continue with the french touch :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Mon 03/06/2013 17:46:09
That green table looks soo much like it's from Alone In the Dark. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 03/06/2013 17:46:44
Hah, was 1 second late!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Billbis on Mon 03/06/2013 17:49:53
Correct. Ilyich, well done, it is your turn.
I knew I should have post only the piano.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Mon 03/06/2013 18:14:26
Most of the interface removed, as is tradition. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 19:40:26
Ishar 3
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 03/06/2013 19:57:27
I tried to look up some info about that island online, but it was, Ungooglable  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 20:27:49
I'm certain this is Ishar. There were no cities like that in Ishar 1, so that leaves 2 or 3. I vote part three.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ilyich on Mon 03/06/2013 20:41:55

Okay, maybe not that wrong, it is Ishar, but not 3. Or 1. It's 2, Ishar 2. But simply Ishar is good enough for me, it's your turn again, Gribbler! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 21:05:56
One of my all time favourites:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Mon 03/06/2013 21:07:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 21:25:21
It sure is! Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Mon 03/06/2013 21:40:48
This guy is obviously in trouble...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 21:46:54
Universe? It's been posted already :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Mon 03/06/2013 21:51:58
Has it? Damn, I hope at least it's not the same screenshot ;)

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 22:06:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Mon 03/06/2013 22:25:38
Rex Nebular?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/06/2013 22:26:56
Correct (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Mon 03/06/2013 23:03:44
Gribbler try to refrain from anwsering and give others a chance :) (i know, you know the game)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 07:57:31
Still not named? Then Noctropolis it is.

But what could this be?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/06/2013 08:17:51
Cruise for a Corpse: The Beginning?:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 08:55:33
Nope. Actually this game is newer  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Tue 04/06/2013 09:11:14
That's definitely a C64 game. Is it "Newcomer"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 09:11:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Tue 04/06/2013 09:47:59
And here's the next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 11:54:48
Argh, a new game. I'm helpless and therefore patient  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Tue 04/06/2013 12:08:43
Ah, that's why I love these forums. Just post something with a ridiculously high resolution (800x600), and everyone's at a loss. Muhahahaha! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/06/2013 12:25:38
I dunno... it sort of looks like Keepsake maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Tue 04/06/2013 12:27:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/06/2013 12:37:01
Ooh, actually... I think I recognise that interface... is it Syberia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 04/06/2013 12:53:35

not really  :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 04/06/2013 13:33:28
Is it a Sherlock Holmes game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/06/2013 14:09:16
Maybe Silver Earring?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 14:26:32
Finally, thanks to FireOrange's Site dedicated to 1st person adventures :D

Agon - The Mysterious Codex
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Problem on Tue 04/06/2013 17:34:49
Your're all wrong.  :-D

But abstauber is close enough. It's the sequel, "AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo"
It's your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 18:32:55
waah, I'll never find a game that hard to guess :~(

Until then please guess this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/06/2013 19:03:39
Dunno... Nippon Safes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 04/06/2013 19:10:51
Looks like a SNES game somehow.
...uhm, F-Zero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 19:53:45
I appreciate you cheering me up *sob*

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Tue 04/06/2013 20:25:57
Finally. Bargon Attack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 20:41:22
yes indeed
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Khris on Tue 04/06/2013 21:33:10
(removed the border)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 04/06/2013 21:58:10
looks more like the intro to a hospital themed erotica film from the 80s with all these wild growing bushes there.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 04/06/2013 22:15:14
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 04/06/2013 14:26:32
Finally, thanks to FireOrange's Site dedicated to 1st person adventures :D

We're allowed to do research?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 04/06/2013 22:21:22
I know this one : urban runner ! :grin:
It was kinda B-movie but charming nonetheless.

Let's sustain your momentum :

Yes, it's an adventure game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 05/06/2013 10:02:29
Spycraft: The Great Game - the game title that risked a thousand snarky review bylines!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 05/06/2013 13:40:14
Yes! I would never dare to call a game this way, unless it is a joke. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 05/06/2013 23:01:18
Well, iirc, it was referring to the spy trade as "the great game".

I'll put something up tomorrow - it'll be hard to beat the obscurities going on here!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 07/06/2013 22:05:24
Sorry this took me a while. Border removed:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 07/06/2013 23:43:05
I dunno, some Dizzy?  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sat 08/06/2013 08:49:04
Not just some Dizzy.. It's Fantastic Dizzy!

I mean.. Fantasy World Dizzy!! (There's a dragon in a mine shaft in both those games ).


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 09:01:54
Ultima 8 Pagan (that helmet ;) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sat 08/06/2013 09:06:41
Yeah.. the helmet was a dead giveaway.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 09:21:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 08/06/2013 09:53:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 13:35:00
Nope. Its a point and click adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 13:36:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Sat 08/06/2013 13:38:17
Bureau 13? I even bought an original cd of that game (from bargain bin, way long ago), never finished though, rather hard game. but actually had a lot of potential.

Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 13:36:25
Being in a women's locker room is hell? Weirdo.  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 13:56:32
Hell as in Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller :smiley:

But Bureau 13 was my second guess. Both games had similiar graphics.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 14:16:00
Bureau 13 indeed. Hell was more surreal as i recall.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Sat 08/06/2013 14:57:06
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 13:56:32
Hell as in Hell: A Cyberpunk Thriller :smiley:

But Bureau 13 was my second guess. Both games had similiar graphics.
Ha HA! I didn't even know about that Hell game, so I guessed correctly. Lack of information triumphs again!  :grin:

Easy one is next, even though I expertly mspainted away the HUD  :grin: :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 08/06/2013 15:03:41
Err.... "TES4: Oblivion", on the ruins of Kwatch presumably.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 08/06/2013 15:49:14
Alright, I guess I was correct, so here is something a little more unusual:


Let's see how much people around know this. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 15:53:08
Looks like a bastard child of Flight of Amazon Queen and Day of the Tentacle... So I vote A Day in a Flight of Tentacle Queen:) :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Sat 08/06/2013 16:16:51
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 15:53:08So I vote A Day in a Flight of Tentacle Queen :smiley:
There's probably a hentai series somewhere.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Sat 08/06/2013 16:28:04
AGS game: Murder in a Wheel (

Edit: Because I know I'm right (which is a good game btw), I'll post mine:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 16:46:37
Calahan's Crosstime Sallon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Sat 08/06/2013 16:51:24
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 16:46:37
Calahan's Crosstime Sallon?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 16:53:42
Timeless classic. Quick and easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 17:01:31
Another World ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 17:05:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 17:06:42


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 19:32:00

Happy? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 08/06/2013 19:50:35
silver surfer in space hawaii?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 20:17:00
Gribbler, it is in fact a correct anwser ! ... i liked salmiak's better though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 20:36:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 22:26:33
Martian memorandum :)

Sorry for the lag i was coming back from work.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 22:37:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sat 08/06/2013 22:54:10

Good times.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/06/2013 23:14:00
Shadow of memories 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sun 09/06/2013 06:21:40
Absolutely correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 09/06/2013 12:01:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sun 09/06/2013 14:39:03
Omikron / The Nomad Soul (european title) ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 09/06/2013 15:56:07
The Tragic Tale of the Shrinking Tunic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Sun 09/06/2013 19:32:16
Also known as Grand Adventure of Mischevious Underboob and Unpredicted Consequences of Indetity Theft. And it features a David Bowie concert :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 09/06/2013 21:21:41
The Nomad Soul is correct of course :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Parafia on Mon 10/06/2013 11:42:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 10/06/2013 12:06:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 11/06/2013 14:11:02
Floating islands... Half-Life 3: Xen Again?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: waheela on Wed 12/06/2013 02:06:09
Wow, that is one tight shirt.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 12/06/2013 19:01:52
I know for sure that Chronomaster is a correct answer so I'll go with the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 12/06/2013 19:08:36
Burger in Space: It's a Science - Part 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 12/06/2013 19:25:48
Close, but no cigar :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: waheela on Thu 13/06/2013 04:21:03
King's Quest 4! It's an easter egg!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/06/2013 09:21:44
Aaaand we have a winner! :smiley:

Your turn waheela.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 13/06/2013 09:25:24
Quote from: waheela on Thu 13/06/2013 04:21:03
King's Quest 4! It's an easter egg!

Haha, a dastardly trick!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: waheela on Fri 14/06/2013 16:41:45
This might be too easy, even with sprites blacked out...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Fri 14/06/2013 16:52:16
One I know... Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: waheela on Fri 14/06/2013 17:01:52
See? Too easy! :~(

Your turn, jwalt!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Fri 14/06/2013 17:12:59
Since I have recognized precious few of these, I thank you for the easy one, and for the party snacks. Here's mine:


If you don't recognize it, consider yourself lucky. It was one I really regretted buying.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 14/06/2013 19:38:10
Don't know what it is but looks crappy :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 14/06/2013 19:52:32
Jurassic Park Interactive?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Sat 15/06/2013 00:59:28
@Gribbler - It had a great trailer. That's why I bought it. The game wasn't nearly as good.

@Kconan - Nope.

Edit: Possible hint - A Windows 3.x game.

The Press Says
Entertainment Weekly Jul 21, 1995   A-   91
PC Gamer Jun, 1995                     55 out of 100   55
PC Games (Germany) May, 1995   47 out of 100   47
Joystick (French) Jun, 1995    40 out of 100   40
High Score Aug, 1995            2 out of 5   40
PC Player (Germany) May, 1995   36 out of 100   36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Sat 15/06/2013 05:40:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Sat 15/06/2013 11:10:50
Jaffles is correct.

I found a link to the trailer that lured me in.

Watching the trailer makes me wonder why it appealed to me so much back in the day. Gribbler's adjective seems to sum up both the game and the trailer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 15/06/2013 14:52:10
Quote from: jwalt on Sat 15/06/2013 11:10:50
Watching the trailer makes me wonder why it appealed to me so much back in the day.

Maybe you read the Entertainment Weekly review.  That is one train wreck of a GUI and it looks like a kid drew the horned, orange stick figure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: waheela on Sat 15/06/2013 19:14:51
Quote from: kconan on Sat 15/06/2013 14:52:10
Maybe you read the Entertainment Weekly review.  That is one train wreck of a GUI and it looks like a kid drew the horned, orange stick figure.

Bitchin' trailer soundtrack though.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Sat 15/06/2013 19:55:47
Huzzah! That game stunk.

Anyway, here's one from one of my all time favorites.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sun 16/06/2013 04:27:11
Not sure.. Could it be zork nemesis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Mon 17/06/2013 03:48:42
@monkey424 sorry, no dice

It's tough to find screenshots w/o the hud (which totally gives it away).

Here's a hint: This game was marketed primarily to girls (not really sure why)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 17/06/2013 12:28:37
One of the Nancy Drew games?  Curse of Blackmoor Manor?  (That's the only ND game I've actually played... not sure if that screen looks familiar or not.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Mon 17/06/2013 16:43:42
Right series, but wrong game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 17/06/2013 17:49:38
There are like 20 something of them:) What alse is there? Hmmm, Secret of the Old Clock?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 17/06/2013 18:43:56
How about The Captive Curse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Mon 17/06/2013 20:36:18

I'll give you guys one more hint.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 17/06/2013 23:06:43
Nancy Drew And The Order Of The Phoenix?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 18/06/2013 20:36:35
Message in a Haunted Mansion

(I had the Game Boy Advance version for some reason)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jaffles on Tue 18/06/2013 23:40:35
Quote from: Surplusguy on Tue 18/06/2013 20:36:35
Message in a Haunted Mansion

(I had the Game Boy Advance version for some reason)

We got a winner!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Wed 19/06/2013 00:05:14
Ok, here's a personal favorite... for some reason.


Sorry it's blurry, but the graphics aren't great in the first place.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 19/06/2013 02:34:46
  Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Wed 19/06/2013 02:59:12

EDIT: Although that is a good game. It's available for free download for play in DOSBox here. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 20/06/2013 21:38:42
Lure Of The Temptress?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 20/06/2013 23:28:20
Maybe narrow it down a little. Is this adventure game or RPG?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 21/06/2013 00:07:35
Adventure game, but not so much point and click as walk-up-to-something-and-press-a-button-to-interact-with-it.

Here's a less blurry shot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 21/06/2013 10:41:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mati256 on Fri 21/06/2013 22:49:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 22/06/2013 03:03:24
Sorry, none of these :P

Here's a hint- it's played on a console.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 22/06/2013 09:16:46


   House of the Dead?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Sat 22/06/2013 11:34:50
Quote from: Surplusguy on Sat 22/06/2013 03:03:24
Sorry, none of these :P
Realms Of The Haunting? It looks familiar...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 22/06/2013 18:00:42
OK, maybe I chose too obscure a game :-\

Just for the sake of not slowing down the thread, here's one last hint- the console is the Nintendo 64.

Maybe the only adventure game for the N64.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 23/06/2013 11:15:12
   NAH! I GIVE UP !!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 23/06/2013 13:03:51
Quote from: Surplusguyhere's one last hint- the console is the Nintendo 64.

Well, I know next to nothing about retro console gaming so this won't be of much help to me.  :smiley:

Maybe choose a more telltale screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 23/06/2013 15:26:36
Ocarina Of Time?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 23/06/2013 17:44:44
OK, just so one of you can guess it... it is the sequel to Shadowgate. It should be pretty obvious what its name is. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 23/06/2013 17:46:34
Beyond Shadowgate
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 23/06/2013 17:51:31
Going to assume that I'm correct on that one.  Sooo.....Next!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 23/06/2013 19:33:57
leather goddesses of phobos 2 ?
it had nice "it came from the desert" atmosphere.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 24/06/2013 02:55:40
Quote from: kconan on Sun 23/06/2013 17:46:34
Beyond Shadowgate
Beyond Shadowgate is a PC-E... errr... TG16 game and it's nothing like this (it in fact looks like those Sierra/Lucasfilm Games adventure games).
It's more likely Shadowgate 64 (
But anyway, take the turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 24/06/2013 03:00:32
Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Mon 24/06/2013 02:55:40
It's more likely Shadowgate 64 (

Oops, sorry...I'll wait for confirmation in the future before taking a turn.

Anyway, janleht was right on Leather Goddess of Phobos 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 24/06/2013 03:22:58
Iceboty was technically right but I'm sluggish in replying so janleht, it's your turn :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Mon 24/06/2013 08:29:11
Wow, after watching a few Shadowgate 64 vids, I must say that the game is oddly impressive looking. Albeit the interface is massively outdated, it still has some charm to it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/06/2013 08:45:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: greenpower on Mon 24/06/2013 23:06:10
Is it Lone Eagle: Colombian Encounter? I hope so...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/06/2013 23:22:14
It sure is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: greenpower on Mon 24/06/2013 23:41:24
Woohooo! now it's my turn. Lets enjoy some oldskool game, shall we?

Have luck!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 25/06/2013 02:17:31
Mystery House?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: greenpower on Tue 25/06/2013 03:07:15
You got it sir! Now, it's your turn. Blow our minds.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 25/06/2013 03:19:28

This shouldn't be too hard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/06/2013 12:04:21
The dark eye. One of my favourites.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 25/06/2013 12:15:26
Wow.  This game is teaching me that whilst I thought I had a good knowledge of adventure games, really I've only scratched the surface!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 25/06/2013 12:17:22
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 25/06/2013 12:04:21
The dark eye. One of my favourites.

Yup, you are up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/06/2013 13:17:12
Ease, even with most of the screen cut out

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 25/06/2013 18:46:14
I'll probably get this slightly wrong, but Gobliiins?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/06/2013 21:23:39
Which part? :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 25/06/2013 22:09:45
Ummmm, 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/06/2013 23:21:10
Wrong! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 26/06/2013 02:11:24
Goblins 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 06:56:01
Correct kconan!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 26/06/2013 07:02:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 09:20:22
Bad Day on the Midway?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 26/06/2013 10:37:55
Yep, your turn.  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 11:29:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Wed 26/06/2013 13:32:23
King's Quest V  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 13:45:24
You got it!

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Wed 26/06/2013 14:40:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 15:15:49
Black Dahlia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Wed 26/06/2013 22:24:26
Holy you're good. Yup. I loved that game when I was younger.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/06/2013 22:45:06
Some time ago I snatched Black Dahlia on UK eBay for 99 pences. (nod) First edition, big box. With that beautiful sticker "8 cd-roms extravaganza". (laugh)

Anyway, here's the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 27/06/2013 02:46:19
The Prophecy
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 27/06/2013 13:46:41
Yup, also known as "Ween". Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 27/06/2013 14:23:38
Wow, I was actually right.

Ok, I didn't really have one in mind, so here's a throwaway.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 27/06/2013 15:41:15
Well... The name of this game had been mentioned before, but was a mistake as that was another game in the same series. Incidentally the abbreviation of this game is... B.S.

Also you can punch and die a lot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 27/06/2013 20:46:47
Yeah, that's why I said it. You're up, Iceboty!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 28/06/2013 03:24:33
In case someone couldn't figure it out, that last one was Beyond Shadowgate for the TG16.

This should be easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 28/06/2013 08:25:40
Mean Streets?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 28/06/2013 18:58:36
Yes. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 28/06/2013 20:10:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 29/06/2013 00:36:47
The Secret Of Monkey Island: Special Edition!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 29/06/2013 00:51:40
Yes and no :smiley: This is of course The Secret of Monkey Island but not special edition. This screenshot comes from the very back cover of SoMI first edition from 1990 :-D But you're up next, of course.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 29/06/2013 09:44:11
Dammit, I knew that close-up got cut from the original so I was trying to be clever.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 29/06/2013 09:52:45
Okay, probably an easy one but you also have to name the connection to the previous one:


[main character redacted]
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 29/06/2013 17:04:57
Is it Freddy Pharkist (or whatever his name should be spelled)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 29/06/2013 23:17:02
No no, it looks too good to be Freddy Pharkas. I dunno, some Fenimore Fillmore maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 29/06/2013 23:19:42
Huh, thought you guys would nail this immediately.

Hint: the connection is to the specific shot Gribbler chose, not the game as a whole.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 30/06/2013 00:07:55
Three skulls of the Toltecs?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sun 30/06/2013 00:44:26
It's toonstruck 2. But I'm not sure what the connection is. I've never actually played this but I've seen the screen shot before when I googled the old toonstruck looking for some music from that game. According to the Wikipedia entry for toonstruck there was additional material made but not included in the first game, and it has been or will be released in a second game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 30/06/2013 04:49:40
It was never released. There are still some plans to do so, but none have followed through yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 30/06/2013 08:23:42
Quote from: monkey424 on Sun 30/06/2013 00:44:26
made but not included in the first game

Yep, this is the link - both screens cut from the game in question. That cut Toonstruck stuff was originally all going to be in the first game, right? Then they cut it due to time/budget issues with the intention of making a second game out of it but never did :(

Your go, monkey!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sun 30/06/2013 12:33:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 30/06/2013 13:42:38
I spot a moustache, is it Gabriel Knight 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 30/06/2013 14:57:15
Parrot Sketch The Game (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sun 30/06/2013 21:54:02
bbX1138 - no

and Gribbler - no

I'll give you a clue.. it's a fake moustache!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 30/06/2013 22:57:18
Sherlock Holmes The Case of Rose Tattoo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 01/07/2013 09:54:14
Correct. Good work Gribbler. You certainly know your stuff. And i must agree, Sherlock (in disguise) does look a lot like John Cleese in this sketch.. scene.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 01/07/2013 11:24:43
Clever screenshot from a Holmes game and with a Holmes character but looking totally different. Here's next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 02/07/2013 14:06:45
I kind of cheated with my pic. It's more of an art from the game than actual screenshot. Here's a proper screenshot of this character from the game's cutscene.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 03/07/2013 23:08:27
Hint: this creature is called... Gribbler. (nod)

It comes from a very well known adventure game with female protagonist.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 04/07/2013 05:08:08
It is of course Dreamfall - The Longest Journey, which I've never had the fortune of owning. My friend has the XBox version, and has told me about the "Gribbler." Thank you for giving me nightmares, Gribbler. Both of you.

Here's the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 04/07/2013 06:32:41
Better change your screenshot. I think the game's name is written directly right on it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 04/07/2013 07:54:45
Ummm... Uninvited? 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 04/07/2013 12:23:19
---edit: stupid browser cache. Sorry
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 04/07/2013 17:29:13
It's "That Is Physically Impossible" by Lucasarts.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 04/07/2013 17:36:54
The name is written on it the whole game. I wanted to see if anyone would catch it :P

Gribbler said it but I wish bbX was right!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 04/07/2013 18:41:39
Here we go:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Thu 04/07/2013 21:02:54
Leisure Suit Larry 5?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 05/07/2013 08:14:01
Quote from: nihilyst on Thu 04/07/2013 21:02:54
Leisure Suit Larry 5?

    That scene indeed looks familiar from a Larry Game. Hmmm, may be Leisure Suit Larry: Passionate Patty (I think that's Larry 5 - in that case you are absolutely right nihilyst).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 05/07/2013 08:20:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 05/07/2013 08:25:34
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 05/07/2013 08:20:02

    And now I feel jealous of you, nihilyst! Why didn't I answer it in the first place when I could have won? Oh God, why? :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 05/07/2013 16:13:10
I don't have a screenshot ready, so, Adeel, you can go on if you want :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 05/07/2013 16:18:23
Quote from: nihilyst on Fri 05/07/2013 16:13:10
I don't have a screenshot ready, so, Adeel, you can go on if you want :D

    No, nihilyst. I believe in fair play (nod). Thank you for offering but I cannot accept it. Take as much time as you want. I were merely kidding. You got here first so you'll rule :D. Waiting for your screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 05/07/2013 17:24:01
I'm running out of games ... how about this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/07/2013 19:04:20
Bedroom, fish bowl... makes me want to say Zak McKraken... but I know it's not!  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 05/07/2013 19:09:26
That's the intro from Simon the Sorcerer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 06/07/2013 01:05:41
abstauber got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 06/07/2013 08:22:25
Yay, thanks for some low-res games! I wanted to post this for a long time.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 06/07/2013 21:01:38
Below the Root
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 07/07/2013 08:34:11
Btw. have you ever played it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 07/07/2013 09:24:05
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 07/07/2013 08:34:11
Btw. have you ever played it?

Nope, but I'm aware of it as being one of the early adventure games.  Around the time it came out, or maybe a little after, I was plugging away on an Atari 8-bit (800xl and later 130xe).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 07/07/2013 09:25:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 07/07/2013 09:28:26
Ben there, Dan that Time Gentlemen, Please!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 07/07/2013 11:39:03
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 07/07/2013 09:28:26
Time Gentlemen, Please!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 07/07/2013 22:40:47
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 07/07/2013 09:28:26
Ben there, Dan that: Time Gentlemen, Please!

Fixed your typo (as did kconan!) - we purposefully avoided the standard clunky franchise-naming mode. Good choice of game and room, though!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 08/07/2013 08:39:31
Quote from: bbX1138 on Sun 07/07/2013 22:40:47
Fixed your typo (as did kconan!) - we purposefully avoided the standard clunky franchise-naming mode. Good choice of game and room, though!
Whoops - I shall edit it.

Anyway here's the next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 08/07/2013 08:40:54

Of course not! :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 08/07/2013 10:49:56
Alien Baby Solitare! Outro :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 08/07/2013 10:52:37

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 08/07/2013 16:18:57
Hmmm...One of the Splatterhouse games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 08/07/2013 19:40:09
captain blood!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 08/07/2013 21:54:04
Quote from: janleht on Mon 08/07/2013 19:40:09
captain blood!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 08/07/2013 23:22:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/07/2013 00:05:49
Laura Bow The Dagger of Amon Ra?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 09/07/2013 00:24:32
QuoteLaura Bow The Dagger of Amon Ra?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/07/2013 07:09:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 09/07/2013 07:20:12
Hare Raising Havoc
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/07/2013 07:57:15
That was quick :smiley:

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 09/07/2013 08:34:37

Could be tough...So for a slight hint, this one came out in the early 90s.

In the beginning of the game your character is attacked by an alien mugger, and the police reward you for capturing him (or it).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 10/07/2013 09:15:27
I'm pretty sure I played it... or seen it somewhere but... no, doesn't ring a bell.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 10/07/2013 09:24:54

Another from the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 10/07/2013 11:10:05
Space Junk?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 10/07/2013 11:22:50
Nope.  "Space" is part (or stem) of one of the words in the title though.  Also, I believe it is one of the first adventure games to come on CD-ROM.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 10/07/2013 12:55:50
Isn't that the first "newer one" by some famous infocom member?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 10/07/2013 14:20:31
 No, its not "The Space Bar".

Another shot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 10/07/2013 15:33:10
I always thought 7th Guest was the first CD-ROM adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 10/07/2013 16:09:54
It probably is the first...This one was early though.  I feel like I'm holding up the game with a toughie so I'll give another big hint:  There is a spaceship named "Warlock".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 09:06:17
Quote from: kconan on Wed 10/07/2013 16:09:54
There is a spaceship named "Warlock".
duh - Spaceship Warlock?  :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 11/07/2013 09:15:09
Yep, you are up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 12:06:23

I hope we didn't have this one (too often)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 11/07/2013 12:18:40
Easy. I have no mouth and I must scream.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 11/07/2013 12:22:21
I thought it was Butcher Quest.  Or Quest for Meat.  But I guess no-one's made those games...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 12:54:51
yep, Gribbler's turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 11/07/2013 13:18:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 15:54:26
Argh, Hi-Res and 3D.

Err.. System Shock Prologue - a sloppy hacker's life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 11/07/2013 16:32:47
I'm not sure.. but it kind of looks like Normality
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 11/07/2013 16:43:30
It sure does! You're up JD.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 11/07/2013 16:51:38
Not exactly an adventure game, but it did come with an editor which I used to make my first adventure-ish games..

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 11/07/2013 17:08:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 11/07/2013 18:06:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 19:07:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 11/07/2013 19:28:52
Yes! ZZT!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 11/07/2013 21:18:53
Hehe, ZZT was bundled on a shareware disk with Jill of the Jungle.
Who had thought that those guys create Unreal Tournament later on :)

PS: Hey Mr. Dekker :D Long time no see!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 12/07/2013 12:09:50
Could I've possibly found a hard to guess game?  8-)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Fri 12/07/2013 12:12:07
Long time no see indeed Abstauber! And I have no idea what this game is. But there's a lot of games in this thread I don't recognize...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 13:48:47
I dunno... it looks too good for one of the Spellcasting games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 12/07/2013 13:55:43
it's getting warmer.. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 14:09:45
It is Spellcasting?  :) Must be 301 then.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 12/07/2013 14:33:58
Nope - no Spellcasting. But you're looking in the right corner.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 15:05:38
Companions of Xanth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 12/07/2013 15:24:52
Nope. But maybe the GUI rings a bell.
The press loved this game, but at the time my English was even worse than today so with all that text it was too hard for me.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 15:31:28
Eric the Unready?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 12/07/2013 15:53:03
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 15:31:28
Eric the Unready?

I was thinking that at first, but I didn't recall a television.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 15:56:20
Me too, but I'm sure it's a GUI from this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Fri 12/07/2013 16:41:04
Death Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 12/07/2013 17:29:05
Now you're right - it's Eric the unready. Unfortunately I haven't finished it back then due to the lack of my english skills, so I had to rely on MobyGames about the Wizard.

Anyway - Gribbler's next
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/07/2013 18:45:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 13/07/2013 17:47:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 13/07/2013 20:07:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 14/07/2013 11:08:09
Next one:

I've already obscured the character and removed the interface, but it should be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 11:19:45
Legend of Kyrandia: Book One, Timbermist Woods (if memory serves), under Brandon's Treehouse. Amiga port, if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 14/07/2013 11:30:16
I think the graphics of the Amiaga port and the PC port are virtually identical...

Anyway, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 11:51:20
Not to somebody who's in love with the game to the point of unhealthy obsession!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/07/2013 11:55:39
Azrael's Tear.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 12:01:29
Aw man, and here I thought I'm giving a hardish game. I'll be less merciful the next time. :P You're absolutely correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 14/07/2013 14:25:07
EDIT: Sorry was on the last page :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/07/2013 14:42:46
I don't remember anything from Azrael's except for this telltale gui :smiley:
Anyway, here's next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 15:01:30
Silent Hill 1 ^_^

How about this one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/07/2013 21:19:57
Dark Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 21:39:37
You know your games, Gribbler. Yes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/07/2013 22:02:51
That was pretty much a wild lucky guess :)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 14/07/2013 22:13:51
Blade Runner

the GUI was removed and all that
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/07/2013 22:27:19
Looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it...  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 15/07/2013 20:36:47
Kinky Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 07:04:17
Spellcasting 301 Spring break?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 16/07/2013 09:56:28
Quote from: abstauberSpellcasting 301 Spring break?

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 16/07/2013 10:51:52
Nope, nope, nope.

Abstauber, you're getting closer though.
Time to try to make it easier I suppose.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 12:00:35
 (laugh) Epic Screenshot !

Frederik Pohl's Gateway it is!

Those Legend games are so tricky to guess

@Gribbler See, I'm as clueless as you when it comes to Legend Games :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 16/07/2013 12:05:21
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 12:00:35
Frederik Pohl's Gateway it is!
Right you are!

Quote from: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 12:00:35
Those Legend games are so tricky to guess
Depends on the exposure to them I'd say. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 13:01:43
Hehe, as I mentioned earlier, my English was way out of the Infocom/Legend league back then. That might be the reason why I was so dedicated to LEC and Sierra.

Anyway, after this high class title, let me lower the bar a bit :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 16/07/2013 14:31:29
Lester Manley 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 16/07/2013 14:44:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 16/07/2013 17:20:41
Let's go with another "masterpiece":

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Tue 16/07/2013 18:37:26
Beverly Hillbillies

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 17/07/2013 13:17:49
from the palette I guess it's a Coktel Vision game, but which?  :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 17/07/2013 13:22:18
on abstauber's hunch, is it Fascination?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ThreeOhFour on Wed 17/07/2013 13:28:20
It is Fascination! Jolly good!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 17/07/2013 13:37:33
Bring it on.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 17/07/2013 14:05:27
Seeing as you're the one who recommended it at me a while back, not sure how okay me guessing it is, but... Circuit's Edge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 17/07/2013 14:06:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 17/07/2013 14:16:11
Not sure if this has been done before, but I've removed the interface so it isn't trivial to guess:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 17/07/2013 14:35:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 17/07/2013 14:45:29
Yes indeed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 17/07/2013 14:49:32
You have 10 seconds to guess:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 17/07/2013 14:49:54
Zak McKracken?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 17/07/2013 14:55:19
You oficially passed the True Adventurer test, abstauber  (laugh) (claps hands & throws confetti)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 17/07/2013 15:37:08
There should be trophies for that :)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 18/07/2013 13:14:50
Hint #1 - it's a late Amiga title
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 13:35:37
I had Amiga for many years but I don't recognize this game  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 18/07/2013 13:54:36
I bet at the time this game was release you've dumped the Amiga long ago ;)
You also needed an AGA chipset for this one (A1200, CD32 etc).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 14:41:20
Well, I was pretty hardcore Amiga fan. I had A1200 with a hard disk. I remember that Hare Raising Havoc worked only on AGA chipset. I dumped Amiga when 3D games started being popular and those were scarce on it. I sold my Amiga around the time when Alien Breed 3D came out which was awful in comparison to PC's Doom for example.

Getting back to game guessing... I still don't have a clue. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 18/07/2013 15:05:51
Hey, that's an impressively long time span! I ditched the Amiga around '92, after my A2000 died of the leaking battery.
It didn't have an HDD anyway, so playing Indy 4 and MI2 would have been a disk swapping nightmare.

Then I bought a used A1200 in 2000 because there still wasn't a great pixel painter on the PC (hooray for DPaint V).
The game I'm looking for was only two years old by the time I bought the A1200 (hint#2). And yes, it's a commercial title and I was pretty stunned, that the "old" machine had an adventure, you couldn't have on the PC :)
And hint#3 - it's a german/italien co-production, I even found a review from Amiga Magazyn on the interwebs :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 15:36:39
Quote from: abstauberplaying Indy 4 and MI2 would have been a disk swapping nightmare

On the contrary, for some. Back in those days I had a friend who always wanted to come by and watch me playing Indy 4... and swap those 11 disks what he thoroughly enjoyed  (laugh) I assume it had to be some "Look mom! I'm computer scientist!" thing.  :P I was a good friend and let him have fun. :)

And about your game... I must admit part of the gui does look familiar. I mean that disk symbols on the right. I guess I must have seen  screensots in a magazine or something but I will never be able to guess it. It will be one of "Oh, THAT." when I see game's title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AGA on Thu 18/07/2013 16:30:16

(honestly wasn't namesearching, I just happened to wander into the Rumpus Room for the first time in months...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Thu 18/07/2013 16:41:11
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 18/07/2013 15:05:51

Wait, is that... Sixth Sense Investigations? I vaguely remember the main character sounding like an extra from Simon the Sorcerer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 17:20:11
Quote from: ScavengerWait, is that... Sixth Sense Investigations?

I've searched it and looks like you're right. Never heard of it. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 18/07/2013 17:35:58
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 17:20:11
I've searched it and looks like you're right. Never heard of it. :)

There has sometime, somewhere been an adventure game that Gribbler has never heard of?!?!?!?  The space-time continuum is about to collapse!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/07/2013 18:32:19
Quote from: CaptainDThe space-time continuum is about to collapse!

Run for your li.... ekhm, I mean, finish The Bum! Finish it! While you still have a chance! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 18/07/2013 19:12:08
Sorry for the delay, of course Scavenger is right!
@Gribbler I have to admit that I also had my "computer scientist moments" with the Amiga :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Thu 18/07/2013 21:59:48
Well, time to share something obscure for y'all.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 19/07/2013 07:53:30
Could this be a Windows 3.x game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Fri 19/07/2013 08:21:20
It is indeed a Windows 3.x game. It's very crudely drawn and independant, and it's art really resonates with me.

And here's another clue - my favorite track from the game: Midi! (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 19/07/2013 08:39:06
Coooould this be by the same guys who did ZZT? I think I even had this on a shareware disk :)

That midi sounds terrific btw. - a lot better than what I was used to hear from Epic Megagames.

oh well, I try to solve it:
Is it Dare to Dream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/07/2013 00:11:57
It seems you're correct, abstauber. I think you can safely post a new screensot without Scavenger's confirmation.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 22/07/2013 10:32:05
Okay, lets start this week with something easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 22/07/2013 10:40:53
Labyrinth: The Computer Game

I like how the title specifies "Computer Game".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/07/2013 11:38:57
My first thought when I saw the screenshot was: "Wait a minute! Blackwell games are remakes???"  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 22/07/2013 11:46:16
Kconan is right! Please provide the next fix :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 22/07/2013 12:23:58
I was debating an Atari 8-bit game since I've seen some Amiga stuff in the thread, but I'll go with this instead:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 12:29:49
Cosmology of Kyoto?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Mon 22/07/2013 12:57:07
Genghis goes west?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/07/2013 12:59:27
Toilet Samurai Sage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 22/07/2013 13:10:15
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 12:29:49
Cosmology of Kyoto?

Yep, you are up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 13:35:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 22/07/2013 14:45:31

Awesome game btw.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 16:36:06
I knew you'd guess in 3 seconds, but the screenie was too fun not to use. :) Yeah, lovely game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 22/07/2013 17:16:10
Yeah, some epic dialogs are going on there :D
Now from cats to dogs:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 17:24:31
Haha, I actually consdered posting this! It's Ooze: Creepy Nites.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 22/07/2013 18:15:24
Hahah! I posted this a while back in this thread, didn't I? That is Fish!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 22/07/2013 19:24:31
Perhaps I should read the entire thread. :) Correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 22/07/2013 19:31:02
Nice little game, that.
I'm scraping the bottom of my barrel of obscurity here, hopefully this won't be too easy:

Stripped of its GUI and title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/07/2013 19:44:36
Cactus Adventure?

Okay, I made that one up.  I think.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 22/07/2013 19:50:33
That sounds like it'd be pretty boring :D.
Cactii(?) and deserts don't really play a prominent role in this game, this was just the first screenshot I could find that didn't give away a major hint of the game immediately.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 23/07/2013 09:10:48
Mhh.. doesn't look very familiar, but someone sure liked DPaint's gradient splatter :)
What's that little rectangle in the lower left corner? Is this screenshot part of a minigame?

@qptain Nemo: I'm stunned how fast you've guessed Ooze. So it was had some commercial success outside of Germany?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 23/07/2013 09:54:45
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 23/07/2013 09:10:48
@qptain Nemo: I'm stunned how fast you've guessed Ooze. So it was had some commercial success outside of Germany?
I naively thought it was somewhat apparent that I'm just a game nerd, with huge interest in 90s abandonware and adventure games in particular, and a MobyGames addict. ^_^ I haven't even played Ooze yet, but it looked interesting and that particular screenshot amused me a lot when I stumbled upon it, so it was definitely memorable for me. So I can't comment on Ooze's commercial success outside of Germany, but that's the story behind my guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 23/07/2013 10:53:38
Not part of a minigame, abstauber, just that when you move the mouse over important bits of the screen, that would show up. Currently it is pointing to an area that had an object I just picked up.

Oh, and I cannot find this game on MobyGames :D.
Here's another screen to help you out, with a little more of the GUI showing:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 23/07/2013 20:56:05
I'm guessing it's a game somewhere from 1996 to 2000.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 23/07/2013 21:11:16
Nope! You're looking too far ahead with your guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 24/07/2013 07:50:53
I think it's time for more revealing screenshots...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 24/07/2013 09:55:49
I guess I did find one that was more difficult :D.
A more revealing screenshot, but I've taken the liberty of still hiding two things.

In exchange I can tell you it was an edutainment game, and I'm not finding much presence for it online aside from a couple of lets plays and pages on abandonware sites. Nemo already has a vague direction of the date of release from what I corrected of his guess earlier.
I can't make it any easier other than almost literally giving away the name of the game (which you'd be able to totally guess from what I've hidden :D).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 10:45:39
Eco-Saurus?? Never heard of it before... :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 24/07/2013 10:53:27
Hahaha, wow, I was just about to post the name, as I literally had to bruteforce a couple of abandonware sites to find out what it was... :D but I'm glad we've dealt with this one anyway.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 10:56:35
hehe I just googled "DOS Skatehenge" :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 24/07/2013 11:00:46
I was tempted to google "skatehendge" but I wanted to go a more "dignified" route that involved more effort. BECAUSE THIS IS CLEARLY SERIOUS BUSINESS

I don't want my nerdy antics be taken the wrong way though, I think your win is fair game.

Anyway just post a new screenie please :o
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 12:32:44
nah, neither of us did. Babar won and Google placed second ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 13:28:30
Is this a Coktel Vision game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 13:30:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 14:00:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 14:01:48
next please :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 14:11:23
To have a so distinct visual style that after 20 years you can still guess company name. How cool is that? Genius.  :)

Next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 24/07/2013 14:13:55
Kronolog: The Nazi Paradox

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 14:32:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 24/07/2013 14:33:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 14:41:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 24/07/2013 14:48:38
Lure of the Temptress?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 15:00:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Wed 24/07/2013 15:02:36
That's Discworld, specifically the broom closet before you turn on the light.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 15:17:20
You got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Wed 24/07/2013 15:21:09
Let's delve into the deep past:


Proudly proclaiming to be the FIRST of it's kind!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 15:31:06
First 9-verb game to have "offer" instead of "give"? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Wed 24/07/2013 15:48:29
I'm not sure but it does look pretty good... It's one of those new PlayStation 4 titles, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 16:11:37
Quote from: Sunny PenguinI'm not sure but it does look pretty good... It's one of those new PlayStation 4 titles, right?

Naah, I think it looks kinda exclusive to XBone :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Wed 24/07/2013 16:17:57
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 24/07/2013 16:11:37
Quote from: Sunny PenguinI'm not sure but it does look pretty good... It's one of those new PlayStation 4 titles, right?

Naah, I think it looks kinda exclusive to XBone :)

(laugh) I automatically think of like a stone age console. It ain't a point'n'click either, it's an UNGHa'n'BUNGa.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 24/07/2013 16:20:34
Quote from: Scavenger on Wed 24/07/2013 15:21:09
Proudly proclaiming to be the FIRST of it's kind!

First adventure game for Win 3.11? Seriously :). Interface style is very Win 3.11-esque.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 16:23:14
Nobody considered some hardly working Klik & Play witchcraft?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Wed 24/07/2013 16:45:45
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 24/07/2013 16:23:14
Nobody considered some hardly working Click'nPlay witchcraft?

It isn't Klik 'N Play, I think it's some bespoke engine.

Some bespoke, awfully programmed engine.

Quote from: Crimson WizardFirst adventure game for Win 3.11?
You're correct there, though it's probably not true. This game didn't come out until the very late in Win3.1's life cycle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 25/07/2013 13:21:53
Sorry, I'm still clueless (a prove, that I never played it)
Was this a boxed commercial game or a shareware release?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Thu 25/07/2013 14:01:51
It was a shareware release. A very obscure one! But one I found on a disk one day and has haunted me ever since.


Perhaps this piece of narcissism will jog someone's memory?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 25/07/2013 14:29:34
The Secret of MS Paint Land?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 14:36:46
Duke Nukem Adventures?  (laugh)

I vaguely remember seeing this intertwined "APG" symbol somewhere. Not sure it is "Apogee" though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Thu 25/07/2013 14:39:33
Nope, and nope! You're getting closer!


You should now have all the fabled clues to piece together this terrible game.

Can you believe they charged $18 for this?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 14:41:19
Sorry, but I cheated:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Thu 25/07/2013 14:46:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 14:57:53
I do not know why, but that reminded me of a the game my sister was playing when she was a child :)
(I think that was either on DOS or Win95):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 15:07:51
It's Fatty Bear by the same guys who made Putt-Putt.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 15:13:41
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 15:07:51
It's Fatty Bear by the same guys who made Putt-Putt.
And the name of the game is? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 25/07/2013 15:15:09
I'm soo tempted to steal this one :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 15:28:06
I bet it's Fatty Bear's ... something something. I can't remember though. Feel free to snatch it, abstauber :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 25/07/2013 15:32:03
Oh, that's too kind. In exchange I make it quick and easy for the next one.

Fatty Bear's Birthday surprise.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 15:37:38
Oh, that's why they say easy is a relative term...  :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 25/07/2013 16:11:58
oh noes. Here's the screenshot that was in the magazines back then.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 16:22:42
Aaaaand it's Leather Goddesses of Phobos!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 25/07/2013 16:42:08
Sold to the bum :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 17:55:45
And now for something completely different:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 25/07/2013 18:01:03
god of shadow of the skyrim
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 18:05:52

I posted this screen cause just yesterday I beat this giant son of a gun in a matter of 20 seconds :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 18:28:19
Dark Souls 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 18:46:58
Dark Souls 2 comes out March 2014 :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 19:06:32
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 18:46:58
Dark Souls 2 comes out March 2014 :)

lol. Dark Souls 1 maybe? Although I haven't played either. :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 19:30:43
Yes sir!

I'm currently playing it. Suppostedly toughest game of the decade. I wanted to test my might :smiley:
Anyway, your go, CW.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 25/07/2013 20:58:08
pffft, go and play I wanna be the guy now!

even though iwbtg is just mean and not just tough.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 22:21:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 25/07/2013 22:27:38
The Infinity String?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/07/2013 22:35:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 22:36:58
AGS game? It looks gorgeous. Like The Dig sequel.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 25/07/2013 23:03:48
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 25/07/2013 22:36:58
AGS game? It looks gorgeous. Like The Dig sequel.
Yep. Sektor 13 is good at graphics.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 26/07/2013 20:02:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 26/07/2013 21:22:35


It's an adventure game, with some minor combat and another gameplay element that is found both in adventure games and RPGs. And it's a good game, mind.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Renodox on Fri 26/07/2013 22:37:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 26/07/2013 23:16:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Renodox on Sat 27/07/2013 05:11:34

Space Quest style but not from Sierra.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/07/2013 05:47:04
Is this Decision of the elders? We need some hints...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 29/07/2013 06:48:56
Earthrise: A Guild Investigation
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Renodox on Mon 29/07/2013 07:16:16
Kconan got it.  He's up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 29/07/2013 07:23:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 08:35:08
Purely because the portrait reminds me of Gil Gerrard, I'm going to say Buck Rogers!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 29/07/2013 09:05:10
Murders In Space
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 29/07/2013 09:34:22
Yea, that guy is Gil Gerrard-ish.  Abstauber got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 29/07/2013 10:21:51
I just love the look of the early french titles from Infogrames, Exxos and Coktel :)
But let's continue with this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 10:24:25
This has the look of a Cinemaware title... Kings of Chicago?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 29/07/2013 10:28:23
  I already did King of Chicago a while back, though technically mine was the CGA version.  Hmmm...It does look like it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 29/07/2013 10:38:05
Oh noes, another game collision - even though I didn't pick Fish  ;-D
CaptainD is next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 11:15:23
Yay, I finally got one!!  (I did know Zak but someone else got there first.)

Anyway, here's a new one... not really sure how easy / difficult it will be.  I'm going back to a game I really loved back on the ZX Spectrum many years ago... not an adventure game. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 29/07/2013 11:46:51
I thought "ZX Spectrum!" even before I read accompanying text. :)

Don't know the game though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 11:54:09
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 29/07/2013 11:46:51
I thought "ZX Spectrum!" even before I read accompanying text. :)

Did the colour clash give it away!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/07/2013 12:01:44
I never had a 8-bit computer so I don't know much about those games. I started my gaming career with Amiga 500. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 29/07/2013 12:05:37
I played this game a lot but can't really remember the name...
I never got to do anything relevant in the game...
Ancient China...Nope

It's Tai Pan?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 12:07:47
Miguel has it!  It was indeed Taipan by the awesome Ocean Software (not to be confused with the game of the same name that came out for the Apple II).

Fun fact for post-8-bit gamers:  on the Speccy tape deck, this game took a full 5 minutes to load!

You're up Miguel!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 29/07/2013 12:17:23
Yeah, it was a cool game for the time, you could sail from island to island and smuggle stuff...

Anyway, guess this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 29/07/2013 12:17:56
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 12:07:47
Fun fact for post-8-bit gamers:  on the Speccy tape deck, this game took a full 5 minutes to load!
Just like Sims 3 these days.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 12:20:51
Miguel, I think we may be playing out own retro guessing game here...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 29/07/2013 12:24:39
Hehehe...we are!
You're 98% close on that one Captain,
guess again, please!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 12:25:17
Saboteur 2?  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 29/07/2013 12:26:12
Hahahaha! Yes, that's it!
Captain, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/07/2013 12:36:52
I don't know. Last Ninja? :smiley:

EDIT: Sorry, too late
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/07/2013 12:44:57
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 29/07/2013 12:36:52
I don't know. Last Ninja? :smiley:

Nah, that game had a top-down isometric view on the Speccy (not sure about other systems).  :P

Right, new screenie... I don't think this one's been done before (and sorry, I'm not about to check back 47 pages worth to make sure!)...

I remember this one from the Atari ST.

ST Screenshot:


DOS screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 30/07/2013 02:52:26
Tass Times in Tonetown?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/07/2013 09:15:46
It's Dream Zone.

And yes, this is an adventure game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 30/07/2013 12:25:47
AeroNuts 3D?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 30/07/2013 12:28:11
Flight Simulator Adventure?  (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/07/2013 12:38:23
Hehe, I have admit I find a FlightSim Adventure somewhat intriguing :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 30/07/2013 12:40:04
Is this screencap from a 16-bit system?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/07/2013 12:53:39
Yep, it's from Jack Tramiel's 16bit machine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 30/07/2013 14:27:23
Jack Tramiel's 16Bit Machine Flight Simulator Adventure
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/07/2013 14:37:03

Hint: There are two games with the same title. One is a real flight sim and pretty decent, the other one is this game.
Why didn't they apply any postproduction tricks to these poor digitized images...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 30/07/2013 16:06:13
Flight Unlimited?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 30/07/2013 19:53:07
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 30/07/2013 14:37:03
Why didn't they apply any postproduction tricks to these poor digitized images...

But they did pixel WC on the door!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 30/07/2013 23:08:08
F-15 Strike Eagle III? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 31/07/2013 02:58:29
A320 Airbus?

I recall the F-15 Strike Eagle games had huge 200ish page game manuals.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Wed 31/07/2013 05:43:54
A320 Airbus

(He said, feigning confidence)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 31/07/2013 08:03:19
As much as I want it to be "F15-Strike Eagle III - The Movie - The Game"... kconan and surplusguy are both partially right - it's A320 by Loriciels.
My cousin had this on his Atari (520?), but I doubt it survived long in his disk box.

Anyway: kconan was first - but nice try, Surplusguy :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 31/07/2013 08:30:05
The only reason I guessed "A320 Airbus" was because it was one of the few flight sims from back in the day that I'm not aware of, and due its lame sounding "promotional tie-in" name.


Platform: Atari 8-bit (also released on PC)
Genre: Adventure
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 31/07/2013 08:40:55
Is that the Ghostbusters logo on the car?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 31/07/2013 08:42:12
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 31/07/2013 08:40:55
Is that the Ghostbusters logo on the car?


The logo on the car is "88" with red and white colors.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 31/07/2013 14:41:30
Hehe, did you just type in "examine door" - or does it have a more advanced parser?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 31/07/2013 14:49:55
There are only two verbs: HIT and RETURN...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 31/07/2013 15:39:34
I knew the logo from...the movie.  Should be a decent hint  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 31/07/2013 15:52:45
It is indeed :) I'd like to solve: The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 31/07/2013 16:19:06
You got it!  I'll get you back for that super obscure Airbus game another time (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 01/08/2013 08:41:22
That baron-cup needs to be officially added to the boards :D

Anyhow, unfortunately nobody guessed the invisible game (sorry, I was distracted by trying to repair another C64)
Here's the next obscure title:
Hint: A fountain of youth member's name is part of the title :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 01/08/2013 10:21:57
I Love Mark Lovegrove - Deluxe Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 01/08/2013 10:29:56
The Adventures of Suchy Chleb and Dla Konia: Gold Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 01/08/2013 10:58:53
There's also a 1996 windows remake of this Atari 8-bit title.


and not the wanted FoY member mentioned so far
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 01/08/2013 12:19:31
It's A.D. 2044. A Polish game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 01/08/2013 12:21:56
I can't believe I hadn't heard of it, as there weren't many adventure games for Atari 800/XL/XE.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 01/08/2013 12:26:01
Quote from: kconanI can't believe I hadn't heard of it, as there weren't many adventure games for Atari 800/XL/XE.

Maybe you know it by the title "Sexmisja"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 01/08/2013 12:26:52
Wohoo, Gribbler is right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 01/08/2013 12:43:01
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 01/08/2013 12:26:01
Maybe you know it by the title "Sexmisja"?

Ahhh ok, no way would I have had access to a game called "Sexmisja" at the time of its release  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 01/08/2013 15:31:57
I will join your 8-bit festival for a second here:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 01/08/2013 17:20:01
Miecze Valdgira 1?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 01/08/2013 17:35:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 01/08/2013 17:53:41

This was a popular adventure game released on a variety of platforms back in the 80s.  The screenshot is from the Atari 8-bit version. 

Not a Polish game by the way  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 01/08/2013 18:25:16
That's The Secret Of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 01/08/2013 19:26:39
Dunno what it is, but definitely not TSOMI2 for several reasons!  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 01/08/2013 19:30:23
where is waldo, christmas edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 01/08/2013 23:23:23
Tezt adventure Mindshadow, knowledge gleaned from my DosBox exploits :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 02/08/2013 02:56:04
Quote from: Surplusguy on Thu 01/08/2013 23:23:23
Tezt adventure Mindshadow, knowledge gleaned from my DosBox exploits :P

Boom!  Yep, it is Activision's Mindshadow.

Also, that is probably what Monkey Island would have looked like had it been made in 1984-1985.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 02/08/2013 18:18:33
*text* Oh, well.

This one is the very definition of "Point and Click":
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 02/08/2013 18:29:01
House of the Dead?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: xil on Fri 02/08/2013 18:34:14
House of the Dead 2 I believe :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 02/08/2013 18:44:11
Never could tell them apart :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: xil on Fri 02/08/2013 18:46:08
Well I'll give it to you nihilyst (if Surplusguy is happy with that!), close enough for me :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 03/08/2013 00:41:19
Calicoreverie was right, it is 2 (though I personally don't mind if you want to give nihilyst the turn, as the two are basically the same game)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 03/08/2013 00:51:04
Quote from: nihilyst on Fri 02/08/2013 18:44:11
Never could tell them apart :D
If you've played it as many times as me. Then I'm sure you'll know the difference. :D

No matter how much I try, yet I can't forget this game especially the scene which Surplusguy posted.

This also makes me wonder: why do I miss to guess those games whom I've played many times and / or enjoyed greatly? Oh God, why?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 03/08/2013 01:07:14
Maybe you get the next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 03/08/2013 01:15:23
That looks to me to be...Young Merlin for the Super Nintendo!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 03/08/2013 01:26:53
Dragon Ball Z for Nintendo Gameboy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 03/08/2013 01:43:11
Babar is right. It is Westwood's Young Merlin, which I loved and hated at the same time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 03/08/2013 01:52:52
But it was so pretty and sparkly and unique for the SNES!

I don't THINK this has been posted before, but it is probably a lot easier than the previous game I had everyone guessing:

As usual, cropped to remove the GUI.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 05/08/2013 14:56:52
Lord Of the Rings. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 06/08/2013 01:47:21
That guess makes me suspicious that you know which game this is, Crimson Wizard :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 06/08/2013 08:25:01
Quote from: Babar on Tue 06/08/2013 01:47:21
That guess makes me suspicious that you know which game this is, Crimson Wizard :D
No, that was a blind guess :). I still don't know which game this is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/08/2013 08:53:57
I'm only (slightly) familiar with the Spectrum version which obviously looks a little... different! - but from what's just been said I'd have to guess at The Hobbit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Tue 06/08/2013 10:18:18
It looks like an Amiga game I had. It involved a party and a mountain to climb. It had verbs, inventory, spells...
Can't remember the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 06/08/2013 13:04:26
bible adventures?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 06/08/2013 22:42:55 Bible Adventures, and no Hobbit.
Miguel might have it, considering it has everything he just said. If only he could remember the name!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/08/2013 22:53:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 06/08/2013 23:04:57
Well, it looks like one of them "Forgotten Realms" games, or game using similar engine UI.

E: by "UI" I mean the picture shape and size.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/08/2013 23:24:47
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 06/08/2013 23:04:57
Well, it looks like one of them "Forgotten Realms" games, or game using similar engine UI.

In that case... Heroes of the Lance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 07/08/2013 00:29:04
No to both guesses, and I don't believe this game had anything to do with any Forgotten Realms engine, UI or setting.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Wed 07/08/2013 01:02:03
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 06/08/2013 13:04:26
bible adventures?

Hehehehe! Nice one selmiak. Nice one.

Babar, I recognize the picture and I'm pretty sure it is the same game but I even went through a full Amiga Games List and I can't find it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 07/08/2013 01:10:39
it looks so much like they are parting water in the first screen :)

come on, someone guess this already, it looks pretty nice! Actually, don't guess it, then we can see more screens of it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 07/08/2013 08:41:36
Journey - The Quest Begins :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Wed 07/08/2013 09:19:25
That's the name!
It's available on Abandonia, just checked.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 07/08/2013 10:50:12
You're right, Crimson!
Sorry I couldn't post more images, Selmaik :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 07/08/2013 11:03:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 07/08/2013 11:44:46
Eye of the Beholder 2. One of the most gorgeous intros ever.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/08/2013 12:15:00
B.A.T. ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 07/08/2013 12:48:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/08/2013 13:07:48
B.A.T. - One of my regrets is that I've never actually played that game - it looked pretty amazing at the time!!

Okay this one is going to be dead easy to anyone who's ever played or seen it, but the game itself (16-bit era) is perhaps a little on th obscure side.  It was a great game though (at least I thought so!).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/08/2013 15:47:21

It isn't TRON.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 08/08/2013 16:19:29
The only game this makes me think of is BASS, and I know that's wrong!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/08/2013 20:12:41
Quote from: bbX1138 on Thu 08/08/2013 16:19:29
The only game this makes me think of is BASS, and I know that's wrong!

Afraid not!

It's not an adventure game - it's a futuristic sports sim.

I'm not sure posting another screenshot would help, because they're pretty much all the same... so I'll give it another day and if no-one gets it, spill the beans and try another one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 10:19:34
Okay one final hint...

The game has a one-word title and was released by a French game publisher.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 09/08/2013 11:44:10
I was curious so I went and googled the image - never heard of it nor seen the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 12:29:43
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 09/08/2013 11:44:10
I was curious so I went and googled the image - never heard of it nor seen the game.

Same here; first time I've Googled an image for a game on here.  Never seen or heard of it. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 09/08/2013 12:32:39
Le Future Du Sport Parle Come Un Croissaint.
It was only released in some cities of France and Portugal.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 09/08/2013 12:38:00
Quote from: miguel on Fri 09/08/2013 12:32:39
Le Future Du Sport Parle Come Un Croissaint.
It was only released in some cities of France and Portugal.

Ah, yes. I remember that game.

It was le merde.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 12:54:24
Ah well, it was released by Loricels and simply called Disc.

Okay this one should be easy (I think) - screenshot from the Atari ST version, this game was popular on 8-bit and 16-bit systems, and a remake was made some years ago updating the game concept for modern PCs.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 09/08/2013 13:03:12
I hope THAT is not "young daughter" he talks about?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 09/08/2013 13:13:00
Is it Pirates! ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 13:13:20
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 09/08/2013 13:03:12
I hope THAT is not "young daughter" he talks about?

Ha!  There were 4 levels - this was the worst one. 

They got better... and of course harder to win over:




The end result always looked the same on your wedding day - must have been the veil!!


The ones in the remake were considerably bustier...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 13:13:58
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 09/08/2013 13:13:00
Is it Pirates! ?

YES!  One of my all-time favourite games.  Lost many hours of my youth to it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 13:27:08
  I loved Pirates as a kid, and later Pirates Gold.  Another early exploration game that I played like crazy was Seven Cities of Gold.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 09/08/2013 13:39:30
Also the map was a pretty good copy protection, I also played this a lot but didn't make much progress until much later.

Next one isn't an adventure game. But it's terrible ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 14:36:00
I think it's a circus game on the ST/Amiga, but I can't think of the name!  Um... Fiendish Freddy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 09/08/2013 14:46:15
Yep, Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O' Fun.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 14:48:57
Okay, keeping to the same theme...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 17:09:20
Looks a bit like...Circus Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 17:24:48
Quote from: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 17:09:20
Looks a bit like...Circus Games?

Very close!  It is "Circus... something", but not Games...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 17:40:14
Circus Attractions
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 09/08/2013 21:47:07
Circus Arcade
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/08/2013 22:01:25
Quote from: kconan on Fri 09/08/2013 17:40:14
Circus Attractions

Yup, that's the one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 10/08/2013 05:56:58
This 8-bit game combines several genres.

On the road:

In town:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 10/08/2013 19:26:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 10/08/2013 21:20:39
Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Sat 10/08/2013 19:26:07

Yep, one of my favorite games from the Atari 8-bit days.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 12/08/2013 03:06:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 12/08/2013 15:37:53
On a side note: the longevity of this thread is one of my proudest AGS achievements :) :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 12/08/2013 20:38:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 13/08/2013 02:48:26

Hint: It's a PC game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 13/08/2013 17:01:06
Is it Crime Wave?


I heard of it through a "Worst PC Game Covers" article.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 13/08/2013 17:28:21
  If I'm not confusing it with another from that 90s "kill the drug dealers" actioner genre, that one was popular in the arcades.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/08/2013 18:24:58
I seem to remember a game called Narcs...?

There was also "Manhattan Dealers" I think, but to my memory it looked nothing at all like that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 14/08/2013 06:11:50
Superplusguy got it.
Yes, it is that close brother of Mean Street.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 16/08/2013 01:59:09
Sorry, totally forgot I posted here.

Anyway, normal adventure game

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Fri 16/08/2013 04:09:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Fri 16/08/2013 04:10:58
Prisoner of Ice?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/08/2013 08:44:09
Ward Cell Block z: Genetic Experiments Gone Wrong?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 16/08/2013 10:41:11
I can't remember blue aliens on Escape From Colditz...
That screen has some really nostalgia effect on me though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 16/08/2013 14:16:16
Ponch is right. It's Prisoner of Ice.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Fri 16/08/2013 16:19:53
Prisoner of Ice is a classic! :cool:

Here's my clue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/08/2013 17:11:53
The Secret of Monkeys Disguised as Leotard-Clad Female Soldiers Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Fri 16/08/2013 19:48:13
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 16/08/2013 17:11:53
The Secret of Monkeys Disguised as Leotard-Clad Female Soldiers Island?
Not even close! This was my favorite Amiga game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sat 17/08/2013 14:29:05
Quote from: Ponch on Fri 16/08/2013 16:19:53
Here's my clue:
Clue?! I'm utterly distracted by all the sexiness and as the result am completely clueless!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 14:51:13
Could be moon nazi amazons from Rocket Ranger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 17/08/2013 14:52:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Sat 17/08/2013 15:11:38
Quote from: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 14:51:13
Could be moon nazi amazons from Rocket Ranger?
That's the one! Your turn. :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 15:13:40
Let's try one without a picture. Just few hints...

In this game you can...

   - do some scuba diving
   - travel in an airplane
   - end up in a looney bin
   - walk against a red light
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 17/08/2013 16:39:11
Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 16:47:54
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 17/08/2013 16:39:11
Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders?
Not quite... But you're in right genre.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sat 17/08/2013 21:53:05
Runaway 2?

Also stop this non-comformist silliness and provide a picture D:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 22:24:07
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Sat 17/08/2013 21:53:05
Runaway 2?
Also stop this non-comformist silliness and provide a picture D:
not runaway 2
ok then...
( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Harvester on Sat 17/08/2013 22:57:11
Dragon Age: Origins!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 17/08/2013 23:36:30
Hm ... Police Quest II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 17/08/2013 23:51:56
Quote from: nihilyst on Sat 17/08/2013 23:36:30
Hm ... Police Quest II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 17/08/2013 23:58:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 18/08/2013 09:18:46

I'm opening a boutique!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 18/08/2013 22:53:30
That's Alter Ego.

Now guess this. I did some "clipping".
( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dactylopus on Mon 19/08/2013 03:38:39
I want to say "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 19/08/2013 07:00:51
Quote from: dactylopus on Mon 19/08/2013 03:38:39
I want to say "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?"
not WITWICS... It's from quite well known adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dactylopus on Mon 19/08/2013 07:30:58
I should have known, from the "Haunted by Elvis' Ghost" line.   :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 19/08/2013 12:08:24
Here's whole paper, shouldn't be too hard now...
I'm taking a little trip - so don't wait for my verifying.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 19/08/2013 12:30:58
Police Quest 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 19/08/2013 14:41:58
I think it's Police Quest 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 19/08/2013 16:33:22
EDIT: Nevermind, was a page behind :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Tue 20/08/2013 09:52:41
It's definitely Police Quest 3.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 10:08:04
No no, PQ3 had better graphics. This PQ2 screenshot looks very familiar,336683/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 20/08/2013 12:51:07
It's PQ2... Sorry to keep you waiting.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 13:03:03
Here's next one. It was a cult classic among my friends when I was a kid.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 20/08/2013 13:05:41
Raspberry Jam Sleepover Party?

Serious, that looks revolting.  Looks a bit like Final Fight or something along those lines, but with much more gore. Yuk.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 13:09:39
Yep, it is a very brutal game. A scrolling beat 'em up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 20/08/2013 13:37:36
The Adventures of Heinous McHeinousHeinous: The School Zone Beatdown?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 20/08/2013 14:02:34
I love how casual and indifferent everyone is to the carnage outside the window.

My guess: Heinous McHeinousHeinous 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 15:49:49
Between levels there was a bonus stage where you had to run over bad guys with a car. There were also ordinary people which you had to avoid but the car was running so fast that you eneded up hitting elderly people, mothers with babies etc. It was one sick game but I remember we had a blast playing it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Retro Wolf on Tue 20/08/2013 18:45:56
Someone guess the name....I want to download this game for some reason....
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 20/08/2013 18:55:39
Is this PC or Amiga?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 20:14:47
Quote from: kconanIs this PC or Amiga?

HINT: This game received Game of the Year Award in 1994 in a Polish computer magazine - Top Secret.

Another screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Retro Wolf on Tue 20/08/2013 21:14:51
Jesus...maybe I don't want to play!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 20/08/2013 21:18:51
Paperboy selling teh bathsalts!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Tue 20/08/2013 23:49:02
That brutal avenger kills baddies in what appears to be a Super 5! At least he has a good taste.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 21/08/2013 02:59:48
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 20/08/2013 20:14:47
HINT: This game received Game of the Year Award in 1994 in a Polish computer magazine - Top Secret.

  It does look fun for its time in a sick kind of way, but 1994 was a slow year if that was a GOY award winner.

  Is it Franko? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/08/2013 08:00:29
The car in the game was Fiat 126P.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 21/08/2013 09:52:23
Keeping it violent, here is an early NES game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 21/08/2013 10:30:12
Chiller or something like that definitely. It's actually an arcade conversion if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 21/08/2013 13:49:44
Wait, did someone actually get Gribbler's game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 21/08/2013 15:37:47
Quote from: bbX1138 on Wed 21/08/2013 13:49:44
Wait, did someone actually get Gribbler's game?

Yea, I might have jumped the gun as he didn't actually verify in his response.  But I'm 90-some percent sure its Franko.

And Gilbot is correct on Chiller.  So its either his turn, or my fault for not waiting for official Gribbler verification and the turn is still on that crazy side-scroller. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 21/08/2013 15:47:55
I'm just lazy :grin: atm, so let us wait for Gribbler's verification until tomorrow, and I'll post a new one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/08/2013 15:58:13
Sorry for the delay, kconan got it right. It's Franko the Crazy Revenge.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 21/08/2013 16:06:36
Oh. A quick one then.

As usual, image stolen borrowed from Mobygames.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 21/08/2013 16:11:54
Warriors !
I got it in PC Player (french edition).

I didn't come for a long time.
Apparently, we don't stick to point'n click any more.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 21/08/2013 19:24:26
Oh. I have to check that it has an alternate title. I only knew that it was called Savage Warriors.

Yes, you are correct. Your turn now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/08/2013 00:08:16
Now, a sweet little game more compelling than many AAA titles :

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 24/08/2013 09:28:32
No idea?
It's a browser game from 2010.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 24/08/2013 09:49:22
Well, I never played a browser game, so I'm clueless. Anybody?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 24/08/2013 10:48:29
No idea. Looks like interactive fiction/a visual novel...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sat 24/08/2013 12:06:12
Birds of Wisdom? - like the song 'Let it Be' from the Beatles?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 24/08/2013 21:58:01
QuoteBirds of Wisdom?
Another clue : the developers recently released the 2nd part of a game involving a giant horse's head.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 24/08/2013 22:55:54
Is this point & click adventure game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 25/08/2013 01:36:51
Chirp Chirp Blazing Crew?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 25/08/2013 05:03:29
Quote from: miguel on Sun 25/08/2013 01:36:51
Chirp Chirp Blazing Crew?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, miguel, trying to win by bruteforcing the title with the video game name generator is cheating!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 25/08/2013 12:03:09
Eternally Us (laugh) (j/k)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 25/08/2013 20:40:23
QuoteIs this point & click adventure game?
The game involving a giant horse head is a point'n click.
The one in my screen is a visual novel.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Tue 27/08/2013 03:07:50
Not so angry birds?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 27/08/2013 07:10:01
Name Game Momentum Halter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Tue 27/08/2013 11:21:18
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Sun 25/08/2013 05:03:29
Quote from: miguel on Sun 25/08/2013 01:36:51
Chirp Chirp Blazing Crew?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, miguel, trying to win by bruteforcing the title with the video game name generator is cheating!
Oh, yeah?
Seriously, I did not use the game name generator. I had a dream of a game like that, directed by Tarantino or Antinomian(the word that came out of Firefox's spell checker).

What about Feathers of Pain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 29/08/2013 17:51:12
The name of the game actually involves a bird.

QuoteName Game Momentum Halter?

Ok, I set a deadline.
Tomorrow, at midnight if nobody has found the title, I will give the title away and make another victim screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 29/08/2013 18:43:15
crow sparrow swallow tit hawk canary
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 29/08/2013 18:52:03
If hints aren't any help maybe you could give another screenshot or two. Maybe the other ones will be easier to guess for somebody.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 29/08/2013 19:28:27
Hummingbird Mind 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 29/08/2013 20:15:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 29/08/2013 22:22:55
:cheesy:;-D :cheesy:;-D :cheesy:
Your turn Sunny !
The game with the giant horse head is Kentucky Route zero , made by Cardboard Computer too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 29/08/2013 22:24:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 29/08/2013 23:51:11
In the spirit of celebration here is the next one!:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 30/08/2013 01:03:08
Adventure Island? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 30/08/2013 08:27:37
Sunburnt Dizzy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 30/08/2013 08:29:12
James Pond?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 30/08/2013 10:30:48
The Lost Lemming?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 30/08/2013 13:21:29
Hint: Gribbler is close........... :sealed:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 30/08/2013 16:38:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 30/08/2013 17:29:02
Close 'nuff!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 31/08/2013 12:57:38
But not the band, sadly. Okaaaay, it might be a while until I get good enough internet to be uploading pictures and stuff so I think I'll have to give this one to Gribbler :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 31/08/2013 13:34:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 31/08/2013 18:17:25
The Ship?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 31/08/2013 19:04:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 31/08/2013 23:18:09
No one lives forever?

I don't know whether NOLF has this scene or not (didn't finish it) but the graphics do resemble!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 31/08/2013 23:27:26
Gabriel Knight III?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 01/09/2013 00:01:05
God doughnut, nihilyst, you beat me :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 01/09/2013 14:48:09
Nihilyst got it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 01/09/2013 15:18:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 01/09/2013 15:28:14
Captain Comic! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 01/09/2013 15:39:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 01/09/2013 23:42:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 00:34:17
The Last Express


On one hand I hope it won't be guessed in three seconds, but on the other I hope it doesn't stop the thread for a week.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/09/2013 00:49:26
Ultima 7?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 01:12:51

Also, since I'm posting anyway,
Quote from: kconan on Sat 31/08/2013 18:17:25
The Ship?
If the developers of Source engine read that guess they'd probably curl into a corner and cry. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 02/09/2013 03:46:20
  Was this was released in the mid-90s?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 04:02:43
Yes... very much exactly in mid-90s.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/09/2013 08:09:10
Is this adventure game or PRG?

Dink Smallwood maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 02/09/2013 08:47:34
Dink was an isometric view (weird game! :shocked:) but I don't think that's it... Divinity maybe?  (Though that might have been released quite a bit later, not sure.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 15:28:47
An RPG, apparently. But the gameplay and everything in it is so utterly weird, I didn't remember that and had to go check a description. And no to both guesses.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Mon 02/09/2013 15:35:41
Tintin on acid.

Bill and Ted's low-rez adventure.

Isometric: The failure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 15:36:27
All three are correct. Congratulations! You're up next!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Mon 02/09/2013 15:38:19
I'd like to thank my mummy and daddy and Jesus for this great achievement.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 02/09/2013 15:45:05
Veil of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 15:48:22
Haha, hell no, Veil of Darkness had gorgeous pixel art (
(I hope that didn't sound patronizing.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 02/09/2013 15:59:55
(laugh) Not at all - The last time I played it was 1994, so I don;t feel too bad about not remembering it too clearly :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/09/2013 21:41:58
Could you post another screenshot or give a small hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 23:40:37
Here's some screenies. ( I tried to go as revealing as possible. As for hints... uuuuuhhhhhhhh... I have no idea what I could say. None of my attempts to grasp the game so far have been fruitful enough for me to be able to produce a hint, sorry. ;-D

So, if this doesn't get guessed in the next day, or even half a day I'll reveal and replace it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/09/2013 23:53:23
Blind justice!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 02/09/2013 23:58:44
Hooray! \o/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 03/09/2013 00:08:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 03/09/2013 01:18:34
I'll go so far as to guess it's the criminally underrated Hired Guns?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 03/09/2013 07:27:28
Indeed it is! What a game. I spent countless hours with my brother playing this game. The music on Amiga version was just superb.

Anyway, your turn, Surplusguy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 03/09/2013 18:18:03
Folks will know this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 03/09/2013 22:22:02
Metal Gear 2!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Wed 04/09/2013 00:26:04
But of course.

(sorry, i really like that phrase)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 04/09/2013 01:20:46
Hahah..I'm sure that's fine.

I did a quick search (AGS and Google) to make sure this game hasn't featured in this thread before, and couldn't find it, but it is probably pretty easy for the veterans here, so:

As usual, stripped of any identifying UI.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 04/09/2013 18:11:11
One of the first Might and magic games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 04/09/2013 18:37:40
Altered Destiny?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 04/09/2013 18:43:03
HandsFree is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 04/09/2013 21:34:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 04/09/2013 21:44:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Wed 04/09/2013 22:03:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Thu 05/09/2013 01:21:57
The Dentist?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 06/09/2013 07:07:15
Ah, it's Morpheus.

This should be easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 08:31:05
That's Anachronox!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 06/09/2013 16:47:23
"... Man, you guys are dumb."
Correct. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 17:01:23
Anachronox had one of the best plot twists of all time. Great game.

I don't know if this was already posted but there was a time I was just crazy about this game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 06/09/2013 18:17:35
My guess is: "Stonekeep".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 06/09/2013 18:43:22
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 17:01:23
Anachronox had one of the best plot twists of all time. Great game.
I'd say more than one. And yes, it is. ^___^ I'm glad you think so.

Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 17:01:23
I don't know if this was already posted but there was a time I was just crazy about this game:
No clue about what it is, but it sure does look intriguing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 19:01:54
Quote from: Crimson WizardMy guess is: "Stonekeep".

Nope, but it's the same genre.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 06/09/2013 20:33:52
Gargoyle Heads: Upside Down Spider Attack! :shocked::shocked:8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 06/09/2013 21:46:06
Quote from: CaptainDGargoyle Heads: Upside Down Spider Attack!

No, but I'm sure there a Japanese movie with that title :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 07/09/2013 02:27:31
Stonekeep would've been my guess too:-\

Oh well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 07/09/2013 21:33:40
Maybe it'll be easier with the interface. Anybody?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 07/09/2013 21:40:31
Eye of the Beholder?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 07/09/2013 22:00:09
Quote from: CaptainDEye of the Beholder?

HINT: The game title has blacksmith's equipment in it. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sat 07/09/2013 22:48:49
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 07/09/2013 22:00:09
HINT: The game title has blacksmith's equipment in it. :)
Ok, I've found the game on Mobygames using that hint, but I suppose it doesn't really count because I haven't heard about or seen this games before?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 07/09/2013 23:23:15
Nah, you just used your deductive skills so it's ok in my book. Only google image search is considered cheating. Name the game and post another screenie.:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:03:07
It was Anvil of Dawn.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:09:37
Beneath a Steel Sky?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:10:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 08/09/2013 00:12:20
Beneath The Steel Sky.

Thirty seconds too late?....
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:13:43
Too late and incorrect. :)

I can't express how much joy seeing people walk straight into my trap brings to me ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 08/09/2013 00:14:05
No?.... But...

Wait a second...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:15:35
Broken Sword 2!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:16:06

Damn, that was fun. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 08/09/2013 00:18:49
And there I was, thinking I might actually guess it for once;)

And just for the record, that's so unfair!!! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:19:09
That was EVIL... and genius. That's what I call a good post in this thread. :)

Another screenshot coming right up
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:20:48
Haha thanks. At first I was afraid of course that I'm showing too much of Nico's leg, making it too easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Sun 08/09/2013 00:23:33
Take it from me: showing a little leg is never a bad idea! :p
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:26:45
rather disturbing image:

Something especially for Grim :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:27:58
Harvester! <3

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 08/09/2013 00:39:53
Beneath a Steel Sk....oh damn!

I believe Touché was in this thread once before, I either guessed it or posted it :D.
But we're going to run out of adventure games at the rate we're going, so...Touché!
..Unless that's another sneakery!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:44:25
That's Touche alright. I posted it before :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 08/09/2013 00:51:52
Quote from: Babar on Sun 08/09/2013 00:39:53
Beneath a Steel Sk....oh damn!
Ha ha! :P

Quote from: Babar on Sun 08/09/2013 00:39:53
I believe Touché was in this thread once before, I either guessed it or posted it :D.
But we're going to run out of adventure games at the rate we're going, so...Touché!
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:44:25
That's Touche alright. I posted it before :)
Oh, my bad. I searched this thread for "Touche" and got no results. Gotta be vigilant. Should I post another or Babar?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:57:02
Quote from: qptain NemoI searched this thread for "Touche" and got no results.

Probably because Babar spelled it with a "é"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 08/09/2013 01:30:35
I'm sure it's fine, not the first time that has happened.

Here is the screenshot for you to guess:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 08/09/2013 03:46:03
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 00:26:45
Something especially for Grim :)

A man takes a well deserved four hour break... and then this happens;)

I would've totally got this one if it wasn't for my slow reflexes;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/09/2013 14:00:16
GTA: Los Adventuros? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 08/09/2013 14:15:56
Pleurghburg: Dark Ages?

Sim City 1975?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 08/09/2013 15:43:07
Hahaha...I had a choose a slightly unusual screenshot from the game, because most of the time it is incredibly easy to figure out what it is. I'll post another shot in a bit if no one has guessed it by then.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 09/09/2013 13:57:02
Spare a hint, mister :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 09/09/2013 14:37:07
Hahah...sorry about that. Almost forgot I had a game here.
(GUI blacked out)

Despite my selective screenshots, the game is actually the usual third-person view typical of adventure games. I'd have attempted to post nicely staged more revealing screenshots, but the idiotic fight sequences left me bored and I quit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 09/09/2013 14:48:33
Batman Returns?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 09/09/2013 14:59:35
Yup! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 09/09/2013 15:17:29
GUI cut out:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 10/09/2013 22:00:28
Hint: Main antagonist wears a mask
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 11/09/2013 16:29:46
Not even long shots? Here's much more telling screenshot, with interface:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 11/09/2013 17:22:16
wears a mask + dungeon scene +  big theatre scene ->...

"Phantom of the Opera" :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 11/09/2013 17:46:09
Well, not quite. But you're very close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 11/09/2013 17:55:18
Return of the phantom?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 11/09/2013 18:24:31
Phantom of the Operetta? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 11/09/2013 18:49:16
Mouth for War is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 11/09/2013 22:28:20
Hell yeah! :D ok hope this hasn't been featured before. Removed the conversation because it would have given some hints maybe

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Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 12/09/2013 00:33:57
Is this Blue Force?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 12/09/2013 17:05:28
Correct Gribbler!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 12/09/2013 19:28:03
Quote from: Mouth for Warhope this hasn't been featured before
It's already been posted... by me :) You can have another go if you want.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 13/09/2013 10:53:28
Oh haha ok i will gladly have another go but later tonight. I'm at work now :-P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Fri 13/09/2013 11:09:35
I remember really enjoying blue force :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 13/09/2013 19:44:38
Yup it was a great game :) Ok how about this?
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Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 13/09/2013 23:05:29
Aladdin: Into the Future!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 14/09/2013 18:22:31
Did you cut out anything from the screenshot or is this actual gameplay?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sat 14/09/2013 22:12:54
No I didn't cut out anything and sorry Surplusguy...Not correct :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 15/09/2013 22:30:44
Maybe another, more revealing screenshot would help someone guess this game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 16/09/2013 13:41:47
Oh, what the hell: Myst?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 16/09/2013 20:15:47
bbx1138 you are on the right path but that was not correct but it is in a similar style :) if people want screenshots of course i can fix that :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 19/09/2013 04:47:01
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 15/09/2013 22:30:44
Maybe another, more revealing screenshot would help someone guess this game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 19/09/2013 11:34:23
Ok my friends, here we go. Hope that helps :)
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Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Thu 19/09/2013 12:44:31
7th Guest, probably the sequel.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 19/09/2013 23:08:49
Return to Zork?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 20/09/2013 14:53:15
Nope! But it is in a similar style like myst...First person adventure. I'll give you a little hint. one word in this game's title is a girl name
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 15:17:31
The Cassandra Galleries.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 20/09/2013 15:59:58
Yup you got it gribbler :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 16:58:52
Phew, finally...

Next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 20/09/2013 17:02:54
Is this "Yet Another Game CaptainD Has Never Played And Quite Possibly Never Heard Of, Maybe Never Released In English"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 17:16:05
Quote from: CaptainDIs this "Yet Another Game CaptainD Has Never Played And Quite Possibly Never Heard Of, Maybe Never Released In English"?
Actually, no. I don't know if you played this game but you most definitely heard about it. Along with 99% of AGSers. :) It's a cult classic.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 20/09/2013 17:30:42
Hmm... is it a Tex Murphy game?  I've only ever played one of them (Under a Killing Moon) - have to admit the trailer for the new one looks fun!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 17:49:57
It is. Now tell me which one? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 20/09/2013 20:31:44
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 17:49:57
It is. Now tell me which one? :)

Heh... sadly I can only remember the name of the one I've played.  I have a feeling I've seen that screenshot on, but I don't know the name of the game - I'm sure someone else will know it! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 21:37:31
Don't give up so easily. You remember right!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 20/09/2013 22:00:28
Er... does that mean it IS "Under A Killing Moon"? ???:confused:

(Hey - just in case I'm right, someone else can take my turn - I'll be away without internet access for a week.;-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 22:06:52
It sure is, CaptainD! Congrats!

The first person to visit this thread posts new screenie :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 20/09/2013 22:42:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/09/2013 23:21:45
New Sam & Max? Season 1 or 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 21/09/2013 00:52:36
bbx, you sly dog! That's the unreleased Freelance Police game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 21/09/2013 16:21:18
You got it, Surplusguy, you perceptive rabbity thing! The main clue is the interface...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 21/09/2013 17:21:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 21/09/2013 18:19:07
Spaceship Warlock

We did that one a while back.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 22/09/2013 14:22:01
Sorry, forgot to check.

Ah well, I'm out of screens so I guess it's your turn, kconan.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 22/09/2013 15:50:45

Not just the franchise, but specifically which game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 22/09/2013 16:07:36
Barn Runner: The Prick Who Came In From The Cold :D. Don't remember the number in series though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sun 22/09/2013 16:10:46
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sun 22/09/2013 16:07:36
Barn Runner: The Prick Who Came In From The Cold

Yep, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 23/09/2013 18:36:32
Sorry, for the delay, here's next:


(I think it was slightly damaged by being upscaled and then down-scaled, so image may appear a bit blurry; that's a mistake on my side)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 23/09/2013 19:47:59
Mind's Eye

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 23/09/2013 21:50:14
Is this an old Cryo game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 23/09/2013 22:23:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 25/09/2013 08:33:40
Hint, please.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 25/09/2013 16:26:32
Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess aka Kult?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 25/09/2013 16:59:28
Finally someone got it! Good work, selmiak :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 25/09/2013 19:26:54
Hell yeah. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 25/09/2013 19:47:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 25/09/2013 19:53:15
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 25/09/2013 19:58:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 25/09/2013 20:17:04
Should be pretty easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Wed 25/09/2013 20:24:54
Conquests of Camelot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 25/09/2013 20:46:11
Yup! Heh..Hiding the king behind the pillar didn't seem to make too much of a difference.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Wed 25/09/2013 20:59:02
I recognized it because I was browsing through the resource file looking for something a while ago :)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Thu 26/09/2013 01:05:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 26/09/2013 09:24:55
No! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Thu 26/09/2013 12:54:33
The 11th Hour?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 26/09/2013 15:57:45
No, I guess I'll give a hint. I believe it was originally a CD-i title, but was later ported to DOS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/09/2013 18:07:25
The Dame Was Loaded?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/09/2013 18:12:52
Nah... It's Voyeur, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JD on Thu 26/09/2013 18:30:38
Correct Gribbler, Voyeur it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/09/2013 21:17:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 27/09/2013 02:57:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 27/09/2013 07:19:06
Nope but you're getting close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 29/09/2013 00:49:05
HINT: the game came with paper nautical map.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 29/09/2013 03:22:56
Code-Name: Iceman?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 29/09/2013 09:08:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 30/09/2013 02:14:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Mon 30/09/2013 03:02:38
Broken Sword: The Shwardifiss of Yore?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 02/10/2013 13:22:24
I suppose some HALP is in order
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Thu 03/10/2013 06:28:05
That's a 7th Guest cursor for sure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 03/10/2013 09:17:15
They do look very similar, but it's not 7th guest.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 03/10/2013 10:00:58
This is bugging me... I'm sure I recognise that bear!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 03/10/2013 13:57:20
Jewels of the Oracle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 03/10/2013 14:57:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/10/2013 00:49:02
I KNOW I played this game but I just can't remember the title. Most irritating thing. :-/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 04/10/2013 13:49:01
The hand mousecursor is from Monty the Komodo Dragon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 06/10/2013 12:20:28
Maybe post main title screen with some letters blackened out, like in a hangman :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 06/10/2013 12:32:14
Sam & Max - Scaring Halloween?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Sun 06/10/2013 12:52:44
It's Clandestiny.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 06/10/2013 19:16:28
Hooray for HandsFree!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Tue 08/10/2013 01:31:39
Good job!  If only we had googled for Trilobyte's lesser known product...  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Thu 10/10/2013 20:43:15
Was waiting for confirmation but forgot...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 11/10/2013 19:53:46
Is it skullmonkeys?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Fri 11/10/2013 22:32:40
No, it's an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 22/10/2013 17:22:11
What's going on with this thread? It disappeared for a while.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 22/10/2013 19:14:29
No one is able to guess HandsFree's game I suppose? I must admit I feel like it's partly my fault because I accidentally totally won this game tremendously slowed down the game's pace with my obscure shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HandsFree on Tue 22/10/2013 23:24:55
Not sure what happened there. Tread was gone and reappeared again?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 23/10/2013 03:10:32
FYI, our beloved AGA messed up the forums a bit while doing some experiments in manually editing the database, in which threads being posted to during that happened disappeared. These threads could be rescued as long as you are able to find their urls and then add a new post to them.

So, if you have to, you know who to blame. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Wed 23/10/2013 03:35:38
Quote from: HandsFree on Tue 22/10/2013 23:24:55
Not sure what happened there. Tread was gone and reappeared again?

Ah, Cher's only video game role, and something with a musical number by (bafflingly enough) Jim Belushi.

That's 9: The Last Resort! I played that just the other month!

How about this?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Wed 23/10/2013 10:06:22
The rat does NOT look friendly...It's like he's mocking the player, giving out the idea that he could really talk...But, then again, he does speak...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 23/10/2013 10:46:07
I'd love it it this was from an adventure game version of Pinky and the Brain, but I don't think there's ever been one!  (There SHOULD be...(nod))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 25/10/2013 19:57:56
Palace of Deceit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 06:22:17
Looks like you're right, janleht.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 27/10/2013 09:17:30
some cropping has been done...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 27/10/2013 10:36:53
is it LSL 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 27/10/2013 11:29:21
Quoteis it LSL 2?
Yes it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 27/10/2013 12:08:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 27/10/2013 12:49:41
Looks like "Alone in the Dark: XIX century Edition". ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 12:50:00
Is it Dead Reefs? Great game. It had amazing soundtrack.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 27/10/2013 14:19:45
Yep, Gribbler you're right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 16:28:07
Quote from: qptain NemoYep, Gribbler you're right.
So my ban of "being wrong about everything ever" has been lifted? :-D

Here's next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 27/10/2013 16:41:31
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 16:28:07
So my ban of "being wrong about everything ever" has been lifted? :-D
Well, yes. Sorry about that. You're a huge gaming enthusiast which means you're clearly right about many things (and most important ones too!). It's just Gray Matter is very special to my heart and I wanted to jokingly address just how disagreeable I find your judgment. Which brings us to that you're still utterly wrong about Gray Matter though. ^_^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 27/10/2013 16:51:16
For some reason I am thinking about Eco Quest.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 27/10/2013 17:00:43
Quest for Kelp
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 18:04:57
Quote from: Crimson WizardFor some reason I am thinking about Eco Quest.
The reason is good cause it is, in fact, Eco Quest :)

Quote from: qptain NemoSorry about that. You're a huge gaming enthusiast which means you're clearly right about many things (and most important ones too!). It's just Gray Matter is very special to my heart and I wanted to jokingly address just how disagreeable I find your judgment. Which brings us to that you're still utterly wrong about Gray Matter though.

No need to be sorry at all, I perfectly understand. Secret of Monkey Island is that very special game for me and I'm sure there's someone somewhere who hates that game. In some awkward and broken parallel universe perhaps (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 27/10/2013 20:11:09
May be very easy... or not.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Sun 27/10/2013 20:18:02
Operation: Forklift?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 27/10/2013 20:20:33
Drat, you got there before me and I actually knew this one! :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 27/10/2013 20:37:45
Quote from: tzachs on Sun 27/10/2013 20:18:02
Operation: Forklift?
Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 28/10/2013 10:36:40
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 27/10/2013 18:04:57
Secret of Monkey Island is that very special game for me and I'm sure there's someone somewhere who hates that game.

Ugh, I hated that game. The graphics are really poor for a 2009 game, and the voice-acting is terrible.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/10/2013 11:20:37
Quote from: Ben XUgh, I hated that game. The graphics are really poor for a 2009 game, and the voice-acting is terrible.

I meant the 1990 version. Please confirm you hated that too, so I can print out your avatar and throw rusty knives at it. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Mon 28/10/2013 14:54:47
This is one of my all time favorites...
Stripped out the interface.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 29/10/2013 10:55:12
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 28/10/2013 11:20:37
Quote from: Ben XUgh, I hated that game. The graphics are really poor for a 2009 game, and the voice-acting is terrible.

I meant the 1990 version.

Oh, you mean that retro easter egg they put in? Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 29/10/2013 12:10:30
Quote from: Ben XOh, you mean that retro easter egg they put in? Yeah, that was pretty cool.
"Cool" is always better than "hate". :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Fri 01/11/2013 17:54:43
Ok, here's another screenshot.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 01/11/2013 19:19:37
Street Fighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 01/11/2013 19:24:24
Looks like Rocky, heh.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sat 02/11/2013 10:17:30
That's C64 isn't it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Sun 03/11/2013 17:31:26
Nope to all...

It's an adventure game for the PC.
Here's another screenshot with the interface.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 04/11/2013 23:35:04
Murder Club?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 07/11/2013 10:51:24
Quickly! Give hint before this thread dies! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 07/11/2013 20:56:44
As the starter of the thread I think Gribbler should go or nominate someone to go if no clue or answer has been posted by tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Thu 07/11/2013 22:55:26
Not Murder Club, I'm afraid.
More clues, then? Ok...

It's a freeware detective adventure game.
It's part of a 4-game series.
It plays with the keyboard and has a retro feel, though it was released in 2007.

Another image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 07/11/2013 23:19:55
I do recognise the screens, but can't remember the name.  Was Fedora part of the title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Fri 08/11/2013 03:56:42
I think Captain D gets the win.  "Fedora Spade"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Fri 08/11/2013 09:13:30
Fedora Spade is Correct! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/11/2013 09:20:43
TheBitPriest can take this one - I only remembered half! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Fri 08/11/2013 12:16:05
Okay... if you insist. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/11/2013 12:37:36
Indiana Chrome?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 08/11/2013 18:55:32
Indiana Jones and the weird staircase on his chest? Man, that looks awful.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 08/11/2013 21:15:20
Metal Gear Solid Zero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Fri 08/11/2013 23:39:29
A hint:  It's 80's.  ...  early 80's.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/11/2013 23:44:14
Quote from: TheBitPriest on Fri 08/11/2013 23:39:29
A hint:  It's 80's.  ...  early 80's.

I was but a child then... don't remember many adventure games from that era! (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sat 09/11/2013 12:25:35
Next hint:  The computer it ran on was made by Radio Shack.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 09/11/2013 12:39:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sat 09/11/2013 14:35:53
Gribbler grot it!

Here's a little history of this classic game. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 09/11/2013 16:29:28
User interface has been cut out:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/11/2013 09:43:28
HINT: It's Amiga exclusive
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/11/2013 10:39:42
If a 16-bit game wasn't released on the ST, it wasn't worth playing. :P  (Sigh... quite a few great games never made it to the ST. :cry:)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/11/2013 11:07:30
Actually, it was on Atari ST, too. Just not on PC.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/11/2013 12:03:17
You said Amiga Exclusive!  You lied!  How can we ever trust what you say ever again?!?!?!?!  How do we know this is even a game?  Maybe you just drew it to fool us!  Infamy!

Er... still no idea though I'm afraid.  The graphic style kinda remind me of The Untouchables but it's clearly not that.  Did they ever make a game of Beau Geste?!?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/11/2013 17:51:53
More infamy: back in the day Atari ST was such unpopular machine in my country that any game not on PC was considered Amiga exclusive, and vice versa. :-D

This a scrolling shooter, released in 1992. Apart frm shooting enemies player could slit their throats if approached undetected. I played it extensivly as a kid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/11/2013 18:23:29
Doesn't sound like my sort of game.  Beyond generic guesses like Commando etc I really have no idea.

Come on... we can't be the only people here who lived through the 16-bit era?!?! 8-)

Hmm... was Contra around that time?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/11/2013 22:36:15
According to mobygames database, Contra was released four years earlier, in 1988. Here's a screenshot with user interface:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/11/2013 22:51:25
Hmm... was this game released by Microprose?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 11/11/2013 23:52:25
Gah, I remember this throat-slitting simulator existing, but I can't remember its name. Is it Green Beret? It's something generic like that, I think.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/11/2013 08:22:34
Quote from: CaptainDHmm... was this game released by Microprose?

Quote from: Ben XI can't remember its name. Is it Green Beret? It's something generic like that, I think.

A sentence "fire is a deadly force of nature" contains all the words of game's title. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 12/11/2013 08:31:18
Is it P.O.W.?

Edit: I missed the clue...

So...Deadly Fire Force?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/11/2013 08:33:49
Green Beret was released in the early 80s I think - I remember it coming out on the Speccy when I was knee-high! (laugh)

Deadly Force?
Deadly Nature? 8-0
Fire Is A? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/11/2013 09:52:04
kconan is very close :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Tue 12/11/2013 11:55:51
Fire force (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/11/2013 13:38:51
Quote from: monkey424Fire force
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Wed 13/11/2013 09:15:00
Phew! Thank God for that!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 13/11/2013 12:01:06
I spent many weeks on that game. Was great fun. Castle of the Winds!
The author released the game for free later, so while it may be a bit of a problem getting it to run on modern computers, I'd still recommend you try it out:

Since there's not really much probability that I'm wrong, here is my screenshot. A bit easy, but I'm in a hurry:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/11/2013 12:53:36
Star Trek?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/11/2013 13:48:45
Federation of Free Traders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/11/2013 13:57:15
Or maybe Space Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 13/11/2013 14:50:36
None of those. But...I guess you caught on that it involved space?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/11/2013 14:59:15
Quote from: Babar on Wed 13/11/2013 14:50:36
None of those. But...I guess you caught on that it involved space?

It does?!?!?!??!?!

Er... Purple Saturn Days?

(Or are you saying that "Space" is part of the title? 8-))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 13/11/2013 15:18:31
Space is not part of the title. I suppose in the form of a hint, I could say that the title DOES involve a...spacey thing?
I wasn't expecting this one to be so hard.

And no. Not Purple Saturn Day (was surprised that such a game name actually existed :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/11/2013 16:21:30
Purple Saturn Days was actually quite a fun game - although it was more of a cool concept than anything. 8-)

No idea about this game though I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: festilligambe on Thu 14/11/2013 03:44:48
Protostar Frontiers or something like that
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 14/11/2013 08:52:19
It seems you're right, festilligamble. It supposed to be easy guess but I never even heard of that game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 14/11/2013 11:01:33
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 14/11/2013 08:52:19
It seems you're right, festilligamble. It supposed to be easy guess but I never even heard of that game :)

Me neither!  :shocked::grin: :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Thu 14/11/2013 11:06:27
I could be anal and ask you to be more exact (Protostar: War on the Frontier), but yeah, you're right, festilligamble!

It wasn't a super-amazing game or anything, but I'm surprised the resident experts didn't know about it :D. Was an okay enough first person space exploration trading/fighting (and a small bit of adventure RPG) type sim in the vein of the Star Control series.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 14/11/2013 12:45:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: festilligambe on Thu 14/11/2013 22:37:07
Awesome,, I kept thinking it was Star control related at first it was like SC's weird uncle.
I'll post an easy one, the only game both my parents played back in my Tandy Computer days.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: festilligambe on Thu 14/11/2013 22:37:56
Great, I now have that song repeating in my head from the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 14/11/2013 23:57:04
Some kind of Boulder Dash?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/11/2013 08:59:25
If not Boulderdash itself, the only similar game I remember from around that time was called Rockman (on the C16, dunno if it was released on the Tandy).

The only 2-player Boulderdash game I remember was Skullduggery - but I think that was significantly later (had it on the Atari ST, but I guess it might have been released on the 8-bits previous to that?).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Fri 15/11/2013 12:14:19
Digger   (to be fair:  my wife walked by and said, "That's the game I used to play on the Atari 800!"  So... she got it.)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/11/2013 12:39:11
Quote from: festilligambe on Thu 14/11/2013 22:37:56
Great, I now have that song repeating in my head from the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 15/11/2013 13:30:33
Quote from: Crimson Wizard
I had Amiga module with this tune. ;-D And funny thing just happened - my wife heard it playing just now - and she asked "Where did I hear it before???". Your brother's Atari probably - I replied :D Is there anybody who doesn't know it? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: festilligambe on Fri 15/11/2013 13:43:32
Digger it is,
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: festilligambe on Fri 15/11/2013 13:45:43
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/11/2013 12:39:11

Somehow that version is less of an earwig but still annoying.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sat 16/11/2013 14:16:28
Here it is... Interface removed.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sun 17/11/2013 00:04:15
Hint:  It's an old adventure game.  It was available on a many platforms.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 17/11/2013 00:39:36
It's not Heart of Alien is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sun 17/11/2013 01:15:56
No.  This is a static screen...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Sun 17/11/2013 19:59:37
Here's another static screen with the interface removed. 


Another hint:
the surrounding interface was all text... including the description of this scene.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 17/11/2013 20:04:11
I didn't play text adventures back in the 80s as I did not speak English yet. So I'm clueless on this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 17/11/2013 20:07:26
The Pawn by Magnetic Scrolls.

Here's the next:
To keep things fresh and fun, the dialogue is not how it appears in the game at all, it was altered by me in an image editing program.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/11/2013 21:36:28
Captain Morgane?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 17/11/2013 21:47:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/11/2013 22:19:37


Main character blacked out to make it a little harder.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 17/11/2013 22:34:12
Jack Keane?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/11/2013 22:48:07
Yup! Back to you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 18/11/2013 00:13:24

I removed the cursor from the screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 18/11/2013 05:59:28
Lost in Time?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 18/11/2013 14:19:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 18/11/2013 14:45:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 18/11/2013 14:57:49
gabriel knight 3 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 18/11/2013 15:03:12
Nope. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 18/11/2013 20:49:57
Hmm, maybe Vampire: The Masquerade? Judgeing on setting and ugly 3d models ;).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 18/11/2013 21:20:46
You got it :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 18/11/2013 21:58:42
There's a link with previous one (heh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 18/11/2013 22:26:30
Bloodrayne? And the connection would be vampires then
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 19/11/2013 00:32:32
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 18/11/2013 22:26:30
Bloodrayne? And the connection would be vampires then
Ok, that was easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 19/11/2013 15:09:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 19/11/2013 15:29:45
LSL... err... 6?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 19/11/2013 15:37:48
SQ1 vga?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 19/11/2013 15:45:34
janleht got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 19/11/2013 15:54:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 19/11/2013 16:19:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 19/11/2013 16:26:52
...or maybe the original It Came From the Desert?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 19/11/2013 16:35:04
Damn! You beat me to it, kconan :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 19/11/2013 16:40:10
Antheads may have that same screen, but the screenshot is from It Came From the Desert.

so... kconan is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 19/11/2013 17:06:26

Kickin' it 8-bit fellas
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 19/11/2013 17:24:58
Track and field ? (AKA my fingers hurt)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 19/11/2013 17:26:17
Upperclass Twit of the Year The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 19/11/2013 17:33:30
Quote from: Creamy on Tue 19/11/2013 17:24:58
Track and field ? (AKA my fingers hurt)

  Yep its Track and Field, and yeah man no other game killed my fingers more.  The Summer and Winter Olympics games from Epyx could be rough as well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/11/2013 18:00:10
Ah, Daley Thompson's Decathlon on the Speccy, The Games: Summer Edition on the ST... the joystick mashers were great. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 19/11/2013 18:09:16
For some reason I LOL'd heartily at that Track and Field screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 19/11/2013 18:29:26
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Tue 19/11/2013 18:09:16
For some reason I LOL'd heartily at that Track and Field screenshot.

For me its the referee.  The guy looks like a midget in comparison to the runners, he is dressed like a golfer from the 20s, and for some reason was made in CGA-style graphics.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 19/11/2013 20:23:34
Quote from: kconan on Tue 19/11/2013 18:29:26
For me its the referee.  The guy looks like a midget in comparison to the runners, he is dressed like a golfer from the 20s, and for some reason was made in CGA-style graphics.
He looks like a really random out of place inverted Santa Claus to me. Also I like how much the runners are stretched across the track, like if they're crawling in a very weird half-lying pose, dragging half their butt on the ground. It took me until now to realize this is supposed to be them kneeling at the start of the race. If I still got that wrong, laugh all you want.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 19/11/2013 20:35:39
Let's move on :

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 21/11/2013 08:28:24
Any hints?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 21/11/2013 09:06:40
I don't think this is it, but I'm just going to throw the idea out there anyway... Maddog Williams?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 21/11/2013 11:55:34
No, it's more recent.
It should be easier with this one :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 22/11/2013 16:21:21
Flash games are harder to find out, obviously.
Yet, it was elected one of the best freeware adventure games of 2007 (don't google that :P) before "A Tale of Two Kingdoms", "Ben Jordan Case 6" and "Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 22/11/2013 17:40:09
Why, it's Anika's Odyssey. But of course! Oh, silly me ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 22/11/2013 18:23:11
Gribbler's back on track :grin:
Your turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 22/11/2013 23:01:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 24/11/2013 12:41:18
HINT: It's a RPG game.

I will post a new more revealing screenshot tonight if no one guesses.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 24/11/2013 22:06:29
Here's said screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 24/11/2013 23:57:37
Trying to think of RPGs around that time... with 7 characters?!?  Nope, coming up with a big fat zero I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/11/2013 00:12:42
Hint: this game is a precursor to a well known RPG series that begins with an "I"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 25/11/2013 01:30:43
Is it Ishar?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ghost on Mon 25/11/2013 05:36:43
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Mon 25/11/2013 01:30:43
Is it Ishar?

ISHAR 2 I think. I remember that compass.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/11/2013 08:31:11
No no, this game was only a PRECURSOR to Ishar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 25/11/2013 10:35:51
I can't believe that this thread is still alive (laugh)

Crystals of Arborea?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/11/2013 14:08:34
Quote from: abstauberI can't believe that this thread is still alive
If I'm alive, this thread is alive :D

And Crystals of Arborea is correct! (throws confetti at abstauber)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 25/11/2013 15:58:18
I hope this wasn't already covered.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/11/2013 16:50:17
Hmmm Al-Qadim maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 25/11/2013 21:21:49
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 24/11/2013 22:06:29
Here's said screenie:

I like how you see the NES when looking to the east from the west in the 8bit times...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 25/11/2013 21:29:32
the next square penix RPG better has a compass that spells famicom :grin:

@Gribbler: Right engine, wrong game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/11/2013 22:31:49
Dark sun then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 26/11/2013 07:26:58
There are three Dark Sun games :P

Oh and btw. this one is the first RPG I actually ever finished (which is just useless information :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 26/11/2013 08:57:49
Was it  Astauber's First Big RPG Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 26/11/2013 09:10:05
hehe - in front of the screen, possibly yes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 26/11/2013 10:38:23
Is it Shattered Lands?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 26/11/2013 10:44:01
Weehee, it is!
(and it's awesome)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 26/11/2013 15:45:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 26/11/2013 15:56:26
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate

Since I'm a smart mature individual here's my screenie
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 26/11/2013 16:48:23
What's TinTin doing to Captain Haddock?? :)

In Tibet!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 27/11/2013 22:06:32
What what in tibet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 28/11/2013 03:45:32
I'd just say "Tintin in Tibet" outright, but that'd be completely ripping off Gribbler.

And where on earth did you find that picture? Eugh...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 28/11/2013 07:07:20
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 26/11/2013 16:48:23
In Tibet!
Oh oops, completely missed that edit. I'm sorry. You're right, it's Tintin in Tibet.

Quote from: Surplusguy on Thu 28/11/2013 03:45:32
And where on earth did you find that picture? Eugh...

I made that screenshot. >:D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 28/11/2013 22:14:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 28/11/2013 23:01:13
Another World?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 28/11/2013 23:52:34
Nope :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 29/11/2013 00:44:55
QuoteYou're right, it's Tintin in Tibet.
I've never played the PC version, so I suppose I wouldn't know.


I made that screenshot. >:D

But of course. I apologize, sir. :wink:

On topic: Flashback, maybe? Can't remember if it had those cutscenes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 29/11/2013 13:38:09
Quote from: SurplusguyFlashback, maybe?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/11/2013 14:02:07
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 29/11/2013 13:38:09
Quote from: SurplusguyFlashback, maybe?


Aw, and I was going to say Flashback, but thought that if it was that you'd at least have said Another World was close! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 29/11/2013 15:12:11
Quote from: CaptainDAw, and I was going to say Flashback, but thought that if it was that you'd at least have said Another World was close!
I wanted to, but I changed my mind just before posting, so I added sort of a hinty-smiley :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/11/2013 18:07:03
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 29/11/2013 15:12:11
Quote from: CaptainDAw, and I was going to say Flashback, but thought that if it was that you'd at least have said Another World was close!
I wanted to, but I changed my mind just before posting, so I added sort of a hinty-smiley :D

That was a hint smiley?  Rats.  I thought it was a "ha ha you're wrong" smiley. :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 01/12/2013 19:10:34
Sorry about the lateness:

Interface removed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 04/12/2013 12:08:23
How about a hint, Surplusguy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Thu 05/12/2013 22:04:58
Vend it Ralph?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 06/12/2013 18:03:16
Ok, it's another console point and clicker, this time on NES (obviously).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Fri 06/12/2013 20:10:32

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Tue 10/12/2013 04:59:46
Clive Barkers Undying?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Tue 10/12/2013 21:02:28
Nope, though it is a game in the horror genre.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 10/12/2013 21:34:21
Is it adventure game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 11/12/2013 00:16:17
It isn't, though, like similar games, it has simple puzzles. It's also not an FPS.


It's from, it's from 2004....or is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Anian on Wed 11/12/2013 00:18:59
Not an FPS? So it's not Pathologic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KodiakBehr on Wed 11/12/2013 00:46:54
It looks like the Quake 2 engine to me, it Heretic II?

EDIT: NVM, not an FPS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 11/12/2013 00:54:59
Nope to Pathologic and Heretic II. I don't believe this game used a third-party engine.


This game was published twice (by different publishers), on two different platforms.

I own both versions!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 11/12/2013 08:27:24
hmm... something like Legacy of Kain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 11/12/2013 18:56:55
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 11/12/2013 08:27:24
hmm... something like Legacy of Kain?

No, but that's a good guess.



This (edited) screen was not captured by me, so cheaters may deduce the answer using Google. I would frown on this! >:(


The title of this game contains a colon. Two sub-titles exist, one on each format. I will take either as a correct answer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBitPriest on Wed 11/12/2013 20:08:51
I have played the Penumbra demo on both Windows and Linux. Is that it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Wed 11/12/2013 21:10:52
Quote from: LimpingFish on Wed 11/12/2013 18:56:55
The title of this game contains a colon.

The typographical or anatomical one? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 11/12/2013 22:16:25
Well well, if it isn't the PS1 horror classic Squishy Gory Intestines 2: The Return of The Colon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Wed 11/12/2013 22:38:04
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Wed 11/12/2013 22:16:25
Well well, if it isn't the PS1 horror classic Squishy Gory Intestines 2: The Return of The Colon.

I was about to look that up but then I realized you were joking...

Aw, Who am I kidding, I looked it up and I feel stupid now :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 12/12/2013 00:15:16
Quote from: Frostfalk on Wed 11/12/2013 22:38:04
I was about to look that up but then I realized you were joking...

Aw, Who am I kidding, I looked it up and I feel stupid now :P
May I please giggle at your expense? I promise not to giggle for longer than 3 hours.
Well, maybe just a little longer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 12/12/2013 01:23:14
Nay, 'tis not Penumbra.

Quote from: cat on Wed 11/12/2013 21:10:52
The typographical or anatomical one? :P

Well, judging by the quality of the game...a little of both?

In fact, you might say that this game is merde! <------(SUPER SECRET BONUS HINT to the game's original publisher!)

Also, Nemo is partially correct. BOOM!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Thu 12/12/2013 01:51:25
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Thu 12/12/2013 00:15:16
May I please giggle at your expense? I promise not to giggle for longer than 3 hours.
Well, maybe just a little longer.

What can I say, PS1 titles were always a bit dodgy. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 12/12/2013 09:50:47
"24-Hour Laughathon Resulting In Ruptured Colon Elite Commando Nemesis Storm Chaos Pancreatitis Master?"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 15/12/2013 04:42:51
Hellboy: Asylum Seeker's a PS1 game from 2004 that's a port of a 2000 PC game... so is that it?

Plus the game's crap, so there's that.

EDIT: Plus the publisher Cryo Interactive's from France, hence merde.

Also, the PC version is called Hellboy: Dogs of the Night, if you were talking about that one.

Gee, I'd really hate to be wrong after putting all these clues together.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 15/12/2013 10:01:03
Looks like you're correct. Great detective work :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 15/12/2013 14:42:04
If LimpingFish doesn't mind, I'll post the next one just to keep things going ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 15/12/2013 14:55:44
America's Next Top Model?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 15/12/2013 17:41:23
Quote from: CaptainDAmerica's Next Top Model?

This one looks pretty much the same so... I dunno... Hellboy 2? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Sun 15/12/2013 22:38:49
Yes, Hellboy: Asylum Seeker/Dogs of the Night was indeed the correct answer!

My guess for the new one? Creatures II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Sun 15/12/2013 22:48:46
It looks very reminiscant of thief, especially the prison level, uncanny really. But the zombie is wrong.

Is it a Quake engine game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 16/12/2013 00:23:15
Well, Frostfalk... don't get too ahead of yourself! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 16/12/2013 00:26:55
Quote from: Surplusguy on Mon 16/12/2013 00:23:15
Well, Frostfalk... don't get too ahead of yourself! :-D

No way, is that thief?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 16/12/2013 00:34:35
Well, I pulled the screenshot off Gamefaqs, so I can't be completely sure of that particular monster.

But for the purposes of this competition alone, yes, it's Thief! :-D Your turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 16/12/2013 00:40:18
Yay! I guess it's a texture mod or something, the zombies were much skinnier and greyish blue in the original.. Anyways!

Here's one :)

EDIT2: There, forgot to change file name!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: MiteWiseacreLives! on Mon 16/12/2013 03:03:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KodiakBehr on Mon 16/12/2013 05:29:26
I've got that one.  It's from The Dream Machine.  Great choice.

Here's a tricky one for you...where would you find this individual?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 16/12/2013 08:22:28
Post Mortem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Mon 16/12/2013 08:58:54
The Ship. My favourite game, the single player part though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 16/12/2013 11:12:50
Yes, the Dream Machine was right, it is a great game. .)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KodiakBehr on Mon 16/12/2013 13:13:27
Wow.  Nailed it with The Ship.  Good one -- thought I could slip that one by you all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Fri 20/12/2013 22:35:45

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 20/12/2013 23:03:07
Rooftop Ballet Extreme: Plié Mission
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Sat 21/12/2013 01:30:13
Matrix Online?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Sat 21/12/2013 01:37:59
Neither. It's a HL1 mod so i hope it's not too hard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 21/12/2013 09:58:09
Deus Ex?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Sat 21/12/2013 11:49:18
The specialist :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Tue 24/12/2013 19:49:20
Quote from: EliasFrost on Sat 21/12/2013 11:49:18
The specialist :)
Indeed. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Sun 29/12/2013 10:22:50
Oh I totally forgot about this sorry!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 30/12/2013 01:01:27
Kinda reminds me of Morrowind... But I don't think there were palm trees in Morrowind?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 30/12/2013 10:21:55
You're close, but it's not Morrowind.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 30/12/2013 12:42:41
Daggerfall maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 30/12/2013 13:55:45
Not quite, but it's getting there!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 30/12/2013 14:23:58
  Elder Scrolls Arena?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 30/12/2013 14:28:04
Nope, it's more recent than Arena, but older than Morrowind.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 30/12/2013 16:38:10
"Redneck" "Redguard" :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: EliasFrost on Mon 30/12/2013 16:43:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 30/12/2013 16:58:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Mon 30/12/2013 17:13:22
Call of Cthulhu. I skip my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 04/01/2014 17:33:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sat 04/01/2014 18:03:10
Interesting. It's not Dark Seed 2 is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 04/01/2014 19:22:53
Of course it is. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 05/01/2014 04:31:25
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Sat 04/01/2014 18:03:10
Interesting. It's not Dark Seed 2 is it?

First time I knew the answer... and I'm too late.

Can the next one be a horror game too?... (so I would maybe have a sliver of hope of guessing what it is?;) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 05/01/2014 06:48:52
Quote from: Grim on Sun 05/01/2014 04:31:25
Can the next one be a horror game too?... (so I would maybe have a sliver of hope of guessing what it is?;) )
You got it, Grim. :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 05/01/2014 07:44:02
Eternal Darkness.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 05/01/2014 09:16:33
Quote from: GrimFirst time I knew the answer... and I'm too late.

Second. You also knew the answer for Harvester :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Sun 05/01/2014 13:50:52
Quote from: Grim on Sun 05/01/2014 07:44:02
Eternal Darkness.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 05/01/2014 21:34:35
Not sure if that's been used before or not, but here's one of my favorites:

(GUI removed, too obvious with this one;) )


PS. Thanks qptain;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/01/2014 00:07:51
Elvira 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 06/01/2014 00:34:21
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 06/01/2014 00:07:51
Elvira 2?

That's correct. Elvira 2: Jaws Of Cerberus.

Only the best Amiga game. Ever. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/01/2014 10:03:51
Quote from: GrimOnly the best Amiga game. Ever.
Oh, really? I only played Elvira 1 and Waxworks, both were superb and I finished them many times. I don't know why but something in those office-like corridors in Elvira 2 threw me out. I must try it once more sometime...
Here's next game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 08/01/2014 11:56:41
HINT: It's a horror game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 08/01/2014 12:27:46
hint: it's The Lost Crown: A Ghost-Hunting Adventure

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/01/2014 17:51:16
Hints please :) Or other screenie
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 14/01/2014 21:24:37
NO! >:(


Alright. So... it's an RPG. It's quite unexpectedly humourous and interesting. I say unexpectedly because the theme of the game is something countless other games have played with a straight face and done it to death. A part of the name of the theme is also a part of the name of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Tue 14/01/2014 23:20:23
Not Another War game! :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 14/01/2014 23:43:13
Allo' Allo': The Adventure Game!;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 15/01/2014 10:15:24
No idea what it is, but it certainly looks interesting!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Wed 15/01/2014 10:25:22
Quote from: Tramponline on Tue 14/01/2014 23:20:23
Not Another War game! :tongue:
Aye! Your turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Wed 15/01/2014 18:55:22
That game really does look interesting. 2nd World War theme and humourous elements, now that's daring. I like it.

One more for Grim: HORROR! As far as I can remember, probably the first game in that genre that I've played.
It scared the bejesus out of me!!
[imgzoom][/imgzoom]MS-DOS Version

(Just realized it's a screen-cap of the German language version - sorry about that - google's fault!
The status bars indicate the level of hunger (that one was easy...:wink:), thirst and body).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 16/01/2014 12:57:41
Hmm... not one I played, but I remember a first-person adventure/RPG Zombie attack game coming out on the 16-bits... would that be it?  (Yes I realise I haven't named the game! :-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/01/2014 13:24:32
Zombi? :) I pass my turn to Captain if I'm correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Thu 16/01/2014 15:03:03
Is that Alf on the screen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 16/01/2014 18:08:47
Quote from: cat on Thu 16/01/2014 15:03:03
Is that Alf on the screen?
Yep, that's him alright. :grin:  Great help in order to narrow down the game's year of release. Supposedly the game was available for the PC & Amiga, but
I've never ever seen any other version than the Commodore 64 one - not even in screenshots

edit: Sorry, didn't see your answer there Gribbler. Dude, are you reading my mind?! 8-0 'Zombi' was my first choice, but then I went with this one instead, since Zombi is a bit plain

All of you are on the right track. The game's not zombie exclusive though...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/01/2014 19:11:02
Quote from: TramponlineDude, are you reading my mind?!
That is correct, pal. Immediately transfer 10.000 dollars onto below account or I will tell everybody here what you think of doing when you're home alone in front of a computer. You naughty naughty boy.
Just kidding :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 17/01/2014 07:01:19
Quote from: cat on Thu 16/01/2014 15:03:03
Is that Alf on the screen?

That's Alf all right... I'm racking my brain trying to think how a game that features Alf can be considered scary! Speaking of Alf, he had his own adventure game back in the day if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 17/01/2014 09:10:03
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 16/01/2014 19:11:02
Quote from: TramponlineDude, are you reading my mind?!
...or I will tell everybody here what you think of doing when you're home alone in front of a computer.
Don't be cruel Gribbler!! There's a good chance someone's brain might explode or for people to start bleeding from their ears, simply due to nonsense overflow! :tongue:

QuoteYou naughty naughty boy.
Yep that's me alright! :grin:

Don't get too hung up on the whole ALF thing. It's the inside of a cinema with ALF up on screen, he's just an 'easter egg' ( blow up that same cinema later on in the game!)
ALF is really just a good indicator around what time this game came out.

Here's the title screen (without the title obviously! :tongue:):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/01/2014 00:13:18
Lords of Doom!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Sun 19/01/2014 11:54:58
You took your sweet time! :tongue: Yes, Gribbler got it:

Lords of Doom (1990)
( (
I saw this cover back then and I just had to buy that game.

Your go, sir!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 19/01/2014 20:33:00
Just a fraction of the screen to make it oh sooooo tough:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 20/01/2014 17:43:47
It's your M to the Onkey and you know it two! Shizzle-fizzle and all that jiving!? :tongue:

Can you dig it?*

(* Sorry fellas....watched "The Warriors" again the other day and you all have to suffer for it! Now quit that jivin'!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 20/01/2014 22:23:50
Your guest is errect! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Mon 20/01/2014 23:23:20
...hope your judgement is zero-defect, or else they will chant "off with his neck"!

Did edit a little, just tiny mind you, ere I'd give it away in the very first clue.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 21/01/2014 00:15:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Tue 21/01/2014 00:21:21
Man that was quick! That is absolutely correct.

Now it's on you to raise the bar...:grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 21/01/2014 00:28:32
Yeah... I loved the midi music on dune.
How about this...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 21/01/2014 15:50:43
Winter Olimpics '92? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 21/01/2014 16:18:42
No, it's not a sports game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 22/01/2014 20:19:15
another screenie...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 22/01/2014 21:06:22
Is this some kind of secret agent type of game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 22/01/2014 21:34:16
More like guerilla warfare game in post-apocalyptic ice age world.:smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 22/01/2014 23:55:06
Midwinter! I knew I recognized that skier! Last time I played Midwinter was on the Atari ST.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 23/01/2014 00:17:53
Yes.. Midwinter is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/01/2014 11:16:44
Darn... I know that skier looked familiar, would only have got it from the second screenie though.  Apparently there's a modern update / remake in the works... could be very interesting.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Fri 24/01/2014 21:55:43
Apologies for the delay.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 24/01/2014 23:01:25
Marriage Quest III: The Depths of Hell?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 28/01/2014 01:12:40
So how about a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Tue 28/01/2014 02:14:43
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 28/01/2014 01:12:40
So how about a hint?



Oh, alright.

Hint: It's not an adventure game.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 28/01/2014 02:16:57
One of the Akumajou games? Maybe the X68k or the Arcade version?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TGames on Tue 28/01/2014 15:03:32
may i just ask if this is a platformer
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 28/01/2014 16:03:39
Alright I was correct. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 29/01/2014 00:54:46
Iceboty is indeed correct. "Akumajou Dracula", known in the West as "Haunted Castle (", an arcade game from 1988:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Wed 29/01/2014 10:16:39
Ok this is not part of the official game thread, and my rddle is only textual -- but I thought it was worth posting it in a thread of connoisseurs. I just post it alongside the official "name the game" discussion.

In what (epic and serious) game does the narrator say this, using the litteral meaning of the word "sphincter"?
"You force the sphincter open with your (...) and pass through"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 29/01/2014 15:12:16
I'm just too lazy to find something to post at the moment. :grin:
So if anyone wants to steal a turn, go ahead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 29/01/2014 15:23:14

My favorite detective game on the Atari 8-bit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 29/01/2014 15:43:30
Murder on the Zinderneuf?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 29/01/2014 16:33:55
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 29/01/2014 15:43:30
Murder on the Zinderneuf?

Yep, got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 29/01/2014 18:59:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 30/01/2014 01:36:37
The Great American Cross-Country Road Race?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 30/01/2014 12:55:45
Yes, sir!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 30/01/2014 13:29:00

Awesome game on Atari.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 30/01/2014 13:47:47
It's Spy vs Spy game for sure, but which one???
I go for SvS III
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 30/01/2014 15:02:52
Quote from: janleht on Thu 30/01/2014 13:47:47
It's Spy vs Spy game for sure, but which one???
I go for SvS III

Its actually II, but close enough for me.  You're up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 30/01/2014 15:41:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 30/01/2014 16:03:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 30/01/2014 16:47:49
I was a Stunts junkie, and I don't recognize that screen.

Street Rod?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 30/01/2014 17:04:00
Not Stunts or Street Rod..
Hint: You can choose if you want to play as a villain or cop.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 30/01/2014 17:29:25
There's a similar 3D game (perhaps it was a make over of this game?), so I guess: Manhattan Chase?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 30/01/2014 17:49:05
Not Manhattan Chase either.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 02:18:46
Is it Chicago 90?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 31/01/2014 08:41:56

(PS: for the record, my little game's soluton was : Quest for Glory IV. The guy is in some sort of organic maze, and doors are actually giant sphincters that he "forces open". It sounds really weird in serious Sierra games like that).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 31/01/2014 09:04:37
QuoteIs it Chicago 90?
Yes it is! You're next CTCB.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 09:20:46
This one's probably very easy, but:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 10:37:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 10:39:52
Quote from: CTCB on Fri 31/01/2014 09:20:46
This one's probably very easy, but:
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 10:37:36
Correct, your turn! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 10:58:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 11:26:15
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 10:58:02
Ah yes... Is it Full Throttle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 11:32:08
It sure is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 11:34:02
This one here is a little more of an obscure video game, but it was very popular:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 11:41:51
7th Guest
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CTxCB on Fri 31/01/2014 12:01:39
Quote from: CTCB on Fri 31/01/2014 11:34:02
This one here is a little more of an obscure video game, but it was very popular:
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 11:41:51
7th Guest
Correct, your turn again. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 12:49:06
Character cut out to make it little harder :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 31/01/2014 18:36:36
Some version of Loom I don't know yet? The hobbit the adventure game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 31/01/2014 19:06:45
It looks like Loom, doesn't it? :) But that's not it. I believe it's the only screenshot of that game which looks like taken from Loom.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: blueskirt on Sat 01/02/2014 03:19:30
Is it Forge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 01/02/2014 04:40:11
I know this one!!!:)

It's Lure Of The Temptress!:)

(I had the pleasure recently of meeting Charles Cecil, the head of Revolution Software, and personally thanked him for that strange yet fascinating game, one of the favourite games of my childhood)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 01/02/2014 08:43:56
Correct! Congrats, Grim!! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 01/02/2014 12:48:04
cool, isn't lure of the temptress free to play with scummVm for years? Shame, I never played it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 01/02/2014 12:53:23
Beneath a Steel Sky is also free. Both great games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 01/02/2014 20:45:25
A version of Lure fixed for modern PCs is also available free when you sign up for an account with :-D

Never did complete it back on the ol' Atari ST, but had great fun trying.  Virtual Theatre was a really new and interesting technique back then, too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 01/02/2014 21:33:41
Quote from: CaptainDVirtual Theatre was a really new and interesting technique back then, too.

It was also irritating when a character you were looking for wandered off somewhere and you had to search the entire city. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 02/02/2014 02:59:53

I'll post a new game on Sunday night, if you don't mind waiting. (at work, can't copy/edit screenshots)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 02/02/2014 20:02:15
Ok, another "game of my childhood":

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/02/2014 20:17:43
Is it Ween?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 02/02/2014 20:26:59

I mean... yes, It is... You're a walking gaming encyclopedia, man!;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/02/2014 21:00:13
Quote from: GrimYou're a walking gaming encyclopedia, man!;)
Nah, I've just spent my entire childhood playing games, and my teen years, and my 20s, and my... you get the idea :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KodiakBehr on Tue 04/02/2014 00:54:13
Kingdom...O...Magic.  We're dating ourselves, Gribbler.

So, if we must go digging deep into the memory-banks...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/02/2014 07:34:16
Is it Border Zone?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 04/02/2014 12:30:45
Time Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KodiakBehr on Tue 04/02/2014 12:41:53
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 04/02/2014 07:34:16
Is it Border Zone?

You got it.  It was the reference to Frobnia, wasn't it?  Should have picked a different passage!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/02/2014 13:20:08
I also own an Infocom collection since the Amiga days.

.... yeah it was Frobnia :D

Here's the next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/02/2014 15:21:49
Is it this one guy from Hotel Dusk? I played it few years back on NDS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 04/02/2014 15:25:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/02/2014 15:47:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 09/02/2014 20:40:32
You want something easier? Fine! Be that way! Se if I care! :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 09/02/2014 22:32:04
Alone In The Dark. (1)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 09/02/2014 23:48:27
Finally!! Thanks, Grim :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 10/02/2014 02:28:21
Let's try this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 10/02/2014 09:23:12
Looks a lot like Scratches.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 10/02/2014 20:10:16
Well, that's because it IS Scratches;)

I thought you only knew OLD games! There is no beating you... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 10/02/2014 20:40:00
If you wanna beat me here post old console games :) It so happens I remember Scratches very very well. It was one of three horror games that got me goosebumps while playing. Really creepy atmosphere. The other ones are: The Lost Crown (screenshot of which I've posted before) and this one...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 11/02/2014 07:18:36
Idk what the game is, but my first thought when seeing the picture: The Mask of the Red Death :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 11/02/2014 08:35:03
Because it IS Red Death :) Now, from what game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 11/02/2014 13:24:10
The dark eye?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 11/02/2014 13:29:06
The Dark Eye it is! You're next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 11/02/2014 14:15:15
Will do it a little later. I am at work now :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 12/02/2014 23:46:57
Ok here we go!! :D Which game is this?

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 13/02/2014 04:05:05
Did they made a game version of The night of the living dead?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 13/02/2014 07:17:05
I think that's "Friday 13" game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 07:40:59
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 10/02/2014 20:40:00
If you wanna beat me here post old console games :)
Smart move, Mouth of War :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tosek on Thu 13/02/2014 08:07:53
Do you remember this one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 09:51:55
Quote from: TosekDo you remember this one?
Yes, we all do remember Rise of the Dragon. If you want to post a screenshot here, please guess Mouth of War's game first.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 13/02/2014 10:31:41
Crimson wizard is correct :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Thu 13/02/2014 11:17:22
Well done CW!

That would have been my guess. I have not played Friday the 13th, but I recognised the god awful graphics / colour scheme from one of the AVGN's earlier videos. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 13/02/2014 11:53:19
Quote from: monkey424 on Thu 13/02/2014 11:17:22
That would have been my guess. I have not played Friday the 13th, but I recognised the god awful graphics / colour scheme from one of the AVGN's earlier videos.
Same as me :).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 12:06:05
Hmm... was there ever a Speccy version of Cadaver?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 12:09:07
Nope, that's Heroquest :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 12:10:01
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 12:09:07
Nope, that's Heroquest :D

drat, that was my second guess. (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 13/02/2014 12:11:12
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 12:09:07
Nope, that's Heroquest :D
Too fast! But correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 12:38:22
A friend of mine loved this title. Since I didn't own such a console, I never played it myself.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 13/02/2014 12:58:01
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 04/02/2014 15:47:04
Was that The Legacy: Realm of Terror? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 13:20:10
Quote from: qptain NemoWas that The Legacy: Realm of Terror?
Nope, it was Alone in the Dark 1.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 13/02/2014 13:47:37
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 13:20:10
Nope, it was Alone in the Dark 1.
I wanted to look like teh l33t master of gaming lore by guessing a rare game. Instead I ended up not recognizing a really REALLY well-known one.  ¬_¬
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 13:56:00
*cough* In case you are bored, there's already a new game to be guessed :P Oh and please guess it fast, I keep forgetting the title :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 17:59:42
abstauber, is it a gameboy game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 19:09:19
Believe it or not - it's a 16bit title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 19:17:16
Because I've no idea, I'm going to say Harvest Moon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 19:21:56
Nope, but here's another hint

Besides I just learned that this one wasn't exclusive for the console I thought. There was even a DOS port... so Gribbler, you're back in the game (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 19:47:56
Quote from: abstauberBesides I just learned that this one wasn't exclusive for the console I thought. There was even a DOS port... so Gribbler, you're back in the game.
Must be Inindo then :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 19:50:14
next please
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 20:28:00
I have come to the conclusion that Gribbler is not actually a person, but rather an AI programmed with all the video games ever made.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/02/2014 20:30:09
Or he just has an admin account over at Mobygames ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 20:46:42
I'm just a devoted gamer with a little bit of deductive skills. If I don't know the game instantly the process looks something like this (Inindo example): Top-down view, looks like RPG, Asian theme, looks like early 90s, probably '92 or '93, most likely Asian word in the title, and hey, what have we here? Way of the ninja? Must be it. Bingo!

I hope you don't consider this way of guessing a cheating. Because if you do, my pal SkyNet will... eeer... I mean... Danger danger. Compromise. Compromise. Restarting. Three, two, one, initializing...

I'm just a devoted gamer with a little bit of deductive skills. If I don't know the game instantly the process looks something like this (Inindo example): Top-down view, looks like RPG, Asian theme, looks like early 90s, probably '92 or '93, most likely Asian word in the title, and hey, what have we here? Way of the ninja? Must be it. Bingo!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 20:49:01
Oh, and I never NEVER EVER use image search.

Anyway, here's the next one. My wife helped me to choose it:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 20:49:27
Error in Gribbler core subroutine... RESET.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 13/02/2014 20:52:50
Is that Manhunter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 21:06:50
Well, it is Manhunter... But which part? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 13/02/2014 21:08:35
Hmm... I never played either of them. I'm gonna say... two?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 21:12:07
I'll say 13, because I know (think I know) that there were 13 Manhunter games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/02/2014 21:35:36
Two is correct! You're next, OneDollar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 13/02/2014 21:57:17
Lucky guess :grin:

Is this obscure enough for you?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 13/02/2014 22:39:37
Dear god...
I remember that floor.
I remember that girl.
I remember the fist fight with that asshole.
But I don't remember the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/02/2014 23:40:32
I recognise the characters too - and the painting oddly enough - but no idea of the game.  Can't even be completely sure if that's an 8-bit or 16-bit system. :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Fri 14/02/2014 19:50:42
It's a DOS game.

Here's another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 15/02/2014 23:41:58
Somehow makes me think of Back To The Future... Could that be doctor Emmet Brown on that screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sun 16/02/2014 13:31:29
Nope, sorry,you're on the wrong track there.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Mon 17/02/2014 22:01:34
Alright, have another screenshot that actually shows the main character:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Tue 18/02/2014 02:27:47
What about choosing some not so obscure games so I can have some fun too? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 18/02/2014 12:45:55
Quote from: janosbiroWhat about choosing some not so obscure games so I can have some fun too? :-D
You're few dozen thread pages too late, man :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 18/02/2014 13:05:57
I just don't think anyone's going to get this one...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 18/02/2014 19:12:38
It has a strong QBasic vibe, but I have no clue what this might be.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 20/02/2014 13:29:07
Alright, apparently nobody played this but me. Here's some hints, first one to Google the answer can take the next turn:
It's a DOS game from 1992.
The goal of the game is shown in one of the screenshots I posted.
The game had a parser interface and no mouse support.
It was made in a 'game-making' program (way before AGS existed).
Although it was a complete game in itself, it was released as shareware as a kind of demo for a planned sequel.
I don't think the sequel was ever made.
I played it as a kid in the mid 90s, but it's probably pretty obscure. There's at least one Youtube longplay though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 20/02/2014 14:25:24
Mel Odius goes Six String Searchin
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 20/02/2014 14:51:28
Quote from: janosbiro on Thu 20/02/2014 14:25:24
Mel Odius goes Six String Searchin

Wow... I genuinely thought that was a clever joke answer until I googled it!!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 20/02/2014 15:12:40
Mel Odius goes 'Six String Searchin' is correct!
Sorry for the tough one, I knew it was obscure but I was hoping someone would have come across it.

Over to janosbiro...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 20/02/2014 15:23:09
I must know teh awesome engine, which greatly surpasses everything I've ever seen :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 20/02/2014 15:23:15
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 20/02/2014 14:51:28
Wow... I genuinely thought that was a clever joke answer until I googled it!!!!
I'm so totally making a game called I Genuinely Thought That Was A Clever Joke Answer Until I Googled It.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 20/02/2014 16:13:09
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Thu 20/02/2014 15:23:15
I'm so totally making a game called I Genuinely Thought That Was A Clever Joke Answer Until I Googled It.

That will be so amazing when it comes up as a game to guess in this thread a decade or so from now!! :-D 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 20/02/2014 16:17:48
LOL. You guys are hilarious.

I REALLY hope this one is not obscure at all.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 20/02/2014 16:19:37
Is it Below The Root?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 20/02/2014 16:24:51
See, you only needed 2 minutes!

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 20/02/2014 16:58:03

There you go. :>
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 21/02/2014 14:49:04
Limbo Of The Lost?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 21/02/2014 15:03:43
Medieval Freelance Kitchen Designer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 21/02/2014 15:08:17
Dungeons of Kremlin ("Lenin's Mausoleum" level)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 21/02/2014 15:39:17
It contains all of the above, but BenX got it first.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 21/02/2014 16:22:10
I never played it but it's supposedly the worst adventure game of all time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 21/02/2014 16:33:54
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 21/02/2014 16:22:10
I never played it but it's supposedly the worst adventure game of all time.
I'd say it's far from it. I mean it has its flaws, obviously. But it's also absolutely hilarious both intentionally and unintentionally most of the time. And the curiousity factor is also high due to its unique and bizarre nature. So, I'm afraid, I must admit I've rather enjoyed every minute of that game I've played and I still intend to finish it someday.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 21/02/2014 17:10:24
Is it true that it has been pretty much glue sticked together with the assets stolen from various games and movies? By just three guys.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 21/02/2014 17:20:11
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 21/02/2014 17:10:24
Is it true that it has been pretty much glue sticked together with the assets stolen from various games and movies? By just three guys.
Yeah, virtually all the backgrounds are stolen from all over the place. All the characters seem to be original though. Also as far as I know the designers of the game claimed that they had no idea this was the case, because whoever agreed to make graphics for them did this without their knowledge.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 21/02/2014 17:48:03
Well, main character looks awfully lot like Ed Norton from The Illusionist. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 22/02/2014 10:15:51
Surprised this one hasn't been done yet, but search doesn't show it...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 22/02/2014 10:57:26
Looks sorta like Journey to the Moon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Sat 22/02/2014 12:14:53
Starship Titanic. We've already had it in this thread.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sat 22/02/2014 12:25:25
I've played this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 23/02/2014 22:41:44
Quote from: Armageddon on Sat 22/02/2014 12:14:53
Starship Titanic. We've already had it in this thread.

Armageddon has it. Damn, like I said, I did search for it! Did someone do a cryptic answer or something, because it's definitely not coming up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 24/02/2014 21:01:46
Someone post a game. I'm gonna get this one. I know it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Tue 25/02/2014 02:01:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 25/02/2014 04:00:18
Team Fortress 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cubefiend on Tue 25/02/2014 04:25:13
Had to crop it a bit, but if i didn't, you'd know the game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Tue 25/02/2014 07:16:46
Although, this is a nice & challenging screen-shot, Cubefiend, we usually have to guess a game in order to post a game - and so on and so forth.

Bedsides, we're the Net generation and have a really low attention span. Multi-threading and having a guessing game exceeding more than one game at a time would instantly fry our brains.

But primarly: Armageddon rarely remembers that he won his turn in this thread :P AND Grim is rarely THAT confident guessing a game! 8-) We simply can't pass on this opportunity! :=

On topic: I'm damn sure, I've never played that one. I'd even go as far as suspecting Armageddon of having drawn that scene, just to put us off the scent... :cool:

edit: Oh, new page. Here's Armageddon's pic(k) once more.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 25/02/2014 07:49:10
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 23/02/2014 22:41:44
Quote from: Armageddon on Sat 22/02/2014 12:14:53
Starship Titanic. We've already had it in this thread.
Did someone do a cryptic answer or something, because it's definitely not coming up.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Tue 25/02/2014 10:33:58
Quote from: Grim on Tue 25/02/2014 04:00:18
Team Fortress 1?

Not even close. :)

Hint: It was released last year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Tue 25/02/2014 19:01:59
Come on, that game doesn't even exist, you are just making it up! There is no hand-drawn FPS.

Wait, that game is real... Cool.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cubefiend on Tue 25/02/2014 22:41:13
Ah! sorry Tramponline, i'm a bit of new person around here.
I can't honestly guess that game anyway... hmph
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Tue 25/02/2014 22:45:40
Welcome, Cubefiend!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Tue 25/02/2014 23:12:59
It's Signal Ops!

Now...everybody guess CubeFiend's pic!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Tue 25/02/2014 23:27:10
It's Wizard's... something!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cubefiend on Wed 26/02/2014 03:07:54
Quote from: janosbiro on Tue 25/02/2014 23:27:10
It's Wizard's... something!

nope. Here's hint one: It has three letters.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Wed 26/02/2014 04:37:09
Quote from: LimpingFish on Tue 25/02/2014 23:12:59
It's Signal Ops!

Now...everybody guess CubeFiend's pic!
Indeed it is. Best game of last year. 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 26/02/2014 05:57:50
QuoteIndeed it is. Best game of last year.

Why I never heard of that game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Wed 26/02/2014 06:41:22
Is it 'Zak McKracken'? From the intro scene perhaps?


Or, 'Sam & Max Hit the Road'?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Wed 26/02/2014 13:02:49
I think it's some obscure flash game. We're never gonna get it...???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Wed 26/02/2014 13:12:20
Totally missed that hint about the three letters.

You're probably right, Grim.

All I've now is random guessing...FBI? ABC? CIA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 26/02/2014 13:16:11
PIT. POX. XOM. Why. Fry. Lie. Zim. LOL.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 26/02/2014 13:23:04
ZZT or MZX...

Courtesy of Gurok, if I'm correct, pass the next turn to him please. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 26/02/2014 14:00:26
Now that I've seen the original clue, I'm going to guess ZZT.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cubefiend on Wed 26/02/2014 22:36:35
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Wed 26/02/2014 13:23:04
ZZT or MZX...

Courtesy of Gurok, if I'm correct, pass the next turn to him please. :)
yup! It's ZZT!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 26/02/2014 23:05:06
I knew it all the time, of course...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 27/02/2014 02:11:04
This one should be easy:


EDIT: Oh, am I not supposed to post? Forgive me if I was being rude. I didn't realise the thread had split up into two threads.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 27/02/2014 07:33:31
Well, LimpingFish guessed Armageddon' pic, but Cubefiend posted a new one before that, because his new. Then LimpingFish passed the turn to Cubefiend. Adeel guessed Cubefiend's pic, but then said "Courtesy of Gurok, if I'm correct, pass the next turn to him please". So, it's your turn, really.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 27/02/2014 08:07:01
Guess my pic then! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 27/02/2014 08:17:39
My retro nose tells me it's Eternam! Is that right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 27/02/2014 08:22:19
According to Adeel it's your go.

That's 'Eternam'.

Now post another one...:tongue:

edit: Arrhh, Grim beat me to the punch!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 27/02/2014 08:27:16
I guess I don't have a retro nose after all. And I thought I was so retro...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 27/02/2014 09:42:24

You snooze, you lose;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 27/02/2014 10:00:37
Looks like Dishonoured.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 27/02/2014 10:18:30
Damn right it does.

Your round, OneDollar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 27/02/2014 12:26:13
That mission had such a great premise (figure out what colour dress your target is wearing) and such a disappointing answer (ask someone).

Anyway, this should be a lot easier than my last one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 27/02/2014 14:47:20
You calling this easier???

No idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 27/02/2014 15:55:55
Quote from: janosbiro on Thu 27/02/2014 07:33:31
Well, LimpingFish guessed Armageddon' pic, but Cubefiend posted a new one before that, because his new. Then LimpingFish passed the turn to Cubefiend. Adeel guessed Cubefiend's pic, but then said "Courtesy of Gurok, if I'm correct, pass the next turn to him please". So, it's your turn, really.

Thanks for explaining, janosbiro. I really didn't have any idea what game was that. Its just that I happened to be chatting with Gurok on IRC at that time, so I asked him. It was his answer all the way, actually. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 27/02/2014 16:05:02
It might be intro from Teen Agent.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 27/02/2014 16:09:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 27/02/2014 16:21:00
Quote from: janleht on Thu 27/02/2014 16:05:02
It might be intro from Teen Agent.

Oh... I played Teenagent! I remember when the game was made, I even wrote to Metropolis (the developer) to offer some of my sprites for their future productions (as you do when you're 13 and full of hope).

I attached a floppy disk with the letter, and even got a reply from Adrian Chmielarz!

Therefore, shame on me, for not recognizing Teenagent... It was a really shitty game, though;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 27/02/2014 16:25:25
I remeber liking Teenagent, it had tough puzzles but not too hard/illogical:)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 16:27:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 27/02/2014 16:37:46
Damn! Too easy. Syndicate it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 27/02/2014 16:49:16
I believe we had Teenagent a long while back; not that it really matters. 

Not only were Syndicate and Syndicate Wars awesome, but they had great intros.  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 16:50:47

(sorry, been away from the forum too long, forgot the resize code)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 27/02/2014 17:09:26
Ah, that one really fascinated me back then.
Even though I didn't know what was going on most of the time.

The Eidolon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 17:11:21
Indeed, The Eidolon it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 27/02/2014 18:24:45
The game in question is rather a hybrid adventure (crossover).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 18:39:17
one of the Ultimas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Thu 27/02/2014 18:41:56
...*pretend to whistle inconspicuously*...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 20:50:52
Ultima VII Serpent Isle, had to look up the ending on YouTube to make sure :)


(note: had to black out part of the image to avoid spoilers)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tramponline on Fri 28/02/2014 02:48:38
Quote from: GarageGothic on Thu 27/02/2014 20:50:52
Ultima VII Serpent Isle, had to look up the ending on YouTube to make sure :)
Good call, GG! First guess, bullseye. What gave it away for you?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 28/02/2014 06:58:24
Isn't that Ooze again?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 28/02/2014 07:53:59
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 28/02/2014 06:58:24
Isn't that Ooze again?

That was quick for an obscure Amiga game :) Yes it is.

Quote from: Tramponline on Fri 28/02/2014 02:48:38Good call, GG! First guess, bullseye. What gave it away for you?

Been watching Spoony's interview with Richard Garriot, I'm pretty sure I saw it there. Recognized the cosmic serpent :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 28/02/2014 17:15:29
hehe, a couple of pages earlier I also posted Ooze :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 28/02/2014 17:22:31
A boy killed by rolling cans of Coke in a futuristic castle? No, doesn't ring any bells.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Sat 01/03/2014 00:38:13
An obscure Commander Keen port?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 01/03/2014 11:36:25
Here's a pic of the arcade version:

...apparently they even made a HD-Version of this
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 01/03/2014 11:41:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 01/03/2014 16:15:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sun 02/03/2014 14:30:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/03/2014 18:36:33
L.A. Crackdown?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sun 02/03/2014 18:42:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/03/2014 19:00:25
Yay - let's stay with the C= a little longer:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/03/2014 19:02:56
Infiltrator 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 02/03/2014 19:09:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/03/2014 19:16:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 02/03/2014 19:25:46
A Dune game maybe? Looks less strategy than adventure I suppose...

I recognize that cursor from somewhere though. It's probably quite obvious but I've forgotten
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 02/03/2014 20:29:28
It's an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/03/2014 08:33:29
The only one I can think of the moment that's got the right theme is Al Emmo, but it doesn't look familiar. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 03/03/2014 10:24:41
Maybe it's that Freddie Pharkas game? The one about a pharmacist in wild west?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/03/2014 13:56:42
Quote from: GrimMaybe it's that Freddie Pharkas game? The one about a pharmacist in wild west?
It's not Freddy Pharkas but you got that wild west part right. Keep on guessing :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 03/03/2014 14:52:44
hmmmm..... Maybe Fester Mudd?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/03/2014 16:44:12
Nope. It's much older game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/03/2014 16:53:49
The Secret of Wild West Island :P

The fact that the screenshot shows cross-hairs rather than a cursor is bothering me - I don't remember any game like that. Was this an Amiga title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/03/2014 18:00:50
It's a Windows/DOS game.

HINT: it has 8-verb GUI.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 03/03/2014 21:28:35
Oh that's right, I remember that cursor from Zak McKracken...

Still have no idea what the game is, though ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 03/03/2014 22:10:15
C'mon, how many wild west adventure games are there? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/03/2014 22:13:24
I found it with image search.  I have heard of the game but never played it.  Wondering if anyone will get it...

Gribbler - maybe time for another screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 03/03/2014 22:17:10
It's 3 Skulls of the Toltecs.

Have at ye:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 03/03/2014 22:55:50
Isn't that Deja Vu... wild guess.... 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Mon 03/03/2014 23:35:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 03/03/2014 23:40:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 04/03/2014 02:24:21
I feel bad for knowing this, but that's "Emmanuelle: A Game of Convincing People to Buy Your Game by Tricking Them Into Thinking It's Porn."

Thank God for thrift stores, you can buy crap and not regret it later.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 04/03/2014 03:08:57
Good on you for knowing your fake vintage erotica :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 04/03/2014 03:23:58
Lazy, so I'm just going to steal a shot


Geez, I just realized that's massive.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Armageddon on Tue 04/03/2014 05:48:37
Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 13:01:11
Is this Second Sight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/03/2014 13:05:03
Street Dance 2000?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 04/03/2014 13:17:47
Gribbler got it, it's Second Sight

(And I specifically chose a non-adventure so he wouldn't ;-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/03/2014 13:24:26
Quote from: Surplusguy on Tue 04/03/2014 13:17:47
(And I specifically chose a non-adventure so he wouldn't ;-D)

Didn't we tell you?  Gribbler is an intelligent AI programmed with the knowledge of all games ever released.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 14:14:22
Quote from: CaptainDDidn't we tell you?  Gribbler is an intelligent AI programmed with the knowledge of all games ever released.
And in the distant past he was selling games :) I even remember box art from Second Sight. :)

Next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/03/2014 14:37:33
I'm tempted to say "Double Dragon: The Senior Years" or "Full Throttle: Where's My Bike?".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 14:45:15
Not even close :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 04/03/2014 14:47:05
Asterix's Motorbike Ride Across The Andes?

It's bugging me, because this looks sort of familiar, but I have no idea why. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 04/03/2014 20:18:34
Road To Hell: Retribution? -Apparently the worst game of 2013?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 21:01:22
I don't want to sound too misterious but... not everything is what it seems :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 04/03/2014 21:26:16
It's Lula: The Sexy Empire.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 23:26:36
Lands of Lore
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 04/03/2014 23:35:12
Which? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 04/03/2014 23:49:18
It's Guardians of Destiny so... Part two I think.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 04/03/2014 23:54:58
Ok, right you are.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 00:00:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 05/03/2014 04:55:46
Metal Gear Solid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 05/03/2014 07:13:59
Prisoner of Ice?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 07:22:46
Nope and nope.

Hint: it's exact opposite of my Lula hint.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 05/03/2014 08:31:49
Silent Service 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 08:40:36
Close. But no, it's not Silent Service.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Wed 05/03/2014 09:10:00
688 Attack Sub?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 09:11:10
Miss again!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 05/03/2014 09:12:45
hmmm.. Silent Hunter? Or even Aces of the Deep?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/03/2014 09:41:36
I remember there once being a game called The Hunt for Blue November
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 10:33:56
Quote from: abstauberAces of the Deep?
You got it, abstauber!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 05/03/2014 11:28:50
Whoever guesses this, is my hero of the day :D

Highly inappropriate
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 12:39:25
Oh, Presswurst :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 05/03/2014 12:47:39
/me announces Gribbler as Personal Hero

Please share the story of your first "contact" with this game :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 12:58:43
Sure. Once upon a time I attended certian Internet forum. There I met an interesting guy in a top hat and a monocle. I saw him being nice and funny. People seem to like him. But then something strange happened. He was the forum veteran so I totally didn't expect this. I thought he's just a fun guy from the Internet. And then all of a sudden, he showed me this weird screenshot of a game where a creepy guy takes a dump.... I do not know if I ever recover now.

True story. I shit you not.

I just also googled "weird video game about taking a shit". And Presswurst was on the first page. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 05/03/2014 13:21:40
hehe, alright :) I'm glad that I didn't post a shot of Horny Wankers (from the same team). Anyway - next time you gather some friends I highly recommend giving Presswurst a chance after a few beers. It's a blast
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 13:29:29
But I'm still your hero of the day, right? :)

Now someone get this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/03/2014 13:33:33
Deja Vu?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 13:37:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/03/2014 14:04:53
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 05/03/2014 13:37:48

Didn't you just say that? 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 06/03/2014 00:24:27
Silly texture adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 06/03/2014 07:13:17
It somewhat looks like a localized Japanese title
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 06/03/2014 08:20:38
It's an DOS English game. You could say it's part adventure, part simulation.

Hint: I played it as a kid... in a secrecy :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 06/03/2014 12:06:06
From the looks of it, it appears to me some kind of visual erotic novel, which became highly popular in the mid 90s and early 2000s.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 06/03/2014 17:40:11
You're getting there Adeel. :) And here's the girl:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 06/03/2014 17:41:49
Oh dear, it's one of those. I totally haven't played them though and wouldn't be able to guess the name of the gi- I mean, the game. >_>
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 06/03/2014 18:57:10
Quote from: qptain NemoI totally haven't played them though and wouldn't be able to guess the name of the gi- I mean, the game. >_>
The game's title is also the name of the girl. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 06/03/2014 19:44:52
Interactive Girls: Vida
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Thu 06/03/2014 19:54:40
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 06/03/2014 18:57:10
The game's title is also the name of the girl. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 06/03/2014 20:35:44
Ah, the interactive girl series...? Haven't played those (and frankly, don't want to) but I've heard quite a bit about them. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 06/03/2014 21:07:09
Quote from: GarageGothicInteractive Girls: Vida
Yep. Also known as Vida X.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 07/03/2014 09:33:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Fri 07/03/2014 14:27:59
No vowel adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 08/03/2014 11:47:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 08/03/2014 11:51:12
That looks like a board game I've seen called something like 221B Baker Street?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 08/03/2014 12:17:08
Got it OneDollar! It's the 1987 video game adaptation of the board game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 08/03/2014 12:28:58
Is it good? Apparently I own it but I don't remember ever playing it.

Slightly edited to avoid making this too easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 08/03/2014 12:32:41
Looks like some sort of Pink Panther game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 08/03/2014 12:47:22
Which one does it look like?:grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/03/2014 16:17:07
Hokus Pokus?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 08/03/2014 16:33:27
Nope, sorry!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/03/2014 16:50:02
Passport to Peril?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 08/03/2014 17:29:33
Your turn, Gribbler.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/03/2014 18:50:08
I give my turn to Adeel. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 09/03/2014 12:20:50
Thank you Gribbler, you're very kind. :)


I've cropped the image in order to make it a little difficult to guess. Also, I don't know whether this game has been posted here before or not. So pardon me, if I'm unknowingly repeating it again. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sun 09/03/2014 14:50:28
Nosferatu: Wrath of Malachai?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 09/03/2014 15:09:30
Sorry, but you're wrong. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 09/03/2014 16:40:03
Is it action game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sun 09/03/2014 20:19:39
The Adventures of Petrol Man, The Worlds's Most Flamable Hero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sun 09/03/2014 22:00:25
hmmm...It kind of reminds me of Resident evil 4...but I'm not sure
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 09/03/2014 22:42:54
Mouth for War: you're getting there... ! :) Make a guess, if you're not sure! ;)

Quote from: OneDollar on Sun 09/03/2014 20:19:39
The Adventures of Petrol Man, The Worlds's Most Flamable Hero?

LOL! Is that really a game? (laugh)

Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 09/03/2014 16:40:03
Is it action game?

It sure is an action game and supposed to be horror one too. But it fails to frighten me. 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sun 09/03/2014 23:24:34
Maybe Nocturne?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 09/03/2014 23:28:32
Quote from: Surplusguy on Sun 09/03/2014 23:24:34
Maybe Nocturne?

Sorry, but you're wrong. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 10/03/2014 01:01:18
Hmmm...Resident Evil - Darkside chronicles is my 2:nd guess then :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 10/03/2014 13:09:24
It is a Resident Evil game. But it's definitely not Dark Side Chronicles. Since you're calling this one your 'second' guess:

Quote from: Mouth for war on Sun 09/03/2014 22:00:25
hmmm...It kind of reminds me of Resident evil 4...but I'm not sure

I'll take it as a guess (even though you didn't explicitly mention :P). It is indeed Resident Evil 4, also known as Biohazard 4. :)


Your turn, Mouth for Blowjob War! :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 10/03/2014 16:08:41
Damn it, I recognized the merchant but thought "Nah, that can't be it." Should've guessed it;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 10/03/2014 16:58:25
But what happened to the merchant's legs?...:shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 10/03/2014 20:37:00
Quote from: Grim on Mon 10/03/2014 16:58:25
But what happened to the merchant's legs?...:shocked:

This is 'middle' stage of the poor merchant dying painfully (hence no legs). I killed him for the sole purpose of taking this screenshot, only to make it a little difficult for everyone to guess. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/03/2014 20:42:33
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Mon 10/03/2014 20:37:00
This is 'middle' stage of the poor merchant dying painfully (hence no legs). I killed him for the sole purpose of taking this screenshot, only to make it a little difficult for everyone to guess. (laugh)

You... you sadist!  Who would have thought that the innocent "name the game" thread could be exploited for such cruelty and barbarism?!?!?!?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Mon 10/03/2014 20:43:03
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Sun 09/03/2014 22:42:54
LOL! Is that really a game? (laugh)
It should be.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 10/03/2014 21:16:08
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 10/03/2014 20:42:33
You... you sadist!  Who would have thought that the innocent "name the game" thread could be exploited for such cruelty and barbarism?!?!?!?

Well, Resident Evil is supposed to be a horror game. :=

Quote from: OneDollar on Mon 10/03/2014 20:43:03
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Sun 09/03/2014 22:42:54
LOL! Is that really a game? (laugh)
It should be.

True that! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 12/03/2014 17:25:06
Ok next game coming up. Guess away people! :D
( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 12/03/2014 20:21:52
Hmm... Joe Blade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 12/03/2014 22:59:16
It looks like Arnie fighting terrorists. Is it a True Lies game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 13/03/2014 07:13:46
Captain D and Ben X unfortunately you're wrong :-) i will let people guess a little more before giving out a hint though
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 13/03/2014 10:42:55
Navy Seals
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 13/03/2014 21:28:14
Yup you got it ;D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 14/03/2014 00:16:39
Looks like Gribbler has some competition;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 14/03/2014 06:49:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 14/03/2014 09:06:10
Das Erbe

surprising choice ;D

see if you can guess this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 14/03/2014 09:24:34
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 14/03/2014 09:06:10
Das Erbe

surprising choice ;D

Hehe, that was quick. I read about it in a Swedish gaming mag sometime in the early nineties. Thought it was obscure enough :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 14/03/2014 18:59:39
Quote from: GrimLooks like Gribbler has some competition;)

THIS... IS... MY... LAIR!!!!


Oh, and I don't know abstauber's game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 14/03/2014 21:25:30
Hint: I ordered this at my local nuclear power plant :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sun 16/03/2014 14:27:30
Kampf um Trubelland

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 17/03/2014 06:27:44
Sword of Sodan
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 17/03/2014 06:32:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 17/03/2014 09:14:51
For some variety, please name this game providing thing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 17/03/2014 09:55:55
I was bored so I cheated and knew what this was. I wouldn't answer for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 17/03/2014 09:58:54
Please be my guest - I don't even know if they sold this outside of germany :)

Of course everyone else still have the chance.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 17/03/2014 11:07:32
I don't recognise it at all, so I only know for sure what it isn't!

I'll stab a guess at an Intellivision?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 17/03/2014 11:17:26
Nope, it's a bit less capable than the Intellivision.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 17/03/2014 20:24:11
Guess this ever-awesome title and you are close to the systems name 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 17/03/2014 21:59:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 17/03/2014 22:04:14
Interton Electronic vc4000!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 18/03/2014 07:45:52
You got it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 18/03/2014 10:44:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 18/03/2014 12:45:11
This sure looks terrible :tongue:
Is it a laserdisc game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 18/03/2014 12:59:59
Nope, it's a floppy adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 19/03/2014 23:17:56
Another screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 20/03/2014 08:56:23
Tajemnica Statuetki

Here's the next:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 21/03/2014 07:59:24
New pic you say? Here's the front scan:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 21/03/2014 08:57:12
Hunt the Wumpus?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Fri 21/03/2014 09:17:05
At first I read "Seek out the lair of the Wumpus while avoiding penis along the way!".

But even regardless, what a brilliant cover. ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 21/03/2014 10:01:36
Yeah, airbrush game art is rare to spot these days.
And the heroine even looks like avoiding the penis (laugh)

GarageGothic, you're next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 21/03/2014 10:50:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 21/03/2014 11:36:36
When I saw her my balls- and heart-meter were at a higher state than shown in the picture...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Sat 22/03/2014 03:09:07
Quote from: qptain Nemo on Fri 21/03/2014 09:17:05
At first I read "Seek out the lair of the Wumpus while avoiding penis along the way!".

I'd play that

On topic: seems like something I remember, but I'm kind of glad that I actually don't. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 23/03/2014 09:50:44
My guess would be that it's a Delphine or Coktel Game, but I actually don't have a clue.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 24/03/2014 18:03:00

abstauber might be on to something

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/03/2014 18:30:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/03/2014 18:31:27
Or Geisha maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 24/03/2014 19:57:07
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 24/03/2014 18:31:27
Or Geisha maybe?

Geisha it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/03/2014 22:51:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 25/03/2014 09:46:59
Hmm... looks maybe a little advanced for Pole Position, so maybe Continental Circus?  (Even if it's wrong, always worth mentioning a game that went down in history for being named due to a typo - originally supposed to be called "Continental Circuit".  Weird how Circus sounds completely right though!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 25/03/2014 10:08:18
There was a game called F1 I think that looked somewhat like that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 12:41:46
It's an Amiga Game. I think Vroom was its name
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 25/03/2014 12:59:09
Quote from: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 12:41:46
It's an Amiga Game. I think Vroom was its name

Ah, think you may be right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 13:48:41
AprilSkies got it! It's Vroom.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 13:59:10
It could be easy, so I picked an unusual image of it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 25/03/2014 14:00:19
Hot Rod?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 14:04:10
Hot Rod was with car view from above.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 14:06:52
Street rod?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 25/03/2014 14:09:01
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 14:06:52
Street rod?

... but that's what I meant ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 14:10:23
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 14:06:52
Street rod?

and yes...
The name is similar to Hot Rod :P
Easy to swap them


Gribbler if you want you can give the win to GarageGothic
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 14:22:24
Quote from: GarageGothic... but that's what I meant
Happens to me all the time in this thread ;) I feel your pain :D Go ahead GG.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 25/03/2014 14:29:44
Quote from: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 13:59:10
It could be easy, so I picked an unusual image of it.


Donald Dowell And The Ghost Of Nascar Racing?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 14:33:17
let's wait for GG :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 25/03/2014 14:54:15
thanks Gribbler, that's very generous of you. Not sure if this one is easy, but it's a favorite game of mine (note, image is slightly cropped):


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 25/03/2014 19:19:45
This looks like Anachronox. A game I've already posted here dozens of pages ago. Excellent game with one of the greatest plot twists ever. My favourite too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 25/03/2014 19:53:11
I didn't know that game! :-(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: qptain Nemo on Tue 25/03/2014 22:42:12
Quote from: GarageGothic on Tue 25/03/2014 14:54:15
it's a favorite game of mine
Let's be friends forever please ok thanks.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 26/03/2014 07:27:47
Indeed it is Anachronox. Glad to see others like it too :) Go-go Gribbler!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/03/2014 15:34:50
Another one of my favourites:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 26/03/2014 15:51:38
that looks so much better than I remember it - rare to think that about an old game - might give it a try again some day, music was wonderful too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 26/03/2014 15:57:30
Outcast - the voxeltastic game I always think of whenever anyone mentions Outlast and then get disappointed when I realise.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/03/2014 16:25:22
Quote from: Ben XOutcast - the voxeltastic game I always think of whenever anyone mentions Outlast and then get disappointed when I realise.
I think of Comanche or Delta Force when someone mentions voxels. Outcast was a brilliant game with a beautiful cinematic score. Sadly, the gameplay feels a little bit outdated now...

Go ahead with the next game, Ben.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 26/03/2014 18:45:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/03/2014 19:04:52
Shoelace Quest!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 27/03/2014 00:23:45
Ignore this
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Thu 27/03/2014 03:58:09
Ben there, Ate that! ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 27/03/2014 07:04:52
Duzz Quest??

On a sidenote - you can even buy Lenny Moore's Outcast Soundtrack on iTunes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 27/03/2014 11:04:22
Is it a game you worked on isn't it, Ben?
The graphics (with those black lines, like an hand-drawn-pic) is like: "Ben There, Dan That" or "time Gentlemen"... for sure not UNGA needs MUMBA :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 27/03/2014 13:48:39
People are certainly very close! Would someone like to make an official guess with a single game's full title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 27/03/2014 13:58:36
Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition & Time Gentlemen, Please! bundle for £3 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 27/03/2014 14:11:29
Ok so let's chose one....
Ben There, Dan That!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Thu 27/03/2014 14:13:04
Hmm. I bought the special edition and don't remember any fat belly, I should've guessed it anyway though.

But then again, when I think about it, I never played the special edition for very long.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 28/03/2014 10:46:36
No one has yet guessed the correct single game! It is not Ben There, Dan That! (Special Edition or no).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 28/03/2014 20:31:56
Time Gentlemen, Please!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 28/03/2014 21:23:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 29/03/2014 19:02:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 29/03/2014 19:05:56
I think it's Bard's Tale.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 29/03/2014 19:26:12
Yup! I think you're right Gribbler!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 29/03/2014 19:28:44
Yep, next please
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 29/03/2014 20:30:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sat 29/03/2014 20:34:34
Heavy Rain? One of Scott's sections.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 29/03/2014 22:59:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Sun 30/03/2014 13:04:13
Anyone played this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 01/04/2014 09:31:13
Never played this one ... :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 01/04/2014 10:21:39
Quote from: AprilSkies on Tue 01/04/2014 09:31:13
Never played this one ... :shocked:

Me neither... but if Gribbler hasn't played it, obviously it doesn't actually exist. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 10:58:40
Err... yeah yeah... This is OD's April Fools joke, obviously! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 01/04/2014 11:28:27
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 10:58:40
Err... yeah yeah... This is OD's April Fools joke, obviously! ;)

But it was published on 30 Mar 2014
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 01/04/2014 12:17:40
Quote from: AprilSkies on Tue 01/04/2014 11:28:27
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 10:58:40
Err... yeah yeah... This is OD's April Fools joke, obviously! ;)

But it was published on 30 Mar 2014

He's just quick off the mark. :-D

I kind of wish I had played whatever game that is... having a "think" verb intrigues me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 01/04/2014 14:39:38
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 10:58:40
Err... yeah yeah... This is OD's April Fools joke, obviously! ;)
I feel like I missed an opportunity there.


I thought this game was semi-well known, maybe not. OK, hint time:
It's a SNES/Super Famicom game.
It was only released in Japan, but it got a fan translation several years later.
It's a remake of a Famicom game.
It's the 2nd part of a series of games, but is actually a prequel to the original game's story.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 01/04/2014 15:10:48
Still don't know the game, but just like CaptainD is intrigued... I WANT a think verb in one of my games!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 15:44:16
I know next to nothing about old SNES games, I never had that console. But using my extraordinary deductive skills (and your hints :) ) I think it's one of Famicom Tantei Club games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 01/04/2014 19:37:44
...maybe? Any idea which one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 20:45:41
Part II
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 01/04/2014 21:19:33
Cyber Knight 2 ? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 01/04/2014 21:35:42
Correct, it's Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu ShŠjo a.k.a. Famicom Detective Club Part II: The Girl who Stands Behind

It's more of a visual novel than a standard puzzle solving adventure game, but I remember the story being really good.

I'm not suggesting you go downloading ROMs and emulators, but if you were to find yourself with a ROM of the game and you happened to download the fan translation patch (, place it in the same directory as the ROM and give it the same name, you might find yourself playing a fun detective game with a great story and a think verb. Or you could learn Japanese and buy the original cartridge, I guess.

Anyway, Gribbler, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 01/04/2014 21:53:33
Here you go:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Tue 01/04/2014 22:31:52
That's Apollo Justice, part of the Phoenix Wright series!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 02/04/2014 00:57:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Wed 02/04/2014 01:11:30
Here's an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 02/04/2014 09:15:25
It's the old uncomplete Amiga game "Limbo of the Lost"... but pretty sure never released as full game :/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 02/04/2014 09:20:47
You call an unreleased A1200/CD32 game easy? I would have never guessed that and I wasted lots of hours/days/years in front of commodore's electronics :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 02/04/2014 09:42:05
It's not easy at all. (laugh)
I know pretty much Amiga games because I use to spend (read waste) a lot of time on the site "Hall Of Light" a wonderful Amiga-Games-Database and I know that game only because I saw it there.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 02/04/2014 17:11:18
Can I go? (suppose yes).

This is really easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 02/04/2014 19:42:54
That's creatures on C64
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 02/04/2014 20:31:32
Yep! Exacly c64 version!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 09:46:16
btw. Creatures 2 is one of the most impressive games I've ever played on the C64 - almost like a 16bit game.

but now back to a few bits less :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 03/04/2014 10:06:06
Pancake on the good ol' game and watch?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 10:19:29
At least Nintendo didn't call it Pancake ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 03/04/2014 12:56:23
I do not know the title, I even don't know if it had a title but I had this game when I was a kid! It was this little Russian handheld machine with only one game. I also had the one with the diver and an octopus.

I looked like this and we called it "WesoŠ‚y kucharz" which can be roughly translated as "Happy chef"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 03/04/2014 13:12:20
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 03/04/2014 12:56:23
I do not know the title, I even don't know if it had a title but I had this game when I was a kid! It was this little Russian handheld machine with only one game. I also had the one with the diver and an octopus.

I looked like this and we called it "WesoŠ‚y kucharz" which can be roughly translated as "Happy chef"

And this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 13:22:01
Awesome, those Russian clones look amazing :cheesy:
(and I bet, they are highly collectable and pricey)

Also this game is named 'Chef', so Gribbler - you're next once again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 03/04/2014 13:45:37
Quote from: Crimson Wizard:grin:
And this:
Classic! My brother had this one :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 14:08:09
Panzer General?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 03/04/2014 15:22:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 16:27:52
to stay on topic:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 03/04/2014 16:51:06
B-17 Flying Fortress
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/04/2014 16:51:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Thu 03/04/2014 17:14:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 03/04/2014 20:12:43
My first thought? Eeeeew! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 03/04/2014 20:30:15
My 33th thought: Why is the toungue a different pink than the leaf background and why are there 4 blue pixels in his mouth. Without these it would be a good 8 color palette but this adds up to 10. Strange. Oh, and it looks ugly and I have no idea how the game is called.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 04/04/2014 02:11:18
and I swear the game isn't called "I just made it up in MS Paint and was late for April 1st", anyone who guesses what platform this is on gets bonus points in heaven.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/04/2014 08:58:33
Isn't it like one of the very first Sierra Tandy creations or something? I'm pretty sure I've seen this image somewhere before...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 04/04/2014 09:04:52
yeah, this screen looks pretty familiar. I first thought it would be Sinbad - Throne of the Falcon... but actually I'm clueless.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 04/04/2014 09:35:46
Quote from: GarageGothic on Fri 04/04/2014 02:11:18
and I swear the game isn't called "I just made it up in MS Paint and was late for April 1st

L-O-L !!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 04/04/2014 16:31:18
Neither Sierra nor on the Tandy. The game company is rather well known for their adventures though, and you're probably familiar with other works of the designer.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/04/2014 16:59:47
Jeeez, this looks awful. Guy on the left looks like he's opening a champagne bottle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 04/04/2014 17:53:46
I thought I had played a lot of games in my youth... and yet, you guys post one after another that I never heard of before... (

Okay, I had no idea what game this is, and as it seems others don't know either... I cheated, and googled to the solution...


A .... edited, no solution here anymore :p
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/04/2014 19:17:03
Quote from: CassiebsgI cheated, and googled to the solution...
Whoa whoa! Hold your horses! Give it some time. GG posted it merely yesterday.

Also there's an unspoken rule here: do not post image searched solution!
I refuse to click on "show" button.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 04/04/2014 19:23:41
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 04/04/2014 19:17:03
Also there's an unspoken rule here: do not post image searched solution!
I refuse to click on "show" button.
pff.. like how you discovered a certain defecation sim :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/04/2014 20:45:30
Quote from: abstauberpff.. like how you discovered a certain defecation sim
Well, I did not image search it. :) Cassiebsg didn't exactly specify if image search was used, I only assumed it. I might be wrong of course. If the answer is a result of various questions to good old Uncle google then such answer is perfectly fine in my book.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 04/04/2014 22:02:34
No Gribbler's right, I used image search... somehow it's a very useful tool and I like it. :p
To my defense, I did not find any of GarageGothic's pics on the search though, another showed up that I thought "that looks like it would fit"... But not my fault the artist did a lousy job on the second pic, since it got me curious as it had nothing to do with the first one (in my eyes anyway)... :D

Oh yeah, and I did say I cheated, right? :) And I took the time to hide it even... :p
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 05/04/2014 11:25:15
very difficult this time (laugh)
So... What's happens now? who's next?

EDIT: .. oh I saw you edited!!!!! so we have to "name" yet!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 05/04/2014 12:08:33
Well, if nobody else (who hasn't peeked at the answer) would hazard a guess, I think the turn should just pass to Cassiebsg.

The interesting thing about Michael Crichton's Amazon is that it started out as Congo - The Game but was transplanted to South America because someone else had already bought the adaptation rights. There's a pretty good explanation of the game's development on the site Cassiebsg linked to: - in case anyone is wondering what happened to the amazing artist behind the screenshots, he is now a cinematic artist at Blizzard and worked on Diablo III and Starcraft II.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/04/2014 14:22:49
Ah! That explains why...


...the leopard looks like from South America, and the soldiers look like from Africa... :D (hope that IS why).

If no one objects, then I'll post the next game picture (but I'll hide it, in case anyone does ;) )...
I spent countless hours playing this one with my brother. ;)

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 05/04/2014 16:22:25
Looks like:

The original Defender - Speccy version?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sat 05/04/2014 18:06:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/04/2014 18:15:25
Nope... starts with a K... ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sat 05/04/2014 18:46:27
Then I have no idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 05/04/2014 19:03:56
Nor me. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/04/2014 21:12:39
ZX Spectrum 48K
Based on an arcade coin-op game: Scramble
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 05/04/2014 22:46:53
Starts with K? So it's not Ground Attack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sat 05/04/2014 23:08:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 06/04/2014 06:39:18
janosbiro got it. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sun 06/04/2014 10:15:02
1982? ... I was too Young :( (4 years old)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 06/04/2014 16:07:48
Heh... I was 5, but I had a C16 in the early years (can't really could the dear old ZX81!) so I guess it wasn't until the late 80s that I had a Speccy (+2).

Anyway, Charlie Sheen Janosbro to post a new one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sun 06/04/2014 21:47:49
Ok, what about this one? Very easy...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 06/04/2014 22:19:46
wikileaks the game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sun 06/04/2014 22:32:17
No, the original Wikileaks game is this: Leaky World (

But this game is also a political game, as you can see. And it is very serious. Despite the graphics, it is not that old. There was some comments about this game in this forum.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 09/04/2014 15:30:38
Hints please :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 09/04/2014 20:13:40
Well, its a government simulation game released around the ending of the 80's. It's all black and white and menu-driven, but it features one of the first "digital video" graphics. It was used in schools, and the developer distributed for free before it was actually available for download. It's an inspiration for the Games for Change movement, along with Chris Crawford's Balance of Power.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 09/04/2014 21:16:00
Hidden Agenda?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 09/04/2014 21:21:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 09/04/2014 23:10:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Wed 09/04/2014 23:29:02
Well, looks like its signed by Sauer, the guy from Outcast?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/04/2014 00:04:51
The author of this art is Frank Sauer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 10/04/2014 09:36:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/04/2014 11:38:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 10/04/2014 14:52:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 10/04/2014 15:28:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/04/2014 15:58:15
Looks kinda like an underwater game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 10/04/2014 16:06:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 10/04/2014 16:34:05
a tad older than AquaNox
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/04/2014 17:35:59
And looks to good to be Subwar 2050...

Tad older than Aquanox makes it 1997 or 1998.

Hell, maybe it's Wing Commander :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 11/04/2014 00:26:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 11/04/2014 00:32:27
Well, at least I got the underwater part right. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 11/04/2014 13:29:38
Nihilyst got it right.
The international title is Archimedean Dynasty which is the prequel of Aquanox.

But yes - it plays a lot like an underwater Wing Commander and is highly recommended.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 11/04/2014 14:32:52
Next a cropped one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 11/04/2014 15:07:44
Space Quest 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 11/04/2014 19:21:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Fri 11/04/2014 21:19:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 11/04/2014 23:25:41
I believe it's the very first room of SQ3. You should've picked something harder mid game :)

Anyway, here's the next one. I played it a lot with my brother years ago:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Fri 11/04/2014 23:29:13
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 11/04/2014 23:25:41
I believe it's the very first room of SQ3. You should've picked something harder mid game :)
Yep. That brown garbage heap in the background was a dead giveaway for me too. The only thing that stumped me was the green, but looking at screenshots, appears to have been grime dripping from the walls. Nice.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 12/04/2014 00:18:58
That's Rampart. I love that one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 12/04/2014 13:37:42
Quote from: nihilystThat's Rampart. I love that one.
Who doesn't? :) It is super addictive. Go on with the next one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 12/04/2014 15:22:39
Who recognizes this interface button?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Sat 12/04/2014 19:51:57
Trillian? Hehe, just kidding, but it looks familiar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 13/04/2014 02:10:12
Maybe with some more?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 13/04/2014 09:21:20
Is it Theme Park? If not, I bet it's a Bullfrog game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 13/04/2014 11:32:31
It IS Theme Park. Your turn! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 13/04/2014 12:12:31
YES! Okay, give me a few hours (:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 13/04/2014 21:48:46
Okay, probably an easy one, this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Mon 14/04/2014 20:50:36
Damien Hirst: The Adventure Game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Mon 14/04/2014 22:08:04
Pretty sure that's from Lost: Via Domus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 17/04/2014 01:29:41
OK, fuck the formalities, I'm right, let's go on to the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 17/04/2014 09:23:08
Hmmm, is this retro jRPG?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 17/04/2014 09:31:01
Looks like Square Penics blockbuster :D

hmm.. Final Fantasy 6?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 17/04/2014 09:46:16
Looks like one of Dragon Quest games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Janos Biro on Thu 17/04/2014 10:11:35
It looks like a walking scrap heap to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Thu 17/04/2014 18:50:15
Nope so far. Some guis got removed so the screenshot is a bit deceptive. Totally awesome game that came out in the early nineties. Way ahead of it's time. Not so much jRPG but certainly j.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 17/04/2014 22:30:51
Is this DOS or console game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 18/04/2014 00:33:35

Hint: It was released along with a 'new addition' to said console. I'll do another screenshot and hint later on if no one gets it.

Edit: another screenshot -


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 18/04/2014 13:14:28
Quote from: Sunny Penguin on Thu 17/04/2014 01:29:41
OK, fuck the formalities, I'm right, let's go on to the next one:

Sorry for the lack of confirmation, I had limited internet access for a few days. Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 18/04/2014 16:03:26
Is this a light gun game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 18/04/2014 16:15:40
Quote from: Ben X on Fri 18/04/2014 13:14:28
Sorry for the lack of confirmation, I had limited internet access for a few days. Well done!

No worries, cheers. That Lost game, though... could have been so much better, eh. I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of 'is that it???' after completing it. They could have done so much more with it! Ach well.

Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 18/04/2014 16:03:26
Is this a light gun game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Fri 18/04/2014 18:21:58
Battle Clash for the SNES?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Fri 18/04/2014 19:31:33
Quote from: Scavenger on Fri 18/04/2014 18:21:58
Battle Clash for the SNES?

Indeed it is. Nice one. Here's a nice gameplay vid for those who haven't seen it: Shooting those robot dudes flying around with the super scope was intense!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Sat 19/04/2014 03:18:44

I was looking for this game for years and years after watching my cousin play it, but it turned out to not be as good as I originally thought it would be.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 19/04/2014 07:28:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 19/04/2014 09:07:23
No no this looks a lot like Legend of Valor. I so wanted this game to be good too, but it just wasn't...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Scavenger on Sat 19/04/2014 16:49:04
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 19/04/2014 09:07:23
No no this looks a lot like Legend of Valor. I so wanted this game to be good too, but it just wasn't...

This is correct!

You could throw herbs at random dudes and it was pretty amazing to watch when all you've seen before is Frogger and Digger, ahaha. But Legend of Valor did not live up to the hype. :<
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 19/04/2014 22:36:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sun 20/04/2014 17:35:16
Hey guys stop posting games so difficult to guess!! LOL
:~( :~(

Even if it reminds me of something ... I really can't remember what!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 20/04/2014 19:00:12
That's why we need a breadcrumb trail in the form of hints sometimes. It's part of the fun. I guessed many games which I didn't know even existed :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 20/04/2014 19:30:07
omg Rama? 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 20/04/2014 20:00:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 20/04/2014 20:20:24
here's an easy one...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 20/04/2014 21:40:22
Now where did I see this? Hmmmm
So many space adventures to choose from, assuming it's an adventure game of course. Looks '93 '94...

Universe maybe?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sun 20/04/2014 21:41:16
I know very well that one!!! It's the cut-scene of Stellar 7 by Dynamix!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 21/04/2014 03:46:30
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 20/04/2014 21:40:22
Now where did I see this? Hmmmm
So many space adventures to choose from, assuming it's an adventure game of course. Looks '93 '94...

Universe maybe?

Nope. And sorry didn't know I should only post adventure games :-[

AprilSkies you're correct! Go ahead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 21/04/2014 08:56:22
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Mon 21/04/2014 03:46:30
sorry didn't know I should only post adventure games :-[
I don't think so... A lot of not adventure games have been posted :)

So next one (quite easy):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 09:21:29
Quote from: AnasAbdinNope. And sorry didn't know I should only post adventure games :-[
Of course you don't have to post adventure games. It is just most common genre here. You can post any game you like.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 21/04/2014 09:26:12
AprilSkies & Gribbler Thanks I feel less bad  :-[ and no clue what that game is... Looks strategy.

edit: Grammar...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/04/2014 09:57:39
Hmm... strategy game with an isometric view?  8 or possibly 16-bit?  Hmm... nope, can't get it. :sad:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 21/04/2014 10:04:59
Uhm... is it Shogun: Total War?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 21/04/2014 10:26:45
Nope! It's older...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/04/2014 11:09:28
Waterloo maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 21/04/2014 11:14:47
Civilization II ??
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 11:16:17
Age of Empires?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 21/04/2014 11:37:45
It's not Waterloo, not civ2, not ages of empire.

It's a screen from Amiga.

think in which period elephants was used for the first time[\Hide]
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 12:03:19
Hmmm Caesar?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 21/04/2014 12:44:51
It's not Caesar, but u got when the game is set.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 14:37:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 21/04/2014 16:04:52
The good ole "Centurion: Defender of the Rome".

Kill the enemy chieftain, and all troops run away :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 16:08:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 21/04/2014 16:17:37
I feel a strange sense of pride that this thread is still going :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/04/2014 16:20:17
Quote from: frenzykittyI feel a strange sense of pride that this thread is still going :D
It's the best thing since sliced bread!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 21/04/2014 17:09:04
Rome: Pathway to Power?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 21/04/2014 17:43:50
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 21/04/2014 16:04:52
The good ole "Centurion: Defender of the Rome".

Kill the enemy chieftain, and all troops run away :).

Right!!! It's "Centurion - Defender of Rome" !!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 22/04/2014 22:24:23
Let's see if this tiny piece of GUI will be enough...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 23/04/2014 11:14:06
I'm tempted to say it's one of the Heroes of Might and Magic games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 23/04/2014 12:56:30
Yeah, or Age of Wonders maybe.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 26/04/2014 12:35:05
Hello, mister Wizard, sir?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 26/04/2014 23:06:57
Ops, sorry. No, it's not "Heroes of Might and Magic", and not "Age of Wonders".

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/04/2014 14:48:10
Magic Mayhem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 27/04/2014 16:38:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/04/2014 20:32:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 27/04/2014 23:04:18
The back reminds me of Dune... though I don't remember if the graphics were this good...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/04/2014 23:05:30
Nope, not Dune.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 28/04/2014 01:58:01
The other game it looks like is Jagged Alliance.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/04/2014 10:23:26
Because it is! Your turn, Gurok.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 28/04/2014 11:05:00
Okay. Presenting... an obscure adventure game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 28/04/2014 11:22:10
Jagged Alliance? Really? Looks nothing about what I remember it... maybe I fell into a deep hole and forgot how games looked like? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 28/04/2014 11:34:46
Yeah, sure. You might be thinking of the tactical view. In conversation views, e.g. at mission briefings, all of the portraits were airbrushed to oblivion: (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 28/04/2014 13:31:09
Guess I didn't pay that much attention to the briefings then. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 29/04/2014 06:16:59
Hmm... time for a hint. It's a Windows 3.1 game, in the style of Myst. Made in Australia. Having a hard time finding good screenshots of it. It was a really terrible game. Just imagine rooms and rooms of ray-traced scenery like this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 02/05/2014 00:56:39
I guess, not that many Australian adventurers around here. Maybe it's time for some tell tale hints. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 02/05/2014 01:12:34
Oh, I didn't realise this would be so obscure.

Okay. Umm... the name starts with an E. It's a one word name with eight letters. It was re-released in a deluxe CD edition in 1997. I don't know how much more I can give away, but I'll keep dropping hints. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/05/2014 10:04:00
No idea.  Guess based completely on your crosword style hints - Explorer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 02/05/2014 10:29:54
Unfortunately, that's not it. But here's another clue to narrow it down further. It was published by WizardWorks Software.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 02/05/2014 11:11:59
Entombed? My favourite game of all time! Really? THE Entombed? OMG! Can't believe you've picked Entombed! Jesus!
I mean, life can be sooooo strange, man! Wow! To find Entombed's just...Wow!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 02/05/2014 11:13:33
Heh heh. Alright, I'll quit hogging the spotlight. Your turn Miguel!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 02/05/2014 11:25:22

This one should be easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/05/2014 11:51:00
Knight Lore?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 02/05/2014 12:06:07
The Captain's got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/05/2014 12:27:08
This one's even easier, but now that you've posted from one classic isometric Speccy game, I can't stop myself from doing another!  One from EVERYBODY'S Top Ten Speccy Games list. :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 02/05/2014 13:41:16
Molecule Man?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/05/2014 13:45:20

(Wow, really didn't expect anyone to get that one wrong, let alone you!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 02/05/2014 14:00:52
Head over Heels
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/05/2014 14:03:49
Quote from: GarageGothic on Fri 02/05/2014 14:00:52
Head over Heels

Yes indeed!  One of the greatest games of its time, Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond pushing the 8-bits to their limits and beyond.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 02/05/2014 14:19:21
I'm gonna go jump off a bridge now. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Fri 02/05/2014 14:22:21
Nice one! Actually the version I posted from Knight Lore was the Amstrad version.
But yes, you're right, it's amazing that Head Over Heels was made on the ZX machine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 03/05/2014 19:42:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 03/05/2014 19:48:41
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 03/05/2014 19:53:06
No, that's Theme Park Mystery.  Weird game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 03/05/2014 19:57:43
CaptainD is correct, and yeah, weird game indeed. It was also out on PC but I think the Amiga version is best known.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 03/05/2014 20:19:31
I remember playing the demo on the Atari ST.  Wow... that was a long time ago!

Let's see if anyone can get this one... the telltale bottom half of the screen cut out:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sun 04/05/2014 10:28:52
I really can't guess that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 04/05/2014 13:25:15
Faster than light?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 04/05/2014 17:01:30
Heh... no.  Albert Einstein was just the character you play against in a board game in this budget release for the Speccy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 04/05/2014 18:27:55
Draughts genius?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 04/05/2014 18:35:20
Yup!  Gribbler's up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 04/05/2014 19:10:55
I always wanted to play this but never got the chance. Guesser is also obliged to say if it's any good. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 04/05/2014 19:14:28
Looks nice!  Unfortunately I have no idea what it is. :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Sun 04/05/2014 20:42:03
That looks gorgeous!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 06/05/2014 12:30:05
HINT: It's a sci-fi game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/05/2014 20:44:11
orion burger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 07/05/2014 21:04:04
YES! And your opinion of it? Did you play it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/05/2014 21:29:46
Can't remember the game... I did remember that freaky eye and the graphic style (I think I've played a demo about twenty years ago).

something is missing...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/05/2014 23:02:42
This reminds me very much of Winter Events on the C16 (though I suspect this screenshot is from the C64) - by Anco?.  Or possibly Winter Games by Epyx?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/05/2014 23:55:58
Yes, it's from Winter Games (C64).:smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/05/2014 22:51:51

Okay, let's go for a C16 title that probably some people will get immediately...


For its time, this was a pretty amazing game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 08/05/2014 23:14:43
Bandits At Zero.

Huge commodore fan here;) (though memories are a bit blurry - it's been a LONG time)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/05/2014 09:54:03
Yup.  Many years ago but I still remember this one (also, I remember never quite mastering the mid-flight refueling!). 8-)

Your turn, Mr Grim.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 11/05/2014 19:24:27
Sorry for the wait - work...

Anyway, here's one of my favourite games (surprise surprise;) ) I looked for a screenshot that doesn't instantly give it away... but it can still be considered fairly easy:


Let's see if it takes you longer than 5 minutes to guess what it is;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 12/05/2014 09:46:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 12/05/2014 12:56:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 12/05/2014 13:06:36
Reminds me of Outlast a little but I doubt that's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 12/05/2014 13:23:34
Whatever it is, it looks revolting!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 12/05/2014 13:30:27
I'm going to have nightmares tonight! :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 12/05/2014 13:44:01
Gribbler, you're right, as usual:) It's Outlast.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 12/05/2014 14:23:00
QuoteGribbler, you're right, as usual:) It's Outlast.
Really?? I played it only because it was free on PSN+ and not for too long. I don't recognize the screenshot from the game but it has the same horror-y mental asylum feel to it. :) I must admit, the game has its moments if you play on headphones and in the dark but I couldn't stand constant running and hiding gameplay mechanics. I so wanted to fight those guys! :D Not necessairly with a gun but give me a crowbar, a shovel, give me something! :)

Anyway, here's next:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 12/05/2014 14:34:00
Daughter of Serpents (The Scroll)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 12/05/2014 14:41:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 12/05/2014 15:09:55
I have it installed! It has a really awkward interface for using your inventory and notebook. I never got past the first few screens or so. Anyway...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Mon 12/05/2014 15:24:05
Damn, I remember that, it's called Castle Quest or something - don't remember the real title.

Edit: was it called Castle Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 12/05/2014 15:51:15
Either that or Wizard's Lair?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 12/05/2014 16:51:21
it sure has castle in the title, i remember this only as castle...
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 12/05/2014 14:23:00
Really?? I played it only because it was free on PSN+ and not for too long. I don't recognize the screenshot from the game but it has the same horror-y mental asylum feel to it. :) I must admit, the game has its moments if you play on headphones and in the dark but I couldn't stand constant running and hiding gameplay mechanics. I so wanted to fight those guys! :D Not necessairly with a gun but give me a crowbar, a shovel, give me something! :)
I'm pretty sure you played it, but in the rare case you haven't... play silent hill 2! Stick with nails in it against slimy nightmare monsters  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 12/05/2014 22:08:27
Quote from: selmiakI'm pretty sure you played it, but in the rare case you haven't... play silent hill 2! Stick with nails in it against slimy nightmare monsters
I played SH2 many many times. In my opinion it's the best Silent Hill game ever created. And Pyramid Head was one of the best and original monsters I've seen in a game. Funny how Shinji Mikami is trying the same thing with his Evil Within now but instead of the pyramid monster has a giant safe on his head. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 12/05/2014 23:05:37
Quote from: GarageGothic on Mon 12/05/2014 15:24:05
Damn, I remember that, it's called Castle Quest or something - don't remember the real title.

Edit: was it called Castle Adventure?

GarageGothic is correct! Castle Adventure was done before.. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 13/05/2014 00:08:07
Oh sorry, monkey424! We have the same awesome taste in games. I guess it's GarageGothic's turn next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 13/05/2014 10:01:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 14/05/2014 10:03:37
Hmm, no guesses? Let's try another:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/05/2014 10:08:26
Wasn't there a Sue Ellen in Dallas?  (No idea where that piece of abstract information came from, I was very young when it was on and never watched it anyway!)  Surely this isn't "Dallas: The Computer Game" or something?!?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 14/05/2014 10:14:17
You're SO close CaptainD!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/05/2014 11:27:53
Um... Dynasty the Game?  Dallas the Reckoning? Dallas the Gathering? :-D 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 14/05/2014 11:40:33
You've basically guessed that it's Dallas and have too much integrity to look it up on Mobygames, so I think the next turn should go to you CaptainD.
It's neither Dallas: The Masquerade, Dallas Ex, nor For a Few Dallas More. It's simply called:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/05/2014 20:11:15
If you'd told me before this that "The Dallas Quest" was a real game, I don't think I'd have believed you!!!

Okay, here's one... only a small part of the screen, but featuring the main character, from a game by truly iconic developers... so I'd be really surprised if nobody got it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 14/05/2014 20:27:49
Magic Pockets?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/05/2014 20:38:54
Yup.  Thought it would be easy, but couldn't resist. 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/05/2014 15:53:29
So... your go, LimpingFish.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 15/05/2014 20:13:16
Sorry, no time to think of a juicy one. So...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Sat 17/05/2014 10:36:12
The Thing?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 17/05/2014 19:21:03
I just googled that game and the HUD doesn't seem to match. It would be weird if it was, though, seeing as we just had a John Carpenter movie in the other Guess thread!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 17/05/2014 19:25:08
Somehow back of protaginist head and the hood look a lot like Desmond Miles' from Assassin's Creed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Sat 17/05/2014 21:34:34
Nope and nope.

The game does feature an Arctic base, though. More obscure than The Thing, and substantially more obscure than Assassins Creed, the game is known by two English-language titles (US and EU). I prefer the EU title, myself.

It also features some terrible vehicle sections, as evidenced here:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 17/05/2014 22:09:29
Could it be a 007 game? Or something spy theme game?
Seem to get a memory trigged by the last pic, though the first still says me nothing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 18/05/2014 04:50:16
Is it a Playstation 2 game?

Sort of reminds me of Syphon Filter... but I don't think it's that.

I'm sure I played it at some point in my life...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Sun 18/05/2014 22:57:12
Nope to Bond and Logan.

Time for some hints! This is a PC-only action game, from an Eastern European developer. I have a feeling that the following image will give the game away to those who may have vague recollections of playing it, as it highlights the game's most useful play view:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/05/2014 08:58:11
Maybe another hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Wed 21/05/2014 20:25:41
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 21/05/2014 08:58:11
Maybe another hint?

Okay. The game was released in 2005.

The game is the third in a series, though all ties to the other two games were removed from the English-language version. Which is weird, as the as the first game was released in both the US and EU, and the second game was also available in English (in the EU).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 22/05/2014 09:27:12
Soldier Elite?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 22/05/2014 22:06:10
Correct. I suspect some detective work (or a sneaky-googly-imagey!) was required to come up with the answer. I also would have accepted "Aurora Watching", "Gorky 17: Aurora Watching", or "Soldier Elite: Zero Hour" as correct answers.

It's the final game in the "Gorky 17" series ("Gorky 17"/"Odium" being the first, followed by "Gorky 17: Beyond Honor") by Metropolis Software, who are now part of CD Projekt RED, the developers of "The Witcher" games. I played it back when in was first released (as "Aurora Watching"), and, despite some wonky AI and awkward controls, I found it to be a decent stealth game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 22/05/2014 22:38:25
Quote from: LimpingFishCorrect. I suspect some detective work (or a sneaky-googly-imagey!) was required to come up with the answer.
Just some detective mobygames snoop. I never use image search! I will post new game tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 23/05/2014 09:46:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 23/05/2014 10:15:38
It's Settlers!
it's an Amiga game maybe around 1994.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 23/05/2014 12:46:05
1993, and it was also on PC, but it's Settlers of course, an intro scene.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 23/05/2014 17:40:37
Great :D

And this is the next one (It's easy so... I prefer not showing the main character :P)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 23/05/2014 17:42:17
Is it Brat?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 23/05/2014 17:57:53
abstauber you were faster than light.. ;-D yes
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 23/05/2014 20:12:12
yay :) I recently read about it, that's why I recognized it instantly.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 23/05/2014 20:25:10
could also be fater than light. Or one of the commander keens.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: faerieevenstar on Fri 23/05/2014 23:00:29
I guess Commander Keen, but I can't tell which one...

EDIT (I googled Commander Keen to see if I could remember which one- after guessing not before! and there is an ONLINE play of it now! OMG! ) :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 24/05/2014 00:38:47
Sorry, no Commander Keen involved in this game. But 'faster than light' is a big hint :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 24/05/2014 09:14:12
Is there an EGA demake of FTL? Then this!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 24/05/2014 11:13:16

and this is not a PC game ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 24/05/2014 14:58:12
I found it on Google with the FTL tip. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 24/05/2014 15:11:38
Then just "name-the-game" (tm) and the fame is all yours :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: faerieevenstar on Sat 24/05/2014 15:16:48
It's some sort of Star Trek game... I spy the Enterprise and the Federation logo. I'd have to cheat to know more than that now!

I've only had PCs and BBC Micros (my first console was the PS2) and I never had an Atari or anything so if it ain't PC I don't knoooow! :D Well, I think we briefly had a speccy and an old Apple Macintosh, but I don't think I ever used them, they were just my dad's...

So yeah, without cheating all I can say is it's a TREK game! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 24/05/2014 16:35:12
Not a Trek game, even though I had also thought so when I first saw the screen...

Google FTL ---> wiki FTL --> FTL games -> SunDog ... ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 24/05/2014 16:38:48
Yeah, that's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 24/05/2014 18:20:08
Oh help! Guess it's my turn! :)

I cropped this a "bit" as I think it's a very easy one... I never finished this one though, as far as I remember! :/

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 24/05/2014 18:41:03
That's gotta either be The Great Escape or Where Time Stood Still, both by Denton Designs and released by Ocean Software if my memory is correct.  Judging by what appears to maybe be the door to a building, I'll go for The Great Escape.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 24/05/2014 20:00:24

I knew it was easy. :) The Great Escape it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 24/05/2014 23:31:06
Okay, here's another Speccy one... a bit obscure maybe, I think I had it on a cover tape in the mid 80s!


Gotta love those colours...  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 25/05/2014 21:31:33
I fear I may have gone a step too far into obscurity with this one?!  This game had a one-word title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 25/05/2014 22:04:41
Never had a Speccy :~(
Also starting to collect them now seems to be quite pricey, since I'd have to get all the stuff from the UK.

Is the one word title: Terminus: The Prison Planet ? ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 25/05/2014 23:18:18
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 25/05/2014 22:04:41
Is the one word title: Terminus: The Prison Planet ? ;-D

Hey, I only ever thought of the game as Terminus!! Anyway, that's the one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 25/05/2014 23:23:08

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 25/05/2014 23:36:49
GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I know that one!  I had it on the Atari ST.  I'm pretty sure it began with Z... Zaxon?  No I don't think that was it.... nnnngggggggggggggggggg this is going to drive me mad.  Wasn't Zarch, that was the Archimedes title for Virus (well, the other way round actually).

Gah... thank you Anstauber for melting my brain, this is going to drive me mental and I'll remember the name in my sleep only to find someone else got it before I log on again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 25/05/2014 23:50:08
That leaves me excited if you can make it, before Gribbler spots an unguessed title
:D :D :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/05/2014 00:24:57
Wait!  I should be in bed, but I think this was Galax or maybe 3D Galax!! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 26/05/2014 00:34:16
Ding Ding Ding :-D
As a fun fact, I still play this some times to listen to Ben Daglish's soundtrack
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/05/2014 13:03:35
Wow I couldn't remember the music but it sure brought back memories when I found it on YouTube.  Needless to say the ST version was pretty painful on the ears... ST chip music tended to be! :-D  This remix is nice -  (Well thanks Absauber, I've just listened to this twice in a row and about to hit play when it ends again... aurgh!!)

Okay, so... what next?  Okay, here's a game... admittedly not a particularly good one, though not a terrible one either... that I got bundled with my first ST back in the eighties.  Cropped as the game features its name in the side status display!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Mon 26/05/2014 16:59:46
Ugh! Tough one for me :/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 26/05/2014 18:36:53
police quest in sim city?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/05/2014 21:01:00
Quote from: selmiak on Mon 26/05/2014 18:36:53
police quest in sim city?

You're SOOOOO close.  The only words that aren't actually in the game's title are "sim", "quest, "city, "police" and "in".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 26/05/2014 21:24:15
Is it Helipad? I'm not sure, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 26/05/2014 22:06:18
hmmm... Licence to Kill - it has at least the title in the GUI :)

For some strange reasons, it's incredibly hard to find the original Amiga version of the 3D Galax theme :~(
This dance version is quite fun too
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/05/2014 23:23:31
Adeel is closest so far. 

It has a different word for Helicopter in the title, and then a letter.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 26/05/2014 23:39:12
I suppose, a Chopper ;D

like Chopper X?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/05/2014 08:56:05
Quote from: abstauber on Mon 26/05/2014 23:39:12
like Chopper X?

EXACTLY like Chopper X! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 13:48:05
let's stay with the Atari for a moment and enjoy this megademo:

also a very catchy tune
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 27/05/2014 13:57:00
Please, can we switch to Sega and Nintendo games? I've emulated countless Sega and Nintendo games. Who knows, perhaps I'll be able to guess one! (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 14:03:40
Well at least Atari ST and MegaDrive share the same processor ;)

But if I ever guess another game, I'll try to remember a console title
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 27/05/2014 14:18:20
Thank you! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/05/2014 14:41:58
Ah, I remember the 16-bit demo scene... ;-D

But I don't particularly remember that one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 15:50:11
Oh, this one is quite famous. The demo is interactive, you access several demo rooms by manoeuvreing a winged lion (wtf)
The song of this particular demo room was also often used in cracktros.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/05/2014 16:22:16
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 15:50:11
The demo is interactive, you access several demo rooms by manoeuvreing a winged lion (wtf)

Now weirdly that does ring a bell.  But I still can't think of the game despite it presumably ending in "eless"!  (Which makes me useless, I guess.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 17:33:47
The next superhint is Pink Floyd
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 27/05/2014 21:42:40
.. and the next screeny
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 28/05/2014 15:56:23
Never played that demo, but it reminds me of a Jeff Minter game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 28/05/2014 16:00:02
I know I'm going to kick myself when I see what this is, but I just can't think of it. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 28/05/2014 18:52:23
music is called "Comic Bakery tune" by Martin Galway. I bet you've heard it before.
Now what's the name of the demo?
ultimate hint:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 28/05/2014 19:01:08
I don't know anything about those demos, never played one. So, I don't know, Dark Side of the Spoon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 28/05/2014 20:18:56
Of course it is 8-)

You really never booted up a megademo?? I assure you, there's lots to discover!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 29/05/2014 09:27:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 29/05/2014 15:58:03
What's that?
It looks like an imitation of Day of the Tentacle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 29/05/2014 16:41:59
Quote from: AprilSkiesIt looks like an imitation of Day of the Tentacle!
Yep. A cheap one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 31/05/2014 14:48:15
Is it an AGS game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 31/05/2014 19:46:34
Quote from: Ben XIs it an AGS game?
Nope, it's a Polish commercial game. Released in 1995.
Another pic:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 31/05/2014 20:44:30
Can't guess that...
Polish game... Too tough for me!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 31/05/2014 20:55:26
Too easy, since I'm Polish, too -- and actually owned both the original version and the enhanced CD version -- so I'll let others guess :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 31/05/2014 21:46:28
Quote from: FitzToo easy, since I'm Polish, too -- and actually owned both the original version and the enhanced CD version -- so I'll let others guess
But... But... I was about to PM you there's a game for you to guess... :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 31/05/2014 21:51:35

So what do I do now? Pick a new picture for someone to guess?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 31/05/2014 21:54:57
Quote from: Fitz on Sat 31/05/2014 21:51:35
So what do I do now? Pick a new picture for someone to guess?

Yes!  But please, not another Polish game :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 31/05/2014 22:03:30
Oh, all right. Even though you might actually know this one ( from GOG, or this one (, because it's pretty. But fine, you anglocentric xenophobes, here ya go ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 31/05/2014 22:26:38
Not only am I an anglocentric xenophobe, I'm an anglocentric xenophobe with no idea what game this is.  In fact if it weren't for the fact that the text "Alien Spacecraft" is there, I would have hazarded a guess at some kind of deep sea marine biology simulator!! (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 01/06/2014 09:39:47
I would Guess Alien... since that's the first think it come to mind when watching that pic... but there's probably more than one Alien game... :/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 01/06/2014 16:29:21
Not even close ;) Need more hints? Date? More pics?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 01/06/2014 17:43:35
Another screenshot please!  Though I fully expect to still not know it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 01/06/2014 18:19:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 01/06/2014 18:22:54
Critical path?
(I never played this game and never saw it in action, but I saw its box all the time.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 01/06/2014 18:27:02
Warmer, much warmer. Almost there, actually. Right building, wrong door, so to speak.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 01/06/2014 19:39:47
That's Tia Carrere, from Daedalus Encounter I think
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 01/06/2014 21:15:59
Ding-ding-ding!!! That is corrrrrrect! :D I figured she'd be a dead give-away, this being her only role in a game (I think).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/06/2014 10:02:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 10:07:17
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/06/2014 10:23:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 10:25:17
I just knew it wasn't Quest for Glory, so that left Dragonsphere :D

Alright! Try this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/06/2014 12:58:27
Don't know the game but I smell Atari ST.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 02/06/2014 13:14:17
Mystic towers!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 13:47:55
Quote from: monkey424 on Mon 02/06/2014 13:14:17
Mystic towers!

Yes! You're up next, monkey424! And sorry, Gribbler, not an Atari ST game AFAIK. More like a shareware Apogee game for DOS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 02/06/2014 14:01:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 14:03:10
Abe's Oddysee?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Mon 02/06/2014 14:12:46
Yeah. Pretty easy. Your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 14:39:40
Anybody recognise this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 02/06/2014 19:47:15
Quote from: Gurok on Mon 02/06/2014 14:39:40
Anybody recognise this one?

Afraid I can't even see it!  (Even when I open the URL on its own.)  Is it just me?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 02/06/2014 20:19:45
Don't know if it's only you, but I can see it... no idea what game it is though... reminds me of chinesse checkers... :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 02/06/2014 20:40:14
Ah I can see it now... but still don't know what it is. :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 02/06/2014 22:45:00
I still have the shareware version lying around somewhere.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 03/06/2014 04:56:34
Quote from: Babar on Mon 02/06/2014 22:45:00
I still have the shareware version lying around somewhere.

It's with a double X, but I'll let that slide. Okay, Babar, you're up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 03/06/2014 08:50:13
Heh...I guess my eyes just automatically skipped over the second X.
Here's one I figure will be relatively easy, but I haven't seen it in the thread yet:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 05/06/2014 20:13:01
I seriously feel that I should know that one, but nothing is coming to mind. :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Thu 05/06/2014 21:10:30
I was worried everyone hated me and my stupid game choices. Thanks for reassuring me. ;D
If there are no guesses soon, I'll post another screenshot (it's such a hassle getting through the beginning of that game).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 05/06/2014 22:00:30
I can only speak for myself, but I don't hate you! :-D  Haven't been online much over the last couple of days but thought it was odd that Name The Game hadn't appeared on my new post replies list...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 05/06/2014 23:22:27
Pretty sure it's not, but Zak McKracken?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 05/06/2014 23:35:15
No, there were certainly airports in Zak McKraken, but they didn't look like that.  Also I definitely don't remember a skeleton, which is probably a clue somehow as to what this game is?!?

(Yes, I didn't read the bit where you said "Pretty sure it's not" :tongue: - just thinking out loud!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Fri 06/06/2014 12:06:31
Is it KGB (Conspiracy)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Fri 06/06/2014 16:38:57
Not KGB or Zak McKracken

Probably make it much easier:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 06/06/2014 20:34:10
Well... I now want to say "Operation Stealth" but I don't think it's that either!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 06/06/2014 22:32:53
No... It can't be Operation Stealth... I remember that skeleton in the waiting room but can't place in the right game!?!?
It's not Rex Nebular??
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 07/06/2014 07:45:43
It is neither of those. I did not expect this game to be so hard to guess. It is a real hassle getting screenshots (long, interactive, unskippable intro, and I keep forgetting to save past it), and that music (at least at the start gets simultaneously repetitive and ingrained in your brain REALLY fast.
But if nobody can guess it in a bit, I guess I'll post another screenshot.

As a small hint, you guys are getting the vibe of the game completely wrong!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 07/06/2014 17:26:00
Mmmm. No it's not Operation Stealth. I know that game too much. It's not.
It's not Rex Nebular, quite sure.
The problem is that I don't know what it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 07/06/2014 21:39:37
Quote from: Babar on Sat 07/06/2014 07:45:43
As a small hint, you guys are getting the vibe of the game completely wrong! so it's "R-Type - The Movie" ?

Serieously, it really looks like I should know this... but I don't.. ARGH :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 07/06/2014 21:58:21
If we're on the wrong track with Zak, KGB and Op Stealth, I take it that means it also isn't Future Wars?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 07/06/2014 22:46:21
No, it is not Future Wars either. Think something a lot less serious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 08/06/2014 00:09:10
Okay, I've cheated so obviously won't guess, but... tbh I didn't even know there was ever a game made of this!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sun 08/06/2014 12:57:15
Soo Challanging Babar!
This one is really getting interesting!

It's from 90's.
Tell us the exact year of publishing!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 08/06/2014 14:06:47
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 08/06/2014 00:09:10
I didn't even know there was ever a game made of this!

Wayne's World The Game? Beetlejuice The Game? The Naked Gun the Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 08/06/2014 15:56:31
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 08/06/2014 14:06:47
Wayne's World The Game? Beetlejuice The Game? The Naked Gun the Game?
Is that a guess? :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 08/06/2014 21:16:10
Technically, that's more like 3 in 1... ;)

I think. that a skeleton in a waiting room, would probably make very sense in a naked gun game, though. (for the record, not a guess. ;) I haven't played this game, that much I'm sure of!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 08/06/2014 22:31:10
I figured as I was wildly guessing and we'd been on this one for a while that I'd take 3 guesses! But I'll go for Wayne's World if I have to pick one, just because that sprite looks vaguely like he's wearing Wayne's clothes!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 08/06/2014 22:38:55
Hahaha...I didn't know the other two games you listed existed, but you are right! It is Wayne's World.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 10/06/2014 09:05:47
I don't know if they exist either - but then, I didn't know that a Wayne's World game existed!

Okay, here's a quicky:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 12/06/2014 00:03:55
No one? I'll do another grab in the next 20 hours or so if there aren't any guesses or questions by then...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 12/06/2014 08:53:20
Sorry, not ringing any bells with me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 12/06/2014 15:25:39
It does ring a bell to me (more the character, than the pyramid), but can't place it, or name it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 12/06/2014 16:22:38
HAHA just cheated and saw what it was - nice choice! 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 12/06/2014 22:56:48
This should do it:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 12/06/2014 23:08:12
hey, you just rotated that image :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 12/06/2014 23:14:25
Well, from the picture, I can see that it's Bill and Ted related.
I'm just going to guess that it's a game with the title "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". Do I need to guess the platform too? I don't know the platform. It doesn't look like PC. If I had to guess, I'd say SNES.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 13/06/2014 07:39:43
Nah, I'll let you get away with not knowing it was the Atari Lynx game. Your go, Gurok!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 13/06/2014 08:36:23
Try this one!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 13/06/2014 09:50:39
one of the wintergames incarnations. on atari maybe?
or is it ssx trick?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 13/06/2014 09:55:21
It's not Winter Games. It was never released for Atari (AFAIK). Not SSX Trick either.

A little too early for hints. For now, keep guessing. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 13/06/2014 13:13:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 13/06/2014 18:22:12
Yep, you guessed it Anas! Your turn.

As a bonus, here's the title music by industry legend, Rob Hubbard: (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 14/06/2014 04:47:26
Thanks for the awesome track!
Here's an easy one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 14/06/2014 09:43:55
Is it "Thanks For The Awesome Track"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 14/06/2014 11:14:41
It's STUNT track editor!
I have no doubt about it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 14/06/2014 11:27:37
Quote from: AprilSkies on Sat 14/06/2014 11:14:41
It's STUNT track editor!
I have no doubt about it!
Correct ;) your turn.

Man I'm gonna spend a lot of time playing both stunts and ski or die :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sat 14/06/2014 11:47:22
Don't forget the awesome Stunts theme music! (

(Composed by Krisjan Hatlelid, Brian Plank & Michael J. Sokyrka)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 14/06/2014 12:21:09
Quote from: monkey424 on Sat 14/06/2014 11:47:22
Don't forget the awesome Stunts theme music! (

(Composed by Krisjan Hatlelid, Brian Plank & Michael J. Sokyrka)

...and here I call myself a musician! I wish one day I can compose something half great as this and in midi too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 14/06/2014 14:33:28
Easy, so I cropped a bit:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 14/06/2014 14:46:33
Is the the original Streetfighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 14/06/2014 18:42:01
No, it's not streetfighter (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 17/06/2014 20:29:21
Bump. ;)

Seriously, I can't make a guess now since out of curiosity I looked it up - I have never played the game but I have heard of it.

Maybe another screenshot is in order?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 17/06/2014 23:14:28
Is it actually a beat-em-up (or whatever Street Fighter games are called these days)? It kind of looks like it's pastiching them...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 17/06/2014 23:21:21
Quote from: Ben XIs it actually a beat-em-up (or whatever Street Fighter games are called these days)?
If you have one arena and two fighters (like in Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat or Soulcalibur) it's a fighting game. If you go one way and fight baddies attacking you all the time it's a beat-em-up.

Oh, and I don't know this game. Some super early Double Dragon? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 18/06/2014 19:08:19
Nope, it's not Double Dragon...

another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 18/06/2014 19:13:27
Frankly Formidable Female Fighter Final Fantasy?

(Sorry, wrong thread!) (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 18/06/2014 19:32:52
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 18/06/2014 19:13:27
Frankly Formidable Female Fighter Final Fantasy?

(Sorry, wrong thread!) (roll)

Hahahahahahaha  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 18/06/2014 19:39:31
Dunno, Fatal Fury?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Wed 18/06/2014 19:42:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 18/06/2014 21:37:23
Is it Fighter Club?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 19/06/2014 07:45:21
No it's not :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 19/06/2014 09:51:52
Final Fight?...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 19/06/2014 14:39:09
It's more challanging than I expected ...
I'l soon post another screenshots...
Hint: Unplayable!! (I mean one of the worst game i ever played... but quite famous in the 90's)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 20/06/2014 16:18:53
here's another screenshot:

Hint: it's a three words title :-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 20/06/2014 19:37:11
That screen provided enough clues for me to find it, but I would never guess it, since I hadn't even heard of it before. :/

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Fri 20/06/2014 20:10:25
Super hint:
Published in 1989 by U.S. Gold
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/06/2014 23:42:46
Quote from: CassiebsgThat screen provided enough clues for me to find it, but I would never guess it, since I hadn't even heard of it before. :/
You don't have to know or hear about the game to guess it. That's what the clues are for. I also found the game but since you were first, go ahead. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Sat 21/06/2014 03:24:47
Tetris FIGHT!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Sat 21/06/2014 10:22:32
Hahahaha Baron.

It's obvious it's not, but very funny :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kaput on Sat 21/06/2014 14:47:57
It's Human Killing Machine. Somebody take a turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/06/2014 14:57:39
I think CaptainD should take a turn, he did found the game with only one clue... ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 21/06/2014 18:13:18
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/06/2014 14:57:39
I think CaptainD should take a turn, he did found the game with only one clue... ;)

I did an image search, I really don't think I should take a turn for that!! :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/06/2014 18:28:27
So did I...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 21/06/2014 18:44:58
AprilSkies should take another turn.  Maybe we'll know it this time!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 21/06/2014 19:12:47
Yeah, and don't crop images of super obscure games! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 21/06/2014 19:27:21
To be fair he only cropped it because he thought it would be super-easy, not super-obscure! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/06/2014 08:46:39

AprilSkies, take another turn as no-one got your game without cheating heinously!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 24/06/2014 11:11:00
Ok guys :D

Here we go ...


Another obscure game?
Not so much...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/06/2014 11:52:03
Looks like Dragon Ninja to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 24/06/2014 11:58:31
It's not Dragon ninja.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/06/2014 12:15:36
I only said it LOOKS like Dragon Ninja. :P

The player character sprite looks familiar, but I can't place it.  Is the screenshot from the C64 version of whatever it is?  Something like Target Renegade perhaps?  (For which I've only seen the Speccy version.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 24/06/2014 12:45:03
It's the AMIGA version...
Hint: its inspired by a famous Anime Manga .. :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/06/2014 12:51:47
Complete Iron Anorak?  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 24/06/2014 13:05:33
No no (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/06/2014 13:07:20
Hmm... one for Gribbler I think.  I cheated and have never even heard of the game! 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 24/06/2014 16:48:03
I think it looks like the Mega Drive version of Hokuto no Ken.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 24/06/2014 19:30:19
I think it looks like the AMIGA version of Hokuto no Ken.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Tue 24/06/2014 19:39:53
Yep! It is!
The exact name is Last Battle, but everyone call it hokuto no ken!

Iceboy, you can go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 25/06/2014 04:06:50
Because it was Hokuto no Ken. The world is weird elsewhere. :tongue:

While we're at console games:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 26/06/2014 15:46:48
I think I'm way out of turn here but for the next time a slot opens up:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 26/06/2014 18:18:27
Slots don't open up, Mandle, you have to guess someone else's game to get a turn. That looks like a photo of the Blackwell Island Lighthouse rather than a screen-grab anyway.

I have no idea what Iceboty's is unless it's Zero Wing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 27/06/2014 04:25:47
Quote from: Ben X on Thu 26/06/2014 18:18:27
Slots don't open up, Mandle, you have to guess someone else's game to get a turn. That looks like a photo of the Blackwell Island Lighthouse rather than a screen-grab anyway.

Whoops sorry!'s a photo. But, there's something special about this particular photo I think, unless my eyes deceive me ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 29/06/2014 14:31:09
Um... another screenshot from IceBoty maybe?  Doesn't seem anyone's even made a guess yet.  )EDIT - sorry, Ben did make a guess.  No idea if it's right or not.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 29/06/2014 16:44:40
I checked after I made it, and I was wrong!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 29/06/2014 18:44:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 29/06/2014 19:23:50
Big Foot? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 29/06/2014 19:46:37
Mount Scream? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 30/06/2014 04:12:44
No and no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 30/06/2014 14:28:52
Dragon spirit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 30/06/2014 17:21:18
Correct! Your turn, AnasAbdin.:=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/07/2014 07:52:47
I thought I recognized that mountain top :)
Here's a wisely cropped screeny from a very popular game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 01/07/2014 21:57:03
Ummm, Double Dragon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 01/07/2014 22:12:19
Some Mahjong game? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/07/2014 22:32:11
No and no :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 01/07/2014 22:34:36
Final Fight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/07/2014 23:04:21
Nope ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 01/07/2014 23:05:19
Damn. I'm sure I've played this game somewhere. Still unable to recall it properly... (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 02/07/2014 00:26:38
Another screenie, perhaps?  Or a small hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 02/07/2014 10:15:36
Screenie time:

AND a small hint so CaptainD won't get mad at me: It's a puzzle game made in 1990

This game is so easy and popular you are going to kill me :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 02/07/2014 11:49:21
Oh man... this is SOOOOOOOOOOOO easy that I still don't know it! :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 05/07/2014 08:56:43
I'm shocked... Here's the third and last obvious clue:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 05/07/2014 12:26:54
It's Challenge of the Ancient Empires and it's soooo popular that I've never played it in my entire life. :P

Get me this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 05/07/2014 13:50:23
lol well guess I live in another universe :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 05/07/2014 14:35:42
please make some games based in that universe ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 05/07/2014 18:19:59
Quote from: selmiak on Sat 05/07/2014 14:35:42
please make some games based in that universe ;)
Not sure what that means but I'm trying anyway :)

Gribbler: Is it 'King's Quest XII: Manannan and the two bullet heads'?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 05/07/2014 19:27:08
Quote from: AnasAbdinIs it 'King's Quest XII: Manannan and the two bullet heads'?
Nope... but, surprise surprise, there's a connection to Manannan. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 05/07/2014 21:15:39
That looks SO familiar... I've surely played that game..
Lands of Lore?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 06/07/2014 00:09:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 10/07/2014 08:38:01
New clue please!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AprilSkies on Thu 10/07/2014 09:49:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/07/2014 10:13:22
Sorry for the delay, guys. Here's new screen:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 10/07/2014 11:33:46
Master of Magic! :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/07/2014 13:47:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 10/07/2014 14:23:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 11/07/2014 12:54:38
Too difficult?
Here's whole screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 11/07/2014 14:01:47
This looks kind of familiar but I just can't think of the title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Fri 11/07/2014 14:21:21
Hunter on Amiga.

:-[ I've never played it.. or any game on Amiga for that matter. I just Googled 'you have destroyed a rabbit'
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: DoorKnobHandle on Fri 11/07/2014 14:26:34
Am I the only one that doesn't see the appeal of having a 'game' like this going on when everybody just cheats and googles? I mean, I don't care, I don't 'play' but it's just something that I keep asking myself when I check the thread.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Fri 11/07/2014 14:38:55
Quote from: DoorKnobHandle on Fri 11/07/2014 14:26:34
Am I the only one that doesn't see the appeal of having a 'game' like this going on when everybody just cheats and googles? I mean, I don't care, I don't 'play' but it's just something that I keep asking myself when I check the thread.

Yeah, I agree with you. Sorry for ruining the party.

Do I get a red card now?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 11/07/2014 15:07:10
I wouldn't say it's cheating as long you don't use image search.

Hunter is correct.. your turn monkey424.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 11/07/2014 15:15:11
Quote from: janlehtI wouldn't say it's cheating as long you don't use image search.

I agree. Every text left on screenshot is considered a hint for participants.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Fri 11/07/2014 15:50:02
Alrighty then..

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 11/07/2014 17:06:30
The butler did it? ( Just kidding, but I just had to say it! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Sun 13/07/2014 00:52:56
Ok folks, enough shenanigans.

Let's rotate it the right way.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 15/07/2014 02:07:17
Startship Titanic :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Tue 15/07/2014 02:34:49
Yes!! Thank GOD someone got it! The suspense was killing me!

Over to you, Gurok.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 15/07/2014 04:21:33
Apologies for the blurriness of the capture, but I couldn't find any screenshots or abandonware sites with this gem, just a YouTuber playing through it:


Obscure educational game! Go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 15/07/2014 16:56:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 15/07/2014 19:15:08
Dammit, I would have guessed Starship Titanic, except I got told off when I did it because (apparently, although the search function shows nothing) we'd had it before!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 15/07/2014 19:18:40
We've had Eco-Saurus as well (which I'm pretty sure that is)!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 16/07/2014 00:14:03
It's not Eco-Saurus! Keep guessing.

You're close though. It's the same game series or brand or what-have-you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 16/07/2014 15:19:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 16/07/2014 15:44:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 16/07/2014 16:27:53
Is it Zug's Adventure's on Eco-Island?
Because as far as I know, that is the same game.

If there were an entire series of edutainment games featuring Zug the weird dinosaur, I am going to be hugely disappointed that I didn't know about them!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 16/07/2014 23:49:15
It's Spell-a-Saurus! Congratulations, Gribbler!

Babar, two loosely connected titles, Spell-a-Saurus being the 'sequel'. You should check it out if you can find it anywhere. It's even rarer than Eco-Saurus. Its gameplay is definitely distinct from Eco-Saurus. Eco-Saurus has you picking up rubbish, this has you spelling words. It's also got PC speaker text-to-speech. Not sure if Eco-Saurus had that.

Your turn, Gribbler.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 17/07/2014 21:23:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 17/07/2014 22:09:16
medal of honour - episode 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Thu 17/07/2014 22:21:58
Wing Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 17/07/2014 23:47:50
Nope and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Fri 18/07/2014 03:02:17
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 18/07/2014 03:26:40
Wings of Glory?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 18/07/2014 09:12:11
IS this from an adventure game or flight combat sim?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 18/07/2014 16:57:31
Probably not, but I'll shoot "Aces of the Sky"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 18/07/2014 17:06:00
cacaro is correct. It's "Wings"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Fri 18/07/2014 17:35:24
Next one:


Notice the taunt! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 18/07/2014 17:53:53
It's Legend of Valor. It's been posted earlier in this thread.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 20/07/2014 12:19:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sun 20/07/2014 17:53:25
Maybe Syberia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/07/2014 08:43:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Mon 21/07/2014 17:44:08
Hopefully this won't be a fail like the last one I posted :-D

Here it is:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 21/07/2014 18:48:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 22/07/2014 15:07:52
Quote from: Mouth for war on Mon 21/07/2014 18:48:56

No, but the year is the right one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 22/07/2014 15:19:27
Ring Cycle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 22/07/2014 16:54:28
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 22/07/2014 15:19:27
Ring Cycle?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 22/07/2014 20:05:10
And now a game I'm currently playing. I missed it all those years ago and I'm now catching up. It's freaking fantastic.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 24/07/2014 07:59:05
A little easier screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Thu 24/07/2014 08:07:43
That's Planescape: Torment!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 24/07/2014 10:57:09
Yes it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Thu 24/07/2014 13:34:26
*punches himself for not recognizing the first screenshot*

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Thu 24/07/2014 13:54:22
Was it from the intro logo or something? I don't remember any significant dragons in the game...
Pass for now. I don't have time to hunt for a screenshot..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 24/07/2014 15:51:53
cacaro, you can redeem yourself with the next game screenshot. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 26/07/2014 19:09:57
Fine! Be that way! See if I care! :)

Here's next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 26/07/2014 19:17:12
Maybe not (as I never played it) but maybe The Neverhood?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 26/07/2014 19:44:19
Maybe correct. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 26/07/2014 20:10:30
Does that mean it's my turn?
What are the odds of guessing a game that one has never played before? Only seen my cousin playing it for a few minutes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 26/07/2014 20:14:28
Quote from: CassiebsgWhat are the odds of guessing a game that one has never played before? Only seen my cousin playing it for a few minutes.
Not that slim, you know. I've been guessing games I've never seen nor heard of before. :) And, of course, there're not that many games with clay graphics. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 26/07/2014 20:44:07
This took me time to find... I couldn't remember it's name... LOL... another one that I don't remember ever finishing.



EDIT 1: Seems like this one already been posted here, even though the pic is gone now.
Should I just find another one?

EDIT 2: Okay, decided to find another one, I'll leave the first one up though.... guess both? ROFL.
Anyway, the thing nightmares are made off:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 26/07/2014 21:09:43
Seems like a version of bombjack to me, though I've only seen the Arcade and Famicom versions before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 26/07/2014 21:17:03
Must be the Speccy version judging by the graphics.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 26/07/2014 22:10:55
Dunno if anyone cares, but the first (hidden) one is "Lost Eden". And I guessed that on the previous occasion too :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 27/07/2014 07:40:56
Correct to all 3 of you... LOL
But... but... no one guessed both... ;)

My dad used to drive us crazy with Bomb Jack (which I always called it Bomber Jack, for some odd reason), as he played it for hours... meaning we couldn't play anything... :D

Iceboty, your turn.

CW, for some odd reason I thought the name of the game was a one word only, and all I could remember of it was that it was French, had "dinosaurs", desert and the sound track, which I loved so much that I actually transfered it to tape so I could listen to it in the walkman/car. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 27/07/2014 19:57:32
I'm just lazy atm. Maybe CaptainD who got the system correct can take this turn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 27/07/2014 22:35:09
Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Sun 27/07/2014 19:57:32
I'm just lazy atm. Maybe CaptainD who got the system correct can take this turn?


I don't think I've done this one before...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 27/07/2014 23:52:10
Sensible Soccer? Scratch that, it's not even soccer. John Madden Football?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/07/2014 11:30:49
Heh... it's the proper kind of football!  (Yes it IS soccer.)

Predates Sensible by 4 years though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/07/2014 11:46:15
Quote from: CaptainDPredates Sensible by 4 years though.
So this is 1988 soccer game? No way!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/07/2014 13:20:59
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 28/07/2014 11:46:15
Quote from: CaptainDPredates Sensible by 4 years though.
So this is 1988 soccer game? No way!


It came a year after Match Day II, which came 3 years after Match Day.

Hint - this one had a famous footballer's name attached to it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/07/2014 15:21:25
Well then, Peter Beardsley's International Football! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/07/2014 15:46:27
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 28/07/2014 15:21:25
Well then, Peter Beardsley's International Football! :)

That's the one!  Owned it for my ST all those years ago, along with the amazingly unamazing "Gary Linaker's Soccer Skills"!  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/07/2014 19:07:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 29/07/2014 20:51:57
Another image:

Also hint: it's an Italian game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 30/07/2014 19:01:55
HINTS: The name of the game is also the name of a profession. Oh, and the game is crap. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Wed 30/07/2014 19:10:30
The Watchmaker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 30/07/2014 19:24:42
Trashman? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 30/07/2014 19:28:13
OneDollar is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Wed 30/07/2014 20:18:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 01/08/2014 20:46:45
Spare a hint mister.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Fri 01/08/2014 21:13:56
Try another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 05/08/2014 09:17:47
Hints, hints, hints!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 05/08/2014 21:51:24
OK, one slightly less tricky screenshot...


I'm surprised nobody recognises these.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 06/08/2014 00:19:50
Reminds me of some edutainment game...but I am not placing it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Wed 06/08/2014 10:08:05
Babar is on the right track, it is an edutainment game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 07/08/2014 21:45:45
Still nothing?


OK, hint time:

Hint 1:
This is the first in a series of 3 educational games, originally released in 1996.
Hint 2:
There's been (recent) talk of bringing this game to tablets.
Hint 3:
The game was developed and published by Brøderbund Software, then later remade and published by The Learning Company.
Hint 4:
There were 12 different puzzles each with 4 difficulties.
Hint 5:
There was a big focus on developing logic and reasoning skills.
Hint 6:
The main characters all look slightly different to each other. Most of the puzzles revolve around this.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 07/08/2014 22:06:52
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Thu 07/08/2014 23:09:10
Correct! Also known as Zoombinis Logical Journey.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 08/08/2014 22:02:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Fri 08/08/2014 22:05:15
That's Keepsake.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 09/08/2014 15:26:21
Yes it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sat 09/08/2014 20:55:18
Here's next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Mon 11/08/2014 02:35:13
Oooo, I've played this one!  It was Yonder Tales, or something like that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Mon 11/08/2014 13:45:10
Almost there. :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/08/2014 15:18:42
It's Yendorian Tales. I pass my turn to Baron. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Tue 12/08/2014 02:27:58
One of my favourite non-adventure games from childhood:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 12/08/2014 03:47:19
Sopwith variant?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Tue 12/08/2014 05:06:27
Nope.  At least that's not what it was called on the C64.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 12/08/2014 07:17:41
I cheated (by googling the word on the shot and "c64", which gave me the answer immediately), so I will pass.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/08/2014 08:17:16
Quote from: Iceboty V7000aI cheated (by googling the word on the shot and "c64", which gave me the answer immediately), so I will pass.
It's not cheating. You just followed a hidden-in-image clue Baron left for us. :) Only google image search is considered cheating. BUT it's of course my opinion and if don't agree, well, don't guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 12/08/2014 10:05:05
is it choplifter on the speccy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Tue 12/08/2014 12:50:00
Nope. :)

And thanks everyone for behing honest.  ;)  The name I'm looking for starts with a four letter F-word. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 12/08/2014 15:35:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Tue 12/08/2014 19:51:58
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 12/08/2014 15:35:24

1.... 2.... 3.... That's way more than 4 letters, Selms.  Try again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 12/08/2014 20:12:24
I'm not that good at counting, that why I write loops for that crap :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/08/2014 10:55:33

(Only because when I first saw it I'd wanted to say "Airwolf"! :-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Wed 13/08/2014 12:46:37
Wow.  Another clue (since the screenshots would all look more or less the same): the third letter from the end of the second word is a "P". ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Fri 15/08/2014 03:13:20
Right.  Fill in the blanks:

F _ _ _     _ _ _ C _ _ _ P _ _

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/08/2014 09:20:36
Full Helicopter?!? :grin: :cool: :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/08/2014 10:14:01
Full Metal Helicopter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Fri 15/08/2014 10:15:18
Fast Airchopper!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Fri 15/08/2014 12:43:49

F _ _ _     A _ _ C A _ _ P _ _

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/08/2014 12:52:20
FROM A _ _ C A _ _ P _ _?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 15/08/2014 13:20:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/08/2014 13:26:38
Quote from: selmiak on Fri 15/08/2014 13:20:29
It can't be FAST, A letter was already used up (see the letters chart).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/08/2014 14:27:44
Something Apocalypse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/08/2014 14:34:42
From Apocalypse?

Although, in this case, I was mistaken about letter usage.

maybe Fort Apocalypse?.. sounds weird enough :P.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Fri 15/08/2014 20:44:50
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 15/08/2014 14:34:42
maybe Fort Apocalypse?.. sounds weird enough :P.

SUCCESS!  Man, was it really THAT obscure?  Shake your collective heads at your misspent youths, gentlemen. (wrong)

Crimson Wizard is up next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 16/08/2014 18:57:56
Err, I have imagination block, so something very easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 16/08/2014 19:45:33
Uhm... easy?...

Looks like a Sims game... could it be Simcity Societies?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 16/08/2014 20:13:46
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 16/08/2014 19:45:33
Looks like a Sims game... could it be Simcity Societies?

No :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 16/08/2014 20:25:21
It's a Command and Conquer or a Civilization game, most probably...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 16/08/2014 20:42:22
Quote from: Adeel S. Ahmed on Sat 16/08/2014 20:25:21
It's a Command and Conquer or a Civilization game, most probably...
please be more specific.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 16/08/2014 20:51:14
I've not played any Civilization game, tbh. So my guess would be: Command & Conquer: Generals.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Sat 16/08/2014 21:33:31
Is it Rise of Nations? I don't remember Empire Earth looking like that, which is a very similar game and I played it a lot more than Rise of Nations.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 16/08/2014 21:36:38
Civilisation V?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 16/08/2014 22:16:10
Quote from: BSP on Sat 16/08/2014 21:33:31
Is it Rise of Nations? I don't remember Empire Earth looking like that, which is a very similar game and I played it a lot more than Rise of Nations.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Sun 17/08/2014 09:00:55
I guess it's my turn now?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sun 17/08/2014 14:44:50
Impossible Creatures?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Sun 17/08/2014 14:47:42
Quote from: cacaro on Sun 17/08/2014 14:44:50
Impossible Creatures?
Yes. Good job, cacaro, your turn! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sun 17/08/2014 15:05:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 17/08/2014 15:25:01
Reminds me of Betrayal at Krondor...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Mon 18/08/2014 00:11:58
Not BaK, but you're near.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 18/08/2014 01:04:29
Betrayal in Antara?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 18/08/2014 08:46:43
Betrayal in Grouchland! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 18/08/2014 11:36:38
Quote from: kconanBetrayal in Antara?
Oh right! I forgot there was a sequel. This must be it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Mon 18/08/2014 13:55:38
Quote from: kconan on Mon 18/08/2014 01:04:29
Betrayal in Antara?


It's a shame that the game is so underrated, by the way. While not as good as BaK, it's still a very good game on its own.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 18/08/2014 14:33:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 18/08/2014 14:46:20
I know! But I won't tell :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 18/08/2014 16:13:46
yeah, that's how this game flows :P :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 19/08/2014 05:03:30
Duty and Beyond (obviously)
An AGS classic, I'd say
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Tue 19/08/2014 05:11:35
Yep, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 19/08/2014 22:33:49
Forgot about this for a while, sorry


EDIT: Since this thread seems to have come to a halt, here's the full screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/08/2014 09:52:19
So, a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 25/08/2014 13:31:28
It's a Sega Genesis game, because you've said retro consoles aren't your forte. ;)
Made by the folks behind Gunstar Heroes, which you may have heard of.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 25/08/2014 16:11:10
Quote from: SurplusguyIt's a Sega Genesis game

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 25/08/2014 17:13:52
Sorry, a Mega Drive game :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 25/08/2014 19:00:22
Um... Rayman?
Don't remember how old that one was though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 25/08/2014 20:39:01
Doesn't look like Rayman to me... sort of recognise the creature on the left but not really sure, perhaps Zool?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Mon 25/08/2014 21:52:01
It's Dynamite Headdy!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 26/08/2014 00:40:23
QuoteIt's Dynamite Headdy!

That it is! You're up. ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Thu 28/08/2014 21:50:28

I bestow my turn on the person who can post a new game the quickest!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/08/2014 00:07:09
Alright! Your guesses, please...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 29/08/2014 01:21:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/08/2014 01:38:45
Sorry, no. The main character looks very similar, but it's not Robocop.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 29/08/2014 02:16:57
Even the enemies look like that big chicken-legged robots that Robocop fought in the movie...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/08/2014 02:24:55
Yeah, I know. This was a shareware title by one of the biggest 90s shareware publishers too. I'm surprised there wasn't a lawsuit, but they seemed to get away with a lot back in those days.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Fri 29/08/2014 08:24:18
Well I'll be damned, that looks like Electro Body, a.k.a. Electro Man.

Here in the Land of Po, where the game was originally made, we're actually having a game jam inspired by the game ( right now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/08/2014 08:31:17
Wow, Xland devs judging! Yes, that's correct Fitz! I think most people would know its title as released by Epic, Electro Man. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Fri 29/08/2014 12:40:56
OK, here ya go!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 29/08/2014 14:51:36
Looks like Street Fighter 2010, but higher-quality... :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Fri 29/08/2014 16:29:30
Nope - but it does look similar, indeed! You didn't miss by much, either -- in a way, it was a very close shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Tue 02/09/2014 12:14:32
Did I just kill the thread? ;) Come on, you guys, you can do it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 02/09/2014 13:16:22
Start throwing some hints, you thread killer! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 02/09/2014 13:29:01
Hang on, I know I've seen this game! It's not Street Fighter 2010, but it's on the NES, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Tue 02/09/2014 13:38:20
Correct! It came about a year after SF 2010. It was released in the US by Jaleco -- and that version looked slightly different:


I played the original version (with the android guy) on my Pegasus (a NES rip-off) -- so Grib, I'm counting on you, as I'm assuming you had one, too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 02/09/2014 13:43:32
Quote from: FitzI played the original version (with the android guy) on my Pegasus (a NES rip-off) -- so Grib, I'm counting on you, as I'm assuming you had one, too.
Actually, no. I never had one of those and I know very little about console classics of that era. My first console was a PS3. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 02/09/2014 13:51:45
It's Shatterhand. Should've recognized it from the health bar, as it's one of the few NES games I've bought since getting the system.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Tue 02/09/2014 15:17:34
Surplusguy: Corrrrrrrect! The Japanese version was called Tokkyu Shirei Solbrain. Your turn.

Gribbler: Dude! Those games rocked -- and Solbrain was by far my favorite. Also, if you ever had a C-64, you'd really appreciate the console's negligible loading times.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 02/09/2014 15:33:43
Quote from: SurplusguyIt's Shatterhand. Should've recognized it from the health bar, as it's one of the few NES games I've bought since getting the system.
Blast you, console lovers!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 02/09/2014 18:07:07
Here ya go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 02/09/2014 22:07:48
Never played it, but I'll take a stab in the dark and guess Clock Tower 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 02/09/2014 23:26:24
Killing time?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Wed 03/09/2014 14:14:39
Killing Time it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Wed 03/09/2014 16:08:01
I give my turn to whoever wants it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 03/09/2014 16:25:13
I shall take an advantage of cacaro's generosity (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/09/2014 20:54:17
The Name the Game thread should NEVER go this long without a post - NEVER !!!  What's going on?!?  Anas - you killed our game!! :P :P

Maybe another screenie / hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 09/09/2014 00:09:41
thats scrabblechess on the atari 2600!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 09/09/2014 06:52:06
Nope that's not scrabblechess (wrong)
Hint: More zoom-able screenies


and the splash screen:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/09/2014 08:18:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 09/09/2014 08:27:31
I believe we have a winner! Go ahead Gribbler ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/09/2014 10:38:28
Here we go:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 09/09/2014 10:57:03
Robinson's Requiem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/09/2014 14:26:11
Robinson's Requiem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 09/09/2014 14:45:28
Robinson's Requiem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/09/2014 15:49:17
Robinson's Requiem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/09/2014 15:50:29
In my defence, I didn't see that CW had already answered :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/09/2014 15:51:10
Robinson's Requiem, Robinson's Requiem! Robinson's Requiem Robinson's Requiem Robinson's Requiem, Robinson's Requiem?

Robinson's Requiem Robinson's Requiem, CW!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 09/09/2014 22:00:47
Guess this!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 09/09/2014 22:31:46
Robinson's Fantasies... or Dreams. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/09/2014 01:12:48
Pretty sure it's Dreams...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 10/09/2014 08:40:10
Quote from: Ben X on Wed 10/09/2014 01:12:48
Pretty sure it's Dreams...

Gribbler, please specify ONE name at a time.

Anyway, I guess this is obvious now, so... who's the first to name the game correctly? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: monkey424 on Wed 10/09/2014 09:02:13
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 10/09/2014 08:40:10
Gibbler, please specify ONE name at a time.

The Great and Powerful Wizard has spoken!

But on the other hand, you don't have to take crap like that Gribbler man. You own this game! 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 10/09/2014 09:03:38
It must be Paintball Phantasm!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 10/09/2014 09:47:13

Pinball Runner anyone?

Quote from: monkey424 on Wed 10/09/2014 09:02:13
But on the other hand, you don't have to take crap like that Gribbler man. You own this game! 8-)
??? Did I do something wrong?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/09/2014 10:25:43
Nah, CW, I think we're all just joshing around!

Well, as Gribbler doesn't seem to want another go at the mo, I'll guess: Pinball Fantasies!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 10/09/2014 10:26:58
Well, yes it is...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/09/2014 10:40:25

Okay, this one's probably pretty easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 10/09/2014 17:10:07
Quote from: Ben XWell, as Gribbler doesn't seem to want another go at the mo
Sorry guys, was afk whole crazy day I had today.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/09/2014 19:34:10
Well, you didn't actually name the game even though you knew what it was, which was what I was referring to!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 10/09/2014 20:13:13
No probs! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 11/09/2014 10:11:04
I guess it wasn't that easy. Okay, here's an in-game shot with some UI cropping:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 11/09/2014 11:20:46
Ah, Insecticide. Never played it, but I've seen shots.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 11/09/2014 13:29:04
That's the one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 11/09/2014 15:14:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 11/09/2014 20:53:10
Hmmm, Fight Club?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Thu 11/09/2014 22:48:57
Yup. Terrible game :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 11/09/2014 23:54:18
Try guessing this one:


GUI has been conveniently cropped.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 12/09/2014 00:09:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 12/09/2014 00:13:05
The Sims: Ghetto edition!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 12/09/2014 01:28:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 12/09/2014 10:25:59
Let's Be Friends: The Ultra-Difficult Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/09/2014 11:26:35
Looks familiar. Is it based on a movie too?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 12/09/2014 13:35:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 12/09/2014 14:16:39
Is it a GTA one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 12/09/2014 15:03:31

E: I'll wait for a few more hours. If no one is able to guess the game by then, I'll put up a new screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Fri 12/09/2014 16:11:00
Gangs of London?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 12/09/2014 16:21:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 12/09/2014 17:51:08
Saints Row?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 12/09/2014 17:52:09
Fighting Force maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 12/09/2014 20:40:31
Wrong answers so far. Here's another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LimpingFish on Sat 13/09/2014 01:09:37
25 to Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 13/09/2014 09:51:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 15/09/2014 15:02:20
Crime Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 15/09/2014 15:14:13
Crime Life: Gang Wars it is! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Mon 15/09/2014 19:54:25
Eh, subtitles are overrated ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Mon 15/09/2014 21:18:45
Could it be? Kingpin? :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 15/09/2014 21:50:51
You beat me to it, Fitz. :-> It sure is Kingpin.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 15/09/2014 22:01:00
That's definitely either Robinson's Requiem or Bladerunner. (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Surplusguy on Tue 16/09/2014 01:36:17
Kingpin, yeah. Great game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Tue 16/09/2014 06:09:50
Yeah, it was a fun game. I liked the art style and how well it went with the setting -- and I'd recognize those chubby guys everywhere.

Have fun with this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 16/09/2014 06:54:49
Angry Bags?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 16/09/2014 12:02:44
nope, but angry onions!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Tue 16/09/2014 20:06:26
There's plenty of somewhat disturbed birds in there, too. But Selmiak's closer -- the title contains edible plants.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 16/09/2014 22:53:38
Furious Cabbages?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 16/09/2014 23:39:37
Something about turnips?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Wed 17/09/2014 02:06:16
Terrible Tubers 2!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Wed 17/09/2014 06:26:30
Nope, nope and nope. Also: said edible plants are clearly visible in that picture.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sun 21/09/2014 14:51:23
Blueberry Garden? :) One of the rare games I actually had to play twice to beat. It's indie too. :-*

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 21/09/2014 18:27:40
YES!!! :cheesy: Just when I lost all hope -- and was, again, ready to declar myself a certified thread killer -- you come in and save the day!

OK, your turn! Give us some obscure, retro French game, will ya?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Mon 22/09/2014 02:16:24
I hope it's not too easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 26/09/2014 09:48:47
Judging by the lack of guesses, I'd say it's definitely not too easy!

Time for another screenie / clue perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sat 27/09/2014 13:21:11
This is as suggested a not so obscure retro french game, from 1986, it's been released on amstrad cpc, c64 , dos, msx and zx spectrum.

It's been released in english of course, keeping the same name. There was a sequel that looks very similar , I'll accept any of the titles.

And here if you want another clue: (the last screenshot I have is almost an instant giveaway so I'll post it later if needed)



Damn... am I this old? (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 27/09/2014 20:56:56
I meant more like 1999-2000 retro :-D -- because I knew a few from that time, mostly thanks to Game One, the French game channel that we got on our cable back in the day (roll).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sun 28/09/2014 00:33:23
Sight... I really like those investigation games. I'll give up tomorrow, wouldn't want to kill the thread.:X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 28/09/2014 13:39:26
French investigation game? Ummm...

"Le Détective"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sun 28/09/2014 14:07:19
Nice try, even spelled right :grin:

But the title is actually the name of the victim.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Baron on Sun 28/09/2014 14:39:54
La Victime! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sun 28/09/2014 15:02:04
Not bad, but still not it :)

A final clue, the title is also the name of a Mexican state in the east.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 28/09/2014 15:17:43
Vera Cruz
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sephiroth on Sun 28/09/2014 16:05:00
Right! (Touché!)

Your turn Gurok :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 28/09/2014 16:05:38
Back to the edutainment titles we go:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sun 28/09/2014 16:52:11
Word Rescue.

I remember I played it to death when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 28/09/2014 17:09:05
I was more a Math Rescue kid :D. Helped me recognise the shot enough to figure it was probably by the same company.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 28/09/2014 23:39:11
Correct, it's Word Rescue! Well done, cacaro.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 30/09/2014 18:58:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 30/09/2014 22:11:40
Uhm... The Three Stooges The Game? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 01/10/2014 11:19:05
Bard's Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 01/10/2014 12:04:30
F..F..f..fffffountain of dreams! :-D :-D :-D memories man!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Wed 01/10/2014 13:41:55
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 30/09/2014 22:11:40
Uhm... The Three Stooges The Game? :)

Ahah, I didn't even notice those were the Stooges' names! :grin:

Quote from: AnasAbdin on Wed 01/10/2014 12:04:30
F..F..f..fffffountain of dreams! :-D :-D :-D memories man!

Fountain of Dreams it is! I still have nightmares for this game, by the way. Simply atrocious, especially as a pseudo-sequel to Wasteland. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 01/10/2014 16:23:19
...aaaand here's one of the many games I play you never know about:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 01/10/2014 17:28:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 01/10/2014 19:32:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 05/10/2014 06:51:49
Since all actual playing screenies would look similar:

here's the splash screen with the tital blurred:

More clues:
it's an msx game. You move a mouse on a kayak rescuing little mice stranded on islands ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 05/10/2014 22:34:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 06/10/2014 07:38:41
It is ;-D
Go ahead Gribb
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 09:22:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 06/10/2014 09:30:48
Bill and Ted's Excellent Golf
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 10:16:40
Nope :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 06/10/2014 10:31:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 12:37:48

HINT: The game is an utter crap.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 06/10/2014 12:39:29
Excellent Golf & Myst utter crap?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 12:53:41
It's a third instalment in a series of games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 06/10/2014 13:20:22
Excellent Golf & Myst utter crap III? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 13:39:22
Close but no cigar :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 06/10/2014 14:02:00
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 12:37:48
HINT: The game is an utter crap.
/me checks if Ali is around
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 06/10/2014 14:50:53
Telephone Box Simulator?  (By The Oliver Twins perhaps? :grin:)

Oh sorry, I meant "Telephone Box Simulator III".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 14:57:08
Quote* Babar checks if Ali is around

Haha! Good one, Babar. :D But it's not Myst.

Another screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 06/10/2014 21:02:16
Simon the Sorcerer 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 06/10/2014 21:37:13
Quote from: GurokSimon the Sorcerer 3D?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 06/10/2014 22:16:36
I'd recognise that low poly awfulness anywhere. (The public telephone helped.)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 09/10/2014 04:49:15
Here's another screenshot. Hopefully it's a clue. If you're still stuck, I have an even more obvious one :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/10/2014 09:31:56
It looks like an early version of something like Circus Attractions, but I don't think that game out on the 8-bits (also not quite sure what system that is - from the colour scheme I'm assuming maybe CPC or MSX?)

Is the "DD" in the second screenshot a clue as to the name of the game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 09/10/2014 09:36:46
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 09/10/2014 09:31:56
Is the "DD" in the second screenshot a clue as to the name of the game?

Yes. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/10/2014 10:29:09
Quote from: Gurok on Thu 09/10/2014 09:36:46
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 09/10/2014 09:31:56
Is the "DD" in the second screenshot a clue as to the name of the game?

Yes. :D

Unfortunately the only thing I can think of right now is Dynamite Dux!! (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 09/10/2014 15:00:59
Uhm... Daffy Duck? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 09/10/2014 15:15:14
Double Dragon:grin:

Considering it's a game about competing to win $$$ in a game show (I think), I just make this up:
Double Deal?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 09/10/2014 16:45:35
Dear Devil? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/10/2014 21:20:35
Hmmm... some good guesses so far, but it looks like you could use another hint. Unfortunately, there's not that much more to the game.


Based on a popular children's television programme.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 11/10/2014 21:22:25
It could be "Double Dare", then :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/10/2014 21:24:18
Yes! Finally! Someone guessed it. Okay, great. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 11/10/2014 21:55:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 11/10/2014 22:28:50
Skyrim (although that bridge design doesn't look familiar)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 11/10/2014 22:36:02
Not Skyrim. Newer than that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 11/10/2014 22:39:58
GASP!!!  A "NEW" game?  Amongst all these retro screenies?!? :P

Complete guess... Shadow of Mordor?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 12/10/2014 04:03:17
If it's newer than Skyrim, it must be The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 12/10/2014 08:36:49
It is indeed The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, which I fully recommend not only for its looks.
Your turn, Grim :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 12/10/2014 13:47:00
Gosh, the 3d nowadays... I still can't get used to how fast it progresses. For a minute I could not decide whether it is a rendered 3d or painting (wtf).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 13/10/2014 14:50:34
I'm waiting for The Vanishing to be released for PS4. Sure looks like a nice game!

Here's another one of my favorites:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 13/10/2014 16:49:33
That's one of my favorites, too. Demon's Souls.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/10/2014 17:18:35
Quote from: nihilystThat's one of my favorites, too. Demon's Souls.
Mine too. Can't wait for Bloodborne now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 13/10/2014 18:54:29
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 13/10/2014 17:18:35
Quote from: nihilystThat's one of my favorites, too. Demon's Souls.
Mine too. Can't wait for Bloodborne now.

YepðŸ˜Æ' February will be a great month for gaming indeed. I'm officially avoiding all info about Bloodborne so I can discover it all on my own this time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 14/10/2014 21:06:32
Where's this from?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 14/10/2014 21:14:10
the bindings of isaac?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 14/10/2014 21:36:41
It totally is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 14/10/2014 21:55:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/10/2014 21:56:39
It's P.T. aka Silent Hills :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 14/10/2014 22:15:07
it's P.T. aka the Silent Hills Trailer game, but it's your turn Gribbler  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/10/2014 22:47:21
P.T. stands for "playable teaser" to be exact. :)
BTW, did you see the second one from Tokyo Game Show?
Here's the link:

Kojima and Del Toro will make people shit their pants. :)

As for the new screenie, I will post something tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 15/10/2014 07:23:58
What's the difference between a teaser and a trailer anyways? Both start with a T and tease you to trail... or something like that ;)

Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 14/10/2014 22:47:21
Kojima and Del Toro will make people shit their pants. :)

Absolutely, and they are also good at convincing people that they need more sony products ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 15/10/2014 13:15:42
Quote from: selmiakWhat's the difference between a teaser and a trailer anyways?
A teaser generally doesn't contain content from the actual game. As Kojima stated with P.T., this corridor and scenes around it won't make to their Silent Hills game. The are just to show you what they are aiming for in terms of tone, atmosphere, etc.

Here's next game to guess:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 15/10/2014 15:20:13
Jaws: The Early Years of a James Bond Baddie?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 15/10/2014 15:49:15
Hahaha, nope. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 15/10/2014 16:08:15
Dentist Surgery Simulator
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 15/10/2014 16:14:56
LA Noir?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 15/10/2014 16:45:30
Both incorrect. It's a very recent game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 15/10/2014 21:03:18
Probably not recent enough, but Bioshock Infinite?

NO WAIT, Sherlock Hoilmes Crimes And Punishments!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 15/10/2014 22:07:32
Correct. But my spelling detector went off :)

I'm currently playing this game and I love how you can end each case with a different deduction result.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 16/10/2014 10:06:39
May I just add that P.T. was the only game I had to turn off after just 20 minutes because it was TOO FRICKING TERRIFYING!?!

Seriously, if you have PS4, do not play it when you're home alone. Or at least do not turn off the lights.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 16/10/2014 11:15:08
Oops, I typo'd in my rush to update! Here's a nice easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/10/2014 11:47:36
Looks like Discworld. But what's Rincewind from Discworld 2 doing there?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/10/2014 11:57:22
Quote from: GrimSeriously, if you have PS4, do not play it when you're home alone. Or at least do not turn off the lights.
Come on! It's all the fun! Alone in a dark room, and with headphones on. Outlast was not scary to me at all. Over the years I got immune to cheap jump scares. Fingers crossed this new Silent Hills game will be different.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 16/10/2014 16:14:51
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 16/10/2014 11:57:22
Quote from: GrimSeriously, if you have PS4, do not play it when you're home alone. Or at least do not turn off the lights.
Come on! It's all the fun! Alone in a dark room, and with headphones on. Outlast was not scary to me at all. Over the years I got immune to cheap jump scares. Fingers crossed this new Silent Hills game will be different.

You must be braver than me then, because I just couldn't finish it (though I will play the Silent Hills when it's done, I'm sure of that).

Just off to the shop to buy either Alien Isolation or The Evil Within... I don't expect to be too scared by either of those but I do expect them to be good games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/10/2014 16:45:36
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 16/10/2014 11:47:36
Looks like Discworld. But what's Rincewind from Discworld 2 doing there?

Maybe cause it's from DiscWorld II? I've only played Discworld and tried to play Noir (it kept crashing so I gave up on it). Unless  there's another game that plays with Discworld. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 16/10/2014 17:45:04
I'll take that as a guess at Discworld 2, Cassiebsg? If so, you are correct! In one of Rincewind's journeys through a portal, he accidentally ends up in the first game for a short cutscene!

(I was considering taking a screen-grab from before the newer Rincewind shows up, to be more difficult, but decided that was too unfair!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/10/2014 20:14:38
That was exactly what I thought! :) A funny cut scene from DW2... maybe I need to get DW2 and play it one of these days.

Anyway... here's what it should be an easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 19/10/2014 06:40:46
No guesses?

Here's a new easier(?) screen:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 19/10/2014 09:01:14
Is it Airbourne Ranger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 19/10/2014 09:32:19
Yes, it is! :)
Your turn abstauber.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 19/10/2014 20:19:51
sorry for the delay - here's the next.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 19/10/2014 20:55:08
Conan, the barbarian? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 20/10/2014 03:57:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 20/10/2014 06:54:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 20/10/2014 09:20:54
Icyboty got it ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 20/10/2014 15:36:10
As usual I am too lazy to find and post something new shortly, so anyone can steal my turn if he/she wants, otherwise I may post a new one hours later.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 21/10/2014 08:03:43
okay, I'll snatch it:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/10/2014 09:09:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 21/10/2014 09:23:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/10/2014 09:48:05
That is one trippy colour scheme! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/10/2014 11:17:27
I am curious how fast this will be guessed with only a part of interface :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 21/10/2014 18:08:39
Easy, UFO Enemy Unknown
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 21/10/2014 23:17:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 22/10/2014 17:48:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 22/10/2014 18:34:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 23/10/2014 12:30:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/10/2014 13:59:42
The graphics kind of remind me of Star Trek: Legacy.  But I don't see no Federation ships... :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 23/10/2014 18:44:15
HINT: It's related to previous game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/10/2014 18:48:33
UFO: Enemy Known? :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 24/10/2014 08:22:00
Not that close :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 28/10/2014 22:57:13
X-com interceptor?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 28/10/2014 23:30:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 29/10/2014 09:08:30
All right here's the next one! The top black box part was edited just in case :D

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 29/10/2014 13:58:14
8 eyes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 29/10/2014 20:05:29
Prince of castlevania?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 29/10/2014 20:46:53
Pink Loom: The Arcade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 29/10/2014 22:22:55
8 Eyes it is! Iceboty you're up! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 30/10/2014 03:22:49
This is a bit obscure, but I am sure someone here had played it.
(Character removed to make it not as easy.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 30/10/2014 08:05:51
Is that an early AGS game? Maybe something from Captain Mostly?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 30/10/2014 08:47:40
The Day OceanSpirit Dennis Lost His Hair In A Wastepaper Basket Underneath a Tree?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 30/10/2014 09:50:24
I know what it is!!!! But I will not answer because I just had a turn :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 30/10/2014 15:17:59
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 30/10/2014 08:05:51
Is that an early AGS game? Maybe something from Captain Mostly?
Yes and no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 17/11/2014 10:25:44
You... You killed the thread!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 17/11/2014 10:39:56
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 17/11/2014 10:25:44
You... You killed the thread!!

This thread must not be allowed to die.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 17/11/2014 10:42:18
All right. I might post more hint when I'm at home. I am currently freezing in the office...

Edit: Okay. Here it is:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 18/11/2014 08:31:45

But where's the beard option? :D
Oh, there it is, I see it in the corner.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 18/11/2014 08:38:49
Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Thu 30/10/2014 15:17:59
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 30/10/2014 08:05:51
Is that an early AGS game? Maybe something from Captain Mostly?
Yes and no.
Not fair! It is an early AGS game and it's by Captain Mostly >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 18/11/2014 18:30:54
Oh sorry, I was in a rush and misread it as a game called Captain Mostly. :tongue:
(Afterall there was a fan game called Captain Muchly Drinks Bleach (

Anyway it's Babar's turn.

Edited: Fixed name of said fan game and linked to the the AGS db entry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 18/11/2014 21:25:54
I don't have access to my obscure games, so abstauber(or someone else) can have a go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 20/11/2014 19:24:53
Here we go...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 22/11/2014 02:46:10
Not even a single guess!?!?
Well.. Here's elephant crap for you...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 22/11/2014 03:15:23
Looks like Les Manley!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 22/11/2014 10:07:21
Quote from: Gurok on Sat 22/11/2014 03:15:23
Looks like Les Manley!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 22/11/2014 10:26:12

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sat 22/11/2014 10:43:52
Solar Winds - The Escape?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 22/11/2014 10:45:14
Correct! Awww that must have been too easy. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sat 22/11/2014 11:33:31
Right, miguel finds it: too easy!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 22/11/2014 21:28:16
Adventures of Iceygames? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 22/11/2014 21:43:52
We're doing screenshots of demos now?!?!? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sat 22/11/2014 23:51:53
If it's a game made by Icey indeed, then I guess it would be Pub Master's Quest or one of its sequels...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 23/11/2014 01:31:10
It's not a freekin' Icey game! And no, well yes, it's a demo but it's also like a complete introduction for a game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Sun 23/11/2014 01:48:57
Arrrr... I want to say it... but it would feel like cheating! :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 23/11/2014 12:08:15
Captain and Ponch, cheat away guys, you're the only people who ever played the game.
Anyway, here's a hint or two:
it stars a misogynist idiot who is incredible good looking and has had several adventures made;
icey was indeed a big contributor for the "franchise";
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 23/11/2014 12:30:58
Quote from: miguel on Sun 23/11/2014 12:08:15
Captain and Ponch, cheat away guys, you're the only people who ever played the game.

Oh, I thought that everyone not answering this one was just joking around (laugh) :

OSD - LGS - Demo

And you're wrong about the 2 people because I totally played this game and had a great time with it!

Anyone else please take my turn if I'm right
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Sun 23/11/2014 12:43:23
You're a star Mandle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 03/12/2014 12:52:25
Okay, since no-one's taken up Mandle's mantle (see what I did there? (roll)) - I'm going to post an easy one to get the game started again.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/12/2014 08:42:32
Okay, a VERY broad clue...

Jack the ...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 05/12/2014 09:00:10
Hmm, Jack the Caspian?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/12/2014 13:16:56
Seriously, has there been a game called Jack the Caspian!??! :P

Jack the (rhymes with Ripper... a theme of youthfulness about it...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 05/12/2014 14:35:44
duh.. Jack the Nipper?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 05/12/2014 15:30:16
Jack the Stripper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/12/2014 17:37:46
Selmiak got it!!

Er... no, wait, Abstauber got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 06/12/2014 16:17:11
now who is this ega action hero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 06/12/2014 16:21:16
I think this is from BioMenace, but I forget the character's name. :|
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 06/12/2014 16:30:38
4 Minutes :shocked:
Snake Logan salutes you.

Your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 06/12/2014 16:52:10
Ahhh! Snake Logan! I'd completely forgotten that.

Clipped to protect the innocent:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 06/12/2014 20:08:31
Spitwad Willy is how I know that game! But I got it on a CD of pirated games, so who knows...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 06/12/2014 21:15:25
Correct! I believe the design was copied from Pang, but it was a lot of fun. You're up next, Babar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sun 07/12/2014 16:32:26
Yay! But again, I have not got access to my collection of games, so I pass my turn on to someone else.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 08/12/2014 20:25:36
Here's a relic from the 80's

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 08/12/2014 20:46:20
ah crap! Don't know the game, but I recognize the lower left head... and I can't remember his name! (roll)

EDIT: Got it! Mortadelo y Filemón!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Mon 08/12/2014 21:25:41
Bravo! Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 08/12/2014 21:41:32
Was going to post something else, but found this one and I just got sooooo nostalgic that I did not resist. (roll)
Should be easy enough. (nod)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/12/2014 22:01:54
GAH!!  Why did people stop posting zoomable images?!?! :P

I feel I should know this one but I just can't think of it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hopalong on Mon 08/12/2014 22:53:25
The game has a pretty unusual visual perspective. Is it Atic Atac?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 09/12/2014 16:14:27
Hopalong, you got it! :)
I had completely forgotten about it until I saw that image.

Sorry CaptainD, forgot. I'll edit it for your pleasure only. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hopalong on Tue 09/12/2014 17:26:27
OK, try this one on for size:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 10/12/2014 20:50:42
Dunno.  Reminds me a little of Dino Crisis. but it's not that... :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 10/12/2014 21:05:10
Since there's a terrorist in the picture, I'll say: 24 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hopalong on Wed 10/12/2014 23:07:58
Nope. The game pitched itself as a cyberpunk thriller and has a strange fantasy-world VR section.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 11/12/2014 00:16:05
Bureau 13?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hopalong on Sat 13/12/2014 21:28:05
You can't see it too well in the picture but the protagonist was bald and wore sunglasses all night, and figured prominently on the box art.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 15/12/2014 12:40:10
Oh, Nightlong was it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hopalong on Wed 17/12/2014 18:21:36
That's right, Nightlong: Union City Conspiracies.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/12/2014 10:01:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 18/12/2014 14:43:26
Metal Gear Zelda :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 18/12/2014 14:48:21
Robin Hood: Prince of Nose Jobs
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/12/2014 14:58:38
Double nope I'm afraid :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Thu 18/12/2014 15:02:08
Hi everyone! How have you all been? I can't believe this thread is still going strong! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 09:52:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 19/12/2014 10:14:31
Game of thrones? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 14:38:27
Nope. But it is a very recent game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 19/12/2014 15:12:52
Game of Recents?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 15:23:04
For some it's a GOTY 2014.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 19/12/2014 15:46:11
Game of Thrones Year 2014? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Fri 19/12/2014 16:04:19
dragon age inquisition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 17:50:21
Quote from: aikex222dragon age inquisition?
Yes! Someone just made Nigel Thornberry lookalike in character editor :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Fri 19/12/2014 20:44:56
i knew it xD the graphics looked like Dragon Age but i wasn't sure because of the character.

here is my game  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 21:00:28
Looks like Golden Axe :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Fri 19/12/2014 21:05:25
:-\ argh i guess was too easy xD well, you are right
one of the good times of my childhood :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 21:07:16
Have another go. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 19/12/2014 21:11:59
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 21:00:28
Looks like Golden Axe :)

Gah I would have actually got that one! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Fri 19/12/2014 21:13:58
you can go gribbler xD i'm not seeing any game now to put here
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/12/2014 22:11:14
Quote from: CaptainDGah I would have actually got that one!
I handle this one to you then, Captain! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 20/12/2014 19:18:09
Okay, here we go...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 21/12/2014 01:59:27
Is it Pikmin 3 for wii u?... (not my sort of game or console but I seem to recognize the aesthetic).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 21/12/2014 20:26:55
No, it's a relatively recent game for PC and consoles.  The player character can utilise the strange abilities of other characters in the game, 2 of which are in the screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Mon 22/12/2014 10:07:18
this one i don't have a clue :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/12/2014 10:13:48
Okay, here's one with the player character in view.  It's a 3D platform puzzle game.  Released in May 2014.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Mon 22/12/2014 13:16:57
Monkey and the city of rainbow? xD
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/12/2014 22:59:17
Well, you have the right number of words, with the 4th and 5th words are correct, whilst the 6th is kind of on the right track... almost makes me wonder if you know what it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/12/2014 23:34:46
City of Colors?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Mon 22/12/2014 23:42:58
Primate in a City of Doublerainbow?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/12/2014 23:45:09
BSP gets it!

Or... wait...

Gribbler has the second part of the title.  Since no-one seems to have played this, that's enough - your go Gribbler.

The full title is The Last Tinker: City of Colours.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: aikex222 on Tue 23/12/2014 05:11:45
never heard of it, it's good? xD
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/12/2014 12:45:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 23/12/2014 13:10:21
Quote from: aikex222 on Tue 23/12/2014 05:11:45
never heard of it, it's good? xD

Yeah, it's a very enjoyable game.  Very kid-friendly too - my 4 year-old loves watching me play it!

As for Gribbler's screenshot... I dunno, all these dungeon crawlers begin to look the same to me.  But the palette has a definite Amiga look to it...  Ishtar 3 perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/12/2014 13:42:52
Not Ishar.

One word, begins with "M".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 25/12/2014 13:33:06

(fixed spelling)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 25/12/2014 23:45:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 27/12/2014 20:11:49
Cut out interface. (image zoomable)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 28/12/2014 08:53:39
One of Might & Magic games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 28/12/2014 18:41:12
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 28/12/2014 08:53:39
One of Might & Magic games?
I won't answer a question like that :P.

Let's say... it has a party of base six characters.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 28/12/2014 18:53:06
Might & Magic 5 then? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 28/12/2014 21:55:24
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 28/12/2014 18:53:06
Might & Magic 5 then? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Mon 29/12/2014 11:42:17
Looks like one of the Realms of Arkania games, perhaps Star Trail. Interesting games, but I never finished any of them.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 29/12/2014 11:43:45
Quote from: jwalt on Mon 29/12/2014 11:42:17
Looks like one of the Realms of Arkania games, perhaps Star Trail.
This is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: jwalt on Mon 29/12/2014 12:11:20
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 29/12/2014 11:43:45
This is correct.

I was afraid it might be. Well... How about something locally grown:

Or, maybe Gribbler can dig something else out of his vaults.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Thu 01/01/2015 22:17:14
Jwalt, I've found it! All hallows' eve. (I was clicking continously on Lucky dip button in AGS database, today to find this game, and there, that's how I found it)

Now, someone, name this game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 02/01/2015 01:13:09
Dunno about the game but the text looks like a quote from Poe's Tell-Tale Heart.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Fri 02/01/2015 07:56:10
Gribbler, if you have played the game, you would have probably already realized what game it is. (roll)
Here's another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/01/2015 08:41:27
Looks like a RON game but beyond that I don't have much of a clue... doesn't look like one I've played.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Tue 06/01/2015 08:59:46
Nope, it's not a RON game...
This is the last screenshot I can give, and now it should be rather easy to guess what game it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: miguel on Tue 06/01/2015 10:29:45
Blade Runner?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Tue 06/01/2015 10:47:38
Quote from: miguel on Tue 06/01/2015 10:29:45
Blade Runner?
You're on the wrong track, Miguel, let me help you: it's an AGS game. :=

EDIT: HINT: It has to do something with a well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 06/01/2015 20:42:50
Dude in Stripes and the Fate of the Well!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Tue 06/01/2015 20:46:09
HINT 2: the main character is crazy, maybe.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/01/2015 09:08:22
I'm starting to get the impression that none of us have played this game?1?!? :-\

(EDIT - well apparently over three thousand people have downloaded it since 2008 but still... very, very obscure!!!  I only found it by cheating gratuitously based on the hints.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Wed 07/01/2015 10:17:18
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 07/01/2015 09:08:22
I'm starting to get the impression that none of us have played this game?1?!? :-\
That's not my problem.
This thread is about naming a GAME, and that's a GAME. :=
And it was downloaded 3,108 times.
Also you might want to put the name of the game in your post, otherwise you still haven't guessed what game it is. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/01/2015 11:01:26
Quote from: BSP on Wed 07/01/2015 10:17:18
Also you might want to put the name of the game in your post, otherwise you still haven't guessed what game it is. (laugh)

As I said, I cheated, I didn't guess! :P  Which is why I didn't include the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Wed 07/01/2015 11:08:49
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 07/01/2015 11:01:26
Quote from: BSP on Wed 07/01/2015 10:17:18
Also you might want to put the name of the game in your post, otherwise you still haven't guessed what game it is. (laugh)

As I said, I cheated, I didn't guess! :P  Which is why I didn't include the name.

Come on, post the name of the game, so this thread can move on!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/01/2015 11:42:26
ok, think i found it googling "crazy well ags":

I'm not crazy, right? - The Well
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Wed 07/01/2015 12:00:21
Yes, janhelt. :P
It's a game by King_wiking, and it's called I'm not crazy, right? - The Well.
The protagonist is a crazy (socipathic) farmer who wants to became a theater actor. He gets visited by aliens, upon his request. Great AGS game. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/01/2015 12:11:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/01/2015 12:32:35
Turrican! Not sure which one... II maybe.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 07/01/2015 12:38:34
It's Turrican II, indeed:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/01/2015 12:45:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 07/01/2015 14:09:41
Is it Amiga game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/01/2015 14:17:17
Obviously it's an Amiga game. ;)
(I kept the HOL logo as an hint because it's a hard game to find imo hehe)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/01/2015 12:10:24
Another screenshot / hint maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/01/2015 12:27:27
It's an Amiga game released in 1993 and listed as "Extremely rare".


Where are Amiga maniacs?! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/01/2015 12:30:12
Sorry dude I owned an ST... I only really know Amiga games that came out on both systems! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/01/2015 12:34:22
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 15/01/2015 12:30:12
Sorry dude I owned an ST... I only really know Amiga games that came out on both systems! :P

So shame on you: there is an Atari ST conversion! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/01/2015 13:54:02
I'm afraid that unless there was a game called "Hall of Light" that doesn't help me... :undecided:

And it's in French, and the image is non-zoomable.  I say you're making this difficult on purpose!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 15/01/2015 14:13:36
Quote from: AtavismusI say you're making this difficult on purpose!
I say he drew the picture himself! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/01/2015 14:56:44
You have everything you need...
Did you googled "hall of light" ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 19/01/2015 15:26:42
Okay, since this took such a lot of effort to track down (even on HAL! :-D) I feel justified about naming the game even though I had to cheat quite gratuitously.

The Short Grey.  Never heard of it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 20/01/2015 19:48:51
Congratz Captain!
The Short Grey (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 20/01/2015 23:34:32
Okay, from an obscure Amiga title to an STE title (by definition obscure!) - though there may have been an Amiga version, I'm not sure.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 20/01/2015 23:38:24
It's far too easy! ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 20/01/2015 23:48:04
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 20/01/2015 23:38:24
It's far too easy! ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/01/2015 00:20:28
Sorry :D
Amiga is so much to me... I can't help myself...
Still, I didn't Name the Game, so it's going on ;) 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/01/2015 10:00:21
Looks a lot like Stardust I played on my Amiga 1200 back in the day.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 21/01/2015 10:38:36
It is a LOT like Stardust.  (Gah should have picked a game that definitely WASN'T ported to the Amiga, but I think the number of truly STE-exclusive titles was probably limited to a handful of freeware games, the market wasn't big enough to sustain a proper commercial release.)

Anyway... you're up Gribbler!  Keep it 16-bit! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/01/2015 15:45:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 21/01/2015 17:14:51
Warcraft. It's surprisingly easy. Is there a trap?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/01/2015 18:11:05
It's Warcraft. I just didn't want to stall the thread.

Go ahead, your turn, Creamy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 21/01/2015 20:03:47
A good little game that I have played recently :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 21/01/2015 23:30:40
QuoteI just didn't want to stall the thread.
Well, I guess I just did it with my little-known, google-image-proof flash game >:D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/01/2015 12:47:08
Can we have another screenshot please? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 27/01/2015 13:08:32
I'm on my phone, so I'll give clues instead. It's a flash game from 2010. It's about a girl who comes in an asylum to work with her uncle. When she arrives, he has mysteriously vanished.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 29/01/2015 19:38:03
Sorry dude I'm getting the feeling that I've never seen or heard of this game.  Even Gribbler doesn't seem to know it!  (Therefore, it probably doesn't actually exist. :P)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/01/2015 21:00:53
Thx for these clues Creamy.
Still, it remains not easy at all...
First time I saw the picture, I thought about "D" on Playstation (first of the name).
But it can't be "D", as you said it's a flash game.
So I browsed some flash adventure games lists, but without success.

I wonder if more ppl play that game than "my" Short Grey! :-D
Next time (if I "win again one day"), I'll pick the most obscure amiga shareware I played 20 years ago! 8-0

Question: Is Asylum in the game title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 31/01/2015 17:05:03
The game was Dark Visions ( by 10th Play. It's been played more than 100 000 times according to their website but I admit it was difficult.

Let's try something easier :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 31/01/2015 17:53:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 31/01/2015 18:00:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 01/02/2015 04:58:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 01/02/2015 13:24:45
It very probably is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 01/02/2015 17:49:59
That's a Bingo!
Your turn Iceboty.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 02/02/2015 04:01:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 13/02/2015 05:20:21
Woah! I killed the game?

Alright. Another shot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 13/02/2015 08:33:41
Come on, post a genuine screenshot already! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 13/02/2015 16:06:10
They are genuine screenshots!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 14/02/2015 03:16:00
Quote from: Iceboty V7000a on Fri 13/02/2015 16:06:10
They are genuine screenshots!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 18/02/2015 20:42:35
I'm beginning to think that's not even a genuine game! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/02/2015 14:54:14
It's Air Buster a.k.a. Aero Blasters (
I give my turn to Creamy. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 23/02/2015 03:52:46
Yeah. Atavismis is correct. The Mega Drive version to be exact, as the first shot is a loading screen unique to that version (yeah, a loading screen in a cart game) and should be a dead give away to anyone who has really seen that version. The second "shot" is the sprite of the very frequently seen item container. I refused to provide further shots because any other thing would make it no challenge at all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 25/02/2015 19:54:33
QuoteI give my turn to Creamy. ;)
Thank you but I'm not home this week and I can't post a screenshot with my phone so I pass the buck to Gurok.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 26/02/2015 01:41:12
Try this, everyone!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/02/2015 11:57:33
Looks like one of many Boulder Dash clones.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 26/02/2015 12:28:10
Rockford ( ?
If I'm right, you should pick a new one Gurok. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 27/02/2015 19:24:40
You're right, but also...

SCREW YOU ALL! You want an obscure game? I'll give you one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 27/02/2015 20:11:24
Screw you, thread killer! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 27/02/2015 21:38:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 27/02/2015 21:47:57
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 27/02/2015 21:38:30
I thought about it too, but Gurok said "obscure", so maybe a (shareware) clone of Elite?
(Btw, Elite don't have such gfx colors imo/in my rememberings)
Maybe we'll need a second screenie or an hint...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 27/02/2015 21:50:02
Return to Fractalis.

(No I don't really think it's that. But I wanted to guess it anyway! ;-D (roll) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 28/02/2015 10:10:20
Not Elite, not Return to Fractalis. A hint? It's about killer ants from outer space. Here's another screenshot:


I've tried to make sure all of these are ungoogleable :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/02/2015 10:20:49
Thx for those hints.
But it's a EA game... So not so obscure...

(Btw, about "ungoogleable", how wanna win by cheating?! ;))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 28/02/2015 10:59:21
It's not Starflight and not an EA game.


Year of release: 1987
Release platforms: Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/02/2015 11:13:45
Aliants: The Desperate Battle for Earth
(last try for me ;))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 28/02/2015 11:18:08
Correct! That's twice in a row, Atavismus. It has to be your turn now :D

Also, I might add, this game looked a lot better on platforms other than DOS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/02/2015 12:08:04
Thx Gurok, that was challenging, I liked the hunt. :D

Ok, here is an easy one I guess :


(It's googleable but who cares, we are between gentlemen ;))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 01/03/2015 10:23:37
Ween the Prophecy. It has been posted before
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 01/03/2015 11:22:39
I guessed it was already posted... (I should have use the forum search engine)
I wanted something not hard, not Amiga exclusive.
Well, nevermind, your turn Gribbler. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/03/2015 10:38:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 02/03/2015 11:10:48
I saw the pic, thought "Dark Souls", googled "Dark Souls like" and found "Lords of the Fallen", is it cheating?! :O
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/03/2015 12:06:59
QuoteI saw the pic, thought "Dark Souls", googled "Dark Souls like" and found "Lords of the Fallen", is it cheating?!
Not at all! It's called deduction. :) Go ahead with the next game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 02/03/2015 21:22:56
Here is an anti google image :D

(Two screenshots in one: I thought google would be smarter ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 13/03/2015 02:09:07
No one?
Bah, just browse Amiga adventure games, you'll find it and discover some nice gems. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: actualwiazrd on Fri 13/03/2015 10:03:51
Sex Vixens from Space?

...That may not be it, but I definitely found "gems."
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 13/03/2015 21:44:56
No, it's not Sex Vixens from Space ^^
Thx for trying! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 18/03/2015 00:50:51
Well, with this clue, if you know how to search, it's easy: there is a 1.5 sequel to this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 09:57:55
Relics of Deldroneye ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 18/03/2015 10:15:58
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 09:57:55
Relics of Deldroneye ? (

Congratulations Abstauber!

Brings us a new riddle! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 12:13:05
the last time I've played a game, it was this one ... back in January ;(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 18/03/2015 12:58:10
It seems to be a "Scorched Earth" like but which one...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 13:05:44
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 18/03/2015 12:58:10
It seems to be a "Scorched Earth" like but which one...
The best of them all :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 18/03/2015 20:25:03
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 13:05:44
The best of them all :D
Are you sure? I don't recognize WORMS :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 18/03/2015 21:09:52
This is 7-player real-time worms with tanks 8-)

Hint 1: It's a console game and needs more than 16 bit processing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 20/03/2015 07:21:14
Hint 2: There's been a remake of this for Xbox 360. The screenshot shows the Sega Saturn version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/03/2015 08:12:42
Death Tank?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 20/03/2015 09:18:09
Death Tank Zwei
But close enough :)

If you can gather some friends (coworkers, bums) around your TV - try it! It's dirt fun! If I can ever attend to a Mittens again (and it's reachable by car), I'll bring this along.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/03/2015 18:14:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 20/03/2015 21:21:08
It looks like Deathspank. I looked at it a few times at the PS Store and almost bought it but then thought meh, it's probably shit. Or for kids:P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 20/03/2015 22:58:10
It IS Deathspank! :)

QuoteI looked at it a few times at the PS Store and almost bought it but then thought meh, it's probably shit. Or for kids:P
I urge you to reconsider! It's an awesome game and has Ron Gilbert humour written all over it. Basically, it's a Diablo meet Monkey Island type of game. I loved it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 21/03/2015 18:35:35
Still, to me Diablo meets Monkey Island sounds like chocolate meets sourkraut... Just not right together IMO;)

Anyway, here's my entry:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 21/03/2015 19:41:49
Don't recognise it but the dude with the guns looks like Wolverine to maybe an X-Men game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 21/03/2015 19:48:27
He really does look like Wolverine... but it's just a shameless character design rip-off. It's not an X-Men game;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 21/03/2015 22:29:59
It's The Suffering. A hellraiser meets Max Payne type of game. Like meringue with mustard. Delicious :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sun 22/03/2015 00:43:20
Yep. The Suffering. I admit I had two helpings of meringue with custard, with The Suffering 2 being just as good as the first one;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 23/03/2015 19:49:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 23/03/2015 23:23:31
Mata Hari?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 23/03/2015 23:46:02
Fallout - New Vegas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 24/03/2015 08:09:47
Mouth for war got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 24/03/2015 21:26:05
I know my fallout god damn it!!! :D ok here's another one

( (

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Tue 24/03/2015 21:45:00
Randal's Monday?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 24/03/2015 22:45:23
Haha yep! That was mighty fast :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Wed 25/03/2015 08:09:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 25/03/2015 08:43:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Wed 25/03/2015 12:00:59
Quote from: Ben X on Wed 25/03/2015 08:43:31


Unlike Outcast, it's not a full 3d game (it uses static, pre-rendered backgrounds).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 25/03/2015 19:56:06
The longest journey?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/03/2015 07:26:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Thu 26/03/2015 09:36:24
No to both.

Another hint: it's not a 'pure' adventure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 26/03/2015 19:50:25
Dirty keepsake!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Sun 29/03/2015 19:00:22
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 26/03/2015 19:50:25
Dirty keepsake!


Another screenshot:

And another hint: a wonderful steampunk RPG shares the first letters of its title with this game's.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 30/03/2015 09:05:33
Arcanum is a hint game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cacaro on Mon 30/03/2015 16:43:02
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 30/03/2015 09:05:33
Arcanum is a hint game?


A hint name, more specifically :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 07/05/2015 08:47:28
I have no idea what game that is, but please... don't let this thread die!! :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 07/05/2015 11:29:20
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 07/05/2015 08:47:28
I have no idea what game that is, but please... don't let this thread die!! :shocked:

Yeah, it's my favourite thread in Rumpus Room!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/05/2015 20:21:21
Hope no-one minds, but I've taken it upon myself to start afresh here.  So here's probably my all-time favourite platformer from the 16-bit age:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 09/05/2015 20:33:24
You're right CaptainD, this thread is too good to let it die.
I propose Parasol Stars (sequel of Rainbow Islands).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/05/2015 21:13:10
Quote from: Atavismus on Sat 09/05/2015 20:33:24
You're right CaptainD, this thread is too good to let it die.
I propose Parasol Stars (sequel of Rainbow Islands).

You're exactly right!  (I know the character and parasol were a bit of a giveaway, but I wanted a nice easy one to start the ball rolling again.. :cool:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 09/05/2015 21:28:36
Yeah, good idea. ;)
Here is an easy one too (I guess).
The picture comes from the Amiga version, but this famous Sega game is multiplatform.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 10/05/2015 17:02:30
Alien Storm?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 10/05/2015 21:27:24
Quote from: Gilbert on Sun 10/05/2015 17:02:30
Alien Storm?
Yes it is! Congratz Gilbert!
Your turn ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 11/05/2015 03:40:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 11/05/2015 08:19:28
It reminds me of James Pond... but where's his tail?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 11/05/2015 16:46:39
Nope. I think that guess is far off.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Mon 11/05/2015 17:11:16
Oh wait... But it's... Bonanza Bros.! 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 12/05/2015 03:24:21
Correct! I think once you recognise the characters it would be too easy.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Tue 12/05/2015 10:13:04
Yay! :D
You're right, anyway. I have just vague memories of the game itself, but not the characters or the game's art style.

I think I did never join this, by the way. How obscure can it get?

Will this do?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2015 10:24:24
Maybe Drakkhen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Tue 12/05/2015 10:29:25
Nope, I'm afraid!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 12/05/2015 18:21:29
You're gonna kill the thread again! :P

Is it Fifa 1983? :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Tue 12/05/2015 19:18:23
I will supply some hints! :P I don't want to ruin this thread on my first ride! (Actually how does it work? When is time to stop and give out the solution? :D)

It is a C64 game, and that's probably obvious.

The screen I posted is a "loading screen" between levels and rumor has it that, at the time, it was kinda unusual to see such loading screens between levels because they were animated. Today we would call them "preloader screens", probably.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2015 19:36:06
C64 version of Gauntlet perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Tue 12/05/2015 19:48:51
Great game, but no :( (Of course it's knight-related)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 12/05/2015 20:52:46
Castle Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Tue 12/05/2015 22:37:42
Nope, this one has a third person view. 2D sprites over a 3Dish environment.

Next hint will be another screenshot :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 13/05/2015 13:59:30
Gates of dawn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: LostTrainDude on Wed 13/05/2015 14:26:45
It is! :D Well spotted!

I have to say: I discovered this game only in the past few years. To me it seems like one of those underrated gems that nobody ever mentions. IMHO it had lots of interesting features, for the time, but sure was tough as hell...

Here ('s a smooth longplay, anyway.

Also I always forget its right name, so putting it here now I'm pretty sure I won't forget it again (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 16/05/2015 20:45:04
Calling Mouth of War... your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sat 16/05/2015 21:46:58
Mouth FOR war if i may!!!!!!!!! ;D
Ok here you go

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/05/2015 20:03:59
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sat 16/05/2015 21:46:58
Mouth FOR war if i may!!!!!!!!! ;D

Don't exactly recognise it but looks like something along the lines of Galaxians, maybe on an Atari 8-bit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 18/05/2015 00:37:42
It's not galaxians. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 19/05/2015 10:04:17
but you're not so far off I think ;) Think more obscure :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/05/2015 00:29:24
Not sure I know many obscure 8-bit shmups!! - only thing I can think of is Galaga.

What's bugging me is that for some reason the ship design rings a bell...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 20/05/2015 13:32:14
Well, the title of the game sounds like a really cheesy low budget sci fi horror movie I guess hehe. I can give out the first word of the title if the next few guesses are wrong :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/05/2015 14:00:55
Awesome looking low-res ship in any case...No idea what the game is...

But...It looks like the player is already on zero lives on level 01 from the readout so best of luck to them...

Poor them... :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 20/05/2015 14:13:20
Haha yeah :) Ok the title has 2 words, first word begins with "S" and second begins with "D"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/05/2015 14:14:25
I finally found it on a webpage about obscure Nintendo games (so clearly I cannot now answer!).  To be fair to me it did mention both Galaxians and Galaga in the short description of the game. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/05/2015 14:51:51
"Starship Destiny"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 21/05/2015 16:21:38
Ohh no mandle that is too great a title to spoil on this piece of crap :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 21/05/2015 18:39:42
Aurgh I can't stand it any longer!!!  It's "Space Demons".  But as I cheated, someone else take my go.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Thu 21/05/2015 20:54:54
Quite an obscure pull that one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 01/06/2015 22:00:49
Okay since no-one seems to want to take over the mantle for now, here's one from an obvious guess but only a small part of the screen so maybe, just maybe, not quite so obvious (though it probably will be to someone!).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Mon 01/06/2015 22:09:36
Pretty sure that's Curse of Monkey Island.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 01/06/2015 23:06:13
Quote from: OneDollar on Mon 01/06/2015 22:09:36
Pretty sure that's Curse of Monkey Island.

Ha that didn't take long! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 02/06/2015 18:18:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 02/06/2015 19:01:05
Pretty sure that's from the excellent Book of Unwritten Tales.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: OneDollar on Tue 02/06/2015 19:02:28
That's the one! Your turn again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 02/06/2015 19:10:07
Okay this might be obscure or really easy, I'm not sure...  remember playing this some years ago when it became freeware, fun and somewhat odd game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/06/2015 21:19:36
Hmm... okay, here are two more.



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 05/06/2015 21:59:04
Eye Of The Kraken. Though I must admit I cheated by Googling for Aboubakar's Cabin :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/06/2015 22:03:15
Well... I think I can let you off cheating on this one occasion! :grin:  Your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 05/06/2015 23:02:33
Alrighty, here's another slightly obscure one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 06/06/2015 10:36:18
Dunno... unless they made a game version of Treasure Planet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 06/06/2015 13:42:30
Could it be Atlantis?
I seem to remember some flying ships on that game. Though, this screenshot seems to have poorer graphics... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/06/2015 17:14:04
Nope on both counts.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 08/06/2015 19:57:33
It still looks like a flying ship... so maybe... Discworld: Noir? (the scene reminds me of the flying turtle, and I remember ships in Noir - though I haven't actually finished the game, so maybe there is no such scene. (roll) ). 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/06/2015 20:59:14
I wouldn't know either, and in any case, it's wrong.

Suppose I might throw you a bone and give a hint: the game is based on a series of novels.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 09/06/2015 11:31:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/06/2015 13:46:45
Quote from: Grim on Tue 09/06/2015 11:31:54
That's based on an opera :P So no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/06/2015 12:34:59
Still nothing? Alright, another hint, then. The game's name starts with a D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Sat 13/06/2015 17:21:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/06/2015 17:23:06
Another no.

It's a fantasy setting with elves, dwarves, humans, etc.

I suppose I might as well fire up another screenshot that's maybe a bit more indicative of the rest of the game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 17/06/2015 19:48:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 17/06/2015 21:57:37
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 17/06/2015 19:48:00
We have a winner! := Didn't think this one would be so tough. Go right ahead, sir. You've earned it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/06/2015 13:06:20
I give my turn to whoever is willing to take it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: alphadalekben on Sat 20/06/2015 13:34:05
Is this technically cheating?

EDIT: Bonus points for both names. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Sat 20/06/2015 17:19:45
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: alphadalekben on Sat 20/06/2015 17:27:14
Close but no cigar. You're a few words off.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/06/2015 19:31:02
Quote from: alphadalekben on Sat 20/06/2015 13:34:05
Is this technically cheating?

EDIT: Bonus points for both names. ;)
Gyakuten Kenji 2, AKA Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: alphadalekben on Sun 21/06/2015 15:22:17
You are correct. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 21/06/2015 18:08:55

This is another hard one, so I'll be nice enough to drop a hint right away: in this game you play as a superhero.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/06/2015 16:39:18
I'm 95% sure this game has been posted before. Even the same screenshot. I don't remember the title though
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/07/2015 08:58:33

Still nothing? Oh dear. Better keep this thing going with another screen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/07/2015 11:49:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/07/2015 12:51:39
BING! Got it in one shot, well done :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/07/2015 16:43:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 06/07/2015 08:54:17
That's Las Vegas, the Japan-exclusive reworking of the original Leisure Suit Larry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 06/07/2015 09:38:36
Correct! Ding ding!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 06/07/2015 12:05:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/07/2015 14:26:22
Oh dear, did I kill the thread again? Hint: it's a movie-based game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 10/07/2015 16:33:08
I don't remember this screen, but that dude looks like Ray McCoy from the Blade Runner game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/07/2015 17:28:27
That is correct ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Fri 10/07/2015 18:57:15
An easy one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/07/2015 19:58:24
Well, I know this one, but I'm gonna give someone else the opportunity to answer this time :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 11/07/2015 12:47:51
Looks like Shovel Knight.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 11/07/2015 13:21:07
It is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 11/07/2015 14:19:30
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 11/07/2015 12:47:51
Looks like Shovel Knight.
I somehow feel this was not an answer, but rather an observation :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 12/07/2015 13:06:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 12/07/2015 13:26:33
Anas' worst nightmare II ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 12/07/2015 17:13:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/07/2015 15:52:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: kconan on Mon 13/07/2015 15:53:03
Well, I suppose I'll be seeing that in my nightmares.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 13/07/2015 22:31:18
Nooooo... I didn't visit the forums for one day and my favourite game pops up! (just finished Bloodborne for the second time tonight, all three umbilical cords collected and the real ending revealed).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/07/2015 22:50:11
Quote from: GrimJust finished Bloodborne for the second time tonight, all three umbilical cords collected and the real ending revealed).
Congrats! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 14/07/2015 13:37:55
Where's this from:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 14/07/2015 18:04:49
South Park Stick of Truth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 14/07/2015 22:21:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Thu 16/07/2015 19:26:26
How about a little more:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 16/07/2015 21:56:16
Ooh that looks like Game Dev Tycoon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 17/07/2015 13:14:32
You cropped that image like it was some kind of legendary adventure game everybody knows :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 17/07/2015 22:42:44
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 17/07/2015 13:14:32
You cropped that image like it was some kind of legendary adventure game everybody knows :)

Sneaky huh?  I wouldn't have got it without the bigger screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 18/07/2015 00:43:25
Yes, it is indeed Game Dev Tycoon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 18/07/2015 22:34:02
Okay how about this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/07/2015 08:26:42

Okay, here's a hint... the game has an obvious link Tex Murphy's most recent adventure.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/07/2015 08:57:52
It's Tesla Breaks The World.

I'm passing my turn to somebody else.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 24/07/2015 21:59:01

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 24/07/2015 22:18:58
I was going to say Dying Light but that mine in the background... Could it be The Vanishing of E.C.? I recall a scary dude patrolling the mines...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/07/2015 22:47:35
Makeover Party Goes Horribly Wrong?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 25/07/2015 01:34:50
...every damned monday morning!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 25/07/2015 13:20:34
Quote from: GrimCould it be The Vanishing of E.C.? I recall a scary dude patrolling the mines...

Correct! Finished it yesterday. Great game with stunning graphics.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 27/07/2015 15:12:08
Here's an easy one (since I don't know any hard ones!;)):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cridone on Tue 28/07/2015 00:52:36
Oh, Life is Strange! The next episode of that is coming out tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 28/07/2015 01:54:36
That's correct, Cridone!;) I'm looking forward to episode 4 as well. That cliffhanger was one of the best moments in recent gaming history for me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cridone on Tue 28/07/2015 16:29:38
I will admit, that cliffhanger did make me tear up a little... Which I think is the only cliffhanger in a game I've ever cried to.
Anyway, this is something I've been playing recently.


I think the graphic style gives the game away.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 28/07/2015 17:54:50
Myst 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cridone on Wed 29/07/2015 01:06:27
Nope, but you're close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Wed 29/07/2015 07:15:01
Myst 3.

I can keep going...;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 29/07/2015 08:12:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cridone on Wed 29/07/2015 22:22:26
Quote from: ManicMatt on Wed 29/07/2015 08:12:16
Yup. (;
(and since Riven is Myst 2, Grim was VERY close to it, lol)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 30/07/2015 10:50:50
Pftt... They use the same bloody grass textures ;)

Your round ManicMatt!;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 01/08/2015 21:56:08
Haha it SO looked like a myst game! I can't believe I guessed it right, I never know what most of these screenshots are from!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 01/08/2015 22:07:33
Brian The Lion. Recognize him from the Lemon Amiga site banner ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 01/08/2015 22:54:07
He is? Damn those lemonheads!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/08/2015 07:52:34
Alright then, my turn again.


And a hint: it's an adventure game released post-2000.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 04/08/2015 09:18:21
The Ring Noir? (lel).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 04/08/2015 10:38:26
I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 04/08/2015 12:46:50
Is it an AGS game? Looks like something Auriond might have made (meaning reminds me of Marionette).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 04/08/2015 16:14:27
No, it's not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 04/08/2015 17:16:03
Is it from "Cognition : an Erica Reed thriller"? I have only played the first episode so far.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 04/08/2015 17:52:12
Ooooh, good answer, but no, that's not it either.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 04/08/2015 21:44:06
It doesn't matter what you answer, the screenshot is too gray :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 05/08/2015 16:33:17
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Tue 04/08/2015 21:44:06
It doesn't matter what you answer, the screenshot is too gray :P
Okay, smartie pants, are you actually gonna tell me what it is next? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Wed 05/08/2015 22:08:52
50 Shades Of Gray: The Videogame :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 06/08/2015 07:30:35
50 shades of Grim :P

I'll put you all out of the misery:

Gray matter
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 06/08/2015 09:43:52
I should really be the last one making fun of gray looking games... ;)

But this is obviously Gray's Anatomy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/08/2015 10:38:34
You guys :D

But yeah, Anas got it. Good job.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 06/08/2015 11:53:21

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 06/08/2015 13:20:50
Now that's pure filth, Anas.

Filth... :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 06/08/2015 15:00:58
Oh sorry Grim I didn't mean to offend you!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 06/08/2015 15:33:01
Ha ha!;)

That's better;) There's nothing worse than a pair of droopy red bollocks... :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 11/08/2015 06:37:45
Clue two:
Censored the character  :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 11/08/2015 08:21:04
Looks like some kind of Duck Tales game?...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 11/08/2015 09:52:19

...and for science:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 11/08/2015 10:05:26
For my round, the horror game :

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 12/08/2015 17:12:13
28:12? ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Wed 12/08/2015 17:59:46
No? ;)

I'll give you a clue: it's a fairly recent game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 13/08/2015 14:27:23
Another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 20/08/2015 17:22:30
You killed the thread, murderer! Ha, i think if anyone here had played this game it would be an easy guess with the hud display alone..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Thu 20/08/2015 23:25:31
Quote from: ManicMatt on Thu 20/08/2015 17:22:30
You killed the thread, murderer!

Ha! Always dreamed of this moment!!!:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 30/08/2015 23:03:21
Well, I think it's time to say we all give up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 31/08/2015 01:48:51
I cheated. This is a pretty obscure game - I'd never heard of it and it only has 3 reviews on metacritic...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 31/08/2015 12:22:01
More hints Grim!! You thread killer!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 31/08/2015 17:46:11
It's a 30 minutes fpp horror game in which you have to escape from a serial killer's den before the time is up. It has procedurally generated puzzles/item locations and... well, it's pretty cool, I thought some of you might have known it;) It's on Steam!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 01/09/2015 07:32:48
Also, the title starts with a letter "E" and ends with "I"?...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 01/09/2015 08:20:11
It's ENKI. Deviously, the Steam page cuts off the bottom of the screenshots so you can't see the bar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 01/09/2015 19:11:14
Yep. It's Enki. Shame on you all for not playing it!!! ;) (okay, it's probably not the best game ever... but it was good fun for half an hour;))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 01/09/2015 21:21:45
Well excuse me for never having played a game that I hadn't even heard of :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 03/09/2015 20:17:13
Is this game based on an animated movie?
If so, I haven't played the game, but I watched the movie.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 04/09/2015 07:35:33
Not based on one specifically, but there *is* an animated movie based on the same property as this game ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 04/09/2015 08:00:41
Smells like Warcraft to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 04/09/2015 13:48:58
Sounds me to like you need a new nose, then :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Fri 04/09/2015 14:04:47
The game is: Space Marine!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 04/09/2015 14:18:13
Quote from: WHAM on Fri 04/09/2015 14:04:47
The game is: Space Marine!
Glorious tale of victory, brutha! ;) You're next!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Fri 04/09/2015 17:42:56

Hint: It's a picture of a very cold place in the game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/09/2015 19:37:16
Cold Place: The Game?

(just trying to keep the thread alive := )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 19/09/2015 20:14:37
Haha, it's clearly the sequel "Very cold place - the game"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 19/09/2015 21:21:37
Uhm... Syberia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Sun 20/09/2015 15:19:32
It's not "Cold Place" or "Very Cold Place", nor is it Syberia.

Here, have 2 more screenshots, this time showing more than just icebergs:



EDIT: I only now looked back on some of the earlier 150+ pages and noticed that the original idea of the thread was to showcase ADVENTURE games, though some previous games haven't exactly been that either. In any case, for fairness sake, I'll note that this game is NOT an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 20/09/2015 15:41:03
The Thing?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Sun 20/09/2015 16:07:10
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 20/09/2015 15:41:03
The Thing?

Nope. For the record, this game DOES have other environments than just snow, including deserts and swamps.
Also: It's a free game.

EDIT: I only now looked back on some of the earlier 150+ pages and noticed that the original idea of the thread was to showcase ADVENTURE games, though some previous games haven't exactly been that either. In any case, for fairness sake, I'll note that this game is NOT an adventure game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Tue 22/09/2015 22:25:45
Come on guys, give me some guesses! :D

It's a free-to-play FPS game available on steam.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 22/09/2015 22:35:53
Hmmmm,... the last screenshot reminded me Unreal Tournament's "Onslaught" maps. But Unreal Tournament is not a free game.

Then it was like "deja vu" and I rememembered one multiplayer FPS game that WHAM mentioned a while ago, which reminded me UT too.

It was called Planetside :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: WHAM on Wed 23/09/2015 07:06:45
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 22/09/2015 22:35:53
It was called Planetside :).

Planetside 2, to be precise, but do take the point. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 25/09/2015 18:44:56
I cannot find anything interesting right now, I give my turn up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 25/09/2015 19:09:48

In that case, allow me to cut in. Or, prick in? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Bulbapuck on Fri 25/09/2015 19:15:24
Aww, you made it before me, I was really hoping to get a chance to post this:


But Amayirot Akago's image is the one to guess for, this will remain a delightful mystery. :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 25/09/2015 19:44:20
I'm not sure I'd even want to know :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 25/09/2015 19:45:35
Looks like one of those old SEGA CD titles.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 25/09/2015 19:49:00
Well, I'll give you a free hint right off the bat, it's for PC.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 26/09/2015 13:55:17
Bulbapuck's was Hot Throttle. Dunno Amayirot Akago's, so I'll guess Tex Murphy - Tesla Effect.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 26/09/2015 14:05:37
No, the video's clearly too grainy for that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 26/09/2015 18:48:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 28/09/2015 15:34:48
Black Dahlia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 28/09/2015 21:26:27
No, not that one either. I probably shoulda reckoned this would be a hard one, so to further narrow it down: the guy in the picture is a vampire.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/09/2015 21:35:59
Haven't played them but looks right for maybe one of the Elvira games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 29/09/2015 07:51:38
Nope, those weren't FMV.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 29/09/2015 13:19:47
The Vampire Diaries?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 30/09/2015 14:58:07
Nope. Perhaps this lil' Cortana is more recognizable to whoever may have seen this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 04/10/2015 10:39:04
Still nothing? Sheesh, okay. The main character of the game is played by Malibu from American Gladiators.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 05/10/2015 23:48:59
It's "Terror T.R.A.X - Track of the Vampire", a game I have never heard of!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 06/10/2015 07:30:03
Indeed it is, and hats off to you for getting it right 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 06/10/2015 23:32:35
It took me two seconds to drag "main character of the game is played by Malibu from American Gladiators" over to a new tab and scan the results for a vampiric title!

(It will take me slightly longer to put up the next game; give me 12 hours.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 07/10/2015 11:48:24
Okay, this is a pretty tough (kind of cheaty) one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/10/2015 12:30:14
As you said it's kind of cheaty maybe this is a game that hasn't actually been released yet... since the style reminds me very much of one of my most anticipated AGS games in production, I'm going to guess Rise of the Hidden Sun?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 07/10/2015 22:24:37
Yes! Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/10/2015 09:55:54
:-D  Really hope development on that is running smoothly, it looks awesome.

This one may be easy or tough, no idea really.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 10/10/2015 00:18:50
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 08/10/2015 09:55:54
:-D  Really hope development on that is running smoothly, it looks awesome.

lol, as sad as it is, Hidden Sun is vaporware dude.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 10/10/2015 21:09:10
Quote from: Ben X on Sat 10/10/2015 00:18:50
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 08/10/2015 09:55:54
:-D  Really hope development on that is running smoothly, it looks awesome.

lol, as sad as it is, Hidden Sun is vaporware dude.

You're almost definitely right, but I still hope you're wrong! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 14/10/2015 09:45:42
I have no idea on this game. Resident Evil 2? Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy or whatever it was called elsewhere)? Limbo Of The Lost?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/10/2015 11:12:39
Next Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/10/2015 16:52:58
Nope, none of those.

Hint - it IS an adventure game.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 14/10/2015 17:34:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/10/2015 18:57:57
You got it! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 14/10/2015 23:26:23
Yeah! :D
Well, the logo on the last screenshot was a huge hint.

So, what about that game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 18/10/2015 21:44:21
Looks like it should maybe be a Transformers or Gobots spin-off title.  But I suspect it isn't! :-D

Some Japanese mech shooter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 19/10/2015 08:18:47
You're right CaptainD, that was a trap, this is not a big bot game and it's not japanese but UK.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 21/10/2015 12:33:18
I'm not getting any inspiration, seems no-one else is either!  Another screenie / hint maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/10/2015 12:41:31
Sure CaptainD!

Here is another screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 21/10/2015 14:46:15
Hmm.  Graphics style rather reminds me of The Bitmap Brothers but I'm not aware of any vertical shooters they released other than the Xenon games, and it isn't one of those.  The other screenshot is irking me but nothing's coming to mind. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/10/2015 15:05:27
Well, there are some other studios well known for their great gfx on Amiga.
Btw, later, that studio created one of the most famous character in video game history.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/10/2015 15:56:02
It's Blastar by Core Design, who would go on to create the Tomb Raider games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/10/2015 16:10:20
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/10/2015 15:56:02
It's Blastar by Core Design, who would go on to create the Tomb Raider games.
Every video games wonders started with Amiga guyz hehe
DMA Design/Rockstar is one more example.
Same with Psygnosis and Team 17.

Well done Amayirot Akago, your turn. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/10/2015 16:42:36

Alrighty then. Hopefully this should be a bit easier than my usual fare up till now ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/10/2015 13:14:44
Yes, it's easier than usual (for me at least).
Lilly : looking through.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/10/2015 15:10:51
Aw, you saw right through it :P Have at it, then!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/10/2015 19:12:31
Thanks, here you go :

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/10/2015 19:57:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/10/2015 20:03:06
Yep. One down, one to go ( Atavismus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/10/2015 20:14:38
I found the other one too! 8-)

Mind guyz, few days ago, I put Blastar as a guess for the french and english forum. :-D

Well, I'll post a new guess tomorrow.
Not easy to find a good one...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 23/10/2015 21:09:25
What about that game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 24/10/2015 10:53:32
It certainly isn't Civilization :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 24/10/2015 11:10:21
Tribes maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 24/10/2015 13:17:21
Double nope.
It's a recent game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/10/2015 12:20:23
Another picture of that recent russian game:


(I love those gfx! Pure Pixel Art beauty!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 30/10/2015 15:44:17
This looks like Settlers 1 remake.
I do not know what it is though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gatata03 on Sat 31/10/2015 17:16:13
Wow, never heard of that game but it looks amazing 8-0, but I cheated to see what game it is :c
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/10/2015 20:11:40
Well, to sum up, it's a russian indie strategy game released in 2015.
You can find it on steam.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Thu 12/11/2015 16:25:32
Way of Gold and Steel!
A friend sitting next to me in class entered the steam page through a bundle in Bundle Stars.
Lucky score!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 12/11/2015 16:32:50
Well done Superkumi!
Luck is a part of any game. ;)
Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Thu 12/11/2015 16:36:12
Feel free to do another one, I'm not home for the next day or two, but I'll think of one...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 12/11/2015 16:49:33
Well, I'm working hard on the MAGS those last days and I have no interesting "guess" at the moment, so we'll wait your post. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Thu 12/11/2015 19:53:25

Well, borrowed a friend's computer, good luck!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 12/11/2015 20:09:44
GTA: Oscars edition? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Thu 12/11/2015 20:35:15
Hehe, much better than that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 13/11/2015 02:31:27
Oscar: GTA edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: MiteWiseacreLives! on Fri 13/11/2015 06:06:58
Ironman: Family Reunion
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Fri 13/11/2015 07:26:47
All very solid guesses, but no cigar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 13/11/2015 10:43:22
Crime Cities?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Fri 13/11/2015 11:38:58
Nope. I'll give a hint to those who didn't notice:
that car is flying
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 13/11/2015 16:17:23
Oscar: GTFA (Grab The F... Flying Automobile) Edition
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/11/2015 17:08:14
I've looked at pretty much every futuristic racing/driving game I can find on Mobygames and still don't know. Maybe time for another hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Sun 15/11/2015 23:24:46
It's not a racing game, it's an arcade-ish flight shooter, came out in 1999.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 16/11/2015 07:36:09
I got it. It's BHunter.,206440/
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Tue 17/11/2015 04:33:44
Yup :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 17/11/2015 09:47:18
Then feast your eyes on this little beauty.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 17/11/2015 17:12:41
Strife. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 17/11/2015 17:20:01
That's correct, and may I praise you for your good taste :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/11/2015 13:09:20
Aaaaand this thread just went up and died. You gonna post anything, Crimson Wizard?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 21/11/2015 15:15:00
I am squeezing my thingy in then :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/11/2015 15:35:34
That'd be G-Nome, am I right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 21/11/2015 17:07:38
Ah... a too easy to get classic for you? :D I loved this one. It had an awesome atmosphere.
Your turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/11/2015 17:21:26
Quote from: Kumpel on Sat 21/11/2015 17:07:38
Ah... a too easy to get classic for you? :D I loved this one. It had an awesome atmosphere.
Your turn
Never played it but I remembered reading some reviews back in the day ;)

I pass my turn to whoever wants to go next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 21/11/2015 19:51:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 20:21:28
Zombie mania?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 21/11/2015 20:33:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/11/2015 20:42:54
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 20:21:28
Zombie mania?
Seriously?! ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 21:29:01
Living dead?

(Just throwing random guesses really. Have no idea what game it is... but it it called "guess the game" so am trying to guess it... not that I expect to hit the right name though. (laugh) ).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/11/2015 21:35:59
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 21:29:01
(Just throwing random guesses really. Have no idea what game it is... but it it called "guess the game" so am trying to guess it... not that I expect to hit the right name though. (laugh) ).
Oh ofc, I'm joking, not mocking. ;)
Just.. Well... You'll see ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 21/11/2015 21:51:04
Fallout 4, character creation screen.
Also, sorry, I was busy and completely forgot to post game last time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/11/2015 22:18:55
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 21/11/2015 21:51:04
Fallout 4, character creation screen.
That's so obvious I thought it was a joke lol
Hi btw CW ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 21/11/2015 22:53:35
I expected 2 minutes, not 2 hours :) CW is correct of course.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 22:58:55
LOL... guess I should have gone with my instinct then... actually thought "Fallout 4"... but thought it was too much of a bad joke... (roll)
(I'm probably the only one in this forum, that hasn't gotten, played, watched trailers, reviews, and all that stuff about the game. (laugh) ).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/11/2015 23:11:08
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 21/11/2015 22:53:35
I expected 2 minutes, not 2 hours :) CW is correct of course.
Indeed :D
So I wonder how many people follow this thread ^^
(Well, maybe all people are not on their computer during week-end hehe)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 23:14:31
They're probably busy playing Fallout 4... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 21/11/2015 23:24:10
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 21/11/2015 23:14:31
They're probably busy playing Fallout 4... (laugh)
Or working on MAGS! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 22/11/2015 00:40:52
Okay. I will post one this time.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 22/11/2015 08:02:31
One I actually know, but I'll give someone else the opportunity to answer ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 26/11/2015 22:10:06
Sooo.... should I post another hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 27/11/2015 03:56:49
Of course I know this, but I won't answer too, just to be fair ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 27/11/2015 07:50:38
Ah, screw it. It's Thief.

Giving up my turn to whoever posts a new picture next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 27/11/2015 16:46:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 27/11/2015 18:02:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 27/11/2015 18:15:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Fri 27/11/2015 18:23:57
Looks a bit like a Myst, but I don't recall that scene.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 27/11/2015 21:58:38
Actually, I think it looks more like Shivers ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 29/11/2015 10:04:48
No and no.

Tip: the game is full 3d and was released in 2012 (I think)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 02/12/2015 08:13:23
The game was originally released on the iPad. Windows release was in 2014.

Another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 09/12/2015 09:27:00
Still nothing? The game was originally released on iPad. I believe it was even iPad game of the year 2012.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 09/12/2015 10:31:02
The Room?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 09/12/2015 16:42:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 09/12/2015 22:43:19
Well, your hint was huge hehe

So, my turn:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 09/12/2015 23:00:12
That's Blade Warrior!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 09/12/2015 23:09:15
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 09/12/2015 23:00:12
That's Blade Warrior!
Well done!
Amiga's Limbo from 1989 hehe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 10/12/2015 08:00:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/12/2015 08:24:01
That's Dune.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 10/12/2015 14:20:37
Yup. Figured it was pretty easy ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 10/12/2015 14:24:10
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 10/12/2015 14:20:37
Yup. Figured it was pretty easy ;)
Yup, but what a game!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 10/12/2015 19:39:04
finally one I knew (nod)... and then it's already answered... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 10/12/2015 21:37:12
I give my turn to Cassiebsg :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 13/12/2015 23:00:04
Oops... sorry I missed this post for some odd reason. 8-0
Let me see if  I can find something. ;)

EDIT: Okay, found something. Probably too easy, so I cropped it a bit. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 14/12/2015 03:08:17
Definitely underwater.

I guess one of the EcoQuests had diving scenes.


Ecoquest: The Search for Cetus

Here is mine. It's pretty hard I think but it was hilarious


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 14/12/2015 09:41:46
I'm pretty sure I have already "browsed" that game (the main character... the winged creature...), but can't remember the name.
I guess it's freeware, am I right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 14/12/2015 19:36:15
Indeed! and the "company" which had this produced is pretty strange for an adventure game (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 14/12/2015 20:44:40
Ah, one for Germans :D
"Gregor Gysi und das Raumschiff Bonn", a political adventure game as part of the 1998 election's campaign.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 14/12/2015 23:05:00
Darn... I hoped to post more of that! Thats correct! Did you recognize it instantly? Ever played the second one? :=

Your turn, nihilyst!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 20/12/2015 10:20:08
I remember that one. I loved to play these advertisement games. Some of them weren't that bad.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 20/12/2015 12:44:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 20/12/2015 16:29:53
No, although now that I googled images of it, it very well could be.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 20/12/2015 16:52:17
Could be that awesome amtmospheric 3D-JumpnRun Naissance E :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 20/12/2015 17:27:36
It is indeed NaissanceE.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 20/12/2015 18:35:58
On to the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/12/2015 19:08:54
tag fail ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 22/12/2015 00:00:01
Sry ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 02/01/2016 09:54:09
I think it's time for some hints.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 02/01/2016 11:32:33
America's Next Top Model: Fashion Fail?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 02/01/2016 11:44:12
"Not That There's Anything Wrong With That: Origins"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 08/01/2016 12:58:16
Sry guys I actually thought it had been cracked^^

It is a really special one. Some said it's not even a game in it's common sense.

Here is a new one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/01/2016 13:47:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 08/01/2016 14:42:00
And we have a winner! What gave it away? the dusty atmosphere, the immunity bar or the engine? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/01/2016 22:49:10
A little bit of everything. Never played it myself but it always seemed interesting, will have to pick up the HD version sometime.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 08/01/2016 23:50:32
try blowing into the cartridge before screenshotting!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 09/01/2016 00:47:00
Could be the start of some command & conquer cutscene video...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/01/2016 10:43:01
What cartridge, Selmiak? :P And it's not C&C.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 09/01/2016 11:25:51
Scrambled? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 09/01/2016 18:25:24
Rainbow Six: Siege?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/01/2016 18:32:57
Nope and nope, but nihilyst is close on this game's time of release ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Superkumi on Sat 09/01/2016 19:23:47
Her Story?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 10/01/2016 08:19:02
Nope. Maybe this'll shed some light on things.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 10/01/2016 23:29:58
Dang, I've seen this before. Dream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 11/01/2016 01:08:47
I think it's the game where woman looks for her kid in the fun park. "The Park"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/01/2016 08:13:45
Nope on both counts.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 11/01/2016 10:23:19
i get a "Stanley Parable" vibe seeing this telephone and subtitles :D But I was sure, I've seen all the versions of that game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 11/01/2016 11:05:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/01/2016 11:20:12
Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 11/01/2016 10:23:19
i get a "Stanley Parable" vibe seeing this telephone and subtitles :D But I was sure, I've seen all the versions of that game
That's actually veeeeeerryyyyyyy close ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 11/01/2016 11:47:55
The Beginners Guide?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/01/2016 12:24:18
Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 11/01/2016 11:47:55
The Beginners Guide?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 11/01/2016 12:30:45
I got it!


*takes deep breath*

"Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/01/2016 13:03:07
Bingo! :grin: Whopper of a title, I know. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 11/01/2016 18:19:27
Yay! :)

Here's from a game I played and enjoyed quite a bit recently:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/01/2016 18:37:38
I haven't played it but I've posted about it on my blog a few times so I know the art style well - 80 Days.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 11/01/2016 19:32:06
That's right! And in my case, 73 Days! ;)

Your turn ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/01/2016 21:06:28
Okay, this one's from a recent release:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/01/2016 22:18:41
Hm. Tempted to say it's some kinda Star Trek game but I dunno of any that've come out recently. Maybe Star Trek Online then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 11/01/2016 22:47:20
Checking my twitter feed and just saw this: (
Seems to be "Prominence".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 18/01/2016 08:58:27
So, is it "Prominence"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 18/01/2016 10:29:36
Yeah. You know it is :-) go on!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 18/01/2016 11:05:50
Oh ok, sorry, here we go:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 18/01/2016 12:10:14
Quote from: Atavismus on Mon 18/01/2016 08:58:27
So, is it "Prominence"?

So sorry I thought I'd answered you already! :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 18/01/2016 12:23:20
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 18/01/2016 12:10:14
So sorry I thought I'd answered you already! :-[
Np my Captain ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 26/01/2016 07:50:53
Sooooooooo... I don't think anyone knows what this game is :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 26/01/2016 08:35:31
Ok !
That was Dark Fear ( (released in the end of 2015).
I like the old school gfx and feeling hehe

Anyone can propose something else ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 26/01/2016 12:07:17
you could have posted another screeny though... 8-)

Here is mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 26/01/2016 14:22:24
Critical Path. Cheesy-ass FMV goodness.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 26/01/2016 15:45:02
I guess the subgenre is too small to have made this a hard one ;)

I liked it and got scared to death when the CD literally exploded in my cd-rom drive while playing it 15 years ago. 8-0
Never found a way to get a rom-file of it running on a modern pc...

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 26/01/2016 17:14:47
Quote from: Kumpel on Tue 26/01/2016 15:45:02
I guess the subgenre is too small to have made this a hard one ;)

I liked it and got scared to death when the CD literally exploded in my cd-rom drive while playing it 15 years ago. 8-0
Never found a way to get a rom-file of it running on a modern pc...

Your turn!
Whoa, never heard of anything like that happening :shocked: Anyway, next picture:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Tue 26/01/2016 19:21:13
Looks like some weird Hitchhiker's Guide clone...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 27/01/2016 07:44:18
Heh, if only.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 28/01/2016 22:26:45
I get the 1995 3dStudio vibe. Hated it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/01/2016 07:41:53

Bit later than '95, I reckon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 29/01/2016 09:54:36
It actually looks quite nice. Reminds me of Bud Tucker.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 29/01/2016 13:24:42
Alien Incident.

Never thought googling "alien + adventure game" would really give me the answer in an instant ^^

Coming up with a new one soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/01/2016 13:53:23
Quote from: Kumpel on Fri 29/01/2016 13:24:42
Alien Incident.

Never thought googling "alien + adventure game" would really give me the answer in an instant ^^

Coming up with a new one soon.
Bagoom! Nice job figuring out the answer yourself :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 29/01/2016 14:35:19
Hm Amayirot...


Here is mine :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/01/2016 16:10:16
Actual praise, I'm surprised someone was able to find an obscure game like that without any hints :) And that there would be Alien Carnage AKA Halloween Harry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 30/01/2016 01:10:04
That's the one! You again, pal!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 30/01/2016 07:49:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 01/02/2016 10:56:32
N-No...? Okay, how about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 01/02/2016 17:21:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 01/02/2016 18:41:51
Technically it's the sequel, but I'm gonna count that as correct. Well done, your turn! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 03/02/2016 09:22:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 03/02/2016 13:12:33
Looks like it comes from the "Mafia"-era (2002-ish).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 03/02/2016 14:10:34
Isn't that The Watchmaker from the 2001? I mostly remember this game from having a bizarre copy protection, that ran even on the original (unpatched) version, and simply made the game unwinnable.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 03/02/2016 17:31:47
Correct! It's Watchmaker
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 04/02/2016 10:00:20
Aw yeah. :D

Here's one:

The very first PC game I've ever player. :) Ah, memories.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 04/02/2016 10:09:22
Journeyman Project!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 04/02/2016 10:41:22
Precisely, Amayirot Akago! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 04/02/2016 14:44:47

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 04/02/2016 15:27:36
I had this one on Amiga!
Logical (it's the game name hehe)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 04/02/2016 15:42:13
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 04/02/2016 15:27:36
I had this one on Amiga!
Logical (it's the game name hehe)
That is indeed logical and correct ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 04/02/2016 21:48:05
What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 05/02/2016 00:19:36
Supaplex. I played it on my first DX 486.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 05/02/2016 00:46:45
Well done CW!
Your turn! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 07/02/2016 01:48:11

This game was created in Russia under one name (also in english), but later distributed in the western countries under another title. I suppose either of the titles will count.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 07/02/2016 08:10:22
7 Colors.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 07/02/2016 12:49:00
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 07/02/2016 08:10:22
7 Colors.
I guess you are right and that game is very interesting!
You can play it here: (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 07/02/2016 14:16:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 08/02/2016 06:43:14
PC Globe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/02/2016 10:08:21

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/02/2016 12:55:16
Summer Games?

(Or... Summer Games: 1988 Edition)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/02/2016 13:05:18
It's The Games: Summer Edition, but close enough :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/02/2016 23:23:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/02/2016 13:05:18
It's The Games: Summer Edition, but close enough :)

Ah man I actually owned that particular game, and I still didn't get it! (roll)  In my defence the ST version looked quite different from that (I assume C64?) version pictured. Should have still got it from that second screenie though...


Wow that seems a long time ago now... we used to have huge multiplayer events when my nieces and nephew came round.  I seem to remember that the Hammer Throw did in at least a couple of joysticks!  Was always fun when you accidentally threw it towards the camera and the screen shattered.


Okay, going back even further than that... but on a very similar (yet opposite) theme:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 09/02/2016 00:34:46
Got to be Winter Games.. but that's surely not c64 version, it hasn't got an ortodox church :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 09/02/2016 07:14:35
I thought it was Zombie Games. :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/02/2016 09:27:02
Not quite Winter Games.  (Sorry but that would just be TOO obvious! :grin:)

It is a Commodore, but not the 64... 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 10:41:09
That'd be Winter Events, a game for the Commodore 16 ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/02/2016 12:50:10
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 10:41:09
That'd be Winter Events, a game for the Commodore 16 ;)

Yup!  One of my earliest gaming memories, multiplayer games on that.  The biathlon was awesome ;-D

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 14:55:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 09/02/2016 17:34:28
I think I have played this one. Is it:

The Three Sisters' Story or Sakura Spirit?

E: The game seems to be from the DOS and/or early Windows period. I've a few more names in my mind, but I'll not be giving away those names for now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 18:22:17
MMmmmmm, you're really close with your guess, but I would prefer the correct title in this instance ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 09/02/2016 21:20:49
Now that I recall it, it certainly can't be "The Three Sisters' Story" because it had a different interface, although the publisher is the same.

It is Seasons of Sakura. A good visual novel. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 21:49:58
That it is :) First one I ever played and easily one of the most replayable ones. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 10/02/2016 09:48:23
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/02/2016 21:49:58
That it is :) First one I ever played and easily one of the most replayable ones. Your turn!
I agree. You have a great taste in the games. :) For me, the first one was "The Three Sisters' Story".

I'll put up a screenshot later tonight. Should I fail to do so, I'd like you to put up another one (so as long as it is from a visual novel - 'cause that's what I intend to do myself).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 15/02/2016 11:25:07
Until someone feels obliged I am throwing in this "gem" xD

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 15/02/2016 13:19:36
Hmm, is that Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven by any chance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 15/02/2016 13:45:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 21/02/2016 09:11:48
Ring Cycle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/02/2016 12:54:25
Is it adventure game or rpg?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 21/02/2016 22:04:00
sry. busy days. here is another screeny

EDIT: I put in a wrong screenshot. The old one was not from the game I thought it would be.

This is a new one:


It's more of an action adventure

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 22/02/2016 11:22:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Mon 22/02/2016 11:34:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 23/02/2016 00:58:54
Nope Nope

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/02/2016 07:47:00
Ultima IX?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 23/02/2016 12:06:37

ATTENTION: The second picture has been replaced!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 24/02/2016 07:46:03
I got it, it's Asghan The Dragon Slayer :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 24/02/2016 14:30:34
yup! your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 24/02/2016 18:18:42

Censored a bit of the screenshot to not make it too obvious ;) In any case, have at it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 24/02/2016 20:58:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 24/02/2016 23:00:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 25/02/2016 03:15:58
That is Sinistar Unleashed! It was in a popular german computer game magazine :-D Looked beautiful at it's time. I could never beat it ...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/02/2016 07:56:16
Correct :) Fired it up again the other day and like you said, it's pretty, but gets damn hard real quickly. Your turn again!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 25/02/2016 12:47:41
Here is some brain teaser beauty from the past. Anyone remember that?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 25/02/2016 15:31:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 25/02/2016 17:22:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 25/02/2016 18:59:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 25/02/2016 19:16:18
Yeah. It's called Brix but I can accept that :) It's your turn Atavismus, when you tell me, if you knew that from your personal shareware games era or how you found it out ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 25/02/2016 20:57:12
I played a lot Puzznic in 90'.
I googled Puzznic+clone. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 26/02/2016 12:08:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 26/02/2016 13:02:04
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 26/02/2016 12:08:13
A nice and interesting game mixing Lemmings and platform.
Well done! Your turn ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 26/02/2016 13:41:51
What? Seriously? I was right?
Wow! I only knew about that game, because last year I was trying to look for a particular game that was very similar to Solomon's Key (I never did find what I was looking for).

Ok, let's see if anyone can guess this one:

EDIT: Should I choose a different game? No one has even so much as taken a guess at this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 29/02/2016 12:42:18
QuoteShould I choose a different game? No one has even so much as taken a guess at this game

No. Just give people some hints. Like platform, year of release, etc.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/02/2016 13:17:29
Grange Hill?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 29/02/2016 13:29:04
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 29/02/2016 13:17:29
Grange Hill?

This game was released on the Amstrad CPC, the Commodore 64, and the ZX Spectrum. My Screenshots are from the Amstrad version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/02/2016 14:34:22
Hmm.. a game featuring the London Underground... the graphic style and icons at the bottom suggest arcade adventure, otherwise I'd possibly take a punt at one of the Renegade games (only familiar with the Speccy graphics of those games so the Amstrad screens might be a bit different, apart from obviously more colourful!).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 29/02/2016 19:53:25
I found it with a search for"amstrad game london underground" - it's Werewolves Of London!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 29/02/2016 20:06:46
A super-easy one to get this out of my hands - another game with a London Underground section!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 29/02/2016 22:18:15
Ben There, Dan That
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 01/03/2016 11:26:22
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 29/02/2016 19:53:25
I found it with a search for"amstrad game london underground" - it's Werewolves Of London!

Yay, someone got it. And someone already got yours as well (it really was a super easy one, since the title is quite literally in your signature).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 01/03/2016 13:14:18
Indeed - your go, Adeel!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 01/03/2016 16:15:58
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 01/03/2016 11:26:22
(it really was a super easy one, since the title is quite literally in your signature).

How about the possibility that the guesser might have actually played both of his games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 01/03/2016 17:17:24
Quote from: Adeel on Tue 01/03/2016 16:15:58
How about the possibility that the guesser might have actually played both of his games?
The possibility that someone played both Ben There, Dan That! & Time Gentlemen, Please!
In this forum!
Nah, impossible. They must have guessed it from the signature. (nod)

All joking aside. Yeah, I know.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 01/03/2016 18:58:34
This game quite fits with the current page no. of the thread:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/03/2016 08:04:37
Looks like your average Japanese visual novel, but not one I'm familiar with, and Mobygames hasn't been much help either :( Got another hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 02/03/2016 21:38:14
Yeah, it's a Japanese visual novel. It's a proper Windows program i.e. not a DOS-based game. When you click the right mouse button, a neat menu pops up which is similar to that of Windows 2000.

It was released in USA by 2003. And I've confirmed that the entry about this game does exist on Mobygames. Here, another screenie with a most visited scene with the menu I was talking about:


Try harder, amigo! Use your vast knowledge about Japanese visual novels! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/03/2016 11:07:58
I'm still completely in the dark on this :X And I reckon everyone else is too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 07/03/2016 12:00:07
Is it Come See Me Tonight.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/03/2016 14:45:28
Oh, damn, that's exactly it >_< I was so hung up trying to find a game with the same interface that I didn't even pay attention to the backgrounds. Good going Danvzare.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 07/03/2016 16:54:50
Well, presuming I'm right, that means it's my turn. :-D


This should (hopefully) be an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 09/03/2016 07:31:31
It's Seven Kingdoms. Somebody else take my turn if you wanna.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 14/03/2016 13:21:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/03/2016 13:26:23
I have no idea what that game is, but I know that I want to play it!

EDIT: I know the game now. It's 400 Years.
You kinda gave it away in a post in another thread.
Although I'll wait for confirmation.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 14/03/2016 17:24:50
That's it. Good eye to connect the gui and my posting in that other thread ^^
I did that on purpose. It wouldnt have made sense to post any other picture... They all look the same :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/03/2016 19:15:16
Yay I got it right. :-D
I recognized it, mostly due to the asthetics, rather than the GUI. Also, the 399 years thing kinda helped.

Here's the next one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/03/2016 22:46:17
Ooh, I happen to know this one thanks to Spoony's reviews :grin: It's Ultima: Runes Of Virtue II for the SNES.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 15/03/2016 08:25:48
Your turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/03/2016 09:24:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 15/03/2016 09:33:50
Another World (also known as Out of This World)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/03/2016 10:02:33
Nope, bit more modern than that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 15/03/2016 10:42:34
I think I recall seeing something visually similar in Assassin's Creed, but I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/03/2016 10:46:44
Nope, that's too modern.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 15/03/2016 10:49:07
TRON 2.0?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/03/2016 11:06:29
Nope, but it's the right genre.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 15/03/2016 11:55:35
Can't remember that scene but maybe Prey?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/03/2016 14:40:45

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/03/2016 07:44:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 17/03/2016 12:36:03
Oh well that's just giving it away. :-D
It's Serious Sam.
It's either the HD remake of the original Serious Sam, or it's Serious Sam 3.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/03/2016 14:55:35
Well, people weren't guessing the last two so I had to make it a bit easier :P And you are correct, that is Serious Sam HD.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 17/03/2016 15:25:00
Yay, I got it right.
I have no idea what do for the next game, so I'll let someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 17/03/2016 20:28:28
It was a bit misleading to say that Assassin's Creed was too modern when it came out 2 years before Serious Sam HD!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/03/2016 20:51:08
Hm, I suppose you're right :-X I was thinking of the original, sorry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 21/03/2016 12:05:01
The show must go on!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 26/03/2016 13:42:25
Just not ringing any bells with me, sorry... :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 26/03/2016 17:02:48
Ah, I had actually looked this one up before and completely forgot to post the answer cause I wanted to give someone else a chance := Rummaging around the adventure section on MobyGames I discovered this is apparently a German anti-Nazi game called Dunkle Schatten.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 26/03/2016 21:04:51
Oh sry i really forgot that I continued the game :D

That's the one! Should be republished these days. Several of my countrymen didn't actually learn from the past, it seems :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 27/03/2016 10:08:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 28/03/2016 10:35:58

Hint: This game was made by a Finnish developer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/03/2016 11:48:57
I don't recognise it.  The main character sprite made me think of Teen Agent but the graphics weren't as good, and I think that had a Polish developer not Finnish.  So I'm drawing another blank I'm afraid! :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 28/03/2016 17:28:28
It looks like "Alien Incident".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 28/03/2016 17:53:21
And that's a bingo for Atavismus! Go ahead, sir :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 28/03/2016 19:06:23
Ok thx Amayirot, let's go:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 29/03/2016 19:20:02
I'm already drawing a blank ??? Mind giving a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 29/03/2016 19:54:16
It's a really nice short AGS game made by a friend in 2010.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 30/03/2016 07:30:59

I'll have to give this one a look sometime :) Somebody else take my turn in the meantime.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 30/03/2016 13:08:01
I'll gladly take that turn. :-D


This is THE most obscure game I know, that was released by a major company.
So good luck. You're going to need it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 31/03/2016 14:26:17
I do believe that is Zombi, the original Ubisoft game that served as the basis for the modern ZombiU (or just Zombi on other platforms).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 31/03/2016 15:07:58
Ooh, close. But no cigar.

Another screenshot for you.
Remember, this is the most obscure game I know of, that was made by a major company. This game doesn't even have a wikipedia article!
Although it does have a fan remake, surprisingly enough.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 31/03/2016 16:51:34
Huh, I'll be damned. I was kinda wondering why the interface looked similar to Zombi but not quite right, figured it might've been a port or something. Guess I'll have to do some more research unless someone else beats me to the punch.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 01/04/2016 21:04:21
Another day, another hint. Although there's really not much else to show with the game... except this that is.

This is the title screen, just before the title text fades in at the top.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 01/04/2016 21:24:52

Wolf wants you? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 01/04/2016 23:15:29
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 01/04/2016 21:24:52

Wolf wants you? (laugh)

Well, maybe you can give us the machine? Atari ST maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 01/04/2016 23:23:33
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 01/04/2016 23:15:29
Well, maybe you can give us the machine? Atari ST maybe?

With those colours, I certainly hope not... I'd guess at Amstrad CPC personally.  Though I don't think knowing the screen is going to help me guess the game anyway! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/04/2016 07:48:46
Got it. Danzvare wasn't kidding when he said this thing was obscure, it's not on Mobygames or Wikipedia. Nevertheless, a glance at Zombi's article on the CPC wiki revealed the title: Hurlement, which I'm guessing is meant to be an unofficial adapation of The Howling the same way Zombi was of Dawn Of The Dead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 02/04/2016 09:39:04
And Amayirot Akago is correct.
The name of this Amstrad game is Hurlements. :-D

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/04/2016 10:23:29

Then here's another obscure title to puzzle you all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 02/04/2016 11:47:19
Uhm... that was actually easy to find, not that I ever played it... but searching for "+game +puzzle +buldozer +ant" gave me:

Ant attack. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 02/04/2016 12:47:51
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 02/04/2016 11:47:19
Uhm... that was actually easy to find, not that I ever played it... but searching for "+game +puzzle +buldozer +ant" gave me:

Ant attack. (laugh)

Hmm... I seem to remember Ant Attack having an isometric view, though maybe not all ports were the same.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/04/2016 13:02:46
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 02/04/2016 12:47:51
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 02/04/2016 11:47:19
Uhm... that was actually easy to find, not that I ever played it... but searching for "+game +puzzle +buldozer +ant" gave me:

Ant attack. (laugh)

Hmm... I seem to remember Ant Attack having an isometric view, though maybe not all ports were the same.
Cassiebsg is correct, you go next :) And this is a different Ant Attack from the classic C64/Spectrum game; this one's a shareware title for DOS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 02/04/2016 14:19:53
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/04/2016 13:02:46
this is a different Ant Attack from the classic C64/Spectrum game; this one's a shareware title for DOS.

Ah, well that figures :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 02/04/2016 14:20:47
Okay, an easy one, so I clipped it... (nod)


Spend many hours playing this... never finished it... if it was even possible to finish... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 02/04/2016 15:21:34
looks very speccy-ish, no idea what it is though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 03/04/2016 13:30:42
Man, zoom it at least :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 03/04/2016 14:01:53
A hint, or another screenie would also be nice. :-D
There's just too little to go on.

Although that screenie does kinda looks like it's part of a cutscene where the Washington Monument is slowly rising from the horizon. I could be wrong though, because as I said, there's too little to go on.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 03/04/2016 17:03:09
Okay, I thought it would be an instant "it's ...!!!" (nod)

Posting the full screen then:

Sorry about the no zoom, I keep forgetting. Added to this one though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/04/2016 17:42:19
It's Jetpac!!! ...Right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 03/04/2016 17:59:09
Darn, I knew that from the first screenshot, but was not on forums to answer :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 03/04/2016 18:40:37
Yup, it's Jetpac :)

Sorry CW, I knew it was easy... ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/04/2016 20:30:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/04/2016 21:21:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/04/2016 21:28:08
Interesting answer, but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 03/04/2016 21:32:50
Captain Blood?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/04/2016 21:51:32
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 03/04/2016 21:32:50
Captain Blood?

Honestly that one had crossed my mind too, but I wasn't aware it had ever made it to the Speccy.  (Off to look it up now! :-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 03/04/2016 22:01:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 03/04/2016 21:51:32
Honestly that one had crossed my mind too, but I wasn't aware it had ever made it to the Speccy.  (Off to look it up now! :-D)
Maybe it's an obscure clone hehe
But if it's Captain Blood, I give you my turn CaptainD (I have no game in mind at the moment).
Captain for Captain! ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/04/2016 22:59:32
Yep, it is Captain Blood, and yep, it's on Speccy; figured I'd stick with the theme. Good job ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/04/2016 23:10:59
Ah man my memory's seriously going :-D :(

Okay, what about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 04/04/2016 10:17:52
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that "Kung Fu" is probably in the name somewhere.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 04/04/2016 10:27:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 04/04/2016 10:28:42
@Danzvare - hehe, wondered if that would fool some people.
@Anas - Yup!  Awesome game, really loved it, one of the few true 128K Speccy games.  Took a full 5 minutes to load! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 04/04/2016 10:50:33
Nice game Captain :)

here's something to think about a little..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 04/04/2016 11:16:10
It's the old master guy from Budokan, is it not?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 04/04/2016 11:19:48
well well.. I cropped and flipped the image and yet Amayirot got it  8-0
Quickest couple of rounds ever.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 04/04/2016 22:53:55
I played a fair bit of Budokan in my youth ;) Though I was never especially good at it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 04/04/2016 23:56:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 05/04/2016 07:28:53
Holy cabbages, that was fast! Yes, you're absolutely correct. Your turn, brainiac ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 05/04/2016 08:34:01
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 05/04/2016 07:28:53
Holy cabbages, that was fast! Yes, you're absolutely correct. Your turn, brainiac ;)

Ha well I feel a bit better now after all my wrong guesses and mis-remembers! :-D

Okay, so keeping on a theme...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 06/04/2016 09:01:32
Okay how about another one?  There's actually something in this that may well give it away instantly to those who've played the game...


Tbf I didn't actually realise this one had come out on the dear old Speccy until I looked it up, thought it was purely a 16-bit release.

This is the sequel to a game that was very well known on the Spectrum
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 06/04/2016 10:05:03
Elite 2?
Although I don't think that was ever released for the Spectrum.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 06/04/2016 10:12:30
I also thought to Elite, but the HUD is different.
I guess it's Starglider 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 06/04/2016 10:16:43
Yup it's Starglider 2.   I had it on the Atari ST, actually pretty stunned that they ever made a Speccy version of it.  (The thing that I thought might give it away was the planet name "Apogee" - weirdly that's something I remember from all those years ago, that and the novella which game packaged with the game, and the fact that I was utterly useless and navigating those tunnels under the planet surface!)

Elite 2: Frontier pushed the 16-bits pretty hard, I don't think they could have done it on the 8-bits without scaling it down so much that it made it pointless.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 06/04/2016 13:06:44
Ah, darn. I had a suspicion it was Starglider but didn't bother to look it up or anything.

Still, the first game did have a pretty sweet opening theme on the Atari ST :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 06/04/2016 14:45:56
What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 06/04/2016 14:56:53
Is it Star Control?
Or perhaps Starflight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 06/04/2016 15:01:06
Not bad but no, nothing with "star".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 06/04/2016 22:30:48
I don't think it is, but just because it's a space game that never got an ST version so I never got to play it, I'm going to say Deutros.

(Man Millenium 2.2 was a pretty awesome game...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 06/04/2016 23:16:55
It's not Deuteros and it's not a strategy game.
As you guessed, it's an Amiga game (there is a PC version too).
Hope it will help. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/04/2016 13:57:08
Huh, I never would have guessed that this was an Amiga game (I love that machine). I personally thought it was a Mega Drive game.

Hmm, is it Whale's Voyage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 07/04/2016 14:04:33
Yes Danvzare, it's Whale's Voyage ( (and yes, I'm a huge Amiga fan :D).
It's a Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawler with a space exploration theme.

Well done, your turn! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/04/2016 14:48:19
Because I couldn't guess any of the Spectrum games and also because there's a Spectrum game I wanted to put up here at the time everyone was posting Spectrum games, I'm going to continue with the Spectrum theme.

I've cropped a bit from the top, and a fair amount from the bottom, because they give the title away.
In my next screenshot, I'll probably just blur those parts that give the title away.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 07/04/2016 15:31:02
Hmm... interesting.  I feel that I should know this but can't quite place it.  As a guess purely because I think the graphical style was similar I'm going to say Treasure Island - but I don't think that's what it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/04/2016 19:21:23
Nope not Treasure Island.

EDIT: Here's another screenshot to help move things along.
If you can make out the blurred bits, you could probably find out the name of the game easily.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/04/2016 12:57:58
It's Doctor What, an unlicensed Doctor Who game for the Speccy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 08/04/2016 13:17:55
And you're right! Your turn. :D
How did you know? Did you manage to decipher one of those blurred out texts, or have you actually played the game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/04/2016 13:19:18
Which Doctor is it supposed to be?  Looks a bit like Sylvester McCoy to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/04/2016 15:40:11
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 08/04/2016 13:17:55
And you're right! Your turn. :D
How did you know? Did you manage to decipher one of those blurred out texts, or have you actually played the game?
I happened to stumble upon the game on Mobygames one time ;)
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 08/04/2016 13:19:18
Which Doctor is it supposed to be?  Looks a bit like Sylvester McCoy to me.
There's meant to be four of them in the game according to Moby.

Anyway, time for me to put up a new screenie, I guess.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 08/04/2016 17:01:07
Wiz Kid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/04/2016 17:07:25
Hahaha, no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Fri 08/04/2016 18:13:40
It was the Yin-Yang pieces that I remembered from Wizkid, looking it up on Moby I see it looked quite different.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/04/2016 11:59:22
*Quite* different indeed ;) Since this is a fairly obscure one it's only fair if I give a hint: this is an edutainment title of sorts. Also, you won't find it on Moby.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 10/04/2016 15:34:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 10/04/2016 19:02:33
Wrecked (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 10/04/2016 19:25:01
That is the one, good job :D Freaky weird-ass game, that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 10/04/2016 21:13:40
Here is the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 10/04/2016 21:42:38
The Liagme Post?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 10/04/2016 21:47:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 11/04/2016 22:42:02
The Prague Post :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/04/2016 22:58:18
I had a sneak suspicion after remembering a review I once read, and after some research I've confirmed it's In Memoriam, AKA Missing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 12/04/2016 09:39:16
That's the one! A very atmospheric and immersive adventure experience I had with this one since you get mails to your real email account from some game server to continue that psychopaths gruesome game, you had to investigate faked websites and stuff like that. Nowaydays the risk is extremely high to get spoilered while googling some clues. No idea if the whole game still works.

Once again your turn, Mr. Akago! 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 12/04/2016 15:51:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 12/04/2016 17:22:12
Amazon: Guardians of Eden
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 12/04/2016 17:54:02
Too easy, eh? Well, I happened to watch an LP of it quite recently so it was fresh in my mind. Gotta love those old-school digitized actors :D You're up, GG.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Tue 12/04/2016 18:46:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 13/04/2016 01:20:43
played it just yesterday :shocked:

Kronolog - The Nazi Paradoxon
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: GarageGothic on Wed 13/04/2016 11:49:54
Right you are!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 13/04/2016 14:59:50
So who knows that one? ;-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 13/04/2016 20:31:22
Never seen this game before, but the gameplay looks familiar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 14/04/2016 09:35:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 14/04/2016 13:41:12
these pixely stairs look so much like lemmings...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 14/04/2016 23:00:41
Nope. It has nothing To do with lemmings. Except for one thing: There is a lot of death in this one too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Grim on Fri 15/04/2016 09:12:10
Is it a Polish game?...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 15/04/2016 09:26:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 15/04/2016 12:24:05
Could it be "Soldat"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 15/04/2016 12:46:16
Yes sir! Your turn, you beardy old man!

Such a funny freeware multiplayer 2d-shooter! It got a fantastic HD update in the last months. Give it a try if you wanna play unreal tournament/Quake/ in 2D! The zombie mode is hilarious :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 15/04/2016 13:04:52
Wat 8-0 I was actually thinking of Soldat when I saw the first screenie but thought it looked too modern to be that. Course, I haven't played it in the past 10 years or so :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 15/04/2016 16:18:42
I found it thanks to the Polish hint. ;)

What about this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 15/04/2016 17:47:17
It looks very.... rusty. So... Rust? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 15/04/2016 18:15:34
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 15/04/2016 17:47:17
It looks very.... rusty. So... Rust? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 18/04/2016 00:01:11
Maybe you need some hints?
It's a game from 1990 for Amiga, Atari ST and DOS.
Hope it will help. :)

And here is a new screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/04/2016 07:59:03
Eco Phantoms.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 18/04/2016 10:19:54
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/04/2016 07:59:03
Eco Phantoms.
Yes it is! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/04/2016 10:45:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 18/04/2016 12:42:12
Are you trying to trick us here?  At first I was looking and thinking this was an Intellivision game or something from an ancient system, but looking closer there are actually a lot of different shades of undithered grey here (not 50 but a good number), which would actually suggest a more modern system.  The apparent low pixel count may also be a misnomer...

(I don't know what it is, just thinking out loud!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/04/2016 15:16:49
I dunno much about the system that it's on or its capabilities, but this is definitely an older title ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 19/04/2016 15:53:44
Still nothing? Okay, regarding the system, this particular screenshot is taken from the Atari 8-Bit version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/04/2016 20:52:55
"Rescue on Fractalus!"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/04/2016 07:39:26
That's exactly it, well done :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/04/2016 19:30:20
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/04/2016 07:39:26
That's exactly it, well done :)
Thx! That was hard, because the picture (I was sure I saw it somewhere) is not representative of the game: nice trap! :D

Here is a new screenshot: it comes from the intro of a famous game.
Maybe it's too easy, but I love this game. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 21/04/2016 09:59:09
Hmm, I don't think I've played this famous game.
Although I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that it's The Legend of Kyrandia (a game I've never played).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 21/04/2016 10:02:33
Not a bad try, but it's not Legend of Kyrandia.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 21/04/2016 15:19:16
The Settlers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 21/04/2016 17:50:05
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 21/04/2016 15:19:16
The Settlers?
Yes it is. :)
Really a great and important game imo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 21/04/2016 20:19:47
Oh Settlers!
Well I've certainly played a game in that series. :-D
I don't think I've played the first one though.

Definitely a famous game, none the less.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 21/04/2016 20:54:29
Huh, certainly not my first guess. I thought it was some old 16 bit console RPG or something.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 21/04/2016 20:59:53
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 21/04/2016 20:54:29
Huh, certainly not my first guess. I thought it was some old 16 bit console RPG or something.
Hehe, I know what you mean. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 22/04/2016 03:52:52
I would have guessed Shadow Of The Beast!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 22/04/2016 10:29:01
Quote from: Ben X on Fri 22/04/2016 03:52:52
I would have guessed Shadow Of The Beast!
Not the same style, but similar colors, so I understand.
Still, stop to steal my next ideas :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 24/04/2016 09:02:03
Sorry for the delay guys. Somebody can take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 24/04/2016 09:07:24

Allow me, then ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 24/04/2016 12:18:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 24/04/2016 17:22:58
Good guess, but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ark on Sun 24/04/2016 17:31:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 24/04/2016 19:18:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 24/04/2016 19:21:56
Quote from: Ark on Sun 24/04/2016 17:31:01
Whoa, right out of the park! Good show :D Didn't expect anyone to get this one without a hint or two. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 27/04/2016 11:37:56
New screenshot??
Pretty please??? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 30/04/2016 07:26:13
I don't think Ark's coming back... Someone else post something.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 30/04/2016 10:34:09
Alright then, here's a screenshot:

If Ark comes back though, feel free to ignore this. :-D

Another screenshot, and a hint. :-D

As far as I know, this game is based on a series of (apparently somewhat popular) books.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 01/05/2016 19:24:33
Philip José Farmer's Riverworld. Someone else can take my turn ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 01/05/2016 20:04:02
Woah, that was fast!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 01/05/2016 20:21:27
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 01/05/2016 20:04:02
Woah, that was fast!
Scoured the literature section on Mobygames till I stumbled upon it, was curious to figure out what game it was exactly since it looked so unusual.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ark on Mon 02/05/2016 04:59:53
Wow! I can't believe it was indeed OnEscapee - it was a looong time ago I played this.

I'm sorry I couldn't do this earlier :( , but here's my screenshot. Quite old adventure game - I think it was released in 3 different languages, but the titles are more or less the same:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 02/05/2016 12:26:47
Woo hoo! Ark's back! :-D

Hmm, is it Septerra Core?
I've only ever played a bit of that game, but that screenshot kind of looks like it could be a cutscene in it. Although I doubt I'm right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 02/05/2016 14:01:06
If I remember correctly, it's Liath: World Spiral. (or, by the Polish name, Liath: Spiralny Å Å¡wiat :))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ark on Mon 02/05/2016 16:35:42
QuoteHmm, is it Septerra Core?
I've only ever played a bit of that game, but that screenshot kind of looks like it could be a cutscene in it. Although I doubt I'm right.
No, it isn't. Septerra Core was a pretty cool game by the way (if only it wouldn't be so long and monotonous...).

QuoteIf I remember correctly, it's Liath: World Spiral. (or, by the Polish name, Liath: Spiralny Å Å¡wiat :))
Yes! It's Liath. Also known as ЛиаÃ'‚: СпиÃ'â,¬ÃÂ°ÃÂ»Ã'Å' ÐÅ"иÃ'â,¬ÃÂ°. Too bad I found out about this game only recently and running it on the modern Windows properly can be a pain...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 05/05/2016 17:10:05
Oh yeah. :D

So, how about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 05/05/2016 19:38:21
It's Escape from Delirium.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 06/05/2016 09:57:41
That was fast as well. :D Correct Gribbler!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 06/05/2016 11:44:40
Why does the main character in that game, look like the Guybrush Threepwood sprite from Monkey Island 2? (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 06/05/2016 13:29:46
Lazy artist? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 06/05/2016 14:17:41
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 06/05/2016 11:44:40
Why does the main character in that game, look like the Guybrush Threepwood sprite from Monkey Island 2? (wtf)

From the MobyGames page:

"Amateur made, shareware imitation of Monkey Island 2 / Simon the Sorceror."

"The hero looks suspiciously like Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island 2 - and the game even begins with him hanging from a rope."

Though it does also say "But don't let that put you off - this is a quality game in its own right." so might be worth a look.  I've never heard of it tbh!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/05/2016 11:07:10
Here's the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Sun 08/05/2016 18:26:39
Goblins 2


Quote from: Mouth for war on Thu 18/04/2013 22:01:40
Chewy - Escape from F5 :D

( (
Just realised that Delirium was used in this thread before.. I thought Id seen it before..  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 08/05/2016 23:10:37
Nope. Not Goblins 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 10/05/2016 07:23:28
Wow, is that Mentor? I vaguely remember playing this game at my friend's place, who happened to be extra lucky and own the Amiga 1200. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 10/05/2016 10:47:19
I was the lucky Amiga 1200 owner, too :) With a hard drive! :D It is a Polish adventure game "Mentor".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 12/05/2016 08:11:23
Lucky! I never owned any Amiga computers when I was younger, though one of my friends had a blazing Amiga 1200, with hard drive as well. :) I only recently bought the Amiga 500+, just for the sake of my retro collection. :D Amazing little thing, too bad I don't have as much free time as I used to. ;)

But anyway, onwards with the game! How about this one?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 12/05/2016 08:44:53
Ah now this one I do know!  It's the first playable room in Flight of the Amazon Queen.  Quite a fun game (although terrible GUI! :-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 12/05/2016 10:08:24
Bingo, CaptainD! :D It was also released in March 2016 on iOS devices, as a Flight of the Amazon Queen 20th anniversary edition.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 12/05/2016 20:45:44
Yeah, playing it on my tablet (though using ScummVM and original version). Figures that when someone posts something I know, I always come too late to the party. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 12/05/2016 21:51:23
And now for something completely different...

Yes, this is what footie games looked like long ago.  Speccy owners will instantly recognise it!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 12/05/2016 22:56:19
FIFA, the spectrum edition? (roll)

Can't remember ever owning a footie for the spectrum. can't even remember being remotely interested in a footie game, even if my brother was.

EDIT: After a 5 second google for "football zx spectrum" I got the answer... and funny enough the name of the game tells me so much more than the actual screen. So yeah, we did had that one. (laugh) And I remember having Kick Off too!

So--- it's ...err... Match day?

EDIT 2: Or maybe not... those players look more like children/caricatures than real people. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 13/05/2016 09:03:30
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 12/05/2016 22:56:19
So--- it's ...err... Match day?

Close... but not quite.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 09:28:48
Match of the Day? Don't tell me there was a MOTD game! Was Des Lynam in it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 13/05/2016 09:44:20
Quote from: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 09:28:48
Match of the Day? Don't tell me there was a MOTD game! Was Des Lynam in it?

Actually I'm not sure if there was ever a game with the exact title "Match of the Day" - it would have been amazing to have Des in it though.  Watching "Grandstand" on the weekend was pure escapism.

But no, this game is not "Match of the Day". 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 10:21:07
Prepare to be.... AMAZED... no sign of Des though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 13/05/2016 11:42:46
Quote from: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 10:21:07
Prepare to be.... AMAZED... no sign of Des though.

Haha awesome!  (But still wrong :P)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 13/05/2016 12:16:23
Is it Footballer of the year?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 13/05/2016 14:57:24
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 13/05/2016 12:16:23
Is it Footballer of the year?

Although I loved that game (it was bizarre buying "Goal Cards" but somehow insanely addictive!) that's not it.

Cassie was very, very close.  When you see the answer you'll maybe think I'm being pedantic, but... maybe not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 15:11:30
It's Match Day II - I pass my turn to Cassie :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 13/05/2016 17:10:32
Quote from: Haggis on Fri 13/05/2016 15:11:30
It's Match Day II - I pass my turn to Cassie :D


Thought the overhead shot power bar would have given it away!  Wow I spent so much time playing that game...

For reference:

Match Day:
Match Day 2:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 13/05/2016 20:36:59
Yeah, I had actually found it some minutes later after I posted it, while reading this ( ( but was too lazy to come and edit it, again. (laugh)

Nah... now I have to think of something... bbl ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 13/05/2016 21:19:11
Okay am back with an easy one... mostly interested to know how many here played this... more than once? ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 13/05/2016 22:04:49
It's Alter Ego, innit? And I never played it myself :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 13/05/2016 23:09:58
Yup... I died a lot of times! Both as an infant, child and old age...
to explore that thing in from of your eyes... what is it?!
Oh.... you just discovered..... you hands! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/05/2016 10:07:31
Alrighty then :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 14/05/2016 10:28:55
Is that Metal Gear Solid?
Or perhaps Rainbow Six?

As for the Alter Ego game. I've played it! :-D
Although that ending. Damn, I don't think I've ever seen a more emotional ending in my whole life. When you get to the end of the game... that's it. The end. No game over, no "This is how you did!", no score, no nothing. You just... die!
Just like in real life. Kind of depressing really, especially with how my first character lived her life.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/05/2016 10:44:46
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 14/05/2016 10:28:55
Is that Metal Gear Solid?
Or perhaps Rainbow Six?
Nope and nope. Older than that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 14/05/2016 10:45:43
Interlaced picture suggest it's from a cutscene. Command & Conquer maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/05/2016 15:44:52
Good thinking, but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 14/05/2016 17:40:09
I have a feeling of having played that game, but can't find the name. :-\

@Danvzare: Think the point was exactly that, it's not so much that you reach the end, it's what you did with the life and how you managed to reach old age (assuming you reached that far. (laugh) ).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Sat 14/05/2016 17:54:24
Peter Beardsley's International soccer??   I dont know. there were a few football games for Speccy
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 14/05/2016 17:57:57
Sinsin, think you're an entire page behind. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Sat 14/05/2016 18:26:33
Bah hahahahahahahahahaha


Fade to Black??
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 14/05/2016 18:35:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/05/2016 19:23:08
Nope on both counts.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 14/05/2016 19:32:44
Crusader: No Remorse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/05/2016 19:47:02
Dang, that was too obvious, huh? :grin: Well, you got it, go right ahead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 14/05/2016 19:58:11
No it was hard and well done, but the second screenshot gives hints for a proper google query.
I searched "fmv game with senator" in images and browsed hehe

I'll post something asap tonight.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 14/05/2016 20:36:54
What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 14/05/2016 22:15:13
Hmm... looks like a split screen Gauntlet clone, but I can't quite place it.  Unless it actually is one of the Gauntlet games, but I don't recall them using split screen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 14/05/2016 22:19:08
No it's not Gauntlet and I won't call this game a clone too, even if I understand why you think about it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/05/2016 10:56:52
Wait a minute!
I've play that game before! 8-0

It was some sort of multiplayer roguelike, and I found it about six years ago. I don't have the game anymore though, and I certainly can't remember the name, but I have definitely played that game!
Time to go find out it's name I guess.

And found it.
The game is called Knights.
I only had to look up multiplayer roguelike, and I found it instantly. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 15/05/2016 11:24:16
Well done Danvzare!
It's Knights (, a PD/Freeware Amiga game.
The author made later a windows/linux port: (
Your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/05/2016 18:00:51
I had no idea it was released for the Amiga. I played the Windows version.

Ok, how about this little gem.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/05/2016 19:21:53
Radix: Beyond The Void.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 16/05/2016 12:42:39
Your turn Amayirot Akago. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 16/05/2016 22:57:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 17/05/2016 01:12:35
Shufflepuck Cafe!?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 17/05/2016 07:27:15
That is indeed it := Completely random choice on my part. Go ahead, sir.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 17/05/2016 17:27:23
Awesome game! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 17/05/2016 19:38:38
That was a game? 8-0
It just looks like a really well drawn picture!

Well if it's an awesome game, I should look it up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Tue 17/05/2016 20:39:08
I spent weeks on Shuffle Puck Cafe in the 90's on my Atari ST :-D  that and Logical.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 18/05/2016 00:26:14
I loved that too. Played it alot on my old 4/86...  For me that phantom like guy was always unbeatable :D

Here comes the next. Let's see how easy that one is for you:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 18/05/2016 14:56:08
Red Baron?

I don't immediate recognize the the top GUI, so probably neither of my 2 guess...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 18/05/2016 18:47:19
Nope. Next picture is coming tonight.

before that here is a hint
The dog fight is not all this game offers.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 19/05/2016 02:28:52
This should give a better insight

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/05/2016 08:50:32
Island Wars 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 19/05/2016 11:29:44
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/05/2016 08:50:32
Island Wars 2.

I was thinking of that too (if that's the one released by the same guy who made the Chicken Invaders games?).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 19/05/2016 12:12:18
Indeed it is that funny little two player game island wars 2.

Your turn once again Amayirot Akago!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/05/2016 14:44:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 19/05/2016 15:41:48
I know it's not Day of the tentacle but I say it anyways as I just did read DOTT above the NAILS :P
nice pixelart!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/05/2016 19:59:46
Indeed it isn't DOTT, but I like the way you think :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 20/05/2016 10:21:15
No other guesses yet? Okay. Hint time: movie licensed game based on a famous action franchise.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 20/05/2016 12:06:45
MacGuyver? I can only imagine what he could come up with given access to all that stuff!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 20/05/2016 13:30:02
Home Improvement?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 20/05/2016 15:07:38

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 20/05/2016 16:18:44
Bladderless Runner...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 20/05/2016 17:04:38
Quite right! One of Bethesda's earlier works, and very much ahead of its time :) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 21/05/2016 20:18:26
I've played this game before, and I found it having some stunning 2-D and 3-D visuals, but the game was confusing as hell for my stupid soul to understand what was going on and so I didn't spend much time on it before forgetting all about it.

I actually recognised the shop background as something that I must have seen before, but couldn't remember what game it was. I was almost certain about it when I saw the 3-D shot, though my memory told me that it looked better than that BitD. :grin:

Anyway, as it's 3+ a.m. now I'm in no condition to post something new ATM, so anyone can steal a turn if they like. I may try to post something if my turn still isn't taken when I read this thread again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 22/05/2016 19:06:15
Stealing! :)


EDIT: Selmiak is excluded from guessing. He knows why :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 22/05/2016 19:47:12
Ha I saw this recently as an Easter egg in some other game.  But I can't remember what.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 22/05/2016 19:51:03
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 22/05/2016 19:51:25
Uhm... some new incarnation of Pirates maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 22/05/2016 21:11:58
Not Pirates or Assasin's Creed.

But CaptianD is right. Who do you think it is? Looks familiar, right? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Sun 22/05/2016 21:19:06
This Easter Egg has charted quite highly on a number of lists I've seen recently.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 22/05/2016 22:25:50
Been at that part of the game just a few hours ago. It's Uncharted 4.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 22/05/2016 23:27:47
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 22/05/2016 21:11:58
Who do you think it is? Looks familiar, right? :)

HAHAHA!!! I've been watching Jacksepticeye's let's play of this, and he just finished that section, but he didn't look at that picture for very long, so I didn't pick up on who is was, and neither did he (he doesn't play adventure games much)...

The narration says something like "I don't know who this one is, but he looks younger than all the others..."

Nice reference!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 22/05/2016 23:43:51
Quote"I don't know who this one is, but he looks younger than all the others..."
Yeah, and "His sigil is a monkey". :)

It is of course Guybrush Threepwood easter egg in Uncharted 4.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 23/05/2016 14:15:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 23/05/2016 18:37:56
Enter the Gungeon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 24/05/2016 12:24:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 24/05/2016 19:20:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 24/05/2016 23:53:06
Terminator: Polish Edition :D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 25/05/2016 07:32:43
Hahaha good one, CW :)

But no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 26/05/2016 15:32:53
Kiss Of The Spiderwoman?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Fri 27/05/2016 08:21:10
Eksperyment Delfin.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 27/05/2016 17:25:57
You got it Fitz :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 28/05/2016 09:09:46
Alrighty, then!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/05/2016 09:24:08
I didn't remember the title, but I was sure it was a Cryo's game:
Dreams to Reality
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 28/05/2016 10:10:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sat 28/05/2016 20:27:03
Danvzare: Nope. It's also not Kickboxer: The Adventures of Tong Po ;)

Atavismus: Correct! Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 29/05/2016 13:21:43
Quote from: Fitz on Sat 28/05/2016 20:27:03
Atavismus: Correct! Your turn!
I have no interesting/challenging game in mind for the moment, so I give my turn to anyone who take it. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/05/2016 14:16:03
Okay I have one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 29/05/2016 21:45:10
Lords of Chaos?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/05/2016 23:13:55
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 29/05/2016 21:45:10
Lords of Chaos?


This game, at the time it came out, was so groundbreaking that it was almost as if someone traveled back in time from the future with a list of everything that would be the expected standard in games 30-40 years later, and put them all in the game:

* 1st person perspective exploring (faux 3D of course but still innovative for the time)

* Open-ended game-play (even if you failed the goals/quests you could still keep playing for as long as you want: Just leveling up, gathering equipment and fighting the big-bads)

* Procedurally generated random dungeons (also customizable to 1-10 floors, each getting harder the deeper you go. The game is different each time you play! Or you could save a layout that you liked and replay it from the start again.)

* AN AUTOMAP!!! (perhaps the first game ever to have an automap that fills in the floorplan as you explore)

* Minigames! (Some rooms contained puzzle games or lucky-dip style games, amongst others)

* A stats wiki for enemies (after you meet an enemy the stats profile of it is available for viewing at any time)

* 100's of different enemies (All with different stats, critical hit %, special attacks: poison, webs, bleeding damage, earthquake attacks, turn-to-stone, etc etc)

* Dozens of different weapons/shields/armors/etc. available at shops on each new level, or findable in chests/vaults: Better stuff available the deeper you go...

* Dozens of different spells to cast: offensive, defensive, buffs, etc (And actual graphics showing the spells taking effect: Lightning bolts, fireballs, magic missiles all flying around on the screen!)

* Many different kinds of traps for your rogue character(s) to defuse (Both on chests and outside rooms in the corridors)

* "Wandering monsters" encounters! (You couldn't feel safe even when not in a room: Even in the corridors a monster mob could pop up at any time and you have to fight (or run-away) right there on a custom overhead corridor map that accurately showed the real layout: straight, T-intersection, 4-way crossroads, etc. For extra realism if one character ran away down a certain exit then all other characters had to leave by the same way...)

* Multiplayer! (The game was designed to be easy for a group of friends to take turns playing and have a character each that they personally controlled)

* Open-world! (You could freely roam the many branching corridors of each level and even go back up a floor, or all the way back to the starting room if you wanted to...)

* An unforgettable music score! (I can still remember the tune exactly to this day)

All this back in 1982?!

It was a friggin' miracle! And it set the bar for every dungeon crawler game to come after. And set it very high indeed!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 30/05/2016 09:13:01
Isn't that Tunnels of Doom? :)

I haven't played this one, as I never owned a TI-99, though I read about this game quite a lot back in the day, when I was doing a little research about oldschool RPG games (as I flippin' LOVED some of the 80's RPGs when I was younger, notably Ultima and Wizardry series... heh, who am I kidding, I still love them - proudly owning a nice collection of Ultima games, also started playing Ultima IV Remastered on C64 recently. :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 30/05/2016 09:34:04
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 30/05/2016 09:13:01
Isn't that Tunnels of Doom? :)


Yes, Tunnels Of Doom, better known as "The Game That Ate My Childhood"...Good lord, I must've spent thousands of hours playing that beast, alone, or with friends, and every few years I would come back and have another fact:

/me goes off to look for a PC playable version online!!!

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 30/05/2016 16:50:00
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 29/05/2016 23:13:55
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 29/05/2016 21:45:10
Lords of Chaos?


This game, at the time it came out, was so groundbreaking that it was almost as if someone traveled back in time from the future with a list of everything that would be the expected standard in games 30-40 years later, and put them all in the game:

* 1st person perspective exploring (faux 3D of course but still innovative for the time)

* Open-ended game-play (even if you failed the goals/quests you could still keep playing for as long as you want: Just leveling up, gathering equipment and fighting the big-bads)

* Procedurally generated random dungeons (also customizable to 1-10 floors, each getting harder the deeper you go. The game is different each time you play! Or you could save a layout that you liked and replay it from the start again.)

* AN AUTOMAP!!! (perhaps the first game ever to have an automap that fills in the floorplan as you explore)

* Minigames! (Some rooms contained puzzle games or lucky-dip style games, amongst others)

* A stats wiki for enemies (after you meet an enemy the stats profile of it is available for viewing at any time)

* 100's of different enemies (All with different stats, critical hit %, special attacks: poison, webs, bleeding damage, earthquake attacks, turn-to-stone, etc etc)

* Dozens of different weapons/shields/armors/etc. available at shops on each new level, or findable in chests/vaults: Better stuff available the deeper you go...

* Dozens of different spells to cast: offensive, defensive, buffs, etc (And actual graphics showing the spells taking effect: Lightning bolts, fireballs, magic missiles all flying around on the screen!)

* Many different kinds of traps for your rogue character(s) to defuse (Both on chests and outside rooms in the corridors)

* "Wandering monsters" encounters! (You couldn't feel safe even when not in a room: Even in the corridors a monster mob could pop up at any time and you have to fight (or run-away) right there on a custom overhead corridor map that accurately showed the real layout: straight, T-intersection, 4-way crossroads, etc. For extra realism if one character ran away down a certain exit then all other characters had to leave by the same way...)

* Multiplayer! (The game was designed to be easy for a group of friends to take turns playing and have a character each that they personally controlled)

* Open-world! (You could freely roam the many branching corridors of each level and even go back up a floor, or all the way back to the starting room if you wanted to...)

* An unforgettable music score! (I can still remember the tune exactly to this day)

All this back in 1982?!

It was a friggin' miracle! And it set the bar for every dungeon crawler game to come after. And set it very high indeed!

So that would be a "no", then? :-D :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 30/05/2016 23:16:29
Aw yeah, glad I could use some of my old RPGs knowledge. :D

So, while we're at it, here's one from me:


One of my all-time favourite Commodore 64 games. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 30/05/2016 23:58:09
Super Polio Bros. ?

And if that's not an existing game....someone make it one please!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 31/05/2016 10:28:28
I know that game!
It's Mayhem in Monsterland.
Fun game. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 01/06/2016 07:37:01
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 30/05/2016 23:58:09
Super Polio Bros. ?

Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 31/05/2016 10:28:28
I know that game!
It's Mayhem in Monsterland.
Fun game. :-D

Correct! It's Mayhem in Monsterland. :D A great little 2D platformer from the late C64 era, loved to play this one, along with Creatures II and Great Giana Sisters. Your turn, Danvzare. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 01/06/2016 12:09:51
Because there's been quite a few non-english games in here, and because I can't think of any other obscure fun games that I used to play, I present this!

Good luck.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/06/2016 13:16:50
That'd be Daibakushou Jinsei Gekijou - Ooedo Nikki, a Japanese adaptation of the Game Of Life board game :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 01/06/2016 13:57:49
Well that was quick.
Your turn Amayirot Akago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/06/2016 14:59:55
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 01/06/2016 13:57:49
Well that was quick.
Your turn Amayirot Akago.
Heh, I was already familiar with some of the other Jinsei Game titles for SNES and a quick search turned this one up fairly easily.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 01/06/2016 21:01:29
Looks like this one awkward first person perspecive Montezuma game. Montezuma's Return?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/06/2016 21:38:19
Correct! Bought myself a boxed copy of this the other day, quite a nice find :grin: Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 03/06/2016 10:30:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 03/06/2016 10:55:47
Operation stealth? 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 03/06/2016 11:33:56
That was quick. Your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 03/06/2016 12:03:19
And here I was thinking it was some sort of Pac Man clone.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 03/06/2016 19:14:46
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 03/06/2016 11:33:56
That was quick. Your turn :)

The guess was quick. But those mazes were nightmares :-[

Guess this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 03/06/2016 19:50:05
Uhm... did you leave all those clues intentionally?

Time pilot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 03/06/2016 19:51:03
lol yeah :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 03/06/2016 20:19:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 03/06/2016 20:26:15
Alley cat (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 03/06/2016 21:39:24
LOL Ping Pong
Your turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 04/06/2016 06:18:25
At the moment I can only think of something too easy :-[
Please if anyone wants to jump in be my guest :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/06/2016 07:01:49
Who remembers this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 04/06/2016 07:12:36
who shot johnny rock?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/06/2016 07:14:25
Damn, so quick! Yes, it's Who Shot Johnny Rock.

You going to take a turn now?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 04/06/2016 07:31:44
I think I need to stop browsing while AGSing. You know how testing code gets the competitor spirit out :-[

sorry to ruin this too soon.. someone jumps in
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 04/06/2016 11:47:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 04/06/2016 12:11:48
Looks familiar... :-\
Leisure Suit Larry 2156?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 04/06/2016 19:04:29
Looks like 6
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/06/2016 19:09:34
I think this is Blade Runner.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 04/06/2016 20:01:06
There has already been a clue given, but not by me...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 04/06/2016 20:17:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/06/2016 20:35:30
Limbo of the Lost
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/06/2016 21:06:02
Bible Black.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 04/06/2016 21:14:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Sat 04/06/2016 23:11:47
Gay rape in the shower 4?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 03:54:34
Yeah. That one I really wanna get to know better.
AnasAbdin's Tardigrades :)

Next one:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 05/06/2016 13:40:52
Call Of Duty (2017)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 14:10:36
almost 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 05/06/2016 14:18:53
It looks like one of slasher's awesome games 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 14:20:36
I have no idea, if slasher already produced games, when this came out. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 05/06/2016 14:22:57
Jagged Alliance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 05/06/2016 14:44:07
Soldiers At War. First thought was Random Games' Wages Of War and then I discovered this game was by the same creators.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 16:03:07
You guys are really good at this 8-0

Correct answer. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 05/06/2016 17:46:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 23:08:30
Forbidden Forest

Hm... let me think about my next screeny...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 06/06/2016 07:43:17
Quote from: Kumpel on Sun 05/06/2016 23:08:30
Forbidden Forest
Correct ;) Thought I'd make things interesting by posting a screen from the Atari 8-bit version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 07/06/2016 23:40:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/06/2016 06:32:29
Ahhhh, that would be the obscure:

Battlefield / Bob-The-Builder crossover game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 08/06/2016 07:37:57
I know what that is.

It's a big-ass screenshot :=

Seriously though, parts of the interface look damn familiar but I can't quite place them :-X Off to do some research!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 08/06/2016 11:14:06
It's Hogs of War!
Remember playing this one with my friend on his PlayStation, jolly good times. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 08/06/2016 11:35:31
Quote from: CrashPL on Wed 08/06/2016 11:14:06
It's Hogs of War!
Remember playing this one with my friend on his PlayStation, jolly good times. :)
I thought it looked like Hogs of War. And considering I only played that game a bit back when I was around five, that was an amazing guess on my part.
It was probably the PS1 graphics, the clearly pig shaped characters, and WW1 aesthetic, that gave it all away.

Fun game. It always reminded me of Worms.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 08/06/2016 22:46:45
that's the one. Your turn CrashPL
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 09/06/2016 07:32:44
Awyeah. :) Here's another game from my childhood:


I only had the shareware version of this one, plus it was really confusing to navigate in the later levels, but was quite fun overall, actually.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/06/2016 07:39:41
I was working in the forums, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my CrashPL from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the Bash, he did the Monster Bash
The Monster Bash, it was a graveyard smash
He did the Bash, it caught on in a flash
He did the Bash, he did the Monster Bash
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 09/06/2016 08:56:45
Now that's what I call an answer. :D Yup, it's Monster Bash, your turn Amayirot Akago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/06/2016 09:26:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 09/06/2016 10:11:06
Kingdom O' Magic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/06/2016 10:12:19
That was quick! Indeed it is; wacky game, that. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 09/06/2016 11:24:02
Wow, this thread is moving fast.
Now what is the current game. Hmm. :-\
Is it Might and Magic VIII?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 09/06/2016 13:25:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/06/2016 13:31:13
For some reason I'm getting a TellTale vibe on this one...?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 09/06/2016 14:05:17
I'd suggest more like quantic dream.
Heavy Rain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/06/2016 14:07:36
Until Dawn!

The character's name is Josh...

(I haven't played the game but have watched 2-3 complete let's plays of it on youtube...which seems to be about the same experience as playing it... (laugh) )

I know I'm right so... here's the next one:


(And please no searching the text in google. That's a big (wrong) (wrong) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/06/2016 14:49:58
Wild guess: The Lurking Horror?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/06/2016 23:22:16
Well done! Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/06/2016 07:41:40
Heh, being a text adventure with a clear horror element pretty much narrowed it down right there :)

I'll pass my turn on to someone else this time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 12/06/2016 23:12:43
Okay, nobody else has stepped up so:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 12/06/2016 23:15:40
Adventure (for the 2600)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 12/06/2016 23:45:16
Quote from: Gurok on Sun 12/06/2016 23:15:40
Adventure (for the 2600)

Hahaha well done...Your turn!

In the meanwhile: What did you have to do to be able to view this screen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 13/06/2016 08:25:21
Ummm... I don't know. Toggle "game select"?

Try this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 13/06/2016 09:34:49
SNES maybe...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 13/06/2016 10:16:22
No. PC title with super rad artwork:



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/06/2016 10:22:15
sango fighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 13/06/2016 10:27:03
Yes! Yayyyy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/06/2016 10:35:09
Quote from: Gurok on Mon 13/06/2016 10:16:22
No. PC title with super rad artwork

Indeed  (nod)

Here's something:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/06/2016 11:49:05
Space Quest 6, Nigel & Singent's apartment cropped and mirrored :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/06/2016 11:56:11
 >:( correct hehe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/06/2016 12:29:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 13/06/2016 12:36:43
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoSpace Quest 6, Nigel & Singent's apartment cropped and mirrored

Respect! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 13/06/2016 14:56:20
star citizen - the jj abrams cut?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/06/2016 15:58:34
Interesting answer, but no :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 13/06/2016 19:52:48
Crysis 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/06/2016 21:49:52
Also a no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 14/06/2016 11:45:10
Metro 2033?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 14/06/2016 15:44:16
Nope on that. Hint: this is a 2015 entry in a series.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 14/06/2016 16:07:59
Call of Duty Black Ops 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 14/06/2016 19:40:19
Ew, no, how could you even suggest that :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/06/2016 22:15:03
Batman Arkham Knight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 14/06/2016 22:47:40
Correct :D Not easy finding a screeny without Batman or any other recognizable characters in it just to make it less obvious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/06/2016 07:24:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/06/2016 07:49:02
Hang on a sec, is that Star Wars 1313? That game was never even released :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 16/06/2016 10:14:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/06/2016 07:49:02
Hang on a sec, is that Star Wars 1313? That game was never even released :=
Now that you mention it, it does look like it. Although clearly it was a good choice, since you managed to figure it out in under an hour since it was posted.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/06/2016 16:17:07
Correct! That was supposed to be a tricky one. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/06/2016 17:17:41
I didn't actually recognize it at first, but the overall style made me suspicious, so I did a Google search and voila.

Passing my turn to another again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/06/2016 01:19:59
This thread might actually be a little more fun without Google I feel. Why not just throw your suspicions out there ("It kinda has a Star Wars feel to it...") in the thread and then maybe that hint will spark a memory in someone else, and then we zero in on the answer as a group.

Just my opinion... :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 17/06/2016 10:08:51
You are telling us that at page 189? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/06/2016 13:14:08
Quote from: Kumpel on Fri 17/06/2016 10:08:51
You are telling us that at page 189? :D

Not really "us"...I was more talking to Amayirot Akago. He said he googled to confirm his suspicions which makes me think that he was not aware that googling is not really what this thread is all about...

My post was just meant as a gentle nudge: No need for folks to bring up the whole googling thing and start a conversation about it in here...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 17/06/2016 15:07:18
I prefer a series of hints. Someone always eventually guesses.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 17/06/2016 15:46:24
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 17/06/2016 13:14:08
Quote from: Kumpel on Fri 17/06/2016 10:08:51
You are telling us that at page 189? :D

Not really "us"...I was more talking to Amayirot Akago. He said he googled to confirm his suspicions which makes me think that he was not aware that googling is not really what this thread is all about...

My post was just meant as a gentle nudge: No need for folks to bring up the whole googling thing and start a conversation about it in here...

Well, I didn't google the image itself if that's what you mean, I just googled Star Wars 1313. But I get what you mean, I suppose it would be more fair that way.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/06/2016 17:00:55
Nuff said...

Okay, I'll grab the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 17/06/2016 21:49:04
Dunno why, but the art style reminds me of AprilSkies...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 17/06/2016 21:49:54
uhm... Two afro and a guitar ? (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 18/06/2016 07:44:20
Undercover Brother?

(oh wait, that should go in the movie thread :P )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 18/06/2016 14:43:59
Hehe...Keep trying...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 18/06/2016 18:20:35
QuoteDunno why, but the art style reminds me of AprilSkies...
Just what I thought. Unfortunately he didn't take part in the Hendrix MAGS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 19/06/2016 04:11:36
Hint: I cropped the main character out of the picture ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 19/06/2016 12:10:35
3 Man and a Guitar? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 20/06/2016 00:58:35
(laugh) No
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 20/06/2016 07:33:00
Quote from: Adeel on Fri 17/06/2016 21:49:04
Dunno why, but the art style reminds me of AprilSkies...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/06/2016 21:47:52
Mandle, you seem to have everyone stumped... perhaps time for another screenie?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 22/06/2016 05:06:22
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 21/06/2016 21:47:52
Mandle, you seem to have everyone stumped... perhaps time for another screenie?

As requested:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 22/06/2016 08:22:11
I think Adeel's hunch about the artist was right - that looks like Andrea's style all right, from Donald Dowell.

I'll pass my turn to Adeel though (assuming I'm right of course!).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 22/06/2016 13:06:23
Yes...the game was Donald Dowell...a game that holds a HUGE room in my heart as it was the first game I spent hundreds of hours on doing the english language editing...

And not only that: It's one of the best free games to ever come out on the AGS engine!!! Get it or regret it!

Oh, and by the way...The next game I spent even more hundreds of hours editing was "Tales"...

Which I hear is approaching its final release!!! Get excited or regretcxited (UMMMMM....??? )...

So...over to Adeel...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 22/06/2016 22:53:44
Thanks, guys. But I had already googled the image when I was getting the strong vibes of Andrea's signature style. As such, I had already known that this game was Donald Dowell (a game I had been meaning to play for a long time and even carry it with myself on my USB flash drive). I refrained from further posting because of the obvious reasons.

As such, I feel that I really don't deserve the turn. With feelings of gratitude, I'd like Dave to take his rightful turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/06/2016 22:20:30
Thought I'd choose something topical... 8-0

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/06/2016 23:10:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/06/2016 23:18:16
Nope (I like how that would be seen as topical though! :grin:).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 24/06/2016 23:29:02
"No Fighting In The War Room!" :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 24/06/2016 23:43:17
Since there's word 'Radiation' in the screenshot, I'll throw my wild and blind guesses of 'Fallout' and 'Wasteland'. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/06/2016 23:50:09
@Mandle - no, it's not a computer game adaptation of Dr Strangelove!
@Adeel - nope, neither of those.

I did choose a slightly trickier screenshot, but... the clue is there.  There's a bit clue in terms of...

what part of the world the map is showing
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 25/06/2016 11:00:58
Hmm, it's showing Europe, and is supposed to be topical. So I'm guessing it has something to do with Europe, because of the whole EU referendum thing that happened in Britain recently.
I don't know any games that are specifically about the EU or Europe though.

So instead I'm going to ask if it's Battleships?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 25/06/2016 21:12:22
Not battleships... you're right that it's about Europe, in fact (huge hint) that's in the title.  This is the sequel to another strategy game that also had Europe in its title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 25/06/2016 23:03:33
Europe at war?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 25/06/2016 23:13:02
Aurgh so close in meaning... but it's a 2-word title.  The second word is Europe.  The first is closely linked to war...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 25/06/2016 23:34:42
Battle Europe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 26/06/2016 00:22:15
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 25/06/2016 23:34:42
Battle Europe?

I'm going to bed so I'm going to put people out of their misery as I thought this would be quite an easy one - Conflict Europe (sequel to Theatre Europe).  "Battle" is close enough :P - Cassie take a turn please! 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 26/06/2016 09:08:01
LOL, you should really left ppl guessing until the correct name was shout. :P

I'll be back after breakfast with a new screen, as soon as I figure out what.


Okay, am back... sorry for the delay, I had forgotten about this. :-[

Anyway, this should be so easy that I decided to clip it. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 26/06/2016 23:18:33
Some form of Pokemon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 27/06/2016 00:11:44

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 27/06/2016 01:07:45
Duck Hunt?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 27/06/2016 09:08:31
It's the bulldog from Sierra's Hoyle Book Of Games Volume 1 ;) Used to play that game all the time as a kid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 27/06/2016 16:36:51
Amayirot Akago (nod)(nod)(nod) Me too... still have it somewhere near me. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 27/06/2016 18:53:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 28/06/2016 17:41:13
Gee, tough crowd := Hint: game's named after a famous outlaw.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 28/06/2016 18:37:39
Billy the Kid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 28/06/2016 18:49:43
Ding ding ding :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 29/06/2016 14:10:46
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 28/06/2016 18:49:43
Ding ding ding :)
What? Seriously?
I've never even played or heard of this game. I just made a random guess by naming the only famous cowboy that I know. 8-0

I suppose I'll have to come up with a game then.
How about this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 29/06/2016 15:00:23
Cats from Mars? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/06/2016 15:15:29
I feel I should know this... the backgrounds kind of remind me of Zool but the characters look wrong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 29/06/2016 16:11:16
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 29/06/2016 15:15:29
I feel I should know this... the backgrounds kind of remind me of Zool but the characters look wrong.
Could be an Amiga shareware but something looks a bit wrong to me.
That fake (prerendered) 3d gfx are not common on Amiga I guess (like in Donkey Kong Country).
Is it a pc shareware around 1995?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 30/06/2016 09:16:56
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 29/06/2016 15:00:23
Cats from Mars? (laugh)
Nope. :-D

Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 29/06/2016 16:11:16
Could be an Amiga shareware but something looks a bit wrong to me.
That fake (prerendered) 3d gfx are not common on Amiga I guess (like in Donkey Kong Country).
Is it a pc shareware around 1995?
It was released on the PC after 1995, but before 2000. And as far as I know, it was only released on the PC.
I don't know if it was shareware. Information for this game is scarce, and I played it years ago on a compilation of pirated games. I don't remember it having a shareware message though, or any episodes. So it probably wasn't shareware.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/06/2016 09:39:52
It seems someone is looking for that game too :D (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 30/06/2016 09:43:26
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 30/06/2016 09:39:52
It seems someone is looking for that game too :D (
Well you'll have to tell him the name once you figure it out. :-D

Also, I just did a bit of research, and apparently it was originally being developed for the Amiga. But they decided to port it and only release it on Windows.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/06/2016 09:57:49
Moon Child
That amiga hint was perfect to me hehe
I give you my turn Danvzare (no game in mind).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 30/06/2016 11:38:34
Good job Atavismus ;) I knew the game but was waiting to see if someone else would get it.

Game has the best theme song ever :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 30/06/2016 14:14:07
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 30/06/2016 09:57:49
Moon Child
That amiga hint was perfect to me hehe
I give you my turn Danvzare (no game in mind).
Yep you got it. :-D
Although I guess it's my turn again.

Let's see if anyone has ever played this game before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/07/2016 11:31:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 02/07/2016 14:13:13
No idea about the game but that border looks very YOINK-able for AGS game GUIs...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 02/07/2016 19:21:13
Alright then, looks like another screenshot is required.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 02/07/2016 19:27:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/07/2016 19:35:02
Dusk Of The Gods. Never played myself but I've come across it a few times on Abandonia.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 03/07/2016 09:42:19
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 02/07/2016 19:35:02
Dusk Of The Gods. Never played myself but I've come across it a few times on Abandonia.
And you got it.
Your turn. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 13:05:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 03/07/2016 13:25:00
Dragon Quest?
Or one of it's many MANY sequels?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 13:32:06
:= Haha, no, that'd be too obvious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 13:34:47
Legend of the Ghost Lion?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 13:49:08
Bazoom, right out of the park! :-D And that for a game I just randomly found on Mobygames. Your turn, CaesarCub!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 13:58:49
OK, let's give this a try.

This is going to be easy I think, but it is one of my favorite games ever.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/07/2016 14:02:07
Great Giana Sisters?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 14:03:42
Indeed it is. The best Super Mario game ever in C64.

Your turn CaptainD ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/07/2016 14:23:43
Okay how about this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 14:24:41
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 03/07/2016 14:27:56
Quote from: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 14:24:41
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams!

Haha yeah, I couldn't resist. :-D  Back to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 14:33:50
Ok, I will refrain my impulses of putting Giana Sisters DS


And instead I will pick something different:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 03/07/2016 15:52:26
Oh boy, I've played this game a lot.

E: I'll refrain from naming it now. Let's see if others have played this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 18:22:07
Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 03/07/2016 18:56:36
That's correct.
Congratulations Amayirot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 20:17:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 03/07/2016 21:40:05
Hmm, looks educational. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 03/07/2016 22:11:18
One of the many incarnations of "Where in _____ is Carmen Sandiego?"... don't remember that particular interface, but then again I doubt I play them all. (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 03/07/2016 22:52:49
Nope, it's not Carmen Sandiego.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 05/07/2016 10:59:10
Hint: game is based on a famous British TV show.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 05/07/2016 11:09:41
Horrible Histories?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 05/07/2016 11:18:00
Or was there actually a "Time Team" game?!? :-D 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Tue 05/07/2016 12:03:28
Crystal Maze?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 05/07/2016 12:54:00
CaesarCub got it again ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Tue 05/07/2016 13:37:27

Now let's try with this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 05/07/2016 13:58:30
Oooh, fond memories of this game from my childhood :grin: But I'll give someone else a chance to answer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 06/07/2016 11:40:17
Looks like a Super Solvers game to me. I have no idea which though.
If I had to take a guess, I'd say Super Solvers: Gizmos & Gadgets!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Wed 06/07/2016 11:59:21
No, it's not Gizmos & Gadgets

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/07/2016 06:38:26
It's Challenge Of The Ancient Empires!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Fri 08/07/2016 13:59:33
Indeed it is, exclamation mark included!

So it's your turn again Amayirot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/07/2016 18:29:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 08/07/2016 18:36:31
Invisible game? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 08/07/2016 18:57:49
:confused: Not sure what the problem is, the picture should be working just fine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 08/07/2016 19:00:45
Works now. (nod)

Moon race?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/07/2016 07:28:45
If there is a game with such a name, then I am not aware of it. So no ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 09/07/2016 08:23:04
Big Red Racing?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/07/2016 16:11:17
That's the one :) Played a demo of it way back and I'm still reeling from how incredibly 90's it was := Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Fitz on Sun 10/07/2016 10:39:47
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 09/07/2016 08:23:04
Big Red Racing?

Duuuude! That title's been bugging me lately! I remember playing the heck out of that game back in the day, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called. Thanks!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/07/2016 00:11:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 12/07/2016 00:20:46
Dawn Of The Dead?

(I don't even know if there is such a game, but the characters look very similar to the actors in the movie)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 12/07/2016 10:18:29
Metal Gear Solid 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/07/2016 10:42:49
Double nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 12/07/2016 12:52:21
Deus Ex 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 12/07/2016 15:22:41
Also incorrect.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 12/07/2016 15:24:12
Half life 2, maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 12/07/2016 15:31:15
Pokemon GO?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 12/07/2016 15:36:37
Max Payne?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 13/07/2016 01:32:59
Someone of the "Hitman" series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/07/2016 01:49:27
None of the above.

Hint: the game is a FPS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 13/07/2016 05:54:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/07/2016 10:26:58
Not SiN.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 13/07/2016 13:47:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/07/2016 16:28:36
Also not No One Lives Forever.

Another screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 13/07/2016 18:47:35
That is even less helpful. :P

Have a feeling it's a fairly recent game, if so then I haven't played it.

Deus Ex?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/07/2016 19:24:49
It's over a decade old game. And not Deus Ex.

Hint: it's based on a movie franchise.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 13/07/2016 19:34:18
GoldenEye 007 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Wed 13/07/2016 19:56:37
Tron 2.0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/07/2016 20:24:45
Quote from: CaesarCub on Wed 13/07/2016 19:56:37
Tron 2.0

Gah should have got that one.  Great game, loved the way stat boosts were implemented.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 13/07/2016 22:02:33
It is Tron 2.0

I remember I was suprised how great that game was.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 14/07/2016 00:50:12
Indeed I am shocked, i didn't recognize that one in an instant! I loved this game so much. Rediscovered it a few years after it's release, bought it for a few cents in some pc games bargain bin and was mind blown. Exactly the same happened to me with another game. Let's see if I can post it some time here.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Thu 14/07/2016 01:28:24
Sometimes I fear I'm not that good at finding obscure games.
Let's try with this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 14/07/2016 02:29:43
Barbarian :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 14/07/2016 11:39:32
Quote from: KumpelRediscovered it a few years after it's release, bought it for a few cents in some pc games bargain bin and was mind blown.

I wish they re-relaesd it on GOG...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Thu 14/07/2016 12:31:15
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 14/07/2016 02:29:43
Barbarian :)

That is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 14/07/2016 14:09:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 14/07/2016 15:21:28
colorwise (

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Thu 14/07/2016 15:27:20
I think I have played this loooong time ago - isn't this a pinball version and that cute crocodile eats the ball?
No idea about the title, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 14/07/2016 15:59:44
Dear cat, please note this thread is called name the game, not explain the game 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Thu 14/07/2016 16:09:34
Well, a duckduckgo search for "gameboy pinball crocodile" quickly brought up the name, but since this is not allowed (and there is no way I would have remembered the title otherwise) someone else has to solve this.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 14/07/2016 20:00:43
cat, that is allowed. You're just not allowed to reverse search the image.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Thu 14/07/2016 20:49:43
Ok, it is Revenge of the Gator

Never owned the game myself (never had a Gameboy, to begin with), but I enjoyed playing it on someone else's Gameboy.


Edit: Since I'm sure that this is correct, here is a new one for you to guess (with the character removed):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/07/2016 20:49:33
Is that the evil puzzle at the end of The Journey Down: Chapter Two?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Fri 15/07/2016 21:50:12
It is - your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/07/2016 22:00:44
Don't know if this is a really easy one...?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 16/07/2016 10:18:16
Risk: Communism vs Capitalism Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 16/07/2016 11:56:15
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 16/07/2016 10:18:16
Risk: Communism vs Capitalism Edition?

Haha no - does such a thing really exist?! 

But of course the cold War was the major theme behind this game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 16/07/2016 13:05:07
PC Globe? (Communism vs. Capitalism Edition)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 16/07/2016 13:17:03
Quote from: Gurok on Sat 16/07/2016 13:05:07
PC Globe? (Communism vs. Capitalism Edition)

Nope earlier than that (and this is a real game :P).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 16/07/2016 23:13:48
Really - no-one?  Always held the view that this was something of a classic and even a genre-starter.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 17/07/2016 02:54:05
Hypercard Holocaust? 8-)

(And if there isn't a game called that, there damn well should be!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 17/07/2016 07:08:03
Balance of Power.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/07/2016 22:19:05
Yup, Balance of Power. Taught my teenage self  about geopolitics more than anything else did!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 17/07/2016 22:40:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sun 17/07/2016 22:57:44
I've certainly seen this before, but cannot remember exactly....

My first guess is "Might & Magic 2".
Nah, it is not that.
Actually, I was searching for a title I had on a tip of my tongue, and suddenly stumbled on this game's screenshots, so I now know what the game is, but that is probably won't qualify as a guess :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 18/07/2016 11:58:39
King's Bounty?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/07/2016 14:08:40
Nope, this is a shareware game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 18/07/2016 14:27:03
Oh crap, I just knew I knew this game:



Hunie Pop: Buxom Menu Babes Edition
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/07/2016 14:32:14
Yes, that is exactly it, how did you figure it out so quickly :grin:

No it isn't, try again :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 18/07/2016 22:57:42
ive seen and played this! Is it an top view rpg?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 19/07/2016 08:22:40

Nope, not top down.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 19/07/2016 08:30:38
Damn. I had this game when I was young and I've been searching for it for some time. Unfortunately, I didn't remember the name, but I could've told you it was shareware before it was mentioned in the thread. I did a reverse Google image search and found it, but just wanted to say thanks for helping me find this classic.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/07/2016 09:06:59
Ancients 1: Death Watch ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 19/07/2016 10:17:57
And Atavismus is correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/07/2016 11:01:57
Ok, maybe it's an easy one, but let's go ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 19/07/2016 12:04:51
some ultima?
maybe ultima 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/07/2016 12:47:13
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 19/07/2016 12:04:51
some ultima?
maybe ultima 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/07/2016 13:22:07
Might & Magic V?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 19/07/2016 13:36:08
Eye of the Beholder?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/07/2016 15:12:31
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 19/07/2016 13:36:08
Eye of the Beholder?
Nope but indeed, it's a Dungeon Crawler.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 19/07/2016 16:51:07
Dungeon Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/07/2016 17:03:16
Legend of Grimrock?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/07/2016 19:26:12
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 19/07/2016 17:03:16
Legend of Grimrock?
Nah, before.

Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 19/07/2016 16:51:07
Dungeon Master?
Nah, after.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/07/2016 00:16:49
One of the Wizardry series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/07/2016 09:06:26
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 20/07/2016 00:16:49
One of the Wizardry series?
That game has no serie.
If you wonder, it's a commercial game (not a shareware or anything obscure) with a real publisher (who released/published some "famous" games).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/07/2016 09:26:22
Aha.  I won't say what it is as I cheated to find out (sorry was too curious!) - however I will say that if you had posted the game with the same name as this released 4 years earlier, I would probably have got it (especially if it had been the Speccy version). :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 09:41:14
Maybe another screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/07/2016 09:44:31
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 09:41:14
Maybe another screenshot?
It won't help I guess.
Well, where are the Amiga and ST maniacs?! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/07/2016 11:08:27
Bard's Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/07/2016 12:24:34
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 20/07/2016 11:08:27
Bard's Tale?
The gameplay is similar to Dungeon Master.
In my memory, no city, no shops, etc.: only dungeons but also some outdoor "mazes".
Btw, here is a new screenshot.
I post it only because the text is related to us all. :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 15:41:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/07/2016 15:46:34
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 15:41:33
You're right!
(Published by Mindscape)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 18:12:54

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/07/2016 18:30:35
Alien Isolation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 18:36:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/07/2016 18:37:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 18:43:09
Also no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/07/2016 19:09:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 19:25:31

I bought it on sale yesterday, out of curiosity. What a great game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/07/2016 19:38:52
Whoa 8-0 That was a complete shot in the dark, didn't think I'd get it.

Well then:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/07/2016 21:10:54
Farscape: The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 20/07/2016 21:17:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 20/07/2016 21:18:25
Damn you Danvzare for stealing my thoughts! (laugh)(roll)

(But thanks for making me realize there's a game for Farscape! (roll) I Should have known that, since it dealts 1st place with my other favorit show! (laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/07/2016 21:37:35
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Wed 20/07/2016 21:17:40
First try, impressive :grin: Didn't think anyone would get this so quickly. You got serious sci-fi nerd cred :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 21:59:34
Didn't you know? AnasAbdin is a living sci-fi ecyclopedia :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 20/07/2016 22:16:24
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 20/07/2016 21:59:34
Didn't you know? AnasAbdin is a living sci-fi ecyclopedia :)


Here's a game that drove me and my brother crazy back in the day:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 21/07/2016 22:01:09
Dunno whether related, but I know from one game that this is LHX helicopter :).
I do not remember this particular screen though, so it might be another game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 22/07/2016 09:15:52
CW: it is another game :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 22/07/2016 20:07:32
Another screeny:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 23/07/2016 15:11:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 23/07/2016 20:38:46
Quote from: selmiak on Sat 23/07/2016 15:11:46
Holy Wastelands! That's some leak from Dustbowl II in progress!
How could it be possible?! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 23/07/2016 20:45:13
lol sorry to disappoint.. but wrong answer (wrong)

one more screeny and I'll have to answer it myself...
(or you can google image search it..)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 23/07/2016 20:51:16
I never played this game, but I guess Dustbowl artist talked to me about that game.
Or maybe I saw it in a video.
I guess the game first letter is "I".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 24/07/2016 07:20:10
Quote from: Atavismus on Sat 23/07/2016 20:51:16
I guess the game first letter is "I".

one of us has to answer it  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 24/07/2016 09:06:34
I've been wanting to answer this whole time but I just had my turn so I have to hold myself back :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 24/07/2016 15:10:19
I have no idea, but if it starts with "I" and seems to be about war, I'm gonna guess:

Insurgency? (or something like that?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 24/07/2016 16:52:43
I Spy? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 24/07/2016 18:40:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 24/07/2016 21:30:26
I guess.
With a number maybe...
Will turned in a hangman game ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Sun 24/07/2016 23:52:33
This is Infiltrator I'm sure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 25/07/2016 15:49:10
Quote from: SinSin on Sun 24/07/2016 23:52:33
This is Infiltrator I'm sure.

ARGGGHHHH!!! I was so close with "Insurgency"...Why did I go for the less-used word?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 25/07/2016 16:18:28
SinSin got it! Now give us a clue while Mandle cries a little :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Mon 25/07/2016 18:01:11
Here we go !

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 25/07/2016 19:03:13

Marvin, the green elf? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Mon 25/07/2016 19:11:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 27/07/2016 09:22:38
Think it might be time for a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Wed 27/07/2016 09:46:51
Don't really know what I can do for hints really

Erm the game was a late 80's title.

A fantasy platformer developed by a company that would later settle on the RTS market for a while.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 27/07/2016 10:13:07
Twinworld ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: SinSin on Wed 27/07/2016 10:15:16
Well done Atavismus
Was a really nice game for it's time with great music loops too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 27/07/2016 10:49:16
Here is a screenshot from one of the best game I ever played:


Maybe someone will find it.

If it's too hard, I'll post another in-game screenshot (but then I guess it will be too easy hehe).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 27/07/2016 15:54:35
I get a Beneath a Steel Sky vibe... But I don't think that's it
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 27/07/2016 17:01:13
Quote from: Kumpel on Wed 27/07/2016 15:54:35
I get a Beneath a Steel Sky vibe... But I don't think that's it
It's not a point'n'click.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 28/07/2016 11:47:07
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 27/07/2016 10:49:16
Here is a screenshot from one of the best game I ever played:


Maybe someone will find it.

If it's too hard, I'll post another in-game screenshot (but then I guess it will be too easy hehe).

With that second screen, I guess you'll find easily:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 28/07/2016 12:30:11
I think that was the name of the game I'm thinking of. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 28/07/2016 12:47:36
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 28/07/2016 12:30:11
I think that was the name of the game I'm thinking of. :-\
The idea is right, but the word is wrong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/07/2016 12:51:06
Hired Guns!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 28/07/2016 13:04:11
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/07/2016 12:51:06
Hired Guns!
Oh yeah!
Totally cult to me!
One day, I'll do a remake, oh yeah one day I'll do a remake...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/07/2016 13:21:41
That would be interesting :) Hired Guns always seemed to be pretty ahead of its time.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 28/07/2016 16:07:45
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/07/2016 13:21:41
Hired Guns always seemed to be pretty ahead of its time.
But I fear modern players won't "get" the step by step/tile-based movement.
Still, Legend of Grimrock ( is a recent success so why not hehe

About your picture, it doesn't seem unfamiliar to me, but I can't say where I saw it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 29/07/2016 11:28:53
Ah Hired Guns, that was it's name.
I played it once during my retro gaming binge, several years ago. At least I was partly right about the name. :-D

As for the current game, hmm... Myst?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/07/2016 13:28:40
It's misty, but it's not Myst ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 30/07/2016 11:30:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 30/07/2016 19:44:59
Return to Zork?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 30/07/2016 20:26:18
Return to right answers, more like ;) Well done, Gilbert, you're up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 31/07/2016 17:05:00
Aw well... Didn't expect it to be correct. As always it's late at night so I won't post any more stuff ATM. Anyone may steal a turn if they want, or else I'll try to post something tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 00:56:07
Okay...stealing it then...

Here's an easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 01/08/2016 00:58:09
Deus Ex
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
Correct...and still one of my favorite games of all time!

But damn man: 2 minutes? It took me longer than that to find, save and upload the image... :P

Over to you!

EDIT: Also: YAY 200th post!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 01/08/2016 08:57:35
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
EDIT: Also: YAY 200th post!

200th post or 200th page? :confused::cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 09:15:37
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 01/08/2016 08:57:35
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
EDIT: Also: YAY 200th post!

200th post or 200th page? :confused::cool:

Yeah...that one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 01/08/2016 12:06:25
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
Correct...and still one of my favorite games of all time!
Same here!
Deep gameplay, large freedom, strong world and story.
An important step in the game history imo.

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
But damn man: 2 minutes? It took me longer than that to find, save and upload the image... :P
But how can you forget this game?!
I mean, cult games mark your mind forever.
When I saw your post I immediatly thought about Deus Ex.
If my memory is right, it's the logo of the evil conspiracy or something.

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
Over to you!
Bah, I have nothing in mind for the moment, and has it was the 200th page, I let you find another one ;)

EDIT: it's the 4000th reply!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 01/08/2016 20:24:27
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 01/08/2016 01:01:07
But damn man: 2 minutes? It took me longer than that to find, save and upload the image... :P
I'm surprised it didn't take him one minute. That game is the Casablanca or Wizard of OZ of the video game world.
If you've never played the original Deus Ex, then you can't call yourself a true gamer, at least in my opinion.

Best game ever. Probably not my most favourite game ever (even though it definitely gets in the top ten somewhere), but definitely the best game ever made.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 02/08/2016 01:21:41
Okay, cheers's another fairly easy one (from one of the most gorgeous-looking adventure games ever):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 02:23:18
Is that Oxenfree?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 02/08/2016 08:48:55
Quote from: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 02:23:18
Is that Oxenfree?

Yup...over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 11:47:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 02/08/2016 12:18:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 12:31:18
You crack some kind of safe, but it's not Safecracker.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 02/08/2016 13:07:07
The Room?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 02/08/2016 13:21:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 02/08/2016 13:48:02
Or one of the "Thief" games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 02/08/2016 13:58:10
Quote from: Kumpel on Tue 02/08/2016 13:48:02
Or one of the "Thief" games?

Oops I think that's what I meant when I said "Stealth"! (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 14:57:37
Mandle got it. It's The Room.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 02/08/2016 16:21:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Tue 02/08/2016 16:25:56
Not THAT Room ;D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 02/08/2016 23:32:30
WOOT! I played The Room on my mate's iPad on the way back from volunteer work in Fukushima after the tsunami. We were travelling along the expressway in a heavy blizzard with an under-experienced driver who was fishtailing the van and overcompensating constantly. Then she missed the exit to the rest area where we could have changed to a better driver and we had to wait another 15 kms until we could be out of danger.

I mention all this because The Room saved me from having several heart attacks. I just kept playing it from beginning to end and kept telling myself that I would be alright because I was in The Room, not in a car sliding out of control on the packed snow, and it worked!

Here's the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 03/08/2016 14:32:44
Looks vaguely like an AGS game. I can't say which though. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 03/08/2016 14:45:27
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 03/08/2016 14:32:44
Looks vaguely like an AGS game. I can't say which though. :-\

Yeah it's... it's... it's... gah.  Book of something or Curse of something?  D'oh... I'm sure I played this a few months back but can't get the name into my head.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 03/08/2016 15:31:39
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 03/08/2016 14:45:27
Yeah it's... it's... it's... gah.  Book of something or Curse of something?  D'oh... I'm sure I played this a few months back but can't get the name into my head.

Not even close my good fellow...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 04/08/2016 14:32:46
Here's another screenie:


Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 03/08/2016 14:32:44
Looks vaguely like an AGS game.

It is an AGS game...In of the best AGS games I've ever played...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 04/08/2016 18:40:55
Adventure Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 04/08/2016 23:46:14
Well done Cassie!!! Over to you...


If anyone has not played Adventure Island I suggest that you do. It's quite long, and there are I believe over 50 puzzles, some of them quite intricate, but nothing that ever seemed unfair after the fact. I managed to get through it without using any hints, but it took me about 2-3 weeks on and off...probably over 15 hours game-time. So if you have the time and want to play an amazing adventure game: Get it or regret it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 05/08/2016 14:29:02
I thought her back looked familiar. ;) I'm playing, but haven't reach that part yet.

Uhm... I now have to think of a game. 8-0 Actually the other day I though of one, but forgot it again. :-[

EDIT: AH... found this one. Brings weird memories back... worse part? I wish to play it again right now! 8-0


PS - Heavily cropped.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/08/2016 14:56:23
Er... Skool Daze?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 05/08/2016 15:09:24
Close, but no. ;)

EDIT: Awww... come on! Try again! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/08/2016 22:39:58
Skool Daze 2? :-D :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 05/08/2016 23:44:50
Again... does "Skool Daze 2" even exists as a name? ;)
So... have to say... no... but very very hot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 05/08/2016 23:56:35
Happy Daze?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 06/08/2016 00:16:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/08/2016 09:09:55
Back To Skool?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 06/08/2016 09:23:13
Amayirot Akago takes the cake! (nod)

Here's the non-cropped screen:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 06/08/2016 11:31:39
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Fri 05/08/2016 23:44:50
Again... does "Skool Daze 2" even exists as a name? ;)

IF not it should do! :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/08/2016 13:13:27
Woo, cake!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 06/08/2016 13:24:05
That should be "Harry Potter and the baddest game rip off all times."
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 07/08/2016 11:29:35
Quote from: Kumpel on Sat 06/08/2016 13:24:05
That should be "Harry Potter and the baddest game rip off all times."
It's like I'm looking at a Chinese knockoff of the first Harry Potter game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 07/08/2016 12:20:30
Very true, but I'm gonna need an actual name ;)

Hint: the developer is this is well-known for several shovelware titles of dubious quality released for several systems in the previous console generations and PC.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 07/08/2016 12:22:24
Ooh is it by the same dev that made Ninjabread Man?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 07/08/2016 17:29:07
Billy the Wizard?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 07/08/2016 19:00:23
That is it, Gribbler ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 08/08/2016 11:44:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 08/08/2016 11:51:33
probably not no man sky, but still my guess.

Is this a real ingame screenshot or a screenshot where you take a picture of the screen with some external device?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 08/08/2016 11:52:06
Correct! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 08/08/2016 12:10:34
but it's not out yet, it'll be out tomorrow (on ps4)...
And I like exploration but it will probably bore me after 2-3 hours... or it'll be the total timesink for years to come... :D

aaanyways, what game is this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/08/2016 12:11:16
Red Dead Revolver?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 08/08/2016 12:14:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/08/2016 12:16:37
Bonanza: The Frontier Years?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 08/08/2016 12:18:01
nope ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/08/2016 12:42:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 08/08/2016 16:29:56
uhm... Honey, I shrank the kids? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 08/08/2016 23:39:13
Some Call of Juárez?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 09/08/2016 09:32:12
or Outlaw?
I'm not even sure if that's even a real game, but I'm fairly sure I once encountered a cowboy game with a name like that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 09/08/2016 14:42:41
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/08/2016 12:42:37

this is it!

It's Amayirot Akago's turn. Also go play Gun, it's a really cool game! And you drink wiskey to recover your health!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/08/2016 17:56:27
Heh, only so many 3D Western games so it was easy to narrow it down ;) Haven't played it myself though but I probably should.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/08/2016 18:27:55
I dunno, that character sprite looks familiar... Freddy Hardest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 09/08/2016 20:04:12
Ghostbuster, the clone? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/08/2016 21:26:07
Who you gonna call? Somebody else, cause that ain't it :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 10/08/2016 04:20:03
Slime World
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 10/08/2016 08:00:26
Quite correct, Gilbert! :grin: Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 10/08/2016 19:58:47
Well, that's because I own the PCE version, though I haven't really played it yet.
Anyway (should've checked the forums more often), as always it's midnight here, so anyone may steal my turn, or I'll post something tomorrow if no one dares to post.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 10/08/2016 23:28:07
Here is a cropped one for you guys

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 11/08/2016 10:06:22
Chip's Challenge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 11/08/2016 14:12:52
I am gonna give it a little bit more time before I am doing another crop. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 12/08/2016 08:36:18
Is the character sprite supposed to be a monkey?  Looks like it to me but I'm not sure if it's intentional!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 12/08/2016 17:29:36
Not a monkey. Its a walking person seen from above.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 13/08/2016 11:20:17
I kind of want to ask if it's Chip's Challenge again, but you've already said no. So I'm all out of ideas. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 13/08/2016 12:24:34
Some form of minesweeper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/08/2016 12:35:19
Bolo Ball. Played it as a kid, sucked horribly at it back then, still do :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 13/08/2016 13:25:56
Correct! Me too, Amayirot ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/08/2016 13:47:18

Well, this cropping stuff makes things more interesting, let's see who can guess this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 13/08/2016 15:11:11
Beneath A Steel Sky?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 13/08/2016 17:04:11
looks a bit like a darker version of the BG ben just posted for unavowed...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/08/2016 17:15:42
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 13/08/2016 15:11:11
Beneath A Steel Sky?
Quote from: selmiak on Sat 13/08/2016 17:04:11
looks a bit like a darker version of the BG ben just posted for unavowed...
Nope, but you're on to something there ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 13/08/2016 17:42:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 13/08/2016 18:37:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 13/08/2016 18:41:10
Down Under?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 14/08/2016 01:17:47
Blackwell Convergence?

(I'm pretty sure that's the entrance to the diner in the void)

EDIT: And, omg, I was going to say "a Blackwell Game?" after seeing that first screenie. I thought it might be the panning shot of NYC from the opening credits, but then I second-guessed myself and thought the buildings looked too futuristic...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 14/08/2016 07:41:14
That's correct, Mandle ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 14/08/2016 16:06:44
Here's the next cropped image then, because everything is more fun when you can't google image it:


(And you can probably google image it, but please don't...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 14/08/2016 16:28:17
The Legend of Boggy Creek: The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 14/08/2016 18:19:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 14/08/2016 19:23:06
Dry Pool Synchronised Swimming Deluxe Turbo: Inmate Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 14/08/2016 21:38:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Sun 14/08/2016 23:04:13
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 14/08/2016 21:38:03
A quick Google search and I've already confirmed that you got it right! Thanks for introducing this game to me, mate!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 15/08/2016 01:57:33
Nobody has it right so far.

And no, it's not "The Suffering", but I can see why it was thought to be.

I will post another screenie soon.

P.S: Hardy-Har-Har @ the joke answers :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 15/08/2016 10:05:44
Another cropped screenie:


Also: In my opinion, this is one of the most disturbing horror games of all time. It really throws the balls to the wall in its total disregard for our comforting, ingrained version of normality, and in the feelings it invokes of paranoia, helplessness, and cosmic insanity.

In other words: It scared the bejesus out of me, and I loved every moment!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 15/08/2016 14:29:36
Is it SCP Containment Breach?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 15/08/2016 21:33:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 15/08/2016 23:27:53
Amnesia TDD/AMFP or Penumbra? Those games really got me good.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 16/08/2016 01:44:46
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 15/08/2016 14:29:36
Is it SCP Containment Breach?


Over to you!

(I should have tested if googling "horror game Gate B" would give the game away, literally...(laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 16/08/2016 11:16:44
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 16/08/2016 01:44:46
(I should have tested if googling "horror game Gate B" would give the game away, literally...(laugh))
Actually I figured it out simply from the prison uniforms and the fact that you said horror game. No googling necessary.
If you hadn't said horror game though, I probably would have asked if it was Hard Time.

To continue this trend of cropping screenshots, here's mine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 16/08/2016 14:10:40
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 16/08/2016 11:16:44
Actually I figured it out simply from the prison uniforms and the fact that you said horror game. No googling necessary.

Then you have my apology and respect for your knowledge of fringe indie games...(And I wasn't trying to be accusing at all...googling is acceptable from the clues in the image unless you just google the image...)

My guess:

Uncharted 4: The Retro Cut
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 16/08/2016 14:53:13
Hotline Miami 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 16/08/2016 15:41:53
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 16/08/2016 14:10:40
Then you have my apology and respect for your knowledge of fringe indie games...(And I wasn't trying to be accusing at all...googling is acceptable from the clues in the image unless you just google the image...)
No need to apologize. It's not like googling is frowned upon here. I just wanted my bonus points for recognizing it without googling. (laugh)

Quote from: Mandle on Tue 16/08/2016 14:10:40
Uncharted 4: The Retro Cut

Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 16/08/2016 14:53:13
Hotline Miami 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 16/08/2016 16:52:51
Falout? (if it's a blown up screen)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 16/08/2016 16:56:56
Enter The Gungeon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 16/08/2016 17:02:14
Still nope. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 16/08/2016 17:35:46
Doom? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 16/08/2016 17:59:41
Probably not, but:  Dropsy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 16/08/2016 20:25:35
Nope and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 16/08/2016 21:03:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 16/08/2016 22:58:27
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 16/08/2016 21:03:54
Nope! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 10:30:03
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 16/08/2016 22:58:27
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 16/08/2016 21:03:54
Nope! :D
Hey, that's my job. (laugh)

Ok, here's another screenshot. Hopefully it'll make it a bit easier.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 17/08/2016 13:10:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 13:12:58
Nix, nada, nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 17/08/2016 15:14:22
Lakeshore Cabin?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 16:46:09
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 17/08/2016 15:14:22
Lakeshore Cabin?
Close, but the name is a little wrong. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 17:14:40
Cabin lakeshore ? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 17:15:14
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 17:14:40
Cabin lakeshore ? (laugh)
Still wrong, and you were closer last time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 17:17:53
me? You mean Mandle... :P

Ok: Shorelake cabin.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 17:40:54
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 17:17:53
me? You mean Mandle... :P

Ok: Shorelake cabin.
Oops, I thought you were Mandle for a moment there. Damn my lack of perceptiveness. (There really needs to be a facepalm emote here.)

Also, still nope. Mandle's guess was still the closest.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 17:46:58

Lake shore cabin?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 17/08/2016 18:23:00
Lakeview Cabin ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/08/2016 19:17:48
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 17/08/2016 18:23:00
Lakeview Cabin ;)
And you've got it! :-D
Over to you Amayirot Akago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 17/08/2016 19:31:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 19:42:56
White noise!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 17/08/2016 23:18:40
AH DAMNIT!!! That's what I get for trusting my memory!

I only made that guess from the style of the graphics. I haven't seen those screens before in the game. Does this mean it's been updated? When I saw it I think only the first two "movies" were playable...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 18/08/2016 07:32:18
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 17/08/2016 19:42:56
White noise!
Well, I guess you're not wrong given the lack of context :P But I guess I may have made this one a bit too vague. To be more clear, that's piping hot steam.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 18/08/2016 08:20:07
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoI may have made this one a bit too vague. To be more clear, that's piping hot steam.
I assume it's from a super popular adventure game which, if provided with the entire screenshot, everybody here would guess in an instant.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 18/08/2016 10:56:48
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 17/08/2016 23:18:40
AH DAMNIT!!! That's what I get for trusting my memory!

I only made that guess from the style of the graphics. I haven't seen those screens before in the game. Does this mean it's been updated? When I saw it I think only the first two "movies" were playable...
Yep, it's been updated a lot since then. All the movies have been released, plus the epilogue which you get for completing all of the movies (or by inputting a cheat).

Now as for my guess.
Hmm... Dropsy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 18/08/2016 22:05:52
Quote from: Gribbler on Thu 18/08/2016 08:20:07
I assume it's from a super popular adventure game which, if provided with the entire screenshot, everybody here would guess in an instant.
Why not guess and find out ;)
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 18/08/2016 10:56:48
Hmm... Dropsy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 18/08/2016 23:20:01
Gemini Rue? (That had a scalding steam pipes puzzle...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 19/08/2016 00:01:27
Blackwell Unbound
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 19/08/2016 08:05:27
Nope on both counts.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 19/08/2016 10:20:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 19/08/2016 17:10:05
Beneth a steal sky? (sorry, can't even remember if there was steam in there)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 19/08/2016 22:25:26
Still nope. It's older than both of those.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 19/08/2016 23:22:04
Probably a new clue would be a good idea by now. ;)

Anyway... SQ3 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/08/2016 07:14:09
I was gonna post a new thing but I was really tired last night := And no, it's not SQ3.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 20/08/2016 10:51:29
Blackwell Epiphany?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 20/08/2016 11:05:16
Lure of the Temptress?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/08/2016 11:53:39

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 20/08/2016 12:29:46
Castle Wolfenstein?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 20/08/2016 13:08:07
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 20/08/2016 13:13:05
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade/Fate Of Atlantis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/08/2016 22:07:58
Mandle's got it! These were, in order: steam rising from the evaporating pond in Atlantis, an idol(?) in Indy's office and a guard at the Colossus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 20/08/2016 22:29:54
Not fair! You said it was older than BaSS! >:(

EDIT: Okay, my bad, somehow I confused the dates and thought Atlantis was 94 and BaSS 92... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/08/2016 22:56:02
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 20/08/2016 22:29:54
Not fair! You said it was older than BaSS! >:(

EDIT: Okay, my bad, somehow I confused the dates and thought Atlantis was 94 and BaSS 92... (roll)
I had to check it myself to see if I wasn't telling pork pies, so no worries ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/08/2016 06:24:17

(Extremely cropped)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 21/08/2016 08:59:36
Plato II: The Imaginery Cave (educational version)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 21/08/2016 09:23:17
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 21/08/2016 06:24:17
(Extremely cropped)

I have a guess but can you please reveal a 1px column to the right just to make sure?  (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/08/2016 10:34:32
The answer is "no" on both counts... :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 21/08/2016 11:41:28
Rome: Pathway to Power?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/08/2016 15:36:44 was from the title screen of Civilization 2 (I'm not gonna nitpick over the exact name when I know you are right... :P)

Over to you...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 22/08/2016 18:54:35
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 21/08/2016 15:36:44 was from the title screen of Civilization 2 (I'm not gonna nitpick over the exact name when I know you are right... :P)

Over to you...
I was actually right?
Holy crap.
Um... I guess it's my turn then.

This one isn't cropped, because I want to go easy on you all for once. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 23/08/2016 00:16:23
Harvest Moon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 23/08/2016 13:48:53
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 23/08/2016 00:16:23
Harvest Moon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 23/08/2016 14:22:18
Secret of Mana?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 23/08/2016 15:15:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 23/08/2016 14:22:18
Secret of Mana?
Still nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/08/2016 15:54:14
Breath of Fire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 23/08/2016 19:40:47
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/08/2016 15:54:14
Breath of Fire?

Here's another screenshot for your troubles. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 23/08/2016 20:24:05
The first pic is broken now...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 24/08/2016 09:27:34
Chrono Trigger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 24/08/2016 09:38:20
Quote from: Ben X on Tue 23/08/2016 20:24:05
The first pic is broken now...
Hmm, it's not broken for me.
Could anyone else here tell me if it's broken? ???

Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 24/08/2016 09:27:34
Chrono Trigger?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 24/08/2016 10:10:24
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 24/08/2016 09:38:20
Hmm, it's not broken for me.
Could anyone else here tell me if it's broken? ???

First image looks fine to me too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 25/08/2016 10:13:29
Another screenshot for you all.

And a hint, although I think everyone has already figured this out. This game was made exclusively for the SNES.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ark on Thu 25/08/2016 12:31:42
Danvzare, was it released only in Japan?
Nice graphics by the way. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 25/08/2016 12:47:02
Mononoke Hime? (just guessing from the look of the character in that last pic)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 25/08/2016 13:21:34
Quote from: Ark on Thu 25/08/2016 12:31:42
Danvzare, was it released only in Japan?
Nice graphics by the way. :)
Yep, that's right. Good catch. ;)

Quote from: Mandle on Thu 25/08/2016 12:47:02
Mononoke Hime? (just guessing from the look of the character in that last pic)

Also, another hint for you guys. This game was released in 1995, according to Wikipedia.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ark on Thu 25/08/2016 15:20:20
I was thinking it's "Marvelous: another treasure island", but it was released in 1996, according to GameFAQs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 26/08/2016 09:03:29
Another day, another screenshot.

Quote from: Ark on Thu 25/08/2016 15:20:20
I was thinking it's "Marvelous: another treasure island", but it was released in 1996, according to GameFAQs.
It's not Marvelous: another treasure island.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 26/08/2016 17:43:27
Rejoice : Aretha Oukoku no Kanata?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 26/08/2016 18:45:36
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 26/08/2016 17:43:27
Rejoice : Aretha Oukoku no Kanata?
That's correct! :-D

How did you figure it out?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 26/08/2016 19:34:32
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 26/08/2016 18:45:36
How did you figure it out?
"snes japan rpg 1995" in google (Images tab).
It's allowed right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 26/08/2016 20:47:56
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 26/08/2016 19:34:32
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 26/08/2016 18:45:36
How did you figure it out?
"snes japan rpg 1995" in google (Images tab).
It's allowed right?

You took a leaf out of his book. I'm sure he won't mind.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 27/08/2016 09:02:27
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 26/08/2016 19:34:32
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 26/08/2016 18:45:36
How did you figure it out?
"snes japan rpg 1995" in google (Images tab).
It's allowed right?
Of course it is, it's not like I expected anyone here to have actually played it. (laugh)
Thanks for telling me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 27/08/2016 09:27:58
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 27/08/2016 09:02:27
Of course it is, it's not like I expected anyone here to have actually played it. (laugh)
Thanks for telling me.
Ok cool.

Here is a screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 03/09/2016 06:24:59
This another one of them fancy Japan-only games that all the kids are into these days? Cause I'm stumped (and I'm guessing so is everyone else := )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 03/09/2016 08:33:07
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 03/09/2016 06:24:59
This another one of them fancy Japan-only games that all the kids are into these days? Cause I'm stumped (and I'm guessing so is everyone else := )
Ooops I forget a bit this "guess" and didn't provide any hint, sorry.
It's an european game from 1995 and it's not SNES nor Megadrive.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 03/09/2016 11:04:34
I forgot about this thread. How did that happen?
Hmm... roughly 64 colours, European, not made for SNES or Megadrive, put up by Atavismus.
I'm going to guess that it's an Amiga game.

A quick search on LemonAmiga reveals... nothing.

Yep, I've still got no clue.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 03/09/2016 21:38:24
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 03/09/2016 11:04:34
I forgot about this thread. How did that happen?
Hmm... roughly 64 colours, European, not made for SNES or Megadrive, put up by Atavismus.
I'm going to guess that it's an Amiga game.

A quick search on LemonAmiga reveals... nothing.

Yep, I've still got no clue.
It's an Amiga game indeed and it's on LemonAmiga. ;)
It was published by two big names.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 07/09/2016 00:15:22
I think you have officially stumped us...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/09/2016 08:34:50
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 07/09/2016 00:15:22
I think you have officially stumped us...
A "zelda amiga clone".
Published in 1995 by Ocean and Team 17 for AGA and CD32 (1996).
S..... L..... (The)
Should we hang the man? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 07/09/2016 09:27:06
Found it, The Speris Legacy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/09/2016 11:47:11
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 07/09/2016 09:27:06
Found it, The Speris Legacy.
Yes it is! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/09/2016 13:36:12
Please check the correct year next time, I searched every 1995 AGA game on Lemon Amiga for this one :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 07/09/2016 13:44:21
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/09/2016 13:36:12
Please check the correct year next time, I searched every 1995 AGA game on Lemon Amiga for this one :confused:
I searched every 1995 game, and every Ocean game. So I know what you mean.
I only managed to find it by looking up 1996 and Team17.

I'll let someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/09/2016 15:43:12
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/09/2016 13:36:12
Please check the correct year next time, I searched every 1995 AGA game on Lemon Amiga for this one :confused:
I don't want to sound pedantic, but the most complete and accurate Amiga database is Hall of Light (
HOL is considered as the reference (even if I like and even prefer Lemon that is more friendly and users oriented).

The page of Speris Legacy states 1995 for AGA and 1996 for CD32.

Still, sorry for the inconvenience. :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 07/09/2016 15:52:25
I've never heard of Hall of Light, but thanks for pointing me towards it. :-D
Maybe I might finally be able to find out the name of those few Amiga games I have vague memories of.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/09/2016 16:12:34
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 07/09/2016 15:52:25
I've never heard of Hall of Light, but thanks for pointing me towards it. :-D
Maybe I might finally be able to find out the name of those few Amiga games I have vague memories of.
HOL is regularly updated and very exhaustive.
It even includes unreleased games.

I'll be glad to help you to find some of them if you want.
Maybe you could open a topic for this. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 07/09/2016 18:58:18
Let me stir things up a little.. here's a quick one.. cropped :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 07/09/2016 22:12:27
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Wed 07/09/2016 18:58:18
Let me stir things up a little.. here's a quick one.. cropped :P


Alley Cat?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 07/09/2016 22:21:00
Correct :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 08/09/2016 15:20:33
More cropped images then!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 08/09/2016 16:19:32
Yay, cropped images! :-D
These make this so much more fun.

Hmm... Maniac Mansion?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 08/09/2016 16:26:36
Captain Comet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 08/09/2016 16:33:02
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Thu 08/09/2016 16:26:36
Captain Comet?
Not really :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 08/09/2016 17:16:52
Captain Comic (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Thu 08/09/2016 18:12:45
Yes, that is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 09/09/2016 07:09:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/09/2016 07:35:04
Miami Vice?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 09/09/2016 08:09:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/09/2016 08:35:23
Miami Hotline?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 09/09/2016 08:38:14
When I said close I meant the concept :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/09/2016 09:00:09
Police Quest 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 09/09/2016 10:40:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/09/2016 10:43:26
I now feel honour-bound to suggest Police Quest 2! (roll)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 09/09/2016 10:52:49
Correct :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/09/2016 13:14:44
Funny, first time I saw it I almost wondered if it was a CGA version of Operation Stealth!

Now, I wonder how easy / difficult this one will be?...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 09/09/2016 14:34:51
Prince of Persia, The C64 Manic Miner Edition? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/09/2016 15:09:05
Haha no, but an inventive guess :grin:

You're close to having the right system though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/09/2016 12:17:00
Hmm... not really sure if posting more screenshots is going to help really - the screens look very similar.


It only came out for the C16 / C16+4
It was released in 1986

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Tue 13/09/2016 13:36:36
After doing the logic thing, searching through all C16 games ever made, I think I found it...

Robo Knight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/09/2016 13:39:56
Yup, RoboKnight!  For some reason I've never forgotten this game. ;-D

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Tue 13/09/2016 23:04:22
Ok, this one is easy, so I'm cropping it some:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 14/09/2016 07:37:45
Cho Aniki?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Wed 14/09/2016 12:20:41
Technically it's the sequel, Ai Cho Aniki, but yeah, you are correct.

Shame, I wanted to get to post more of it's art, it's so original.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 14/09/2016 13:21:10
Ah, I've seen that game before.
I'm still not sure if it's a serious game or an attempt at satire. Either way, talk about the second gayest game I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/09/2016 15:16:28
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 14/09/2016 13:21:10
Ah, I've seen that game before.
I'm still not sure if it's a serious game or an attempt at satire. Either way, talk about the second gayest game I've ever seen.
What was the first?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 14/09/2016 20:12:36
The original Cho Aniki ( for PCE was actually more or less a port/homage/re-imaging/spiritual-successor/parody/whatever of Gynoug ( for the Mega Drive. They were made by the same people, but for some reason they added an intentionally lame plot to it and it worked, making it into a series, with weirder and weirder sequels. For example, Ai Cho Aniki is the first sequel (also for PCE), which instead of an ordinary shooter, they hyped up the gaybody-building aspect and introduced features like command driven special moves (think Street Fighter). The other games in the series just looked crappier (VERY probably intentional as well) and crappier (for example the games for the PS and Saturn used digitised graphics like Mortal Kombat).

Okay. Next!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/09/2016 21:34:40
Apart from it looking like a horizontal shooter, I really have no idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 15/09/2016 06:37:59
You're on the right track though.

Just to make life easier. This game was on the same platform as the last entry, and unlike the last one, (I think) this was released also in the west, and had connection to a certain big name, so it should be a relatively easy guess despite the obscurity of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 09:06:25
Syd Mead's Terraforming. Never knew before that he worked on any games for the Japanese market.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 15/09/2016 09:13:57

Just passed by his page in Wikipedia. Seems that he's involved in much more design works than one could expect.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 10:12:25

Alright, have another cropped screenie of a guilty pleasure of mine ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 10:16:36
Harvest Moon?

(Yes, I'm gonna keep guessing that until one day it's right...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/09/2016 10:23:52
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 10:16:36
Harvest Moon?

(Yes, I'm gonna keep guessing that until one day it's right...)

Harvest Moon is to Mandle what Blade Runner is to Ponch...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 15/09/2016 10:29:15
something star war-esh... ugggghh
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 10:33:59
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 10:16:36
Harvest Moon?

(Yes, I'm gonna keep guessing that until one day it's right...)
Well, today is not that day, I'm afraid ;)
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Thu 15/09/2016 10:29:15
something star war-esh... ugggghh
Ooooh, very close, just gotta narrow it down a bit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/09/2016 10:50:14
As it's clearly an older game, perhaps Return of the Jedi? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 11:28:56
Nope, it's not directly related to any of the movies.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 14:51:47
That's Not A Harvest Moon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 15:09:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 15:51:05
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 15:09:55

Thanks! I had a moment I guess... :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 15/09/2016 18:15:58
Star Wars: Yoda Stories?

EDIT: I just checked and I'm right, so here's mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/09/2016 18:51:27
That is indeed correct, interesting little casual game that I spent way too many hours on back in the day :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 15/09/2016 21:28:42
@CaptainD about RoboKnight...

Oh dear! That screen awaken a memory about a game I used to play a lot! Had completely forgotten about it! Thanks for the wake up call! I just spent the last 2 days trying to figure out the name, found it a couple hours ago... and went down memory lane with a couple other games! (nod) Thanks! Even if I never even heard of RoboKnight before this! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/09/2016 21:49:08
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 15/09/2016 21:28:42
@CaptainD about RoboKnight...

Oh dear! That screen awaken a memory about a game I used to play a lot! Had completely forgotten about it! Thanks for the wake up call! I just spent the last 2 days trying to figure out the name, found it a couple hours ago... and went down memory lane with a couple other games! (nod) Thanks! Even if I never even heard of RoboKnight before this! (laugh)

Haha maybe we're both showing our age... :-D ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 23:30:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 16/09/2016 02:38:16
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 15/09/2016 23:30:46
There are a lot of harvest moons, Mandle. Which one is this? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 16/09/2016 09:16:43
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, for the GBA.
And I pass my turn over to Mandle, since he deserves it more than me. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 16/09/2016 13:15:05
The correct answer was "HARVEST MOON!!!", so Mandle got it spot on.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 14:46:33
Yaaaaay!!! Now I can totes go back on my promise of not guessing Harvest Moon for anything that has a tree, rock, or grass tile in it...

Here's a cropped image of the next game zoomed in half a dozen times:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/09/2016 14:49:37
Black Cauldron?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 14:50:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 16/09/2016 14:56:42
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/09/2016 14:57:35
Fashionista Extravaganza: Black is the new Black?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 14:59:16
Negative to both!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 16/09/2016 15:03:40
Ultima or one of its many sequels of spinoffs?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 15:05:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 16/09/2016 15:14:52
Dark Room Sex Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 16/09/2016 15:34:17
Easy! Fifa 98!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 16:20:32
Nope and nope...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/09/2016 16:34:50
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 16:20:32
Nope and nope...

Okay so how long before you put a proper screenshot up? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Fri 16/09/2016 17:01:11
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 16/09/2016 09:16:43
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, for the GBA.
And I pass my turn over to Mandle, since he deserves it more than me. :-D

Right. Thanks for ruining my joke.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/09/2016 23:03:02
Here's another cropped image at the same scale:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 16/09/2016 23:47:23
The Game Of Chess?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/09/2016 00:02:41
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Fri 16/09/2016 23:47:23
The Game Of Chess?


Zooming in "half a dozen" (6) times on a chessboard means you are looking at an area 1/64th the size of the whole board, which is exactly the size of one square...

Yes... it was a puzzle round!

All the clues were there in the first post for any super-genius, and the white square was an added hint for any mere genius...

Over to you CW!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 17/09/2016 00:11:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 17/09/2016 00:59:43
ummm..... ok.

Following is an actual screenshot from the game, taken during actual gameplay (minus GUI):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/09/2016 02:05:44
Alone In The Dark!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 17/09/2016 02:11:53

Alright, to make it tad simplier: what you see on screenshot is not a lack of light, but a screenshot of game enviroment. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/09/2016 08:46:50
Five Nights At Freddy's?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/09/2016 09:08:33
Wrong Channel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 17/09/2016 09:44:41
The unprintable MAGENTA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sat 17/09/2016 10:02:21
Noct or Darkwood?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 17/09/2016 14:57:35
None of the above...

Just in case I repeat this again: what you see on the screenshot is not some generic "darkness" but actual part of the surroundings you can see in game :D.
Also I recommend try adjusting your gamma/contrast, because color hue may matter.

Ok I may post a new image soon if no one guesses.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/09/2016 15:32:56
Here's the most extreme contrast fix I could manage on the image:


I'm thinking it's a stereoscopic, or magic-eye, image...which I'm usually pretty good at with some sick eye-crossing skillz...(also works awesome for spot the difference puzzles when I need to cheat...)

But no luck so far...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Sat 17/09/2016 15:38:46
Lol sorry, that was a bad advice.

Anyway, new pic: :grin:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/09/2016 15:51:52
Every time I think I see an important star in the sky it turns out to be a spot of dust on my monitor...

It looks like a game involving space and at least three large phallic structures...

So I'm gonna guess:

No One Man's Penis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 17/09/2016 15:56:54
Snow White (2000)?

Never mind, thought this was the movie thread... (roll)

Half Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 17/09/2016 16:11:24
It looks like a picture of The End to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 17/09/2016 17:47:49
Devil Daggers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ryan Timothy B on Sun 18/09/2016 18:27:08
Definitely Minecraft.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 18/09/2016 20:47:59
Quote from: Ryan Timoothy on Sun 18/09/2016 18:27:08
Definitely Minecraft.
Having stared at those textures for too damn long while making my own compilation texture pack, I'm also fairly confident it's Minecraft. That sky looks exactly like The End.
Although I'm going to wait until CW confirms it before I post my own screenshot.
After all, there's a small chance it could be a Minecraft clone. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 19/09/2016 15:59:37
Sorry for the double post, but I know that sometimes edits can go under the radar.

So since CW seems to have disappeared, and both me and Ryan Timoothy are absolutely confident that it was Minecraft, and I suggested it was Minecraft first, I'm going to take my turn.
If anyone has a problem with this, please tell me. :-D

It's another cropped one for you all
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 19/09/2016 16:15:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Mon 19/09/2016 16:38:50
Yes, I confirm that Danvzare was right, that was Minecraft, The End dimension where you fight the dragon boss.

Aaannd... I know the name of new game (which is no Capitalism), but I don't want to play right now :).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 19/09/2016 16:49:10
The Sims 2? (or 3?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/09/2016 17:04:06
Transport Tycoon (Deluxe)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 19/09/2016 17:40:26
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/09/2016 17:04:06
Transport Tycoon (Deluxe)?
Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe to be exact. But I wasn't looking for a title that specific. ;)
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/09/2016 19:28:13
Once again my stab in the dark paid off, surprisingly :D Here's a crop from a game that someone will hopefully recognize.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 19/09/2016 20:38:13
Wing Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/09/2016 22:00:20
Hah, no :) Right system, wrong year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 20/09/2016 13:16:17
I gotta be really careful picking out what to show from this game since odds are you could probably guess what it is from any random screen :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 20/09/2016 16:28:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 20/09/2016 17:12:59
Nope, but the year of release is close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 20/09/2016 17:33:58
That looks very much like one of the doors you have to unlock in:

The Dig!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 20/09/2016 18:16:14
The Neverhood
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 20/09/2016 18:21:04
And Gribbler gets it :D First picture was Klaymen after jumping down the drain despite being told not to, the other was the Weasel's symbol.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 20/09/2016 18:37:31
Ah... funny I thought that second one looked like it, but I never actually played the game... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/09/2016 20:34:05
Cropped and tiny is the new cool.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 21/09/2016 20:54:23
Looks more like something out of a game manual than an actual game. ???
Murder on the Orient Express?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/09/2016 21:44:24
Beneath A Steel Sky?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 22/09/2016 02:15:45
Railroad Tycoon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 22/09/2016 04:06:51
Red Baron?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/09/2016 08:35:51
Cruise for a Corpse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 22/09/2016 08:50:47
None of the above.

HINT: It's from a dialogue screen, not manual.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 08:56:58
Innocent Until Caught?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/09/2016 09:00:41
Is it a Cinemaware game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 22/09/2016 10:36:43
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoInnocent Until Caught?
Ding ding ding ding!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 11:48:50
Woohoo! Never actually played the game but suddenly the image just clicked for me.

This one should be interesting:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 22/09/2016 12:15:38
Dark Seed 1 or 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 22/09/2016 12:37:42
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 08:56:58
Innocent Until Caught?

Just coming in from the anteatereaterant sprite thingy and figured someone should remake this game with insects and call it insect until caught. ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 12:52:53
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 22/09/2016 12:15:38
Dark Seed 1 or 2?
Nope. It's not an adventure game.

Quote from: selmiak on Thu 22/09/2016 12:37:42
Just coming in from the anteatereaterant sprite thingy and figured someone should remake this game with insects and call it insect until caught. ;-D
:D Someone get on that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 22/09/2016 16:05:10
Saigo no Nindou, AKA Ninja Spirit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 18:41:48
Also no.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/09/2016 18:47:56
Shadow of the Beast?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 18:49:08
Hahahaha, no := I'm afraid I tricked you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 22/09/2016 18:52:32
Is the first screenshot a part of the GUI?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 18:53:57
Nope, that was part of a level.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/09/2016 19:43:47
Tricked indeed ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/09/2016 19:48:54
Bingo ;) Psygnosis included a little nod to Shadow Of The Beast in one level.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 22/09/2016 22:39:25
Really nice trick Amayirot Akago. ;)

Let's try something different this time...
A tiles sheet!


Not sure if it's easy or hard...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 23/09/2016 01:13:59
Alien Breed?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 23/09/2016 07:57:06
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 23/09/2016 01:13:59
Alien Breed?
Well done!
Your turn ;)
Still, can you give us the episode?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 23/09/2016 17:50:07
It has unique graphics style, top-down camera. And I recognized the ship. I played it a lot on Amiga.

Quote from: AtavismusStill, can you give us the episode?
Well, certainly not Alien Breed 3D :) If I had to guess - Alien Breed 2.

Anyway, here's the next game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 23/09/2016 18:03:12
The Bunker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 23/09/2016 18:23:10
Tex Murphy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 24/09/2016 07:42:02
Amayirot got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 24/09/2016 08:35:58
Bit obvious considering it's a recent release. I'll pass my turn along to someone else ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 24/09/2016 13:21:15

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 24/09/2016 17:27:04
Five Night's At Freddy's?
Or that clone where you can roam about freely?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 24/09/2016 18:34:37
No...nothing to do with FNAF...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 25/09/2016 13:48:34's a cropped view of another section of the game:


(The game goes through quite a few dizzying changes in style...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 25/09/2016 15:01:23
Pony Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 25/09/2016 23:18:24
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 25/09/2016 15:01:23
Pony Island?

Well done!

But doust thou know the secrets of Pony Island?

Have you played it or did you track it down?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 26/09/2016 09:39:55
I've never played Pony Island. I've merely heard about it, and how weird it was. So when you said it goes through quite a few changes in style, I figured it might be that game.

Another cropped screenshot, because I love this cropped screenshot thing we've got going on. :-D
This will probably be an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/09/2016 07:34:09
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 26/09/2016 09:39:55
This will probably be an easy one.
Then again, maybe not :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 28/09/2016 08:52:19
Is it that SEGA game set on a space ship with DJs or something?  Can't remember what it's called.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 28/09/2016 09:29:28
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 28/09/2016 08:52:19
Is it that SEGA game set on a space ship with DJs or something?  Can't remember what it's called.
I think I know which game you're talking about, and no, it's not that game. It's not even a Sega game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 08:34:12
One of the Red Faction games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 29/09/2016 11:39:34

Hopefully this will make it a lot easier.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 14:43:12
Judge Dredd vs Judge Death?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 29/09/2016 16:50:35
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 14:43:12
Judge Dredd vs Judge Death?
And you got it! :-D

That's not the exact title, but it's close enough.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 17:24:41
Fine, it's Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs Death :P Happy now?


Now go ahead and tell me where this handsome sea devil is from.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 29/09/2016 18:52:05
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 17:24:41
Fine, it's Judge Dredd: Dredd Vs Death :P Happy now?
Yes, very much so.

It looks like Rise of the Robots to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/09/2016 22:03:13
Well that certainly doesn't look like a robot to me, so no.

Though come to think it, there IS a robot in this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 30/09/2016 03:34:40
One of the Killer Instinct games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/09/2016 06:39:43
Also no. I reckon this one's obscure enough to warrant a full screen:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 30/09/2016 19:34:09

Weird Mortal Combat? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 30/09/2016 19:47:40
Mortal Skumbag? :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/09/2016 22:06:30
No on both counts. The game's from 1996 and is for DOS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 30/09/2016 22:22:21
Pray for Death
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 01/10/2016 08:14:53
Correctamundo :) Not a terribly good game but I always found a kind of cheesy appeal to it, if only because FREAKING CTHULHU HIMSELF is a playable character.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 01/10/2016 21:09:33
What about this?
I guess it's an easy one, but who knows?
(I hesitated to "crop" the hero ^^)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 01/10/2016 22:35:37
Balls on waffles, I know I've seen this thing recently but the name escapes me. It's on the Amiga, I reckon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 01/10/2016 22:54:07
Amiga indeed.
First, I wanted to post only a part of the background to trick some of you: it remembers me Shadow of the Beast.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/10/2016 01:23:56
The bottom terrain looks like is was drawn by Bavolis! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/10/2016 09:37:43
Not false!
Well, I guess Bavolis (;u=5726) (great artist!) experienced that Amiga/16bits/90' Golden Age.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 10:21:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/10/2016 10:32:42
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 10:21:31
Yes AnasAbdin!
Did you play it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 10:58:55
I did at a friends house :-D

Here's a cropped one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/10/2016 11:01:00
That's an exhibit from the Hall of Oddities in Sam & Max Hit The Road ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 11:01:32
I hate you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/10/2016 11:58:26
I love you too ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/10/2016 12:39:05
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 10:58:55
I did at a friends house :-D

Here's a cropped one:


ARGGGHHHHH!!! I so would have gotten that: I replayed it just a few months ago, and recognized it instantly!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 02/10/2016 13:41:25
Ultima 7?
Dungeon Hack?
Little Big Adventure?

Damn, that gate looks familiar!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/10/2016 13:43:58
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 02/10/2016 13:41:25
Ultima 7?
Dungeon Hack?
Little Big Adventure?

Damn, that gate looks familiar!
Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 02/10/2016 14:59:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/10/2016 13:43:58
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 02/10/2016 13:41:25
Ultima 7?
Dungeon Hack?
Little Big Adventure?

Damn, that gate looks familiar!
Correct :)
I knew it! I knew it looked familiar!
And believe it or not, I added Little Big Adventure in an edit when I looked at the image again. :-D
Which reminds me, I really need to see about finishing Little Big Adventure 2. :-\

I don't have any games in mind, and I feel kind of guilty shoving so many guesses into one post, so I'm going to pass my turn on to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 19:36:01

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 02/10/2016 20:49:56

No... maybe more like... Ghosts and Goblins?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/10/2016 21:00:00
Some obscure version of Lemmings?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 21:03:41
Nope and nope.

omg Amayirot your signature (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/10/2016 21:30:55
Is it a "real" old 8 bits classic or a recent retro game?
Wild guess: Castlevania
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 21:34:38
Real 8bit classic.

And wrong guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/10/2016 21:43:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/10/2016 23:36:12
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 21:03:41
omg Amayirot your signature (laugh)

Halloween transformation I'm guessing? Also I think he faded it in in stages. I noticed something weird going on I think...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 03/10/2016 08:22:58
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 02/10/2016 23:36:12
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 02/10/2016 21:03:41
omg Amayirot your signature (laugh)

Halloween transformation I'm guessing? Also I think he faded it in in stages. I noticed something weird going on I think...
Nah, the new avatar was a spur of the moment thing and I changed it in one go. Anas referred to me quoting him ironically in my signature ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 08:41:26
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 02/10/2016 21:43:24

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 03/10/2016 08:42:43
Uh... Undertale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/10/2016 08:51:22
Er... hm... looks like Speccy graphics to me, could be wrong of course... Attic Attack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 03/10/2016 09:08:56
Bit too many shades there for a Speccy game, I feel. Course I don't have any better ideas as it is :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 09:34:49
No right guesses so far..
here's a less cropped shot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 03/10/2016 10:17:31
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 03/10/2016 08:51:22
Er... hm... looks like Speccy graphics to me
It did to me too, but there's way too many colours there.
It looks more EGA to me, but even then it looks as though it has too many colours. :-\

And seeing the latest screenshot. Yep, I've never seen that game before in my life. Unless it's a port or something.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/10/2016 10:23:40
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 03/10/2016 10:17:31
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 03/10/2016 08:51:22
Er... hm... looks like Speccy graphics to me
It did to me too, but there's way too many colours there.
It looks more EGA to me, but even then it looks as though it has too many colours. :-\

And seeing the latest screenshot. Yep, I've never seen that game before in my life. Unless it's a port or something.

Yeah I should have enlarged it, didn't realise there were so many shades of green in there!

Having seen the other screenshot I have absolutely no idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 03/10/2016 16:31:24
The child character and the stone blocks on chains trap make me want to guess something like:

A Goonies game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 16:41:46
Correct Mandle!
This is Goonies for msx :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 03/10/2016 16:58:29
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 16:41:46
Correct Mandle!
This is Goonies for msx :-D


That was a total throwaway guess!!! I had assumed the graphics and gameplay were inspired by Goonies, but it's actually a Goonies game???

Was it any good?

New image coming soon!!!


Cropped image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 17:12:26
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 03/10/2016 16:58:29
Was it any good?

Yep it was fun :)
Here's a video of the gameplay:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 03/10/2016 17:21:58
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Mon 03/10/2016 17:12:26
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 03/10/2016 16:58:29
Was it any good?

Yep it was fun :)
Here's a video of the gameplay:

That midi of "Goonies Are Good Enough" that kicks in now and then had me weeping tears of nostalgia on several levels...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 03/10/2016 17:51:48
Pulling a leg to your self Mandle?

I want to say

Speed Buggy!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 04/10/2016 00:35:06
I had a feeling you would be the one who got it, Cassie :-D

It was indeed my own MAGS game from way back when:

Speed Buggy: Manifold Destiny

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 04/10/2016 16:55:58
hehehe (laugh)


PS - Oh dear, it's full of artefacts... I'll see if I can find a cleaner pic. sorry.

PPS - I can't find that particular image without the jpg artefacts, so please disregard them. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 04/10/2016 19:00:41
Frogger for the ZX Spectrum?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 04/10/2016 20:37:11
Nope, but right machine. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/10/2016 08:12:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 05/10/2016 14:37:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/10/2016 14:59:46
Lords of Midnight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 05/10/2016 15:42:37
Nope, nope and nope...

Okay, less cropped:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/10/2016 16:05:37
Finders Keepers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 05/10/2016 17:04:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 05/10/2016 17:45:15
no and no

I'll post a non crop version tomorrow if no one gets it. I was sure it would be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 06/10/2016 11:00:51
Treasure Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 06/10/2016 11:09:47
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 06/10/2016 11:00:51
Treasure Island?

I was going to guess that but remembered the background to everywhere being yellow (being sand and all) - will be disappointed with myself for convincing myself it wasn't if you turn out to be right! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 06/10/2016 17:24:35
Nope, it's not.

Full screen:

It's got a very non-memorable common name...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 06/10/2016 17:36:35
Ah I see (I cheated so I'm not going to say the name) - I didn't recognise the Speccy screenshots but I do remember playing the demo of this game on the ST.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/10/2016 17:45:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 06/10/2016 17:54:19
You got it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/10/2016 18:07:15
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 06/10/2016 17:54:19
You got it :)
At last! :D

Here is a new crop, very easy imo, so be quick :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 06/10/2016 18:22:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/10/2016 18:23:17
(Mighty) Bomb Jack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 06/10/2016 18:26:12
LOL, that was my second guess... ;) (though without mighty, was there a second one?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/10/2016 18:35:37
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/10/2016 18:23:17
(Mighty) Bomb Jack?
Indeed! :)
I wonder, maybe the first video game I ever played (on Amstrad).
Or it was Double Dragon (Arcade).
Well, depend if we count Electronic games. :D
Good old memories...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/10/2016 19:15:40
Guess that makes up for you sniping Fred from me earlier :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 06/10/2016 23:17:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/10/2016 08:16:21
Nope. This is a game I reckon a lot of people around here should probably be familiar with :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 07/10/2016 11:02:25
One of the Ben Jorden games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/10/2016 11:25:04
Getting warmer ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 12:01:14
Sheep Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/10/2016 12:26:14
No, this game is part of a series.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 12:45:58
Chzo mythos?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/10/2016 12:50:24
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/10/2016 12:26:14
No, this game is part of a series.

One of the Blackwell games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 12:53:32
Oh crap...I think you're right...The first game had a lot of stuff with dogs in it...



The Blackwell Legacy!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/10/2016 13:03:57
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 12:45:58
Chzo mythos?
I'll just say this one is correct, it's 5 Days A Stranger ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/10/2016 13:21:06
So... Mandle was right, more or less... but then he thought I was right when I was wrong... so... where does this leave us??!?  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 14:33:30
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 07/10/2016 13:21:06
So... Mandle was right, more or less... but then he thought I was right when I was wrong... so... where does this leave us??!?  :P

It leaves us with this, biatch...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 07/10/2016 14:34:05
That you were wrong and he was right? (roll) (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/10/2016 14:35:47
Oh yes, well that's obviously... er... so obvious really that I can't bring myself to say it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 14:37:37
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 07/10/2016 14:35:47
Oh yes, well that's obviously... er... so obvious really that I can't bring myself to say it.

Who shall become the first to shame themselves forever?!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 07/10/2016 15:27:25
Maniac Mansion Deluxe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 07/10/2016 20:29:10
Another World?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 23:26:24
Nope and nope...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 08/10/2016 00:07:12
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 14:33:30

Seriously dude?  This is all you're giving us?!?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 08/10/2016 00:25:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 08/10/2016 03:21:27
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 08/10/2016 00:07:12
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 07/10/2016 14:33:30

Seriously dude?  This is all you're giving us?!?

I actually thought from the colour that it would be too easy...

Okay here's a hint: The darker colour is the background...

I have another cropped pic prepared but it's on my home computer so I'll put it up later...

Quote from: janleht on Sat 08/10/2016 00:25:24

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 08/10/2016 10:00:41
Another cropped image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 08/10/2016 10:04:19
it's .... uhm.... yeah... nope .... ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 08/10/2016 11:31:18
Heh... somebody will get it soon...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 08/10/2016 11:41:59
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 08/10/2016 11:57:04
Arcanoid? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 08/10/2016 16:30:46
No and no...

Totally and amazed that nobody has got this yet...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 08/10/2016 16:47:07
Total Annihilation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 08/10/2016 17:11:51
From a tiny "pixel" that could be anything? Yeah, really amazing... (roll)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 08/10/2016 19:55:56
Is it Name the Game? (laugh)
Well you never know, it might be a bit of meta humour.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 09/10/2016 01:40:57
No right answers yet, but Gurok picked up on the "hidden" hint, but not exactly...

Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 08/10/2016 17:11:51
From a tiny "pixel" that could be anything? Yeah, really amazing... (roll)

Terrible AND Annoying aren't I?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 09/10/2016 11:01:47
Is it a game simply called Pixel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 09/10/2016 11:18:23
Is it a TNA Wrestling game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 09/10/2016 11:25:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 09/10/2016 13:48:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 09/10/2016 18:55:15
Tomatoes AND Asparagus!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 09/10/2016 19:03:55
uhm? WTH is Tanda?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 09/10/2016 20:57:42
Tom and Antijerry?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 09/10/2016 21:40:58
Toejam and eArl?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 03:34:46
Massive Hint:


What does "T and A" usually stand for?

Giveaway Hint:


Whose happen to be those two colours?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 10/10/2016 11:35:23
Captain America and the Avengers?
Sonic and Knuckles?
Any of the many MANY wrestling games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 10/10/2016 12:04:58
what about posting an actual screenshot as some kind of hint in the look at the screenshot game?! *scratches head*
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/10/2016 12:26:09
Quote from: selmiak on Mon 10/10/2016 12:04:58
what about posting an actual screenshot as some kind of hint in the look at the screenshot game?! *scratches head*

Radical concept 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 10/10/2016 14:26:39
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 10/10/2016 12:26:09
Quote from: selmiak on Mon 10/10/2016 12:04:58
what about posting an actual screenshot as some kind of hint in the look at the screenshot game?! *scratches head*

Radical concept 8-0

Heresy! >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 14:37:03
I honestly thought this would be pretty easy, especially with the hints...

I know the pictures are only a small number of pixels, but those small pixel areas have been stared at by many for decades now, so I thought somebody would catch on. The games are too iconic to even think about showing a full-screen picture: It would be an instant giveaway.

I'll do so tomorrow though if nobody has the answer by then.

Sorry if I'm pissing anyone off... I just thought it would be a bit of fun to call shame on the first person to get the answer...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/10/2016 14:46:30
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 14:37:03
I honestly thought this would be pretty easy, especially with the hints...

We'll have to see if people are kicking themselves for not knowing it once all is revealed ;-D

Also, surely you can still do a cropped image without it being quite as small as the ones posted? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 10/10/2016 16:00:13
3D Pinball Space Cadet?
Space Invaders?
Chip's Challenge?
(Even though it's not a game) Steam?
(Even though it's also not a game) The AGS Editor?
Pac Man?
Wolfenstien 3D?

I think that's most of the iconic stuff that many people would have been looking at for decades.
I'm rather hopeful about my last two guesses there. I have no idea how any of these could be related to T&A though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 10/10/2016 18:14:09
Q*bert or Marble Madness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 10/10/2016 18:35:59
The second screenshot looks a like goomba..
Super mario?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 11/10/2016 14:46:33
Nobody has it yet so I'm going to compile everything into this post:

The two screenshots:



The hints:

* In the first picture the darker colour is the background.

* I thought the colours in the two pics would be a huge hint.

* I (jokingly) mentioned twice that anyone who guessed it could be shamed for having got it.

Massive Hint:

What does "T and A" usually stand for?
(This hint is googleable in case somebody doesn't know what that stands for: It's the top search result.)

Giveaway Hint:

Whose happen to be those two colours?

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 14:37:03
I know the pictures are only a small number of pixels, but those small pixel areas have been stared at by many for decades now, so I thought somebody would catch on.

Here's a more obvious version of that hint, which I honestly thought was getting too obvious so I scaled it back:

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 14:37:03
I know the pictures are only a small number of pixels, but those small pixel areas have been stared at ogled by many male players for two decades now, so I thought somebody would catch on.
If that doesn't tip anyone off then I will start posting other screenies, but I imagine this should do the trick...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 11/10/2016 14:56:14
Still no idea.  But I'm sure someone will put all the clues together.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 11/10/2016 14:56:21

It's Tomb Raider. To be more specific, Lara's T & A.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 11/10/2016 15:05:05
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 11/10/2016 14:56:21

It's Tomb Raider. To be more specific, Lara's T & A.

WE HAVE A WINNER!!! It is Lara Croft's T & A from the original Tomb Raider, whose 20th anniversary is this year!

SHAME ON YOU!!! (Hehe...not really: I was expecting someone to get it much sooner, which I thought would have been funny to call them out on... Geez, buncha boyscouts around here...)

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 11/10/2016 15:27:05
Ooooooooh, now I see it.

Still, the first result I got for T&A was a female wrestling duo who were represented by red and blue. And it's only now that I understand what you meant by it with regards to your screenshots. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 11/10/2016 17:02:55
??? ??? ???
Never played. (roll)
Can we now get a full screen shoot of that soooo famouse screen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 11/10/2016 17:37:01
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 11/10/2016 17:02:55
??? ??? ???
Never played. (roll)
Can we now get a full screen shoot of that soooo famouse screen?
First picture was of Lara's triangular chest.

And the other of her rear end.

Anyway, since we're ogling bodies, how about this? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 11/10/2016 17:58:48
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 11/10/2016 14:46:33

Quote from: Mandle on Mon 10/10/2016 14:37:03
I know the pictures are only a small number of pixels, but those small pixel areas have been stared at ogled by many male players for two decades now, so I thought somebody would catch on.

You forgot Lesbians and Bisexual females, Mandle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Tue 11/10/2016 19:56:08
Wow, I didn't remember the graphics being that ugly...

Are those triangular breasts really considered erotic? I'd imagine sex with Polygon-Lara to be more a Prince of Persia like experience with those spikes...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 11/10/2016 20:27:11
LOL, thought the same thing...
And honestly, guess I could have continued in all eternity trying to figure out a "popular game, with black background and a white corner"... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 11/10/2016 23:09:12
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 11/10/2016 20:27:11
And honestly, guess I could have continued in all eternity trying to figure out a "popular game, with black background and a white corner"... (roll)

Glad I'm not the only one! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 12/10/2016 10:10:36
We're one step from one pixel guessing or "guess what game I'm thinking of?" :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 12/10/2016 10:39:01
Quote from: cat on Tue 11/10/2016 19:56:08
Are those triangular breasts really considered erotic?
They once were, yes. (nod)
You've got to remember, all graphics back then looked that bad, so everyone sort of imagined it looking better than it actually was.
Like you said, even you didn't remember the graphics being that ugly.

Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 12/10/2016 10:10:36
We're one step from one pixel guessing or "guess what game I'm thinking of?" :)
More like half a step if you ask me. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 12/10/2016 10:50:32
AHEM, anyone care to venture a guess? := Let's keep the thread going, please.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 12/10/2016 11:45:13
Sorry everyone: I was trying for something a bit different and that I thought might have been worth a bit of a laugh about at the end of it...

Like most attempts at such an endeavor it did not work out and was not very much fun for most of the players...

This happens with both forum games and actual games all the time but, every now and then a true gem of an idea appears from something unlikely...

So: I have learnt my lesson with this attempt, but do not feel discouraged to keep trying.

At least from the OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOODDDDDD I got from the winner I feel one person got some fun out of it.

Now on with the game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 12/10/2016 11:50:34
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 12/10/2016 11:45:13
Sorry everyone: I was trying for something a bit different and that I thought might have been worth a bit of a laugh about at the end of it...

Like most attempts at such an endeavor it did not work out and was not very much fun for most of the players...
I found it fun. Just a bit too difficult. ;)

Hmm... is it Resident Evil?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 12/10/2016 11:53:51
Left For Red Dead Redemption Space?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 12/10/2016 21:36:21
Neither so far.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 12/10/2016 22:08:51
Alien Isolation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 12/10/2016 22:45:57
Bingo :) Nice and easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 13/10/2016 10:35:25
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 12/10/2016 22:08:51
Alien Isolation?
I thought a modern game like Alien Isolation, would have had better graphics than that. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/10/2016 11:38:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 13/10/2016 12:32:03
Ooh, I think this is a Sony VR game. I don't remember its name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/10/2016 12:44:43
No name, no win :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 13/10/2016 12:59:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/10/2016 13:51:39
Extreme Dentist Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/10/2016 14:19:20
Nope x 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Thu 13/10/2016 21:11:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 13/10/2016 21:24:06
Shark Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 13/10/2016 22:28:58
Nope and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 13/10/2016 23:35:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 14/10/2016 11:24:54
Tomb Raider?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 14/10/2016 11:40:47
Still nope but Gurok was on the right track.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 14/10/2016 18:09:11
The Deep?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 14/10/2016 23:30:34
I swear I've seen a youtuber play this at some point...

Did it have something to do with facing your fears in VR, and this shark scenerio was only one of many phobias you could choose?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 11:26:20
It's Ocean Descent from Playstation VR Worlds.

Someone else can take my turn if I'm right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 15/10/2016 11:39:01
It seems to have been called The Deep and Ocean Descent at various points. As I got there first and Amayirot has given up his turn, I'll not worry about the technicalities and take the go!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 15/10/2016 11:42:07
Sam and Max Hit the Road?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 15/10/2016 11:51:00
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoIt's Ocean Descent from Playstation VR Worlds.

Someone else can take my turn if I'm right.

Correct. I got my PSVR unit yesterday and asked my wife to try this (she didn't know anything about it). And the day before we watched The Shallows :D
Her reaction? Priceless. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 15/10/2016 12:25:34
AHEM I was also correct.

And so is Gurok, my pic was the scene where Sam goes into virtual reality. Your go, Gurok!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 15/10/2016 13:39:58
Thanks, Ben! I saw Sam's outfit on the right edge.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 14:05:13
You're making this too easy := Let's see if someone else knows.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 15/10/2016 15:12:19
Isle of the Dead.
I saw it on an LGR review on Youtube. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 15/10/2016 16:38:44
Yes, that's it! I didn't realise there'd been YouTube coverage of it recently. Your turn, Danvzare.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 15/10/2016 17:24:03
Here you go, a cropped screenshot from a game which I'm fairly sure isn't very well known, but which provided me months of entertainment. :-D
It also has some pretty damn catchy music in my opinion.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 17:54:35
Holiday Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 15/10/2016 18:25:51
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 17:54:35
Holiday Island?
Damn you got it. I suppose it was a lot more popular than I originally thought.
Your turn. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 19:22:58
You forget that I am a walking repository of obscure game knowledge ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 15/10/2016 20:12:23
Kingdom O'Magic ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 22:11:42
Nope, nothing so "AAA" as that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 16/10/2016 02:07:57
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 15/10/2016 19:22:58
You forget that I am a walking suppository of obscure game knowledge ;)

You can say that again! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 16/10/2016 08:45:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 16/10/2016 09:24:58
Tommy Lee Jones Simulator!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 16/10/2016 09:38:14
/me looks at new screenshot...
/me looks at thread name...
/me looks at new screenshot...
/me looks at thread name...
/me looks at new screenshot... 

??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 16/10/2016 09:49:01

Alright already :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 16/10/2016 10:31:33
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 16/10/2016 09:38:14
/me looks at new screenshot...
/me looks at thread name...
/me looks at new screenshot...
/me looks at thread name...
/me looks at new screenshot... 

??? ??? ???

I think that image was aimed at me (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 16/10/2016 13:22:36
Some bad turrican close? Some factor 5 game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 16/10/2016 20:47:02
Nope, nothing of the sort. Can't recall Turrican ever being in a top down perspective.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 16/10/2016 22:48:20
Well, I tried searching for a Duke Nukem top down game, but couldn't find any... so... ??? No idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 17/10/2016 05:43:58
Not Duke Nukem either. I'll say this, the first letter of Turrican was correct, at least. And this is a DOS game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 17/10/2016 05:45:06
Tunnels Of (something)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 17/10/2016 09:30:50
It looks like a "bad" Alien Breed clone.
Maybe a not commercial one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 17/10/2016 13:02:09
Hmm, it looks like a shareware game to me.
I've definitely never seen this game though, so no guesses from me I'm afraid. :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 17/10/2016 15:48:24
It is most definitely shareware, 1995.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 17/10/2016 16:13:07
Threat (From Space)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 17/10/2016 16:47:55
What gave it away? := Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 17/10/2016 18:16:55
Nasty hint lol
I googled "top down shooter shareware dos 1995" and browsed pictures. ^^

What about this one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 17/10/2016 18:59:28
Oooh, I actually happen to know this one :D Let's see if anyone else does.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/10/2016 15:21:14
Hint: it's an italian game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 19/10/2016 15:27:04
Super Mario Bros? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/10/2016 16:19:07
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 19/10/2016 15:27:04
Super Mario Bros? (laugh)
No ^^
And don't try Pizza Maker (or something), it's not. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/10/2016 17:00:03
I'm starting to think I might be the only one who knows the answer :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/10/2016 17:35:30
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/10/2016 17:00:03
I'm starting to think I might be the only one who knows the answer :=
"Say my name" ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/10/2016 22:32:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/10/2016 22:40:49
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/10/2016 22:32:36
I fear there is no game called Atavismus.
Maybe it's time to run?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/10/2016 07:33:00
Well, you told me to say your name :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 21/10/2016 09:13:54
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/10/2016 07:33:00
Well, you told me to say your name :P
Oh c'mon, people will hate us! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 21/10/2016 11:54:56
Well you could give us another screenshot and a hint.
Or just let Amayirot Akago have it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 21/10/2016 11:58:54
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 20/10/2016 17:35:30
"Say my name"

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 21/10/2016 12:14:16
It's an italian Amiga game.

Another screenshot would be useless.

Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 20/10/2016 22:40:49
Maybe it's time to run?
It's actually an hint.

PS: Mandle, you get the reference, but it has nothing to do with the game, I just wanted Amayirot Akago to give the answer (the name of the game).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 21/10/2016 12:48:57
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 21/10/2016 12:14:16
PS: Mandle, you get the reference, but it has nothing to do with the game, I just wanted Amayirot Akago to give the answer (the name of the game).

I know... I just couldn't leave the reference hanging out there... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/10/2016 13:09:39
Alright, then. It's Time Runners, a 30-part series of adventure/platform games by Simulmondo released on the Amiga platform.

As I had the turn before Atavismus I once again give it up to whoever wants to go next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 21/10/2016 14:19:01
Yes Amayirot Akago ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 21/10/2016 15:34:23
I'll jump in then:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 21/10/2016 20:43:19
The Sims Medieval?
Or perhaps Fable?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 21/10/2016 23:15:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sat 22/10/2016 01:48:19
Some Dante's Inferno game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/10/2016 08:34:42
Rock of Ages?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 22/10/2016 16:28:17
Age of Empires 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 23/10/2016 10:55:02
Nothing yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 23/10/2016 11:09:32
new pic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 23/10/2016 12:11:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 12:24:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 23/10/2016 14:00:07
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 12:24:46


Over to you, mate!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 14:14:56
Not sure if the first image is in-game though.


p.s. I know where you live Amayirot >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 23/10/2016 14:20:57
Well you should come visit then, we'll have coffee or whatever :=

Not 100% sure what this might be, but it looks like an AGI game. Manhunter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 14:24:53
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 23/10/2016 14:20:57
Well you should come visit then, we'll have coffee or whatever :=

Cool :-D

wrong answer though. Close.. but wrong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 23/10/2016 14:33:03
Uhm... PQ 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 14:47:18
Wrong (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sun 23/10/2016 14:56:53
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 15:10:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 23/10/2016 15:15:05

I'm assuming that's an enlarged cropped screen...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 15:19:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 23/10/2016 16:08:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 16:14:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 23/10/2016 17:53:58
God, tell me it's not F*** Quest...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 18:14:05
it's not F*** Quest...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 23/10/2016 18:19:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 18:32:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 23/10/2016 18:38:13
Donald Duck's Playground?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 18:53:17

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 23/10/2016 19:13:59
The Black Cauldron?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 19:40:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 23/10/2016 23:12:45
The Secret Of Monkey Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 23/10/2016 23:55:33
Time Zone?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/10/2016 05:05:30
Nope and nope.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/10/2016 08:30:37
The Colonel's Bequest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 08:31:34
Police Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/10/2016 08:45:12
janleht got it!  (nod)

First one is a cropped image of a babe's titties..
Second is a car wheel  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 08:52:15
I first thought that was an eye, but the colours gave it away ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 24/10/2016 09:02:54
It makes me think about Cinemaware games.
"Rocket Ranger" maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 09:08:12
Good guess, but not Rocket Ranger.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 24/10/2016 09:13:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 09:17:11
Wings it is!

Damn Cinemaware, too recognizable :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 24/10/2016 09:23:10
Wings was my first guess, I should have listen to my instinct.
I played it a lot on Amiga.
Cinemaware was a great studio.

Well, I give my turn to you Janleht or to anyone. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 09:29:02
How about this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 10:19:11
Covert Action?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 10:55:47
No, not Covert Action.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 11:00:16
Seeing as how it looks like the underside of a car, Street Rod?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 11:03:57
Almost there :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 11:24:09
Street Rod 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 24/10/2016 11:31:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 11:41:56

I feel so dirty for doing this, but if Anas and Mandle can post female anatomy, then why the hell shouldn't I :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 24/10/2016 11:49:15
/me complains at AnasAbdin!
You said it wasn't a quest!!! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/10/2016 11:57:25
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Mon 24/10/2016 11:49:15
/me complains at AnasAbdin!
You said it wasn't a quest!!! :P


I meant not "3"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 24/10/2016 11:59:47
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 18:14:05
it's not F*** Quest...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/10/2016 12:01:16
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Mon 24/10/2016 11:59:47
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 23/10/2016 18:14:05
it's not F*** Quest...

I shall let Amayirot Akago handle this while I hide under the desk.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 12:17:12
I was specifically referring to this infamous AGI fangame:

Anyway, carry on with the guesses, if you please :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 24/10/2016 12:53:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 24/10/2016 12:55:11
Jagged Alliance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/10/2016 14:07:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 08:11:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 25/10/2016 09:48:54
Accurate bouncy coefficient calculator Dead or Alive (one of it?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 10:53:57
Also no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/10/2016 10:58:42
I had a good guess based on the graphics, but the jeans throw that guess way off. :~(
(My guess was going to be Neverwinter Nights)

So um... Tekken?
Oh, what about Battle Arena Toshinden!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 11:27:01
Still nope.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 25/10/2016 11:29:46
Is this going to be one of those SEGA-CD games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 13:04:23
Definitely not := This is quite a bit more modern than that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 25/10/2016 13:26:43
Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive then perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/10/2016 16:44:59
One of the Resident Evil games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 17:06:57
Yesss, but which one? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 25/10/2016 17:55:50
Bio Hazard 4? I think the red dress was worn by Ada Wong?
Though I've never played that game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/10/2016 18:15:29
Bingo :) And the first two pics were of Ashley's alternate costume.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 26/10/2016 02:55:24
I'm just lazy atm, so anyone may steal a turn if they want.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 26/10/2016 13:09:34
I'm going to steal it, since I correctly guessed it was a Resident Evil game. :-D
I thought one of those outfits looked familiar.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 26/10/2016 13:54:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 26/10/2016 15:02:04
Quote from: selmiak on Wed 26/10/2016 13:54:22
(laugh) Ha ha ha!
But no. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 27/10/2016 14:06:19
Don't have any clue about this one, but in the interest of keeping the thread going: Punch Club?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 27/10/2016 14:44:34
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 27/10/2016 14:06:19
Don't have any clue about this one, but in the interest of keeping the thread going: Punch Club?

Here's another screenshot to try and keep the thread going.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 27/10/2016 15:53:04
Uncanny Valley?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 27/10/2016 20:06:17
And now I need to look up what that game is like.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 27/10/2016 20:17:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/10/2016 11:53:03
The Captain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 28/10/2016 12:40:50
Nope and nope.

Here's another screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/10/2016 12:56:44
Party Hard?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/10/2016 12:58:51
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 27/10/2016 20:06:17
And now I need to look up what that game is like.
From what I've seen on Ross's Game Dungeon it has some interesting ideas but is firmly held back by an annoying time limit.

Argh, sniped by Atavismus :angry:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/10/2016 13:16:27
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/10/2016 12:58:51
Argh, sniped by Atavismus :angry:

What about this item?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 13:30:31
The Incredible Machine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/10/2016 13:42:57
Quote from: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 13:30:31
The Incredible Machine?
Perfect Gurok!
I was sure it would immediately ring a bell to someone. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 14:18:01
Okay, what about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 28/10/2016 14:45:24
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 28/10/2016 12:56:44
Party Hard?
Yay you got it. :-D
I thought that screenshot would make it a bit obvious, but I thought it was about time someone figured it out.

Hmm, Warcraft 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 15:11:22
It's not Warcraft 3.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 28/10/2016 15:27:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 15:28:33
No, not Dragonshard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/10/2016 15:36:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 15:50:18
It's not Torchlight!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 28/10/2016 16:44:11
Funny I was thinking of Torchlight, but it looks like it's in daylight so... :-D

Okay is it an RPG or a strategy game?  (If you don't mind giving a hint.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 17:48:20
Okay, here's another portion of a screenshot:


It's closer to a strategy game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/10/2016 17:58:11
Starcraft 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 28/10/2016 18:04:51
It's not Starcraft 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 28/10/2016 18:34:20
One of those Mech Warrior games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 28/10/2016 19:26:27
A Warhammer game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/10/2016 21:43:39
Grey Goo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 29/10/2016 04:29:42
No, not Mech Warrior, Grey Goo or anything Warhammer-related.

Here's another portion of a screenshot!


[Confusion intensifies]
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 29/10/2016 07:55:28
League of Legends?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 29/10/2016 08:33:46
It's not League of Legends, but we're getting closer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 29/10/2016 09:09:35
Thank you so much for using imgzoom. There was a pixel I needed to see in x4 to make sure.
I don't know the game :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 29/10/2016 10:14:02
Dota 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 29/10/2016 11:52:23
Haha! Yeah, I know, Anas. I just did it by force of habit. It kind of applied to the first one.

Not Dota 2, but everybody's so close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 29/10/2016 12:00:45
Heroes Of The Storm?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 29/10/2016 12:16:50
Yep, that's it. Good guess.

Almost made you all think it was each of Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo in turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 29/10/2016 13:00:41
Well I haven't played any of those games so I wouldn't know := I was just spitballing until the topic of MOBA's came up and then I remembered there was that new one by Blizzard.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 30/10/2016 07:47:02

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 30/10/2016 11:16:37
Castlevania, Pico-8 edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 30/10/2016 11:22:46
Interesting answer, but no :D You people really need to brush up on your 90's DOS shareware stuff.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 30/10/2016 23:08:59
Slowly, People Interpret Such Pictures; Orchestrate Possible Deduction.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 30/10/2016 23:31:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 30/10/2016 23:08:59
Slowly, People Interpret Such Pictures; Orchestrate Possible Deduction.
Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles Of Putrid Debris
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 31/10/2016 06:51:00
Quite right, Atavismus ;) One of the most off-beat games of its time I've played. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 31/10/2016 08:31:58
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 31/10/2016 06:51:00
Quite right, Atavismus ;) One of the most off-beat games of its time I've played. Your turn.
Nice "trick" Amayirot Akago ;)

So, as it seems to be the right moment...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 31/10/2016 11:15:13
The Munsters?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 31/10/2016 12:07:02
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 31/10/2016 11:15:13
The Munsters?
No (but I understand why you thought about it).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 06:21:42
fright night?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 01/11/2016 08:46:18
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 06:21:42
fright night?
Well done ;)
(and nice hairs :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 09:06:34
LOL  (laugh)

Here's something I think won't take long:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 01/11/2016 09:38:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 09:48:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 01/11/2016 10:02:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 10:41:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 01/11/2016 16:24:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 16:52:09
no answer... is.. even... close :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 01/11/2016 16:55:24
Great avatar, Anas! Super cool!

And no idea what game it is. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 01/11/2016 17:45:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 01/11/2016 19:37:56
Thanks Gribbler :-D
Wrong answer Danvzare.

it's not animated in the game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 01/11/2016 23:15:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 02/11/2016 03:55:15

Wow I really thought it was easy that's why I animated it  :P
Here's another one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/11/2016 07:36:34
That awkward moment when you realize exactly what that ball thing is... :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 02/11/2016 08:07:27
Go ahead...  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 02/11/2016 11:15:23
Space Quest 4 or 5?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 02/11/2016 11:25:44
Space Quest 5  ;)


Your turn Danvzare!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 02/11/2016 11:51:48
Would you believe me, if I told you that it was the palette that made me think of the VGA Space Quest games (excluding 6 due to graphics)?
I haven't played 4, and I've only ever played the intro to 5.
I really should play them properly one day.

Ok, here's an easy one. Now I wonder how long it will be before someone makes the obvious (and incorrect) guess. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 02/11/2016 11:56:05
I take it the obvious (and incorrect) guess will be Worms? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 02/11/2016 12:44:55
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 02/11/2016 11:56:05
I take it the obvious (and incorrect) guess will be Worms? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/11/2016 13:14:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 02/11/2016 13:22:00
This looks a little like an indie game called Island Wars 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 02/11/2016 13:30:20
Nope and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/11/2016 13:34:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 02/11/2016 14:10:31
nuke the sun?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 02/11/2016 15:22:20
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/11/2016 13:34:36
And you got it!
Your turn Amayirot Akago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 02/11/2016 15:30:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 03/11/2016 03:53:13
I'm gonna have to guess "Lakeside Cabin" again?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 03/11/2016 07:38:37

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 03/11/2016 09:24:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 03/11/2016 09:37:36
No, but getting warmer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 03/11/2016 09:56:08
Now I want to say "Target Renegade".  Thing is I've only ever seen the Speccy graphics for those games so no idea if these are close. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 03/11/2016 10:21:58
Double Dragon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 03/11/2016 11:23:38
No and no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 03/11/2016 11:41:57
Dragon Ninja?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 03/11/2016 12:10:25
Very, very warm :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 03/11/2016 13:50:33
"Two Crude (Dudes)" also called "Crude Buster"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 03/11/2016 13:52:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 03/11/2016 14:09:18
I love Two Crude Dudes!
I played it a lot on Megadrive with a bro in the 90'. :)

What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 04/11/2016 08:05:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 04/11/2016 08:23:32
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 04/11/2016 08:05:24
Nope, it's not a platform game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 05/11/2016 11:50:48

Giving up my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 05/11/2016 12:04:10
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 05/11/2016 11:50:48
Giving up my turn to whoever wants it.
Well done Amayirot ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 05/11/2016 14:33:36
I'll jump in (hehe) with this one then:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 05/11/2016 19:01:55
I'm not even sure what I'm looking at here O_o Tex Murphy Overseer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/11/2016 19:45:52
That looks so weird.... The Matrix? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 05/11/2016 22:09:17
Looks like a pre-rendered cutscene from the PS1 days.
I'm gonna guess... Golden Eye maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 05/11/2016 23:40:37
All nopes. I'll put up another screenie soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 06/11/2016 00:34:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/11/2016 07:35:13 screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 06/11/2016 08:10:09
The Psychotron?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 06/11/2016 10:52:56
Deus Ex?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 06/11/2016 12:02:41
Well clearly Jacksepticeye has played it.
So it must be a fairly new indie game then... right?
I have no idea what game though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/11/2016 12:32:25
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 06/11/2016 12:02:41
Well clearly Jacksepticeye has played it.
So it must be a fairly new indie game then... right?
I have no idea what game though.

Hehe...well spotted. I was going to delete that watermark but decided to just leave it as a hint to track the game down by...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 06/11/2016 12:47:00
Mr. President?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/11/2016 22:14:58
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 06/11/2016 12:47:00
Mr. President?


I thought we needed a political game in here considering...

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/11/2016 08:19:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 07/11/2016 10:02:48
Pervert Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 07/11/2016 10:03:15
Grange Hill?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/11/2016 10:07:13
Aw, and I was hoping for at least one Spy VS Spy response :D But CaptainD got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 07/11/2016 10:54:54
Yay I got one!  Feels like a long time. :-D

Okay here's one... seems obvious but... is it as obvious as you think it is?  I wonder...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 07/11/2016 11:04:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 07/11/2016 11:09:14
Although I think Atavismus is right due to the weird angle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 07/11/2016 11:13:03
Gah thought it might trick people just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiitle longer than that.  Powermonger is of course correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 07/11/2016 12:47:35
I spent a lot of time playing Powermonger but I never saw the end, because the last "mission" (piece of map) was corrupted on my disk...

What about this?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 07/11/2016 14:10:11
Ohhhhh...I know that one:

Ferdinez Must DIe!!!

I remember buying it because I took a fake sick day off of work just because I wanted to play a new game and it was the only one at the local computer store (which is where you bought your games back then in Australia) that looked entertaining...

I think it cost about $25 at the time... but could be mistaken...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 07/11/2016 14:34:35
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 07/11/2016 14:10:11
Ohhhhh...I know that one:

Ferdinez Must DIe!!!

I remember buying it because I took a fake sick day off of work just because I wanted to play a new game and it was the only one at the local computer store (which is where you bought your games back then in Australia) that looked entertaining...

I think it cost about $25 at the time... but could be mistaken...

We had fun playing this game with a friend because in our Middle School a boring asshole's name was "Fernandes". ^^
Mind, it's "Fernandez Must Die" but it's still your turn. ;)
Well done Mandle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 07/11/2016 15:00:10

This one has a lot of history behind it:

In my opinion it's one of the best indie efforts that got picked up by a studio and got ruined into an absolutely HORRIBLE game via the pressure of money.

The original was INCREDIBLE and it even seems like it might have a bit of a comeback possible through the underground movement of the original fans.

What made it so great for me was that it was an online FPS that was actually realistic: If you got shot you pretty much died instantly or a bit later from bleeding out, and once you were dead you were DEAD... There was no respawn... You just sat out the rest of the round as a silent spectator (which wouldn't work these days as everyone would just cheat through voice-chat channels... so the game would just have to black out your screen until next round)... Anyways: the whole dead is DEAD aspect made your heart beat just all that more, especially if you were one of the last guys left on your team, and even more if it was down to you and the last opponent... Ahhhhh, good times...

I will be following the potential revival in any case as I would love to play the original again...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 07/11/2016 15:56:26
Or maybe the mythical Team Fortress 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/11/2016 19:57:47
Ace Of Spades?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 07/11/2016 23:12:55
Nope + nope
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 13:06:14
Counter Strike?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 08/11/2016 13:23:09
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 13:06:14
Counter Strike? close... In fact, players of this game used to make fun of Counter Strike fans in much the same way that Star Wars fans make fun of Trekkies (and vice versa)...

Another thing I loved about this game was that the sound effects of the gun fire, hits, and ricochets were just like: "" instead of "BLAM-BLAM...THUD-THUD". It never sounded like something that would actually kill you, which is pretty much what guns sound like in real life, and this made the game so much more tense (for me at least), until the studio release screwed it up and put in all the usual Rambo-style sound effects like as if the recording mic is an inch from the end of the gun barrel for every shot...

Anyways: Here's another screenie from one of my favorite maps:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 14:02:06
Those are two completely HUDs? ???
Anyway, I've searched and I've searched, but the closest I've found in terms of description, is a modern indie game called One Life.

This looks like some sort of mod to Serious Sam or something.
I can't figure it out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 08/11/2016 14:23:35
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 14:02:06
Those are two completely HUDs? ???

Yes, they are from different versions of the same mod...

The game was originally a mod built on an open-source game engine (probably one of the first to manage to do so and become a seperate game in its own right instead of just a slightly different flavour of the original)...

This game probably helped to pave the way for more and more studios to open-source their engines and reap the benefits of licensing fees on commercial games developed with them. A radical shift in the way games were made and one that we experience personally through AGS...

I remember when it was announced that this game had been picked up by a commercial studio and the fan-base went ballistic with fear of what might happen to "our" beloved game... We had never heard of such a thing even being possible!

The creators assured us that they were sticking to their guns (ugh) and that they would not let the "suits" change what made the game great or make any compromises just to get the "moneh"...

Well... either they lied, or got led down the slippery slope... Probably a bit of both...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 08/11/2016 14:43:15
This is looks very much like Unreal (1?) Engine HUD  there on the last screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 15:47:33
Tactical Ops?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 08/11/2016 23:00:21
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 08/11/2016 14:43:15
This is looks very much like Unreal (1?) Engine HUD  there on the last screenshot.

Well spotted. The game was a mod of the game Unreal Tournament, and so was indeed running on the Unreal engine. I never played the original Unreal but I assume they used leftover assets from Unreal to build the HUD if it looks that similar. As UT was built directly on top on Unreal there were tons of unused artifacts from the original game still in the code, and you could access them through the editor. So you could bring all the old monsters, weapons, etc, from the old game into the newer game. It was tons of fun tracking down the old assets. Ahhhh: the good old days...

Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 08/11/2016 15:47:33
Tactical Ops?

Well done! The game is indeed Tactical Ops, or Tac-Ops as it was usually known. It was hard to find screenshots of the original mod version. They were mostly of the shitty "Tac-Ops: Assault On Terror" commercial version. The original is still available for download as a mod (you need to also have UT to run it) but last time I checked a few years back there were no multiplayer servers running and trying to create a server didn't work either. So it was only possible to play against bots, which got boring very fast. Maybe one day...sigh...

Over to you Danvzare!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 09/11/2016 13:50:02
When CW mentioned that it looked like the Unreal HUD, that's what finally allowed me to track this game down.
Such a shame what happened to a game with so much potential.

Let's see if anyone can guess this great game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 09/11/2016 15:13:38
Looks like Thief.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 09/11/2016 15:49:43
But it isn't Thief. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 09/11/2016 17:03:56
Is it a fan game? This is clearly the Dark Engine, isn't it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 10/11/2016 11:55:07
Quote from: Kumpel on Wed 09/11/2016 17:03:56
Is it a fan game? This is clearly the Dark Engine, isn't it?
The Dark Engine? Seriously?
The Dark Engine does NOT support bump mapping. There isn't even a mod to get bump mapping onto the Dark Engine. Believe me, I've tried.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 10/11/2016 12:01:16
I can't get my head around the perspective of that screenshot, but somehow it does look vaguely familiar.  Not entirely sure what genre it is, maybe something like And Then There Were None?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 10/11/2016 19:01:30
Now I wonder what happened here. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 10/11/2016 20:04:48
I believe what Kumpel meant was The Dark Mod ;) In case he misspoke I'll gladly pass my turn to him.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 10/11/2016 20:12:15
Well you're right in that it's The Dark Mod (great game by the way), I'm not sure if Kumpel misspelled it though. ???
If you did, sorry. :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 12/11/2016 18:15:05
Nope. I didn't misspell it. I just missed the fact, that this is way too good graphicwise, to be the nearly twenty year old dark engine... Amayirot hit the nail with Dark Mod.

(Also I am out of ideas atm, which game to post next)

His turn. (Or anyone's who wants to jump in)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 12/11/2016 21:37:25

Well then, guess I'll take my turn after all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 12/11/2016 23:07:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 13/11/2016 04:07:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/11/2016 07:49:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 13/11/2016 12:18:37
Heretic or Heretic 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/11/2016 12:27:47
Very good, Danvzare :D Heretic II indeed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 13/11/2016 12:45:57
Ah Heretic II, such a great game.
I used to watch my sister play it, years ago. But she never did complete it
I'm kind of surprised I was right though.

I threw Heretic 1 in my guess simply because I've never seen that one, and I figured it could be similar to its sequel.

Oh am I evil for making you guess this game. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 13/11/2016 20:15:58
Heretic 1? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/11/2016 10:36:52
It's the Thievery mod for Unreal Tournament, yes? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 11:29:59
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/11/2016 10:36:52
It's the Thievery mod for Unreal Tournament, yes? :=
Yes, that's right! :-D
I remember first discovering this game, because of a dream I had. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/11/2016 11:36:29
Hah, interesting. I'll pass my turn onto the next contender.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 14/11/2016 11:55:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 14:15:39
Goat Simulator? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 14/11/2016 14:20:15
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 14:15:39
Goat Simulator? ???

Why the confused ??? emoticon? You nailed it!

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 14:41:34
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 14/11/2016 14:20:15
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 14:15:39
Goat Simulator? ???

Why the confused ??? emoticon? You nailed it!

Over to you!
What? Seriously! 8-0
That was a complete shot in the dark!

I'll give my turn over to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 14/11/2016 17:13:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 14/11/2016 18:09:57
Hmm... Loom?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 14/11/2016 18:30:09
No, not Loom
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 18:54:47
The Lion King?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 14/11/2016 19:17:45
animal protagonist
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/11/2016 19:34:38
Sam and Max?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 14/11/2016 19:41:02
Not Sam&Max
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/11/2016 20:47:49
Inherit The Earth: Quest For The Orb?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 14/11/2016 21:09:27
That's the one! Well guessed
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/11/2016 23:02:20
Didn't recognize the screen but the hint combined with the overall color palette jogged my memory :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 14/11/2016 23:40:35
Deus Ex?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 07:15:56
I see we're back to booby traps :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/11/2016 07:30:12
And Anas gets it the first time (laugh) Good job!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 08:20:08
yay :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/11/2016 08:30:40
...Postman's Quest? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 08:32:47
(laugh) no
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 15/11/2016 08:46:53
Filing Cabinet Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 08:56:52
(wtf) no
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/11/2016 09:09:42
I had a hunch and figured out what it is, but I'm not telling :D All I'm saying is people are gonna groan when they figure it out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 09:17:13

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Tue 15/11/2016 10:22:40
Game of life? :-X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 10:39:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 15/11/2016 10:51:37
Predators Prey For Plants? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 10:57:56

It's an adventure game :P
it's not AGS
search Amayirot, mandle and my dirty pasts in this thread
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 15/11/2016 15:05:19
Measure Moot Mary in the Man of the Moon Missile, original AGI version
"Someone" sent you to see those
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 16:07:30
Ken? Never heard of him ???

I still have the chance to post this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 15/11/2016 16:35:24
Larry? Is that you? You pervert! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 15/11/2016 16:38:22
Space Invaders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 15/11/2016 17:42:37
Ok fine.. it's Larry 1 ega.
Gilbert guessed it (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 16/11/2016 01:12:40
The last picture is obviously a letter O from the game's font. You know, 'O' as in DOLL. :=

Anyway. I have no idea what to post ATM, so anyone can steal the turn if they like.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 16/11/2016 03:49:29
L ( L
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 16/11/2016 11:16:34
I don't know if this one is very easy or very hard but:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 16/11/2016 11:24:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 16/11/2016 12:38:02
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 16/11/2016 11:24:41

Well done!

Possibly the greatest game ever made and yet also the most impossible to actually figure out how to understand and play it...

Infinite gameplay possibilities with zero realistic user interface.

But one day I will figure out how to play it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 16/11/2016 13:06:03
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 16/11/2016 12:38:02
Possibly the greatest game ever made and yet also the most impossible to actually figure out how to understand and play it...
Definitely! I can't imagine the number of fun hours I've had playing that game.

Quote from: Mandle on Wed 16/11/2016 12:38:02
But one day I will figure out how to play it!
It took me a week to figure out how to play the game. Just follow the tutorials on the Wiki. :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 16/11/2016 13:24:48
I know this game form the sand!! Beautiful memories of PC gamer mag!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 16/11/2016 17:47:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 16/11/2016 18:52:56
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 16/11/2016 17:47:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 16/11/2016 19:43:45
One of the Dark Sun games, but I dunno which of the two.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 16/11/2016 20:38:44
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 16/11/2016 19:43:45
One of the Dark Sun games, but I dunno which of the two.
You got it. :-D
It's the first one by the way.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 16/11/2016 21:47:02
Yay :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 16/11/2016 22:03:02
Something it making me want to say this is Elaine from the Monkey Island games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 16/11/2016 22:12:53
And you would be WRONG!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 16/11/2016 23:51:11
One of the Donkey Kong games?

Or Mario Kart?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/11/2016 00:17:11
Also no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 17/11/2016 12:44:44
little big adventure? or the 2nd part?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 17/11/2016 12:46:40
Quote from: selmiak on Thu 17/11/2016 12:44:44
little big adventure? or the 2nd part?
Damn I was just about to say that!

Hmm, how about Five Nights at Freddy's, or one of its many sequels.
Yep, I think that's Foxy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/11/2016 19:53:14
Danvzare, go put yourself out, you are on fire! That is exactly correct ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 17/11/2016 21:30:54
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 17/11/2016 19:53:14
Danvzare, go put yourself out, you are on fire! That is exactly correct ;)
Yay! :-D
I'm getting surprisingly good at this. Either that or I'm lucky that no one is putting up obscure games.

This could be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 18/11/2016 17:43:19
Not a single guess?

Guess I need to post another screenshot then. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 18/11/2016 18:17:25
James Pond?:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 18/11/2016 18:54:21
Quote from: Gribbler on Fri 18/11/2016 18:17:25
James Pond?:)
I honestly thought someone would have recognized these cute little guys by now. The game must have been much more obscure than I first thought.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/11/2016 20:36:18
Charles Cecil: Legend Of The Gobbos? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 18/11/2016 22:48:27
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/11/2016 20:36:18
Charles Cecil: Legend Of The Gobbos? :=
Charles Cecil? ???

You got the subtitle right though, so I'm guessing you know the game. Over to you. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/11/2016 23:58:34
I see somebody around here hasn't been listening to the BlueCupTools podcast :=

Charles Cecil, director of Revolution Software and creator of Broken Sword & Beneath A Steel Sky, is often called an "embarrassed crocodile" by Ben.

Anyway, continuing the theme with this little beauty:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 19/11/2016 10:48:56
Croc Simulator!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/11/2016 11:04:35
Nope :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 19/11/2016 11:34:32
Chicky's Avatar Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 19/11/2016 12:38:08
Metal Gear PNC edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/11/2016 12:51:58
Mandle: nope, but Atavismus is on to something ;) Tho I dunno what he means by PNC :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 19/11/2016 13:09:13
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/11/2016 12:51:58
Mandle: nope, but Atavismus is on to something ;) Tho I dunno what he means by PNC :confused:
Well, that was a joke because of the "Crocodile Cap" in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/11/2016 15:44:48
Still don't see how PNC relates to that but that's probably just me being thick. In any case, yes, it's MGS3 :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 19/11/2016 16:07:22
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/11/2016 15:44:48
Still don't see how PNC relates to that but that's probably just me being thick. In any case, yes, it's MGS3 :D
I even didn't notice it was 3D lol
(the crop looks a bit blurry to me)
Well, I'm lucky!

What about this?
(I don't think it's hard, but who knows)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 19/11/2016 16:25:23
Altered Destiny?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 19/11/2016 17:28:50
Quote from: janleht on Sat 19/11/2016 16:25:23
Altered Destiny?
Yes! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 19/11/2016 17:52:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 20/11/2016 11:42:01
I first thought of Monkey Island but that's clearly not a ghost rat.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 20/11/2016 12:57:33
the cat is controllable during the game, but not in its cat form
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 20/11/2016 14:30:12
King's Quest III?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 20/11/2016 15:25:05
Not kq3
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 20/11/2016 19:01:45
Kings Quest IV?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 20/11/2016 19:47:59
okay... KQ2? (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 20/11/2016 20:01:13
Not any King's Quests (roll)
Same cat, different platform:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 20/11/2016 23:18:02
Zak McKracken?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 10:12:03
No, not Zak.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 21/11/2016 10:31:35
Space Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 10:59:43
No to Space Quest and its sequels. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 21/11/2016 11:24:20
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 21/11/2016 11:39:34
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 11:54:19
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 21/11/2016 11:24:20
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 21/11/2016 11:39:34
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?

She's not sure as hell in this game :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 21/11/2016 14:28:38
Well, if I could ram my hand down the cat's throat to get the mission assignment paper, and then later bungee-jump out of one of the presidents' noses then I would guess an early proof-of-concept build of "Sam And Max Hit The Road", but if such a thing ever existed the earth would have already been sucked into its black hole of sheer awesomeness...

So, probably not...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 14:48:51

The cat and its non cat form:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 21/11/2016 15:03:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 15:26:39
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 21/11/2016 15:03:41

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 21/11/2016 16:04:06
Quote from: janleht on Mon 21/11/2016 15:26:39
Holy crap!
I've never even played the game. I only made that guess because the author of a webcomic I read, never shuts up about the game. And since I knew it was a C64 game, and you showed a picture with a ball in it, I just made a complete guess.
Maybe I looked up the game at one point, and subconsciously remembered the title screen. :-\

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 10:38:13
Doesn't look familiar. Is it an AGS game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 22/11/2016 12:15:56
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 10:38:13
Doesn't look familiar. Is it an AGS game?
Nope, it's actually a fairly popular game. It's been ported to just about every system I can think of.

Just to demonstrate that, here's another cropped screenshot of the same game on a completely different system.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 19:45:04
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 22/11/2016 20:31:07
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 19:45:04
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?
Yay, you got it! :-D
Although now I don't get to share that other screenshot I had planned. :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 21:05:32
Sorry bout that :grin: Have a bee:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 22/11/2016 21:37:59
One of the Peanuts games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 22/11/2016 23:17:10
One of the Zelda games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/11/2016 23:25:30
How about one of the Nope games? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 23/11/2016 00:09:07
Anything to do with Elder Scrolls?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 23/11/2016 07:56:47

Nope, nothing like that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 24/11/2016 07:34:18

Hint: It's not a Sierra game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 24/11/2016 11:53:13
Space Quest 0: Replicated?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 24/11/2016 11:56:11
It's not a Sierra fangame, either :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 24/11/2016 12:20:43
Hugo's House of Horrors?
Or one of its sequels?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 24/11/2016 12:41:46
Either an early DOS shareware or a demake I guess...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 24/11/2016 14:44:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 24/11/2016 19:59:51
Nope on all counts. This was a commercial release from 1990.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 25/11/2016 22:39:51

Wow, I've really stumped you all, haven't I? Okay, next hint: another unrelated game with the exact same title as this one was released in 2011.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 25/11/2016 23:06:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 25/11/2016 23:23:59
THAT IS CORRECT! Way to go Atavismus yet again :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 26/11/2016 21:43:23
What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 27/11/2016 05:26:15
Missile Command?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 08:32:59
Quote from: Gurok on Sun 27/11/2016 05:26:15
Missile Command?
One more try and I post another screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 27/11/2016 09:11:58
Desert Strike?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 09:23:48
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 27/11/2016 09:11:58
Desert Strike?
Here is another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 27/11/2016 10:23:58
Looney Tunes? Road Runners? :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 11:13:27
Quote from: Gilbert on Sun 27/11/2016 10:23:58
Looney Tunes? Road Runners? :grin:
It could make sense, but you are far from it.
I'll wait for some more answers then, if no one find, I'll post a more relevant screenshot or hints, as you wish.
You all know that cult game.
I'm sure someone can find.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 27/11/2016 14:03:25
Tempted to say something like Defender or Oids...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 14:23:00
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 27/11/2016 14:03:25
Tempted to say something like Defender or Oids...
Smart guesses but wrong.
Genre is totally different.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 27/11/2016 16:02:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 16:12:53
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 27/11/2016 16:02:36
It's an Amiga/DOS game from 1992 with a famous name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 27/11/2016 17:19:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/11/2016 17:45:34
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 27/11/2016 17:19:11
Nope, but it's partly an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Tue 29/11/2016 03:36:50
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 29/11/2016 08:46:36
Quote from: Babar on Tue 29/11/2016 03:36:50
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure?

Ok, I guess this time it will be too obvious, but nevermind:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 29/11/2016 09:01:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 29/11/2016 09:39:59
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 29/11/2016 09:01:16
Yes. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 29/11/2016 09:40:46
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 29/11/2016 09:01:16
Yes. :)
(I know there are some Dune's fans like me here, so those two first tricky screenshots)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 02/12/2016 20:46:38

Since Gurok seems to have gone AWOL I figured I'd sneak in for a quick one until he comes back.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/12/2016 22:03:13
Finally one I recognise straight away!  That's the excellent Out of Order.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 02/12/2016 22:22:13
You're right about the title at least, but I personally found the game a bit tedious. But hey, to each their own :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/12/2016 23:02:10
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 02/12/2016 22:22:13
You're right about the title at least, but I personally found the game a bit tedious. But hey, to each their own :)

Heh, when I played it a long time ago I thought it was wonderful.  No idea if I'd find it so now!  :-D  At that time finding a good quality freeware adventure game was a rare thing indeed, I seem to remember.

Anyway... not sure if this one's already been done or not...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 03/12/2016 00:30:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 03/12/2016 10:01:12
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 03/12/2016 00:30:50

Haha :cheesy: but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Sat 03/12/2016 10:48:05
Young Merlin?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 03/12/2016 16:12:42
It's obviously Toejam and Earl. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 03/12/2016 20:00:34
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 03/12/2016 16:12:42
It's obviously Toejam and Earl. :-D

We have a winner!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 04/12/2016 11:50:00
Here's a nice fun game that I'm currently playing. :)
Let's see if anyone can guess it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 04/12/2016 12:26:22
The Sims Medieval?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 04/12/2016 12:58:51
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 04/12/2016 12:26:22
The Sims Medieval?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 04/12/2016 20:46:36
One of the Dungeon Siege games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 04/12/2016 20:58:46
Quote from: Kumpel on Sun 04/12/2016 20:46:36
One of the Dungeon Siege games?
Good guess, but no. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Sun 04/12/2016 22:51:21
Neverwinter Nights?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/12/2016 10:41:39
Quote from: TheBlindRabbit on Sun 04/12/2016 22:51:21
Neverwinter Nights?
And we have a winner! :-D
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Mon 05/12/2016 16:46:48
Oh yeah! (nod) Was sure thoses polygons belonged to Neverwinter Nights :-D
Truly one of my favorite RPG

and now
One of the weirdest game ever
Difficult guess also, I don't think many people know this game:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/12/2016 16:51:33
Oh I know that game!
It's Semen!
Wait, no, Seaman. (laugh)

I'll let someone else have my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Mon 05/12/2016 17:22:36
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 05/12/2016 16:51:33
Oh I know that game!
It's Semen!
Wait, no, Seaman. (laugh)

I'll let someone else have my turn.

DAAAAaaamn :-\
Way to go, Danzvare ;-D

Okay, i'll take your turn since you instant found it :-D

Goold ol' game, quite easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 05/12/2016 18:21:33
What's happening? That's Star Wars: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/12/2016 18:25:26
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 05/12/2016 18:21:33
What's happening? That's Star Wars: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.
I'm glad you got it before I got here, otherwise I'd be passing my turn again. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 06/12/2016 12:20:04
I'm pretty sure I got it right so I reckon it's fine if I go ahead and post the next one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 06/12/2016 12:34:53
Fields of Fire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 06/12/2016 14:13:08
Nope, though you do set something else on fire in this game ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 06/12/2016 14:52:33
Oh...hell...I know this one...I think...


You go into the trippy art gallery and that painting will shoot you in the back with an arrow if you don't cover it up first...

Arggghhh...either I can't remember or I'm just completely wrong...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/12/2016 15:23:06
Apache vs Navajo Mahjong
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/12/2016 07:41:19
Mandle's on the right track, keep going :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 07/12/2016 08:00:31
Isn't that the Indian painting from the first Alone in the Dark, which does exactly what Mandle said? And if I recall correctly there was another, which threw axes at you? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/12/2016 10:41:20
The details are a bit sketchy but yes, CrashPL did get the game right ;) Well done, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 07/12/2016 14:03:06
Awyeah. :D Let's see, how about this one:


Childhood classic, one of my all-time favourites as well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 07/12/2016 14:11:11
Jurassic Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 08/12/2016 09:13:08
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 07/12/2016 14:11:11
Jurassic Park?

Nope. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/12/2016 11:46:39
Command & Conquer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 08/12/2016 13:13:52
Half Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/12/2016 13:17:08
Beyond Good and Evil?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 08/12/2016 13:23:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 08/12/2016 14:52:50
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 08/12/2016 13:23:41

Bingo! That's the one. :) To be more specific, it's the control/security room in the very first location of the game:


Your turn, Danvzare!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 08/12/2016 20:34:32
Yay I got it!
I thought it looked pre-rendered, but first I thought it was from a pre-rendered cutscene. Then I remembered game I saw in an LGR review last year, and I thought that it had a very similar aesthetic to that screenshot. I can't believe I got it right. :-D

This should be an easy one for anyone who has played this great game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/12/2016 23:15:04
Harvest Moon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/12/2016 04:41:59
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/12/2016 23:15:04
Harvest Moon?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 09/12/2016 09:42:12
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/12/2016 23:15:04
Harvest Moon?
Hey, that's Mandle's job! (laugh)
Also, no. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 10:59:13
Oh, I just thought it seemed like a reasonable guess :P But other than that I have no idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 09/12/2016 17:58:35
Another screenshot to make it easier for you all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 19:12:07
New Horizons?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 09/12/2016 19:40:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 19:12:07
New Horizons?
Yay you got it!
What a wonderful game, better than Sid Meier's Pirates! in my opinion. I've spent countless hours playing it, but have never completed it.
Such a shame that this was the last game in the series to get an English translation. :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 20:59:55
I know for a fact the sequel, Uncharted Waters, got a DOS release over here, I played a pirated (ha, appropriate :P ) version of it at one point.

EDIT: Wait, I got the two games mixed up, New Horizons was the second one. Didn't even know there were more than those.

I'll put up a picture ASAP.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 21:17:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 09/12/2016 21:21:13
Police Quest 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 21:26:16
I kinda expected that answer, but nope ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 09/12/2016 21:35:14
Jagged Alliance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 09/12/2016 21:36:11
License to Kill?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/12/2016 21:40:01
Very good, janleht! Childhood favorite of mine before I'd ever even seen a proper Bond movie :D Never was any good at it though. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 09/12/2016 21:52:33
Nice :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 10/12/2016 09:41:53
Blade Runner?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 10/12/2016 10:10:04
Not Blade Runner (wrong)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 10/12/2016 10:36:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 10/12/2016 10:53:18
Quote from: Gurok on Sat 10/12/2016 10:36:30

Indeed, it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 10/12/2016 11:33:33

Portion of a screenshot to confuse Google:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 11/12/2016 10:30:57
King's Knight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 11/12/2016 11:08:25
It's not King's Knight, no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 11/12/2016 12:38:57
Mighty Bomb Jack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 11/12/2016 22:13:13
Retina Slayer?

Just watched a video that had a game that looks very similar to this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 13/12/2016 00:52:40
I'm sorry, neither of these are it.

Closest so far was King's Knight, as the game has Knight in its name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/12/2016 04:46:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 13/12/2016 05:50:29
That's the game, though I cheated a bit and used the PC port. Your turn, Mandle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 13/12/2016 11:33:15
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 13/12/2016 05:50:29
That's the game, though I cheated a bit and used the PC port. Your turn, Mandle.
Wait, that's a PC game!
And here I was, thinking it was a NES game. 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/12/2016 14:42:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/12/2016 15:15:51
Hehe that's the infamous "Name the Game" game started by AGS member frenzykitty on 17 Apr 2013 at 17:17.

Now do a proper one! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 13/12/2016 19:07:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/12/2016 22:33:00
@CaptainD: That is not a winning solution.

@Ben X: Also not a winning solution.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/12/2016 08:46:39
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 13/12/2016 22:33:00
@CaptainD: That is not a winning solution.

@Ben X: Also not a winning solution.

Hmm... intriguing.  But unhelpful! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 09:27:40
It's the Adventure Game Studio forums?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/12/2016 10:20:42
@CaptainD: You did not win

@Amayirot Akago: As did you not
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 14/12/2016 11:44:03
Is it the game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/12/2016 11:45:01
Operation Stealth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/12/2016 12:07:40
@Gurok: You just lost the game...

Over to you! (You clever bastard)

As there is no way to display "The Game" ( graphically I went with an interactive format until someone finally lost the game by naming it...Which Gurok managed waaaaay too easily...All should fear the Gurok!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/12/2016 12:20:11
And also just to be honest:

I just lost the game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 14/12/2016 12:21:02
Ah The Game.
I've lost countless times. But at least I've won it at least once. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 12:36:07
Everybody look at Mandle and groan disapprovingly.

Eye Laws Dug Aim
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 14/12/2016 12:58:33
It was your subtle hints about losing (not winning).

Okay, try this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/12/2016 13:10:16
Missing In Action? No that was a helicopter...

F16 Fighting Falcon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 13:54:43
Flight Of The Intruder?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 14/12/2016 14:23:55
Flight of the Intruder is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 14:52:34

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 14/12/2016 14:59:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 14/12/2016 15:18:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 18:00:28
Tanks, but Nozor.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/12/2016 22:14:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 14/12/2016 22:31:40
That's just another name for Gryzor, so that means your guess is contrary to what would be correct :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/12/2016 23:50:40
I'll take a punt at... oh I don't know, maybe Bionic Commando?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/12/2016 00:07:32
That's a Bionic Command-no.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 15/12/2016 10:41:15
Army Moves?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/12/2016 11:41:32
Navy Seals?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/12/2016 12:04:13

Move that army and seal that navy, privates!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/12/2016 12:10:25
Wait... is that Operation Wolf?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/12/2016 12:56:11
Correct! Sorry, couldn't be bothered to come up with a clever response. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/12/2016 13:52:45
That wolf needed an operation!

Erm... I'll get my coat.

How about this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 15/12/2016 13:58:43
Putt Putt goes to the Moon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 14:09:07
Millennium 2.2 (also known as Millenium: Return To Earth).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/12/2016 14:25:17
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 14:09:07
Millennium 2.2 (also known as Millenium: Return To Earth).

D'oh too easy. (roll)

You're up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 17:34:58
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 15/12/2016 14:25:17
D'oh too easy. (roll)
Indeed! :)

Here is a one, maybe also too easy:


I would almost bet Amayirot Akago knows it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/12/2016 19:59:11
You presume far too much :grin: I did not have the foggiest idea until I searched every 2D platformer on Lemon Amiga and stumbled upon the answer. It's Sqrxz 4 - Cold Cash.

Passing on my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/12/2016 22:39:42
What have we here?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 22:45:27
Well done Amayirot Akago. ;)
I wondered if CaptainD would be faster.
I'm sure I read about it in (

Anyway, Sqrxz really worths a try.
It very good and has numerous ports (including windows, linux, dreamcast, wii, etc.). (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 22:47:12
It remembers me Warzone 2100 but I think I'm wrong.
Looks more like Earth 2150...
(If I'm right, I'm passing on my turn to whoever wants it.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/12/2016 23:38:57
you are pretty close :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/12/2016 23:44:57
Quote from: Kumpel on Thu 15/12/2016 23:38:57
you are pretty close :)
Earth 2150: The Moon Project?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 16/12/2016 01:14:59
There we go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 16/12/2016 08:25:33
Quote from: Kumpel on Fri 16/12/2016 01:14:59
There we go!
Lucky me: it could have been Earth 2150: Lost Souls. ^^
I'm passing on my turn to whoever wants it. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 16/12/2016 17:15:22
I'm passing on my turn to whoever wants it. ;)

Okay I'll carry on then :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 16/12/2016 17:22:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 16/12/2016 17:25:35
Quote from: Kumpel on Fri 16/12/2016 17:22:59

Nop, but before I chose this game I wanted to put clocktower ;-D
Pretty sure someone has already posted it though
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 16/12/2016 17:34:03
Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 16/12/2016 18:04:44
Eternal Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 16/12/2016 18:25:53
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 16/12/2016 18:04:44
Eternal Darkness?
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 16/12/2016 17:34:03
Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen?

But it is a Japanese Horror game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 16/12/2016 18:30:27
Fatal Frame/Project Zero? (which incidentally is the international name for the Zero series)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 16/12/2016 18:46:57
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 16/12/2016 18:30:27
Fatal Frame/Project Zero? (which incidentally is the international name for the Zero series)

Oh I didn't knew this

Yup, it is Fatal Frame (nod)

Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 16/12/2016 17:34:03
Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen?
So you were right, sorry :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 16/12/2016 18:50:59
I figured the Japanese name might've gotten you confused. No harm done tho ;) Take it away, Atavismus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 16/12/2016 22:07:13
Not far from a serious diplomatic incident.
I was about to call a special general meeting of the UN Security Council.

I know there are some fans of that game here:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 16/12/2016 22:32:03
Reminds me of the "Pinky And The Brain" opening title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 17/12/2016 09:16:03
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 16/12/2016 22:32:03
Reminds me of the "Pinky And The Brain" opening title.
Oh indeed!
But no.
It's not related at all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 17/12/2016 10:04:17
Can't think of anything, shooting a guess maybe at the intro scene for Night Shift?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Sat 17/12/2016 10:32:55
That would be Snatcher
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 17/12/2016 10:43:08
Quote from: TheBlindRabbit on Sat 17/12/2016 10:32:55
That would be Snatcher
Yes it is! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Sat 17/12/2016 14:14:23
Yay :D

Wonder if the AGS community know about this game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/12/2016 14:55:04
That's Presentable Liberty!!!

I've watched Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and others play it on youtube.

Such a heartbreaking game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/12/2016 15:31:27
I'm sure I'm right so:


An extremely clipped image of a game I played way too much back in the day, and plan to play the new updated version way too much over my winter holidays...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 17/12/2016 15:53:29
Elite 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/12/2016 22:15:20
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 17/12/2016 15:53:29
Elite 2?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/12/2016 23:01:00
Star Control II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 17/12/2016 23:12:12
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/12/2016 23:01:00
Star Control II?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/12/2016 23:27:11
Starflight II? :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 18/12/2016 07:08:16
No.... I'll post another screenie soon
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 18/12/2016 10:14:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 19/12/2016 03:28:48
Nope, and here's another cropped screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 07:40:49
That looks familiar somehow but I have no idea what it's called. Is this one of those Sopwith-style flying games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 19/12/2016 08:52:22
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 07:40:49
That looks familiar somehow but I have no idea what it's called. Is this one of those Sopwith-style flying games?

It's not a flying game. Quite the opposite actually...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 18:34:23
Diving, then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Mon 19/12/2016 19:09:11
One of the Worms iterations?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 19/12/2016 21:05:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 21:54:05
*looks up the game*


Goddammit Atavismus :P Guess I didn't know the game after all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 19/12/2016 22:11:40
Quote from: Atavismus on Mon 19/12/2016 21:05:32

Well done!

Yeah, it's a mining game, hence the opposite of flying. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 20/12/2016 13:48:58
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 21:54:05
*looks up the game*


Goddammit Atavismus :P Guess I didn't know the game after all.
Same here!
How is it that a game I've never even heard of, let alone played before, seem so familiar! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 20/12/2016 20:44:53
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 19/12/2016 22:11:40
Well done!
Yeah, it's a mining game, hence the opposite of flying. (laugh)
Thx, I browsed "digging game". ;)

Back to crop:
I'll post more screenshots later if needed, but I'm sure many of you played this great game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 20/12/2016 22:15:57
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 20/12/2016 13:48:58
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/12/2016 21:54:05
*looks up the game*


Goddammit Atavismus :P Guess I didn't know the game after all.
Same here!
How is it that a game I've never even heard of, let alone played before, seem so familiar! (laugh)

Motherload is quite a gem of a game. It's a free online flash game available at Miniclips and many other hosts.

Give it a try if you dare: It gets very addictive! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 21/12/2016 04:49:22
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 20/12/2016 20:44:53

Hehe...I added a zoom...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 08:01:14
I haven't got a single bloody clue what this could be ??? SimCity?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 08:31:22
Don't worry, I'll add more picto progressively.
One should finally ring a bell (I put the less obvious for the moment).
If not, I'll put a larger crop.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 11:12:59
The first one looks like a fuel gauge, and it looks really REALLY familiar. But I can't for the life of me pinpoint it.
Mega Man Battle Network?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 11:21:54
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 11:12:59
The first one looks like a fuel gauge
It's not.

Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 11:12:59
it looks really REALLY familiar.
I guessed hehe

Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 11:12:59
But I can't for the life of me pinpoint it.
I know that feeling. :D

Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 11:12:59
Mega Man Battle Network?
Not at all.

Another picto:


More obvious imo, but it's not easy to know what people remember...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 12:06:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 12:46:20
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 12:06:19
Nope, but you are on a right track. ;)

Another picto, maybe the more "obvious" for my memory:


(Next time, I'll post a bigger part of the UI)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 13:13:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 13:29:49
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 13:13:44
Did you get it from your memory or by checking squad games? :D

Here is the whole screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 13:59:09
The latter :=


Let's see who can figure this one out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 14:00:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 21/12/2016 14:30:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 21/12/2016 14:47:59
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 21/12/2016 14:30:41

Stop it :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 21/12/2016 15:19:13
Dune 2?
Red Alert?
Wolfenstein 3D?

These are pretty much all the games that came to mind from that one tiny screenshot. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 15:47:16
None right so far, but Danvzare was on the right track with some of those answers.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 21/12/2016 16:01:09
Soon you'll have to rename this thread "Name the pixel" :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 21/12/2016 16:16:57
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 21/12/2016 16:01:09
Soon you'll have to rename this thread "Name the pixel" :D

It is definitely heading that way... (roll)

Wondering if you're keeping on a theme so maybe... Laser Squad?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 21/12/2016 22:30:59
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 21/12/2016 14:47:59
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 21/12/2016 14:30:41

Stop it :P

I was actually serious. 8-0

The counter graphic looks like one of the ores you mine in Motherload, and I thought he might be getting tricky with us :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 21/12/2016 22:56:00
Is it another squad game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 21/12/2016 23:54:06

Not a squad game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 22/12/2016 02:05:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/12/2016 08:43:46
Still nope I'm afraid, but you're on the right track.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 22/12/2016 09:42:13
Oh, Ken's Labyrinth. That's Ken Silverman.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 22/12/2016 09:52:11
He sure is, and you are correct ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 22/12/2016 11:01:39
Hmmm... what about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 11:22:09
The screenshot reminded me of a game I saw on the C64 once (so I figured it might be a port). So I looked up C64 and Rabbits, and somehow despite this clearly NOT being a C64 game, I found a screenshot of this game. ???

Anyway, the answer is International Ninja Rabbits.
But I don't feel right in taking this turn, so someone else can have it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 22/12/2016 17:31:56
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 11:22:09
The screenshot reminded me of a game I saw on the C64 once (so I figured it might be a port). So I looked up C64 and Rabbits, and somehow despite this clearly NOT being a C64 game, I found a screenshot of this game. ???

Anyway, the answer is International Ninja Rabbits.
But I don't feel right in taking this turn, so someone else can have it.

Ok I'll take it if it makes you feel better :P

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 18:17:10
Age of Empires 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 22/12/2016 18:21:50
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 18:17:10
Age of Empires 2?

Nah, but I was sure someone would brought it :D
You are really close though
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 19:16:00
Empire Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 22/12/2016 22:42:38
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 22/12/2016 19:16:00
Empire Earth?

Nop :P

Here's another (piece of :D) screen:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 22/12/2016 23:43:18
Recognized it straight away from that second screenie! (Which doesn't happen very often so I'm pretty stoked! :-D)

It's Clockwork Empires!

(I watched Mike and Ryan play it on Cinemassacre a while back. Very weird survival/resource managment game: The genre is steampunk but also set in the world of the Lovecraft mythos. What were they smoking?!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 23/12/2016 10:51:02
Wait, that game has finally been released? :shocked:
I remember first hearing about it years ago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 23/12/2016 17:52:31
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 22/12/2016 23:43:18
Recognized it straight away from that second screenie! (Which doesn't happen very often so I'm pretty stoked! :-D)

It's Clockwork Empires!

(I watched Mike and Ryan play it on Cinemassacre a while back. Very weird survival/resource managment game: The genre is steampunk but also set in the world of the Lovecraft mythos. What were they smoking?!)

Hehe sorry Mandle, but it is not! :D
I also watched them played it. Yeah, what were they thinking? :p

Another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 23/12/2016 18:22:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 23/12/2016 20:26:23
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 23/12/2016 18:22:31

It is Stronghold! :)
Really good medieval strategy game, probably my favorite
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 23/12/2016 23:31:24
Oh damn then. But it looked exactly like Clockwork Empires... Hey! Did they rip the graphics or something?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Sat 24/12/2016 11:14:45
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 23/12/2016 23:31:24
Oh damn then. But it looked exactly like Clockwork Empires... Hey! Did they rip the graphics or something?!

Gotta admit it's quite familiar. Maybe they got inspired by Stronghold, but it's hard to make an original strategy game graphically-wise
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 24/12/2016 11:36:13
Quote from: TheBlindRabbit on Fri 23/12/2016 20:26:23
It is Stronghold! :)
Really good medieval strategy game, probably my favorite
Same here!

Ok, for the moment, I have no interesting idea (understand non-Amiga ^^), so here is a winter's gift: anyone can take my turn. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 24/12/2016 12:06:39

Watch me swooce right in!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 24/12/2016 12:42:34
Could it be from the "Another World"'s intro (the pad)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 24/12/2016 12:58:04
:D Too easy, eh? Guess that means it's open season again to whoever wants to go next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 24/12/2016 13:19:13
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 24/12/2016 12:58:04
:D Too easy, eh? Guess that means it's open season again to whoever wants to go next.
Yeah! :D
Kids, take another gift from Atavistmas! ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 24/12/2016 13:23:06

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 24/12/2016 13:58:43
Snow Line?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 25/12/2016 01:04:51
Quote from: Atavismus on Sat 24/12/2016 13:58:43
Snow Line?

Too easy? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 25/12/2016 10:38:30
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 25/12/2016 01:04:51
Too easy? (laugh)
I'm a bot.
Atavistmas offers his turn as a gift.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 25/12/2016 18:23:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 25/12/2016 22:58:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 25/12/2016 23:10:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 26/12/2016 12:06:57
Only the second best Sierra AGI game ever released:

Manhunter: New York
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 26/12/2016 12:18:07
Correct! But which is the first? In any case, your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 26/12/2016 12:33:06
Manhunter: San Francisco :grin:

Here's one of my favourite games, sans interface & character sprites:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 27/12/2016 10:26:47
Think we could use a hint or additional screen on this one since nobody seems to know the answer. Random guess based off my "research" so far: The Munsters?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 27/12/2016 12:37:33
Ah, sorry about that, meant to upload another image yesterday evening already but completely forgot.


Was available for most home computers in the late 80's, the title is somewhere in the image :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Tue 27/12/2016 17:18:47
Quote from: Chrille on Tue 27/12/2016 12:37:33
Ah, sorry about that, meant to upload another image yesterday evening already but completely forgot.
Was available for most home computers in the late 80's, the title is somewhere in the image :smiley:

Dragon with a lantern 2: sword & jester on crates? :D

That would be Black Lamp(nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 27/12/2016 17:23:27
Correct, well done!


It seems I seriously overestimated its popularity :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Tue 27/12/2016 20:20:27
I took time to remember where I've seen this, but my brother used to played it on our first computer


Edit: Whoops :-[ Thanks for the info Amayirot :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 27/12/2016 21:29:19
The image isn't showing, but I was able to view it by following the link. Not that I know the answer at all, but just FYI.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 28/12/2016 09:34:54
The Whispered World?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 28/12/2016 12:04:02
I have no idea about the game, but I must wonder where the heck that well draws its water from, considering the geography...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Wed 28/12/2016 14:43:02
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 28/12/2016 09:34:54
The Whispered World?
Nop! Could be though

Quote from: Mandle on Wed 28/12/2016 12:04:02
I have no idea about the game, but I must wonder where the heck that well draws its water from, considering the geography...
Imagination (\o/)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 28/12/2016 15:47:32
Silence: The Whispered World 2?
King's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 17:43:28
Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Wed 28/12/2016 19:56:35
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 17:43:28
Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons?

Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons it is!
Amazing game, sad but poetic
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 20:28:22
I love it when a blind guess turns out to be correct :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 28/12/2016 21:09:42
Looks like Rosa from the Blackwell games, but... which one?  Conspiracy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 21:44:56
The mere fact that there is no Blackwell game titled Conspiracy kinda voids your answer right there :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 28/12/2016 22:37:46
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 21:44:56
The mere fact that there is no Blackwell game titled Conspiracy kinda voids your answer right there :P

Oops I meant Convergence :grin: (Got the first 3 letters right, what more do you want?!?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/12/2016 22:38:40
Also not it ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 28/12/2016 23:19:59
The Blackwell Legacy? (because that's the one she looked the most nerdy in... She gets more and more stylish as the series goes on and she gets more sassy and confident, which I love about her.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 29/12/2016 00:34:10
The Shivah?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 08:24:53
BlindRabbit was Unbound by my Deception and had an Epiphany := That is indeed Rosa's cameo in that game. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 29/12/2016 08:38:24
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 08:24:53
BlindRabbit was Unbound by my Deception and had an Epiphany := That is indeed Rosa's cameo in that game. Your turn!

Ooh sneaky... :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 29/12/2016 08:50:23
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 29/12/2016 08:38:24
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 08:24:53
BlindRabbit was Unbound by my Deception and had an Epiphany := That is indeed Rosa's cameo in that game. Your turn!

Ooh sneaky... :grin:

Very sneaky....In fact: Grrrrrrrr.... And well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 29/12/2016 18:13:45
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 08:24:53
BlindRabbit was Unbound by my Deception and had an Epiphany := That is indeed Rosa's cameo in that game. Your turn!

I hear the Resonance of your pun :D

Here here:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/12/2016 18:19:33
"Papers, Please"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 29/12/2016 18:37:59
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 29/12/2016 18:19:33
"Papers, Please"

Correct! *Apply approved stamp on Atavismus' passport*
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 19:15:02
*Atavismus walks through with a bomb* :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 29/12/2016 20:33:02
Bomberman! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/12/2016 20:58:57
Quote from: TheBlindRabbit on Thu 29/12/2016 18:37:59
*Apply approved stamp on Atavismus' passport*
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 19:15:02
*Atavismus walks through with a bomb* :=

*Atavismus is preparing an inner revolution*


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 21:29:13
Floor 13?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/12/2016 22:22:06
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 21:29:13
Floor 13?
Well done. ;)
Too much in the theme maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/12/2016 22:50:59
The Egyptian-style outfit and the fact that it was in black & white reminded me of Kim Justice's video on the subject ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 30/12/2016 01:01:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/12/2016 01:09:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 30/12/2016 01:21:32
Unless I'm making a classic noob error, The Secret Of Monkey Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/12/2016 01:38:48
Good guess, but not quite right ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 30/12/2016 02:11:33
The Tale Of Lonkey Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 30/12/2016 03:30:13
The Curse of Monkey Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/12/2016 08:27:34
Chrille got it ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 30/12/2016 11:23:21
I knew I'd seen the Monkey Island forest scene appear as an easter egg in another game, I was dead certain it was an Indiana Jones game at first though.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 30/12/2016 11:41:16
The Underworld's Cello?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 30/12/2016 11:43:58
Nope! It's a late 80's game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 30/12/2016 14:36:06
Personal Nightmare?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 30/12/2016 15:16:42
Correct! Well done :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 30/12/2016 20:23:40
Back to crop!


This one is nasty maybe, but the game is famous.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 30/12/2016 21:08:25
man, I can't even click the x4 button >:(
probably some commander keen item or the like :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 30/12/2016 21:21:11
selmiak, I couldn't either... I clicked the 2x and then the 4x... but didn't help much. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 30/12/2016 21:42:22
Too many colors for a Keen game. Turrican?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Haggis on Fri 30/12/2016 21:47:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 30/12/2016 23:10:10
System Shock?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 30/12/2016 23:25:24
Is it some kind of grenade? Looks familiar...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/12/2016 09:43:53
No to everything, but indeed it's hard.

Here is a second crop (then I'll post something bigger if needed)


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 30/12/2016 23:25:24
Is it some kind of grenade?

Quote from: Mandle on Fri 30/12/2016 23:25:24
Looks familiar...
Yeah, I'm sure you all played it (Amiga and Dos game).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 31/12/2016 10:22:27
The Secret of Monkey Island.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/12/2016 10:27:53
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 31/12/2016 10:22:27
The Secret of Monkey Island.
It's not an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 31/12/2016 10:54:04
Wolfenstein 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/12/2016 10:55:25
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 31/12/2016 10:54:04
Wolfenstein 3D?
It's not a FPS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 31/12/2016 11:06:07
Out Run?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/12/2016 11:10:09
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 31/12/2016 11:06:07
Out Run?
It's not a car game.

Here is a "larger" crop:


I'm sure you'll find!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 31/12/2016 11:51:31
The Settlers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 31/12/2016 12:51:14
Quote from: Chrille on Sat 31/12/2016 11:51:31
The Settlers?
Yes it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 31/12/2016 13:05:20
I recognized the colors, but not the actual boat.

Anyway, I won't have time to add anything today, so someone else take my turn please :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 01/01/2017 17:08:43
No one? I'll just take my turn then after all.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 01/01/2017 17:21:06
Pathways Into Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 01/01/2017 17:30:57
Dang, that was quick! well done :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 01/01/2017 19:20:44
And I've never even touched a Macintosh :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 01/01/2017 20:30:45
Little Big Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 01/01/2017 20:56:11
Well, technically it's the sequel but I'm gonna give it to you anyways ;) Was hoping people would be fooled by the cameo of Stanley from Time Commando there :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 01/01/2017 21:03:08
Sneaky! Certainly fooled me. Good thing I never made my guess ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 02/01/2017 12:42:56
I'd recognize those 3D models anywhere.
Which reminds me, I really need to complete LBA2 one day, and I got so close to completing it last time. :-\

Ok, now it's my turn to post an extremely tiny screenshot of an extremely popular game. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 02/01/2017 14:28:58
Either a three-eyed monkey or an ocarina item from one of the zelda games...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 02/01/2017 14:30:20
Yellow keycard from Doom. Someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 02/01/2017 14:55:00
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 02/01/2017 14:30:20
Yellow keycard from Doom. Someone else take my turn.
That obvious?
I suppose it was too popular. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 03/01/2017 11:11:55
Alrighty, might as well take the turn. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 03/01/2017 12:44:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 03/01/2017 12:55:26
Precisely. :) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 03/01/2017 13:38:32
Well then, lets keep with the theme of yellow keys.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 16:39:47
Chip's Challenge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 03/01/2017 17:24:35
Quote from: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 16:39:47
Chip's Challenge?
You got it. :-D
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 17:48:20
I actually didn't know that version of the game, but googled "windows 3.1 game key" and it was the first to pop up :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 03/01/2017 18:14:09
Dungeon Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 19:32:15
Nope, it's an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 03/01/2017 19:55:07
Quote from: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 19:32:15
Nope, it's an adventure game.
Damn, seriously? I would've thought it was Dungeon Hack or some other D&D game.
Um... Elvira? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 03/01/2017 20:00:16
The Legend Of Kyrandia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 03/01/2017 20:02:16

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 03/01/2017 20:35:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 03/01/2017 23:09:42
King's Quest V or VI?

Whichever one had that damn puzzle with the windy hole (bottom left of that screenshot) that sucks you into it and you die.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 04/01/2017 07:03:46
That's neither one of them, I'm afraid ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 04/01/2017 08:05:58
Quest for Glory 2 VGA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 04/01/2017 08:40:45
I seem to remember a scene something like this in Flight of the Amazon Queen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 04/01/2017 10:32:50
Quote from: Gurok on Wed 04/01/2017 08:05:58
Quest for Glory 2 VGA?
That's the answer I wanted to hear...

...but not the right one :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 04/01/2017 13:14:50
King's Quest 3 remake?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 04/01/2017 13:32:43
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 04/01/2017 13:14:50
King's Quest 3 remake?
That is correct :D Gotta love them silly easter eggs.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 04/01/2017 15:49:00
Would you believe me if I told you that was a completely blind guess based on the previous guesses and the colours of the sprite of the guy who was drowning?
Because I've never played any of the King's Quest or Quest for Glory games yet. (laugh)

This one should be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 04/01/2017 17:03:34
QuoteI've never played any of the King's Quest or Quest for Glory games yet
It's like going to the AA meeting and saying you've never had a beer :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 04/01/2017 17:10:58
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 04/01/2017 17:03:34
QuoteI've never played any of the King's Quest or Quest for Glory games yet
It's like going to the AA meeting and saying you've never had a beer :D
In this forum for sure :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 05/01/2017 08:37:28
Well, pat yourself on the back for getting it right anyway ;)

In the interest of keeping the thread going, although I have NO idea what this is: Hellraiser?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 05/01/2017 08:52:29
Ah, yes, the
Heart of Liberty from GTA IV. :D

(hidden, as I don't want to ruin the surprise for some of you. Yeah, that screenshot is a hidden easter egg)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 05/01/2017 10:09:53
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 04/01/2017 17:03:34
QuoteI've never played any of the King's Quest or Quest for Glory games yet
It's like going to the AA meeting and saying you've never had a beer :D
What can I say, I'm a LucasArts fanboy. Sierra games are just too tough for me. Although in my defence, I have played and completed the original AGI version of Leisure Suit Larry.

Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 05/01/2017 08:37:28
In the interest of keeping the thread going, although I have NO idea what this is: Hellraiser?
There's a Hellraiser game?!?

CrashPL got it. :-D
Although I suppose it was an easy one.
Over to you CrashPL.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 05/01/2017 10:52:19
Aw yeah. :D Let's keep the heart theme going:


(that one should be easy as well)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 05/01/2017 11:29:20
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 05/01/2017 10:09:53
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 05/01/2017 08:37:28
In the interest of keeping the thread going, although I have NO idea what this is: Hellraiser?
There's a Hellraiser game?!?
Hell if I know, that was just the first thing that came to mind :=

Ummmmm, not too sure about this one either. Zork Nemesis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 05/01/2017 23:28:31
I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 07/01/2017 20:31:33
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 05/01/2017 11:29:20
Ummmmm, not too sure about this one either. Zork Nemesis?

Well, you were pretty close, so let's say you got it. :) Sure, it's from Zork, but this one's from Grand Inquisitor, not Nemesis. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 08/01/2017 07:36:21

Yay :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 08/01/2017 07:40:57
Torin's Passage (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 08/01/2017 12:43:35
Took you no time at all :D Good job. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 08/01/2017 17:09:07
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 08/01/2017 12:43:35
Took you no time at all :D Good job. Your turn!

The animations in this game are printed in my mind!

Try this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 10/01/2017 21:23:09
King's Knight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 11/01/2017 06:59:52
Nope, very close though

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 11/01/2017 08:04:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 11/01/2017 09:32:07
Yep. on MSX
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 11/01/2017 10:20:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 11/01/2017 12:03:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 11/01/2017 13:04:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 11/01/2017 13:59:19
Dark Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 11/01/2017 14:27:06
Also no. This game does have a slight connection to the last one ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 10:34:49

Next hint: it's a French made game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 12/01/2017 14:31:47
Uh... Rayman? :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 15:01:25
No, but this did come out the same year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 12/01/2017 15:23:48
Anvil of Dawn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 18:23:42
Also no.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 12/01/2017 19:00:09
Alone in the Dark 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 19:10:02
No, but you're veeeeeeeery close :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 12/01/2017 20:02:00
Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet?
or maybe
Time Gate: Knight's Chase?

If it's neither of those, I don't have a clue what it could be.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 20:48:09
It's the latter :D I mentioned the connection between this and the previous game, they both had Knight in the title ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 12/01/2017 20:59:02
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 12/01/2017 20:48:09
It's the latter :D I mentioned the connection between this and the previous game, they both had Knight in the title ;)
Wow, I can't believe I got it! 8-0

Ok, time for me to post a screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/01/2017 08:58:31
Been staring at this thing all day yesterday and still got no answer. Style seems familiar somehow. Hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 14/01/2017 11:42:41
Alright here's a hint, this game was a spinoff title of a now very popular franchise.

Sorry for the poor quality of this new cropped screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/01/2017 22:23:44
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard. Someone else take my turn, plox.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 15/01/2017 08:42:08
Okay then, YOINK!!!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/01/2017 10:48:32
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/01/2017 22:23:44
The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard. Someone else take my turn, plox.
Yay! I knew someone would get it! :-D

Ok... hmm. ARK: Survival Evolved?
Or Rust maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 15/01/2017 11:35:27
Kholat? or Fire Watch?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 15/01/2017 12:14:52
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 15/01/2017 10:48:32
Rust maybe?

BINGO! Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/01/2017 12:55:52
I thought those graphics looked familiar.

Here's a hint to go along with the new screenshot, because I'm feeling generous. It was released in the mid-nineties.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/01/2017 13:01:17
Ecstatica. Giving up my turn to whoever wants it again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/01/2017 14:18:51
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/01/2017 13:01:17
Ecstatica. Giving up my turn to whoever wants it again.
Damn that was quick.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 15/01/2017 15:46:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/01/2017 15:59:51
Okay, I seriously have to avoid the temptation to immediately answer this one too := I spend way too much time in this thread.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 15/01/2017 17:25:33
Kingdom Hearts?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 16/01/2017 07:49:10
Shadow of Memories! Remember playing the PC port back in the day. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 16/01/2017 09:59:23
Correct! It's Shadow of Memories.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 16/01/2017 13:26:40
Oh joy. :D Let's try this one, then:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 16/01/2017 13:39:39
One of the Ultima games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 16/01/2017 13:41:03
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 16/01/2017 13:39:39
One of the Ultima games?

Wow, that was quick. :D Yup, Ultima IV for the PC, to be exact. Your turn, Mandle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 16/01/2017 13:43:27
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 16/01/2017 13:41:03
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 16/01/2017 13:39:39
One of the Ultima games?

Wow, that was quick. :D Yup, Ultima IV for the PC, to be exact. Your turn, Mandle!

I played the crap out of those games back in the day... Actually I might have to do a replay sometime...

Here's another game I played the crap out of way back then, but never managed to win :(

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 16/01/2017 19:30:36
Sim City: Gansta' CGA Edition? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 16/01/2017 21:24:41
APB on the CPC?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 16/01/2017 23:12:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Mon 16/01/2017 23:35:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 17/01/2017 03:58:33
Quote from: Hazel on Mon 16/01/2017 23:35:46

The full title is "Roadwar 2000", but close enough! Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 17/01/2017 05:02:48

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 17/01/2017 05:41:10
Earthworm Jim!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 17/01/2017 11:38:26
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 17/01/2017 05:41:10
Earthworm Jim!
Funnily enough, I also recognized the screenshot in the first glance! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 17/01/2017 13:34:47
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 17/01/2017 05:41:10
Earthworm Jim!
Yeah, that's definitely Earthworm Jim. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 17/01/2017 23:19:03
Yes, it's Earthworm Jim. :-D
Your turn, Gurok.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 18/01/2017 00:26:52

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 18/01/2017 03:07:49

I mean...

George Of The Jungle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 18/01/2017 03:37:39
It's not George of the Jungle.

By the way, it's definitely a game and not a movie.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 18/01/2017 05:11:44
Rise of the Gurok: Australian Edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 18/01/2017 08:07:00
I don't know the game, but the greenscreen effects are still better than the jungle/monkeys scene in Crystal Skull.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 18/01/2017 12:01:19
A Fork In The Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 18/01/2017 13:58:50
Not a Fork in the Tale or Adeel's suggestion. Here's a complete screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 18/01/2017 14:07:28
Don't know why but for some reason I'm thinking this might be a Silmarils game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 18/01/2017 14:15:53
The Jungle Book?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 18/01/2017 15:17:04
Is it a Monty Python game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 18/01/2017 23:07:56
Amayirot Akago has got it. It's the Jungle Book (1996), an adaptation of the 1994 film starring Jason Scott Lee, and liberally using archive footage of his role in the movie.

Go look up "jungle book ibm" and you'll find it. Unfortunately, you won't find much. I'm considering posting the entire video content to YouTube (I own both CDs).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/01/2017 07:10:48
Whee :D Have a kitty.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 19/01/2017 09:20:33
Quote from: Gurok on Wed 18/01/2017 23:07:56
Amayirot Akago has got it. It's the Jungle Book (1996), an adaptation of the 1994 film starring Jason Scott Lee, and liberally using archive footage of his role in the movie.

Gah I thought that first screengrab looked quite familiar.  I thought it was a fairly obscure movie tbf, certainly didn't know they'd made a game of it!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 19/01/2017 13:03:41
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/01/2017 07:10:48
Whee :D Have a kitty.

Kitten in an oven Simulator? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/01/2017 13:28:47
That sounds like a right cat-astrophe, Dan := No, it is not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/01/2017 22:48:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 20/01/2017 13:54:46

Hint: "Legendary" game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/01/2017 07:38:58

Somebody please make a guess ;_; Hint: Game's based on a series of novels.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 21/01/2017 09:34:18
Um... something to do with Narnia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/01/2017 09:57:59
No, this series starts with an X (the game does not).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 21/01/2017 10:36:30
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/01/2017 09:57:59
No, this series starts with an X (the game does not).
Xarnia? (laugh)
Honestly, I've never seen this game before in my life, and have no idea where to even begin looking for it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 21/01/2017 10:43:07
Companions of Xanth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 21/01/2017 10:46:46
And Chrille makes the save and earns the well-deserved next turn! :D Really did not expect this to be so hard. My hint about it being "Legendary" earlier referred to it being made by Legend Entertainment.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 21/01/2017 11:03:20
I was on the right track from the start it seems! I thought it was a kitty from a different game, which leads us onto the next round. Here's another kitty :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 21/01/2017 13:47:13

Hint: To clarify, there is a connection to the last game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 21/01/2017 18:21:21

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 21/01/2017 23:57:50
Well since that didn't seem to ring any bells... ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Sun 22/01/2017 05:15:13
Superhero League of Hoboken?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 22/01/2017 09:59:51
That's it, Hazel. Well done  :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaesarCub on Sun 22/01/2017 11:44:47
Superhero League of Hoboken?

Let's pretend I didn't just answer something that had already been answered.
Kids, don't post stuff before being completely awake -_-
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 22/01/2017 12:19:18
Well I think I've just found myself a new game to play. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Sun 22/01/2017 20:44:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 22/01/2017 21:01:07
Monkey Island 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Sun 22/01/2017 22:03:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 22/01/2017 22:05:16
Darn, I'm sure I know that fire, but I can't remember...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 23/01/2017 10:54:33
Shadow of the Comet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 23/01/2017 11:26:57
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 22/01/2017 22:05:16
Darn, I'm sure I know that fire, but I can't remember...
I know what you mean. But I can't put my finger on it either. :-\
Is it a Dungeons and Dragons game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 23/01/2017 12:24:11
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 23/01/2017 10:54:33
Shadow of the Comet?

Aw crap... I think you may be right...

I think it's the fire at the endgame ceremony scene...

I thought I'd seen it before...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Mon 23/01/2017 22:37:59
Quote from: Gribbler on Mon 23/01/2017 10:54:33
Shadow of the Comet?

Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 23/01/2017 11:26:57
Is it a Dungeons and Dragons game?

No, is not.



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 23/01/2017 22:56:10
Chrono Trigger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Mon 23/01/2017 23:52:33
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 23/01/2017 22:56:10
Chrono Trigger?

Correct! (nod)
Your turn Akago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 24/01/2017 08:04:18
The graphical style on that little lady gave it away :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 24/01/2017 08:57:45
I know it's not, but I want to say this is Ponch's game about Canada!  :grin:  (2034 A.C. - had to look up the name.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 24/01/2017 09:13:20
Indeed it's not, but I like the way you think :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 24/01/2017 12:24:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 24/01/2017 12:28:58
No, but forests do feature prominently in this game too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 24/01/2017 12:48:36
Alan Wake?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 24/01/2017 13:07:17
That was fast! Good job, Ben ;) Your move.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 28/01/2017 00:07:24
No Ben here so far... :-[

This is to keep the show running until he shows up with his screenshot.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 28/01/2017 08:11:45
Oops, sorry everyone. I don't have anything, please continue with Kumpel's picture!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 28/01/2017 08:52:26
Commander Keen 6?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 28/01/2017 11:37:19
Commander Keen 5?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 28/01/2017 14:04:01
Commander Keen 4
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/01/2017 14:16:35
Commander Keen Reboot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 28/01/2017 14:38:52
Commander Genius
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Sat 28/01/2017 19:40:19
Commander Keen: The Prequel
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 28/01/2017 19:53:35
Commander Keen VS Predator
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/01/2017 02:24:41
Keen Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 29/01/2017 02:54:14
First One is a Hit! Your turn gurok
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 29/01/2017 11:11:11
I had to make this very small to prevent Googling. Can't believe this game hasn't been done yet.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/01/2017 11:22:40
Skate or Die?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 29/01/2017 11:43:16
Yep, you got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/01/2017 13:39:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 29/01/2017 13:50:02
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/01/2017 13:39:18
Dune 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 29/01/2017 14:22:32
Duke Nukem 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/01/2017 15:04:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/01/2017 15:10:43
Mandle is correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/01/2017 22:45:25
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/01/2017 15:10:43
Mandle is correct :)

Woah... I guess it's kinda appropriate to guess DOOM on a total shot in the dark...

New screenie coming soon...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 30/01/2017 14:45:28
Cropped screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 30/01/2017 15:23:26
Leisure Suit Larry 7?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Mon 30/01/2017 16:39:01
Is it an Aladdin game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 30/01/2017 17:39:11
Akinator, the Web Genius? :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Mon 30/01/2017 22:51:00
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 30/01/2017 17:39:11
Akinator, the Web Genius? :D

Yeah, it's Akinator.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 30/01/2017 23:03:13
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 30/01/2017 17:39:11
Akinator, the Web Genius? :D

Wow! That was fast! And I thought I was being pretty tricky... (laugh)

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 31/01/2017 07:57:05
It was tricky. :D At first I thought it's from Shantae (with all that Arabian aesthetic going on), but then I was like "wait a moment, isnt' that...?" Had to quickly jump over to the Akinator page, just to be sure.

But anyway, have this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/01/2017 08:36:50
Cyril Cyberpunk?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 31/01/2017 09:19:52
Seems like no title can stop you. ;) Yup, it's good ol' Cyril Cyberpunk. Your turn, Amayirot Akago!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/01/2017 09:29:40
Extremely lucky guess on my part, I barely played the game yet somehow the level design just clicked with me :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 31/01/2017 11:30:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/01/2017 12:18:46
No, but it is an arcade game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 31/01/2017 18:31:45
Bomb Jack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/02/2017 07:45:19
Bingo :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/02/2017 09:02:28

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 01/02/2017 17:39:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/02/2017 18:46:34
Nope! Wrong genre, it has a sci-fi setting though :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Wed 01/02/2017 23:12:25
Broken Helix?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/02/2017 23:31:21
Nope, it's an earlier game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/02/2017 09:01:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 02/02/2017 09:36:47
Now there's a name I haven't heard in about twenty years. Thanks for the reminder! That's not it, but there's most certainly a connection ;-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/02/2017 11:41:24
Marathon. Passing it along to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 04/02/2017 09:07:52
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/02/2017 11:41:24
Marathon. Passing it along to whoever wants it.
Ok thx, I'll take it as no one seems to do it. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 04/02/2017 11:43:10
A Rockstar ate my Hamster?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 04/02/2017 13:03:27
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 04/02/2017 11:43:10
A Rockstar ate my Hamster?
I was sure it would fool no one here. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 04/02/2017 17:44:08
Yay, I got it.
A good game. Almost impossible to beat though.

Now let's see if anyone can figure this one out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 04/02/2017 18:52:42
I know this landscape...
It's a trap right?
That is cutscene, not playable?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/02/2017 21:02:48
I'm just gonna take the bait and say The Secret Of Monkey Island.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 04/02/2017 21:18:25
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/02/2017 21:02:48
I'm just gonna take the bait and say The Secret Of Monkey Island.
And you got it.

I was wondering how long it would take for someone to give the clearly obvious answer.
It was a fake trap, a double trap if you will. (laugh)

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/02/2017 22:56:27
Well I'm too dumb to not trigger an obvious trap right in front of me :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 05/02/2017 00:02:17
Little Red Riding Hood?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Sun 05/02/2017 01:00:47
It looks like a Telltale game.
The Wolf Among Us?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 05/02/2017 08:18:54
No on both counts.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 05/02/2017 09:18:37
Walking dead game season 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 05/02/2017 11:01:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 05/02/2017 11:51:09
Quote from: Buckethead on Sun 05/02/2017 09:18:37
Walking dead game season 1?
Ding ding ;) That's correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 05/02/2017 17:32:34
Yay! ;-D

Probably an easy guess if you've played the game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 05/02/2017 17:38:47
Blackthorn. I pass my turn over to anyone who wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 05/02/2017 17:42:12
Gee my post was only up for 6 min before you guessed it. :P Should have posted something more difficult to guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 07/02/2017 00:53:30
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 05/02/2017 17:38:47
Blackthorn. I pass my turn over to anyone who wants it.
I'll take it. :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 03:51:17
One of the Just Cause games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 07/02/2017 04:07:11
No, is not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 07/02/2017 04:23:11
Metal Gear Solid V?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 05:34:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 07/02/2017 05:53:49
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 07/02/2017 04:23:11
Metal Gear Solid V?
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 05:34:09

Both are incorrect.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 06:29:49
Seven Days To Die?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 07/02/2017 09:13:14
Hmm, looks more like a photo than a 3D render.
Phantasmagoria? (I don't know many FMV games.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 09:24:18
One of the Far Cry games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 07/02/2017 10:16:37
Looks more like painted background than 3D space. I don't know the game though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 07/02/2017 12:50:27
uncharted 4...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 14:20:41
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 07/02/2017 12:50:27
uncharted 4...

Damn... I'm pretty sure that is right... Of all the triple-A games rattling around in my head how did I forget Uncharted?!

It's the scene riding up in the jeep to the volcano or something I think...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 07/02/2017 14:44:18
I'll be really bummed out if that's the correct answer cause I just replayed that one last week  :-X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Tue 07/02/2017 21:50:40
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 07/02/2017 12:50:27
uncharted 4...
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 14:20:41
It's the scene riding up in the jeep to the volcano or something I think...

Yes, it's Uncharted 4. The image was from that scene with the jeep. :)
Your turn selmiak.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/02/2017 23:20:52
Quote from: Hazel on Tue 07/02/2017 21:50:40
Yes, it's Uncharted 4. The image was from that scene with the jeep. :)
Your turn selmiak.

Hahaha...damnit! I must have named every photorealistic 3D landscape game except Uncharted!

/me jumps off a cliff...but catches a beam sticking out...but that breaks...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 08/02/2017 13:27:29
yay, finally I got one and know more than mandle and walking game library amayirot :D

here, guess this (cropped for now, but still very obvious)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 08/02/2017 14:01:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 08/02/2017 14:21:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 08/02/2017 14:59:32
Whatever it is, it looks fascinating.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 08/02/2017 21:16:16
it is. And I'm surprised I posted a game you don't know. I even haven't prepared a second screenshot as I thought it's pretty obvious compared to some of the other obscure games posted here.

will post a second screen tomorrow, keep on guessing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/02/2017 22:09:09
Something to do with the movie Predator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 08/02/2017 23:11:39
not at all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/02/2017 03:39:54
Oh! It just hit me. Is it Rez?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Thu 09/02/2017 12:19:19
of course it is!  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/02/2017 14:49:39
Yay! :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Thu 09/02/2017 15:59:55
Is that Resonance?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/02/2017 16:18:34
It is indeed :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Thu 09/02/2017 18:55:11
YES! I'm usually rubbish at these games! (laugh)

Here's the next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Thu 09/02/2017 20:15:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Thu 09/02/2017 21:11:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 09/02/2017 21:37:45
Wizardry 8?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Thu 09/02/2017 22:00:24
No. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/02/2017 23:04:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Fri 10/02/2017 13:34:46
No. But one of the three guesses so far is close. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 10/02/2017 14:16:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 10/02/2017 15:04:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/02/2017 15:14:48
The Longest Journey?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Fri 10/02/2017 16:06:15
Amayirot Akago got it! Hazel's guess was very close, but it was The Longest Journey, not Dreamfall. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 10/02/2017 17:49:47
Haha, I suspected that was the case :D I pass on my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 12/02/2017 11:29:13
Several days and still nothing? Guess I'll use my turn after all on an easy one. [imgzoom][/imgzoom]
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 12/02/2017 12:10:21
I believe that might be the interact cursor from Heroine's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 12/02/2017 12:23:02
No, but you're on the right track ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 12/02/2017 13:50:47
Hero's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 12/02/2017 13:52:10
Also wrong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/02/2017 07:14:18

The "Quest" part of Mandle's answer was right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 13/02/2017 08:38:27
Quest For Infamy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/02/2017 08:48:15
Space Quest IV
Magmetheus bar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/02/2017 08:50:35
Anas got it  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/02/2017 09:38:07
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 13/02/2017 08:50:35
Anas got it  8-)

I mean come on...  (roll)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 13/02/2017 11:35:12
I thought that hand looked like it might have belonged to a Space Quest, but I figured someone else would have quickly figured it out if it had been. (laugh)

Hmm, Star Control 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 13/02/2017 11:38:13
Nope  (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Mon 13/02/2017 22:41:36
California Games II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 13/02/2017 23:12:58
Limey Lizard?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 14/02/2017 04:11:36
Nope nope  (wrong)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 14/02/2017 05:37:04
Bubble Bobble?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 14/02/2017 06:04:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 14/02/2017 06:52:56
The story of Bubble Bobble 2: Rainbow Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 14/02/2017 07:01:00
Nope  :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 14/02/2017 07:32:58
One of those Commander Keen games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/02/2017 08:36:47
Space Quest 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 14/02/2017 08:42:54
Crystal Caves?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 14/02/2017 08:45:20
All wrong.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 14/02/2017 11:50:49
Pony Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 14/02/2017 12:15:19
Larry 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 14/02/2017 13:03:51
Correct janleht!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 14/02/2017 13:43:17
Neat! Cruise ship window gave it away  :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 14/02/2017 14:23:34
One of the many MANY Call of Duty games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 14/02/2017 14:48:10
No, non of Call of Dutys
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 14/02/2017 14:59:16
One of the Biohazard games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 14/02/2017 15:08:24
None of the Biohazards either
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Tue 14/02/2017 19:06:46
Is that the Land of the Living in Grim Fandango?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 14/02/2017 19:10:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Tue 14/02/2017 19:27:42
Quote from: Riaise on Tue 14/02/2017 19:06:46
Is that the Land of the Living in Grim Fandango?

It is indeed!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Tue 14/02/2017 20:25:05
Yay! Although I'd have been really annoyed at myself if I hadn't got it, I love that game! :-D

Here's a new one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 14/02/2017 20:37:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Tue 14/02/2017 21:10:38
Wow, that was quick! Yes, it is Dune. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 15/02/2017 08:41:09
Quote from: Riaise on Tue 14/02/2017 21:10:38
Wow, that was quick! Yes, it is Dune. :)
I'm a huge fan of that game.

What about that one?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 15/02/2017 12:17:42
Dragon's Lair?
Or perhaps Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Or maybe Castlevania The New Generation?

It certainly looks familiar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 15/02/2017 12:56:45
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 15/02/2017 12:17:42
Dragon's Lair?
Or perhaps Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Or maybe Castlevania The New Generation?

It certainly looks familiar.
No, but not far. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Wed 15/02/2017 17:19:21
Veil of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 15/02/2017 17:35:50
Quote from: janleht on Wed 15/02/2017 17:19:21
Veil of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Wed 15/02/2017 17:47:16
There is something resembling a rod with a wire sticking out, so my guess is that the game is connected with Dr. Frankenstein :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 15/02/2017 19:05:33
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Wed 15/02/2017 17:47:16
There is something resembling a rod with a wire sticking out, so my guess is that the game is connected with Dr. Frankenstein :)
Smart but no. ;)
Tomorrow I'll give one more hint (even if the first one ("not far") is a big one imo).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 15/02/2017 20:46:54
Dragon Sphere? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 15/02/2017 21:18:07
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 15/02/2017 20:46:54
Dragon Sphere?
Nope, it's not a point'n'click.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Hazel on Wed 15/02/2017 22:24:02
The Prophecy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/02/2017 13:42:17
Quote from: Hazel on Wed 15/02/2017 22:24:02
The Prophecy?
It's not a point'n'click.
It was released early 1990' on C64, Amiga, Atari ST and PC.
Danvzare was not far...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 17/02/2017 08:44:32
Dragon Strike?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 17/02/2017 09:03:54
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 17/02/2017 08:44:32
Dragon Strike?
No, there is not the word "dragon" in the title (nor the word "strike" ^^).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/02/2017 11:45:07
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 17/02/2017 11:48:46
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 17/02/2017 11:45:07
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night?
It's not a Castlevania game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/02/2017 12:48:54
Akumajou Dracula - Vampire Killer?

(Otherwise, another screenshot perhaps?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 17/02/2017 13:17:13
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 17/02/2017 12:48:54
Akumajou Dracula - Vampire Killer?
It's not related to Dracula.

In fact, Danvzare was not far with "Dragon's Lair" (but it's not about the title).

Quote from: Mandle on Fri 17/02/2017 12:48:54
(Otherwise, another screenshot perhaps?)
Yes I'll do this tonight if no one find (or give a more obvious hint).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 19/02/2017 10:30:20
The wanted game has the same publisher than Dragon's Lair.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 19/02/2017 10:59:47
Wrath of the Demon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 19/02/2017 11:10:19
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 19/02/2017 10:59:47
Wrath of the Demon.
Yeah ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 19/02/2017 11:16:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/02/2017 03:43:35

Hint: 1990 game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 20/02/2017 16:50:22
Conquest of Camelot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/02/2017 16:54:24
Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 20/02/2017 17:28:45
Wow, a fairly wild guess too! What scenes were those particular two images from? ;-D

Will be posting the next entry when I get home in a bit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/02/2017 17:33:02
First one is part of a border around the screen when you meet Fatima, the second is the skull that appears whenever you die.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 20/02/2017 18:04:20
Ah, I'll have to play it again!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/02/2017 19:13:04
Ooh, I know this one, but I'll give someone else the opportunity to answer ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 20/02/2017 20:33:20
Magical Drop! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 20/02/2017 21:31:56
Nope! :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/02/2017 00:03:35
An Ultima game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 21/02/2017 07:12:59
Nope, the game is like a collection of puzzles. Available for most computers of the time.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/02/2017 07:30:53
Quote from: Chrille on Tue 21/02/2017 07:12:59
Nope, the game is like a collection of puzzles. Available for most computers of the time.

Yeah, I'm sure I had this game!

Is the name something like: "A Fool's Tale"?

EDIT: Found it: "The Fool's Errand"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/02/2017 11:59:50
I'm sure that I'm right about that last one so here's the next screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/02/2017 12:15:19
Is that Wreck It Ralph? ???

I'm guessing Hero's Duty. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/02/2017 13:39:01

Yeah it was "Hero's Duty"...

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/02/2017 14:00:38
Choosing a fictional game from a film. Crafty.
I bet that would've had everyone really confused, if it wasn't for my extreme love of the movie. :-D
They're making a sequel you know.

Well here's a screenshot of a game that definitely isn't fictional.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 21/02/2017 15:04:23
Project Zomboid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/02/2017 15:08:51
And you got it.
That was fast. Next time I'm going to have to go for something a lot more obscure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 21/02/2017 15:55:37
And I never even played it nor saw that much of it to boot  :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/02/2017 16:16:17
Uncharted 4.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 21/02/2017 17:01:53
Well aren't you a clever bloke  := That is indeed the glorious Crash Bandicoot scene from Uncharted 4. Take it away!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/02/2017 17:19:24
Well I said I was going to go obscure for my next game, and I wasn't lying.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 21/02/2017 22:33:14
Just Another Zombie RPG 2.5? 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 22/02/2017 12:52:35
Quote from: Kumpel on Tue 21/02/2017 22:33:14
Just Another Zombie RPG 2.5? 8-)
The zombie theme is that obvious?

Alright, here's a hint. It's a roguelike.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 23/02/2017 01:48:12
Rogue Survivor
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 23/02/2017 01:52:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 23/02/2017 10:09:08
Icy Tower?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/02/2017 11:08:50
Quote from: CrashPL on Thu 23/02/2017 10:09:08
Icy Tower?

Gah I should have got that! 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 23/02/2017 22:38:54
Extremely correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 24/02/2017 07:55:58
Yeah, extreme!

Alright, here's mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 24/02/2017 09:12:59
Super Mario Brothers (movie tie-in)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 24/02/2017 09:50:42
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 24/02/2017 09:12:59
Super Mario Brothers (movie tie-in)?

Heh, nice one, but that's not it. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/02/2017 10:07:09
Invasion of the Giant Keys?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/02/2017 10:42:29
Some weird version of Manic Miner from an alternate dimension?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 24/02/2017 13:25:24
Nope and nope. ;) Although it features lots of jumping, but plays more like an arcade game (think Donkey Kong).

Here's another cropped screenshot then:


And a small hint: it features one of the most amusing game titles ever.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/02/2017 14:52:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 24/02/2017 14:57:26
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/02/2017 14:52:21



You got it, Amayirot Akago. ;) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/02/2017 15:18:33
Oh, whoopsie :P Close enough I guess. Saw the game on Ross's Game Dungeon so that's where I first learned about its existence ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/02/2017 15:34:06
Altered Beast?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Fri 24/02/2017 16:37:32
maybe some older "Narnia" game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 24/02/2017 17:15:07
King's Quest VI?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/02/2017 17:24:07
None right so far, but Chrille's answer is getting closer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 24/02/2017 17:30:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/02/2017 17:32:05
VGA remake of Quest for Glory 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/02/2017 23:07:11
Still none right so far.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 25/02/2017 07:52:46
King's Quest 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 09:28:04
It's not KQ or QFG, but it is still fantasy-ish.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 25/02/2017 16:17:13
Legend Of Kyrandia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 17:47:51

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 25/02/2017 18:27:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 18:39:40
I think that might be the first time I've ever seen Atavismus get something wrong :D Nope.

Next hint: this game is aimed at kids.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 25/02/2017 19:38:18
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 18:39:40
I think that might be the first time I've ever seen Atavismus get something wrong :D Nope.
Now I'm shameful with my wild guess but I'll bravely throw another one ^^
Inherit the Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 20:11:17
(wrong) Still no.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 25/02/2017 20:14:34
Mixed-Up Fairy Tales?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 25/02/2017 20:28:57
(nod) Gribbler gets it! I figured the picture of the Bremen musicians over the fireplace would be a dead giveaway, dunno if that did it or what. Either way, your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 26/02/2017 11:46:43
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoI figured the picture of the Bremen musicians over the fireplace would be a dead giveaway, dunno if that did it or what.
It had early nineties and Sierra written all over it. If it wasn't King's Quest or Quest for Glory not much choices left. And "aimed at kids" was a definitive giveaway for me.

Anyway, here's my pic. And yes, you see it right - it's a crazy man who communicates with the world using an old sock on his right hand :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 26/02/2017 12:43:12
That's surely the Telltale Batman series, this guy being Scarface's ventriloquist dude bereft of his puppet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 26/02/2017 15:01:56
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 26/02/2017 11:46:43
And yes, you see it right - it's a crazy man who communicates with the world using an old sock on his right hand :D

THE BUM!!! (laugh)

(By the way...The Bum was the second or third AGS I ever played and was a huge reason I decided to really check out the engine and see what it could do. I LOVE THAT GAME!!!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 26/02/2017 15:16:47
Mandle, you've made my day :D

And Ben got it.

Now I know what Ron Gilbert felt when he saw Pirates of the Caribbean ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 27/02/2017 21:16:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 27/02/2017 21:25:55
Putty Squad!
Or more likely, Putty. (The original game that came first.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 27/02/2017 22:14:35
Hmmmph, two guesses in one, but I'll allow it. it is indeed Putty, the original and better-looking!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 28/02/2017 10:40:42
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 27/02/2017 22:14:35
Hmmmph, two guesses in one, but I'll allow it. it is indeed Putty, the original and better-looking!
What are you talking about? Better looking?
Putty Squad looks the exact same!
Well, at least the original Putty Squad that came out several decades ago on the SNES. Not the modern remake. That one does look horrible.

Sorry about the two guesses in one. I knew it was one or the other, and it's been a long time since I've played either.

This one should be easy for anyone who has played it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 28/02/2017 19:45:40
I was only kidding about the two guesses!

Actually, taking another look, the two games are a lot more similar visually than I remember. I think I just prefer the art design of the first one.

Sadly I cannot see your picture but I seem to be the only one who ever gets these issues...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 28/02/2017 20:00:23
I can see the picture just fine, but I'm withholding my answer in case anybody else knows.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Tue 28/02/2017 21:48:42
That is surely Robotrek.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 01/03/2017 12:47:52
Quote from: brewton on Tue 28/02/2017 21:48:42
That is surely Robotrek.
That is correct. Great game. It took me a decade to finally get past the final boss.
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 01/03/2017 18:07:53
Exciting update: the picture's showing for me now!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Wed 01/03/2017 21:06:40
Sure thing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/03/2017 21:18:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Thu 02/03/2017 00:05:45
Absolutely correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/03/2017 08:24:19
I knew it was, I still gotta play that game sometime ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/03/2017 18:57:21
Nothing yet, so a hint: RPG.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 02/03/2017 22:23:26
An Ultima game? The Avatar one or sequel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 03/03/2017 07:33:20

No, not a PC game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 03/03/2017 08:36:37
Could it be Ravenloft: Stone Prophet?

Nevermind, didn't see the last post :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 03/03/2017 10:07:27
Paper Mario
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 03/03/2017 10:34:00
Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 04/03/2017 18:43:09
Part of a screenshot, to obscure it from image searches:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 04/03/2017 20:17:53
Surely we have to trust each other not to image search!

Is it The Ship?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 04/03/2017 20:24:34
I primarily crop pictures so as to not make it too obvious what the game in question might be  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 05/03/2017 01:42:51
Murder On The Orient Express?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AmazingTash on Sun 05/03/2017 13:31:08
easy... The Raven :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 05/03/2017 13:32:53
Wow, that was less than a day. AmazingTash is correct! It's the Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief. Okay, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AmazingTash on Sun 05/03/2017 13:43:56
Yay! I hope that Game didn't show up yet...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 05/03/2017 14:13:43
Hmm, prerendered background, polygonal character, approximately PS1 style... Parasite Eve?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 06/03/2017 16:04:14
Is it Sherlock Holmes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AmazingTash on Tue 07/03/2017 16:10:53
nope and nope. :grin: Some hints?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 07/03/2017 16:54:17
Alfred Hitchcock: The Final Cut?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 07/03/2017 23:23:56
I don't remember any in this style but: an ALone In The Dark game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 08/03/2017 11:22:32
Resident Evil 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Riaise on Wed 08/03/2017 13:17:24
The background looks similar to Syberia to me. I don't remember this place, but I'll guess Syberia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AmazingTash on Wed 08/03/2017 13:30:41
So many great games, but not the one we are looking for.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/03/2017 14:05:43
The ABC Murders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 08/03/2017 14:38:34
Sinking Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 08/03/2017 18:13:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 09/03/2017 07:09:13
Post Mortem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 10/03/2017 15:08:20
Left Hanging In Limbo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Fri 10/03/2017 21:59:28
Looks like one of the Still Life games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AmazingTash on Sun 12/03/2017 08:17:35
Quote from: CrashPL on Thu 09/03/2017 07:09:13
Post Mortem?

Crash is right!
I like mystery-Adventures and this is one of my favorites.
The Still life Games are the sequels :grin:

Go Crash!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 13/03/2017 22:53:25
Quote from: AmazingTash on Sun 12/03/2017 08:17:35
Go Crash!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 13/03/2017 23:17:47
Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 13/03/2017 22:53:25
Quote from: AmazingTash on Sun 12/03/2017 08:17:35
Go Crash!


Is Crash going yet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 14/03/2017 09:24:20
Whew, going!

Alright, who might that handsome fellow be?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 14/03/2017 11:10:12
Realms of Arkania?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 14/03/2017 11:16:35
Wizardry 8?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 14/03/2017 13:40:08
Reminds me of Anvil of Dawn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 14/03/2017 16:24:55
Lands of Lore?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 14/03/2017 17:41:37
Quote from: Gribbler on Tue 14/03/2017 13:40:08
Reminds me of Anvil of Dawn

Bingo! Both Danvzare and Chrille were pretty close with the genre, but Gribbler got it right. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/03/2017 00:47:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 16/03/2017 00:59:12
One of the Zelda games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/03/2017 01:14:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 07:52:12
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/03/2017 09:00:20
That's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 09:09:07

(Me, finishing some game's story...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/03/2017 09:50:11
Oooooh that looks familiar... Warhammer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 10:11:26
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/03/2017 09:50:11
Oooooh that looks familiar... Warhammer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 16/03/2017 10:16:04
Death Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 10:27:55
Quote from: janleht on Thu 16/03/2017 10:16:04
Death Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 16/03/2017 11:42:58
One of the D&D Goldbox games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 16/03/2017 11:44:58
Bard's Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 16/03/2017 11:46:25
The Name Of The Rose?

(no idea if there was even a game of it, but it sure looks like a scene from that story)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 12:12:41
Nope to all.
It's not an adventure or rpg game.
It was released on Amiga and PC(Dos).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 16/03/2017 12:27:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 12:35:56
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 16/03/2017 12:27:55
It's not a platformer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 16/03/2017 12:56:54
Hmmmmm... I'm guessing it's a strategy simulation...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 16/03/2017 13:18:12
Machiavelli the Prince?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 13:27:51
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 16/03/2017 12:56:54
Hmmmmm... I'm guessing it's a strategy simulation...
It's not the great Powermonger nor Machiavelli the Prince.
It's not a strategy simulation the way you seem to think, but you need strategy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/03/2017 18:18:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 19:58:14
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 16/03/2017 18:18:43
It's a board game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 16/03/2017 20:03:15
Oh really..
Could it be King's Table?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 16/03/2017 20:10:26
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 16/03/2017 20:03:15
Oh really..
Could it be King's Table?
Yes it is!
"King's Table: The Legend of Ragnarok" is based on Hnefatafl ( (kind of viking chess).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 16/03/2017 20:16:04
Wow, was a shot in the dark. just remembered it when you put "boardgame".

my image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 16/03/2017 22:45:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/03/2017 23:18:52
Sid Meier's Covert Action. Will post a new screenshot in the morning :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 17/03/2017 01:37:27
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/03/2017 23:18:52
Sid Meier's Covert Action. Will post a new screenshot in the morning :=

wow, that was quick.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 17/03/2017 09:23:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 17/03/2017 11:04:06
Turrican 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 17/03/2017 11:23:47
It's the first one, actually, but I'll give it to you anyway ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 17/03/2017 12:33:30
Haha well I had been debating between 1 and 2  :P

Okay let's see if anyone knows what this is from:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 17/03/2017 13:10:37
Magic Pockets?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 17/03/2017 13:39:27
Obviously easier than I thought!  Your go  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 18/03/2017 10:51:06
Yay, it's my turn. :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 18/03/2017 11:16:11
Heavy Rain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 18/03/2017 11:31:51
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 18/03/2017 11:16:11
Heavy Rain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 18/03/2017 16:39:51
Just what... what... what is that?!?!  :shocked:

I have no idea.  But it's a disturbing visual, whether or not it's supposed to be!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 18/03/2017 16:49:12
One of the GTAs?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 18/03/2017 17:34:12
American McGee's Bad Day LA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 18/03/2017 20:11:27
I didn't know there's a game with Ryan Reynolds :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 20/03/2017 10:58:12
Sorry for the late reply. Also, all nope.

Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 18/03/2017 20:11:27
I didn't know there's a game with Ryan Reynolds :)
Ryan Reynolds? That's clearly Jason Lee. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/03/2017 16:50:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 20/03/2017 16:55:20
DERP: The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/03/2017 11:22:52
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 20/03/2017 16:50:01
You're getting closer, but still nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 11:28:56
Tony Hawk's Plastic Surgery Revival Deep Impact Skate Dreams Pro Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/03/2017 11:37:21
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 11:28:56
Tony Hawk's Plastic Surgery Revival Deep Impact Skate Dreams Pro Simulator?
That's correct!
Probably the best in the series as well. Your turn. :-D

By the way, it's Tony Hawk's Project 8
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 21/03/2017 16:12:59
 8-0 8-0 <-- This is for the scary picture
8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 <-- This is for the even more bizarre answer
8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 <-- This is for it being correct instead of a joke reply...  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 17:26:08
 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 is for the joke answer being accepted as correct!

(Only the "Tony Hawk's"  bit was actually correct.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 22:31:43
On the assumption that Dan is actually letting me take the next go, I'll tell you that it was Tony Hawk's Project 8.  I didn't know it, had to check.  My silly guess was based on his clue that "Skate" was getting close.

Okay anyone recognise this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/03/2017 22:40:13
Age Of Empires?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 23:26:45
Nope.  Right style of game though.  (I'll give you that much as a clue since it's obvious anyway!  (laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 21/03/2017 23:27:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 23:30:31
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 21/03/2017 23:27:58

Wha.... I really didn't think it would go this quickly.  You're quick correct - pretty good game.

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 22/03/2017 00:31:01
Thanks for picking a Sierra game! :D

Here's one for you. Just the top half, to make it harder:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 22/03/2017 02:39:05
Dwarf Fortress?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 22/03/2017 04:14:12
Not Dwarf Fortress, but that's the right genre.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 22/03/2017 04:42:06
Rogue or Nethack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 22/03/2017 06:17:38
Ancient Domains of Mystery?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 22/03/2017 07:12:49
CrashPL got it! Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 22/03/2017 10:04:55
Yeah! I spent so much time playing ADOM as a kid, it's all coming back now... ah, good old times.

Alright, here's one I re-played recently. What could that be?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 22/03/2017 11:45:00
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 21/03/2017 17:26:08
8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0 is for the joke answer being accepted as correct!

(Only the "Tony Hawk's"  bit was actually correct.)
Yeah well, all the Tony Hawk's games are basically the same. I wasn't going to make anyone list every single Tony Hawk game just to get the right answer. :-D

The Settlers?
Or maybe Virtual Villagers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 22/03/2017 15:12:59
Theme Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 22/03/2017 23:18:17
Roller Coaster Tycoon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 23/03/2017 08:04:33
No and no and no. :D First hint: a PlayStation title, not a strategy game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 23/03/2017 10:48:34
Monster Rancher?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/03/2017 10:52:00
Ah man can you stop putting these small images as non-zoomable please?  8-0 :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 23/03/2017 10:59:07
Wait, I think I know what it is!
Digimon World!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 23/03/2017 12:35:03
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 23/03/2017 10:59:07
Wait, I think I know what it is!
Digimon World!

And we have a winner!
I was thinking about posting a cropped image of a poop comic-bubble as well, but I guess it would make it too obvious. :P

Your turn, Danvzare!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/03/2017 12:15:56
I remember always wanting to play that game when I was younger, but never being able to find a copy when I finally had the money to get it. >:(

Next screenie:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 24/03/2017 12:56:47
A Diablo game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 24/03/2017 13:09:07
Neverwinter Nights?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/03/2017 13:12:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/03/2017 14:53:32
War For The Overworld?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 24/03/2017 17:25:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 24/03/2017 18:52:42
Dungeon Keeper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 25/03/2017 10:42:04
All wrong.
Although there were two guesses that were close. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 25/03/2017 10:43:12
Dungeon Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 25/03/2017 10:48:34
Torchlight 2? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 25/03/2017 10:58:27
Nope, and nope. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 25/03/2017 11:22:38
Beyond Divinity?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 25/03/2017 11:41:05
Still nope.

If no one gets it by Monday, I'll post another screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 25/03/2017 12:07:00
Er... hmm... Bard's Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 26/03/2017 11:45:35
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 25/03/2017 12:07:00
Er... hmm... Bard's Tale?
Once again nope.

Here's a hint: this is a strategy game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 26/03/2017 20:28:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 26/03/2017 21:41:11
Dungeon Keeper 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 26/03/2017 23:14:35
Dung Eon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 27/03/2017 11:56:14
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 26/03/2017 20:28:02
Ah so close. But I'll let you have it. It's Dungeons 2 actually. It has very different gameplay to it's predecessor.

Your turn. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 27/03/2017 13:38:02
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 27/03/2017 11:56:14
Ah so close. But I'll let you have it. It's Dungeons 2 actually. It has very different gameplay to it's predecessor.
Your turn. :-D

Ah, not sure I deserve it, but thank you. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 28/03/2017 12:44:11
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 28/03/2017 13:25:45
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 28/03/2017 12:44:11
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse?
Nope, but same year (1994).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/03/2017 14:52:16
Rise Of The Robots?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 28/03/2017 15:31:03
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 28/03/2017 14:52:16
Rise Of The Robots?
Nope, it's not a beat'em-up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 29/03/2017 11:35:02
Going by your tastes, it's probably an Amiga game, so.... The Chaos Engine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 11:41:38
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 29/03/2017 11:35:02
Going by your tastes, it's probably an Amiga game, so.... The Chaos Engine?
Me? Amiga? Nah... :D
It's not Chaos Engine.
I just notice it's only an Amiga game.
But it's a sequel to an Amiga/Atari/Dos game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 11:44:03
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 11:41:38
But it's a sequel to an Amiga/Atari/Dos game.

Um... Captive 2 maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 12:11:25
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 11:44:03
Um... Captive 2 maybe?
Yes it is!
(Liberation: Captive II)
Well done CaptainD. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 12:26:00
Yay!  :-D Haven't played the original Captive once but as soon as you said the original was on ST but not the sequel, it made me think of it.  That screenshot features very Bitmap Brother's-esque graphic style and palette, which I think misdirected people too.

How about this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 29/03/2017 12:26:47
I Can't Tell Because The Screen Is Too Small And You Forgot To Set It To Zoomable?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 12:27:47
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 29/03/2017 12:26:47
I Can't Tell Because The Screen Is Too Small And You Forgot To Set It To Zoomable?

:P Fixed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 29/03/2017 13:08:03
One of the Gauntlet games, perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 13:15:18
I was expecting someone to guess a Gauntlet game... but no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 21:04:48
Time Bandit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 21:14:06
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 21:04:48
Time Bandit?

8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0  There's just no fooling you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 29/03/2017 22:59:18
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 29/03/2017 21:14:06
8-0 8-0 8-0 8-0  There's just no fooling you.
Just don't pick an Amiga game. ;)
Still, I never played it, I saw it in a retro video.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 30/03/2017 12:01:06
Now that looks vaguely familiar. But I can't quite put my finger on it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 30/03/2017 12:18:46
Iron Lord?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/03/2017 13:57:40
No to all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 30/03/2017 17:41:42
Anything to do with Lord Of The Rings?

Just has that kinda vibe for me...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/03/2017 18:06:09
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 30/03/2017 17:41:42
Anything to do with Lord Of The Rings?

Just has that kinda vibe for me...
Nope but it's a RPG.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 30/03/2017 20:32:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 30/03/2017 20:41:30
I think I have played this game before. Sometime around the mid 90s a DOS game looked like that. I wanna say Dark was in the title
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/03/2017 21:09:15
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 30/03/2017 20:41:30
Yes it is! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 30/03/2017 21:28:57
Cool. I thought I had played it before just wasnt sure what it was called.

ok, here is mine. This will probably be a very easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 30/03/2017 21:40:50
Go for another one ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 30/03/2017 22:05:22
OK, give me a sec and I will get another one, just loved that game when i used to play it

Ok here is one I hope is not as easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 30/03/2017 23:18:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 31/03/2017 01:02:50
Quote from: Chrille on Thu 30/03/2017 23:18:26
That didnt last long. yes that is it
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 31/03/2017 08:39:37

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 31/03/2017 08:55:27
The Colonel's Bequest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 31/03/2017 13:26:34
Indeed, Windows 25 ;-D


I'm surprised that google image recognized where that window was from. Very distinctive style I guess!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 31/03/2017 20:11:37
Late to the party...  :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/04/2017 15:29:43
Oh, crap, I was supposed to post something new in here  :shocked:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 02/04/2017 16:12:49
Missle Command?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 02/04/2017 19:44:37
Duke Nukem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 02/04/2017 20:02:19
That was pretty damn quick, Chrille :D Nice work.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 02/04/2017 21:01:41
I'm surprised too ;-D. I actually don't recognize the scene, but couldn't think of many other games from that era with collapsing buildings.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 03/04/2017 10:24:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: frenzykitty on Mon 03/04/2017 10:39:29
Hi everyone.

I cannot believe this thread I started so long ago is still going! It's my legacy :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 03/04/2017 12:29:53
Quote from: frenzykitty on Mon 03/04/2017 10:39:29
Hi everyone.

I cannot believe this thread I started so long ago is still going! It's my legacy :D

Wow, yeah... coming up on four years this April 17th! Excellent thread, man!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 03/04/2017 19:30:40
It's a fun thread!

Hint: It's a Sierra game, though not an adventure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 03/04/2017 22:02:29
Air Bucks?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 03/04/2017 22:52:18
Nope, but that rhymes with part of the game's title :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 04/04/2017 07:38:47
Donald Duck's Playground?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 04/04/2017 11:05:52
Sierra's 3-D Helicopter Simulator?
(Yes, I know that's a plane. This was just closest in theme I could find after a quick search.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 04/04/2017 13:50:46
Donald Duck's Playground is correct :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 04/04/2017 19:29:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 05/04/2017 12:52:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/04/2017 14:04:38
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 05/04/2017 12:52:30
Nope, it's not a FPS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/04/2017 14:07:44
Sort of remember that kind of comic book style in the intro to Beneath A Steel Sky?  (But looks too high res for that.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/04/2017 14:56:20
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 05/04/2017 14:07:44
Sort of remember that kind of comic book style in the intro to Beneath A Steel Sky?  (But looks too high res for that.)
I know what you mean, but it's not an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 05/04/2017 17:01:45
Rogue Trooper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/04/2017 17:11:55
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 05/04/2017 17:01:45
Rogue Trooper?
Nope, it's not an action game.
If no one find, I'll post another pic tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 05/04/2017 18:15:54
What's bugging me is that this somehow looks familiar.

So, not an FPS, adventure game or action game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 05/04/2017 18:46:48
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 05/04/2017 18:15:54
What's bugging me is that this somehow looks familiar.

So, not an FPS, adventure game or action game...
It's a RTS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 06/04/2017 11:00:07
One of the Dune games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 06/04/2017 11:10:18
Judge Dredd?
Rogue Trooper?

(Just based on the art style)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/04/2017 11:32:02
Nope guys.

Here is an in-game screenshot:


It's a good but not that known RTS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 06/04/2017 11:41:59
Seven Kingdoms 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/04/2017 11:55:20
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 06/04/2017 11:41:59
Seven Kingdoms 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 06/04/2017 15:25:46
I think i did play that one. Had a very "generic" name.
Initial Army?
Original Army?
Original War?
Initial War?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 06/04/2017 15:44:20
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 06/04/2017 15:25:46
Original War?
You got it! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 06/04/2017 16:10:01
Cool, will put up a screen shot later.
Probably be an easy one to guess.


for future reference how do I make an image "zoomable"?never mind, figured it out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/04/2017 17:39:48
Space Bucks.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 06/04/2017 18:57:45
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 06/04/2017 17:39:48
Space Bucks.

I thought that one would go quickly. Yes it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/04/2017 03:51:07
My first thought was actually Master of Orion but somehow that game came to mind and voila :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 07/04/2017 07:58:14
Could it be Breathless?
(One of the few/late Amiga FPS)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/04/2017 08:49:51
It's the weirdest thing... that sprite reminds me so much of Ocean Spirit Dennis!!!  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 07/04/2017 09:18:10
Hmm those textures look familiar... Dark Forces?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Crimson Wizard on Fri 07/04/2017 10:06:55
Quote from: Chrille on Fri 07/04/2017 09:18:10
Hmm those textures look familiar... Dark Forces?
That's 100% dark forces. Level 2 I think well, maybe not exactly 2, but one of the first ones. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 07/04/2017 15:08:27
It is indeed Dark Forces, and the turn once again goes to the ever-observant Chrille :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 07/04/2017 18:19:48

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 08/04/2017 09:28:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 08/04/2017 09:35:32
Nope, but it's from the same year.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 08/04/2017 11:52:56
Mega Man Legends?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 08/04/2017 12:06:16
Nope, it's a building/management-sim type of game :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 08/04/2017 17:49:51
I was under the impression that this game was fairly well known :-[

Here's another hint: Bullfrog Productions (developer relation)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 08/04/2017 18:00:48
I know it, but I'm waiting to see if anyone else does ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 09/04/2017 09:51:38
My intention was to make this an easy round, and certainly not to stall the game. I guess I should be glad that someone knows it at least :-D

Final hint: Spacestation
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 09/04/2017 11:24:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 09/04/2017 11:48:25
That's it! Your turn, Crash ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 09/04/2017 17:00:01
Aw yeah. :D Alright, how about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 09/04/2017 18:46:46
Going by the artstyle, Conker's Bad Fur Day?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 09/04/2017 20:28:16
No, although it is a 3D platformer. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 09/04/2017 20:33:21
Rayman 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 09/04/2017 21:30:41
Yup, it's a switch from Rayman 2. ;) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 09/04/2017 22:10:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 09/04/2017 22:12:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 09/04/2017 22:24:44
And that is a triple-A answer, and pretty damn fast to boot :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 10/04/2017 11:32:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 10/04/2017 11:38:59
Rain World
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 10/04/2017 11:57:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 10/04/2017 12:01:20
Quote from: Atavismus on Mon 10/04/2017 11:38:59
Rain World

Yeah, it's Rain World... I just watched Markiplier play it last week.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 10/04/2017 12:11:31
It is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 10/04/2017 12:16:23
No game in mind for the moment, so I give my turn to whoever wants it. ;)
(I found Z too and was "proud" but Nihilyst was quicker :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 11/04/2017 12:33:24
Really, nobody??

Then let's enjoy this obscure pixel masterpice (which belongs to an actual game)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 11/04/2017 14:24:08
That is freakin' AMAZING!!!

Erm... A Castlevania game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 11/04/2017 14:41:08
The actual ingame graphics unfortunately can't hold up to this map screen.

But nope, no Castlevania

Btw. they really just used 32 colors for this pic.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 11/04/2017 15:11:20
Nosferatu on SNES?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 11/04/2017 15:13:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 11/04/2017 16:52:17
Don't remember the title, but think it is a 1st person shooter for one of the game consoles (not a pc game).
If I think of the title I will guess it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 11/04/2017 17:36:35
Is it a vampire game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 11/04/2017 20:18:14
dayowlron is veeery close.

@Atavismus: For strange reasons you kill aliens in that game. Maybe you are the vampire and need to clean your castle? I have no clue :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 09:01:19
two more hints: it's running on a quite unsuccessful 32 bit console and it was developed by a french team.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 09:52:13
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 09:01:19
two more hints: it's running on a quite unsuccessful 32 bit console and it was developed by a french team.
3DO or Jaguar?
(I hope it's not CD32 lol)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 09:54:17
The Jag has 64 bits !

(on paper ... err.. DO TEH MATH! :D )

but no, neither on the Jaguar nor on the 3DO
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 10:11:30
It's "FEARS" on CD32!
I don't deserve the point, someone else go instead. ;)
(Mind, I don't want to open a debate about Jaguar because Amiga and Atari are brothers but... :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 10:37:25
Correct! I just love Amiga artwork (which also includes your Yersinia assets (nod) )

Let's give dayowlron this one since he almost got it. Was Fears even released in the US?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 11:42:51
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 10:37:25
Correct! I just love Amiga artwork (which also includes your Yersinia assets (nod) )
I would never say enough all my love to Amiga. :D
(Also, thx for Yersinia.)

Quote from: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 10:37:25
Let's give dayowlron this one since he almost got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 12/04/2017 17:35:58
Fears...I just couldnt think of the name of it, but its fine. Atavismus you can go. I wont be able to get anything up for a while.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 19:11:56
Quote from: dayowlron on Wed 12/04/2017 17:35:58
Fears...I just couldnt think of the name of it, but its fine. Atavismus you can go. I wont be able to get anything up for a while.
Thx but I'll give the turn to Abstauber (I hope he will bring another Amiga wonder hehe).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 12/04/2017 21:19:13
Can do :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 21:45:05
You're evil Abstauber! :D
Doesn't ring a memory...
I thought about Premiere, but it's not I guess.
I have a Core Design feeling, but nothing sure.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 07:51:54

It is not from Core, but the publisher is well known.

Here's an ingame shot (at least the backdrop)

Have I mentioned that this is all in 16 colors? Crazy people, those mid-early devs :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 09:41:09
Who needs boring photorealism when you have such pixel art beauty? ;)

Could it be "Weird Dreams"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 09:45:01
The gameplay of this one is much much better than Weird Dreams.
It's a puzzle game btw. In the meantime, let's enjoy more of its art 8-)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 13/04/2017 11:42:35
Mega Lo Mania?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 12:12:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/04/2017 12:19:52
I seem to recall there being a game based on Monty Python's Flying Circus, this seems like maybe it would fit...?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 12:32:42
Sorry, it's not related to Monty Python.

It's a puzzle game btw. I could also provide an ingame screenshot, but that would be quite disappointing (although it is not a Qwix clone)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 12:45:52
Random guess: Humans? (1, 2 or 3 ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 12:54:02
Well, technically the game contains humans ;)

Here's the last screenshot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 13/04/2017 12:58:32
I should visit this thread more often..
Devious designs 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 13:00:37
Perfect! That's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 13:06:09
Crap! Too late!
Well, I played (or browsed) many many Amiga games but not that one!
Abstauber, you are my Amiga hero. :D
(You "push" my Amiga "knowledge".)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 13:12:10
That's much too kind :)

Actually I still own my Amigas 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 13:19:52
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 13:12:10
Actually I still own my Amigas 8-)
Of course I do too. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/04/2017 14:24:19
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 13:19:52
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 13/04/2017 13:12:10
Actually I still own my Amigas 8-)
Of course I do too. ;)

I haven't still got my one-of-a-kind Atari ST!  :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 14:41:58
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 13/04/2017 14:24:19
I haven't still got my one-of-a-kind Atari ST!  :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~(
We are crying with you brother. :(
Mind, The Ancient Golden Amiga lodge could be your new luminous shelter. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/04/2017 14:50:59
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 13/04/2017 14:41:58
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 13/04/2017 14:24:19
I haven't still got my one-of-a-kind Atari ST!  :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~( :~(
We are crying with you brother. >:(
Mind, The Ancient Golden Amiga lodge could be your new luminous shelter. ;)

The STEEM emulator helps comfort me in my hour of need, but I appreciate your solidarity!  :-D

Um... anyway... Anas over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 14/04/2017 04:36:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 14/04/2017 05:34:27
Return To Zork!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 14/04/2017 05:38:03
Yes.. i want a blue cup emoji with this expression:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 14/04/2017 07:31:14
 (wtf) This is the closes one.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 14/04/2017 23:37:47
Ooops...forgot I was supposed to put a new one... Someone jump in and take my turn please...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 16/04/2017 15:22:22
@Anas: And I can't even lift a single eyebrow (laugh)

But if nobody wants to continue, let's admire some more pixelart

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 16/04/2017 15:35:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 16/04/2017 15:51:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 16/04/2017 17:00:39
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 12/04/2017 10:11:30
Amiga and Atari are brothers

Amiga is female, so more like siblings.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 16/04/2017 17:02:05
EDIT: double-post, somehow
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 16/04/2017 18:24:29
Yay! :D Came across the game years and years ago on Home of the Underdogs. Never did figure it out but it had nice art if nothing else.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 17/04/2017 11:22:52
Deathtrap Dungeon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 17/04/2017 11:48:49
No, but it is a PS1 game also.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 15:00:05

Hint: this GUI only shows up at the very start of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 18/04/2017 18:49:42
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 15:00:05
Hint: this GUI only shows up at the very start of the game.

I love that in your encyclopedian mind of games that you think a hint like that means something for regular joes... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 19:03:43
Well, I didn't wanna make it too obvious, but also wanted to make it clear the picture wasn't a common thing ;) Tho I suppose *maybe* I took it a bit too far.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 18/04/2017 19:28:21
Could this pixel porridge be "Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 19:33:22
Well, when it comes to pixel porridges, you're clearly a connoisseur ;) Go for it, Atavismus.

(the reason the screenshot's so murky is cause it came from the PS1 version unemulated)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 18/04/2017 19:44:24
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 19:33:22
Well, when it comes to pixel porridges, you're clearly a connoisseur ;)
No no my dear Amayirot Akago, real pixel art is not porridge at all. ;)
8-16 bit for life! :D

Well, I'll try to find a game now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 18/04/2017 20:08:04
Something easy maybe:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 20:09:40
Defender of the Crown?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 18/04/2017 20:38:05
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 18/04/2017 20:09:40
Defender of the Crown?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 18/04/2017 21:50:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 18/04/2017 21:57:40
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 18/04/2017 21:50:02
Of course! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 18/04/2017 23:13:35
Funny thing is I've never actually played the game but recognised it instantly!

Okay this one may well be obvious even though I've cropped out 98% of the screen... we'll see.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 19/04/2017 01:40:22
Is that... Gollum?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 06:59:24
Shuffle Puck Café ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 08:54:04
@Mandle - nope, it's a little critter called "Visine Orb".

Astauber has it!  Over to you...

Lovely game!  Spent ages getting good enough to beat the final opponent and almost wrecked my mouse in the process.  I played it again recently on an emulator and... well, let's just say I don't think my reflexes are what they once were :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 09:16:30
I also played this like there was no tomorrow. And I think this game is highly dependend on a CRT screen with no lag at all.
Try it with a real amiga and an optical mouse, it helps a lot :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 09:23:59
Rockstar Ate My Hamster?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 09:30:39
/me passes the ball back to CaptainD
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 10:25:24
Okay how about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 10:29:54
Which one? Void Quest? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 10:53:20
Smash T.V.?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 11:19:38
Nope and Nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 11:33:02
Ikari Warriors?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 11:43:17
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 11:33:02
Ikari Warriors?

Nope... but released in the same year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 11:56:03
I don't get the joke :-\ There is no picture displayed on my screen.
But I guess anyway: Commando?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 12:21:32
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 11:56:03
I don't get the joke :-\ There is no picture displayed on my screen.
Try ctrl+f5

Into The Eagle's Nest...?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 19/04/2017 12:24:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 19/04/2017 12:25:08
Alright, it's displayed on the phone - still nothing on this browser
I second "Into the eagles nest" :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 19/04/2017 12:33:43
I third "Into the Eagle's Nest"!


@abstauber - I wasn't sure whether you genuinely couldn't see anything or if you were making some awesome joke that I totally didn't get!!!  :-[

Okay, over to Atavismus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 13:35:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 19/04/2017 15:57:57
LEGO Rock Raiders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 16:13:56
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 19/04/2017 15:57:57
LEGO Rock Raiders?
Nope, but googling it, I understand why you thought about it.
Is it good?
Mind, "my" game is not related to LEGO.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 19/04/2017 17:01:30
I have no idea, I've never played it :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 19/04/2017 19:30:35
Elite Dangerous?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/04/2017 20:31:33
Quote from: dayowlron on Wed 19/04/2017 19:30:35
Elite Dangerous?
Nope, it's not a "simulation" game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 20/04/2017 12:27:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 12:34:10
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 20/04/2017 12:27:51
Mind, you are looking for a RTS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 20/04/2017 12:41:43
No pixels, no clue ;)
err.. Total Anihilation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 12:52:24
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 20/04/2017 12:41:43
No pixels, no clue ;)
err.. Total Anihilation?
(I try to avoid to only propose Amiga games: "Oh no, Atavismus post AGAIN an unknow boring ugly amiga game... ^^)
Total Annihilation (a very nice one!) is older.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 20/04/2017 13:02:56
Emperor: Battle for Dune?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 13:06:18
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 20/04/2017 13:02:56
Emperor: Battle for Dune?
No, it's not a game related to Dune and our game is a bit older.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 20/04/2017 13:23:19
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 12:52:24
(I try to avoid to only propose Amiga games: "Oh no, Atavismus post AGAIN an unknow boring ugly amiga game... ^^)
Total Annihilation (a very nice one!) is older.
Hey! Amiga games aren't boring or ugly! >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 13:27:26
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 20/04/2017 13:23:19
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 12:52:24
(I try to avoid to only propose Amiga games: "Oh no, Atavismus post AGAIN an unknow boring ugly amiga game... ^^)
Total Annihilation (a very nice one!) is older.
Hey! Amiga games aren't boring or ugly! >:(
Of course they are not!
But I'm always the boring old guy who talk about Amiga. ^^
And younger ppl could think Amiga is just useless and outdated.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 15:05:36
One of the Civilization series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 15:14:14
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 15:05:36
One of the Civilization series?
Nope, real time, not turn-based.
(I'll post another screenshot tonight or tomorrow if needed)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 15:38:17
One of the Starcraft games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 15:59:01
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 15:38:17
One of the Starcraft games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 16:21:30
Command & Conquer?
Sins of a Solar Empire?
Supreme Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 16:27:56
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 16:21:30
Command & Conquer?
Sins of a Solar Empire?
Supreme Commander?
Game is from 2000.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/04/2017 17:02:19
Starship Troopers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 17:15:51
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 20/04/2017 17:02:19
Starship Troopers?
Sum up: You are looking for a RTS released in 2000.
Not a big name, but not an obscure one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 17:43:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 17:59:31
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 17:43:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 19:47:48
Earth 2150?
Ground Control?

I am just throwing darts at a dartboard hoping one of them sticks.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/04/2017 21:00:44
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 19:47:48
Earth 2150?
Ground Control?

Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 20/04/2017 19:47:48
I am just throwing darts at a dartboard hoping one of them sticks.
Is there no rule against such method?! :D

Hint: there are Mechs in that RTS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/04/2017 04:07:58
Metal Fatigue?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 21/04/2017 08:09:57
Maybe give a new screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 21/04/2017 11:10:44
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/04/2017 04:07:58
Metal Fatigue?
Yes it is. ;)
(RTS lovers should try it, it's an interesting one with some nice innovations (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/04/2017 15:10:33
Another game I remember reading/hearing about that I never played :D


Now let's see who has played this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 21/04/2017 15:14:52
Looks like Tex Murphy, maybe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 21/04/2017 15:15:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 21/04/2017 15:49:03
Negatory on both, but it is on PC.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/04/2017 04:07:16

Hint: 1997 game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 22/04/2017 10:15:40
I know this. It's a 4cd shooter with lots of cool fmvs. Realms of the Haunting?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 22/04/2017 10:56:15
Is it a Doom mod?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/04/2017 15:19:35
Quote from: Gribbler on Sat 22/04/2017 10:15:40
I know this. It's a 4cd shooter with lots of cool fmvs. Realms of the Haunting?
That is indeed correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 22/04/2017 19:26:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 23/04/2017 17:35:56
Final Fantasy: The Gay Within
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 23/04/2017 23:09:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 24/04/2017 11:12:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/04/2017 14:57:22
Danvzare is correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/04/2017 12:35:30
It was an easy guess, I'm surprised no one else got it before me.

This should be easy for anyone who has played this.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/04/2017 12:56:19
Run Like Hell?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/04/2017 13:24:39
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/04/2017 12:56:19
Run Like Hell?
Nope. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 25/04/2017 13:38:10
Erm... something about Dead Space?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/04/2017 13:49:07
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 25/04/2017 13:38:10
Erm... something about Dead Space?
Nope. It came out before Dead Space did.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 25/04/2017 23:49:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/04/2017 00:21:49
Looks like KOTOR.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 08:54:27
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 26/04/2017 00:21:49
Looks like KOTOR.

That's what I thought but was reluctant to post!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 26/04/2017 10:43:28
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 26/04/2017 00:21:49
Looks like KOTOR.
It's KOTOR 2 to be precise. But I'll let you have it. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 26/04/2017 19:34:55
I give my turn to CaptainD :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 20:25:11
Quote from: Gribbler on Wed 26/04/2017 19:34:55
I give my turn to CaptainD :)

Gah now I feel really stupid for not guessing KOTOR (or KOTOR 2)...

But anyway, here's a new one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 20:45:34
North and South?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 20:50:28
Quote from: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 20:45:34
North and South?

Thought this one might last a bit longer!  You're absolutely right.

Here's the full image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 21:04:40
I loved that game :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 21:42:56
Well that looks like Mario to me. Mario 64?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 21:45:46
Not Mario, but there's definetely a relation ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 21:46:27
Quote from: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 21:45:46
Not Mario, but there's definetely a relation ;-D

Well actually I had been meaning to say Mario or Luigi!  (laugh)

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 21:48:13

Wrong type of sport!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 21:50:59
Mario Kart then? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 26/04/2017 21:56:04
Well, Mario Kart 8 and Luigi's infamous death stare to be precise ;-D. Your turn again :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 22:07:26
Haha I've only played Mario Kart Wii and the version that came out on GBA.  Don't remember the stare being quite so intense (but thought he looked similar before throwing the javelin in M&S at the Olympics!  :grin:)

Okay how about a change of pace?  Have taken out the highly identifiable player character.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 26/04/2017 22:22:58
Jungle Jane?
Jill of the Jungle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 22:33:24
The letter J does not appear in the title of this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 26/04/2017 22:40:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 26/04/2017 22:43:06

Clue: it was one of a popular series of games featuring the same character on the 8-bit computers.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TGames on Thu 27/04/2017 00:36:29
Donkey Kong?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 27/04/2017 00:37:00
Non-Spectrum palette...
8x8 tiles...
Auf Weidersehen Monty.
Looks like the C16 version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 27/04/2017 09:27:10
Quote from: Kweepa on Thu 27/04/2017 00:37:00
Auf Weidersehen Monty.
Looks like the C16 version.

Correct on both counts!!  Nicely done.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 27/04/2017 09:35:48
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 27/04/2017 09:27:10
Quote from: Kweepa on Thu 27/04/2017 00:37:00
Auf Weidersehen Monty.
Looks like the C16 version.

Correct on both counts!!  Nicely done.

And only a little bit scary... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 27/04/2017 17:43:49
Oh no, now I have to come up with something.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 27/04/2017 18:14:21
Ultima Underworld 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 27/04/2017 19:26:34
Absolutely, yes. A classic!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 27/04/2017 19:38:25
And as usual I've never even played it  :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 00:19:32
I was gonna guess a TMNT game until I zoomed to x4 and took a closer look (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/04/2017 03:47:59
That is indeed not it. Since this is a hard one I'll give a hint: PC and PS1 game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 03:54:09
Sigh... this thread needs a layman-friendly round every now and then where the walking game encyclopedias sit on their hands and just chuckle when people get it wrong... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 28/04/2017 12:17:10
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 03:54:09
Sigh... this thread needs a layman-friendly round every now and then where the walking game encyclopedias sit on their hands and just chuckle when people get it wrong... (laugh)
Am I right in thinking that Amayirot Akago and Atavismus are these "walking dame encyclopedias" you speak of? (laugh)

Metal Slug?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 13:07:04
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 28/04/2017 12:17:10
Am I right in thinking that Amayirot Akago and Atavismus are these "walking dame encyclopedias" you speak of? (laugh)

Well, I'm not quite sure about how knowledgable they are concerning the ladies, but they sure do know a hell of a lot about games!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/04/2017 13:18:29
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 13:07:04
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 28/04/2017 12:17:10
Am I right in thinking that Amayirot Akago and Atavismus are these "walking dame encyclopedias" you speak of? (laugh)

Well, I'm not quite sure about how knowledgable they are concerning the ladies, but they sure do know a hell of a lot about games!
Lad... what? It's on console right? I know only Amiga and some old stuffs.
For others inquiries, please refer to Encyclopedia Akagis written by Professor Emeritus Amayirot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 28/04/2017 13:18:37
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 13:07:04
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 28/04/2017 12:17:10
Am I right in thinking that Amayirot Akago and Atavismus are these "walking dame encyclopedias" you speak of? (laugh)

Well, I'm not quite sure about how knowledgable they are concerning the ladies, but they sure do know a hell of a lot about games!
Ha ha ha! (laugh)
Oh my, I can't believe I didn't notice that typo. Ha ha!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 28/04/2017 13:20:30
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 03:54:09
Sigh... this thread needs a layman-friendly round every now and then where the walking game encyclopedias sit on their hands and just chuckle when people get it wrong... (laugh)
(wrong) It's not Metal Slug. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/04/2017 15:30:35
Alright then, I won't post the most recent games I've been playing anymore from now on (laugh)


Hint: Title has two words. First word: someone who works for an agency. Second word: famous astronaut.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 15:39:37
Agent Armstrong?

Wow...that was so dumbed down that even maybe I got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 28/04/2017 15:54:24
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 15:39:37
Agent Armstrong

Don't be silly, it's Operative Aldrin.  Or possible Master Spy Gagarin.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 28/04/2017 17:03:19
Agent Armstrong is indeed right ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/04/2017 17:29:36
One of my favorite games of all time:


And also easiest to guess of all time...

(Let's allow some new blood into the thread... ;) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 29/04/2017 11:48:24
Star Wars?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 29/04/2017 14:34:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 29/04/2017 17:19:24
Pipe vs Wheelsnakes?

Atari 2600...
Early (because no sky gradient :) )
Is it Combat?
I think so:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 30/04/2017 02:11:59
Quote from: Kweepa on Sat 29/04/2017 17:19:24
Is it Combat?

Is sure is! Such a great game in 2-player mode and amazing they fit so many modes in. Years ahead of its time!

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 01/05/2017 20:01:39
It is amazing, particularly since it's a 2k cartridge!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 02/05/2017 11:42:17
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Tue 02/05/2017 23:23:01
It is a 2d fighting game with large sprites though.
It's a DOS title from 1992, written by two teenagers.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 03/05/2017 11:56:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 03/05/2017 17:53:14
That's it!
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 03/05/2017 19:56:37
Quote from: Kweepa on Tue 02/05/2017 23:23:01
It's a DOS title from 1992, written by two teenagers.
And one of them is an AGSer. How appropriate!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 03/05/2017 21:37:44
Oh, right, Bavolis!
I forgot :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 04/05/2017 10:48:06
Oh, wow. I got it right. I wasn't expecting that. Um... how about this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 04/05/2017 10:54:29
The Incredible Machine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 04/05/2017 11:25:27
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 04/05/2017 10:54:29
The Incredible Machine?
Nope. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 04/05/2017 11:51:17
I guessed it could be a trap. :D
Contraption Maker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 04/05/2017 11:57:36
Heath Robinson, Inc. ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 05/05/2017 12:08:59
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 04/05/2017 11:51:17
I guessed it could be a trap. :D
Contraption Maker?
Yep, you got.
Sorry for the late reply. Your turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 05/05/2017 12:16:18
I give my turn to anyone who want it. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/05/2017 10:54:25

Then don't mind if I do ;)

(hope this one ain't too obscure again...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 06/05/2017 10:56:49
Looks almost like Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas.
So uh... A Vampyre Story?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 06/05/2017 11:19:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/05/2017 11:33:35
Nah, it's not based on any pre-existing property.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 06/05/2017 13:07:21
Heart Of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/05/2017 13:52:58
No, but this was on PS1 as well as a multitude of other systems.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 06/05/2017 18:56:53
Brain Dead 13?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/05/2017 19:46:34
Bingo :-D One of my all-time guilty pleasures just for the death scenes and Fritz. Oh, and Vivi :-[

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 06/05/2017 20:33:29
Well, I actually own the game but never was motivated to really play it. It looked quite good for a FMV game though.

Anyway, as it is midnight here, so anyone could steal my turn. If no one has done so later I may post something.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 08/05/2017 12:31:33
If nobody else wants to, I'd like to ask:

Who else played this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/05/2017 12:38:05
Don't recognise it, has a kind of Psygnosis / Infogrammes look to it though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 08/05/2017 13:45:13
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 08/05/2017 12:38:05
Don't recognise it, has a kind of Psygnosis / Infogrammes look to it though.
Yes it's related to Psygnosis. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/05/2017 14:01:31
Wait is that a cut scene screen from Shadow of the Beast?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 08/05/2017 14:05:24
Yeah Psygnosis can't be denied.
But it's not from Shadow of the Beast.

And the main "character" sprite is very disappointing. So much, that I though my copy was broken :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 08/05/2017 17:41:14
Suicidal tribe of Tabatas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 09/05/2017 08:52:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/05/2017 09:09:35
This should give it away.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 09/05/2017 10:23:30
Is it a Pinball game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/05/2017 10:25:04
Nope, it's more like a mixture between Soccer and Billiard
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 09/05/2017 14:35:39
Ballistix. Also released for the PC Engine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/05/2017 14:44:39
Yes, that it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 09/05/2017 15:18:28
Could be easy to some people.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 10/05/2017 08:43:08
Dr. Chaos?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 10/05/2017 12:07:34
Oh I've seen that! :-D What was it called now... Ikari Warriors?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 10/05/2017 16:51:36
Right Danvzare! The Famicom version developed by the (in)famous Micronics.
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 11/05/2017 10:54:22
Yay, I remembered the name correctly! :-D

Sorry about the quality on this screenshot. There's no way I'd be able to take screenshots of it myself, so I'm having to make do with online sources.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 11/05/2017 11:08:20
An Alex Kidd game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 11/05/2017 11:16:31
It reminds me of Mario Party 8 on the Wii.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 11/05/2017 11:18:55
Dokapon Kingdom :D One of the best (and most infuriating) party games I've ever played. Still following TheRunawayGuys' video series on it too :)

Someone else can take my turn if they like.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 11/05/2017 11:24:17
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 11/05/2017 11:18:55
Dokapon Kingdom :D One of the best (and most infuriating) party games I've ever played. Still following TheRunawayGuys' video series on it too :)

Someone else can take my turn if they like.
You got it right. And I absolutely agree. :D
I just wish it was easier to get the damn game. >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/05/2017 12:56:08
Let's keep this thread alive:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 19/05/2017 13:39:03
One of the many Sherlock Holmes games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/05/2017 16:21:48
Not a Holmes game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 19/05/2017 16:24:14
Aw shit.... I've seen a let's play of this game but can't remember the name... Maybe it will come to me...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 19/05/2017 18:40:13
Pirates of the Caribbean?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Fri 19/05/2017 21:17:59
Not pirates.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 20/05/2017 10:45:47
Alone in the Dark?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/05/2017 11:25:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 20/05/2017 12:34:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 20/05/2017 13:52:32
Not Amerzone.

Hint: Something from the screen is in the title of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Sat 20/05/2017 23:41:40
The Sacred Amulet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 07:01:30
The Treasured Medallion?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/05/2017 08:18:52
None of those.

Hint 2: The game was released in 2007.

Another screenshot

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 11:09:11
Dark Corners Of The Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Sun 21/05/2017 12:01:45
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 11:09:11
Dark Corners Of The Earth?

By the looks of it, this was also my first guess. But I'm playing DCotE at the moment, and it doesn't have the UI seen in the first screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 13:40:46
Quote from: nihilyst on Sun 21/05/2017 12:01:45
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 11:09:11
Dark Corners Of The Earth?

By the looks of it, this was also my first guess. But I'm playing DCotE at the moment, and it doesn't have the UI seen in the first screenshot.

Yeah, and it was released in not viable... Hmmmm.... But it sure looks very much the same... Same engine/studio perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/05/2017 15:50:33
Not the same studio. Don't know about the engine.

Screenshots are misleading. The game is TPP, it only has some FPP elements.

And my rather subjective opinion - the game has a very cool soundtrack. At least one track was so good I remember ripping it out of the game to listen to it on daily basis.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 21/05/2017 16:05:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 21/05/2017 16:50:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 22/05/2017 11:15:00
A Van Helsing game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 22/05/2017 15:17:33
Not Van Helsing.

Another hint: The game takes place on a remote island and you're a detective.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 22/05/2017 17:02:54
Shutter Island?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/05/2017 08:29:27
Quote from: Amayirot AkagoShutter Island?
There was a game? No, that's not it.

That's what the game looks like most of the time:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/05/2017 10:16:27
Dead Reefs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 23/05/2017 10:50:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/05/2017 11:17:54

Let's see who knows where this handsome devil is from.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 23/05/2017 13:00:46
A superhero ega game?
Uh... I have no idea. Comix Zone maybe?

Also, I had never heard of Dead Reefs until today. I guess all of my guesses were in vain. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/05/2017 19:02:15
I hadn't either, but I was able to deduce it from the hints that Gribbler gave ;) And no, it's not Comix Zone.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 24/05/2017 02:32:51
Ok. I actually owned this game, but just checked mobygames to make sure I was correct.
(The title theme in PC speaker sound won't go away from inside my brain!)

The Amazing Spiderman and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 24/05/2017 08:25:25
Correct, and that's a hell of a title to boot ;) Had it myself but never got very far with it, the fighting is kinda crap :P Go ahead, Gilbert.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 24/05/2017 09:34:30
I think that game looked really good. Maybe it controlled badly but I was easily satisfied at the time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/05/2017 09:20:10
Um, Worms on Apple II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 25/05/2017 20:12:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 25/05/2017 22:57:08
It's definitely an early-ish Apple II game.
Sea Dragon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 26/05/2017 02:07:16
Correct! Hear its speech for full effect!

Your turn, Kweepa.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 29/05/2017 19:05:39
Sorry about the delay!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 29/05/2017 19:09:51
That either refers to Ron Gilbert, or Dave Gilbert, or it's a trick. Nevertheless: A Golden Wake?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/05/2017 21:38:19
Unless... Gilbert: Escape from Drill? :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 30/05/2017 11:57:24
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 29/05/2017 19:09:51
That either refers to Ron Gilbert, or Dave Gilbert, or it's a trick. Nevertheless: A Golden Wake?
Step 1 for making great adventure games: Make sure your last name is Gilbert. (laugh)

Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 30/05/2017 12:43:44
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Oops...sorry... wrong thread...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 01/06/2017 08:32:32
You're right that it's the name of the developer!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 01/06/2017 15:06:51
Puzzle Bots?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 01/06/2017 15:25:14
One of the Monkey Island games?
One of the Backyard sports games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 01/06/2017 21:14:25
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 01/06/2017 15:06:51
Puzzle Bots?
Right developer...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 01/06/2017 21:22:27
The Blackwell Legacy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 02/06/2017 03:42:04
Emerald City Confidential?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 02/06/2017 03:52:25
A Golden Wake?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/06/2017 08:51:06
Two of a Kind?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 02/06/2017 09:36:19
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 02/06/2017 08:51:06
Two of a Kind?

Such a great game! I must play that again some time!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 08/06/2017 00:06:42
None of these guesses are correct.
Look below...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 08/06/2017 01:01:02
Purity Of The Surf?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 08/06/2017 17:18:08
It's been over a week. Maybe post a new screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 08/06/2017 19:52:03
Sorry about the posting delay!
Mandle, that's it! Take it away!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/06/2017 00:20:12
Hehe... I only got it because of your "Look below..." hint.

I've never heard of the game, but will have to check it out!

New screenie coming soon...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/06/2017 14:40:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 09/06/2017 14:44:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/06/2017 14:46:29

Over to you, Chrille!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 09/06/2017 15:15:33

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/06/2017 16:27:03
Half Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 09/06/2017 17:33:13
Nope, it's a late 00's game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 09/06/2017 23:09:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/06/2017 23:21:06
Fallout 3?

(I meant to say Fallout before but said Half Life for some reason)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 09/06/2017 23:36:35
Indeed it is, back to you ;-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 10/06/2017 09:26:35
Let's see who knows this gem:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 10/06/2017 11:05:03
LOL, I do... but feel like it would be cheating... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 10/06/2017 11:11:49
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 10/06/2017 11:05:03
LOL, I do... but feel like it would be cheating... (roll)

Not at all! I really love it when this thread uses AGS games 8-)

Chronicle of Innsmouth!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 10/06/2017 11:37:54
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sat 10/06/2017 11:11:49
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 10/06/2017 11:05:03
LOL, I do... but feel like it would be cheating... (roll)

Not at all! I really love it when this thread uses AGS games 8-)

Chronicle of Innsmouth!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 10/06/2017 11:53:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 10/06/2017 12:02:08
@AnasAbdin ... I beta tested the game, that's why I felt it would be cheating. ;)

Uhm... red bg with black dots... I just saw a car that was red with black dots yesterday... but that's not it. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 10/06/2017 14:35:40
And it's AGS (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 11/06/2017 01:32:04
The Unprintable Magenta?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 11/06/2017 06:37:40

the developer is an active member of Name the Game

Mega Clue:
if the developer didn't Name the Game I would shame them for a long, long time (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 11/06/2017 07:27:20
Predators Prey For Plants?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 11/06/2017 07:33:09

Another clue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 11/06/2017 08:48:57
Postman's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 11/06/2017 08:50:07
Correct (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 11/06/2017 09:19:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 11/06/2017 09:23:59
Quote from: Kumpel on Sun 11/06/2017 08:48:57
Postman's Quest?
I am absolutely flattered that somebody knows my crappy game well enough to recognize that little alarm clock, or even just to have it on this quiz :D

Anyway, the new one: N (or one of its many, many re-releases like N+)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 11/06/2017 09:44:09
that's the one :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 11/06/2017 10:24:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 11/06/2017 11:02:48
CS:GO? (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 11/06/2017 11:53:53
Nothing of the sort ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 11/06/2017 17:41:14

No other guesses yet so here's a quick new cropped screen. Also, the soldiers are not the main characters in this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 11/06/2017 23:51:28
A Deus Ex game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 03:48:16

Also no. Hint: not a first person game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 12/06/2017 04:51:20
A Batman game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 12/06/2017 06:19:10
Some Metal Gear game?
That it's supposedly to be depicting where I am living is a bit unsettling.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 12/06/2017 06:33:04
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 12/06/2017 06:19:10
That it's supposedly to be depicting where I am living is a bit unsettling.

You live in massive Himilayan monastery?! 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 12/06/2017 11:22:15
One of the Rainbow Six games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 15:32:03
No Batman, no Metal Gear, and no Rainbow Six, I'm afraid. But it is part of another long running series.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Mon 12/06/2017 16:19:01
One of the Call of Duty games?
Or one of those Battlefield games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 17:24:32
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 03:48:16
Hint: not a first person game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 12/06/2017 18:04:04
Splinter Cell Series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 18:27:08

Suppose maybe I should be a bit more clear about the theme of this game := And no, not Splinter Cell.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 12/06/2017 18:49:51
Devil May Cry? :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 12/06/2017 18:50:29
Mortal Kombat?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/06/2017 19:06:19
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 12/06/2017 18:50:29
Mortal Kombat?
Yessirree, Mortal Kombat X to be precise ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 13/06/2017 08:32:58
Ah yes, I had a feeling I've seen these scenes somewhere before. ;) Had a go in Mortal Kombat X with a friend several times.
Too bad I totally suck at fighting games in general.

Alright, here's mine:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/06/2017 10:02:01
One of the Alone In The Dark series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 13/06/2017 10:46:55
Close (especially when considering one fact), but no. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 13/06/2017 13:09:59
Little Big Adventure 2, I pass my turn over to anyone who wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 13/06/2017 13:12:10
Precisely. :) Both Alone in the Dark and Little Big Adventure were designed by the same man - Frédérick Raynal.
Well, anybody got some another screen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 13/06/2017 15:21:14
Quote from: CrashPL on Tue 13/06/2017 08:32:58
Too bad I totally suck at fighting games in general.
Hah, you're not the only one ;) Most enjoyment I get outta MK is the story mode and unlocking everybody's Fatalities.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 26/06/2017 16:53:10
Here's next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 26/06/2017 23:40:18
Could be Robin Hood...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 27/06/2017 01:35:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 27/06/2017 11:00:39
Both incorrect.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/06/2017 11:37:18
Spellforce 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 27/06/2017 12:42:02
Baldur's Gate, or Icewind Dale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/06/2017 12:44:17
I have the weirdest feeling that this exact same screenshot has appeared on this thread before.  (If it has though, I still don't remember what it is! (laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 27/06/2017 16:08:30
Danvzare is close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 27/06/2017 17:23:32
Pillars of Eternity?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 27/06/2017 17:55:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 27/06/2017 19:37:53
One of the Ultimas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 28/06/2017 02:52:38
Dragon-Age? Dragon-Age 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 28/06/2017 09:19:37
Amayirot Akago is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 28/06/2017 16:50:34
Woohoo! Don't wanna hold up the thread with one of my weird picks so I'll give it up to whoever wants it ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 28/06/2017 17:43:48
Alright I'm posting two because I think the first one below is too easy :-D



Any ideas???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 29/06/2017 01:48:29
I think the first one is Hugo's Whodunit.

The second, I don't know.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 29/06/2017 09:54:07
2nd= Tunnels Of Doom?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 29/06/2017 10:48:13
Yep! First is Hugo's Whodunit.

No, not Tunnels of Doom.

Second one requires a hint: sort of mid-nineties weird shareware. Was somewhat popular for its day...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 29/06/2017 12:07:02
Quest Creator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 29/06/2017 16:14:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 29/06/2017 17:04:49
Time Bandit?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 29/06/2017 18:57:56

I'll give the answer tomorrow morning if no one gets it. Don't want to hold up the thread with a quirky one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 29/06/2017 19:31:26
Well, I didn't wanna answer just in case someone else knew, but I did happen to run across this game a while ago on My Abandonware. It's Skull Quest.

I reckon Gurok should take it since he guessed the Hugo screenie.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 30/06/2017 06:33:16
Yes! Well done. Didn't think anyone would get that. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 07/07/2017 11:49:45
Every time I think I've found something too obscure, someone guesses it. Let's try this one (portion of a screenshot):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 07/07/2017 12:26:10
Looks like one of these comic maker programs that came out in the nineties. That's more of an observation than a guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 08/07/2017 10:00:20
Looks to be one of those old joke AGS games that I saw a long time ago, but I have no idea what it might be called.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 08/07/2017 10:06:41

I've stumped Amayirot! And it was released by a fairly major publisher too!


Side-scroller, 1990s

Edit: Not AGS
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 08/07/2017 11:02:23
Winblows 98? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 10/07/2017 03:39:42
I'm really not that hard to stump :P I may know a lot but I don't know everything.

At any rate I figured out the game in question is Ultimuh MCMLXVII: Part 2 of the 39th Trilogy - The Quest for the Golden Amulet. Someone else can go next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 10/07/2017 04:30:14
Holy crap I would have never got that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 11/07/2017 09:19:04

How about it? Any idea?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 11/07/2017 10:26:37
Mel Odius Goes Six String Searchin'?

I think we've had that one before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 11/07/2017 11:05:18
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 10/07/2017 03:39:42
Ultimuh MCMLXVII: Part 2 of the 39th Trilogy - The Quest for the Golden Amulet. Someone else can go next.
Da frick?
That's a real game?!?

How is it that I've never heard of this obvious parody of the Ultima series?
Is it any good?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 11/07/2017 12:08:40
Quote from: Gurok on Tue 11/07/2017 10:26:37
Mel Odius Goes Six String Searchin'?

I think we've had that one before.

Yep. Oh seriously saw it before? Wow that's random. I love that game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 18/07/2017 16:31:07
Another screenie perhaps mc?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 18/07/2017 16:34:53
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 18/07/2017 16:31:07
Another screenie perhaps mc?

Isn't it Gurok's turn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 18/07/2017 23:34:22
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 18/07/2017 16:34:53
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 18/07/2017 16:31:07
Another screenie perhaps mc?

Isn't it Gurok's turn?

Oh... er... yeah.

Come on Ben, do your thing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 20/07/2017 01:27:06
Sorry, guys! Thanks, Cassie for reminding me.

Here's one:


Oh Danvzare, Ultimuh is terrible. It's more of a sidescroller than anything resembling an Ultima game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 20/07/2017 08:42:04
Um... Math Quest?  Math Invaders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 20/07/2017 13:51:58
Math Blaster?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 20/07/2017 14:34:42
Math Effect? 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 20/07/2017 14:45:07
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 20/07/2017 14:34:42
Math Effect? 8-)

:-D (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 20/07/2017 15:15:23
I think this game predates all of those guesses. There was a game back in the mid 80s I think that looked similar to that. Just can't remember the name. Something like Math Buckets.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Thu 20/07/2017 16:56:08
Funnels & Buckets
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 20/07/2017 18:15:51
Makes me reminisce about that huge ass track ball in the elementary computer lab! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Thu 20/07/2017 18:35:03
Pretty sure I got it but I'll wait for Gurok to post mine :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 20/07/2017 22:28:50
/me presses space bar :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 04:47:14
Anyways here's the screen with the name so I'll go ahead and post mine next.


Now for mine :) Let's see if anyone recognizes it.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 22/07/2017 06:06:47
Yes, you got it. Sorry for not replying sooner.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 08:37:50
Morgan, I think that's King's Quest 5 on NES, no? Sort of a trick question there. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 22/07/2017 08:56:14
All In The Game (or its sequel)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 22/07/2017 11:09:23
Quote from: manifest class on Sat 22/07/2017 08:37:50
Morgan, I think that's King's Quest 5 on NES, no? Sort of a trick question there. :-D
I was thinking the exact same thing. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 13:22:15
That is indeed King's Ques V on NES :) Not sure how many here played that version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 13:44:49
I actually never played the NES version, but I remember buying a walkthrough book that included several NES games and that was one of them. Thought the crap graphics compared to the PC were so funny. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 13:49:55
OK if anyone gets this you have my eternal respect:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 14:09:44
Dare to Dream :)

(Fully titled: Dare to Dream: A Study in the Imagination of a Ten-Year-Old Boy)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 14:33:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 22/07/2017 14:49:08
"King's Quest IX" / The Silver Lining ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 14:51:55
You got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 22/07/2017 15:29:02

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 22/07/2017 15:38:42
Aw I actually knew TSL one straight away but didn't see it early enough!

This new one?  Er... I got nothing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 15:55:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 22/07/2017 16:16:12
Nope, it's not an adventure :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Sat 22/07/2017 16:16:47
de blob?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 22/07/2017 16:25:04
Nope, no puzzles involved, but good guess ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/07/2017 16:49:07
Splatoon or its sequel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 16:50:07
The red paint reminds me of alice in wonderland, or splatoon
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 16:51:07
really not unfinished swan? Hmm, I need t find colorful adventure then ok...
Tag? no it is not adventure either
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Sat 22/07/2017 16:54:38
there was a mario game i forgot the name (tried searching to no avail) which he had like a paint cannon/gun? As far as i remember the gun had also a backpack thing that mario had on.  It was 3d so not 2d classic mario era
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 16:57:07
Super Mario Sunshine, but it can't really be that either
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Sat 22/07/2017 17:00:33
yea the shader/graphics look a bit different, also i cant remember pink paint in mario sunshine..

splatoon looks like the most likely candidate

*EDIT:  99% sure its spaltoon 1 if you check on google image search of the tree models they used, its pretty much identical to the screenshot posted here
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sat 22/07/2017 17:40:05
Well I was going to say Splatoon but I thought it looked older than Splatoon. Guess I was wrong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 18:07:23
^by the way nice work on Dare 2 Dream, Morgan. Very surprised anyone got that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 22/07/2017 18:18:10
Splatoon or its sequel it is! Well done :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/07/2017 19:17:05

Since I'm feeling generous, an easy one :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 22/07/2017 19:21:41
Quake IV?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 19:23:50
If not DOOM, then that quirky game Messiah from a few years back?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 22/07/2017 19:35:17
Quote from: manifest class on Sat 22/07/2017 18:07:23
^by the way nice work on Dare 2 Dream, Morgan. Very surprised anyone got that!

I knew it.  Fantastic game!
But I didn't see it in time.  :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 19:40:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 22/07/2017 19:42:33
It's DOOM 3 so manifest class gets it ;) Interestingly both Prey and Quake IV used the same engine, so it's interesting that both were guessed based on this one screen :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 19:44:33
Quote from: Frodo on Sat 22/07/2017 19:35:17
Quote from: manifest class on Sat 22/07/2017 18:07:23
^by the way nice work on Dare 2 Dream, Morgan. Very surprised anyone got that!

I knew it.  Fantastic game!
But I didn't see it in time.  :kiss:

Oh really? Lol that's why I love this website. Thought I was the only one that knew that gem! I found it one a shareware compilation CD as a kid and never really saw it anywhere else after that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 19:46:33
Way too easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 19:47:18
Shoot now I wish I'd chosen a more obscure pic from the game! This one is more a race to see who first views my post!! LOL (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 19:50:58
Lunapark tycoon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 20:02:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 20:07:58
I remember I played this kind of adventure game has some fantastic story but cant remember name.
Railcoaster runned by some witch, is this it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 22/07/2017 20:46:18
Haha no! But now I want to play that game! 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 22/07/2017 21:31:48
Amuse Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Sat 22/07/2017 21:32:32
Sorry, couldn't find that game's name either (searched like 45 minutes) :D I am really bad at googling. What is that game you post, it makes me crazy!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 23/07/2017 03:39:21
In this game there is a search for something...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 23/07/2017 03:46:24
A second screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 23/07/2017 14:01:50
Lester Manley 1?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 23/07/2017 17:48:03
Yep. 8-) Otherwise known as Search for the King. I LOVED that game way back when.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 24/07/2017 18:19:27
I can't post anything right now. I pass my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/07/2017 18:33:49
Ok Gribbler I'll jump in :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Mon 24/07/2017 18:40:27
lol was just about to post  dam u! ;)

fate of atlantis
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/07/2017 18:42:28
:-D Nope!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/07/2017 19:21:31
Damn, that was my guess too. Does look familiar though (and I'm well aware of what that statement says about me as a person := ), Rise of the Dragon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 24/07/2017 19:31:56
Space Quest 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Mon 24/07/2017 19:36:17
duke nukem or daggerfall?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 24/07/2017 19:56:50
Halloween Harry?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/07/2017 20:00:53
All wrong
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/07/2017 20:02:40
King's Quest V?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/07/2017 20:10:16
Lol yes (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/07/2017 20:27:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 24/07/2017 20:38:18
That's a different kind of cleavage!

Kyrandia 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 24/07/2017 21:24:21
Theme Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 24/07/2017 21:26:08
Anas is right ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/07/2017 13:11:50
Quote from: Morgan LeFlay on Sat 22/07/2017 13:22:15
That is indeed King's Ques V on NES :) Not sure how many here played that version.
Wait, that game actually exists! :shocked:
And here I just thought it looked like what King's Quest V would look like on the NES.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Tue 25/07/2017 13:50:01
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 25/07/2017 13:11:50
Quote from: Morgan LeFlay on Sat 22/07/2017 13:22:15
That is indeed King's Ques V on NES :) Not sure how many here played that version.
Wait, that game actually exists! :shocked:
And here I just thought it looked like what King's Quest V would look like on the NES.

Yep it sure does :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 31/07/2017 22:15:59
*cough* AnasAbdin, your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 07/08/2017 13:05:01
To keeping the thread alive!
hidden for hugeness reasons
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 07/08/2017 15:03:51
Day One: Garry's Incident?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Mon 07/08/2017 15:20:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 07/08/2017 21:47:54
Dont remember the title, but I think i have played that. it was an FPS game. the title was something like "Betrayer"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Tue 08/08/2017 09:12:07
Oh, i didnt see modern gun at first. Is that thr game where you get into an island and it sometimes gets black and white and sometimes colorful?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 08/08/2017 09:54:24
Betrayer it is! dayowlron can take over :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 08/08/2017 16:51:17
Really? It was a guess. Well I will put one up shortly.
This one may be an easy one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Tue 08/08/2017 17:06:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 08/08/2017 17:57:57
Sol 0: Mars Colonization.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 08/08/2017 20:08:29
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 08/08/2017 17:57:57
Sol 0: Mars Colonization.
Correct Amayirot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 08/08/2017 20:36:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 08/08/2017 21:01:23
Sam And Max Hit The Road. "We don't go upstairs. Not since the accident."

Oh, and putting it in black and white is a bit cheaty!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: horusr on Tue 08/08/2017 21:43:28
That was too obvious! I feel bad i get here late
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 08/08/2017 22:57:49
Quote from: Ben X on Tue 08/08/2017 21:01:23
Sam And Max Hit The Road. "We don't go upstairs. Not since the accident."

Oh, and putting it in black and white is a bit cheaty!
The game has a built-in B&W mode so it's fair ;) In any case you are correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 09/08/2017 07:23:00
Ha ha, hmmmm...!

Okay, here's mine. Should be quite easy, I think:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 11/08/2017 10:15:40
It's Plan 9 From Outer Space, as indicated by the presence of Tor Johnson and Vampirella :=

Someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 11/08/2017 10:49:13
Here's one of my favourite games  :grin:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 13/08/2017 03:08:41

How about another clue?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 13/08/2017 09:14:33
Full Throttle 2: Tacky Cash-In?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 13/08/2017 09:41:32
Nope  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 13/08/2017 10:15:08
Hey, it's Kingdom O' Magic!

Man, haven't played that one in ages, gotta find the CDs and fire it up on my trusty retro PC someday. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 13/08/2017 13:08:06
Quote from: CrashPL on Sun 13/08/2017 10:15:08
Hey, it's Kingdom O' Magic!

Man, haven't played that one in ages, gotta find the CDs and fire it up on my trusty retro PC someday. :D

That's the one!  :grin::grin::grin:
Gotta love Thidney and Shah-Ron  :cheesy:

Your turn now, CrashPL.  :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 13/08/2017 20:54:31
Woohoo. :D

Alright, should be an easy one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/08/2017 11:19:29
King's Quest VII?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 14/08/2017 15:05:51
I think I have seen that one before. It was a game my son used to like about 15-20 years ago. not sure when it came out but it was Pink Panther Hokus Pokus?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 14/08/2017 16:12:40
Quote from: dayowlron on Mon 14/08/2017 15:05:51
I think I have seen that one before. It was a game my son used to like about 15-20 years ago. not sure when it came out but it was Pink Panther Hokus Pokus?

You got it man, it's Hocus Pocus Pink. :D (aka Hocus Pocus Pink Panther)
It was released in 1997, although some countries received it much later (2000 in Poland, for example). I loved this little adventure game as a kid!

Your turn, dayowlron. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 14/08/2017 16:22:46
yeah, my son is just a few years younger than u and he enjoyed it and i would watch him playing it sometimes.
Here is mine: Should be easy for anyone who has played the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/08/2017 17:02:44
SimCopter :D Those chunky-ass graphics and buff men are hard to miss.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 14/08/2017 18:11:58
Yep, so true, was a good game though but sometimes the only way you could complete a rescue was by crashing into the building.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/08/2017 18:53:49
Good times ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 14/08/2017 19:18:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 14/08/2017 19:29:50
Yes, but which one? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 14/08/2017 20:27:52
Pitfall VS Jason?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 15/08/2017 02:08:10
Actually I never played any of the Pitfall games, but for some reasons I recognised the enemy immediately.

I know that image was to trick me, considering how detailed and colourful the background was (the clean sprite told me it's not because of compression artifacts), so it was to be a more recent installment. The Mayan Adventure came to my mind as it's the only "modern" version I have ever heard of.
And I checked Mobygames (,235708/) for this, thinking I am correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 15/08/2017 08:22:33
Correct ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 15/08/2017 18:02:13
I am out of ideas at the moment, so anyone can steal a turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 15/08/2017 19:45:12
I have a quick one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 16/08/2017 10:15:56
At first sight I thought it was Midnight Resistance, but after looking for screenshots it seemed that the characters did wear shirts in that game. Later, I thought it might be the original Duke Nukem games, but on second thought the character didn't look that similar. Probably not a Contra game either, unless it's some weird Western port.

In other words, no idea...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 16/08/2017 13:35:39
Neither one of those.
another image:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 17/08/2017 12:07:20
Star Control?
Or maybe Starflight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 17/08/2017 12:14:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 17/08/2017 13:02:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 17/08/2017 14:34:56
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Thu 17/08/2017 12:14:52
That is correct. AnasAbdin your turn.
That is from the 1990 version and also goes by Supremacy now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 17/08/2017 16:53:55
Cropped screeny:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 17/08/2017 19:15:32
One of the Legend of Zelda games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 17/08/2017 19:23:04
That's too general. Name a game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 17/08/2017 19:33:13
That scenery kinda reminds me of Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 17/08/2017 20:15:13
OK, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 17/08/2017 21:01:41
Quote from: CrashPL on Thu 17/08/2017 19:33:13
That scenery kinda reminds me of Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender...

Omg I haven't played it in ages! Thanks for tonight's plans (laugh)
Wrong answer btw :P

Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 17/08/2017 20:15:13
OK, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/08/2017 09:02:36
King's Quest 6?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 18/08/2017 11:42:15
How... correct :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 18/08/2017 13:33:30
Well shit, I seem to have a knack for this :grin: I'll put up a screenie in a bit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/08/2017 10:44:09

Have at it, chaps.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 19/08/2017 11:07:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 19/08/2017 11:15:58
Codename: Iceman ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/08/2017 11:24:07
Chrille knows his Sierra stuff ;) The poor bastard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 19/08/2017 15:40:45
I actually haven't played Codename: Iceman as it always seemed dull as dirt, but figured that would be the only alternative to Larry :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 19/08/2017 18:29:34
Quote from: Chrille on Sat 19/08/2017 15:40:45
I actually haven't played Codename: Iceman as it always seemed dull as dirt
You have no idea how right you are :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 19/08/2017 22:55:07
Perhaps this was harder than I thought, as usual :-[

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 19/08/2017 23:00:28
Diablo 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 19/08/2017 23:22:06
The first Myth game? (The Fallen Lords)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 20/08/2017 01:51:59
One of the "Castles" games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 20/08/2017 09:56:31
That's it CrashPL! Well done, you're up next :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 20/08/2017 11:19:00
With the first screenshot I wasn't 100% sure... but the archers on the second one totally gave it away. :D

Alright, here goes!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 20/08/2017 11:49:23
Finally one I know. ALBION.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 20/08/2017 12:00:56
Yes sir! Truly an awesome MS-DOS RPG, I'd easily recommend it for everyone.

Your turn, ClickClickClick. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 20/08/2017 23:04:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 21/08/2017 09:15:49
Scanner Sombre?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 21/08/2017 09:29:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 21/08/2017 09:58:54
I haven't played it, but the art style is pretty distinctive. Is it any good?

Can someone please take my turn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/08/2017 10:05:44
Here you go:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 21/08/2017 10:08:44
Quote from: lorenzo on Mon 21/08/2017 09:58:54
I haven't played it, but the art style is pretty distinctive. Is it any good?
It's short and lets you take colourful screenshots. Nothing you HAVE to play, though.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 21/08/2017 10:25:23
I see, thanks. :) It does sound a bit like an interactive screensaver, but at least it looks different.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 21/08/2017 10:49:21
It's a "walking simulator" with the gimmick that you only can see what your scanner touched.

Back on topic, no idea. Looks like someone played around with additional effects for that screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 21/08/2017 12:13:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 21/08/2017 13:40:10
Not Nioh.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 22/08/2017 09:10:08
Another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/08/2017 11:00:24
Dark Souls 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 12:21:45
The tree looks familiar, though I haven't played the game myself. Is it Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Tue 22/08/2017 12:35:50
Correct! It's Hellblade. Very recent game with an incredible sound design where you hear what people with psychosis hear.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 16:06:35

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Tue 22/08/2017 19:18:04
Not sure but it looks like a goomba turned into a cube-shaped dog.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 19:43:09
You're on the right track ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/08/2017 19:44:35
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 19:53:41
Nope, getting very close though!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 22/08/2017 19:58:07
Paper Mario?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 20:01:52
Nope, not as close as the last guess :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 22/08/2017 20:36:37
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 22/08/2017 21:03:12
That's it! Your turn ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 22/08/2017 21:19:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 23/08/2017 09:47:25
That's Abzu.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 23/08/2017 12:01:50
Yes. I think I'll have to acquire a more obscure taste for next time. ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Wed 23/08/2017 17:19:16
Have another go. I pass my turn to you. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 24/08/2017 09:19:20
Alright. Let's try this one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 24/08/2017 10:52:24
Hi all! :)
Four Last Things?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 24/08/2017 11:00:31
Correct. Dang, still not obscure enough. :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 24/08/2017 11:46:05
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Thu 24/08/2017 11:00:31
Correct. Dang, still not obscure enough. :cheesy:

Don't feel bad, Atavismus has encyclopaedic games knowledge!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 24/08/2017 12:00:45
I'm sure I know a couple even he hasn't heard about. But since they are mostly German advertising games from the early nineties, that wouldn't be fair.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 24/08/2017 12:57:51
I'm not an encyclo but beware, I know some old german sharewares ^^

Anyway, here is my random pick:

(I cut the UI)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 24/08/2017 13:03:01
These two dudes look very much like Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan. But I'd have to google the name of the game. Which I won't. So, let me end this post with "be excellent to each other!"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/08/2017 19:49:17
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Thu 24/08/2017 13:03:01
These two dudes look very much like Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan. But I'd have to google the name of the game. Which I won't. So, let me end this post with "be excellent to each other!"
So, can someone Name the Game? ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 27/08/2017 20:00:38
Your post made me watch the movies, at least.

Party on, dudes!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 27/08/2017 21:05:31
Maybe another screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/08/2017 22:18:36
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 27/08/2017 21:05:31
Maybe another screenshot?
Would be useless, everything is in the first one and ClickClickClick gave all possible clues. ;)
If no one find, let's give the turn to ClickClickClick.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:19:06
We are allowed to use Google to help us narrow things down, we're just not allowed to image search the pictures we're given. So, this pic is from Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure ( (not to be confused with a few other similarly titled B&T games).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:20:33
If someone had told Cl3ck they were allowed to google, they would have got it, so I'm happy for them to take the next go :)

(Unless they don't want it in which case I'll take it)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/08/2017 22:21:56
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:19:06
this pic is from Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure (
Yes it is! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:47:53
See my previous post! If Cl3ck doesn't show up in the next 12 hours or so, I'll go ahead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 28/08/2017 07:23:06
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:20:33
If someone had told Cl3ck they were allowed to google
I knew I was. I just didn't want to. I had so many turns in the last couple of days already.

Quote from: Ben X on Sun 27/08/2017 22:47:53
See my previous post! If Cl3ck doesn't show up in the next 12 hours or so, I'll go ahead.
You do that. "Cl3ck", huh? :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 28/08/2017 09:41:51
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Mon 28/08/2017 07:23:06
I knew I was. I just didn't want to. I had so many turns in the last couple of days already.

Ah, I wondered if that were the case. Okeedokee, here's mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 28/08/2017 11:47:50
This looks nasty! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 28/08/2017 13:49:22
Isn't that Privates?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 28/08/2017 15:14:49
It is indeed!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 29/08/2017 11:37:26
Alright, I guess it's my turn then.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 30/08/2017 07:26:01
Lol looks like an Egg mod for River City Ransom (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 30/08/2017 10:50:35
Ah, it's the good ol' Goemon from The Legend of the Mystical Ninja. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 30/08/2017 17:14:16
The Amusement Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 31/08/2017 11:30:40
Quote from: CrashPL on Wed 30/08/2017 10:50:35
Ah, it's the good ol' Goemon from The Legend of the Mystical Ninja. :)
Yep, you got it. Sorry for the late reply.
Your turn. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 31/08/2017 17:33:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 31/08/2017 17:39:57
Conker's Bad Fur Day

Or you tricked me and it's Conker: Live and Reloaded
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 31/08/2017 19:14:00
Yup, that's Conker's Bad Fur Day. :) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 31/08/2017 19:17:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 01/09/2017 00:45:51
Looks sorta like Oxenfree?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 01/09/2017 08:34:31
I wouldn't know, haven't played that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 01/09/2017 14:49:20
seen it, and the name is something strange i think. something like Tulxa.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 01/09/2017 15:12:23
Know what, to not drag this out unnecessarily I say you win. Close enough, anyway. The name of the game is TULPA.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 02/09/2017 13:20:20
well i dont have time to conduct one myself, so anyone want to go in my place?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 02/09/2017 13:36:39
Okay, here's one then.  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 02/09/2017 13:51:28
Tesla Effect : A Tex Murphy Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 02/09/2017 14:05:10
Quote from: Atavismus on Sat 02/09/2017 13:51:28
Tesla Effect : A Tex Murphy Adventure?

You're close - right hero, wrong game  :wink:
Tex is the best detective!  :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 02/09/2017 19:32:20
Martian Memorandum?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 02/09/2017 20:33:06
Gilbert got it right  :grin:
Your turn, Gilbert 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 04/09/2017 02:24:06


As I think photobucket is disabling image hot-linking for non-paid users now I try to use for this. Can anyone see the image? (I cannot, as I'm using a very old browser, and hot-linked images haven't shown here for quite some time now.) If you cannot see it, just paste the url of the image found by quoting my post and paste it in a new browser tab, which usually works. Sorry for the inconvenient.
Thank you Frodo! I thought that all the options, including the hot-link was listed on the right like Photobucket.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Mon 04/09/2017 02:45:14

You had to right click and copy image address, what you had was the album address.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 04/09/2017 03:35:35
Worlds of Ultima 2: Martian Dreams.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 04/09/2017 05:31:30
Correct! (And there're some "connections" with the last game, right? :grin:)
Thought this won't get long already.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 04/09/2017 15:34:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 04/09/2017 15:41:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 04/09/2017 15:46:14
Yep ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 05/09/2017 01:41:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 05/09/2017 02:41:07
Test Drive?

(Or probably not. I remember another game where you could design a car, checking wind flow and whatever, but I couldn't remember its name.)

Found it. It is literally called Car Builder (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 05/09/2017 02:54:02
Yes, that's correct! I thought early 80s edutainment would be more obscure than that :D. Well done.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 05/09/2017 04:48:07
I remember playing this "game" a lot BiTD, having much fun in designing the car's body and fascinated by seeing the wind blown through it. That "map" screen was something that I recognised immediately, but I've only played the Apple ][ version.

Anyway, since I was having a round not long before, I'll pass this to whoever hijacks this thread first.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 05/09/2017 04:56:03
Quote from: Gilbert on Tue 05/09/2017 04:48:07
I remember playing this "game" a lot BiTD, having much fun in designing the car's body and fascinated by seeing the wind blown through it. That "map" screen was something that I recognised immediately, but I've only played the Apple ][ version.

Haha, no worries. Yeah, I played it a lot too, but the DOS version above. I think I just enjoyed making the worst possible boxy car designs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/09/2017 02:55:01
How about this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 10/09/2017 07:57:29
Seems nobody here has much of a clue ??? How bout a new screenie and/or a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 10/09/2017 11:13:05
I've definitely seen the box of this game in the past, and the shot is probably from Apple ][ even. I just don't know what game it is. Maybe I'll do some investigation (not image search, of course).

Okay. After googling "Apple ][ cartoon bear" it immediately gave me the name of the series:
Which actually was a popular edutainment franchise consisting of a number of games. I'm too lazy to do further research to find out which specific title this would be, so anyone can work from here and find the answer for the win.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Sun 10/09/2017 11:31:01
Stickybear Basketbounce?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 10/09/2017 12:47:53
Yes! Stickybear Basketbounce. World's worst game title. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 10/09/2017 12:57:37
Quote from: manifest class on Sun 10/09/2017 12:47:53
World's worst game title. (laugh)
There's a thread idea. I'd start with "Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders and Product Placement"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Mon 11/09/2017 00:52:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/09/2017 03:11:44
The Cat Lady?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kitty Trouble on Mon 11/09/2017 06:38:31
You got it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/09/2017 07:51:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 11/09/2017 09:15:25
Dear Esther?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/09/2017 09:22:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 11/09/2017 09:28:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/09/2017 10:24:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 11/09/2017 11:28:40
Right! I love that level selection screen.
Your turn now!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/09/2017 12:03:58

Let's see if anyone recognizes this.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 11/09/2017 13:27:07
Wall Street Kid...for Gameboy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 11/09/2017 13:33:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 12/09/2017 08:47:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Tue 12/09/2017 20:35:11
I don't know, but it looks amazing. Is that dragonmen dropping into a courtroom? Oh wait! Are those ghosts maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 13/09/2017 08:36:34
Ghostbusters II on Game Boy, yes ;) Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 13/09/2017 14:21:21
I had no idea there was such a cute looking Ghostbusters game on the Game Boy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Wed 13/09/2017 19:58:23
Probably too easy, but I don't care. This part stumped me for months as a kid... before the joys of internet walkthroughs.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 14/09/2017 09:10:20
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 13/09/2017 14:21:21
I had no idea there was such a cute looking Ghostbusters game on the Game Boy.
If you think that's cute, try New Ghostbusters II on NES ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 14/09/2017 12:07:01
HanaIndiana, is the answer a snail?;) seem to remember that and not sure of the name of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 14/09/2017 13:14:01
Conquests of Camelot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 14/09/2017 14:58:37
King's Quest IV?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Thu 14/09/2017 16:53:39
Gribbler got it! :cheesy: Conquests of Camelot is correct. Those purple stones required solving random riddles, if I remember correctly. And I had the toughest time with those for some reason.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 15/09/2017 10:15:34
Cool that's about the only golden age Sierra title I never played!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Sat 16/09/2017 01:28:31
I really liked the game. Some Monty Python holy grail easter eggs. Plus it had a text parser, for typing in actions. So of course, it was fun trying to guess what swear words or outrageous requests would return a funny remark from the developers.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sat 16/09/2017 09:45:31
Someone can take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 16/09/2017 17:20:16
Ok I'm not going to be popular for posting this but...anyone remember this one??? :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 16/09/2017 19:56:07
God help us all, it's Fuck Quest. Given that I don't recognize the scene from the first game, I'm guessing it's Fuck Quest 2 specifically.

And I'm horrifically ashamed to know this :sealed:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sat 16/09/2017 20:22:44
QuoteAnd I'm horrifically ashamed to know this :sealed:

Don't be, it's natural :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 16/09/2017 22:06:52
Ain't nothing natural about those abominations :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 17/09/2017 14:15:48
Haha correct! Let us all share a quiet moment of shame for knowing this game... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 17/09/2017 14:57:49

Okay, that's long enough.


Anyone know who this handsome eyeball belongs to?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 17/09/2017 16:36:07
Altered Beast?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 17/09/2017 20:26:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 17/09/2017 21:34:09
Neither of those. This was a 90's game for DOS, PS1, and Saturn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/09/2017 06:26:46

Okay then, how bout this. Picture is cropped to hide the interface so as to not make it too obvious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 18/09/2017 07:23:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 18/09/2017 07:39:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 18/09/2017 08:37:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/09/2017 08:51:52
'fraid not.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 18/09/2017 12:15:06
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 16/09/2017 19:56:07
And I'm horrifically ashamed to know this :sealed:
Don't be ashamed. They were good games. Funny, short, and reasonable puzzles. Arguably better than all of the Leisure Suit Larry games as well. (laugh)
Such a shame that we'll probably never see the third and final entry in the series. :~(

Now as for the current screenshot. Um... Mission Critical?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/09/2017 12:28:29
Oh, no. Definitely not an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 18/09/2017 14:27:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/09/2017 14:38:07

Seems this one's a bit harder than I expected. As usual with one of mine :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 18/09/2017 15:01:14
Time Commando?

I found out the game, because the current screenshot looks a little like it was made with the Little Big Adventure 2 engine, so I just checked out what other games that company made.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/09/2017 15:08:03
That is indeed correct, good sleuthing ;) Always loved this game, simple (and often clunky) brawler but I love the premise and aesthetic. Funnily enough, Stanley (Time Commando's protagonist) makes a cameo appearance in LBA2 as an enemy you can fight. Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 18/09/2017 16:06:04
Yay, I got it. :-D
It's amazing how identifiable the aesthetics of that engine is.

Let's see if anyone can get this one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Tue 19/09/2017 21:56:30
I'm going to go with... Kutty!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 19/09/2017 22:46:45
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/09/2017 09:24:36
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 19/09/2017 22:46:45
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story?
That's right. :-D Did you play it yourself?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/09/2017 12:30:50
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 20/09/2017 09:24:36
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 19/09/2017 22:46:45
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story?
That's right. :-D Did you play it yourself?
Nope (thinking about it, I played few jrpg in fact...)

Here is my proposal (maybe too easy?):


(No, it's not a Blackwell demake ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 15:11:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/09/2017 16:11:41
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 15:11:46
Yes ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 17:06:45

Super easy one to not hold up the thread too long this time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 20/09/2017 17:27:06
Sid Meier's Pirates?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 17:33:07
No, but it is a pirate-y game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/09/2017 17:50:00
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 17:06:45
Super easy one to not hold up the thread too long this time.
Oh come on. That is super easy.
It's clearly Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 20/09/2017 17:59:53
It's the sea combat section from The Curse of Monkey Island!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/09/2017 18:03:54
Yes indeed, CrashPL ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 20/09/2017 18:08:10
Gah, 5 minutes too late!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 20/09/2017 18:15:50

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 20/09/2017 19:05:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/09/2017 20:54:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 21/09/2017 08:55:56
Quote from: Gilbert on Wed 20/09/2017 19:05:20

Precisely, it's Gex. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 21/09/2017 09:44:54
Sort of very slightly related to the last game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 21/09/2017 10:24:30
Adventures of bayou billy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 21/09/2017 10:38:43
Yeah, or Mad City in the Japanese version, or Crocodile Dunddee if you want to talk about the slight relation with the last entry :grin:.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 21/09/2017 11:08:44
Thanks for the memories :-D

Here's another guess:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 21/09/2017 11:33:20
I don't even know what I'm looking at. Something hairy (or made of wood) with a metal nose?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 21/09/2017 13:02:11
As soon as I saw it, I knew it was a detail from a Sierra game, but I couldn't figure out which one. It took some detective work to find it (basically, looking at many screenshots of Sierra games). It's Police Quest 3, isn't it? I remembered pretty well the background it came from (,359554/), because of its strange angle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 21/09/2017 13:40:12
Correct! Suspicious too much explaining Bonds!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 21/09/2017 14:03:49
I'm innocent, Mr Walls! Just following regular police procedure!

This one is a bit easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 21/09/2017 15:24:46
colonel's bequest :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 21/09/2017 16:05:13
That's right! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 21/09/2017 16:25:08
Oh lá lá, lunch in Paris...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 21/09/2017 16:46:27
One of those monster games in the series including Movie Monsters? Possibly including the word Stomp in its title or whatever.

Alright. It IS The Movie Monster Game (,127187/). I originally thought it was the earlier game ( as I couldn't immediately recognise the shot (and that I've only played the latter game).

I'll just give up this round to whoever likes to pick it up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Thu 21/09/2017 20:27:49
Here's one!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 22/09/2017 00:43:43
No idea, but that boat has two very badly behaved stray pixels... sloppy if it's a commercial title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Fri 22/09/2017 02:15:34
Haha! (laugh) Yes, a commercial title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 22/09/2017 04:54:04
Hmm maybe that Oregon Trail title from Sierra?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 22/09/2017 04:55:17
Sorry I meant Gold Rush.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Fri 22/09/2017 05:25:09
I can see where you got that, but that isn't it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 22/09/2017 06:10:30
Wouldn't be something obvious like King's Quest 3 would it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 22/09/2017 11:32:19
King's Quest 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 22/09/2017 12:55:14
Maddog Williams?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Fri 22/09/2017 20:56:02
Danvzare got it! King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, and that darn whale's tongue. :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 23/09/2017 05:04:08
Wow guess I forgot how pixelated the graphics were even as late as KQ4! I loved those games though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 23/09/2017 15:17:35
Quote from: HanaIndiana on Fri 22/09/2017 20:56:02
Danvzare got it! King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella, and that darn whale's tongue. :tongue:
Whoa! Seriously?
That was a total shot in the dark that I made simply because manifest class thought it might have been KQ3, and I figured that this was clearly not an AGI game, and I knew that KQ4 was an EGA SCI game.

Sometimes I impress even myself.

This should be an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 23/09/2017 15:40:04
LCP! Little Computer People! I love watching the silly little character do things. 8-) I only know the version with better graphics, so I'll wait for you to confirm my guess correct, but I think that's the one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 23/09/2017 16:04:26
Quote from: manifest class on Sat 23/09/2017 15:40:04
LCP! Little Computer People! I love watching the silly little character do things. 8-) I only know the version with better graphics, so I'll wait for you to confirm my guess correct, but I think that's the one.
Nope. Not even close.

Although I do know the game you're talking about. It is a good game. But it's not this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 23/09/2017 16:17:03
Feel like I should know this one but can't dredge a name out of the old memory.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 23/09/2017 16:26:39
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 23/09/2017 16:04:26
Quote from: manifest class on Sat 23/09/2017 15:40:04
LCP! Little Computer People! I love watching the silly little character do things. 8-) I only know the version with better graphics, so I'll wait for you to confirm my guess correct, but I think that's the one.
Nope. Not even close.

Although I do know the game you're talking about. It is a good game. But it's not this game.
What?! Jeez was so sure I got that one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 23/09/2017 17:59:47
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 23/09/2017 15:17:35
That was a total shot in the dark that I made simply because manifest class thought it might have been KQ3, and I figured that this was clearly not an AGI game, and I knew that KQ4 was an EGA SCI game.
If you didn't know this already though, there WAS (,1999/) an AGI version of KQ4.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 25/09/2017 13:16:39
Quote from: Gilbert on Sat 23/09/2017 17:59:47
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 23/09/2017 15:17:35
That was a total shot in the dark that I made simply because manifest class thought it might have been KQ3, and I figured that this was clearly not an AGI game, and I knew that KQ4 was an EGA SCI game.
If you didn't know this already though, there WAS (,1999/) an AGI version of KQ4.
Yep, I knew that.

Here's another screenie.
I guess I chose a much more obscure game than I first thought.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 25/09/2017 14:12:42
I actually found this from googling the text (which as far as I'm aware is allowed unless the person posting the pic forbids it because it's a text adventure or something), but wanted to see if anyone knew it.

Apparently not, so it's Pyjamarama, for the ZX Spectrum amongst others.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 25/09/2017 14:22:13
Here's one that I'm currently playing:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2017 18:27:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 25/09/2017 18:50:45
Yep! If no one got it I would have gone for a more classic 'hitting hobo with pipe' shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2017 19:34:35
It has been some time since I played that game. Is that the guy you had to beat in a farm in one the last levels, or something like that?

Here's the next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 25/09/2017 19:50:50
I have this one on CD somewhere. It's called something like "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2017 20:04:43
Right! (nod)
It has some terrible acting, but an amazing "wait" cursor:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 25/09/2017 20:27:36
Quote from: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2017 19:34:35
Is that the guy you had to beat in a farm in one the last levels, or something like that?

Yeah, that's him, he's the end of game baddy. Pain in the arse, you have to have the exact same fight with him three times in a row.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 25/09/2017 20:32:59
Hahaha! Yes, but it had acting! I remember thinking the video was so great. I bet if I look back at it now, it'll be even more macroblocked than Mad Dog McCree.

It doesn't have to be PC, right? Here's one I've been playing a lot of lately:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 25/09/2017 21:30:52
Diner Dash?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 26/09/2017 14:57:31
Quote from: lorenzo on Mon 25/09/2017 19:34:35
It has been some time since I played that game. Is that the guy you had to beat in a farm in one the last levels, or something like that?

Here's the next one:

Such a love-hate relationship with this game. Yeah the half-video half-cartoon thing was weird and I hated having the same conversation with people over and over, but at that time video was so rare in a game it this title instantly won points with me for being original in that regard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 26/09/2017 16:15:52
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 25/09/2017 21:30:52
Diner Dash?

Not Diner Dash. Here's a screenshot from the other screen:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 26/09/2017 22:41:41
One of the Picross games for 3DS?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 27/09/2017 10:56:10
one of those Mama cooking games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 27/09/2017 11:18:17
It's a Picross game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/09/2017 09:04:47
For the 3DS...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 29/09/2017 09:14:24
I bet you want someone to say "It's Picross 3D", right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Fri 29/09/2017 09:36:26
That's close enough. Your turn, ClickClickClick.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 29/09/2017 10:06:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/09/2017 11:17:05
MS Paint Adventures? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 29/09/2017 11:20:16
No. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/09/2017 11:35:23
Mystery House?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 29/09/2017 11:38:59
Also no.

Have another screenshot. Yes, same game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 01/10/2017 13:30:18
Kentucky Route Zero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 01/10/2017 15:04:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 01/10/2017 23:49:38
\o/ gimme 12 hours
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 02/10/2017 02:48:07
Wow haven't even heard of that game. Looks awesome.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/10/2017 12:59:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 02/10/2017 13:04:28
And Then There Were None?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/10/2017 13:10:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 02/10/2017 14:47:32
7th Guest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 02/10/2017 14:56:55
One of the Nancy Drew games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 02/10/2017 15:28:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 02/10/2017 16:06:04
Pool 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/10/2017 16:17:57
None of those. Has anyone taken a look at the character in the background?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 02/10/2017 16:22:00
Tomb raider?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/10/2017 16:46:59
No. Here's another pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 02/10/2017 16:49:01
Oh! It's EGO FPS! (laugh)

(Sorry, couldn't resist.... no idea, but figured the pool table was misleading, and the game was really a FPS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 02/10/2017 17:25:20
The EGO meter gave it away, Duke Nukem Forever.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/10/2017 17:46:31
Thought it would! Considered blanking it out, but decided to keep it easy. Your go, Cl3ck.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 02/10/2017 18:48:26
What to pick, what to pick... :confused: ???

Got it:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 02/10/2017 18:59:04
The Journey Down?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 02/10/2017 19:01:00
Which chapter? :-\ Nah, you win. :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 02/10/2017 19:06:53
The first one! ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Mon 02/10/2017 19:12:32
Duke Nukem 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 02/10/2017 19:17:36
Yes! :)
Your turn, Gribbler!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 02/10/2017 21:08:32
Oh, it was Duke Nukem? Funny I had thought it reminded me of DN, but I never player Forever (didn't even knew it was out :-[ ).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 05/10/2017 10:15:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 05/10/2017 12:20:17
That's Fable  :grin:

The proper PC adventure one, not the console knock-offs.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Thu 05/10/2017 19:18:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 05/10/2017 21:35:30
Next game  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 06/10/2017 03:40:48
Going by that cauldron in the back, Harry Potter 2049? :=

Nah, it's Blade Runner ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 06/10/2017 16:46:01
Quote from: Amayirot Akagoth Ur on Fri 06/10/2017 03:40:48
Going by that cauldron in the back, Harry Potter 2049? :=

Nah, it's Blade Runner ;)

Lol @ Harry Potter  :tongue:

But yeah, it's Blade Runner  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 06/10/2017 19:00:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Fri 06/10/2017 19:34:26
In search of Dr. Riptide ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 06/10/2017 19:35:53
Correct! :shocked: Damn you and your encyclopedic knowledge of obscure games to rival my own :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 07/10/2017 10:44:35
Quote from: Amayirot Akagoth Ur on Fri 06/10/2017 19:35:53
Correct! :shocked: Damn you and your encyclopedic knowledge of obscure games to rival my own :D

:-D :-D :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 07/10/2017 14:30:21
Skullcrotch 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 07/10/2017 16:56:44
No :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 07/10/2017 17:12:43
Skullcrotch 4: Never Forget Leg Day?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 07/10/2017 18:12:13
Sam "Serious" Stone always wears these red sneakers. But I can't think of a game where the rest of him looks like this.

Maybe Double D XXL?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sat 07/10/2017 19:58:50
No no no
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Sun 08/10/2017 20:33:10
Fairly certain I would remember this, if I've played it. :smiley: So here's a shot in the dark.
Full Throttle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 09/10/2017 10:35:39
The graphical style kinda reminds me of DuzzQuest... ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 09/10/2017 16:19:45
Nope all wrong..

Here's another cropped shot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 16:35:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Mon 09/10/2017 16:42:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 17:10:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 09/10/2017 17:37:55
Quake 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 19:37:57
No, it's not Quake!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 20:48:44
King's Quest 7?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Mon 09/10/2017 21:14:58
Riven sequel to Myst?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 21:21:48
Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 20:48:44
King's Quest 7?

Quote from: HanaIndiana on Mon 09/10/2017 21:14:58
Riven sequel to Myst?

Here's another image:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 21:25:51
I meant kq8 8-) but that isn't it either, right?

Looks a bit escheresque. This room has more than one floor, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 21:36:40
I understood, the 3D King's Quest! Unless you count King's Quest 1 as 3D, as Sierra did (,70035/)... ;)
It's not that one, unfortunately!

Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 21:25:51
This room has more than one floor, right?
The place is a big mansion with multiple floors, if that's what you mean.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 21:46:12
Thief: Dark Project?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 09/10/2017 21:53:13
Correct! (nod) It's Constantine's Mansion from Thief!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 10/10/2017 10:04:38
The first image looked like in space?!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 10/10/2017 11:44:23
Quote from: Kumpel on Mon 09/10/2017 21:46:12
Thief: Dark Project?
I can't believe it took someone that long to figure that out. Thief is a classic!
If I had seen that first screenshot yesterday, I would've gotten it straight away. I'm very ashamed of you lot. (laugh)

As for the current screenshot, hmm...
Minecraft with loads of graphical mods from the future? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 10/10/2017 13:56:26
No crafting in this one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 10/10/2017 14:14:17
Not a game I've actually played, but... The Stanley Parable?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 10/10/2017 14:35:51
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 10/10/2017 11:44:23
Thief is a classic!
If I had seen that first screenshot yesterday, I would've gotten it straight away.
Thief is one my favourite games, and The Sword is such a fantastic map!

Quote from: Kumpel on Tue 10/10/2017 10:04:38
The first image looked like in space?!
It's a room in the same mansion, you can see it here: (
There's even some loot to get!

As for the current image... I've no idea!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 14/10/2017 11:49:48


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 14/10/2017 12:06:43
It looks like FMV with some enhancements, so I'll guess that new game Press X To Die.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 15/10/2017 14:26:44
Is it that Jonathan Blow one where you have to complete patterns? (Can't remember the name...and too lazy to Google.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 15/10/2017 14:51:48
I'll make a second guess: The Witness.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 15/10/2017 18:29:04
Quote from: manifest class on Sun 15/10/2017 14:26:44
Is it that Jonathan Blow one where you have to complete patterns? (Can't remember the name...and too lazy to Google.)

That's it!

Quote from: Ben X on Sun 15/10/2017 14:51:48
I'll make a second guess: The Witness.

I think the victory belongs to manifest class. Your turn again, skull dude with the indian headdress :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 15/10/2017 18:53:15
I agree, I was just messing around :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 16/10/2017 13:25:13
Sorry for the delay. Didn't realise I won by default!

How about this:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 16/10/2017 15:18:26
Transport Tycoon.
Or Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
Possibly Open Transport Tycoon.
They're basically all the same game though (hence the three guesses). (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 16/10/2017 15:40:00
Hehe yeah. That was a great game for its time. Those stupid customisable avatars were a surprising plus. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 17/10/2017 10:34:03
I guess it's my turn then. :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 17/10/2017 11:44:00
Never played it, but... Silent Hill?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 17/10/2017 15:17:51
LSD Dream Emulator.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 17/10/2017 16:06:36
Looks like one of the later Zork games.  :cool:

Zork: Grand Inquisiter?
Zork Nemises?
Return To Zork?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 18/10/2017 12:59:42
Quote from: Amayirot Akagoth Ur on Tue 17/10/2017 15:17:51
LSD Dream Emulator.
That's right, it's the first game in the Walking Simulator genre. Made more or less a decade before that genre even existed (although that's just a very rough guess), and probably ten times better than most games in that genre.

Your turn Amayirot. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 18/10/2017 15:18:36
What? I thought that was a joke guess... 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 18/10/2017 17:16:20
I never joke about my work, 007 :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 18/10/2017 18:20:36
I'm going to guess something Dune related...?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 18/10/2017 18:46:40
Full Throttle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 18/10/2017 18:49:26
The very same, Ben X ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 18/10/2017 19:13:55

edit: ha ha, I only just noticed the watermark! It redirects to the YouTube user whose vid I took this from, so searching that url is NOT allowed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Wed 18/10/2017 23:18:32
Indiana Nukem and the Lost Temple of Jurassic Park?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 19/10/2017 02:35:39
Quote from: Ben X on Wed 18/10/2017 18:46:40
Full Throttle!

WTF what scene from Full Throttle is that?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/10/2017 02:40:28
Half-Life: Gunman Chronicles. Strange, that. A couple of days ago I thought about the game, totally out of the blue.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 19/10/2017 03:37:26
Quote from: manifest class on Thu 19/10/2017 02:35:39
Quote from: Ben X on Wed 18/10/2017 18:46:40
Full Throttle!

WTF what scene from Full Throttle is that?!
It's when Ben first arrives at the Vultures' hideout and finds a pissed-off Maureen waiting for him.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 19/10/2017 09:20:24
"That's the guy I told you about, Suzi. The guy who killed my dad." Or something like that.

Cl3ck got the correct answer. It is indeed Gunman Chronicles, a HL total conversion. It's really hard to get a hold of now, but I played it recently and it's actually very good, though the difficulty curve is a little borked.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/10/2017 09:28:32
I only ever played the demo but that seems to have had a lasting effect on me. Anyway, middle finger (laugh):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 19/10/2017 10:05:31
Is it Far Cry Blood Dragon?

Quote from: Ben X on Thu 19/10/2017 09:20:24
It is indeed Gunman Chronicles, a HL total conversion. It's really hard to get a hold of now, but I played it recently and it's actually very good, though the difficulty curve is a little borked.
I've always been curious about that game (I mean, it's an fps with dinosaurs, I have to play it!), but it's not sold in any digital store, as far as I know.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/10/2017 10:48:14
It is. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 19/10/2017 12:03:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/10/2017 13:39:21
Project Eden?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 19/10/2017 15:14:43
That's right! Your turn again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/10/2017 16:09:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 19/10/2017 16:37:07
King's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 19/10/2017 17:41:31
I've played half an hour of the first free episode of Life is Strange before deciding I didn't like it. I remember there was a butterfly in the school toilet, so... Life is Strange?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 20/10/2017 00:30:42
Yes. Maybe I should have used something less obvious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 20/10/2017 07:19:00
The whole butterfly effect concept is the main mechanic of the game, so the butterfly was pretty easy to remember! ;)

I just had a turn, so if someone else wants it, please take it! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 20/10/2017 17:40:35
Well alright then...

What is this one, my dudes:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 20/10/2017 18:55:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 20/10/2017 19:30:55
Definitely too easy! (laugh) Your go, dude...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 22/10/2017 22:38:10
Posting such a screenshot on this forum is like showing a Jesus painting to a Pope and asking „Who's this?” :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 23/10/2017 12:21:51
Quote from: manifest class on Fri 20/10/2017 19:30:55
Definitely too easy! (laugh) Your go, dude...
What, seriously?
I thought it was just a screenshot of a game that kind of looked like Loom (but I made the guess anyway)! (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 23/10/2017 13:39:11
Quote from: Gribbler on Sun 22/10/2017 22:38:10
Posting such a screenshot on this forum is like showing a Jesus painting to a Pope and asking „Who's this?” :)

But I cut it in a way that I thought made it look like a generic mountain. Apparently not!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 23/10/2017 16:57:31
Langriser, just too obvious. (And judging from those horribly mangled portraits it's the western version known as Warsong or whatever)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 24/10/2017 20:08:39
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 23/10/2017 16:57:31
Langriser, just too obvious. (And judging from those horribly mangled portraits it's the western version known as Warsong or whatever)
Yep, that's the one. Good game. I got stuck at the end though.
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 25/10/2017 03:15:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 25/10/2017 11:59:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 25/10/2017 18:41:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 26/10/2017 11:27:28
Rings of Power?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 26/10/2017 14:26:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 26/10/2017 14:38:16
One of the Heroes of Might & Magic games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 26/10/2017 14:49:05
I may post some more pics if there are more wrong guesses, but I think posting any other shots might have spoiled it already.

Hint: This is a not so obscure (I think, could probably be considered quite popular) action game. The posted image was from a certain scene that many people never got to see for some reasons.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 26/10/2017 17:37:56
I took me a while but then I recognized where I'd seen that type of helmet before, it looks a thug from Golden Axe :-\

It looks a bit too high-res though. One of the sequels?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 26/10/2017 19:30:16
It looks really familiar. I'm fairly sure I've seen it in an intro on a Megadrive game. I just can't for the life of me place it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 27/10/2017 02:12:54
Quote from: Chrille on Thu 26/10/2017 17:37:56
Golden Axe

*Ding ding ding* A winner is you!

It was actually taken from the arcade version. In the original Japanese version there was a brief scene in the attraction mode where the player decapitated a thug (, which was removed for the other versions. The even more popular Mega Drive version (and most other ports as well) also had this removed for obvious reason.
For this reason, I bet not many people here might have seen this and this was intended to be the tricky part.

The reason it appeared high res was because the head zoomed towards the screen and it was quite large compared to the head of a typical character sprite.

Anyway, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 27/10/2017 15:32:22
Hooray! :-D

Here is something a bit more modern:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 27/10/2017 16:48:36
Golf Story?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 27/10/2017 16:58:58
That's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 27/10/2017 18:22:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 27/10/2017 18:36:54
Duck Game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 27/10/2017 21:50:11
Looks like a medieval version of Bionic Commando! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 28/10/2017 07:20:31
Mexican Magneto?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 28/10/2017 15:06:21
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Fri 27/10/2017 18:36:54
Duck Game
Very sorry for the late response. But you got it. Your turn. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 28/10/2017 15:33:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sat 28/10/2017 19:37:26
Rocket League?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 28/10/2017 19:41:36
Of course. Not very hard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 29/10/2017 08:33:29
Eheh, there aren't that many cars-playing-football games ;)

Next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 29/10/2017 09:46:08
I know that one... Something like Jetpack Man?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/10/2017 10:56:02
Monuments of Mars.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 29/10/2017 11:39:05
Amayirot got it right! It's Monuments of Mars.

Quote from: Kumpel on Sun 29/10/2017 09:46:08
Something like Jetpack Man?
That sounds like a mix of Jetpack ( and Jumpman ( I want that game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 29/10/2017 11:46:51
I remember that one! Wow thanks for the flashback.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 29/10/2017 11:50:43

Now let's see who can identify this ol' bonehead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 29/10/2017 15:22:17
Dungeon Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 30/10/2017 01:37:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 30/10/2017 03:35:45
No, but it is from that same era of gaming as Bio Menace.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Mon 30/10/2017 05:31:26
OMG I know I played this, but what is it?! Jill of the Jungle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 30/10/2017 08:46:34
Yes, maybe it's Jill Goes Underground?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 30/10/2017 13:23:49
Monster Bash?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 30/10/2017 15:41:21
Quote from: HanaIndiana on Mon 30/10/2017 05:31:26
OMG I know I played this, but what is it?! Jill of the Jungle?
Indeed it is ;) Loved those bits where you transform into a fish or phoenix. Love the whole series, matter of fact. So wonderfully surreal.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Mon 30/10/2017 18:04:10
Yep, a favorite of mine too. I liked the frog.  Here's a new one!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 30/10/2017 20:30:59
Uhm... Looks like a Sierra hand...
Laura Bow 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Mon 30/10/2017 22:54:14
QuoteLaura Bow 2?
That's the one! For extra points, what's the password to get into the "Flower Shop"? No just kidding.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/10/2017 08:37:03
Quote from: HanaIndiana on Mon 30/10/2017 22:54:14
QuoteLaura Bow 2?
That's the one! For extra points, what's the password to get into the "Flower Shop"? No just kidding.
*puts Press pass through slot, gets stabbed by random passerby*
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 31/10/2017 19:05:00
Oh, wait, I guessed right? 8-0
I never actually played Laura Bow 2, even though I'm a huge fan of Colonel's Bequest. So... I wouldn't know the password. (laugh)

I'll be soon back with a screenshot... as soon as I find a game to post. ;)

Edit: Back with that screenshot... cropped:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/10/2017 19:37:12
Double Dragon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 31/10/2017 19:42:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/10/2017 20:37:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 31/10/2017 21:13:33
Yes. (nod)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 31/10/2017 21:52:52
Gah I only just saw this and was going to guess RoboCop!

Come on Amayirot your turn to find another obscure Amiga game no-one's ever played or heard of! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 31/10/2017 22:50:02
Oh wow, I actually got it :D

And, well, CaptainD, if you insist ;)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 01/11/2017 13:37:22
Shadow Of The Beast II.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/11/2017 15:51:11
That is correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 01/11/2017 15:56:25


I've cropped a bit off the bottom to remove some text.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/11/2017 18:24:58
RoboCod (James Pond II) :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 01/11/2017 18:28:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/11/2017 19:56:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 01/11/2017 20:00:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 01/11/2017 21:55:54
Nope :-D

The game's gui is missing from this shot. Otherwise it'd be a dead giveaway.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 02/11/2017 03:37:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 02/11/2017 08:46:57

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/11/2017 15:26:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 02/11/2017 16:45:47
Indeed it is :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 02/11/2017 17:28:30
Well that complete shot in the dark paid off big time :D I'mma give up my turn to whoever else wants a go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 02/11/2017 20:39:10
/me jumps in

Should be easy, no cropping this time. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/11/2017 20:51:57
Saboteur.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 02/11/2017 20:52:56
Your turn. :-D (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/11/2017 21:28:10
Next game  :cheesy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 02/11/2017 23:05:47
Big Doors, Little People?

(Seriously though, the mismatch on scale between that door and the character sprite sizes is ridiculous!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/11/2017 00:15:37
Lol, interesting title.  Wrong, but interesting.  :grin:

I never even thought about the door being too big, until now.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 03/11/2017 18:15:44
Uhm... I should know it but I don't...

I'll guess "Phantom of the opera" since it seems like we're under a theater stage. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/11/2017 19:23:07
Ohhhhh... you're SO close, I have to give it to you.  :grin:

It's called Return Of The Phantom, and it's based on Phantom Of The Opera.
And you're right - that scene is below the theatre stage.  :wink:

Your turn Cassie  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 03/11/2017 19:34:04
oh, what? Me again? Something is wrong in the world. (wtf)

I'll try and find something, brb. :-D

And now to see it there are any others you know and enjoyed this game (which I sadly never managed to finish :~( ):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Fri 03/11/2017 23:47:30
Looks like Spectrum, circa 1986...
Strike Force Cobra?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 04/11/2017 14:12:27
Yes. (nod)

Only game I ever used all my fingers to play! :D
Plus, I thought it was great to have 4 characters to control and that you had to use one to open doors for the others. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sun 05/11/2017 19:24:43
Anyone else want to have a go?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 06/11/2017 13:33:54
Anyone remember this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Wed 08/11/2017 00:47:09
I'm going to go with Pac-Frog
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 08/11/2017 13:49:34
^(laugh)That's actually a cooler concept.

Hint: this game is a 1989 Russian (Soviet?) puzzle game that had a very politically charged intro screen and title but was otherwise kind of silly.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 08/11/2017 16:29:54
Er... hmm... was there a game called Perestroika?  Or Glasnost?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 08/11/2017 16:52:12
Nah, clearly it has to be Reagonomics :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 08/11/2017 17:19:05
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 08/11/2017 16:29:54
Er... hmm... was there a game called Perestroika?  Or Glasnost?

Perestroika! Yes. Well done. Apparently little bugs dancing cha-cha on lily pads saved us all from nuclear war.

Here's the title screen:

Your go, D.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/11/2017 18:00:57
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Who knew it was bugs and lily pads that saved us all?!?!?

Okay, here's a new one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 09/11/2017 20:19:10
Freaking Funky Fuzzballs?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 09/11/2017 20:28:59
that was something like Skweegie or squeekie
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/11/2017 21:54:11
Oooh dayowloron is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO close... you could actually create the correct answer with bits of both his answers!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 10/11/2017 01:42:19
Think it is Skweek?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/11/2017 07:46:45
It is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 10/11/2017 14:42:18
here is mine. Probably an easy one and it is an older game but i loved playing it. Can't remember much about it now though. sorry about it appearing blurry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 14:44:54
Is it Defender of the Crown?

Love the colors :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 10/11/2017 14:50:10
Boy that was quick. Yes it is. your turn Chrille
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 16:43:16
Time for another classic!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/11/2017 17:53:44
Super Mario Bros - NES version?

Or is it a trick...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 19:23:32
Nope, it's not Super Mario Bros - NES version :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 10/11/2017 19:30:51
Super Mario Maker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 19:51:19
Not that either :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 23:34:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 10/11/2017 23:40:53
Super Mario 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/11/2017 23:42:53
Super Mario 64?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 10/11/2017 23:51:42
Double nope!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Sat 11/11/2017 01:16:52
Paper Mario?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/11/2017 01:55:42
Super Mario Odyssey
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 11/11/2017 04:13:55
That's it! Well done, Gurok :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/11/2017 08:58:18
Next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sat 11/11/2017 09:06:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/11/2017 09:31:19
It's a Battletoads game, but I think you're going to have to be a bit more specific.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 11/11/2017 10:13:08
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 11/11/2017 10:18:41
Yes, that's correct. Amayirot's turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 11/11/2017 12:27:34

Let's see if anyone knows this little flawed hidden gem.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 11/11/2017 14:10:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 11/11/2017 14:31:45
Systemshock 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 11/11/2017 14:32:57
Mission Critical?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 11/11/2017 14:39:31

Nope on all of those.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 12/11/2017 08:13:40
Enemy Zero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 12/11/2017 08:49:22
Bingo :D Was getting a bit worried there no one knew my pick as usual, but Gilbert pulls through. It is indeed Enemy Zero, one of the most unique and hardest horror games I've ever played. Go right ahead :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 12/11/2017 09:07:18
Not putting much effort into it, I just stole borrowed a screenshot quickly from another site:

I don't know. This may be easy, maybe not. Hint: It was somewhat related to the last entry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 12/11/2017 11:10:51
Need For Speed?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gribbler on Sun 12/11/2017 15:32:01
Ridge Racer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 12/11/2017 18:48:03
gran turismo 1/2 ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Sun 12/11/2017 18:58:11
Sega Rally?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 12/11/2017 19:33:15
Daytona USA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 13/11/2017 05:29:18
Quote from: janleht on Sun 12/11/2017 18:58:11
Sega Rally?
It's actually Sega Rally 2, but this answer is close enough so I'll give the win to you.

Its connection with the last game was that late Iino Kenji (or Kenji Eno), the creator of Enemy Zero (and D, D2 for that matter) was one of the composers for this racing game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 13/11/2017 09:35:04
Some winter moods next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 13/11/2017 16:57:48
Where's Waldo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 13/11/2017 17:39:43
Kind of reminds me of the backgrounds they used in Tetris.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Mon 13/11/2017 18:33:53
Quote from: dayowlron on Mon 13/11/2017 17:39:43
Kind of reminds me of the backgrounds they used in Tetris.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 13/11/2017 20:01:23
Really? I was just guessing something. Someone else want my turn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 13/11/2017 20:35:32
Okay, I'll take your turn, dayowlron.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 14/11/2017 01:43:11
Lol looks like Walter from Breaking Bad. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 14/11/2017 09:47:41
Sorry, there's no Walter's in this game.  :grin:

You'll need a LOT of insect repellent, to get rid of that spider, though.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 14/11/2017 10:13:22
I left my basement unattended for a decade and this is what happened (for Sega-CD) :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 14/11/2017 14:06:46
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 14/11/2017 10:13:22
I left my basement unattended for a decade and this is what happened (for Sega-CD) :grin:

Lol, brilliant title   *chuckles*  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 15/11/2017 15:15:28
Next Life? Looks like one of those obscure pre-rendered adventure games that were all the rage in the early 2000's.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 15/11/2017 17:23:00
Not Next Life.  :tongue:

It IS an adventure game, though.  :wink:

Another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 15/11/2017 18:27:57
Oh, now I recognize it :D It's Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 15/11/2017 18:46:25
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 15/11/2017 18:27:57
Oh, now I recognize it :D It's Nightlong: Union City Conspiracy.

You got it!  Fantastic game!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 15/11/2017 19:25:27
Actually only ever played a demo of it, but I recognized the main character right away ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 16/11/2017 08:33:42
Is that New Donk City from Super Mario Odyssey?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/11/2017 08:34:48
Sure is ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 16/11/2017 09:17:22

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 16/11/2017 10:42:21
I would have guessed Lost Horizon but it looks far too low-res.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/11/2017 11:39:51
Final Fantasy VII?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 16/11/2017 11:51:34
Timesplitters? :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 16/11/2017 12:47:18
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/11/2017 11:39:51
Final Fantasy VII?

Yup, good ol' FFVII indeed. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 16/11/2017 19:55:17
Hah, the style of the CGI and the low resolution kinda clued me in but I wasn't sure :) Gonna pass on my turn cause I just had one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 16/11/2017 20:03:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 16/11/2017 21:00:13
Grand Theft Auto: Nintendo Edition?
Mario is Missing (he's gone to Liberty City)?
Mario Kart Scooter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 16/11/2017 21:55:19
Mario Bros
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 16/11/2017 22:14:52
Is this the newest meme?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 16/11/2017 22:34:03
Super Mario: Pizza Delivery Boy Extreme Turbo
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 16/11/2017 22:42:42
Quote from: lorenzo on Thu 16/11/2017 21:00:13
Grand Theft Auto: Nintendo Edition?

It is this, essentially: a GTA 4 mod that someone did. In the last two pages we'd had as many 'looks like another game but is actually Mario Odyssey' turns, so I thought I'd flip it. It's -a your go, Lorenzo!

here's a vid of the mod:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 17/11/2017 09:01:59
Really? (laugh) I thought that it looked like GTA IV city! It's much more sunny and colourful in that video than in the game, though.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/11/2017 10:30:02
Top Cat?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 17/11/2017 10:38:46
It's Alley Cat!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 17/11/2017 10:50:05
You're right, CrashPL!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/11/2017 12:15:09
Oh damn, that's the one I meant. Typing fingers betrayed me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 17/11/2017 20:37:19
Aw yeah. :D Since I posted a screenshot recently, I'll pass on my turn. :) Anyone else?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 18/11/2017 00:02:40
Let's be cropped again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 18/11/2017 04:22:55
kinda reminds me of the art style used in "tremors"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 20/11/2017 12:27:21
No friggin big sand worm monsters in this one, I am afraid.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 20/11/2017 13:04:55
3 Skulls Of Toltec?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 20/11/2017 13:37:45
Freddy Pharkas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Mon 20/11/2017 23:11:27
Frodo ist absolutely right. It's that game with a ridiculously long intro... I just played it on an online emulator. I am excited how far I will get.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 21/11/2017 13:42:56
And back to full screen... :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 21/11/2017 15:17:59
Thimbleweed Park.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 21/11/2017 15:21:13
I dont think it is but that looks kind of like a Lara Croft game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 21/11/2017 15:40:53
Jade Empire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 21/11/2017 15:45:05
Quote from: dayowlron on Tue 21/11/2017 15:21:13
I dont think it is but that looks kind of like a Lara Croft game.

Quote from: Gurok on Tue 21/11/2017 15:40:53
Jade Empire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 21/11/2017 16:46:40
The only game Macs had:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 22/11/2017 08:50:53
Dark Castle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 22/11/2017 09:59:38
Okay, good. Correct! Your shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 22/11/2017 11:45:58

If anyone gets this on their first try I'll be really impressed ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 22/11/2017 12:29:37
I am not even sure what that says. TEI TENOR?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 22/11/2017 13:14:36
Er... no idea.

Random guess - Tau Ceti?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 22/11/2017 19:33:08
Looks like a Doom alpha.
Or maybe just Doom proper?
(Running in a modern source port since the image is skewed and at high resolution...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 23/11/2017 01:10:20

Very, very good, Kweepa! :grin: "Tei Tenga" is what the planet where Doom takes place was originally gonna be called according to Tom Hall's Doom Bible, and references to this can still be found in the final game in textures like these. And that's your video game trivia for today. Over to you, Kweepa!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 23/11/2017 19:40:23
I cheated - it's my favourite game :)

Next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 23/11/2017 23:10:15
It's maybe a dragon or a dinosaur skull?

(This is the "Guess The Zoomed Object" game right? :P )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Fri 24/11/2017 00:16:06
Yes, something like that :)
I didn't zoom in... I just cropped it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 24/11/2017 03:08:42
Looks like Godzilla to me. I am going to guess Godzilla the game
Also Simcity. maybe it was when the godzilla monster came out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Fri 24/11/2017 06:02:26
It's not Godzilla (or Gojira).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 24/11/2017 09:17:49
Giants: Citizen Kabuto? The teeth kinda remind of the giant beast from that game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Fri 24/11/2017 12:40:23
could also be a wooden house with lit windows :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/11/2017 13:36:41
Final Fantasy 7?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 24/11/2017 17:17:08
Blade Runner? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/11/2017 18:15:22
Purity of the Surf!! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 24/11/2017 23:01:57
Dungeon Keeper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/11/2017 00:12:57
Purity of the Surf - good guess!
None of these are right...

Pulling out a bit:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/11/2017 17:14:21
Pulling out a bit more:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 25/11/2017 18:41:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 25/11/2017 20:02:18
Meta Ridley from, uhhh, first or third Metroid Prime?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/11/2017 20:09:53
CrashPL, yep! (The first one)
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 26/11/2017 08:32:36
Oh joy. :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 26/11/2017 08:52:29
Looks wild. I'd say Witchaven but the resolution's too high for that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sun 26/11/2017 09:02:13
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 26/11/2017 08:52:29
Looks wild. I'd say Witchaven but the resolution's too high for that.

Not Witchaven, but yeah, it does involve fantasy setting, DOOM-like environment and first person perspective. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 27/11/2017 09:00:18

Alright, here's a small hint that should make things a bit more clear - the game was released 21 years ago, but it refuses to die, and is still floating around.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 27/11/2017 09:13:58
Ultima Online? Wait, that was isometric, I think.  :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 27/11/2017 14:00:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 27/11/2017 18:25:03
Umm... it kind of looks like how I'd imagine Elder Scrolls Online to look if it was made back when Daggerfall was the newest Elder Scrolls game. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 28/11/2017 07:12:34
Three times "no", although ClickClickClick and Danvzare are getting close. :)

A final hint - yes, it's an MMORPG (or MMO graphical MUD, as it was known back then), which predates Ultima Online by roughly one year. It's often reffered as one of the first comercially successful graphical MMORPG, and praised even today for its brutal rules, unforgiving difficulty and one of the best PvP combat systems in MMO games.
After the original devs bought back the rights to the game, the title became open source, and even to this day several passionate people run private servers, and pump new content and patches every now and then. Talk about dedication!
(if you played, or even heard about this one, the name should be pretty obvious at this point :))

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Tue 28/11/2017 08:09:42
This Menu. Meridian 59?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 28/11/2017 10:35:18
Yup, it's good ol' Meridian 59. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/11/2017 12:20:02
Quote from: CrashPL on Tue 28/11/2017 07:12:34
praised even today for its brutal rules, unforgiving difficulty and one of the best PvP combat systems in MMO games.

I'm sold! A huge problem for online multiplayer RPG games is that players cannot accept perma-death as an option for their beloved characters. So they just get a kind of time-out.


If perma-death is never an option then how are legends built within the game world? How can a player feel proud of their progress when it's just really grinding with the occasional setback?! How does any player's actions make a difference?!

I'm all for the die-and-then-start-from-scratch approach to online RPGs and good on the diehard fans for keeping such a game going!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 28/11/2017 12:38:48
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 28/11/2017 12:20:02
I'm all for the die-and-then-start-from-scratch approach to online RPGs and good on the diehard fans for keeping such a game going!!!

While there's no perma-death in M59, death comes with a huge cost - you lose several % of randomly chosen skills, you go down by one level and all of your belongings (items, equipment, money etc.) are dropped in the place you died (and, unless you know a certain spell, by the time you get there they'll be long gone - but since whatever killed you is most likely still there, going back with almost no HP and vigor isn't the best idea either). Basically you can lose several hours/days of progress and your entire inventory if you're not careful.
And since player killing is available almost anywhere, you really need to be on your toes while training outside, otherwise a PKer will put an axe in your head, or burn/zap with a spell. Oldschool brutal fun in all its glory!

Anyway, your turn CyberUncleCat. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 28/11/2017 12:39:56
//whoops, double posted. Ignore that one, sorry!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Tue 28/11/2017 18:51:13
Shouldnt be too difficult.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 29/11/2017 02:02:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 29/11/2017 12:37:10
Metal Gear Solid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 29/11/2017 21:34:46
Tomb Raider 1 or 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 01/12/2017 06:39:26
Something Star Wars?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 01/12/2017 10:30:43
I dunno... something's reminding me of one of the Secret Files games for some reason... :confused::confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 01/12/2017 13:03:50
Soldier of Fortune?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Fri 01/12/2017 15:15:15

Hint 1 - its an PSX game.

Next hint will be new screen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 01/12/2017 15:39:28
Fear Effect 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 01/12/2017 16:09:58
Rainbow Six?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Sun 03/12/2017 00:56:14

Ok, hint 2 -
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 03/12/2017 10:24:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Sun 03/12/2017 20:52:51
Yes, thats the game:).

Your turn Kumpel:).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 03/12/2017 22:20:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 03/12/2017 23:20:58
Well, that's a Gumby face on the fish so it's a Monty Python game I'd say...

So... "Monty Python's Flying Circus"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 05/12/2017 12:33:22
Indeed it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 05/12/2017 15:23:53
Okay next:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Tue 05/12/2017 16:43:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 05/12/2017 23:42:14
Quote from: Kweepa on Tue 05/12/2017 16:43:41

YES!!! I have exposed everyone here to a screenie of Polybius!!!

Hehe, did you guess it from the blurred title or have you seen the awesome mockumentary on cinemassacre I pulled this screenie from?

Here's a link to the video if anyone is interested:

It's a pretty cool grounding in the myths surrounding Polybius and also a quite creepy (if slightly cheesey) little tale.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Tue 05/12/2017 23:57:51
Based on the blurred title and the gameplay (since it looks like Tempest).
I have not seen the documentary (wrong)

New one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 06/12/2017 00:09:32
Fun Room?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 06/12/2017 06:23:25
It's not Fun Room. (Whatever that is! :-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 06/12/2017 08:48:38
Doom on whatever underpowered ancient system :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 06/12/2017 11:33:44
One of the many Wolverine games. (laugh)
Honestly though, I have no idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 06/12/2017 15:08:56
Quote from: Gilbert on Wed 06/12/2017 08:48:38
Doom on whatever underpowered ancient system :grin:
Am I that predictable? :P
It's not Doom, although it is an ancient underpowered system, and the name of the game is four letters.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 06/12/2017 17:19:06
I started trying it from another approach and thinking of 4 letter video games with only 4 letters and I am sure none of the ones I came up with were it: Doom, Pong, Myst, and Sims. The character looks like a MiiCharacter avatar
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 06/12/2017 17:30:46
Here's the full screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 06/12/2017 19:24:07
Looks like some sort of operation game. The names Hawkeye and Trapper remind me of MASH but not sure if that is just some names the players picked or if it is related to the answer. I know I have never played a game that looks like that though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 06/12/2017 21:21:02
I'm going to guess "M*A*S*H".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 07/12/2017 05:08:04
Oddly enough M*A*S*H is the right answer!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 07/12/2017 07:14:11
FAO dayowlron:

Alright, here's mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 07/12/2017 07:39:05
Erm... Lemmings? (Some Christmas level/mod I suppose?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 07/12/2017 07:44:59
Need a specific title!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 07/12/2017 07:48:58
Lemmings Christmas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 07/12/2017 08:50:31
Oh No! More Lemmings?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/12/2017 12:01:38
Christmas Lemmings?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 07/12/2017 18:30:03
Danvzare got it. I actually was waiting for "Holiday Lemmings" but then realised it was also called "Christmas Lemmings".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 09/12/2017 16:28:54
Sorry for holding things up.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 09/12/2017 17:42:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/12/2017 21:01:22
Sim Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 10/12/2017 02:43:23
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 09/12/2017 21:01:22
Sim Earth?

I'm almost certain that is correct.

I was so excited when I got that game, thinking it would be like a million times better than Sim City because of the scale, and was quite disappointed by what I remember was mostly a linear experience which got very samey with repeated playthroughs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 10/12/2017 12:41:45
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 09/12/2017 21:01:22
Sim Earth?
Yep, that's it.
I thought using the SNES version would throw people off. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 10/12/2017 20:10:00
Hehe well I did think it looked like a console version tbh.  I only ever played it - very briefly - on a mate's Amiga A1200. 

Okay here's another one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 10/12/2017 22:36:06
Interesting they call them "tries" instead of "lives"...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 10/12/2017 22:52:37
No although there are aliens in the game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 11/12/2017 16:47:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/12/2017 17:47:57
Nope, though there's a definite similarity in graphical style.  I was most surprised to find they that were released in the same year, I thought this one would be much older!

This one featured a character who was famous outside the world of video games...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 12/12/2017 01:37:20
Buck Rogers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/12/2017 09:04:54
Nope - think comics rather than TV. :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 12/12/2017 09:22:57
Hmmmm... a comic character in a purple and green jumpsuit with what looks like a big gun, a helmet, and a jetpack fighting aliens?!


(I suspect the "tries" image of the closeup of the character is a big clue but I honestly cannot get a visual read on what their face is supposed to look like inside the helmet. I dunno if the black area is hair, an eyepatch, or some kind of visor/heads-up-display, or what. I suppose it makes sense it you know who it's supposed to be but not in reverse...)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/12/2017 10:37:24
I think Mandle may be reading too much into the "Tries" thing (unless I'm not reading enough into it?!?)

This should give it away - at least the character (it's not the first in the series):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 12/12/2017 12:11:09
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 12/12/2017 09:04:54
Nope - think comics rather than TV. :wink:
Buck Rogers started off as a book (well two stories that were eventually compiled into a book), then got popularised as a comic. Long before becoming a TV show.

Um... Captain Comic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/12/2017 14:23:25
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 12/12/2017 12:11:09
Buck Rogers started off as a book (well two stories that were eventually compiled into a book), then got popularised as a comic. Long before becoming a TV show.

You live and learn!  It's all about Gil Gerard and Erin Grey to me, I've never seen Buck Rogers in book or comic form.

Incidentally, the name of the eponymous character in this game rhymes with your user name!  (Depending on exactly how you pronounce the second part...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 12/12/2017 14:30:19
Dan Dare?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 12/12/2017 14:30:39
I am not sure when the comics or book came about but there was a movie called Buck Rogers in 1939.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/12/2017 14:43:26
Frodo's got it - or at least most of it.  This was Dan Dare III on the ST.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 12/12/2017 18:22:00
Quote from: dayowlron on Tue 12/12/2017 14:30:39
I am not sure when the comics or book came about but there was a movie called Buck Rogers in 1939.

The first story was published in 1928. The first comic strip was released the next year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 12/12/2017 20:23:58
Feeling peckish?  :tongue:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 12/12/2017 20:57:45

I heard that, Curtis!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 13/12/2017 00:20:12
That was quick  :cheesy:
Well done Amayirot, you got it right on the first guess.  Your turn now.  :grin:

Do you think poor Curtis is having a bad day?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 13/12/2017 07:55:07

Well then, going from one FMV adventure to another ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 13/12/2017 11:37:25
Psycho Killer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 13/12/2017 13:21:33
Bingo ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 14/12/2017 13:09:17
Here's a nice easy one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 14/12/2017 14:44:12
Definitely a Spyro game, not sure of which one specifically though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 14/12/2017 18:20:42
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 14/12/2017 19:51:43
And even though it's easy, it's not that easy. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 14/12/2017 20:15:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 14/12/2017 23:58:32
Crash Twinsanity?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 15/12/2017 11:08:30
Quote from: Kumpel on Thu 14/12/2017 23:58:32
Crash Twinsanity?
That's the one.
Your turn! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 17/12/2017 17:17:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 17/12/2017 17:54:49
Pencil Sharpener - The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 17/12/2017 18:53:40
Micro Machines on NES, n'est-ce pas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 17/12/2017 23:02:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 18/12/2017 08:31:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 18/12/2017 17:53:49
W. T. F.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 19/12/2017 08:38:54
Too much, eh? := I'll just say this: the little lizards are essential to the theme of the game. You might even say there's an overabundance of them.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/12/2017 10:03:15
That control panel at the bottom suggests it's one of those handheld devices.  :shocked:

But I've no idea what it is, so:

Lizard Breeder?
Lizard Keeper?
Lizard Zoo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/12/2017 10:05:25
A Veritable Plethora of Lizards? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 19/12/2017 13:10:21
Nope on either. It's a DOS game. Also try to think on what type of lizards these are ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/12/2017 13:20:54
Er... um... Paper Dragons?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 19/12/2017 14:47:29
Uh... Gecko Mania? :confused:
What are the chances that combining two random words together would yield a correct answer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/12/2017 17:01:35
Salamander Scurry? 8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Tue 19/12/2017 17:18:24
Leaping Lizards?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 19/12/2017 18:31:53
something like "Lots of Geckos"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Tue 19/12/2017 18:56:47
An Abundance of Anoles?
A Bounty of Basilisks?
A Crapload of Chameleons?
A Deluge of Dragons?
A Gush of Geckos?
An Inundation of Iguanas?
A Myriad of Monitors?
A Surfeit of Skinks?

(New series coming soon from Amazon e-books)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 20/12/2017 00:54:00
Quote from: dayowlron on Tue 19/12/2017 18:31:53
something like "Lots of Geckos"
Y'know what, that's close enough, so I'll just go with this and call it a day ;) It's Too Many Geckos!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 20/12/2017 11:34:20
well i was close. anyone else want my turn?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 20/12/2017 13:25:35
Well I was the first one to say "Gecko" so I'll take your turn. :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 20/12/2017 17:58:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 20/12/2017 19:34:41
Minecraft: The High definition version? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Thu 21/12/2017 13:54:34
Dragon quest builders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 21/12/2017 13:58:08
Nope, nope, and nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 22/12/2017 13:01:51
Seriously? No more guesses?
I would've figured that everyone would've guessed every single block building game in existence by now.

When it comes down to retro games, you guys are experts. But as soon as you're shown an indie game, you're all stumped.

Here's another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 22/12/2017 13:03:48
LEGO: Universe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 22/12/2017 13:34:19
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 22/12/2017 13:03:48
LEGO: Universe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Sat 23/12/2017 07:20:00
Portal Knights.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 23/12/2017 21:25:12
Quote from: CyberUncleCat on Sat 23/12/2017 07:20:00
Portal Knights.
That's the one. Your turn! :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Mon 25/12/2017 07:19:22
Let's go with this nice game then:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 25/12/2017 12:24:46
Trippy... 8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 25/12/2017 14:33:58
Some kinda Japan-only SNES beat em up?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Mon 25/12/2017 15:50:56
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 25/12/2017 14:33:58
Some kinda Japan-only SNES beat em up?
Yes about second part, but its not Japan only.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 26/12/2017 12:40:09
Looks like a shoot-em-up to me.
No idea what the name is though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 26/12/2017 14:51:25
Psycho Dream?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Tue 26/12/2017 16:37:07
Nice guess but it is not Psycho Dream - if my memory serves me PD was not released outside of Japan, and i said that this game indeed was:).

All right time for a hint:
Mechanics of this game are very similar to Strider's. In fact this game can easily be considered Strider's clone.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 27/12/2017 01:57:58
I saw the similarity too, so I initially thought it was Cannon Dancer/Osman, but apparently from screenshots they didn't match.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 27/12/2017 17:19:11
Run Saber, then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CyberUncleCat on Wed 27/12/2017 23:34:55
Run Saber it is :).

Kinda hidden gem for SNES. Too bad it's this short.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/12/2017 00:28:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 28/12/2017 03:48:01
Where in San Francisco is Carmen Sandiego?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/12/2017 07:06:33
Nope, but it is educational.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 28/12/2017 09:36:05
Mario is Missing, the worst Mario game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 28/12/2017 11:05:31
That's right :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 28/12/2017 11:50:28
Man, that game was such a disappointment! A Mario game on PC!... and it sucks.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 28/12/2017 12:01:21
Some port of the first Duke Nukem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 28/12/2017 13:01:35
Nope! Same developer, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Thu 28/12/2017 13:12:07
It's secret agent I think
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 28/12/2017 19:48:41
You're right! It's Secret Agent.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Fri 29/12/2017 09:29:07
This should be an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 11:00:56
Good ol' Shadowgate. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Fri 29/12/2017 11:31:54
You are right!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 12:00:08
>Hit Self :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 16:20:49
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 12:00:08
>Hit Self :-D


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/12/2017 16:53:47
That looks like the SEGA Master System port of Zniw Adventure! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 17:30:57
It is not. It is, in fact, a somewhat obscure DOS platformer called "Dig It!" which has some obscenely catchy Adlib music ;)

And since I am correct, I will just go ahead and post the next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 20:10:31
That was fast, man. :D I really gotta try going deeper into my extremely obscure DOS games folder next time. ;)

Anyway, PilotWings on SNES?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/12/2017 20:15:27
Quote from: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 20:10:31
That was fast, man. :D I really gotta try going deeper into my extremely obscure DOS games folder next time. ;)

My suspicion is that an accident, probably caused by a lightning storm and a mad professor, resulted in Amayirot's brain becoming inextricably linked to the databases behind MobyGames and LemonAmiga.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 20:43:13
You give me far too much credit, I was just really into shareware games as a kid and a lot of that is still rattling around in this old brain of mine :=

Anyway, yeah, CrashPL got it ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 23:10:57
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 20:43:13I was just really into shareware games as a kid and a lot of that is still rattling around in this old brain of mine :=

Oh man, I know what you mean. I still have most of the shareware CDs from my childhood, and like to fire them up on my retro PC from time to time...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 23:29:56
Quote from: CrashPL on Fri 29/12/2017 23:10:57
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 29/12/2017 20:43:13I was just really into shareware games as a kid and a lot of that is still rattling around in this old brain of mine :=

Oh man, I know what you mean. I still have most of the shareware CDs from my childhood, and like to fire them up on my retro PC from time to time...
I threw out all of mine cause I was young and stupid ;_; I don't recognize this new screenie, tho. Kinda reminds me of the Clonk games, maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 30/12/2017 09:24:29
I actually backed up some of my most used shareware CDs, when the portable hard drives became an affordable good (remember the times, when "portable" hard drives were bulky, heavy, and required an external AC adapter?) Given how ridiculously expensive these things are nowadays in Poland (like most of the popular retro stuff from the past), I made a wise choice. :) But I wish I backed up more of my collection, as some were lost or became scratched to the point of being completely unreadable...

Anyway, no, it's not Clonk. ;) A small hint - it's somewhat of a Bomberman clone, but played like a 2D platformer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 02/01/2018 08:16:09
Whoops, hope it's not TOO obscure. ;)


2nd hint: it's an Italian game, fairly popular back in the day on various shareware compilation CDs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 02/01/2018 08:59:44
It may have been popular in its day but I've still never seen it before now :X Fortunately your hint lead me in the right direction; it's Larax & Zaco, AKA Lezac. I'll let someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 02/01/2018 10:54:23
Too easy?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 02/01/2018 13:38:45
Alone in the Dark?
Or at least a game made in the same engine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 02/01/2018 14:46:00
Jack in the dark?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 02/01/2018 14:47:59
Quote from: Mouth for war on Tue 02/01/2018 14:46:00
Jack in the dark?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 03/01/2018 02:20:10
someone else can take my turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 03/01/2018 03:20:25
How about this one? 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 03/01/2018 03:38:59
This one is called The Feeble Files, or "Floyd: Es gibt noch Helden" in German.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 03/01/2018 12:05:01
Aww... I was going to guess Math Blaster. :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 03/01/2018 15:26:27
Quote from: Cl... on Wed 03/01/2018 03:38:59
This one is called The Feeble Files, or "Floyd: Es gibt noch Helden" in German.

Feeble Files it is.  :grin:

Over to you, CL. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 04/01/2018 02:23:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 06/01/2018 00:49:17
The Darkside Detective.

Gonna pass my turn to whomever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sun 07/01/2018 19:09:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 08/01/2018 04:23:23
Looks a bit like one of the Wonderboy games, but the art style isn't similar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/01/2018 08:13:35
Something about this looks familiar but I can't place it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 08/01/2018 12:32:13
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 08/01/2018 08:13:35
Something about this looks familiar but I can't place it.
Same here...
Could it be Krusty's Fun House?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 08/01/2018 17:36:00
Dammit, that was going to be my guess!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Tue 09/01/2018 06:50:18
You guys are krazy! :-D Krusty it is. Your turn, Atavismus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 10/01/2018 20:27:08
Glad to see I'm not that (K)rusty! :D

Do you know that guy?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Wed 10/01/2018 21:21:06
Looks like it's maybe Duke Nukem! But I've only played 3D, and I don't remember that screenshot.
How about, Duke Nukem 64?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 10/01/2018 21:27:27
Quote from: HanaIndiana on Wed 10/01/2018 21:21:06
Looks like it's maybe Duke Nukem! But I've only played 3D, and I don't remember that screenshot.
How about, Duke Nukem 64?
(But yeah, he looks very archetypal)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 10/01/2018 21:42:58
Never played it, but pretty sure that's Street Fighter (2).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 10/01/2018 21:59:23
Quote from: Jack on Wed 10/01/2018 21:42:58
Never played it, but pretty sure that's Street Fighter (2).
One more try and I give a hint maybe?
(But I'm sure some old/retro gamer will remember that guy/game)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 10/01/2018 22:02:33
I don't remember the guy exactly, but something in the back of my mind is urging me to guess Final Fight.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 10/01/2018 22:36:38
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 10/01/2018 22:02:33
I don't remember the guy exactly, but something in the back of my mind is urging me to guess Final Fight.
I understand but no.
Still, first hint (linked to your answers): it's a Capcom game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 11/01/2018 06:18:48
Mercs perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 11/01/2018 10:10:02
Quote from: Chrille on Thu 11/01/2018 06:18:48
Mercs perhaps?
One more good idea but no.
The game has a different scrolling.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 11/01/2018 10:29:55
Could that be Bad Dudes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 11/01/2018 10:36:24
Quote from: CrashPL on Thu 11/01/2018 10:29:55
Could that be Bad Dudes?
Nope, it's not a beat'em up.
It's an arcade (I mean, hardware) game from Capcom ported on several platforms (Sega, Amiga, etc.).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 11/01/2018 12:30:14
I want to say something like Amazing worlds.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 11/01/2018 12:55:00
Quote from: dayowlron on Thu 11/01/2018 12:30:14
I want to say something like Amazing worlds.
I don't know that game, but you are not far! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 11/01/2018 13:58:53
Hmm... Forgotten Worlds?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 11/01/2018 14:29:29
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 11/01/2018 13:58:53
Hmm... Forgotten Worlds?
Yes! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 11/01/2018 14:46:17
I dont know if there is a game called Amazing Worlds, just couldnt remember the name of that one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 17/01/2018 20:26:28
*pokes CaptainD*  :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 17/01/2018 20:42:58
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 17/01/2018 20:26:28
*pokes CaptainD*  :tongue:

Oops sorry, completely slipped my mind!

Okay here's one I don't think we've done before, quite an odd game really.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 18/01/2018 10:32:42
Dylan Dog?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 18/01/2018 10:49:55
Nope, although it is a 2-word title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 19/01/2018 13:38:46
Manhattan Dealers!

I couldn't remember the title at first, but recognized it as one of Silmarils many weird games. It's hilariously bizarre, like many of their other games. Usually very atmospheric, with wonky controls and/or ideas.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 19/01/2018 14:13:35
Quote from: Chrille on Fri 19/01/2018 13:38:46
Manhattan Dealers!

I couldn't remember the title at first, but recognized it as one of Silmarils many weird games. It's hilariously bizarre, like many of their other games. Usually very atmospheric, with wonky controls and/or ideas.

You got it!! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Drug-busting beat em up, starting with the dreaded Caffeine cartel! (roll)

Yeah I loved Silmarils' quirkiness, they were awesome if inexplicable at times.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 19/01/2018 18:44:04

Did anyone play this old ST/Amiga/DOS gem?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 20/01/2018 10:19:21
Perhaps it's more obscure than I thought, as usual it seems :-[

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/01/2018 10:51:07
I didn't recognize that earlier screenshot but this looks a lot more familiar :) It's Treasure Trap.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 20/01/2018 10:52:57
Indeed it is :-D

Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/01/2018 12:21:21
Let's see who recognizes this handsome devil.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 20/01/2018 12:55:36
He looks like Goro from Mortal Kombat.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/01/2018 23:18:38
Well spotted ;) That's him in the Game Boy version of the first game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 16:19:55
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 20/01/2018 23:18:38
Well spotted ;) That's him in the Game Boy version of the first game.
Thx :)
I remember I played Mortal Kombat on arcade: that was a shock! (not only because of blood).
That game is something in the video games history I guess.

Something totally different now:
(UI removed)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 22/01/2018 16:54:48
Is that in one of the King's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 22/01/2018 17:38:25
Robin Hood: Conquest of the Longbow? (If you miss the shot the cow moos! (laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 18:05:46
Quote from: dayowlron on Mon 22/01/2018 16:54:48
Is that in one of the King's Quest?

Quote from: manifest class on Mon 22/01/2018 17:38:25
Robin Hood: Conquest of the Longbow? (If you miss the shot the cow moos! (laugh))
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/01/2018 18:26:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 19:15:25
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 22/01/2018 18:26:04
Nice one but no.
It's an Amiga game, but it's not a RPG.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 22/01/2018 19:49:04
Black Sect? :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 20:06:46
Quote from: Chrille on Mon 22/01/2018 19:49:04
Black Sect? :-\
Again, nice one but no.
Still, you are nearer: it's an adventure game.

Here is another pic:
(it remembers me a bit The Farm ( by Funkpanzer (;u=15719) btw)
(mind, it's not a clue ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 22/01/2018 20:32:23
Something about that bugging me that I've played it... for some reason the hut on the right with the barrel and chimney stack looks familiar - however unless it came out on the ST or DOS, it's highly unlikely that I have played it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 20:44:12
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 22/01/2018 20:32:23
Something about that bugging me that I've played it... for some reason the hut on the right with the barrel and chimney stack looks familiar - however unless it came out on the ST or DOS, it's highly unlikely that I have played it.
Well, I thought it has a ST and/or DOS version, but it seems not (only Amiga).
New hint: it was released in 1989.
Next time, I'll post another screenshot with the UI (so it would give you another hint).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 22/01/2018 20:47:28
Is it Dungeon Quest? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 22/01/2018 21:08:35
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 22/01/2018 20:47:28
Is it Dungeon Quest? ???
Yes it is!
Well done CrashPL! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 22/01/2018 21:29:31
Nice. :D At first I thought it might be Elvira, or some other Adventure/Horrorsoft game, but on second thought I didn't recall any location like that in the said games. I really need to power up my A1200 and replay some of the classics again...



It's one of Twarda's all time favourite games. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/01/2018 03:20:30
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 23/01/2018 06:26:26
Correct! Your turn, Amayirot Akago. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/01/2018 18:19:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 23/01/2018 19:29:19
Pepper's adventures in time (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/01/2018 19:37:11
I refer you to the quote in my signature := Go ahead.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 24/01/2018 05:30:44
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Tue 23/01/2018 19:37:11
I refer you to the quote in my signature := Go ahead.


This should be easy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 24/01/2018 06:12:13
Blues Brothers?

I saw a video on it just a few weeks ago :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 24/01/2018 06:24:46
Your turn Chrille (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 24/01/2018 10:36:48
On the topic of crates...


...the image has been tweaked slightly ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 24/01/2018 19:44:25
Hmm, I think even I would have a hard time guessing this one, at least without color :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/01/2018 19:54:37
Some version of Sokoban?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 24/01/2018 19:56:40
Sort of a wild hunch but based on the fenced in location, even though the colour palette looks completely wrong - maybe a later port to an 8-bit system? - I'm going to take a stab at Full Throttle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 24/01/2018 19:59:42
Both wrong, but it is an adventure game at least. Sorta...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 24/01/2018 20:10:25
When you said 'tweaked' I thought you only meant cropped. I felt it was manhunter but the different shades of grey are not agi. Now I'm sure it is manhunter san Francisco (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 24/01/2018 20:58:46
That's it, AnasAbdin! Well done ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 04:12:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 07:51:08
One of the Mega Man Xtreme games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 09:37:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 25/01/2018 09:48:29
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 09:37:58
Is that a hint?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 09:53:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 12:33:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 25/01/2018 12:43:54
Thunderblade on a really old system perhaps?  Trying to think what the colour palette reminds me of, can only think maybe the Commodore Vic-20.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/01/2018 12:46:39
Terminator 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 25/01/2018 12:52:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 12:56:43
All wrong (wrong)
Another croppy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 13:12:52
Double Dragon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 13:30:44
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 13:12:52
Double Dragon?

Correct! DD II The Revenge.
Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 13:38:07
I had vague memories of that door sliding open to reveal a bunch of enemies, and then it hit me :D I'll pass my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 25/01/2018 14:09:13
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 25/01/2018 13:38:07
I had vague memories of that door sliding open to reveal a bunch of enemies

I know right! I think we keep an eye on doors that spawn enemies just in case.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/01/2018 14:34:35
Too easy?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 26/01/2018 02:56:58
Another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 26/01/2018 07:53:01
It's an obscure DOS choose-your-own-adventure game called Beasley's Deathtrap, which I only happen to know of by virtue of having seen it on Pixelmusement's Youtube channel at one point.

Once again giving up my turn to someone else.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 26/01/2018 15:26:24
I'll have a turn then...Should be pretty easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 26/01/2018 19:23:44
Looks like an early Heroes of Might and Magic game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 27/01/2018 14:04:34
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 26/01/2018 19:23:44
Looks like an early Heroes of Might and Magic game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 28/01/2018 18:13:59
Warlock Of Firetop Mountain?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 28/01/2018 19:44:10
Magic & Mayhem?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 28/01/2018 22:30:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 29/01/2018 19:52:11
Rage of Mages ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 29/01/2018 21:20:28
Age of Mythology?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 29/01/2018 23:05:54
No to all... New screenshot coming soon...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Tue 30/01/2018 08:48:36
It's Talisman: Digital Edition. I think I followed the release a couple of years back.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 30/01/2018 18:04:31
Quote from: Buckethead on Tue 30/01/2018 08:48:36
It's Talisman: Digital Edition. I think I followed the release a couple of years back.


The boardgame itself was good, really good: A dumbed-down version of D&D that friends could play for a couple of hours per "campaign" and come out the other end feeling they had an epic fantasy world experience...

Stories were told, epic conflicts took place, and whether you won or lost a hero rose from the flock and won the game.

But the digital edition is even better! The AI is challenging enough that I still lose against it every now and then: It seems to plan several moves ahead at times which is awesome and yet frustrating when they outsmart me.

If anyone plays it I recommend playing with the "city" board at first because it makes the game easy, and then not using it and only playing "highlands" and "dungeon" expansion boards for a real challenge...

Most brutal setup:

Dragon expansion with dragon rage turned on.
+ Firelands expansion deck.
+ 5 AI players.
+ Dragon King hidden ending.
+ Dragon Tower board replacing inner region.
+ Nether Deck expansion turned on.
+ Frostmarch Deck turned on.
+ Grim Reaper turned on.
+ Highlands and Dungeon boards in play.
- City Board (too many OP exploits)

This setup took me about 80 full turns to win and I was the only original character remaining (AI characters died almost every turn but one or two were powerhousing most of the time) and I got within an inch of death several times. Great round!

Anyways: Over to Buckethead!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Wed 31/01/2018 09:14:19
Whoops! I always forget that I'm suppose to post the next one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 31/01/2018 09:51:39
Commandos 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Wed 31/01/2018 10:56:07
Correct! Glad more people know of this great game series
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 31/01/2018 11:41:35
I love that game! The backgrounds still look great, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 31/01/2018 13:01:05
Serious Sam the Second Encounter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 31/01/2018 18:56:21
No, it's not Serious Sam!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 01/02/2018 07:33:33
Severance: Blade of Darkness? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 01/02/2018 08:54:26
I've been playing it lately. It has a cool combat system and interesting level design. Controls are a bit weird at first, they take some time to get used to.

Your turn, CrashPL!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 02/02/2018 08:27:12
Aw yeah. :D I played the game shortly after release, although it barely ran on my crappy PC. ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 02/02/2018 09:38:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 02/02/2018 09:53:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 02/02/2018 09:54:55
Lords of Chaos?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 02/02/2018 09:55:36
Dislocated Pelvis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 02/02/2018 12:56:28
A fanmade C64 port of Monkey Island 2? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 02/02/2018 16:42:43
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 02/02/2018 12:56:28
A fanmade C64 port of Monkey Island 2? ???

Oh my. :D I'd actually really like to see that!

Anyway, lorenzo got it right, it's the skeleton enemy from the first Wizardry. :)


Your turn, lorenzo!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 02/02/2018 18:47:57
That was a lucky guess! Someone else can take my turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 02/02/2018 19:24:38
I got one. used to play this game WAY TOO MUCH.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 02/02/2018 20:33:14
Uhm, no idea, pretty graphics.
the edge of the car reminds me of Noddy's car... maybe a Noddy game? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 02/02/2018 20:44:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 03/02/2018 01:52:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 03/02/2018 04:24:09
One of those Pet Sitter sims?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sat 03/02/2018 13:04:44
That's Hay Day, I think? My girlfriend used to play it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 04/02/2018 00:01:53
Quote from: lorenzo on Sat 03/02/2018 13:04:44
My girlfriend used to play it.

Oh riiight... and I'm just buying these condoms for a "friend"... ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 04/02/2018 15:21:35
I swear! And all these Barbie dress-up games I have installed on my computer? Also hers. I only play manly video games!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sun 04/02/2018 20:01:47
Quote from: lorenzo on Sat 03/02/2018 13:04:44
That's Hay Day, I think? My girlfriend used to play it.
That is correct. it is Hay Day and I played it a lot at one point.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 04/02/2018 22:26:59
Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 04/02/2018 15:21:35
I swear! And all these Barbie dress-up games I have installed on my computer? Also hers. I only play manly video games!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 05/02/2018 09:55:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 05/02/2018 10:54:38
Pharaoh's Tomb?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 05/02/2018 17:57:51
You're right, Captain! It's Pharaoh's Tomb by George Broussard. Or "Broussad", as he misspelt his own name in the intro ( (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 05/02/2018 21:19:04
Yay!  Think I had this on the C16?  The hieroglyphs were a clue anyway :grin:

Okay, staying on an Egyptian theme:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 05/02/2018 21:32:00
Eye of Horus?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/02/2018 08:47:04
Quote from: Atavismus on Mon 05/02/2018 21:32:00
Eye of Horus?

I should have given you only an 8x8 block from the wall to guess... you'd probably still have got it of course! :-D

Yup that's the one. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 06/02/2018 14:37:26
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 06/02/2018 08:47:04
I should have given you only an 8x8 block from the wall to guess... you'd probably still have got it of course! :-D
I don't think but, well, it's an Amiga game. :grin:

Here is my screenshot:


I guess it could be very easy...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/02/2018 14:51:58
It *IS* very easy.   :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

But I'm going to let someone else have a go first.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 06/02/2018 15:47:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 06/02/2018 15:50:00
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 06/02/2018 14:51:58
It *IS* very easy.   :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

But I'm going to let someone else have a go first.
Of course! :D
Thanks for the less retro maniacs guys around. ^^

Quote from: Gilbert on Tue 06/02/2018 15:47:56
What a game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 06/02/2018 15:58:04
Lemmings is one of those rare games that feels every bit as fresh and inventive today as it did when it was first released.  Not sure I ever quite got past level 70 (or thereabouts) - time to fire up the STEEM emulator again I think!  (My kids already love the game.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 06/02/2018 16:04:43
As it is late here I'll let anyone who's interested to steal my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 06/02/2018 16:28:47
This has to be one of the best game over screens I've come across.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 07/02/2018 15:46:38
I've never played this game but...

Press X to not die?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 07/02/2018 16:15:27
Yes. At that point I obviously failed to do so.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 07/02/2018 16:51:25
Awww. Like the last round it's late here, so anyone can still steal the next turn. If no one posts I may put something here tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 07/02/2018 18:09:45
Okay, I'll have a go then.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/02/2018 18:31:29
(The logo looks like Darkseed but it seems it's Dark Seed)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 07/02/2018 18:35:18
Wow, that was quick!  Next time, I'll make it harder.  :tongue:

Your turn, Atavismus. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/02/2018 18:40:20
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 07/02/2018 18:35:18
Wow, that was quick!  Next time, I'll make it harder.  :tongue:

Your turn, Atavismus.
I give you my turn Frodo: time to make it harder. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 07/02/2018 22:38:53
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 07/02/2018 18:40:20
I give you my turn Frodo: time to make it harder. :D

No, it's okay.  You guessed it fair and square.  :smiley:

But next time... mwahahahaha  :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 08/02/2018 07:38:03
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 07/02/2018 22:38:53

No, it's okay.  You guessed it fair and square.  :smiley:

But next time... mwahahahaha  :kiss:

But I have no game in mind for the moment.
Sometimes, I don't answer in order to don't have to find a game to make guess. :D
So I give my turn to you or to someone else if you are not ready to unleash your revenge. ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 08/02/2018 10:32:55
Well, thankyou Atavismus.  :cheesy:

Hopefully, this will be more of a challenge.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 08/02/2018 23:18:33
Anatidaephobia The Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 09/02/2018 00:14:33
Hehe, unfortunately not.  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/02/2018 17:41:16
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 09/02/2018 20:07:36
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/02/2018 17:41:16
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia ;)

And he does it again.  :grin:
Is there any computer game you DON'T know?  :tongue:

Your turn  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/02/2018 20:15:55
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 09/02/2018 20:07:36
Is there any computer game you DON'T know?  :tongue:

Only the ones that were never released... (even then he might know them! (roll):-D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/02/2018 06:49:40
I know what I know, which isn't everything, just a lot ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 10/02/2018 08:09:23
Watermelon Quest! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 10/02/2018 11:27:43
Slime Rancher?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sat 10/02/2018 12:09:19
Viva Pinata?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/02/2018 12:30:37
Nope, nope, and nope, but that is indeed a watermelon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/02/2018 12:38:53
Super Mario Sunshine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/02/2018 13:57:41
Thwarted yet again by my superior ;) That is indeed a giant watermelon from Super Mario Sunshine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/02/2018 14:18:53
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/02/2018 13:57:41
Thwarted yet again by my superior ;) That is indeed a giant watermelon from Super Mario Sunshine.
Nah, without false modesty, you are better.
For example, I forgot about "Igor - Objective Uikokahonia".
Anyway, here is something:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 12/02/2018 10:07:27
looks like a bladerunner game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 13/02/2018 18:24:50
Quote from: selmiak on Mon 12/02/2018 10:07:27
looks like a bladerunner game
I guess it's an influence but that's all.
Hint: it's not an oldie, it was released in 2016.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/02/2018 18:49:26
Darkside Detective?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 13/02/2018 19:12:47
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 13/02/2018 18:49:26
Darkside Detective?
Nope. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 13/02/2018 19:52:15
Dustbowl? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 13/02/2018 19:59:34
Quote from: selmiak on Tue 13/02/2018 19:52:15
Dustbowl? :)
Nope. ^^
(Would be nasty and pretentious :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 13/02/2018 21:15:23
Is this an AGS game? I have this nagging feeling that I've either played it, seen it or tested it... (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 13/02/2018 21:28:11
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Tue 13/02/2018 21:15:23
Is this an AGS game? I have this nagging feeling that I've either played it, seen it or tested it... (wtf)

Me too!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/02/2018 23:21:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 14/02/2018 07:31:07
Is it Dustbowl?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/02/2018 07:59:55
Is Dustbowl the new Bladerunner?!??!?? :-\???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/02/2018 13:27:45
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 14/02/2018 07:59:55
Is Dustbowl the new Bladerunner?!??!?? :-\???


Dustrunner is the new Bladebowl!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: BadLuckBurt on Wed 14/02/2018 15:06:00
It is The Underground Man:
Never played it but it looks cool. Will have to pick it up some time.

New one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/02/2018 15:22:06
That's Shadow Of The Comet
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: BadLuckBurt on Wed 14/02/2018 15:27:27
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 14/02/2018 15:22:06
That's Shadow Of The Comet

Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 14/02/2018 15:34:17
Okay then, guess I thought wrong... still that image is so familiar that it hurts. (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/02/2018 15:52:41
Please ignore this post. I put up a picture here but realized it was a stupid idea later on.

I will post a legit picture soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 14/02/2018 16:00:12
Oh that's easy, "Bethesda Game Studios Tycoon", the game where you get to run Bethesda Game Studios and upset people who expected a different ending to the Mass Effect trilogy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/02/2018 00:16:31
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 14/02/2018 16:00:12
Oh that's easy, "Bethesda Game Studios Tycoon", the game where you get to run Bethesda Game Studios and upset people who expected a different ending to the Mass Effect trilogy.

No and, actually, what I thought was a clever idea last night now seems stupid to me in the light of morning.

Please ignore my last post.

I will post a new pic soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/02/2018 01:11:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/02/2018 01:42:03
Tennis for Two! Look at that sweeeeeet ball curves!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/02/2018 01:55:17
Bus Driver Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/02/2018 01:58:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 15/02/2018 02:01:44
test drive?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 15/02/2018 03:35:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 15/02/2018 05:05:18
A cropped part of the bike race in Full Throttle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/02/2018 11:25:59
Janleht is correct. It's Test Drive. I sooo loved the track editor in this one :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/02/2018 11:45:43
Test Drive had a track editor?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 15/02/2018 13:06:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 15/02/2018 17:43:06
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/02/2018 11:45:43
Test Drive had a track editor?
Whoopsi! My bad. I confused it with "Stunts" ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 15/02/2018 18:53:46
Hmm, could it be King of Chicago? :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Thu 15/02/2018 21:10:55
No, not King of Chicago.

You can play as a kangaroo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 16/02/2018 05:53:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 16/02/2018 07:23:25
Quote from: janleht on Thu 15/02/2018 21:10:55
No, not King of Chicago.

You can play as a kangaroo.

Streets of Rage 3? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: janleht on Fri 16/02/2018 17:06:01
No and no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 18/02/2018 13:42:05
Since nobody seems able to figure out the answer I googled "dos game boxing kangaroo" and found Sierra Championship Boxing. Gonna give up my turn to whoever wants it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 19/02/2018 13:02:54
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 18/02/2018 13:42:05
Since nobody seems able to figure out the answer I googled "dos game boxing kangaroo" and found Sierra Championship Boxing. Gonna give up my turn to whoever wants it.
Wow... I had no idea Sierra even made such a game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/02/2018 14:29:46
Technically they didn't, it was made by Evryware who also made the Manhunter games. Sierra only published it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 22/02/2018 15:57:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 22/02/2018 16:30:55
Rocketeer, definitely.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 22/02/2018 18:28:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 23/02/2018 01:37:22
Got lazy and captured it from a youtube video of the game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 23/02/2018 11:27:06
Space Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 23/02/2018 14:19:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: BadLuckBurt on Fri 23/02/2018 17:47:34
Space Marine(s)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 23/02/2018 17:49:22
But this game does involve space marines.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 23/02/2018 19:20:17
Quote from: Gilbert on Fri 23/02/2018 17:49:22
But this game does involve space marines.
That is kind of obvious from the screen shot "Deploy Marines".
I am going to guess Aliens?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 24/02/2018 17:36:29
Quote from: dayowlron on Fri 23/02/2018 19:20:17
(nod) (
The Apple ][ version to be exact. I thought the screenshot could be a bit misleading, but anyway, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 24/02/2018 22:13:51
cool. here is an oldie i used to play.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 08:56:31
Ancient Art of War?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sun 25/02/2018 13:01:18
Quote from: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 08:56:31
Ancient Art of War?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 18:44:02
Never played it myself, but EvryWare games had a very recognizable style :)

This shot features one of the most annoying enemies encountered in any game ever.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 25/02/2018 19:51:26
Venus the Flytrap?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 20:33:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 25/02/2018 20:51:19
Could it be "Menace"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 20:57:16

It is a game from the late eighties though. There was one version of it that was re-released in the late 00's (or around that time, I think)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 25/02/2018 21:10:33
Mmmm Menace has the same ennemies.
Could it be "Life Force: Salamander" then?
It's a shmup right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 25/02/2018 21:28:11
I guess it does look like a generic shooter enemy :)
It's not a shmup, but you can shoot!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 26/02/2018 01:16:06
One of those ECCO the dolphin games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 26/02/2018 07:32:51
Nope, this next screenshot might give it away though:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/02/2018 08:03:39
Ah okay, Nebulus.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 26/02/2018 16:24:03
Bingo! :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/02/2018 17:47:36
The tower gave it away immediately! :grin::grin::grin::grin:

Okay here's one with a connection to the last game...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 26/02/2018 18:04:16
Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 26/02/2018 20:22:07
Quote from: Atavismus on Mon 26/02/2018 18:04:16
Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine?

Too obvious huh? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 26/02/2018 21:42:17
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 26/02/2018 20:22:07
Too obvious huh? :-D
Well, Amiga :D
(I was sure I knew those ennemies, I should have found Nebulus! ^^)

O Captain! My Captain! Go on please, it's late, I have no idea and I won't be able to post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 01/03/2018 12:43:56
Oops forgot I hadn't replied...

Anyone who wants can step in here, I don't have anything in mind atm.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 02/03/2018 09:18:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 02/03/2018 13:56:33
Math Quest?
(Also if I'm right, then I will be utterly amazed, since I made that name up based on the fact that this looks like someone crossed King's Quest and a Math game together.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 02/03/2018 17:20:48
Ha, nice try, but no. Here's another pic:


Hint: I am being a little bit sneaky with my choice of game.

And just in case anyone isn't sure, I think it's fair play to search for any text that shows up in screenshots for this thread. If people disagree, I am certainly allowing it for this round, due to aforementioned sneakiness likely making it too difficult otherwise!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: HanaIndiana on Fri 02/03/2018 18:17:19
Hmm I'm not sure. But it looks like Kings Quest with graphics by Fernando Botero.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 02/03/2018 19:10:02
Ha, it does look a bit like his portraits!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 02/03/2018 21:07:33
I want to say something like: number adventures?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 02/03/2018 21:24:59
I'll give it to you, as this is such a harsh one. It's Numberventure Forest, a fake game created for this video:

(which y'all could have found by googling the text, btw!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 03/03/2018 23:09:59
cool, here's one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 03/03/2018 23:10:27
Rex Nebular?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 03/03/2018 23:16:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sun 04/03/2018 00:42:18
Star trek?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 04/03/2018 00:54:12
Wing Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 04/03/2018 07:10:04
Innocent Until Caught?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 05/03/2018 01:20:16
all (wrong)
another screen shot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 05/03/2018 07:43:44
Uh, Traffic Department 2192? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 05/03/2018 11:33:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 05/03/2018 13:29:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/03/2018 14:17:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 05/03/2018 14:33:46
(wrong) will do another screen shot by tomorrow and it should give it away if anyone has played this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 06/03/2018 21:09:40
This one should give it away to anyone who played the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/03/2018 15:09:01
I've never played this game before but I've successfully identified it as Alien Legacy :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 07/03/2018 17:34:32
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/03/2018 15:09:01
I've never played this game before but I've successfully identified it as Alien Legacy :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 07/03/2018 19:06:51
Continuing the sci fi theme.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 07/03/2018 21:08:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 07/03/2018 22:01:24
I'm alternating between wanting to say Utopia or Alpha Centuri, but I'm actually pretty sure both are wrong!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/03/2018 03:22:47
Atavismus got it already so yeah, sorry Cap'n :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 08/03/2018 08:41:16
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 08/03/2018 03:22:47
Atavismus got it already so yeah, sorry Cap'n :=

At least I was right about being wrong! :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 08/03/2018 12:19:28
Looks like Deadlock to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 09/03/2018 19:41:58
Ok, what about this ship? : )

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/03/2018 22:27:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/03/2018 08:24:04
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 09/03/2018 22:27:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 10/03/2018 10:22:14
Wing Commander?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/03/2018 10:32:35
Quote from: Ben X on Sat 10/03/2018 10:22:14
Wing Commander?
The game genre is not the one of Flashback, nor the one of Wing Commander.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/03/2018 22:22:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/03/2018 23:00:04
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 10/03/2018 22:22:22
[EDIT]Not far! ;)
(I initially wrote no far)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 11/03/2018 22:50:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/03/2018 08:31:23
K240, since that's a similar game by the same developers (that I did not know about until I looked it up)?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 12/03/2018 19:16:48
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/03/2018 08:31:23
K240, since that's a similar game by the same developers (that I did not know about until I looked it up)?
K240 indeed, a great game, really.
One proof: you can put an engine on an asteroid and use it as a weapon to crash on other bases. ^^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 12/03/2018 19:37:46
Is that right? Hah :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 13/03/2018 01:09:19
Little Big Adventure 2/Twinsen's Odyssey
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 13/03/2018 08:30:07
Correct ;) Another game where someone tries to launch a celestial body into another by putting a huge engine on it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 13/03/2018 14:34:40
I think this game is quite obscure so I didn't even bother cropping or editing the screenshot.
Has some "connection" with the last entry in a more obscure way.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 13/03/2018 17:48:26
Soccer Kid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 14/03/2018 01:16:16
The obscure connection with the last game is that you can attack with a ball. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 14/03/2018 13:38:25
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 13/03/2018 17:48:26
Soccer Kid?
I remember playing that game as a kid. :-D
I also remember finding Marko's Magic Football, and thinking they were the same game, because of how similar they were.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 14/03/2018 20:46:04
I played Soccer Kid (on Amiga ofc ^^) and it was very good.
Not my kind, but a high quality platformer with something more.

Anyway, what about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/03/2018 08:10:59
That's either Dark Sun: Shattered Lands or Dark Sun: Wake Of The Ravager.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 15/03/2018 14:20:40
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/03/2018 08:10:59
That's either Dark Sun: Shattered Lands or Dark Sun: Wake Of The Ravager.
I remember those games. They were sooooo good. And that definitely looks like one of them. I can tell from the menu icon in the top left corner.
I really should see about finishing them one day.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 15/03/2018 19:46:23
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Thu 15/03/2018 08:10:59
That's either Dark Sun: Shattered Lands or Dark Sun: Wake Of The Ravager.
It's "Dark Sun: Wake of the Ravager" indeed. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 16/03/2018 00:49:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/03/2018 08:56:32
Butlins Holiday Camp Simulator 1984?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 16/03/2018 17:26:33
Another game from SSI?
(Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 16/03/2018 17:58:07
If I had to guess it would be one of Interplay's early games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/03/2018 00:39:11
dayowlron might be on to something there ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 17/03/2018 08:12:49
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/03/2018 00:39:11
dayowlron might be on to something there ;)
Oh! I guess I know...
But dayowlron, talk first please. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 17/03/2018 12:37:28
Lord Of The Rings?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 17/03/2018 13:40:03
Quote from: Ben X on Sat 17/03/2018 12:37:28
Lord Of The Rings?
That's my bet too.
(Mind, I don't claim anything ; )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sat 17/03/2018 17:12:30
Ben X is right ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 17/03/2018 18:27:24
Sweet. "early Interplay" + "dude with ring" got me there pretty easily.

Here's what I think may be a tough one. I've had to censor the game title and designer name:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sun 18/03/2018 10:49:12
"The guy who became pissed with Microsoft's Mine sweeper and takes matters into his own hands"? :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/03/2018 19:20:13
EXTREME Violence. Never heard of it before but a quick look at My Abandonware's 1991 section gave me the answer :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 19/03/2018 21:27:50
Correct, and very clever detective work! I was hoping to find a game you hadn't heard of, so I'm glad I managed that at least!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 19/03/2018 22:24:00
Wouldn't be the first one in this thread ;) Since I just had a turn I'll let someone else take mine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 20/03/2018 01:03:27
I'll have a go, then.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 22/03/2018 13:32:50
Nobody?  :sad:

Here's another clue.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 22/03/2018 14:34:05
Sorry don't recognise it at all! :sad:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 23/03/2018 02:36:21
Haha, I remember this crazy game. I played it in the late 90's but I don't know if I ever finished it?! Down in the Dumps!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Fri 23/03/2018 03:37:08
Oh good, I don't have to step in and show off my big brain again :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 23/03/2018 08:21:41
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Fri 23/03/2018 03:37:08
Oh good, I don't have to step in and show off my big brain again :=

I'm amazed your cranium can still hold it in! (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 23/03/2018 22:04:00
Quote from: josiah1221 on Fri 23/03/2018 02:36:21
Haha, I remember this crazy game. I played it in the late 90's but I don't know if I ever finished it?! Down in the Dumps!

Heyhe, that's the one.  Very bizarre game.  :grin:
Your turn Josiah.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 24/03/2018 02:14:23
This should be easy enough :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 24/03/2018 04:23:59
Jill of the Jungle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 24/03/2018 21:45:31
That's the one, over to you Gurok!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 25/03/2018 16:58:04

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 25/03/2018 18:09:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 25/03/2018 23:33:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Mon 26/03/2018 01:04:56
It's Liero, Atavismus got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 26/03/2018 13:34:13
Ah, Liero. Good on paper, not so good in execution. At least in my opinion.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 26/03/2018 22:00:07
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 26/03/2018 13:34:13
Ah, Liero. Good on paper, not so good in execution. At least in my opinion.
Worms is a masterpiece, uneasy to compete...

Here is something:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 28/03/2018 22:17:46
Hint: game released in 2017.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 29/03/2018 02:02:26
Has Been Heroes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 29/03/2018 08:53:39
Okay, with the clues given I've reached Thy sword.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 29/03/2018 20:31:46
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 29/03/2018 08:53:39
Okay, with the clues given I've reached Thy sword.
Yes it is! ; )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 29/03/2018 22:05:44
Okay then, an easy one.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 29/03/2018 22:51:42
Bank Panic? (aka West Bank)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 29/03/2018 23:24:00
Yup, your turn. (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 30/03/2018 10:50:48
Okay, who knows this one?  :grin:
Had to cover up the title in that text window.  :tongue:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 31/03/2018 22:17:51
Another screenshot.  :wink:


The next screenshot will give a BIG clue.  :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 01/04/2018 16:48:26
Reminds me of this one called 'Weird Island', but not quite that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 01/04/2018 20:11:54
Nope, not Weird Island.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 03/04/2018 23:51:53
No-one even wants to guess?  :sad:
What sort of game fans are you?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 04/04/2018 01:42:29
Oh, I'm pretty sure this is a Level9 or Magnetic Scrolls game.
I'm going to guess from that last picture, Alice in Wonderland?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 04/04/2018 01:47:53
Quote from: Gurok on Wed 04/04/2018 01:42:29
Oh, I'm pretty sure this is a Level9 or Magnetic Scrolls game.
I'm going to guess from that last picture, Alice in Wonderland?

I want the actual title.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 04/04/2018 03:18:19
Wonderland :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 04/04/2018 03:41:14
Quote from: josiah1221 on Wed 04/04/2018 03:18:19
Wonderland :)

Close enough.  It's Wonderland: Dream The Dream.  :wink:

Over to you, Josiah.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 05/04/2018 06:24:11
Eh, I honestly didn't know it, just a guess! I'll pass to someone else :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 06/04/2018 20:04:08
Sweet - you gurus passing on the torch is the only time I get a chance to post a screenshot (laugh)(laugh)

How about this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 07/04/2018 14:15:40
How about now?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 08/04/2018 08:34:07
Kung Fu Louie vs The Martial Art Posse.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 08/04/2018 13:56:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 08/04/2018 15:54:47
Another obscure " classic" I stumbled upon on a shareware games CD ;) Somehow really stood out despite not being very fun to play. I'll pass my turn to someone else.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Mon 09/04/2018 01:27:41
Here's one I have fond memories of :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 09/04/2018 02:25:39
Wizards & Warriors.

I played the Gameboy version. My memories are rather not fond.

Next up:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: nihilyst on Mon 09/04/2018 05:21:49
Looks like Jalopy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 09/04/2018 05:33:40
But that's not it. And if I remember correctly, Jalopy makes you travel through parts of south eastern Europe.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 09/04/2018 12:29:20
Sam and Max?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 09/04/2018 12:38:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 09/04/2018 13:32:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 09/04/2018 13:47:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 09/04/2018 14:59:53
Crusader ?

EDIT: Ignore, again I didn't notice the new page... :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Tue 10/04/2018 00:48:02
Pass again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/04/2018 07:46:39
Here's a real easy one for the sake of keeping the thread going.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 15/04/2018 09:39:18
Super Marry-o
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 15/04/2018 12:55:50
And Super Mario 64 it is, of course ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 18/04/2018 13:58:54
Yay! I got it! I liked it, but it felt a bit tired after the first 63.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 18/04/2018 14:33:37
Hmm... now obviously looks like the Olympic games or similar, off the top of my head I can't remember many offering the option of training though.  I do recall both a Carl Lewis title and a Daley Thompson title that did allow you to train, but can't quite think of the full name of either game (unless it is <name>'s Olympic Challenge).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 19/04/2018 03:53:18
California Games? or Summer Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 19/04/2018 05:11:46
No correct guesses yet.

Mandle, both 'Summer' and 'Games' are in the title.

CaptainD, it's one of those games, but not named after a sporting celebrity.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 19/04/2018 08:21:25
Summer Olympic Games?
Summer Games 2?
Summer Of Games?
Games Of Summer?
Summer Rio Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 19/04/2018 08:28:32
"Summer Games Not Endorsed By Any Particular Celebrity Athlete"?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 19/04/2018 08:51:21
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 19/04/2018 08:28:32
"Summer Games Not Endorsed By Any Particular Celebrity Athlete"?

Hehe.... That ties with "Captain Disaster In Death Has A Million Stomping Boots" for word count :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 20/04/2018 23:14:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 21/04/2018 00:57:29
None of those are correct. Here's another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 21/04/2018 02:36:36
Games: The Summer Challenge?  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 21/04/2018 02:49:02
Yes, that's it! 👍
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 21/04/2018 14:25:43
This one should be fairly easy.  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 21/04/2018 14:40:22
Thats a "Flashback" from the past. lol
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 21/04/2018 15:07:46
Hehe, I knew it would be easy.  :grin:

Over to you, Dayowlron.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 23/04/2018 11:58:59
Sorry I missed this thread.
Next: (should be another easy one)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 23/04/2018 14:50:28
Mean Street, I think.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 23/04/2018 15:20:40
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 23/04/2018 14:50:28
Mean Street, I think.
Correct, I knew it would be easy although it is "Mean Streets"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 23/04/2018 16:09:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 23/04/2018 18:47:56
Spiderman: Street Sweeper?  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 24/04/2018 01:46:33
Hehe. No, of course.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 24/04/2018 13:18:21
That TMNT fighting game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 24/04/2018 15:26:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 24/04/2018 17:58:14
Isn't this Revenge of Shinobi on the Arcade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 24/04/2018 23:36:28
Was it that, I remember this screenshot cos they ripped off other franchises blatently!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 25/04/2018 02:10:26
abstauber got it! The Super Shinobi(or, The Revenge of Shinobi in some regions) it is! But it's not on arcade. It's on the Mega Drive instead.

And yeah, it has some crazy rip-offcameos (, which were mostly edited out in subsequent versions, but Spiderman stayed as they somehow got the license (to make him a villain!), until the recent VC releases, where they no longer held the license.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 25/04/2018 02:27:22
Hahaha that page you linked with the cameos is awesome!

The one I would disagree with is the need to change the "Godzilla" boss character as it doesn't look enough like Godzilla (missing back and tail spikes for one thing, and the colour is way off) and could almost be just a generic dinosaur but it's probably a good change because that skeleton dinosaur with internal organs is awesome!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 30/04/2018 12:31:24
Whoops, I almost forgot my turn. Sorry!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Mon 30/04/2018 13:37:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 30/04/2018 14:08:44

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 02/05/2018 03:03:10
Nothing quite like an EGA image trying to look like a photograph! So much grain in that you could make bread. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 02/05/2018 03:14:35
A Bond game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 02/05/2018 06:39:27
I don't know, but the uniforms remind me of Ghostbusters.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Wed 02/05/2018 07:15:36
They did make a Ghostbusters game! but it's David Wolf: Secret Agent
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 02/05/2018 08:40:27
No wonder...
These dithering photos were what Dynamix (in)famously known for, especially during the EGA and early VGA times.
I've looked for Ghostbusters games in mobygames before making my last comment, and did find Ghostbusters II ( by the same people(released in the same year even). Even though the horrible dithered photos looked quite close and that the uniforms looked alike I spoke in my conscious that this was not a Ghosterbuster game, and it wasn't, though had some close relations(same style, made by the same people) that I was not aware of.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 02/05/2018 08:50:35
Nah, the white shirt guy is probably a pilot and the proton pack is a parachute, so I guess the detective looking guy is wanting his parachute.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 02/05/2018 08:59:23
Hehe, you got it. I initially searched for a screenshot of 'Heart of China' when I stumbled upon this one :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Wed 02/05/2018 09:22:28
Here's mine

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 02/05/2018 09:45:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Wed 02/05/2018 09:48:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 02/05/2018 15:20:32
Looks like Aerosmith's Amazing video. Was it some game based on that?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Thu 03/05/2018 03:06:10
They share Aersomith and a 90s PC aesthetic, but I don't know if there's an actual link with the game and video beyond that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 03/05/2018 06:55:24
The only Aersomith game I knew was Revolution X (I actually have the PC version picked up from the bargain bin).
I was curious and asked Great G the question "Aersomith games" and immediately I got Rev X and this game(now I know this game but I cheated so, nevermind). Looks interesting.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 03/05/2018 07:53:47
Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 03/05/2018 06:55:24
I was curious and asked Great G the question "Aersomith games" and immediately I got Rev X and this game(now I know this game but I cheated so, nevermind)

You are actually allowed to use google as long as you don't just directly google the image itself. It's not cheating. It's detective work.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Zach7551 on Fri 04/05/2018 00:42:46
this might be impossible for most of you unless youve somehow watched the anime as a kid
also hi im new
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 04/05/2018 01:28:30
Doraemon 3: Nobita to Toki no HŠgyoku (but not the SNES version, apparently)

The character looked familiar, but I have to admit I searched for "anime with a blue and white cat".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 04/05/2018 01:57:48
No one would not know what Doraemon is here, but I think the hard part is which game it is, as there are a ton of them.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 04/05/2018 12:34:15
Quote from: Cl... on Fri 04/05/2018 01:28:30
The character looked familiar
Same here. How is it that a character that has only ever appeared in Japan, is so recognizable. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 04/05/2018 20:36:16
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 04/05/2018 12:34:15
Same here. How is it that a character that has only ever appeared in Japan, is so recognizable. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/05/2018 10:52:04
Uhm... I've seen Doraemon cartoons before... and I'm not sure they were in Japanese. My memory says spanish... and a quick YT search proves that I'm not wrong:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Sat 05/05/2018 11:14:10
I love Doraemon! I have a few books at home (easy Japanese, still difficult for me :-[ )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/05/2018 01:08:45
Quote from: cat on Sat 05/05/2018 11:14:10
I love Doraemon!

Hahaha! That look on your face when you saw the big Doraemon outside the shop in Kawagoe and tourist-posed with it. My wife and me were cracking up!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 06/05/2018 17:33:47
It's not just in Japan. Doraemon is SERIOUS BUSINESS here.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 06/05/2018 21:11:21
Every woman, man and child had somehow heard of Doraemon. And that was the end of the Name the Game game.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 07/05/2018 04:11:55
Ugh... I just remembered that an old mate used to hang out his washing over a gate outside his apartment and one day his face lit up with realization and he said to me:

"Do you know what this is?!"
"It's a DRY-MON!"

(Gate is "mon" in Japanese)

I gotta admit I laughed a lot more than I should have...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 07/05/2018 06:41:42
Actually in Japanese DRY-MON is pronounced DO-RA-I-MO-N, which is only one character different from the original name, and is a VERY common parody of the subject...

...subject... anyway, back to subject! Zach, is Cl...'s answer correct?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 07/05/2018 06:46:27
Quote from: ManicMatt on Sun 06/05/2018 21:11:21

I know what this means even though I have never learnt Japanese, thanks to watching Terrace House. You all should too!

(I also recognised Doraemon even though I didn't know its name or anything else about it.)

Looks like Zach hasn't been on in a couple of days...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 07/05/2018 13:43:15
What is the Terrace House? I only know like 20 Japanese words.

Nani is said a lot, because its basically "what", ergo people going "What?!!"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Zach7551 on Sat 12/05/2018 22:07:44
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sat 05/05/2018 10:52:04
Uhm... I've seen Doraemon cartoons before... and I'm not sure they were in Japanese. My memory says spanish... and a quick YT search proves that I'm not wrong:

sorry to burst your bubble, and also the fact that this is a late reply, but youre wrong. thats a dub, not the original japanese audio. ive researched every detail about the series for 3 years.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 12/05/2018 22:10:05
Makes sense, it says "in Spanish" which mean they felt the need to put that because it's not normally in that language.

Anyway, whose go is it??
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 12/05/2018 22:33:31
what bubble??? 8-0
I know the original is Japanese and that's a dub... (roll) Unless you did not read my post I said that I've seen it in other languages other than Japanese. Meaning that is has aired not only in Japan!

Anyway... are we going to continue talking about Doreamon or will someone post the next game to guess? (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/05/2018 03:16:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 13/05/2018 10:03:51
Hi all!

I guess it's Zaxxon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 13/05/2018 10:25:56
Hey! Ahh I thought id briefly played this on a retro collection but wasn't sure if it was this, or what collection it was.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/05/2018 10:37:39
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 13/05/2018 10:03:51
Hi all!

I guess it's Zaxxon.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 11:00:30
Super Zaxxon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/05/2018 11:29:42
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 11:00:30
Super Zaxxon?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 13/05/2018 11:45:22
Mega Zaxxon
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/05/2018 11:48:56
Quote from: selmiak on Sun 13/05/2018 11:45:22
Mega Zaxxon

No, and I sense a theme building...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sun 13/05/2018 12:10:35
I remember a game like Zaxxon called Space Raid, but I think their graphics sucked.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 13/05/2018 14:50:50
Rip Off Zaxxon
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 15:40:45
Z-89, a Zaxxon clone for the TRS-80 CoCo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/05/2018 17:33:31
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 15:40:45
Z-89, a Zaxxon clone for the TRS-80 CoCo.

That's the one!!!

Superior to the original and made by the same guy.

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 17:39:48
Thank you, Mobygames :D


Have at it, gents.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 13/05/2018 17:48:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 13/05/2018 17:53:58
Egypt 1156 BC?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Sun 13/05/2018 17:56:56
Cassie gets it in no time at all :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 13/05/2018 19:49:09
Ah, thought it looked familiar, though I can't remember if I ever finished it. (laugh)

This one should be easy (I never played it or even had heard of it before today (roll) ).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 14/05/2018 12:16:03
I have no idea what the game is, but it looks like that detective is flipping off that house. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 14/05/2018 12:29:34
LOL, okay, maybe a colored version will help:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 14/05/2018 13:04:49
I'm pretty sure it's not Déjà  Vu, but that's the only game I can think of.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 14/05/2018 13:08:52
It's not. (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 15/05/2018 08:36:03
I had to edit the names out of the picture, or it would have been too easy... but this should now not be hard... surely? (wtf)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 15/05/2018 11:48:12
"Psycho"? or "Bate's Motel"?

or something connected to that obviously by that last shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 15/05/2018 12:09:42
Yup, thanks Mandle! :D
It's Pshyco (and that is "Bates Motel"). (nod)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 15/05/2018 12:58:12
Wow, there was an adventure game based on Psycho?! Gotta give it a try!

New shot coming soon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 16/05/2018 08:45:12
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 16/05/2018 16:48:23
Seems like my browser doesn't want to load the full pic... so I'll guess.. uhm... Cruise for a Corpse?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 16/05/2018 18:06:43
A bit more recent.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Amayirot Akago on Wed 16/05/2018 19:21:53
Titan Souls?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 16/05/2018 22:35:08
Chronicle of innsmouth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 17/05/2018 03:48:40
Quote from: Mouth for war on Wed 16/05/2018 22:35:08
Chronicle of innsmouth?

That's the top half of the title indeed. Can anyone get the bottom half?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 18/05/2018 12:19:43
Chronicles of Narnia?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 18/05/2018 14:34:19
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 18/05/2018 12:19:43
Chronicles of Narnia?

No, the bottom half. The top half is already solved.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 19/05/2018 23:13:24
Mountains Of Madness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 19/05/2018 23:19:26
A Cthulhu Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 19/05/2018 23:27:27
Quote from: Mouth for war on Wed 16/05/2018 22:35:08
Chronicle of innsmouth?

I don't understand.
Did Mouth For War not guess correctly?  Or is it 2 different games you want us to guess?  :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 19/05/2018 23:35:43
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 17/05/2018 03:48:40
Quote from: Mouth for war on Wed 16/05/2018 22:35:08
Chronicle of innsmouth?

That's the top half of the title indeed. Can anyone get the bottom half?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 20/05/2018 01:57:07
Is the top and the bottom half not the same game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 20/05/2018 02:19:27
Quote from: Frodo on Sun 20/05/2018 01:57:07
Is the top and the bottom half not the same game?

(laugh) Are you doing a bit? (laugh)


Mouth Of War got the top half.

BenX got the bottom half.

The game pictured is indeed: "Chronicle Of Innsmouth: Mountains Of Madness", sequel to the original, now in production, with a demo being shown off at an Italian game convention this weekend!

(The demo is currently only in Italian but I will be starting work on the translation once the dialog is a bit more final. It's looking great so far!)

I guess whichever of the winners gets to it first can take the next round?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sun 20/05/2018 09:27:50
Well BenX how about we split this one? I take one half and you take the other half and when we combine those pictures, we form something really obscure? :-D Nah go ahead I don't mind if you take this one
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/05/2018 09:54:29
Okay, here's my half of the picture. Mouth Of War, please supply the other half, then people can take a guess!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/05/2018 10:03:03
I don't recognise the scene but that character reminds me of the player character in Blade Runner, and the neon lights could fit with that idea - so that's my guess, Westwood's classic Blade Runner.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 21/05/2018 10:30:00
Damn, I missed this.  I love this game. 

Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 21/05/2018 10:03:03
I don't recognise the scene but that character reminds me of the player character in Blade Runner, and the neon lights could fit with that idea - so that's my guess, Westwood's classic Blade Runner.

CaptainD, it's Ray McCoy, and Lucy in the arcade at Hysteria Hall.  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 21/05/2018 10:32:37
Yeah I only played it the once but I recognise it from Blade Runner too!

So... not much point in Mouth for War doing the second half??
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/05/2018 10:47:43
Quote from: ManicMatt on Mon 21/05/2018 10:32:37
Yeah I only played it the once but I recognise it from Blade Runner too!

So... not much point in Mouth for War doing the second half??

Mouth for War can take the next go rather than do the second half! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/05/2018 10:49:55
Aw, CaptainD, you ruined the fun!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/05/2018 11:26:02
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 21/05/2018 10:49:55
Aw, CaptainD, you ruined the fun!

On my way to sit on the naughty step... :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 21/05/2018 12:02:48
Ben X, this would have worked better if you'd Pm'd Mouth for war the image first :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/05/2018 12:55:15
But that wouldn't have been fun!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 22/05/2018 00:53:00
Oh, I can now show a gallery of the full title screen for the previous round's game "Chronicle Of Innsmouth: Mountains Of Madness", as well as some ingame shots, as they have been officially released at a game conference and now on facebook:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 22/05/2018 08:05:52
Crafty insertion of self promotion!

Mandle's post is sponsored by BISHI AND THE ALIEN SLIME INVASION! For when you want to play something non adventure like!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 22/05/2018 11:04:22
Quote from: ManicMatt on Tue 22/05/2018 08:05:52
Crafty insertion of self promotion!

Kind of... But most people show the whole image after a cropped one was used. I wasn't really able to though as the full image had not been officially released yet. But, over the weekend, it was released at an Italian game convention and also posted on facebook.

Whether people also look at the rest of the gallery is up to them ;)

(BONUS POINTS if anyone can guess the artist doing the backgrounds on Chronicle Of Innsmouth: Mountains Of Madness (laugh) )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 30/05/2018 14:20:21
CaptainD, I think it's your turn.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 30/05/2018 15:52:27
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 30/05/2018 14:20:21
CaptainD, I think it's your turn.   :smiley:

Is it?  Sorry I got all confused!  I'll be back later with a screenshot...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/06/2018 14:41:20
Aurgh just remembered this! 

Okay, here's a new one...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 09/06/2018 14:53:12
So not only did you break the last round, you also paused the game for three weeks!

I don't know this at all, so I'll guess... Paperboy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/06/2018 19:51:23
I don't do things by halves... :P

Astonishingly you are correct! I thought people might me assume it was a racing game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 10/06/2018 10:34:47
Woah, that was a complete guess! Okay, here's a game I just played recently:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 10/06/2018 11:13:41
That must be Shadow Warrior.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 10/06/2018 15:40:06
It is indeed! I hoped the manga sprite might have been an effective red herring but never mind!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 10/06/2018 21:19:58
You should've cut the two huge guns at the bottom. ;)

Related, in a way, to the previous game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 10/06/2018 21:27:20
Blood? Related because of the Build engine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 10/06/2018 21:31:24
Correct on both! (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 11/06/2018 09:44:28
Okay, here's a probably easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 11/06/2018 10:14:54
Until I Have You?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/06/2018 11:03:50
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 11/06/2018 10:14:54
Until I Have You?

It's "The Swindle", which I only know because I had it in a bundle a few weeks back.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 11/06/2018 12:12:26
That's the one, Cl...!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/06/2018 13:20:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Mon 11/06/2018 14:17:19
Is it that Batman Telltale game? By the way, why is his head turning so unnaturally far?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 11/06/2018 15:01:31
Because someone went and bent it 90 degrees more than it should be possible? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 11/06/2018 16:04:58
Quote from: Buckethead on Mon 11/06/2018 14:17:19
Is it that Batman Telltale game? By the way, why is his head turning so unnaturally far?
It is. The first of two so far. And the head thing is the exact reason I took the screenshot. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Thu 14/06/2018 13:13:01
Sorry forgot about this. Here's a new one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 14/06/2018 14:22:42
The Silent Age. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Fri 15/06/2018 08:55:42
You are right. I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to guess it. Silent age has such a distinct art style.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 15/06/2018 09:07:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 15/06/2018 11:21:37
Yorkshire Gubbins?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 15/06/2018 12:50:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 15/06/2018 13:05:21

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 15/06/2018 13:32:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 15/06/2018 13:56:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 15/06/2018 15:39:56
Yippee, I got one.  :grin:

Okay, I thought about this before, but don't think it's actually been posted. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 15/06/2018 19:41:21
Discworld Noir?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 15/06/2018 20:34:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 15/06/2018 22:42:51
A Zork game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 16/06/2018 00:36:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 16/06/2018 12:22:40
Kingdom O' Magic?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 17/06/2018 02:32:39
Quote from: Chrille on Sat 16/06/2018 12:22:40
Kingdom O' Magic?

Bingo!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 17/06/2018 10:38:51
Oh... I was actually thinking of that one and wondering "what's the name of that weird game I bought but I never got to play?" (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 17/06/2018 11:51:44
I still have a boxed copy of that somewhere. Remember it as somewhat amusing but mostly annoying :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 18/06/2018 19:18:25
Hint: It's a new game, so new it isn't even officially released yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 18/06/2018 20:15:02
Isn't that cheating?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 18/06/2018 20:24:42
If it's not even released yet, how are we supposed to guess?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 18/06/2018 20:30:14
In their defence, there's no actual clear rules for these games, but yes I agree it should be a game/film/tv show that's been released, otherwise we open the floodgates to cancelled games, films still being shot and so on. Also, please tell me that isn't a game you're promoting for!

(Author of pleughburgh, crikey, that was one of the first AGS games I played!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 18/06/2018 20:43:57
Is that the Quest for Infamy sequel -Roehm to Ruin?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 18/06/2018 21:31:49
Figured someone might recognize it as it's the work of some well-known veterans when it comes to adventure games. There is a demo available, it's currently in beta testing, so it's not necessarily that hard to guess.

CaptainD, nope, but that's not too far off, actually!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 19/06/2018 00:06:32
Quest For Glory sequel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Tue 19/06/2018 01:15:48
Naughty Chrille! It's the Hero-U alpha/beta. Mandle can have it, as he basically guessed it without naming it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 19/06/2018 11:11:41
I did? Oh, okay. Screenie coming soon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 19/06/2018 13:41:29
Quote from: ManicMatt on Mon 18/06/2018 20:30:14
In their defence, there's no actual clear rules for these games, but yes I agree it should be a game/film/tv show that's been released, otherwise we open the floodgates to cancelled games, films still being shot and so on. Also, please tell me that isn't a game you're promoting for!

(Author of pleughburgh, crikey, that was one of the first AGS games I played!)
I remember someone posting a screenshot of a Hero's Duty from Wreck it Ralph. That game doesn't even exist as a real game! Yet no one had any problem with it, and it was guessed quickly.
So, I think it depends on whether or not the game was released, and if it isn't, is it well known.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 19/06/2018 19:17:41
Well, they certainly thought it was well known, so I disagree, but I don't make the rules!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/06/2018 02:56:12
Quote from: Danvzare on Tue 19/06/2018 13:41:29
I remember someone posting a screenshot of a Hero's Duty from Wreck it Ralph.

Hehe... that was me :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 20/06/2018 07:07:21
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 20/06/2018 02:56:12
Hehe... that was me :-[

And you also posted another game ( which was yet to appear quite recently. :wink:

So, it's been done before, and I don't understand why people suddenly started complaining about guessing games not yet released. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 20/06/2018 09:04:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 20/06/2018 09:55:53
Can we use games that are actually released from now on?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/06/2018 10:24:12
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 20/06/2018 09:55:53
Can we use games that are actually released from now on?

TBH I think that would be nice - unless maybe it's stated that the game in question is still in production etc?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/06/2018 10:42:17
Quote from: ManicMatt on Wed 20/06/2018 09:04:48
I did think that was a weird entry, more like we were trying to work out the letters rather than actually recognising the image.

Wasn't that kind of a fun challenge for a change though?

Heh-heh, I'm surprised nobody mentioned the time I put up a screenie of Polybius, a game that has probably never existed, well the original at least.

Anyway, here's a cropped one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 20/06/2018 10:50:07
Dragon's Lair?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/06/2018 10:55:48
Quote from: Gurok on Wed 20/06/2018 10:50:07
Dragon's Lair?

Not cropped quite enough though it seems...

I didn't see the sword icon in the bottom right until I posted it full-size. Did that give it away?

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 20/06/2018 11:00:26
Given the play-style of Dragon's Lair, I think it's that I've seen that backdrop too many times.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 20/06/2018 11:06:10
Hmm.  Looks like some shareware Lemmings'inspired game but... no idea what it's called.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 20/06/2018 13:02:54
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 20/06/2018 11:06:10
Hmm.  Looks like some shareware Lemmings'inspired game but... no idea what it's called.

Looking back and forth from his avatar image to the screenshot I cannot help but deduce that they are all a bunch of little Guroks!!!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 20/06/2018 13:17:18
Nope, but CaptainD is on the right track.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 20/06/2018 20:26:25
(sorry if it sounds offensive ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Thu 21/06/2018 00:12:48
Yes, Atavismus! Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 21/06/2018 02:00:34
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 20/06/2018 20:26:25
(sorry if it sounds offensive ^^)

Ouch, I take back my previous post.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 21/06/2018 21:14:06
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 21/06/2018 02:00:34
Ouch, I take back my previous post.



Does this robot ring a bell?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 21/06/2018 21:55:30
Hey is that Atomic Robo Kid?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 21/06/2018 23:00:15
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 21/06/2018 21:55:30
Hey is that Atomic Robo Kid?
Of course Captain! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 30/06/2018 23:00:15
Okay, let's get this moving again.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 30/06/2018 23:02:28
Oops sorry!
No idea on the new one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 30/06/2018 23:05:46
CaptainD, if you'd like to post a screenshot, please go ahead.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 30/06/2018 23:23:31
The newer King's Tale?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 30/06/2018 23:41:05
That's a Final Fantasy game, isn't it?  I don't think it's even out for PC. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 01/07/2018 00:14:20
Oops, I meant to say:

The newer King's Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 01/07/2018 00:17:29
Hehe, no, it's not King's Quest either. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 01/07/2018 11:38:20
I won't be able to remember the name, but is it a little known Infogrames title that came out a few years after Alone in the Dark?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 01/07/2018 12:43:15
Quote from: manifest class on Sun 01/07/2018 11:38:20
I won't be able to remember the name, but is it a little known Infogrames title that came out a few years after Alone in the Dark?

Time Gate: Knight's Chase, perhaps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 01/07/2018 13:41:23
Manifest Class - yes

Ben X - no 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 02/07/2018 09:53:05
Another screenshot   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 02/07/2018 15:00:20
Hmm...maybe I was thinking of a different Infogrames game. I don't remember it being so ruddy in appearance!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 02/07/2018 17:02:56
I have no face and I must scream? (laugh)

Sorry about that, I'm pretty sure I have never played or seen that game before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 02/07/2018 18:14:35

Beat me if isn't the old...

Voodoo Kid!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 02/07/2018 18:18:46
Quote from: TheFrighther on Mon 02/07/2018 18:14:35

Beat me if isn't the old...

Voodoo Kid!


Don't kid around, now.  :tongue:

But yeah, you're right.  It's Voodoo Kid.  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 03/07/2018 18:46:50
O-kay. this is more easy...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 04/07/2018 04:42:52
Just a heads-up for Guess The Game freaks:

In the "Can You Solve This Riddle?" thread I'm attempting to start a round a riddles based on computer games.

The aim is to name the game that the riddle describes.

The first one is currently up and unanswered.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 04/07/2018 08:45:45
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 04/07/2018 04:42:52
I am offended
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 04/07/2018 12:48:19
Dark Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 04/07/2018 12:56:13
Pee-Wee Herman's Spooky Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 04/07/2018 13:17:21
Quote from: Cl... on Wed 04/07/2018 08:45:45
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 04/07/2018 04:42:52
I am offended

Be so then! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 05/07/2018 11:40:30
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 04/07/2018 04:42:52
Just a heads-up for Guess The Game freaks:

In the "Can You Solve This Riddle?" thread I'm attempting to start a round a riddles based on computer games.

The aim is to name the game that the riddle describes.

The first one is currently up and unanswered.

Can you drop a thread link for the lazy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 05/07/2018 12:46:26
Quote from: manifest class on Thu 05/07/2018 11:40:30
Can you drop a thread link for the lazy?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 05/07/2018 13:22:38
Will you all be quiet?! You're distracting TheFrighther so much they've forgotten to tell me my guess was correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 05/07/2018 17:56:58

He He! Sorry, not! (laugh)

Ok, here's another:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 05/07/2018 18:16:27
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 06/07/2018 02:50:53
Bad Day on the Midway
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 06/07/2018 04:26:54
Yeah that's got to be it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 06/07/2018 11:40:54
Quote from: josiah1221 on Fri 06/07/2018 02:50:53
Bad Day on the Midway

You got it,  Josiah1221!  ;)

(ehm... if someone can explain me how to run it on Windows 10 I'll be happy! :-[)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 07/07/2018 05:18:48
Pretty sure the only way you can play it in Windows 10 is through a Virtual Machine running Windows XP or earlier Windows versions. Or maybe Dosbox running Windows 3.1?

I don't have anything at the moment, someone else can have my turn, otherwise I'll post something tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 07/07/2018 08:13:00
Okay, I'll put something up...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 07/07/2018 15:04:46
Mandle, please could you use actual screenshots, rather than cropped bits of pictures?  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 07/07/2018 15:10:56
Quote from: Frodo on Sat 07/07/2018 15:04:46
Mandle, please could you use actual screenshots, rather than cropped bits of pictures?  :smiley:

Nope, I can't, if a cropped portion of a GUI icon or whatever in the past was acceptable then this is also.

EDIT: Also I have the whole screenshot saved and plan to show it bit by bit, but if someone had played this game enough they might get it by this one cropped screenie. If not I put the next one up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sat 07/07/2018 16:42:07
It reminded me of an AGS game made for MAGS not too long ago, but I checked the screenshot and decided it wasn't it. :~(

Growing flowers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 07/07/2018 17:23:04
Nope, sorry but here's another cryptic screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 07/07/2018 17:24:47
The Tiny Black Square?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 07/07/2018 18:01:44
Quote from: Frodo on Sat 07/07/2018 17:24:47
The Tiny Black Square?

It's zoomable. :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 07/07/2018 18:04:14
E.T.: Phone Home Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 08/07/2018 11:45:55
Something like an editor?
A Mario editor?
It rings a bell, but it's very distant and I can't hear it clearly...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 08/07/2018 23:24:31
No so far...

I think someone might be able to get it not so much by looking at the two pictures individually but instead thinking what they imply about each other when considered together. I'll put another up soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 09/07/2018 14:36:58

I know the pictures are small but all are zoomable.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 09/07/2018 16:07:27
Ah, Dig Dug.

I knew I recognized that flower from somewhere and I was leaning towards the surface from Dig Dug, but I really couldn't remember those path tiles.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 09/07/2018 16:14:34
Quote from: Chrille on Mon 09/07/2018 16:07:27
Ah, Dig Dug.

I knew I recognized that flower from somewhere and I was leaning towards the surface from Dig Dug, but I really couldn't remember those path tiles.

I really thought someone would put together the gap in the ground of the first picture and the tunnel down in the second picture as having the same width and figure it out...

Congratz though on figuring out probably one of the most violent early arcade games... I mean, was anyone else blown away by literally pumping the enemies up until they friggin' explode?!

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 09/07/2018 16:18:57
Wow, I would never have guessed Dig Dug. Not only because I haven't played it in at least 25 years, but I think I only played either the Atari 2600 or Intellivision version, neither of which seem to have the flower.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 09/07/2018 16:24:58
Quote from: VampireWombat on Mon 09/07/2018 16:18:57
Wow, I would never have guessed Dig Dug. Not only because I haven't played it in at least 25 years, but I think I only played either the Atari 2600 or Intellivision version, neither of which seem to have the flower.

It seems there is a fine balance between making an iconic game impossible to recognize or just way too easy...

Maybe I will just stick to full screen shots from now on to avoid annoying people too much.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 09/07/2018 18:54:14
Personally I think these puzzle rounds are rather fun :-D

Here's another one.


Hint: Similiar theme to the last.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 09/07/2018 18:56:53
@Mandle, So... you mentioned you had a full screenshot to reveal... (wtf)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 09/07/2018 19:02:33
Think your clue gave this one away for me. It looks like Joust.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 09/07/2018 19:10:42
Joust it is indeed:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 09/07/2018 21:56:55
Keeping around the same timeframe. Another cropped image
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 09/07/2018 22:10:56
Duck Hunt?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 10/07/2018 02:02:21
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 09/07/2018 22:10:56
Duck Hunt?
Correct. I knew that would be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 10/07/2018 16:00:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 10/07/2018 17:56:58
X-Simpsons? :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 10/07/2018 18:59:08
Idgi and no.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 10/07/2018 21:41:21
Nidhogg 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Tue 10/07/2018 21:49:42
the underground basement in beneath a steel sky where foster meets the spider... kind of like this...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 10/07/2018 22:49:25
Quote from: Atavismus on Tue 10/07/2018 21:41:21
Nidhogg 2?

Correct! Joust reminded me of the first one, but I thought that would be too easy so went for the sequel.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 11/07/2018 06:22:56
Quote from: Ben X on Tue 10/07/2018 18:59:08
Just a lame joke, as the character looks like a mutated Simpsons character, so X-Men + Simpsons...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 11/07/2018 19:23:48

Too easy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 12/07/2018 01:23:36
The Nightmare Before Christmas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Thu 12/07/2018 07:57:34
Bart vs. the Space Mutants :(

(Amiga version?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 12/07/2018 20:21:25
Quote from: Chrille on Thu 12/07/2018 07:57:34
Bart vs. the Space Mutants :(

(Amiga version?)

Double yes! :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 13/07/2018 23:13:57
Here's another partial screenshot, omitting most of the gui:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 14/07/2018 00:19:31
Might and Magic: Darkside of Xeen
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 14/07/2018 10:13:04
Correct! Would also have accepted World of Xeen :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 14/07/2018 11:54:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 14/07/2018 14:06:58
Sea Of Thieves
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 14/07/2018 14:38:33
No, definitely not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 14/07/2018 16:44:21
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 14/07/2018 16:46:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 14/07/2018 17:16:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 14/07/2018 22:55:14
Lumino City?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 14/07/2018 23:24:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 14/07/2018 23:25:34
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 14/07/2018 23:39:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 15/07/2018 23:12:54
nope and nope... here's another.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 18/07/2018 11:00:07
Little Big Planet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 19/07/2018 03:49:15
No, it's a first person scifi adventure, let's see if this helps...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 19/07/2018 04:28:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 19/07/2018 04:33:24
nope, MUCH more recent ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 19/07/2018 04:37:09
I think I played the demo but I can't remember the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 20/07/2018 00:26:30
Can't We Finally Get Beyond Thunderdome?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 20/07/2018 03:30:25
It's Catyph: The Kunci Experiment, a really great game from the Black Cube series. Over to whoever.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 20/07/2018 04:21:47
At least this confirms I really did play it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 26/07/2018 11:41:33
Okay, this is likely bending the rules to breaking point. I painted over the original graphics, what game is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 26/07/2018 11:53:50
Manic Miner or Jet Set Willy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 26/07/2018 11:57:34
The massive foot makes me think of Monty Python.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 26/07/2018 13:35:47
Right decade I think, as jet set willy etc.

It would need to be a naked foot for Monty Python, no?

update: Wow, the same YEAR as Jet Set Willy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 26/07/2018 14:33:22
Looks like a cropped screen from Henry's House?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 26/07/2018 14:41:41
I was thinking Math Blaster but how that you say that I think it is Henry's House.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 26/07/2018 15:19:13
Yep, it's from Henry's House, a C64 game I loved as a child, one of the earliest games I ever played. As you can see, I gave that portion a makeover whilst keeping the original resolution.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 27/07/2018 05:24:38
And back to using screenshots.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 27/07/2018 06:49:11
The Gene Machine. :) Remember playing it on my good ol' PC, though I was a bit too young to fully understand everything, heh. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 27/07/2018 06:52:55
Damn, that was quick.  :grin:

Over to you, Crash. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 27/07/2018 07:23:04
Whee. :D Here's a classic that will always have a special place in my heart.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 27/07/2018 09:35:36
Don't know what the game is, but that's a funky door!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 27/07/2018 09:49:03
Vaguely reminds me of Amerzone.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 28/07/2018 12:11:11
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 27/07/2018 09:49:03
Vaguely reminds me of Amerzone.

Close, it's also a first person point and click adventure. :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 28/07/2018 19:20:36
Would never have guessed it from the first image but pretty sure that robot is from The Journeyman Project.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 28/07/2018 21:41:05
Quote from: Chrille on Sat 28/07/2018 19:20:36
Would never have guessed it from the first image but pretty sure that robot is from The Journeyman Project.

Yes sir! That's Journeyman Project 1, alright. :D It was the very first PC game I've ever played. Man, it was seriously impressive back then.
Over to you, Chrille. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sat 28/07/2018 23:56:51
It was one of the first cd-rom games I played too. There wasn't much gameplay, but I remember being impressed by the robots at least :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 29/07/2018 13:33:54
Here's another part of the gui, showing the main window would give it away immediately I'm sure:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 29/07/2018 13:44:50
I don't know why, but I somehow knew to guess Blake Stone.
I don't even remember actually playing the thing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Sun 29/07/2018 14:48:49
Correct! :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 29/07/2018 15:19:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 29/07/2018 15:35:34
Ooh, one of my favourite games for the good old Spectrum.  :cheesy:

Solomon's Key.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 29/07/2018 15:50:31
I only played the NES version.
But correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 29/07/2018 18:16:54
Yippee  :grin:

I just had a turn recently, so anyone can take my turn.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 30/07/2018 22:51:19
Okay, I got one.  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 31/07/2018 02:14:56
Hmmm no idea, but judging from the (fantasy?) setting it may be one of those text adventures Roberta Williams made before making KQ1.
Ah well. Indeed it is. It is The Wizard and the Princess, the second game in the Hi-Res Adventure series(the first being Mystery House). Checking for games created by Roberta Williams before KQ1 in mobygames gave the answer immediately. I hope this is not cheating.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 31/07/2018 03:20:33
Nah, it's called "research". It's only cheating if you google the actual image.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 31/07/2018 03:49:55
Quote from: Gilbert on Tue 31/07/2018 02:14:56
Hmmm no idea, but judging from the (fantasy?) setting it may be one of those text adventures Roberta Williams made before making KQ1.
Ah well. Indeed it is. It is The Wizard and the Princess, the second game in the Hi-Res Adventure series(the first being Mystery House). Checking for games created by Roberta Williams before KQ1 in mobygames gave the answer immediately. I hope this is not cheating.

Spot on.  :cheesy:
Except this PC re-release (the screenshot is from the PC version) has a different title - bonus points if you can tell me that title.  :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 31/07/2018 04:04:44
Adventure in Serenia!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 31/07/2018 06:34:15
Heh I was too lazy to look up the name again, so I think josiah got this one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 31/07/2018 10:24:34
Josiah gets the bonus points, and a cookie.  :wink:

But Gilbert recognised it first, and got the original title, so I think the turn goes to him.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 31/07/2018 15:28:56
I think this is a bit obscure but I used to play it a lot and it's an insanely difficult game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 31/07/2018 22:27:57
Dont know what game that is but looks fun depending on what you had to do. I am guessing some sort of Defender?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 01/08/2018 02:14:23
This is not just a shooter.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 02/08/2018 14:35:47
Is it a Soviet era game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 03/08/2018 03:24:17
Considering it's an Apple ][ games in the 80s, yes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Fri 03/08/2018 08:48:38
Project Space Station? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 06/08/2018 02:11:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 06/08/2018 11:57:57
Top Gun?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 06/08/2018 12:36:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 06/08/2018 18:20:34
No. I think it's not based on any pre-existing franchise, I think at least.
It's midnight here so I may post another shot tomorrow.
(Wasn't quite active in the past few days but my home system always shut down after a few minutes of activities, probably due to overheating in the hot summer. I've just cleaned the dust in the internal fans(especially the CPU one) and it seems to do the trick.)

Here it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/08/2018 00:22:57
Something set on Mars?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 08/08/2018 00:37:07
Is it Captain Goodnight?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 08/08/2018 01:58:35
Chrille got it!
Yeah of course it is Captain Goodnight.
It's a pity this game was kind of obscure, considering how diverse its gameplay was. Maybe being too hard (I never beat it) and not ported to other systems(I think) are part of the reasons few people heard of it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 08/08/2018 08:19:33
I have to admit that I've never heard of this one.

Perhaps an AGS remake is in order? ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 08/08/2018 17:19:44
It had a look at a video and it seems like a cute little game.

Anyway, I couldn't think anything special so here's something fairly new:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 08/08/2018 17:42:32
Never played it but the art style looked similar to what I saw in screenshots. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 08/08/2018 18:29:12
That's it!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 09/08/2018 03:00:20
As I just had my round, I'll leave this for someone else to steal.
If no one starts a new round, I may try to post something later.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 11/08/2018 00:22:47
Consider it stolen! ;)

How about this?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 11/08/2018 18:44:37
For some reason it looks like a Hewson game to me but not sure which one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 12/08/2018 06:32:58
Nope! Alright this should give it away:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Mon 13/08/2018 11:33:03
Thought it was Turrican at first but that's Thexder, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 14/08/2018 00:46:00
Yes! Your go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Tue 14/08/2018 17:16:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 15/08/2018 10:58:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 15/08/2018 11:11:14
Nope, it's a fairly recent game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 15/08/2018 13:00:23
Paranautical Activity?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 15/08/2018 15:06:59

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 15/08/2018 17:01:25
Fallout 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 15/08/2018 19:12:13
No Man's Sky?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Wed 15/08/2018 20:15:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Chrille on Wed 15/08/2018 23:17:36
Fallout 4 it is. Well done, dayowlron ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 16/08/2018 02:57:47
Hadn't played it, but saw an ad for it in a game I was playing and thought the green atmosphere looked right.
Not sure if this will be easy or hard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 16/08/2018 03:00:22
World Leader Tetris? (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Thu 16/08/2018 12:48:19
on the right track but as far as I know it was never released with that name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 16/08/2018 17:22:45
I know what this is and I even made a custom graphics set for it BiTD, so I'd rather not spoil it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 17/08/2018 01:50:43
Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 16/08/2018 17:22:45
I know what this is and I even made a custom graphics set for it BiTD, so I'd rather not spoil it.

Is it an AGS game then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 17/08/2018 02:45:13
No, but as dayowlron mentioned guessing Tetris is on the right track, as these games are quite closely related.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 17/08/2018 02:56:45
A cropped part of Facestris?   

(What happened to using actual screenshots?   :sad:)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 17/08/2018 06:38:21
I think there are already many instances of cropped screenshots (most of the time removing the HUD, but sometimes even leaving only a small command icon) or even edited ones in some other ways (such as removing the player character)?
I find it perfectly okay to crop the screenshots when they're too obvious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 17/08/2018 13:09:39
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 17/08/2018 02:56:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 17/08/2018 21:34:18
Next game  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Fri 17/08/2018 22:27:01
Dirty Split
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 17/08/2018 23:02:28
Yep  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Sat 18/08/2018 00:14:09
Cool, my turn:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 18/08/2018 02:59:04
The 7th Guest (retro edition)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Sat 18/08/2018 23:43:10
Mmmm, nope..

Another clue then:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 19/08/2018 00:37:28
What kind of verb is "syst"?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 19/08/2018 06:08:50
Uhm... Columbo ? Though I couldn't find any computer game under that name on Google, only a board game... (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 19/08/2018 11:17:32
Fed_ _ _    S _ _ de ?   :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 19/08/2018 11:38:55
Fedral Shade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 19/08/2018 12:51:41
It makes me think of Deja Vu. So... Deja Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: tzachs on Sun 19/08/2018 13:09:10
Frodo got it :cheesy:

Any reason you're not saying the entire name?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 19/08/2018 23:23:12
Quote from: tzachs on Sun 19/08/2018 13:09:10
Frodo got it :cheesy:

Any reason you're not saying the entire name?

Dunno, thought it would add an air of mystery to it - it's Fedora Spade.  :smiley:

Here's the next shot.  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 19/08/2018 23:46:04
Zombie Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 20/08/2018 09:39:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 20/08/2018 10:15:44
I think there was a game just called "Zombie" and although I've never played it the GUI looks a little familiar from screenshots I've seen...?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 20/08/2018 10:52:51
Sorry, no zombies in this game. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 21/08/2018 08:50:13
No more guesses? 

How about another screenshot?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 22/08/2018 21:48:24
Another screenshot.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 23/08/2018 12:42:09
Is it an AGS game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 23/08/2018 20:05:02
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 23/08/2018 12:42:09
Is it an AGS game?

It's not AGS, but it IS freeware.  :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 23/08/2018 22:11:11
Something about this does look kinda familiar, but I can't place it. :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 24/08/2018 22:19:26
Nobody?  :cry:

It's an adventure game made in FreeBASIC.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 25/08/2018 07:43:36
The GUI is screaming at me! I'm pretty sure I've played this but I can't for the life of me figure it out!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 25/08/2018 13:52:42
C'mon... I gave a BIG clue above.  :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 25/08/2018 14:12:59
FreeBASIC Adventure? :confused:(roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/08/2018 18:06:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 25/08/2018 20:59:43
Quote from: Kweepa on Sat 25/08/2018 18:06:36

Bingo!  :grin:

I was starting to think nobody would get it. 

CaptainD, looking for 'FreeBASIC games' takes you to THIS ( page.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/08/2018 22:58:29
Yes, I only identified the game by browsing that site :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 25/08/2018 23:10:54
(Hint in the top left redacted)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 25/08/2018 23:25:41
I just watched a retrospective of this franchise's FPS games recently - this is Terminator Rampage!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sun 26/08/2018 03:22:57
You are right, it is!
The redacted text read "CYBERDYNE".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 26/08/2018 10:01:24
They really need to make a modern first-person Terminator game. Could be a Crytek-y game set in the future with a day-night cycle where it moves between the browns of Salvation and the classic blues of Cameron's flashforwards, or maybe one set in the present where you're a Sarah Connor type getting hunted down in an open city by a single Terminator, and the game gets all Alien Isolation if you get stuck in the same building.

Ahem, anyway. Next pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 26/08/2018 10:32:15
Looks like some kind of Virtua Cop game, with the crosshair around the target.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 26/08/2018 10:57:28
The maximum score seems to be nine billion, nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine...

My goodness!!! Does it roll back to zero after that?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sun 26/08/2018 12:32:38
that would actually be nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 26/08/2018 13:38:25
Quote from: dayowlron on Sun 26/08/2018 12:32:38
that would actually be nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine..

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sun 26/08/2018 18:05:04
Die Hard, I think.
(Reads Name the Movie thread...)
I see what you did there! Same scene even!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 26/08/2018 18:20:09
Correct on all counts!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sun 26/08/2018 18:41:15
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 27/08/2018 00:06:46
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 26/08/2018 18:20:09
Correct on all counts!

Well, except that it's Die Hard 2.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 27/08/2018 06:58:18
It's Die Hard Trilogy, so I accepted the answer. (If no one had got it from the Die Hard 2 section, I would have shown a pic from the taxi-driving section, and finally the Nakatomi Tower one.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 27/08/2018 07:38:04
Oh, I see...

As for the current one.

It looks like some kind of ornamentation on a frame or map.

I'm gonna guess:

Sid Meier's Pirates?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 27/08/2018 15:22:49
It's fine, I knew it was Die Hard Trilogy... I interviewed at Probe in London when it was in development. :=

Not Pirates, no. It's part of the gameplay.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 27/08/2018 16:19:17
Are we looking at some kind of crab/crab-monster?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 27/08/2018 17:55:40
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Mon 27/08/2018 19:07:56
lorenzo is right, I wanted to post the same thing :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 27/08/2018 23:40:07
Yep, lorenzo got it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/08/2018 00:31:34
Oh, of course!!! It's the crab-ferry gizmo! Damn, I feel like an idiot now, recognizing that it was a crab and all but not making that final connection. :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 28/08/2018 10:20:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 28/08/2018 10:35:23
The Adventures of Captain Comic
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 28/08/2018 18:27:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Wed 29/08/2018 02:45:45
Oh captain Comic...fond memories :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 29/08/2018 09:22:23
Good old memories of killing birds with fireballs in the forest! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 10/09/2018 12:23:28
Okay, moving along...  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/09/2018 18:27:16
I feel like this should be ringing bells with me... but it isn't really. ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 10/09/2018 19:31:32
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 10/09/2018 18:27:16
I feel like this should be ringing bells with me... but it isn't really. ???
Same here, it looks like some sort of weird cross between an adventure game and a DnD game by Strategic Simulations.
Did they ever make an adventure game? ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 11/09/2018 13:06:09
Does the next screenshot ring any bells?  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 12/09/2018 02:49:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 12/09/2018 02:50:26
I feel the cut on that dress could have used one more red pixel. Is she flashing that demon?! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 12/09/2018 07:17:03
Quote from: manifest class on Wed 12/09/2018 02:50:26
I feel the cut on that dress could have used one more red pixel. Is she flashing that demon?! (laugh)

I think there are some white pixels that are supposed to be her under-garments, but the color is a bit too close to her skin tone.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 12/09/2018 11:42:08
Quote from: manifest class on Wed 12/09/2018 02:50:26
I feel the cut on that dress could have used one more red pixel. Is she flashing that demon?! (laugh)

Lol, it's just your dirty mind.  :tongue:
It's supposed to have a white frill-trim thing - same as along the bottom of her dress.  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 12/09/2018 19:39:23
Oh white frills, sure sure. (roll):-D

Be honest ~ you guys also miss the days of pixelated sexuality! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 12/09/2018 19:39:56
Anyway, nice little detour there. I have no idea what game this is. :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 12/09/2018 20:31:24
Quote from: manifest class on Wed 12/09/2018 19:39:23
Be honest ~ you guys also miss the days of pixelated sexuality! (laugh)

I'm not a guy.  :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 12/09/2018 21:06:06
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 12/09/2018 20:31:24
Quote from: manifest class on Wed 12/09/2018 19:39:23
Be honest ~ you guys also miss the days of pixelated sexuality! (laugh)

I'm not a guy.  :kiss:

Why is that relevant? ???;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 13/09/2018 04:08:04
Nobody recognises this game?  :shocked:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 13/09/2018 04:31:19
Oh great, now it looks like she has no pants on... Surely this goes beyond coincidental now?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 13/09/2018 05:49:05
Time Paradox! I knew it seemed familiar but it wasn't until I saw those legs that it clicked (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 13/09/2018 06:14:22
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 13/09/2018 04:31:19
Oh great, now it looks like she has no pants on... Surely this goes beyond coincidental now?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 13/09/2018 13:49:56
Quote from: josiah1221 on Thu 13/09/2018 05:49:05
Time Paradox! I knew it seemed familiar but it wasn't until I saw those legs that it clicked (laugh)

That's it.  Your turn Josiah.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/09/2018 02:04:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 14/09/2018 06:17:26
One of the "Alone In The Dark" games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 14/09/2018 10:55:32
Vampire: The Masquerade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/09/2018 19:44:20
nope... this will probably give it away.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 14/09/2018 20:49:56
Li'l Devil?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/09/2018 21:00:17
nope... maybe a still shot from some FMV grainy goodness will "refresh your memory" ;)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Fri 14/09/2018 21:43:02
I am thinking I have seen something like that before. I think the game was called Shiver?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/09/2018 22:30:42
Yes, it is Shivers (nod) We are in the process of finishing up a Community Playthrough of it over at Adventuregamers. Over to you Dayowlron!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 15/09/2018 12:53:05
Next: (should be easy with the full screen shown and text hints
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sat 15/09/2018 13:45:22
The Movies
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 15/09/2018 13:45:40
It kinda makes me think of The Sims. 
But with those text boxes, maybe it's a spinoff? 
Soooo... Sims Online?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 15/09/2018 13:53:31
I was going to say that the 80s seemed too modern for The Movies and guess something else. But I guess you can play that long. Now I wonder where my copy went...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sat 15/09/2018 22:25:51
Quote from: Gurok on Sat 15/09/2018 13:45:22
The Movies
Correct. Officially it is actually called "The Movies Game", but that it is. your go Gurok
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 16/09/2018 03:57:19
Practicing Romance Progress... (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 16/09/2018 05:46:08
Who's played this one before?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 06:09:00
Looks like The LEGO Movie Videogame
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 16/09/2018 06:36:38
Good guess, but they're not bricks. Here's another screenshot.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 09:03:08
Mirror's Edge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Sun 16/09/2018 09:21:02
Yep, that's correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 11:16:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 16/09/2018 11:22:25
Tomb Raider 2013?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 11:49:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 16/09/2018 13:16:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 14:08:06
Papo & Yo

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 16/09/2018 15:20:33
Well, obviously a Warhammer game. I'm guessing Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War since it's the only one in my Steam Library.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 16/09/2018 16:03:25
Wrong game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 25/09/2018 20:20:07
Let's keep this going.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 26/09/2018 02:38:15
Black Dahlia
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 26/09/2018 04:05:37
Yep  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 26/09/2018 09:05:56
Next then:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 26/09/2018 09:50:35
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 26/09/2018 10:30:27
A rather neat C64 RPG. Discovered it during my C64 RPG craze, right after I finished Ultima 1. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/09/2018 09:07:45
Quote from: CrashPL on Wed 26/09/2018 10:30:27
A rather neat C64 RPG. Discovered it during my C64 RPG craze, right after I finished Ultima 1. :)

It is rather good isn't it! I remember being entranced by the many interesting random encounters you could have just wandering around. And, if I remember correctly, they weren't all just combat encounters. Really made the world feel alive!

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 28/09/2018 21:51:24
Ah, so glad more people remember this little gem. :D

Alright, while we're at the topic of nice old RPGs, let's keep the ball rolling!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 29/09/2018 07:31:59
Times of Lore?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 29/09/2018 08:58:10
Yo got it Captain! :) Another delightful C64 RPG (though it was released on other platforms as well), can easily recommend it to fellow retro RPG fans.

Your turn Dave!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 29/09/2018 19:29:51
I remember being very impressed with it on my mate's C64, even though I had an ST at the time.

Here's one that amazed us on the ST during the same period... sorry if it's been done before (pretty certain it has!), bottom half of the screen removed as it contains text that would give it away.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 29/09/2018 21:11:43
Defender of the Crown :)
I haven't actually played the game but I read a good article about it on The Digital Antiquarian (

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Mon 01/10/2018 21:23:40
This picture should be more evocative:


Before you ask - yes it's the same game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 01/10/2018 21:32:28
That so much looks like corto Maltese (and took me a good 5-10 inutes to remember the name!) that I'm going to guess Corto Maltese - Secrets of Venice ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Mon 01/10/2018 21:48:09
I knew i'd wake the Comics fan in you Cassie :-D

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 03/10/2018 06:12:17
Hehehe... didn't even knew there was a game... (roll)

Anyway, sorry for the delay:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 03/10/2018 07:16:58
Back To The Future III
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 03/10/2018 16:53:13
Ben takes the horse.. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 03/10/2018 18:08:54
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Wed 03/10/2018 16:53:13
Ben takes the horse.. (laugh)
To the glue factory?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 03/10/2018 18:12:53
He can take it where ever he likes. He won it fair and square. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 03/10/2018 18:28:13
Well, taking it to the glue factory implies I'm going to kill the thread, so I guess I'll just take it out for a nice easy trot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 03/10/2018 19:53:39
Shadow of the Colossus?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Wed 03/10/2018 21:31:17
it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 03/10/2018 22:03:41

"How dare you find this?"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 03/10/2018 22:17:35
Incorrect Word Usage Nightmare Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 03/10/2018 22:19:49
Is that even a reel game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 04/10/2018 09:09:07
Quote from: Jack on Wed 03/10/2018 22:19:49
Is that even a reel game?

I don't no four sure.

For the game itself... obviously a coin-op conversion, for some reason looks like SNK to me, knowing Atavismus it's probably an Amiga port.  Badly translated from Japanese?

... just speculation though, I have no idea on the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 04/10/2018 18:05:51
Mutation Nation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 04/10/2018 18:40:19
Some sequel to Ghouls and Goblins perhaps? :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 04/10/2018 19:10:15
Quote from: Ben X on Thu 04/10/2018 18:05:51
Mutation Nation?

Yes it is!

It's a neat SNK game (indeed) on Neo Geo, released in 1992 (no Amiga port hehe).

Your turn Ben X. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 04/10/2018 19:44:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 04/10/2018 22:54:20
This is Shadow Warrior (2013).

Someone else take my turn, please.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 05/10/2018 07:17:21
Correct! Next turn is up for grabs!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 05/10/2018 13:43:03
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Thu 04/10/2018 22:54:20
Someone else take my turn, please.

Well, if I can...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 05/10/2018 16:09:48
"To view the screenshot and download the game, please go to www. old-games .com 5000+ Games to download"

Ok, my guess is: An old game. But maybe find another host for the picture. Rattling off all 5000+ games to find the correct one could take a while.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 05/10/2018 16:23:29
I want to say "Hypnospace: Outlaw" but that's not out yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 05/10/2018 17:52:15
Quote from: ClickClickClick on Fri 05/10/2018 16:09:48
"To view the screenshot and download the game, please go to www. old-games .com 5000+ Games to download"

Ok, my guess is: An old game. But maybe find another host for the picture. Rattling off all 5000+ games to find the correct one could take a while.

Ops! My sorry, I'm not so good in posting pics in this forum... :-[

Let's try again:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 05/10/2018 20:44:06
A lot of sites do that to prevent the traffic increase.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 07/10/2018 03:27:32
Hmmmmm.... some kind of ant sim?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 07/10/2018 08:27:05


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 07/10/2018 13:53:39
Farm Simulator 2000?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 07/10/2018 17:48:16

Not! Why sim, anyway?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 07/10/2018 21:19:42
Children Of The Corn? (No idea if there was a game of that!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 08/10/2018 07:47:04

Neither me.

Not again.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 08/10/2018 08:15:44
Cosmology of Kyoto.
After all those years, I'm still a tad creeped out by this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 08/10/2018 11:35:22

You got it, CrashPL! ;)

Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 08/10/2018 08:15:44

After all those years, I'm still a tad creeped out by this game.

Same here, I like his dark oriental mood!

Your turn!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 08/10/2018 11:49:53
Ok, I'm definitely going to have to play that game.
Something that weird and creepy has got to be interesting.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 08/10/2018 16:36:55
Quote from: TheFrighther on Mon 08/10/2018 11:35:22

Same here, I like his dark oriental mood!

I made a fatal mistake of playing this game when
a.) I was young
b.) it was already dark outside

The combination of the first death, the dogs cutscene and the torture scenes from the circles of hell left me traumatized for several days. :~(

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 17:53:46
Pushover, one of the handful of Amiga 90s platformers that had a junk food sponsorship (this one was Quavers).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 08/10/2018 19:56:35
Indeed, though I played the PC version a bit back in the day. :D
Over to you, Ben!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 21:55:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 08/10/2018 22:01:17
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 22:09:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 08/10/2018 22:32:50
Zool is a very strong platformer.
It's a long time I played it, but I guess it still worth a run. ;)

You removed the character, I remove the background. ^^
(Still an easy one I would say)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 22:43:20
I didn't remove the character myself, I just chose a frame where he was flashing!

You've picked another junk food tie-in: Mick And Mack Global Gladiators, the McDonalds sponsored game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 09/10/2018 20:26:51
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 22:43:20
I didn't remove the character myself, I just chose a frame where he was flashing!
Ah nice! ;)

Quote from: Ben X on Mon 08/10/2018 22:43:20
You've picked another junk food tie-in: Mick And Mack Global Gladiators, the McDonalds sponsored game!
I hate junk food and especially this "symbol", but the game was neat in my memories.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 09/10/2018 20:43:24
I love junk food, but I have to limit my intake these days :(

Here's one with the UI bar at the top cropped off:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 09/10/2018 20:52:23
Cool Spot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 09/10/2018 21:15:25
Correct! A 7-Up tie-in featuring that soft drink's mascot. (Of course, in the UK we had Fido Dido instead.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 09/10/2018 21:35:06
Might not look like it but is related to the previous screenshots in a way.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Tue 09/10/2018 21:58:28
Oh, I vaguely know of this one. It was the one that was product placement for Skittles, I believe.
Darkened Skye it would seem....
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 09/10/2018 22:17:13
That it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Tue 09/10/2018 22:34:31
Please forgive me.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 09/10/2018 22:49:32
Ah ha ha, good choice!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/10/2018 18:21:08
Oh okay, it's Sneak King, starring the Burger King king mascot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 10/10/2018 19:06:24
That is correct, I'm afraid. Bringing burgers and nightmares to your door.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/10/2018 19:50:18
I feel shame for getting it right :(

And shame for posting this next one!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 10/10/2018 20:01:10
Easy. That's Pepsi Man.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/10/2018 20:03:30
I thought it would be easy! It is indeed Pepsi Man- your go Adeel.

(Anyone who isn't aware of this game, I recommend watching a speed-run of it by Awesome Games Done Quick - it is hilariously weird/awful.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Wed 10/10/2018 20:42:19
Personally, I don't see why you would be ashamed to post this game, Ben. I respectfully disagree that it's awful. Hilariously weird, yes. But not awful. It has good gameplay.

Despite Pepsiman's blatant advertising (and hilarious portrayal of a fat white dude as 'typical American'), it's still a good game. I really enjoyed playing it on my cousin's PlayStation back then (and I still enjoy the game whenever I emulate it now).

This game is a predecessor of runner games popular on mobile today.

Anyway, here's another easy game to guess (I've cropped out the GUI):
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 10/10/2018 22:29:34
I was just joking about the shame! I haven't actually played the game, though, it just gets portrayed as being rather shoddy in the speed-runs. But I suppose hyperbole in that direction is regularly part of the performance in that culture, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 11/10/2018 21:11:48
No guesses? Oh well, here's another screenshot...


The GUI has been cropped out, as before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Sun 14/10/2018 15:27:39
airline tycoon

can you guess this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 14/10/2018 23:41:32
Space Pirate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 15/10/2018 12:23:20
Space Pirates and Zombies?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Mon 15/10/2018 16:23:42
you're both close!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 15/10/2018 17:21:10
Space Pirate Tycoon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 15/10/2018 17:41:35
Space Junk?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Mon 15/10/2018 18:02:06
Nope, here's another screenie:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Mon 15/10/2018 22:58:25
Space Rangers 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ibispi on Tue 16/10/2018 07:44:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 17/10/2018 00:33:05
Be gentle, it's my first time.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 17/10/2018 01:12:26
F1 Fighter Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 17/10/2018 01:24:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Wed 17/10/2018 01:25:59
H.A.W.X. 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 17/10/2018 01:40:35

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 17/10/2018 02:23:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 17/10/2018 06:37:43
Just Cause (3)? That game's main character has a scorpion theme going.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 17/10/2018 09:30:56
That could be Trevor's hand from GTA V.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 17/10/2018 20:21:37
Quote from: lorenzo on Wed 17/10/2018 09:30:56
That could be Trevor's hand from GTA V.

You got it.

This is from the game's lawnmowing section.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 18/10/2018 08:46:11
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 18/10/2018 09:55:15
Return To Castle Wolfenstein?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 18/10/2018 11:46:33

Culpa Innata?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 18/10/2018 13:47:13
Ben X got it! It's Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 18/10/2018 16:42:01
Hoorah! I played that a little under 2 years ago; I still remember that room because I had to play through it a ton of times thanks to the stupid difficulty.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 18/10/2018 16:51:58
Bioshock Infinite?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 18/10/2018 17:33:12
Interesting guess, but no!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 18/10/2018 18:06:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 18/10/2018 18:49:55
Correct! Really nice use of the old Columbia Studios logo there. (Rather than the setting of Columbia in Bioshock Infinite!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 18/10/2018 19:34:19
Such a good game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 19/10/2018 10:13:18
Every time I see that logo I expect the "dinna-dinna-dinna-dinna" Ghostbusters theme intro to start playing. That's how iconic that moment was for me, and many people I'd expect.

So, was pretty easy for me to guess.

I'll get a pic up soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 19/10/2018 12:32:59
Quote from: Jack on Thu 18/10/2018 19:34:19
Such a good game.
Having played it recently, it reminded me of the time when games all tried to have as few GUI elements as possible in an effort to be GUIless.
What happened? Most games nowadays have a ridiculous amount of GUI elements littering every free spot on the screen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 22/10/2018 02:26:35
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 19/10/2018 12:32:59
Most games nowadays have a ridiculous amount of GUI elements littering every free spot on the screen.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 22/10/2018 07:16:26
I can't see the pic, but if I quote you I can see the game name in the URL!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 22/10/2018 11:39:14
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 22/10/2018 07:16:26
I can't see the pic, but if I quote you I can see the game name in the URL!
Is it Elvira II The Jaws of Cerberus? (laugh)
You might want to pick another game Mandle.

Now where was I in my offtopic rant... :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 22/10/2018 13:00:48
Oh well, someone else take over please.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 22/10/2018 17:41:09
Okay, here's one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 22/10/2018 18:04:00
You git! I thought "That looks like an Amiga game!" So I image searched for Amiga RPGs, and what did I find?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 22/10/2018 20:06:44
Dungeon Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 22/10/2018 20:49:17
Correct. Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 22/10/2018 21:42:07
Okay! I went looking for Amiga RPGs and I found this:


Can anyone name it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 22/10/2018 23:12:11
Yes, Mandle can name it!

With the question successfully answered, someone can take my go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 23/10/2018 08:29:18
This thread has gone to a strange new place and I'm not sure if I like it... :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 24/10/2018 13:14:42
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 23/10/2018 08:29:18
This thread has gone to a strange new place and I'm not sure if I like it... :-\

What's even going on?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/10/2018 17:29:23
*clears throat*

Okay, moving on...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 24/10/2018 17:36:13
(Just in case anyone didn't catch on, my screenshot was from Elvira II The Jaws of Cerberus, which was the game Mandle tried to post just before that.)

Don't know this one. Space Quest 5?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/10/2018 17:45:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 24/10/2018 17:51:38
Weirdly though the character reminds me of George Stobbart...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 18:01:32
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 24/10/2018 17:51:38
Weirdly though the character reminds me of George Stobbart...
Not just you
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/10/2018 18:19:15
Not Space Quest 4 either.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 24/10/2018 18:38:25
i  have not played this game since it came out first, and I cant recall this location or much about the game, but the colors/pallet reminds me of universe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/10/2018 18:57:38
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 24/10/2018 18:38:25
i  have not played this game since it came out first, and I cant recall this location or much about the game, but the colors/pallet reminds me of universe

Bingo!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 24/10/2018 19:19:04
ok here is another one then
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 20:58:43's_Cosmic_Crusade

I found it by searching for "cosmic joke book".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 24/10/2018 21:08:04
Um, I was not aware of that title, over here it was called Cosmic Spacehead, and the only point and click adventure that i know that has platforming gameplay stages in between the adventure parts.. correct anyway , over to you :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 21:47:57
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 24/10/2018 21:08:04
Cosmic Spacehead
That name is mentioned in the article.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 24/10/2018 22:02:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 22:19:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 24/10/2018 22:36:19
Duke Nukem Forever?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 22:40:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 24/10/2018 22:41:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 22:50:24


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 24/10/2018 23:14:46
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 24/10/2018 23:16:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 25/10/2018 16:33:56
Someone taketh my go, I can't be bothered to upload a photo to an image host right now..
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 25/10/2018 18:56:52
Quote from: ManicMatt on Thu 25/10/2018 16:33:56
Someone taketh my go, I can't be bothered to upload a photo to an image host right now..

Same reason my last one got made fun of.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Thu 25/10/2018 19:21:21
I hope you didn't take offence to all that, it wasn't done to insult you, by me or Dan Ben. Was a surreal comedy thing. It was funny, no?

Either way, my apologies if it did offend you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 25/10/2018 19:39:00
Yeah, totally, I wasn't making fun of your round, I was just being silly.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 26/10/2018 03:09:59
No worries. I actually didn't realize what was going on until after it was explained anyway.

I thought that was a different game made with the same template or something. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 30/10/2018 11:54:19
Let's keep the game going, then!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/10/2018 12:03:22
Looks like Sim Tower to me
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 30/10/2018 12:10:16
Indeed it is. :D Your turn abstauber!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 30/10/2018 12:25:50
Yay. Here we go:

Argh, I just read that this one never got released. So let's simply admire the beauty of the pixels. I'll add a different pic in a second.

Alright - this is the one to guess:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 30/10/2018 18:07:06
Exile, probably the Amiga version.

And yeh that animated image is fantastic, what game was it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 01/11/2018 21:14:00
oh noes, sorry for the late reply. Yes in both ways: it's Exile on the Amiga!

The screenshot was from Flag, also on the Amiga. Unfortunately it never got released.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Thu 01/11/2018 22:50:08
Wow, that brought back a memory I didn't think I had.
I was able to name the artist from 'Herman' -> Herman Serrano!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Fri 02/11/2018 10:36:35
Very diverse bunch of images for one game!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 02/11/2018 12:12:05
It looks like another Amiga game to me. I'm not sure which one though. Elf?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Fri 02/11/2018 12:43:06
Amiga, yup! Elf? Nope!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 04/11/2018 13:07:47
Double post offender!

Shall I post another image? Because if no one knows it from this screenshot its highly unlikely any other screenshots will change anything.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 04/11/2018 18:08:59
Hmm, maybe a written clue as well, then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sun 04/11/2018 18:47:09
A screenshot of the title screen or the end game scroll would help :)
It's a beautiful game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 04/11/2018 19:21:29
The title screen, lol.

Okay, I'll just straight up describe it. Mid-nineties game where you unlock transformations into animals. I always couldn't work out where to go next not far in, which was a shame as it was a solid game iirc.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 04/11/2018 21:27:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sun 04/11/2018 23:11:07
Spelling aside, yes! Odyssey! Not the easiest of words.I loved my Amiga and followed the game releases until about 2000, when my Amiga's hdd died.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 05/11/2018 08:53:11
Sorry about the spelling   *hangs head in shame*   :sealed:

Anyway, here's the next shot.  :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 05/11/2018 12:23:35
Return To Zork!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/11/2018 12:24:20
Rise of the Robots?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 05/11/2018 13:07:51
Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 05/11/2018 12:24:20
Rise of the Robots?

Heh, I'm pretty sure it didn't feature any human or human like people in it. It does share that fake cgi fmv look.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Mon 05/11/2018 14:24:02
um, could it be plumbers dont wear ties?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 05/11/2018 14:34:44
Mandle got it right. It's definitely the blacksmith from Return to Zork. Return to Zork was my first FMV adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Mon 05/11/2018 14:46:22
I should really get around to playing one of those zork games sometime, not sure how they passed me by all these years
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 05/11/2018 15:42:21
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 05/11/2018 12:23:35
Return To Zork!!!

That's the one.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/11/2018 14:27:44
Oh crap... forgot about this... Lotsa RL stuff going on... gimme a second

Here's an easy one, and a game that entranced me when I was a kid:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 09/11/2018 15:35:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 09/11/2018 17:58:18
Escape from Colditz!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 09/11/2018 22:49:59
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 09/11/2018 17:58:18
Escape from Colditz!

That's the one!

What a game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 10/11/2018 23:02:21
Yeah, I really liked that game so, some years ago, I made a kind of AGS techdemo with EFC's gfx: (

But more interesting, someone made a reverse engineering cross platform version: (

Anyway, what about this new picture?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 10/11/2018 23:32:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 10/11/2018 23:38:26
Operation Wolf?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 11/11/2018 08:21:28
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 10/11/2018 23:38:26
Operation Wolf?
Yes it is! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 12/11/2018 21:26:01
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 11/11/2018 08:21:28
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 10/11/2018 23:38:26
Operation Wolf?
Yes it is! ;)

Ha, thought I recognised it.

Okay, how about this retro classic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Mon 12/11/2018 22:29:49
Slasher Fighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 12/11/2018 22:52:00
"Retro Classic", my butt.  :grin: That's Legend of Hand from last year.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 12/11/2018 22:56:48
Quote from: Too much clicking on Mon 12/11/2018 22:52:00
"Retro Classic", my butt.  :grin: That's Legend of Hand from last year.

It's still a classic! :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 12/11/2018 23:00:49
I can say it made me rage quit and uninstall.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 13/11/2018 14:30:22
Quote from: Too much clicking on Mon 12/11/2018 23:00:49
I can say it made me rage quit and uninstall.

Yeah, I do remember you saying that. Why was that?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Tue 13/11/2018 19:06:26
I couldn't find the system behind my damage output. It seemed rather random to me and made me lose a couple of times. Important word in that first sentence is "I". I tend to think it's my fault, not the game's.

Anyway, some guess as to what the very green game is?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 16/11/2018 12:58:25
Bulb Boy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 16/11/2018 13:04:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 17/11/2018 08:04:04
I always found it odd that there's a game character called Tak, which is like me calling a character Yes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 17/11/2018 09:12:03
Quote from: ManicMatt on Sat 17/11/2018 08:04:04
I always found it odd that there's a game character called Tak, which is like me calling a character Yes.
What about Dr No?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sat 17/11/2018 11:05:23
And of course Maeby Funke.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 17/11/2018 11:32:39
For some reason, putting a Dr in front of it makes it sound more acceptable, like Doctor Strange.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 17/11/2018 11:35:22
Doktor Tak sounds like Polish archnemesis of Dr No. Now here's an idea for a spin-off, alright.

A very recent game I'm highly enjoying, shouldn't be that hard.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Sat 17/11/2018 11:41:32
Doctor Tak, heh.

Its that game that's not all on the disc on consoles, which to me, renders buying a physical copy redundant. I refuse to support this nonsense and I shall wait for a preowned copy or the digital version to go on sale.

Curse my principles, I'm dying to play this!

So yeh, Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 17/11/2018 12:10:54
Heh, I knew it's going to be easy. :D Yeah, waiting for that 20 something GB mandatory download sucked, but man, once I started playing I got so hooked, I ended up after two hours and one level into the Magic Crafters world. So far I'm loving it, though I noticed they changed the flight controls somewhat, I was surprised to hit the water several times during the Sunny Flight.

Anyway, your turn Matt!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 19/11/2018 09:57:48
It's not waiting for the download, but the fact that you don't truly OWN the game. Right now I can slap in any psone Spyro game in any ps1, ps2 or ps3 and play the whole thing. Can the same be said for this if the servers for PSN on PS4 go down in ten or fifteen years from now? Probably not, and then we'll have to buy the port they'll probably make for PS5, ca-ching! When it's preowned or reduced, I will get the physical version actually, because the first game has always been my favourate. Infact, I might make and print my own custom sleeve for it that reflects having one game on it.

Anyway, this is becoming a "what grinds my gears" post haha.


As an early twenty something, this was my favourate level in any game. Dunno why.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 19/11/2018 10:05:58
Ka for the PS2, or Mr Mosquito if you western people insist.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Mon 19/11/2018 11:14:12
That was quick! Or even Mr Moskeeto in my country, for some reason. I can't blame them for not using Ka though, commercially speaking. I found it odd capcom used the title Sengoku Basara for its better-than-dynasty-warriors ps3 game rather than the ps2 prequel's European name Devil Kings. I don't mind having the original Japanese names, but I can't help but think it doesn't help sell a little known franchise outside of Japan, and we never saw any more titles, sadly.

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 19/11/2018 11:30:20
This could take a while.
For some reasons I could not access my comp at home for a few months now (and obvious I don't want to do it with my phone).
So, anyone can steal this spot if they like, or wait for me to try to post something tomorrow.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 20/11/2018 08:02:46

Insector X?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 20/11/2018 08:57:37
Yeah :smiley: and this is the arcade version. I know this should be easy, though I think the infamous Mega Drive version (with realistic visuals) should be more familiar to people.
Your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 20/11/2018 18:15:38

OK, after an easy pick here's one for expert!  (laugh)

It is a japanese game never translated for what I know:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 21/11/2018 11:44:01
Quote from: TheFrighther on Tue 20/11/2018 18:15:38
It is a japanese game
Really! I never would have guessed. (roll)

Unfortunately, my knowledge of Japanese games only extends to the SNES console. :~(
So I have no idea what game this is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 21/11/2018 17:58:30
This looks extremely creepy! :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 21/11/2018 19:33:33
It looks a bit like the aliens in Metal Slug, but it doesn't look like a metal slug game, and we got most or all of those anyway.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 22/11/2018 13:06:20
Is it perhaps a strange Space Invaders game I've never heard of before?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 22/11/2018 17:51:44

Not at all. It's a point & click adventure.

Quote from: manifest class on Wed 21/11/2018 17:58:30
This looks extremely creepy! :-[

Indeed it is!

Another screenshoot:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 23/11/2018 12:12:53
Looking up "Japanese Point and Click PC Adventure Game" revealed it instantly.

But now I feel guilty for searching for it like that. :~(
So if no one else guesses it, I'll reveal my guess. :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 23/11/2018 18:21:44

You bad fox, Danvzare!:-D

I give 12 hours if another one want to give a try, if not beans will be spilled!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 23/11/2018 20:00:04
I think that is a valid search query, since those are the clues that were given. So I think you should just spill it.
Seems obvious by now that no one that follows this thread regularly knows it (or wants to take the next turn). (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 24/11/2018 08:54:43

Maybe you're right, Cassieberg!

Okay, the game is Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, a little obscure gem!

I love his creepy mood, I'd like to play but I can't read japanese! :~(
Sadly no one translate it, sigh!

It's very rare to find a japanese point & click adventure. It's my impression or Japan's developers are not interested in p'n'c games?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 25/11/2018 14:39:11
So... I guess it's my turn.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 29/11/2018 21:51:54
Minit: Gameboy Color edition?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 30/11/2018 12:37:17
Quote from: Ben X on Thu 29/11/2018 21:51:54
Minit: Gameboy Color edition?
Nope. Also wrong console.
I'll see about getting another screenshot up sometime today.

Here we go.

Tell me if the image doesn't show up.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 30/11/2018 20:46:40
Could it be a kind of MSX party game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 01/12/2018 09:05:32
Tanoshii Jinsei?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 02/12/2018 11:04:04
Quote from: Atavismus on Fri 30/11/2018 20:46:40
Could it be a kind of MSX party game?
Party game, yes. MSX game, no.

Quote from: Mandle on Sat 01/12/2018 09:05:32
Tanoshii Jinsei?
Ooh, you're close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/12/2018 12:10:58
So it's Jinsei Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/12/2018 13:39:10
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 03/12/2018 16:27:56
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 02/12/2018 13:39:10
Bakushou!! Jinsei Gekijou 3?
You got it! :-D
Your turn.

By the way, sorry for the late reply.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 03/12/2018 20:38:38
What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 07/12/2018 19:36:51
Hint: it's a recent p'n'c.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 13/12/2018 18:44:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 14/12/2018 07:48:27
Nope, it's not an AGS game, but it was also released in 2018.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 19/12/2018 14:22:08
I fell from Grace?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 19/12/2018 19:44:54
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 19/12/2018 14:22:08
I fell from Grace?

Here is a second screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 19/12/2018 21:47:02
Don't Escape?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/12/2018 18:02:40
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 19/12/2018 21:47:02
Don't Escape?
I thought it was an easy one...

What could I say...
It's an indie adventure game released on steam in march 2018.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 20/12/2018 19:10:39
I must admit I was not aware of this being an actual game, but I do follow kirokaze as he's one of my fave pixel artists (dose great timelapse videos too), and instantly recognized the style, on a quick search for kirokaze march 2018 promptly lead me to Massive Galaxy, of which I now want to play!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/12/2018 20:03:33
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 20/12/2018 19:10:39
I must admit I was not aware of this being an actual game, but I do follow kirokaze as he's one of my fave pixel artists (dose great timelapse videos too), and instantly recognized the style, on a quick search for kirokaze march 2018 promptly lead me to Massive Galaxy, of which I now want to play!
Nice one, but it's not Massive Galaxy hehe
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 20/12/2018 20:06:43
whoa really?  ok heh... did kirokaze do the art work even? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/12/2018 20:11:10
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 20/12/2018 20:06:43
whoa really?  ok heh... did kirokaze do the art work even? 
I don't think.
Another hint: it's a belarus game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 20/12/2018 20:24:24
The Long Reach?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 20/12/2018 20:26:26
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 20/12/2018 20:24:24
The Long Reach?
But all those games are interesting. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 27/12/2018 08:43:27
Hint: the game name starts with a " T "
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 27/12/2018 15:11:03
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 27/12/2018 08:43:27
Hint: the game name starts with a " T "
Is the game simply called "T"?  :-\
I have to ask, just in case.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 27/12/2018 15:37:17
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 27/12/2018 15:11:03
Quote from: Atavismus on Thu 27/12/2018 08:43:27
Hint: the game name starts with a " T "
Is the game simply called "T"?  :-\
I have to ask, just in case.  (laugh)

The game name has 5 letters and start with a T.

By all gods, find it, I thought it was an easy one! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 27/12/2018 17:58:38
Tardy?   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 27/12/2018 18:04:52
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 27/12/2018 17:58:38
Tardy?   :wink:
YES!!! :D

Many underground retro oldies need less guess ^^

Your turn Frodo!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 28/12/2018 00:33:59
Next game.  it's a similar art style to Tardy.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 28/12/2018 08:11:08

Bite me if isn't Orion Cospiracy!  8-0

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 28/12/2018 13:30:06
Well, I was hoping that would last longer.   :shocked:

But yes, it's Orion Conspiracy.  Well done TheFrighther.  Your turn.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 28/12/2018 17:52:44
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 28/12/2018 13:30:06
Well, I was hoping that would last longer. 
I just played it some month ago, my luck!  :P

Ok, after a good game...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 30/12/2018 15:23:36
Dark Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 30/12/2018 20:00:54


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 08/01/2019 18:00:59

Hey! Holidays are off! What's this lazyness?  :-D


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 13/01/2019 06:38:41
Perhaps it is a Mac game called Marathon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 13/01/2019 21:13:28

Not, it's for Windows.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 14/01/2019 02:51:59
That's Sordid!   :grin:

Simon The Sorcerer 3D?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 14/01/2019 08:25:42

Yeah Frodo, Simon the Sorcerer in his (in)famous 3D!  :-D

Another victim of the "3d rush" of late '90s!  :~(

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 15/01/2019 23:32:57
Quote from: TheFrighther on Mon 14/01/2019 08:25:42

Another victim of the "3d rush" of late '90s!  :~(

Yeah, poor Simon was indeed a victim of the 3D craze of the '90s.   :sad:
The first 2 Simon games were amazing!  This 3rd one... not so much.   :undecided:

I can't think of another game right now, so anyone can take my turn.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Tue 15/01/2019 23:50:44
It's interesting that everyone jumped on the 3D bandwagon, even when it was clearly inferior at the time. No one seems to have kept making 2D games and pushing that boundary. It's only in the last few years that pixels have become saleable again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 16/01/2019 13:46:59
Quote from: Jack on Tue 15/01/2019 23:50:44
It's interesting that everyone jumped on the 3D bandwagon, even when it was clearly inferior at the time. No one seems to have kept making 2D games and pushing that boundary. It's only in the last few years that pixels have become saleable again.
But you've got to admit, a lot of games were approaching their third installment at that time, and calling your game TITLE 3D was just an opportunity you couldn't pass up.
Earthworm Jim 3D
Simon the Sorcerer 3D
Duke Nukem 3D
All third installments, all appended with 3D.

When movies went through their latest 3D phase, they just stated shoving 3D at the end of every movie, with no regard for whether it was the third movie or not. Which really annoyed me.  >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 16/01/2019 19:03:22
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 16/01/2019 13:46:59

But you've got to admit, a lot of games were approaching their third installment at that time, and calling your game TITLE 3D was just an opportunity you couldn't pass up.
Earthworm Jim 3D
Simon the Sorcerer 3D
Duke Nukem 3D
All third installments, all appended with 3D.

Ahhh, but what about 3D Lemmings?  That was the... 6th?  7th?  Lemmings game, but it still got the '3D' attached to the title.   :kiss:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 17/01/2019 12:07:42
Are they still making Lemmings games? lol they should have stopped after the first one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 18/01/2019 14:54:05
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 16/01/2019 19:03:22
Ahhh, but what about 3D Lemmings?  That was the... 6th?  7th?  Lemmings game, but it still got the '3D' attached to the title.   :kiss:
But they called it "3D Lemmings" not "Lemmings 3D".
So that one is still ok in my book.  :-D

Whose turn is it anyway?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 19/01/2019 10:50:34
Okay, no-one wants to take my turn, so here we go.   :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 19/01/2019 12:58:34
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back? (Yeah, I had to look up the full name since I've only played like 20 minutes of it).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 19/01/2019 13:14:12
Quote from: VampireWombat on Sat 19/01/2019 12:58:34
(Yeah, I had to look up the full name since I've only played like 20 minutes of it).

That's exactly the time I needed to complete it.  (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 19/01/2019 17:58:00
Quote from: VampireWombat on Sat 19/01/2019 12:58:34
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back? (Yeah, I had to look up the full name since I've only played like 20 minutes of it).

Hehe, that's the one.  It's a fun game.   :smiley:

I should have known a VAMPIRE Wombat would guess a game about vampires.   :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 19/01/2019 18:11:15
Vampires has nothing to do with it. I simply played it some because of it being released open source. And it was an easy guess due to the protagonist.

Random game from my Steam library.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 19/01/2019 18:56:17
Super Space Pug
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 19/01/2019 21:17:47
Indeed so.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 19/01/2019 22:04:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sat 19/01/2019 23:16:03
Arkham Knight. Given away by the art style but you can also see Wayne Tower, and references to Vicki Vale and Lex Corps in the signage.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sat 19/01/2019 23:29:58
Giving it away was the point here. Go on.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 20/01/2019 03:20:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 20/01/2019 04:19:33
The Lion's Song
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 20/01/2019 16:09:06
That's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 20/01/2019 18:22:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 20/01/2019 22:32:57
Bionic Commando. Thus begins the eternal back-and-forth between us :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Sun 20/01/2019 23:05:03
Show me what you got next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Mon 21/01/2019 00:23:25
Quote from: C.L.I.C.K. on Sun 20/01/2019 23:05:03
Show me what you got next.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Mon 21/01/2019 00:44:57
Nope, no clue. Find someone else to solve it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 21/01/2019 02:54:30
I thought it's a Neo Geo baseball game, so I looked it up:
Baseball Stars 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Mon 21/01/2019 16:01:23
That's the one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 22/01/2019 01:32:53
Be careful where you look!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Tue 22/01/2019 08:20:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Tue 22/01/2019 14:39:58
It's The Super Spy! Another Neo Geo game (and one of my favourites)!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 23/01/2019 01:32:09
Correct! Super Spying below one's skirt that is.
Relation to the last entry is obviously, another old Neo Geo game.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 24/01/2019 20:49:13
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 24/01/2019 21:05:29
Distraint  .. free on GOG at the moment
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Adeel on Thu 24/01/2019 21:13:26
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 24/01/2019 21:05:29
Distraint  .. free on GOG at the moment
Haha, yes! It was also free on Steam before that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Thu 24/01/2019 21:27:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 25/01/2019 08:17:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Fri 25/01/2019 08:51:45
yup you got it! well done..   really great game for its time ..  put the gore levels in mortal kombat to shame :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 25/01/2019 09:16:13
Yeah, it's really a cult game.
Not only because of the gore level.
A must!

What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/01/2019 09:52:11
Another wizard for the sake of pixel art:


And another screenshot so you can guess the game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 27/01/2019 12:20:12
Do I smell an Amiga game in here? Celtic Legends  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 27/01/2019 12:49:07
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 27/01/2019 12:20:12
Do I smell an Amiga game in here? Celtic Legends  :-D

We're like retro sharks, we smells a single amiga pixel at miles! ^^

Your turn Abstauber. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 27/01/2019 15:06:25
Hehe, fitting comparision :D

Next one shouldn't take long.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: selmiak on Sun 27/01/2019 23:28:30
some lucky luke game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 28/01/2019 09:28:29
Nope, no Dalton-chins to be found :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 28/01/2019 18:21:35
Oh well, here's another screeny:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 28/01/2019 18:37:21
I recognise this I think, but not sure about the name... Leonardo or something?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 28/01/2019 21:01:07
Hey, isn't that Bobo on Amiga? I vaguely remember the dude from the first screenshot, though I played the PC port way back in the day...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 29/01/2019 08:35:51
Yep, Crash got it right. Your turn.  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 30/01/2019 09:46:00
Ah, great. :D So, how about this little delightful game? (the full screen would be way too obvious)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 30/01/2019 13:42:05
Looks like Sonic Mania.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 31/01/2019 07:51:58
And you're absolutely correct. ;) Your turn Danvzare!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 31/01/2019 16:09:50
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 31/01/2019 21:23:19
We've already done that one Danvzare, pick another one.  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 01/02/2019 13:24:00
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Thu 31/01/2019 21:23:19
We've already done that one Danvzare, pick another one.  (nod)
Oh crap, really?
Ok then. Sorry about that.

How about this one.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Fri 01/02/2019 21:49:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 04/02/2019 13:14:19
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Fri 01/02/2019 21:49:01
Nope.  (wrong)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 05/02/2019 17:18:53
I think it's a game called 'Sparks'?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 06/02/2019 14:18:41
Quote from: manifest on Tue 05/02/2019 17:18:53
I think it's a game called 'Sparks'?
You're close. Almost close enough for me to say you got it. But what you've said is the equivalent of calling "Alone in the Dark" simply "Alone".
Come back with the full correct title, and you'll have it. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 06/02/2019 14:49:08
Spark the electric jester , on a bit of google image research,  manifest can go next though since he was so close
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/02/2019 17:30:50
Quote from: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 06/02/2019 14:49:08
Spark the electric jester , on a bit of google image research,  manifest can go next though since he was so close


Here's mine (hope it hasn't been done before):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 06/02/2019 17:42:26
Bit dark, isn't it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/02/2019 17:46:51
Quote from: C.L.I.C.K. on Wed 06/02/2019 17:42:26
Bit dark, isn't it?

Yes, it is.  :-D It's sort of a hint.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/02/2019 17:50:00
Here, try this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/02/2019 14:03:01
Looks like one of those old freeware Gamemaker games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 07/02/2019 15:08:55
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 07/02/2019 14:03:01
Looks like one of those old freeware Gamemaker games.

Haha Gamemaker! My God, haven't thought about that in years and years. I remember my friend got that for his birthday and we were into it like a religion developing our own little game. Unfortunately, the software was super buggy, so the screen would sometimes go black while scrolling, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless.

Nope, not a Gamemaker game!

Hint: this game was made by someone that is now active on the AGS forums, but it was not made with the AGS engine!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 07/02/2019 15:12:44
OK here's the title screen with the game name blanked out:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 08/02/2019 03:08:54
Wrath of the Sea King (

I've never seen this game but this is a rather big hint:
Quote from: manifest on Thu 07/02/2019 15:08:55
Hint: this game was made by someone that is now active on the AGS forums, but it was not made with the AGS engine!
So I just guessed Bloodlust Software and searched from there.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 08/02/2019 04:16:48
Yep! My brother and I were full on Bloodlust fanboys back in the early internet days. You can't really mistaken the artwork style.

Your go.  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 08/02/2019 04:24:57
Whoa! What happened to Bloodlust's website? Japanese beauty products?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 08/02/2019 06:00:53
Just lazy and this is a game unrelated to the previous one:
(Unless you're talking about it being on a system emulated by Bloodlust, then yes.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 02/03/2019 07:48:10
No idea. Looks like a crappier River City Ransom.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 02/03/2019 20:57:43
Definitely looks like some Famicom game... Not too familiar with that interface, though. A little hint maybe? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Sun 03/03/2019 03:19:09
Thanks for the hint CrashPL!
Wardner no Mori!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 04/03/2019 03:02:13
Quote from: AnasAbdin on Sun 03/03/2019 03:19:09
Wardner no Mori!

I know this could be a bit hard as the Famicom version was only released in Japan (and it's a disk release, not a cart, even). This was intentional on my part to make it more obscured.
This version looked bad, but actually played quite nicely.

Anyway, your turn AnasAbdin.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Tue 05/03/2019 19:49:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gurok on Wed 06/03/2019 02:44:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 06/03/2019 05:55:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/03/2019 15:17:30
I also think it looks Sierra-esque. One of the Leisure Suit Larrys?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Wed 06/03/2019 16:19:15
Quote from: man n fist on Wed 06/03/2019 15:17:30
I also think it looks Sierra-esque. One of the Leisure Suit Larrys?

go on...  (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 06/03/2019 23:10:15
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: AnasAbdin on Thu 07/03/2019 01:01:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 07/03/2019 06:55:21
Great! Here's one with the lead character blanked out:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 07/03/2019 07:39:16
The newest Larry game, Wet Dreams Don't Dry?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 08/03/2019 06:54:46
That's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 08/03/2019 06:58:26
Oh yay. :D
Alright, should be an easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 08/03/2019 09:18:58
The gourand shaded ball head on the bottom left seems suspicious.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 08/03/2019 13:22:47
Quote from: Gilbert on Fri 08/03/2019 09:18:58
I just adore the aesthetics of Little Big Adventure 2. Something about the engine and how it pre-renders the background whenever the camera moves, is just beautiful to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 08/03/2019 14:32:25
Indeed, it's LBA2. :D And yes, I fell in love with the game the moment I played the demo version from one of my countless shareware CDs...
Your turn Gilbert!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 08/03/2019 16:38:19
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 08/03/2019 13:22:47
Quote from: Gilbert on Fri 08/03/2019 09:18:58
I just adore the aesthetics of Little Big Adventure 2. Something about the engine and how it pre-renders the background whenever the camera moves, is just beautiful to me.

Never played it, but I LOVED Little Big Adventure. How did LBA2 compare on story?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 09/03/2019 20:44:55
Quote from: CrashPL on Fri 08/03/2019 14:32:25
Indeed, it's LBA2. :D And yes, I fell in love with the game the moment I played the demo version from one of my countless shareware CDs...
Hey, I played a demo of it on a shareware CD too!
It wasn't until many MANY years later, when I finally got to play the full version. I never saw it in shops you see. (Probably because by the time I got that shareware CD, the game was way too old.)

I still have that shareware CD too. It also had a demo of Dungeon Keeper on it, and cultivated my love of that game as well. Thankfully I managed to find Dungeon Keeper in a shop.
Ah good times.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 11/03/2019 02:03:11
LBA2 was great!
While the 3-D backgrounds didn't look as good as those composed of pre-rendered components like its precursor it was way ahead of its time.
It had all the benefits of the fixed dramatic cameras(such as AitD and BioHazard) but still flexible enough without making it real-time 3-D.
It's also a much longer game and contained a larger variety of stuff too, and the controls were a bit improved.
Will find another screenshot soon.
Could be easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 11/03/2019 07:22:58
Moon Patrol! :D

Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 09/03/2019 20:44:55
Hey, I played a demo of it on a shareware CD too!
It wasn't until many MANY years later, when I finally got to play the full version. I never saw it in shops you see. (Probably because by the time I got that shareware CD, the game was way too old.)

I still have that shareware CD too. It also had a demo of Dungeon Keeper on it, and cultivated my love of that game as well. Thankfully I managed to find Dungeon Keeper in a shop.
Ah good times.  :-D

I seriously miss these kind of CDs. That particular one with LBA2 demo was legendary for me, as it featured a ton of other amazing games, including a demo of MDK, CoMI, Adventures of Lomax and many, many more great games.

Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 11/03/2019 02:03:11
It's also a much longer game and contained a larger variety of stuff too, and the controls were a bit improved.

My only complaint regarding LBA2 was
the jumping mechanics, they didn't work very well with the rotational/tank controls, especially considering Twinsen's amazing swimming abilities. Also I was rather sad when I found out you couldn't visit most of the Twinsun's islands from LBA1! But on the other hand we did get 2 entirely new planets (or rather a planet and a moon), so I guess it's a fair deal. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 11/03/2019 08:41:58
It's been a long time, but as far as I remember, changing action mode in LBA2 was much faster than in the first game. That's one of the improvements on control that I can remember.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 26/03/2019 04:56:03
Crash, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 27/03/2019 07:44:59
Yup, not only it was quicker, LBA2 also had shortcuts to quickly change the behaviour - they really helped, especially during the platforming/combat parts!

Alright, let's keep the ball rolling:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 27/03/2019 08:27:54


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 27/03/2019 09:49:19
It's a 3D game alright, but nope, not Descent. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 27/03/2019 10:43:33
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 27/03/2019 12:30:00
Yup, that's the game. :D Your turn, Kumpel!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Wed 27/03/2019 19:08:44
next (the main character has been overpainted): (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Wed 27/03/2019 20:39:42
You can crop stuff in mspaint you know!

The eYe? That queen game. I say this because there's an eye here. It looks as rough as that game too.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 27/03/2019 20:41:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 28/03/2019 01:33:04
Inca II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 28/03/2019 10:24:30
Nope nope nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 28/03/2019 11:26:20


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Thu 28/03/2019 22:06:05
Very close
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 28/03/2019 22:15:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 29/03/2019 07:48:25
Quote from: Kumpel on Thu 28/03/2019 22:06:05
Very close

Pandemonium 2?  :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kumpel on Sat 30/03/2019 12:53:27
Quote from: TheFrighter on Fri 29/03/2019 07:48:25
Quote from: Kumpel on Thu 28/03/2019 22:06:05
Very close

Pandemonium 2?  :-D


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 30/03/2019 13:05:46
Wow Kumpel forcing the 2? You're hardcore!  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 30/03/2019 21:06:27

Well, it's my turn...

This classic is in my personal "This game needs a modern remake" list:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 31/03/2019 19:41:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 31/03/2019 21:26:12


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 02/04/2019 16:36:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 02/04/2019 16:54:45
Circuit's Edge
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 02/04/2019 18:16:48
Quote from: morganw on Tue 02/04/2019 16:54:45
Circuit's Edge

Correct Morganw! Based on a George Alec Effinger novel is an early cyberpunk game:

As I said a modern remake with refined graphics could be cool!  :-D

How did you recognized it, Morganw?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 02/04/2019 20:05:43
I'm playing it at the moment, on and off. It is very good.

Hopefully this one is suitable and not too easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 02/04/2019 21:04:16
This should be Brataccas from Psygnosis
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 02/04/2019 21:04:44
Indeed it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 03/04/2019 08:51:10

This one is also available in english - and it's pretty new
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 03/04/2019 17:11:51
Caren and the Tangled Tentacles.

You'll have to give me a moment to think of something for my turn.

Ok, thought of somehing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 18:28:28
Solomon's Key? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 03/04/2019 18:57:15
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 18:28:28
Solomon's Key? 
Close, but no cigar.
This game is kind of obscure. So obscure, that simply putting its name into Google, doesn't yield any results unless I append "game" to the search.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 03/04/2019 18:59:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 19:15:27
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 03/04/2019 18:57:15
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 18:28:28
Solomon's Key? 
Close, but no cigar.
This game is kind of obscure. So obscure, that simply putting its name into Google, doesn't yield any results unless I append "game" to the search.

I looked for 'Solomon's Key Clones', and found Zipang.   :smiley: n
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 04/04/2019 02:41:51
But Zipang IS Solomon's Key, just a dolled-up installment to tie up with a movie. It's licensed from Tecmo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 05/04/2019 14:49:52
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 19:15:27
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 03/04/2019 18:57:15
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 03/04/2019 18:28:28
Solomon's Key? 
Close, but no cigar.
This game is kind of obscure. So obscure, that simply putting its name into Google, doesn't yield any results unless I append "game" to the search.

I looked for 'Solomon's Key Clones', and found Zipang.   :smiley: n
That's right, it's Zipang.  :-D

Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 04/04/2019 02:41:51
But Zipang IS Solomon's Key, just a dolled-up installment to tie up with a movie. It's licensed from Tecmo.
Well I did say it was close.
And besides, I think some (if not all) of the levels in Zipang are different to those in Solomon's Key. I'd have to check to verify that though.  :-\

Speaking of Solomon's Key clones, have any of you ever encountered an old windows version, with a level editor and the ability to play with up to three players, and a chibi artstyle?
I've been looking for it forever, but as far as I can tell the game doesn't exist on the internet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 05/04/2019 23:29:28
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 05/04/2019 14:49:52
Speaking of Solomon's Key clones, have any of you ever encountered an old windows version, with a level editor and the ability to play with up to three players, and a chibi artstyle?
I've been looking for it forever, but as far as I can tell the game doesn't exist on the internet.

Don't think I've ever seen that version.  And a quick search on the internet brought up nothing.    :confused:

Anyway, here's the next game. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 06/04/2019 04:01:55
John Saul's Blackstone Chronicles, never read the book, but I did enjoy the game. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 06/04/2019 15:20:12
That's it.  Fantastic game!    :grin:

Your turn Josiah.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 07/04/2019 06:57:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Mon 08/04/2019 01:28:40
and another...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 08/04/2019 08:43:22

Still Life?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 08/04/2019 10:33:57
Silent Hill 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 08/04/2019 12:49:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 08/04/2019 18:44:15
Dark Fall?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Mon 08/04/2019 20:46:51
Lorenzo got it. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 09/04/2019 09:09:48
My girlfriend has started playing it recently, so I recognized the second image.  (nod)
That clean (?) and lovely (??) toilet should be near the start of the game, I believe. I haven't played it, myself.

Next, a cropped screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/04/2019 09:39:22
Commander Keen..err.. 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 09/04/2019 10:27:41
Yes! (nod) It's Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle.
I'm still not sure what the secret of the oracle actually is...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/04/2019 12:17:52
And what a great game it was. I still prefer it over 5 and 6... maybe only because of the friendly tree backgrounds :D

Anyway, here's the next:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 09/04/2019 12:54:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 09/04/2019 12:56:42
Wow, that was fast. Indeed it is :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 09/04/2019 13:30:47
Quote from: lorenzo on Tue 09/04/2019 10:27:41
Yes! (nod) It's Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle.
I'm still not sure what the secret of the oracle actually is...

Yeah that was like the Super Mario 2 of the Keen series in how weirdly unique it was.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 09/04/2019 19:04:24
I love Commander Keen 4, it's my favourite of the series! Happy trees, giant slug statues and Dopefish!  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 09/04/2019 23:27:26
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 09/04/2019 12:56:42
Wow, that was fast. Indeed it is :)
Lucky me: I was just checking my emails (and the game is also on Amiga so... ^^)

What about this?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 14/04/2019 20:53:09
Another pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 15/04/2019 04:14:36
Castles II?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 15/04/2019 17:08:00
I am pretty sure I have seen those screens and Castles II I did play but thought the screens on it were a bit different from that.
I am gonna guess Feudal Lords or maybe Stronghold: Crusades.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 15/04/2019 18:29:59
It's Feudal Lords indeed.  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 15/04/2019 19:57:48
cool. next game. probably an easy one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 16/04/2019 02:00:06
I've posted an almost identical screenshot in p.31 ( (that being photobucket the screenshot may not load anymore, but may still work if you put the image link into a new tab).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 16/04/2019 02:04:47
Oh my, well should i pick another game or would you like to go next Gilbert?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 16/04/2019 02:11:49
I've no idea what to post atm, so you may decide whether you want to post a new one or just allow whoever steals the next round.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 16/04/2019 20:58:29
OK, a different game: (probably be real easy)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 17/04/2019 06:45:02
Gazillionnaire. I love that game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 17/04/2019 18:56:51
I'll just wait for confirmation before posting a new game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 17/04/2019 19:32:30
Yes that was the one. sorry for the late response
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 18/04/2019 09:22:36
OK how about this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 20/04/2019 02:53:42
Here's another screenshot. The game is a really simple title. I think it was written in Visual Basic? But I know some people on these boards know it. The duo that made it went on to make some quite popular titles down the road:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 20/04/2019 03:10:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 20/04/2019 05:28:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 21/04/2019 17:49:29
No other screenshots to share! Last hint before I post the answer: this game is by the dudes that made Eternal Daughter.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 22/04/2019 01:12:39
Diabolika?   :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 22/04/2019 03:54:12
No, but that is indeed a great game!

It's this really early title called Booger Bungie.

Thread open to the first person that jumps in!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 22/04/2019 05:28:42
*jumps in*   

A fantastic game!  Who knows what this is?   :grin:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: imsomnia212 on Mon 22/04/2019 05:50:07
AL Gurbish in Nick it & Run, I played recently by a recommendation of a friend and it was fun
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 22/04/2019 06:05:11
That's the one.  I highly recommend it.   :grin:

Wish there were more Al Gurbish games. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: imsomnia212 on Mon 22/04/2019 06:33:39
Yep :-D
Well, what this is?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 22/04/2019 07:40:32
Possibly Full Throttle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 24/04/2019 18:20:42
Quote from: imsomnia212 on Mon 22/04/2019 05:50:07
AL Gurbish in Nick it & Run, I played recently by a recommendation of a friend and it was fun
Hey, I remember that being one of the first AGS games I ever played.  :-D
I also remember disliking it.
So um... two conflicting emotions there. Hmm, I'm sure nostalgia will win over.  :)

Hmm... Don't Escape 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 25/04/2019 04:45:06
Midnight Scenes!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: imsomnia212 on Thu 25/04/2019 07:31:52
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 24/04/2019 18:20:42
Hey, I remember that being one of the first AGS games I ever played.  :-D
I also remember disliking it.
So um... two conflicting emotions there. Hmm, I'm sure nostalgia will win over.  :)

Hmm... Don't Escape 4?
Yeah maybe I like it because the nostalgia, but it's not a incredible amazing game, it's simple but funny I thought.
And no, isn't Don't scape 4.

Quote from: josiah1221 on Thu 25/04/2019 04:45:06
Midnight Scenes!
Yeeees, it is. Is a game that I played a few months ago and I really like it. Well, you can go with the next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 06/05/2019 18:50:14

Seems that Josiah1221 is busy...

Well, if you don't mind I re-spawn the game!

Maybe you never played this, but the title is easy to guess!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Mon 06/05/2019 19:14:56
Virtua Tighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 07/05/2019 04:28:34
Oops! My bad I completely forgot.  :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 09/05/2019 17:49:35

Another screenshot:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 09/05/2019 18:54:18
Hmm still don't know what it is. You better post a few more screenshots.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 10/05/2019 17:57:45
Quote from: man n fist on Thu 09/05/2019 18:54:18
Hmm still don't know what it is. You better post a few more screenshots.  (laugh)
You aren't trying to fool me just to see more girls, not Man N Fist?

Ok, again:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Fri 10/05/2019 23:53:55
Streak Fighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sat 11/05/2019 13:55:10
Bikini Fighter 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 11/05/2019 17:40:18
Quote from: VampireWombat on Sat 11/05/2019 13:55:10
Bikini Fighter 2?
Are you sure that exist?  :-\

Another one:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 11/05/2019 21:30:25
Generic Game 28:  For Horny Boys?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 11/05/2019 22:30:53
I have no idea what this is... but now I'm intrigued.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sat 11/05/2019 23:24:00
Super Smash Ho's?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 12/05/2019 03:35:32
That's obviously the classic Bikini Karate Babes. I know it well and totally didn't google 'voluptas fighting game'.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 12/05/2019 09:46:48
Quote from: Galen on Sun 12/05/2019 03:35:32
That's obviously the classic Bikini Karate Babes. I know it well and totally didn't google 'voluptas fighting game'.

I'm sure you didn't Galen, you're not a cheaty boy...  (wrong) ...right?

I beg your pardon for posting this naughty game in this forum of polite and neat people!  :-[

Anyway, it's really Bikini Karate Babes! Despite his fame as "Mortal Kombat sexy flick" this game is not so bad as many says, if you can play it with a controller!

Okay Galen my honest friend, your turn!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 12/05/2019 16:17:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 12/05/2019 18:05:19
Dragonsphere   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sun 12/05/2019 19:54:22
What a background. So many things to "borrow".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Sun 12/05/2019 20:26:20
The tricksy hobbit has it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 12/05/2019 20:55:49
I hid the name at the top.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 12/05/2019 21:20:41
Dare to Dream, one of Cliff Bleszinski's first games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 12/05/2019 21:57:15
*passes the torch to Lorenzo
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 12/05/2019 22:48:40
Related to the previous one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 13/05/2019 12:44:55
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Mon 13/05/2019 16:16:02
Quote from: lorenzo on Sun 12/05/2019 21:20:41
Dare to Dream, one of Cliff Bleszinski's first games?
Dare to Dream was Cliffy B? Wow. I was perpetually stuck in the (rose?) maze of I think the third or forth one in the series as a wee lad.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 13/05/2019 20:35:06
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 13/05/2019 12:44:55
That's right!

Quote from: Galen on Mon 13/05/2019 16:16:02
Dare to Dream was Cliffy B?
Yes, there was also a text adventure, The Palace of Deceit, that he made before Jazz Jackrabbit and Unreal.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 14/05/2019 03:48:03
I never actually played Unreal. I got my introduction through Unreal Tournament which I played, mapped, and modded for 2-3 years obsessively.

New pic coming soon!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 14/05/2019 21:13:56
Unreal is a great game, in my opinion. The AI is smart, level design is pretty good and weapons are a lot of fun. In fact, they reused many of the guns in Unreal Tournament.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 15/05/2019 14:21:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 15/05/2019 14:23:31
Deep Sleep?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 15/05/2019 15:12:46
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 15/05/2019 14:23:31
Deep Sleep?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 23/05/2019 10:02:29
Hint: The character in the picture was voiced by someone we all wouldn't be here without...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 23/05/2019 11:40:39
Chris Jones?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 23/05/2019 12:23:49
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 23/05/2019 11:40:39
Chris Jones?  :=

Yes, but the game's name still needs to be guessed.

(It was made by someone who is still with us and producing commercial games now with AGS)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 23/05/2019 16:04:17
Is it the last Ben Jordan?
I remember it having some cutscenes where the characters looked a bit different from the rest of the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 24/05/2019 00:18:34
Quote from: lorenzo on Thu 23/05/2019 16:04:17
Is it the last Ben Jordan?
I remember it having some cutscenes where the characters looked a bit different from the rest of the game.

That is correct!

I just finished playing through the series again to see how it holds up now I know a bit more about game design.

It was still very good and a lot of fun. I'm thinking of writing a piece on my thoughts on each episode, unless Grundislav pays me a lot not to...  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 24/05/2019 14:18:49
Quote from: Mandle on Fri 24/05/2019 00:18:34
I'm thinking of writing a piece on my thoughts on each episode, unless Grundislav pays me a lot not to...  (laugh)
I would read that! I haven't played those games in quite a while.

I don't have a screenshot at the moment. If anyone wants to take my turn, go ahead! Otherwise, I'll post something later.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sat 25/05/2019 13:24:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 25/05/2019 14:01:16
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure. Loved that game!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 25/05/2019 14:14:05
I'm sure this one has been done before, but...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sat 25/05/2019 15:24:54
Magic Carpet.

Bullfrog at their peak.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 26/05/2019 03:08:50
Yep and yep.  :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Tue 28/05/2019 02:06:28
Too easy.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/05/2019 03:43:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 28/05/2019 14:27:44
“I can see the your eyes.”

Sorry, love that song. Never knew there was a House Atreides connection. Lol
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Tue 28/05/2019 18:18:17
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 28/05/2019 03:43:30

Correct. The RTS/adventure game from 1992.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 29/05/2019 00:37:26
Oh sweet! It was really a guess based on the background, her fashion, and her glowing blue eyes.

But I wasn't sure if it was an official game of Dune or a "Dune-ish" game  ;)

I'll get something up soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 31/05/2019 16:04:26
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 31/05/2019 22:26:14
Bruce Lee!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 01/06/2019 01:19:58
Quote from: notarobotyet on Fri 31/05/2019 22:26:14
Bruce Lee!

Ohhhh... I suspect man-n-fist is going to be bummed he didn't get that first  (laugh)

Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 01/06/2019 04:51:38
Wait...there's a Bruce Lee adventure game?! This changes everything!  (laugh)

Actually, I can't even see the screenshot. I'm guessing you uploaded it to Tinypic? For some reason that site is blocked here.  :-\ This is what I see:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sat 01/06/2019 05:52:42
Quote from: man n fist on Sat 01/06/2019 04:51:38
Wait...there's a Bruce Lee adventure game?! This changes everything!  (laugh)

It's actually a platformer/beat-em-up, this thread moved away from just adventure games a while back  :-D

There goes mine:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 01/06/2019 06:25:36


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 01/06/2019 09:36:33
One of the House of the Dead games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sat 01/06/2019 09:44:24
It's Deadly Premonition or Red Seeds Profile in Japan. A game very dear to my heart, I own it on Xbox360 as well as PC.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sat 01/06/2019 14:36:40
Quote from: Buckethead on Sat 01/06/2019 09:44:24
It's Deadly Premonition or Red Seeds Profile in Japan. A game very dear to my heart, I own it on Xbox360 as well as PC.

Indeed it is! Good taste, Buckethead  ;)

You're next!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sat 01/06/2019 16:29:45

Next one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 01/06/2019 16:37:53
Looks like Telltale
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sat 01/06/2019 16:50:11
Fear the Walking Simulator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sun 02/06/2019 09:01:42
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 01/06/2019 16:37:53
Looks like Telltale

It does, but it is not.

Quote from: Jack on Sat 01/06/2019 16:50:11
Fear the Walking Simulator?

Well, there is lots of walking involved in the game. It was originally made for Xbox One Kinect

By the way, the game has a strong connection to the previous game.

Here's another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 08/06/2019 09:28:00
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Buckethead on Sat 08/06/2019 14:08:35
Yes it is. I was afraid no one was going to guess it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 10/06/2019 00:24:41
I found thanks to your hints

Here is my pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 10/06/2019 09:46:17

Voodoo Girl - Queen of the Darned ?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 10/06/2019 10:39:18
Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 10/06/2019 09:46:17

Voodoo Girl - Queen of the Darned ?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/06/2019 20:21:33
It comes from the sequel of a very famous game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/06/2019 20:37:15
I'm almost tempted to say this is Murray from Lechuck's Revenge...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 13/06/2019 20:43:11
Flashback? The snake looks a bit like the black worms at the start of Another World.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 13/06/2019 20:49:35
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 13/06/2019 20:37:15
I'm almost tempted to say this is Murray from Lechuck's Revenge...
It's tempting indeed, but no. ;)

Quote from: lorenzo on Thu 13/06/2019 20:43:11
Flashback? The snake looks a bit like the black worms at the start of Another World.
Not far...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 14/06/2019 00:36:44
One of the "Alone In The Dark" games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 14/06/2019 02:29:39
I remembered there was a console-only (Mega CD I think) sequel to Another Word, so I looked up its name.
Is it Heart of the Alien?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 14/06/2019 20:53:58
Quote from: Gilbert on Fri 14/06/2019 02:29:39
I remembered there was a console-only (Mega CD I think) sequel to Another Word, so I looked up its name.
Is it Heart of the Alien?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 18/06/2019 14:00:59
I'm a bit busy ATM, so whoever interested may take this space.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 18/06/2019 18:31:24

Ok, this is simple:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 19/06/2019 04:04:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 19/06/2019 08:59:12
Lol that font didn't leave enough room for the Randy in Randy Savage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 19/06/2019 13:33:00
Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling? Sure, I know that's the name of a cartoon series, but maybe there was a game adaptation?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 19/06/2019 17:43:17


Quote from: Mandle on Wed 19/06/2019 04:04:39

Sure is a very simple title...     (laugh)  but not!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 20/06/2019 16:25:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 20/06/2019 17:52:32

Not!  (wrong)

Geez, this game is too short to avoid spoilers...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 24/06/2019 08:10:35
Ok, let'see who is the speedest to answer... ready? Go!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Mon 24/06/2019 09:53:56
MicroLeague Waxing
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 24/06/2019 10:30:38
Quote from: morganw on Mon 24/06/2019 09:53:56
MicroLeague Waxing

Hmmm, it's written very bad... so could be!  :-\

All right Morganw, your turn!



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 25/06/2019 16:20:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 25/06/2019 16:33:43
Heimdall 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 25/06/2019 16:43:20
Spot on.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: ManicMatt on Tue 25/06/2019 16:48:28
I don't recall getting very far in that game but I recognised this map screen.

Someone else take my go, the whole uploading an image somewhere is too much effort on my phone lol.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 11/07/2019 20:50:49
It's been a while, so let's keep the game going!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 11/07/2019 23:51:43
One of the Elder Scroll games? (So many barrels)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 12/07/2019 02:34:52
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 12/07/2019 07:23:25
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 11/07/2019 23:51:43
One of the Elder Scroll games? (So many barrels)


Quote from: josiah1221 on Fri 12/07/2019 02:34:52
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time

Yup, that's the one. :) Your turn, josiah1221!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 12/07/2019 13:54:53
I thought the game's subtitle read 'barrels in time' or 'buried in barrels'.  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 12/07/2019 14:07:34
 :-D that's too funny
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 14/07/2019 21:52:24
Oops, sorry to hold up the thread, someone else feel free to post something. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 15/07/2019 07:58:02

Here I am!  (laugh)

Ok this is very easy, so let's see who is the fastest to guess!

It's in my personal "this game need a modern remake" wishlist!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 15/07/2019 08:36:39
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams. :D I'd say the Ultima franchise as a whole should make its glorious comeback (Shroud of the Avatar wasn't quite what I expected, sadly).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 15/07/2019 17:59:05

Yeah! I love the retro sci-fi plot (adventurers of XIX century that fly to the moon to fight... eh eh), but the gameplay is a pain for me...  :-[

Your turn, CrashPL!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 18/07/2019 18:13:50
Quote from: CrashPL on Mon 15/07/2019 08:36:39
Ultima Worlds of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams. :D I'd say the Ultima franchise as a whole should make its glorious comeback (Shroud of the Avatar wasn't quite what I expected, sadly).
Yeah, it would be awesome if the Ultima franchise came back. But considering EA owns the rights... let's just say it'll either never happen, or if it does happen, you'll wish it didn't.
But hey, we can still dream.
It'd be nice if Might and Magic made a proper comeback as well, Sci-Fi mixed with High Fantasy and all.
I'd like to see Wizardry come back as well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 24/07/2019 07:04:01
Oh man, that reminds me of an unfinished Wizardry 7 save of mine... I had plans to reach to the end and then import the save to Wizardry 8 to continue the adventure. :(
And speaking of...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 24/07/2019 12:26:09
Quote from: CrashPL on Wed 24/07/2019 07:04:01
Oh man, that reminds me of an unfinished Wizardry 7 save of mine... I had plans to reach to the end and then import the save to Wizardry 8 to continue the adventure. :(

When was that, and where and on what did you have it saved?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Wed 24/07/2019 20:13:49
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 24/07/2019 12:26:09
When was that, and where and on what did you have it saved?

I started replaying it on my retro DOS/W95 rig around 5 years ago, but after a while I transferred the save to my everyday PC, when I found out Wizardry series is available on Steam! ( Best of all it features both the DOS version and the Gold re-release!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Mon 26/08/2019 09:37:17
A little bump to remind you it's still going. ;)

Have another screenshot, and a little hint: it's a bit obscure game from the franchise that was mentioned here recently.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 26/08/2019 17:22:26
Possibly a second generation Zork?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 28/08/2019 16:39:53
Some sort of Spectrum port of Rogue?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 19/09/2019 07:13:27
No and no. ;)
Another hint - the franchise it belongs to is a classic RPG. The game in question was released for Commodore VIC-20 only. Oh, and it has something to do with escaping and mountains in its title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 19/09/2019 07:15:10
Is it an Ultima game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 19/09/2019 10:01:39
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 19/09/2019 07:15:10
Is it an Ultima game?

Yes, and I guess it can count as an answer, since I believe it's way too much of an obscure game to guess and I don't want to prolong it any longer. :D It's Ultima: Escape from Mt. Drash, released in 1983.
Your turn Mandle!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 24/09/2019 17:48:58


just kidding.  (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 25/09/2019 06:17:41
A Peanuts text adventure game, obviously. :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Wed 25/09/2019 12:01:04
That wouldn't be peanuts, it would be Garfield obviously
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 25/09/2019 22:42:00
"Garfield obviously" sounds like what Bill Murray's last words in Zombieland should have been.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 26/09/2019 06:13:29
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 25/09/2019 22:42:00
"Garfield obviously" sounds like what Bill Murray's last words in Zombieland should have been.

I wonder what Bill Murray was paid for the cameo? Probably something comparable to what Bob Harris was paid to begrudgingly appear in a Japanese whiskey ad?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 26/09/2019 06:28:25
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 25/09/2019 22:42:00
"Garfield obviously" sounds like what Bill Murray's last words in Zombieland should have been.


But I was just joking in the meanwhile you submit your game, Mandle!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 26/09/2019 09:01:13
Quote from: man n fist on Thu 26/09/2019 06:13:29
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 25/09/2019 22:42:00
"Garfield obviously" sounds like what Bill Murray's last words in Zombieland should have been.

I wonder what Bill Murray was paid for the cameo? Probably something comparable to what Bob Harris was paid to begrudgingly appear in a Japanese whiskey ad?  (laugh)

I get the joke but I hope you aren't suggesting Zombieland was something Bill Murray would have had to be paid massively to appear in. It's a classic!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 27/09/2019 04:15:57
I enjoyed it too, but I found Bill Murray's appearance in it to feel quite forced.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 29/09/2019 17:37:08

I don't know if you're familiar with this kind of games, but this is a classic so let's give a try:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 02/10/2019 18:12:05

What, nobody try to guess? Ok, big hint:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 02/10/2019 18:23:55
I can safely say I've never played this or seen pictures from it before. But the axe does make me think a bit of Tokyo Ghoul.

I found the game easily given the info in the first picture and saw the second picture on the page I found. I find it interesting that the game was written by the same person who wrote Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 03/10/2019 17:39:05
Quote from: VampireWombat on Wed 02/10/2019 18:23:55

I find it interesting that the game was written by the same person who wrote Puella Magi Madoka Magica.


It's Saya no uta (english title: Song of Saya), a perfect example of denpa horror!

The one who gives a definition of denpa can take the turn!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 03/10/2019 23:51:01
If "denpa" is "電波" in Japanese then it means "transmission" or "reception" with regards to sending or receiving a wireless transmission.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 04/10/2019 07:34:43

Well, for what I understood is indeed "reception" of a twisted reality or sort of...

Up to you, Mandle!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/10/2019 02:42:00
Oh crap, I forgot about this. Someone else take over please.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 18/10/2019 14:42:22
While we are waiting for a new entry, let's admire this piece of artwork (and yes, it's from a game - you may guess it :) )

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 20/10/2019 10:07:50
I have no idea about what game it is, but that looks amazing!

Maybe it could be magic/witch related, because of the cauldron, (flying?) broom, bats and ominous castle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 20/10/2019 12:08:56
Looks cool but yeah we might need another screenshot!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 20/10/2019 12:21:51
Amiga game...  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 20/10/2019 12:44:21
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 20/10/2019 12:21:51
Amiga game...  ;)
Unlikely. There's 31 colours in the image. While I think the Amiga could support up to 32 colours on screen at once, most games had 16 due to being Atari ST ports. (Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of that.)
The art also looks like modern pixel art to me. Which suggest a modern Indie Game.
(This is all assuming you don't know the answer. If you do and was giving a hint... why?)

Is it one of those 2d pixel art indie Dark Soul clones?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 20/10/2019 13:24:37
It's an hint indeed. ;)
Also, your comment proves Amiga has always been "modern" hehe

The game was released in 1993.
But maybe I should not give hints, I didn't proposed that game after all. ^^
Sorry abstauber.   :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 20/10/2019 20:41:19
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 20/10/2019 12:21:51
Amiga game...  ;)
I simply cannot hide those from you  (laugh)

Yeah, it's indeed an amiga game from 1993 by a french developer.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 20/10/2019 23:25:22
Witchety Woo? (Or something like that?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 10:30:10
That's Super Cauldron, by Titus Software who also made the Blues Brothers platformer, Titus The Fox and Lamborghini American Challenge which was the Fast & Furious of Amiga racing games!

Such gorgeous pixel art - look at the shadows on the rabbits as they enter the house!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 21/10/2019 12:43:24
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 10:30:10
That's Super Cauldron, by Titus Software who also made the Blues Brothers platformer, Titus The Fox and Lamborghini American Challenge which was the Fast & Furious of Amiga racing games!
Yeah, you got it! Although Lorenzo was pretty close by accident ;)

Quote from: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 10:30:10
Such gorgeous pixel art - look at the shadows on the rabbits as they enter the house!
Absolutely!  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 17:07:12
Here's what I suspect will be an easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 21/10/2019 17:25:10
Robland... I meant... Rodland?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 21/10/2019 17:47:05
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 10:30:10
look at the shadows on the rabbits as they enter the house!

Those shadows don't seem to be followed up with a matching shadow on the ground though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 21/10/2019 18:00:51
Quote from: abstauber on Mon 21/10/2019 12:43:24
Yeah, you got it! Although Lorenzo was pretty close by accident ;)
Super Cauldron?! Next time I'll make sure to add "super" to all my guesses!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 21:36:19
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 21/10/2019 17:47:05
Those shadows don't seem to be followed up with a matching shadow on the ground though.

That's because the 'camera' is too low down - the shadow would be on the top of the step, we can only see the front of the step.

And Gilbert got it - it's Rodland!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 22/10/2019 03:12:40
Man those are definitely some beautiful pixels! You can even see the church bell ringing in the distance.  :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 22/10/2019 03:50:23
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 21/10/2019 21:36:19
And Gilbert got it - it's Rodland!
I'm more familiar with the arcade version and the console ports, but this was definitely Rodland.
Considering the huge HUD I think this is either the Amiga port or the Atari ST port right? (Though with those weird limited colour choice I think it's more possibly the ST port.)

I don't have any idea ATM, so this round is available for grab.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 22/10/2019 07:27:11
That's the Amiga port according to the YT video title! I could have sworn there was a boss that was one of those cute yellow things that gets all massive, but I couldn't find it in the vid...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 22/10/2019 08:34:45
Could be the compression for being a video capture. Neither the Amiga port nor the ST port look as bad in reality: (
Even the ST version is quite colourful. I think the most noticeable difference between the two is the amount of shading in the HUD.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 22/10/2019 14:19:20
Hmm, yeah, the vid is a little darker and less sharp - they could have put a pixel-smoothing filter on it, in which case I apologise for introducing such heresy to this thread!

As the round is open, I'll do something weird and make you all guess from a clipping of a review from the same issue of Amiga Power that reviewed Rodland and Super Cauldron. No cheating by looking up issues or doing text searches! I'll give one hint - this is a budget re-release.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Tue 22/10/2019 14:50:38
Lamborghini American Challenge?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 22/10/2019 15:05:02
Nope. Titus made that after Super Cauldron, and besides it was essentially a re-skin of Crazy Cars 3...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 22/10/2019 16:05:12
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 22/10/2019 16:21:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Tue 22/10/2019 20:09:42
Burning Rubber?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 22/10/2019 21:51:06
Okay here's a new one... a reasonably obscure game but the title will be easy to guess I think.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 23/10/2019 00:46:03
Arctic Games?
Christmas Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 23/10/2019 10:16:44
Both of these guesses are half right!!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 23/10/2019 10:24:21
Polar Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 23/10/2019 11:36:19
Close(ish) but nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 23/10/2019 14:13:35
erm... Arctic Christmas?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 23/10/2019 15:01:12

"Games" is the correct second word.

It was published by Magic Bytes in the early 90s.  I remember it being quite a fun game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 23/10/2019 18:17:21
Ice Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 24/10/2019 01:14:33
Reindeer Games?
Cold Games?
Snow Games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 24/10/2019 07:04:57
Eskimo Inuit Games ?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 24/10/2019 07:06:51
Ice-Hole Games?  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 24/10/2019 09:26:34
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 24/10/2019 07:04:57
Eskimo Inuit Games ?
The devs didn't think the strikethrough was necessary!  :P

Indeed, it is Eskimo Games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 24/10/2019 09:39:49
I believe for some "northern folk" it's still okay to be called Eskimo... but who knows.

Anyway.. since we were talking Atari:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 24/10/2019 09:54:43
Super Robotic Dracula: Revenge of the Technological Vampire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 24/10/2019 10:04:23
Quote from: lorenzo on Thu 24/10/2019 09:54:43
Super Robotic Dracula

Sorry, not that easy this time ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 29/10/2019 08:56:06
Maybe the boxart might help you recognize the game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 29/10/2019 09:14:51
Although it doesn't really ring a bell with me I'm tempted to guess Resolution 101?  The only thing I remember about that game was the (for the time) blindingly fast 3D environment, not sure if it had cut scenes.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 29/10/2019 09:21:34
The Hotshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 29/10/2019 09:28:00
@CaptainD got pretty close, as this is also a very fast 3D shoot em up. But it's from Thalion, Resolution 101 isn't :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 29/10/2019 19:17:55
Trex Warrior: 22nd Century Gladiator  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 30/10/2019 07:59:50
That's it!
Of course that game had an Amiga release as well ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 30/10/2019 14:37:25
Hahaha I was just trying to blur my eyes and read the mosaiced-out text and the best I could do was "The Hotshot "
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 30/10/2019 20:14:32
I never heard about your Amiga, sorry...


What about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Thu 31/10/2019 07:45:11
Heck if I know, but it looks like a weird alternative medieval-fantasy version of Commando...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 01/11/2019 08:37:28
Something like Smash TV or Total Carnage?

This is a new(ish) release, right?

-- I'm tempted to say that this might be Xeno Crisis?
   It would be a Moto 68k game after all :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 01/11/2019 17:23:53
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 01/11/2019 08:37:28
It would be a Moto 68k game after all :D
16 bits for life!

Xeno Crisis indeed!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 04/11/2019 09:57:30

As a kid I loved this title screen (and music):

But I really sucked at the actual game :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 04/11/2019 12:26:58
Unless I'm very much mistaken, that is the title screen for Carrier Command. 

I'll let someone else take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 04/11/2019 14:15:50

QuoteI'll let someone else take my turn.
Come on, don't be lazy :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 04/11/2019 14:27:55
Quote from: abstauber on Mon 04/11/2019 14:15:50
QuoteI'll let someone else take my turn.
Come on, don't be lazy :P

Oh FINE, here you go  :-D:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 04/11/2019 15:08:03
Blade Runner? (Ah, the nostalgia that comes with guessing that)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 04/11/2019 15:30:23
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 04/11/2019 15:08:03
Blade Runner? (Ah, the nostalgia that comes with guessing that)


Wow, I genuinely thought that would be a tough one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Mon 04/11/2019 19:23:20
I'd recognize that font anywhere. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 04/11/2019 23:16:54
In the latest Mostly Walking episode, Sean Plott talks about how a dedicated group of fans worked for years to get Blade Runner working again on modern systems and their announcement when they'd finally done it was something like "Blade Runner works."


New pic coming soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 05/11/2019 16:25:12

Image cropped as the full one would be way too easy for many people...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Tue 05/11/2019 17:07:07
Hmmmmmm Spy Hunter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 05/11/2019 17:25:57
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 05/11/2019 18:04:28
It reminds me of Ghostbusters I used to play on Atari. Is it from some newer version?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 06/11/2019 01:17:45
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Tue 05/11/2019 17:07:07
Hmmmmmm Spy Hunter?


LOL... your turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 06/11/2019 07:06:37
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 06/11/2019 01:17:45
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Tue 05/11/2019 17:07:07
Hmmmmmm Spy Hunter?


LOL... your turn


Alright ya nerds, you want nostalgia? Have some nostalgia:


I wanted so bad to love this game, but the insane difficulty combined with the clunkiest controls ever made it impossible for me to ever finish it  :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 06/11/2019 08:40:15
Oh, damn... I played that! But can't remember the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2019 10:42:07
It's not that game I've heard about often but never played is it... La abadía del crimen?  (The Abbey of Crime)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 06/11/2019 10:52:55
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 06/11/2019 10:42:07
It's not that game I've heard about often but never played is it... La abadía del crimen?  (The Abbey of Crime)

Oh hey, you even got the accent in "abadía" right! ;-D But nope, it's not that one (La Abadía del Crimen used isometric perspective, with a very similar aesthetic to Fairlight.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/11/2019 13:00:27
Is this possibly an educational game played in schools in the 80's? Shoot, I think the name was Math Caves or Math Castle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 06/11/2019 13:16:02
lol not even CLOSE
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 06/11/2019 13:19:39
Just doing my part to narrow down the answer. OK no math in this one, people!  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 06/11/2019 14:23:45
I wish I had a speccy back then... it's Dragontorc.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 06/11/2019 15:28:33
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 06/11/2019 14:23:45
I wish I had a speccy back then... it's Dragontorc.

And we have a winner! Well done, your turn! ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 07/11/2019 09:17:18
Yay again.

How about this rather obscure game on an even more obscure platform.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 07/11/2019 09:56:19
Something from a laser disc system?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 07/11/2019 10:19:02
yep, but it also got a home release with a different name. And the anime it's based on, has a completely different name  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 13/11/2019 20:32:00
It reminds me of Albator.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Wed 13/11/2019 22:46:18
Santa, Texas Ranger
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 14/11/2019 14:49:12
Nope and nope.

Hint: It's one of the few decent games on a home console which is known as one of the worst.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 14/11/2019 15:14:54
Quote from: abstauber on Thu 14/11/2019 14:49:12
Nope and nope.

Hint: It's one of the few decent games on a home console which is known as one of the worst.


Is it a 32-bit console?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 14/11/2019 15:42:55
technically yes, but it's Motoroloa 68k based, so it's more like 16/32 bits.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Thu 14/11/2019 15:49:41
I'm thinking CD-i, but I don't know any games for it. The video quality looks too good for anything that was cheaper and also using 68k.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 14/11/2019 16:11:32
Hehe, if this would be "Name the game system" we'd have a winner :)

Yes, it's on CD-I.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 14/11/2019 19:30:09
It's related to Leiji Matsumoto (who made Albator / Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, etc).
(I was sure about this, otherwise it's would have been total plagiarism. :D)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 15/11/2019 08:12:25
Oops sorry, I couldn't make the connection between Albator and Captain Harlock  :-[
I've only seen the 2013 movie so far.

Anyway, your reply now contains the Anime, this FMV game is based on.  We are getting there  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Fri 15/11/2019 22:20:50
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 15/11/2019 08:12:25
Oops sorry, I couldn't make the connection between Albator and Captain Harlock  :-[
Oh, no, don't worry, that's my bad.
As a typical french, I can't even imagine that anime has another name than the french one. ^^
The game was released in 1992.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 22/11/2019 09:58:21
Escape from CyberCity.
I immediately recognised these robo policeman dudes, shooting lasers/flashlights(?) from their eyes from a YT review of CD-I I watched not that long ago. EfCC was one of the games featured in the video. :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 22/11/2019 10:45:43
Yay, finally  :-D I hope that review didn't make you buy that thing. As mentioned I got one for free and even that was a tad too expensive :)

I would never dare to question the french comic scene ;) I'm sure those Mangas were released at least 20 years earlier in France than in the rest of of Europe - so Capitaine Albator was first I assume.

Anyway: CrashPL, your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 22/11/2019 11:29:38
Haha, not really, I am much into retro games and consoles/computers, but I don't really feel the need to buy a CD-i, especially considering their failure rate and price nowadays. :D

Anyway, here's mine, played this one recently after I found the old CD in a drawer by accident...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 22/11/2019 11:37:34
I think a Lemmings game, but I don't know which.
3D Lemmings?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Fri 22/11/2019 11:55:14
Lemmings Revolution, but you got the franchise right - your turn. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 22/11/2019 23:37:41
Well, I'm not sure that guess was worthy of the win, but...

Technically this games has two names (it changes depending the platform) but either name will do.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 23/11/2019 02:55:59
Blaster Master?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 24/11/2019 16:33:29
Top Gun?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Sun 24/11/2019 17:08:36
Here is another:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 24/11/2019 18:05:47
Rolling Thunder?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 24/11/2019 18:51:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Mon 25/11/2019 14:39:33
Full Throttle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 26/11/2019 09:28:56
I'd say, it's an NES or MSX game.

is it a Metal Gear title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 26/11/2019 17:47:52
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 26/11/2019 09:28:56
I'd say, it's an NES or MSX game.

is it a Metal Gear title?
^ this is headed in the right direction, although it isn't NES or MSX, and it isn't a Metal Gear game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 26/11/2019 19:01:52

Space Adventure Cobra? I played it on Yabause time ago...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 26/11/2019 19:21:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 27/11/2019 08:13:56

Well, let's see...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 28/11/2019 17:58:33

Nothing moves?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 29/11/2019 03:34:00
I am pretty sure it is a Call Of Cthulhu game and pretty sure that I have played it... Do not remember name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 29/11/2019 09:12:22
Daughter of Serpents?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 29/11/2019 11:33:30

Correct, Ben X!
A little nice adventure that mix Lovecraft and ancient Egypt! You can costumize the playable charachter to affecting a bit the course! Sadly it never have a sequel.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 29/11/2019 15:33:03
Ah yes, that was it... Knew it was Lovecraft...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 02/12/2019 09:48:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 04/12/2019 15:03:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 04/12/2019 15:36:55
Oh I see what you've done here... would this be your own game, a glorious misinterpretation of football that I've not quite got round to playing yet but intend to one day - Behold the Kickmen?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 05/12/2019 09:43:10
I didn't work on it (except for some quick script-edit work and playtesting), but yes it is indeed Dan Marshall's glorious Behold The Kickmen!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 05/12/2019 12:47:27
Ah... you may have merged into a single entity in my mind (completely accidentally!  :-D)

Anyway on a similar theme...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 05/12/2019 14:03:23
Ah ha, our nemesis Super Arcade Football!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 05/12/2019 15:55:26

I thought maybe someone would figure it for a much older game...

Glad they're back in development with SAF, it's great fun although every time I see the abbreviation I think it's "Sir Alex Ferguson" - as a Liverpool fan, truly a nemesis!  :grin:

Okay you're up again...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 06/12/2019 10:16:57
Curses, that means I have to do another one! Right, I'm going to be cheap and lazy, sorry everyone!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 06/12/2019 17:02:35
I know the name of this game!
It is called 'Your Avatar'!  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Fri 06/12/2019 18:23:19
Incorrect, Gilbert, it is not Your Avatar!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 06/12/2019 18:47:44
Easy! This is "Quest for Earning Money by Making Adventure Games"!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 08/12/2019 19:47:59
Is it Gibbage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 08/12/2019 19:51:18
No, but that's the correct dev!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 08/12/2019 19:54:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:05:49
Okay fine, Ben There, Dan That!  8-)

This will be easy I think... almost positive it's come up before but I'm not about to check 414 pages to check,,,

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:08:21
Lure of the Temptress!
I really love the art, it's a reference to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 08/12/2019 21:23:14
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:05:49
almost positive it's come up before but I'm not about to check 414 pages to check,,,

You do realize that you could put the name in the search box above and it will only search this exact topic?  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:25:52
Captain, just propose something else if you want ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:32:40
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Sun 08/12/2019 21:23:14
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:05:49
almost positive it's come up before but I'm not about to check 414 pages to check,,,

You do realize that you could put the name in the search box above and it will only search this exact topic?  ;)

I forgot...

Atavismus is of course correct about the game.

Okay how about this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:35:49
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:38:23
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:35:49

Dude... you must have misspent even more of your youth than I did mine!!  (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)

Your turn...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:56:48
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:38:23
Dude... you must have misspent even more of your youth than I did mine!!  (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
Well, that was easy to... hum hum... test amiga games, so I tested so much... (even later with emulation).

Anyway, what about this?


It could be easy, but not sure...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Sun 08/12/2019 23:09:04
Um, hang on, you have to wait to find out whether you got the right answer before you start a new round! No, it's not Ben There, Dan That!.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 09/12/2019 00:30:07
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 08/12/2019 23:09:04
Um, hang on, you have to wait to find out whether you got the right answer before you start a new round! No, it's not Ben There, Dan That!.

Yeah, that has a much more... unique... graphics style.

Time Gentlemen, Please?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 09/12/2019 00:38:43
Quote from: Ben X on Sun 08/12/2019 23:09:04
Um, hang on, you have to wait to find out whether you got the right answer before you start a new round! No, it's not Ben There, Dan That!.

  8-0 8-0 oops  :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 09/12/2019 00:43:23
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 09/12/2019 00:30:07
Time Gentlemen, Please?

No, that has a similarly... unique style ;)

But you're getting very close! (And I'll reiterate that this is a pretty cheap move on my part!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 09/12/2019 02:50:38
Ben, it's Lair Of The Clockwork God.  Is that game out now?   :smiley:

Atavismus, is that Universe?   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Mon 09/12/2019 03:39:04
Correct, Frodo! (And no, not yet. Hoping for an early-2020 release!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 09/12/2019 07:10:41
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 09/12/2019 03:39:04
Correct, Frodo! (And no, not yet. Hoping for an early-2020 release!)

Ahhhhh, a game that hasn't been released yet... I cannot complain... I have done one like that myself in here. And also have done (the original) "Polybius", a game that most likely never even existed... So  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 09/12/2019 13:50:06
Quote from: Frodo on Mon 09/12/2019 02:50:38
Ben, it's Lair Of The Clockwork God.  Is that game out now?   :smiley:
I can't believe two people actually got it wrong.
I suppose it wasn't as cheap and easy as Ben X thought it was.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Mon 09/12/2019 21:24:48
Quote from: Frodo on Mon 09/12/2019 02:50:38
Atavismus, is that Universe?   :smiley:
I totally see why you thought about Universe, but it's not at all.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 10/12/2019 17:32:26
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 08/12/2019 21:56:48
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 08/12/2019 21:38:23
Dude... you must have misspent even more of your youth than I did mine!!  (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
Well, that was easy to... hum hum... test amiga games, so I tested so much... (even later with emulation).

Anyway, what about this?


It could be easy, but not sure...

Beneath a Steel Sky? Similar art style, but I think someone recently asked this, so probably not that...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 10/12/2019 19:19:30
Quote from: man n fist on Tue 10/12/2019 17:32:26
Beneath a Steel Sky? Similar art style, but I think someone recently asked this, so probably not that...
Maybe BASS was inspired by it...
(Next time, I'll give a hint in case of wrong answer.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Tue 10/12/2019 21:35:26
BAT 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Tue 10/12/2019 21:46:41
Quote from: morganw on Tue 10/12/2019 21:35:26
BAT 2?
The game is loosely based on an anime.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 11/12/2019 00:36:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 11/12/2019 05:14:00
Long shot, but is it Willy Beamish? Maybe you grabbed a pic from when Willy first gets to the city?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Wed 11/12/2019 08:39:46
Was Willy Beamish based on an anime?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 11/12/2019 12:36:01
I don't think so, but maybe there's some backstory we don't know.  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 11/12/2019 18:45:17
Quote from: Ben X on Mon 09/12/2019 03:39:04
Correct, Frodo! (And no, not yet. Hoping for an early-2020 release!)

This game has definitely been released.   :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Wed 11/12/2019 20:52:30
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 11/12/2019 00:36:59
Akira indeed!
A very bad game released in 1994 on Amiga.
A total shame/waste for such a great anime (maybe the best ever).
I'm not into anime, but Akira is a real seminal masterpiece to me on every points (music, gfx, universe, etc.).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 11/12/2019 23:40:22
Quote from: Atavismus on Wed 11/12/2019 20:52:30
Akira indeed!
A very bad game released in 1994 on Amiga.
A total shame/waste for such a great anime (maybe the best ever).
I'm not into anime, but Akira is a real seminal masterpiece to me on every points (music, gfx, universe, etc.).

Yeah, same. I even live in Japan but not really into anime except the obvious and unavoidable ones like Gibli Studios stuff. And I agree that Akira is a masterpiece. Actually it is the only anime I own the DVD of I believe.

Had no idea there was a game. I just recognized Neo Tokyo in the picture.

I will post a new one soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 12/12/2019 03:31:36
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 11/12/2019 23:40:22
I will post a new one soon.

Mandle, I believe it's my turn, since I guessed Ben's unreleased game. 
I posted the screenshot above. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 12/12/2019 05:52:48
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 12/12/2019 03:31:36
Mandle, I believe it's my turn, since I guessed Ben's unreleased game. 
I posted the screenshot above. 

Ahhh, true... My win only existed in an alternate timeline... I call it the Mandle Effect!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 12/12/2019 10:09:15
What is the Mandle effect? That Mandle was once the president of South Africa but no one remembered?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 12/12/2019 11:22:15
Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 12/12/2019 10:09:15
What is the Mandle effect? That Mandle was once the president of South Africa but no one remembered?  :=

Dolly had braces!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 14/12/2019 17:55:29
Nobody?   :sad:

How about another screenshot?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sat 14/12/2019 20:54:27
Ha, fantastic. It brings back memories, even though I've never played this game before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 14/12/2019 23:29:13
Dark Seed 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 14/12/2019 23:52:16
Not Dark Seed 2. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 15/12/2019 00:43:52
Quote from: Frodo on Sat 14/12/2019 23:52:16
Not Dark Seed 2. 

I didn't really think so, but something in the style of the first picture made me have to give it a shot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 15/12/2019 17:53:26
Oh, I think I know that game.  :-D
Although I don't remember the name. I could easily find out the name... but it'll be more fun to try and guess it.
Blood Harvester?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 15/12/2019 18:08:36
It's a brilliant game.   :smiley:

But 'Harvester' is not in the title.   :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 15/12/2019 22:59:30
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 15/12/2019 23:15:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 16/12/2019 11:03:37
Alright, I relented, and decided to look up the title of the game I was thinking about, just to make sure it is that game.
And... no. I surprisingly got the title right. Obviously this simply isn't Harvester. And I thought it was. Darn.  >:(

So um... Phantasmagoria?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 16/12/2019 12:03:02
Hehe, not Phantasmagoria either.   :smiley:
But you're on the right track, with the horror themes.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 19/12/2019 20:54:37
Another screenshot   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 21/12/2019 20:39:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 22/12/2019 14:25:25
Lost in LA?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 22/12/2019 16:35:49

I don't underStand whY you would thiNk iN that way.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 24/12/2019 00:15:53
I'm staying with a friend for a few days over Christmas, so I won't be able to post any more screenshots. 

The game is Synnergist.

Next shot is up for whoever wants it.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 28/12/2019 21:01:28
No-one wants to post a new game?   :sad:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/12/2019 05:10:46
Quote from: Frodo on Sat 28/12/2019 21:01:28
No-one wants to post a new game?   :sad:

Oh, I will... In a bit. I am going to play the game so I will take a screenshot while I do.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 29/12/2019 07:44:55
Hidden because image is a bit big but I kept it that way to show details better.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: rongel on Mon 30/12/2019 13:37:42
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 29/12/2019 07:44:55
Hidden because image is a bit big but I kept it that way to show details better.

It's Bloodbowl 2! One of the most exciting / frustrating games ever. I have over 500 hours in it, but haven't played it in a while. I hope the game stays active, and people keep playing it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 30/12/2019 16:17:14
Quote from: rongel on Mon 30/12/2019 13:37:42
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 29/12/2019 07:44:55
Hidden because image is a bit big but I kept it that way to show details better.

It's Bloodbowl 2! One of the most exciting / frustrating games ever. I have over 500 hours in it, but haven't played it in a while. I hope the game stays active, and people keep playing it.

Indeed that is the game!!! And, yes, it is both exciting and frustrating! Lets get in touch to play some games! My coach name is Mandle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: rongel on Tue 31/12/2019 09:23:34
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 30/12/2019 16:17:14
Indeed that is the game!!! And, yes, it is both exciting and frustrating! Lets get in touch to play some games! My coach name is Mandle.

I think my coach name is Rongel. I'm planning to get a new pc soon (my current computer is getting old and feeble), so maybe I'll get back into BB 2 after that.

Ok, here's a new screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 31/12/2019 23:36:16
One of the Biohazard (Resident Evil) games? (reminds me of the start of one of the movies)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: rongel on Wed 01/01/2020 10:08:42
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 31/12/2019 23:36:16
One of the Biohazard (Resident Evil) games? (reminds me of the start of one of the movies)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 01/01/2020 11:41:03
World Of Warships?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: rongel on Wed 01/01/2020 18:32:27
Quote from: Mandle on Wed 01/01/2020 11:41:03
World Of Warships?

No, it's more hardcore simulator from 2010...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 01/01/2020 20:19:38
Silent Hunter 5?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: rongel on Wed 01/01/2020 20:53:24
Quote from: Jack on Wed 01/01/2020 20:19:38
Silent Hunter 5?

Correct!  :-D

I used to play that like crazy, and even did some modding on it. Like the lifeboat-mod that you see in the picture.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 01/01/2020 21:06:26
An impressive game, from back when Ubisoft still had the technical expertise to do something like that.

I play it from time to time, but don't think I'm doing it right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 02/01/2020 21:47:25
Probably easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Sun 05/01/2020 22:51:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 05/01/2020 22:58:41
I know I have played it but cannot remember what it is!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 06/01/2020 02:05:50
The Terminator?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Mon 06/01/2020 19:06:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 07/01/2020 01:54:54
No idea what to post ATM, so the next round is free for grab.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 07/01/2020 18:53:22



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/01/2020 01:15:00
King Of The Monsters (or some other Godzilla game) ? (I remember seeing it on The Angry Video Game Nerds video of Godzilla games)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 08/01/2020 07:49:05

Just "Godzilla"! Not a bad game, if it's the PS4 version.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/01/2020 13:24:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 09/01/2020 18:12:50
Empire Earth?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 09/01/2020 18:23:08
Black and White 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 09/01/2020 19:32:06
Looks kinda Jade Empire-ish to me...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/01/2020 22:27:59
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 09/01/2020 18:23:08
Black and White 2?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 13/01/2020 19:45:20
Alright, here's one that's a lot harder than it looks.

Also, sorry for it having taken me so long to realize it was my turn.  :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Tue 14/01/2020 07:43:47
Animal Crossing? (judging from the resolution it's either the N64/GCN original or Wild World on DS)

Speaking of, really looking forward to the Switch one, even though I barely have any time to play. I sank a lot of hours playing (and enjoying) New Leaf during my Uni days.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 14/01/2020 13:48:15
Quote from: CrashPL on Tue 14/01/2020 07:43:47
Animal Crossing? (judging from the resolution it's either the N64/GCN original or Wild World on DS)

Speaking of, really looking forward to the Switch one, even though I barely have any time to play. I sank a lot of hours playing (and enjoying) New Leaf during my Uni days.
Wrong.  (laugh)
It's NOT Animal Crossing, or even made by Nintendo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 14/01/2020 18:47:36
Is it one of the Harvest Moon games, or its spin-offs or spiritual successors?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 15/01/2020 17:31:44
Quote from: Gilbert on Tue 14/01/2020 18:47:36
Is it one of the Harvest Moon games, or its spin-offs or spiritual successors?
Nope, it's completely unrelated to Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons.

Here's another screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 21/01/2020 17:39:13
Alright, so it seems like I've accidentally killed off this thread with too obscure of a game.
So here's a screenshot and a hint:


It was published by a game's company, that now seems more interested in selling pachinko machines than video games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 22/01/2020 13:56:12
Huh... I wouldn't have thought an Animal Crossing game would be that obscure. Apparently I haven't looked in this thread in over a week.
I can't say which Animal Crossing game it is, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 22/01/2020 14:10:50
Quote from: VampireWombat on Wed 22/01/2020 13:56:12
Huh... I wouldn't have thought an Animal Crossing game would be that obscure. Apparently I haven't looked in this thread in over a week.
I can't say which Animal Crossing game it is, though.
You're on the right path, but as I've said before it's not a part of the Animal Crossing series.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 22/01/2020 14:18:41
Oops. I missed that post somehow. Interesting. The screenshots really look like they're from an Animal Crossing game.

Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 23/01/2020 17:30:06
Quote from: VampireWombat on Wed 22/01/2020 14:18:41
Oops. I missed that post somehow. Interesting. The screenshots really look like they're from an Animal Crossing game.

Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times?
You got it. A surprisingly decent Animal Crossing clone.
And trust me, if you think it looks like Animal Crossing from just these screenshots, then keep in mind that it also sounds and plays exactly like Animal Crossing as well.

Your turn.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Thu 23/01/2020 20:10:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 23/01/2020 20:56:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Thu 23/01/2020 21:01:47
Indeed so. Or close enough at least.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 23/01/2020 22:04:02
Easy one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Thu 23/01/2020 22:29:00
Street Rod!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Thu 23/01/2020 22:37:51
Street Rod 2, yes.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 25/01/2020 12:44:05
Here is something maybe easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 25/01/2020 21:41:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 26/01/2020 09:40:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 01/02/2020 10:29:28
It's a famous game.
First released in arcade and then on numerous platforms.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sat 01/02/2020 11:19:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 01/02/2020 11:55:46
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sat 01/02/2020 11:19:37
It's a bit later in the 80'.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 01/02/2020 17:42:31
The helicopters look like something that would appear in a Toaplan shooter, but I have no idea which of their games would feature a mission briefing screen on what bosses are coming in a stage.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sat 01/02/2020 18:37:40
Quote from: Gilbert on Sat 01/02/2020 17:42:31
The helicopters look like something that would appear in a Toaplan shooter, but I have no idea which of their games would feature a mission briefing screen on what bosses are coming in a stage.
Nice idea, but it's not from Toaplan and it's not really a shoot'em up.

With an in-game screenshoot, everyone would find I guess.  (laugh)

(If no one find, my next hint will be clearer, I swear ^^)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Sat 01/02/2020 20:14:47
Is it an arcade game with uzi controllers?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/02/2020 14:47:43
Quote from: Kweepa on Sat 01/02/2020 20:14:47
Is it an arcade game with uzi controllers?
It's a SEGA game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 02/02/2020 17:51:11
Maybe a mission screen from Thunderblade?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/02/2020 18:04:01
Quote from: CaptainD on Sun 02/02/2020 17:51:11
Maybe a mission screen from Thunderblade?

Darn, my trap worked too much. ^^

Hint: It's not really an aerial shooter.

Another hint before second screenshot:
It was released in 1986 on Arcade and SMS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sun 02/02/2020 18:18:55
Ikari Warriors? Has to be something like that...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/02/2020 19:08:13
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sun 02/02/2020 18:18:55
Ikari Warriors? Has to be something like that...
I feel a bit sorry to misled you so much.  : |

I said it's not really an aerial shooter, but indeed some stages of the game are like this:


(Cropped screenshot, next time, full screenshot of the first stage)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 02/02/2020 20:34:47
Action fighter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 02/02/2020 20:38:42
Quote from: Creamy on Sun 02/02/2020 20:34:47
Action fighter?
Yes Creamy. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 02/02/2020 21:06:50
Let's see if someone else has played that:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/02/2020 23:19:33
The Thing? (Although I don't remember it looking anywhere near that nice)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 03/02/2020 09:24:52

Lost horizon?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 03/02/2020 13:06:52
Secret Files: Tunguska?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 03/02/2020 14:38:50
Reminds me of one of those Time Machine games from the 90's? I forget the exact name - Trapped in Time or Timekeeper or just The Time Machine?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Mon 03/02/2020 22:20:42
Alpha Polaris!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 04/02/2020 17:24:54
Manannan, do you mean Time Commando by any chance? : )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 04/02/2020 19:33:50
Excuse me for the late reply. Josiah got it.

QuoteReminds me of one of those Time Machine games from the 90's? I forget the exact name - Trapped in Time or Timekeeper or just The Time Machine?
Maybe you were refering to this game (
I remember it from a magazine. It looks pretty but static.

QuoteManannan, do you mean Time Commando by any chance? : )
I loved that one. Impressive beat them all back in the day.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 04/02/2020 20:46:05
I don't have anything at the moment, someone else can post something if they want, otherwise I'll find something later this evening. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 05/02/2020 17:52:32

Well, maybe you are too young for playing this, but let's try...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 05/02/2020 22:48:19
I'll go for the obvious "Tomb Raider"? (could be a pre-rendered cut scene)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 06/02/2020 01:56:21
Is it Rama?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 06/02/2020 17:32:36

Not and not!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 06/02/2020 20:08:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 07/02/2020 11:44:42
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 06/02/2020 20:08:48
What game it is?  :-\



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/02/2020 14:51:59
Quote from: TheFrighter on Fri 07/02/2020 11:44:42
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 06/02/2020 20:08:48
What game it is?  :-\

The full title was "Mafdet and the Book of the Dead" but it was a bit of an outlandish guess to be fair!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 07/02/2020 16:30:15
Quote from: TheFrighter on Thu 06/02/2020 17:32:36

Not and not!



Hmm can't say I remember any games with a Kama Sutra hedge  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 08/02/2020 17:59:41
Quote from: manannan on Fri 07/02/2020 16:30:15

Hmm can't say I remember any games with a Kama Sutra hedge  (laugh)

It's unique, I assure you!  (laugh)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 08/02/2020 18:58:03
Riana Rouge.

Thank you Saturday Video Crapshoot (

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 16/02/2020 15:07:40
Hint : it's a flash game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Mon 17/02/2020 22:11:49
The author made quite a lot of small games:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 19/02/2020 14:51:29
It was Wake up calls ( by Orisinal Games (Ferry Halim).

Anyone can have the next turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 04/03/2020 06:17:23

Just to restart:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 04/03/2020 06:49:24
Mugen Battle?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 05/03/2020 06:22:23

(laugh) Not!

If you know any mugen about pro-wrestling please tell me!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 05/03/2020 07:35:33
Muscle Bomber?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 05/03/2020 18:08:41

Not!  Muscle Bomber didn't have backstreet fights, deatmatches... and top rope jumps.


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 08/03/2020 18:55:27

Hmm, let's try with a GIF:



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 09/03/2020 04:10:49
The info pane showing the level makes me guess it could be a Neo-Geo game.
Never know what wrestling brawlers there are on the system (wrestling fandom is non-existing here) I took a look on its library, confirming with screenshots from Mobygames.
It's Fire Suplex (AKA 3 Count Bout in the west) (

No idea for the next round at the moment, so anyone can grab this space.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 04/04/2020 04:07:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 04/04/2020 19:04:02

Hmmm,is it  a german game?

Perry Rhodan: Operation Eastside?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 04/04/2020 19:48:34
I don't think so, but for this should give it away:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 04/04/2020 20:40:26
The Daedalus Encounter.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 04/04/2020 21:18:16
Yep you got it  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 05/04/2020 20:23:51
Finally got around to playing this gem recently.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 05/04/2020 20:58:02
Milkmaid of the Milky Way!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 05/04/2020 21:16:52
Quote from: Atavismus on Sun 05/04/2020 20:58:02
Milkmaid of the Milky Way!

That's the one, a lovely game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 05/04/2020 21:44:46
Another lovely one I played with my daughter:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Sun 05/04/2020 23:10:09
Lilly Looking Through. This is the second image on the Steam page, in fact. (Had to verify the name was right).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Atavismus on Sun 05/04/2020 23:21:04
Quote from: VampireWombat on Sun 05/04/2020 23:10:09
Lilly Looking Through. This is the second image on the Steam page, in fact. (Had to verify the name was right).
That's the game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 06/04/2020 00:39:47
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 06/04/2020 07:26:54
No idea, but it looks gorgeous!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 06/04/2020 08:17:02
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 06/04/2020 07:26:54
No idea, but it looks gorgeous!
And it's more fun to play!

It's Wailing Heights, I purchased it from some months ago! If you like musical and monsters that's the right game!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 06/04/2020 14:35:28
Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 06/04/2020 08:17:02
It's Wailing Heights
You are correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 06/04/2020 20:11:50

This time I post only one screenshot... because it's all the game!
Let's see who remember this old arcade...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 07/04/2020 17:53:48

Not a try?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 07/04/2020 18:23:29
I haven't seen it before.
It looks terrible :)

And despite the "credits", one would expect this to be just a hand-held, ala Donkey Kong.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Tue 07/04/2020 18:28:34
King Arthur?  (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 07/04/2020 18:47:51
Knights of Camelot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 07/04/2020 19:16:34

You are close, CaptainD!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 07/04/2020 19:33:51
King Arthur's Knights of Camelot?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 07/04/2020 20:04:40
Using google there was something called "King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table", but the pics didn't look much like the one here...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 08/04/2020 03:23:54

(It's only a model)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 08/04/2020 07:51:15

For the love of God! Boys, this is a dream game!
(2 hints!  ;))

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 08/04/2020 14:27:19
King Arthur's pious nightmare?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 09/04/2020 07:51:12

Too long KyriakosCH, short it...  :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/04/2020 13:19:20
Arthur's Nightmare?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Thu 09/04/2020 13:39:37
King Arthur's Knightmare?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 09/04/2020 18:58:23

Just "Knightmare" will do, VampireWombat! You win!

Quote from: TheFrighter on Wed 08/04/2020 07:51:15
For the love of God! Boys, this is a dream game!
(2 hints!  ;))

The reference is to Gottlieb, developer of this old game! I don't remember when I played the first time, but I was amazed by the diagonal ways!  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Thu 09/04/2020 20:21:58
Oh. I was just making a bad pun of Mandle's guess. I think either Mandle or KyriakosCH should get the credit.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 10/04/2020 06:19:11

KyriakosCH will be, then.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 10/04/2020 14:29:26
I don't think I deserve it - I mean... "Knightmare" isn't that close to "Nightmare", in this context.

But if the others don't want it, I will come up with something in a couple of hours :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 10/04/2020 16:23:21
This was the first ever game I played in a computer I owned:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 10/04/2020 16:51:37
Jet set Willy 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 10/04/2020 17:26:44
^ No, but close :)

In fact Jet Set Willy has a very similar style, although it was clearly superior to this game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 10/04/2020 19:21:17
Hey, I know that character! That's Roland!
I recognize him as the mascot of Roland Radio.  :-D
And according to that site he's from... either Roland in Space or Roland in Time.
Considering the screenshot, I'm going to guess that it's Roland in Time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 10/04/2020 19:33:52
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 10/04/2020 19:21:17
Hey, I know that character! That's Roland!
I recognize him as the mascot of Roland Radio.  :-D
And according to that site he's from... either Roland in Space or Roland in Time.
Considering the screenshot, I'm going to guess that it's Roland in Time.

100% correct ^_^

And the music theme of Roland in Time, by Amsoft, seems to have been stolen from Dr. Who.

Not very surprising, when you consider the goon who owned failed computer Amstrad  :=

I was 8,5 years old when I got an Amstrad CPC6128 with green shades. One year later I got an Amiga, and it felt like I went from the stone age to modernity.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 10/04/2020 19:58:11
Even just the screenshot hurts my eyes.  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 10/04/2020 20:15:05
As it should. Those games were terrible...

Though at least Jet Set Willy had a larger world and some surreal elements (Roland was a lazy version of that).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 11/04/2020 19:06:12
Yay I got it.  :-D

Ok then, let's see how quickly someone can figure this one out.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 11/04/2020 19:15:44
^Is it the PS1 iteration of Clocktower?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 12/04/2020 09:50:18
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Sat 11/04/2020 19:15:44
^Is it the PS1 iteration of Clocktower?
Yep, Clock Tower Ghost Head to be exact. (Or Clock Tower 2 if you want the localized name.)
Your turn.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 12/04/2020 15:39:17

Since I only just posted one, I think someone else should do it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 07/05/2020 17:57:37

Ok, let's shoot again:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 07/05/2020 18:11:52
Something intelligently named, like Kiss Pinball?  :=

Sadly the pinball reminded me of the terrible Foucault's Pendulum book  :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 07/05/2020 23:13:00
Is it the video game version of the book "Foucault's Pendulum"?  :=

Sadly, the words "Foucault's Pendulum" remind me of idiotic flat-earthers.  :~(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 08/05/2020 08:03:44
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Thu 07/05/2020 18:11:52
Something intelligently named, like Kiss Pinball?  :=
Incredible! How do you guess?  (laugh)

The ball it's up to you, KyriakosCH!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 08/05/2020 12:42:12

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/05/2020 14:18:46
Hmm... The Patrician?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 08/05/2020 14:21:56
No :)

It's an Amiga strategy game, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 08/05/2020 18:19:25
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Fri 08/05/2020 14:21:56
It's an Amiga strategy game, though.

In that case... (waits for Atavismus to get it the moment he sees it)!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 09/05/2020 11:25:11
Some of those old Amiga games had really incredible graphics for their time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 09/05/2020 11:33:34
New image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 09/05/2020 12:09:49
In light of the new screenshot I say...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 09/05/2020 12:21:37
No, the title is a much lower roman rank :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 09/05/2020 13:55:43
It's Centurion! I played it a lot in the past.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 09/05/2020 14:08:49
Quote from: Pogwizd on Sat 09/05/2020 13:55:43
It's Centurion! I played it a lot in the past.

Correct :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 09/05/2020 14:59:59
Ok, my turn :)

I spent many hours playing this one in the local co-op mode:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 09/05/2020 16:39:25
The Rocketeer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 09/05/2020 18:13:30
Nope :)

Btw, I made a mistake in my description and by "co-op" I meant multiplayer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 09/05/2020 23:19:32
Ok, here is an image from the actual gameplay:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 10/05/2020 08:12:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 10/05/2020 10:44:35
No, but if I remember properly the gameplay in the two games was quite similar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 10:29:09
I don't want to kill the thread off, so here is a little tip: it's a Finnish shareware game and it's named after a type of a plane used in the years of WW1.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 10:33:47
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 10:29:09
I don't want to kill the thread off, so here is a little tip: it's a Finnish shareware game and it's named after a type of a plane used in the years of WW1.

Ugh now you're testing my knowledge of WWI aircraft?

Sopwith Camel?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 10:51:32
QuoteSopwith Camel?

No, but in the '80s there was a game called "Sopwith", which "my" game was based on. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 12/05/2020 11:19:28
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 10:29:09
I don't want to kill the thread off

I doubt you could. It always comes back, even after months of laying dead and rotting. We tried shooting it in the head. We tried the stake through the heart...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 11:31:06
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 12/05/2020 11:19:28
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 10:29:09
I don't want to kill the thread off

I doubt you could. It always comes back, even after months of laying dead and rotting. We tried shooting it in the head. We tried the stake through the heart...


True enough.  It has a life of its own..

In the meantime, because I think it was vaguely the right time period, I'm going to guess at Tiger Moth?

EDIT - ah scratch that just looked it up, only produced from the 1930s.

Where's the Biggles Compendium I had when I was a kid?  I bet the right plane is in there somewhere!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 11:55:46
QuoteTiger Moth

No. It's more of a name of the type/kind/sort of the plane and not its make.


If that's the case, no more tips (for now).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 12:23:28
Oh wait...

is it...




































Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 12:32:29

Almost - wrong number of wings.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 12:40:06
Well then I guess Triplane?!?

I feel quite exhausted...  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 12:52:35
Correct! :) The actual title is "Triplane Turmoil" but back in the day we would simply call it "Triplane".

Your turn :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 13:35:51

That was a tough one.

Let's see how quickly this goes... it's probably quite easy but I've given you only part of the screenshot so the main character isn't in it, and taken a name out of the speech bubble...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 13:56:04
Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 14:00:05
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 13:56:04
Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet?

Yes!  That was some fast recognition there.  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 12/05/2020 15:24:15
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 12/05/2020 13:35:51

That was a tough one.

Let's see how quickly this goes... it's probably quite easy but I've given you only part of the screenshot so the main character isn't in it, and taken a name out of the speech bubble...


I guess it's not CarnEvil  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 15:56:50
QuoteYes! That was some fast recognition there
To be honest I haven't played the game yet but it was easy to guess due to its characteristic artstyle :)

Next game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 12/05/2020 16:00:59
Donkey Kongcraft?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 12/05/2020 16:29:07
QuoteDonkey Kongcraft?

No. It was quite a hybrid in my opinion, as it combined elements of both rts and puzzle games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 13/05/2020 19:19:02
I love this game!  It's Gruntz!   :grin:

Let's play with some toyz.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 13/05/2020 19:32:08
QuoteI love this game!  It's Gruntz!

Good to know I am not the only one :)

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 13/05/2020 19:50:52

Okay, next game. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 15/05/2020 20:35:06
Nobody?   :confused:

Here's another shot. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 15/05/2020 22:06:28
Seems to have an oedipal theme  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 15/05/2020 22:29:37
Hehe, hadn't thought about that.    :=

Sadly, no, that's not the theme.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 16/05/2020 04:45:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 16/05/2020 12:04:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 16/05/2020 17:00:12
Hm, wait... He has to rescue those mustachioed gentlemen? I thought their bowties were actually dynamite vests!! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 17/05/2020 00:03:51
Lol, yeah he's there to rescue as many men as possible.    :grin:

He wants to steal all their bowties.   :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 17/05/2020 00:37:53
The main character looks like Alex Kidd if he was drawn by Jim Davis.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 17/05/2020 01:49:27
In the old days you'd get all sorts of small company demo games with pc magazines. I suppose this fits that mold...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 17/05/2020 02:24:47
Mandle, not Alex Kidd   :smiley:

Kyria, no, it's a full game you could buy in a shop.  It's not a demo from a magazine.   :smiley:
According to MobyGames, it was released on Amiga, DOS (the version I have), Game Gear, Genesis, and SNES. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 18/05/2020 18:34:29
More little men in bowties to save.   :wink:

EDIT:  It's a puzzle game from 1993

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 18/05/2020 23:02:46
James Bow?

Muzzle impossible?

The Trusst?


I am out of bad puns  :=

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/05/2020 19:20:52
Love those puns, Kyria.   :grin:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 19/05/2020 20:24:29
Was it by a german company, then?  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/05/2020 20:35:56
No, they're UK.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 22/05/2020 08:06:51
Wow, this one has you all stumped.   :grin:

It's a puzzle game.  You have to rescue passengers from a ship that's slowly sinking.   :wink:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 24/05/2020 09:50:34
Big clue here.  It's from Zeppelin Games.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 24/05/2020 11:26:59
"Sink Or Swim", after a google search of "Zeppelin Games Sinking Ship"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 24/05/2020 12:39:10
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 24/05/2020 11:26:59
"Sink Or Swim", after a google search of "Zeppelin Games Sinking Ship"

We have a winner.   :smiley:

Can't believe no-one else knows this game.   :sad:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 25/05/2020 14:48:20
I'll get a new pic up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 31/05/2020 14:02:58
Cropping this image from the game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Stupot on Fri 05/06/2020 15:33:51
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 31/05/2020 14:02:58
Cropping this image from the game:

Looks familiar somehow.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 06/06/2020 16:48:51
Quote from: Stupot on Fri 05/06/2020 15:33:51
Looks familiar somehow.

:X  :X  :X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 07/06/2020 15:48:47
Matilda, the game? :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Stupot on Mon 08/06/2020 03:31:49
Shame on all of you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 08/06/2020 09:26:05
Quote from: Stupot on Mon 08/06/2020 03:31:49
Shame on all of you!

Hehe Power Nap!  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 08/06/2020 12:43:14
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 08/06/2020 09:26:05
Quote from: Stupot on Mon 08/06/2020 03:31:49
Shame on all of you!

Hehe Power Nap!  :-D

BINGO!!! Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/06/2020 11:16:35
Inspired by Mandle's recent entry I'm also giving you a cropped image from an AGS game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 09/06/2020 12:45:52
The Bum
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 09/06/2020 13:21:15
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 09/06/2020 12:45:52
The Bum

Wow that didn't take long!! 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 10/06/2020 09:31:43
So Pogwizd do you want to post a new screenshot since you got the last one?  ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 10/06/2020 14:55:31
Yeah, sorry for the delay :)

Following suit, here is a cropped image from the game :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 12/06/2020 17:21:32
I feel like I should know this but can't place it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 12/06/2020 17:58:45
It's not LSL 6: Shape up or slip out? I guess that would be too easy. Style looks similar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 12/06/2020 19:47:37
QuoteLSL 6: Shape up or slip out
Nope :)

It's a game which in my opinion was of a proper length (if I'm not mistaken it might be even longer than Broken Sword 1). The setting is a wacky world with plenty of weird characters. Here's another one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 13/06/2020 20:25:40
A new hint for you guys:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 27/06/2020 09:53:08
Hmm I thought this game would be a bit more popular :D

Here is one of the very firsts NPCs you meet:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 27/06/2020 17:35:07
Bud Tucker In Double Trouble   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 27/06/2020 19:07:52
Correct! Your turn Frodo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 28/06/2020 01:26:40
Next game   :smiley:

All hail Jeff   :kiss:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 30/06/2020 02:22:28
Anything interesting on the Notice Board?   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 30/06/2020 05:18:53
^That grey thing just can't be a beard- look at where the hobo's nose is  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 30/06/2020 06:01:09
I played this AGS game years ago, and I remembered it from the first screenshot. And I remember it was awesome. But I can't remember the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/07/2020 23:42:24
Which door should I go through? 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 03/07/2020 10:27:59
Oh man I'm sure I recognise this too... but can't think of a name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 03/07/2020 11:38:11
The art style looks so familiar but I 100% do not know this title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/07/2020 22:08:43
Who's going to get it first...   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 06/07/2020 01:45:26
It's lovely chatting with you. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 08/07/2020 18:55:34
Hmmm, no guesses? 

Are you all lost?  Maybe you need a map to guide you? 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 08/07/2020 18:58:23
I don't know it, but I'd suggest that not only AGS games are posted  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 01:32:09
Conspiracy of Songo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 09/07/2020 05:16:43
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Wed 08/07/2020 18:58:23
I don't know it, but I'd suggest that not only AGS games are posted  :=

Since when have only AGS games been posted? It's usually obscure Amiga or whatever games from 30-40 years ago.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 09/07/2020 08:46:54
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 01:32:09
Conspiracy of Songo.

Yippee   :grin:

You cracked the case of Songo, and won victory to the next round.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 09/07/2020 09:51:46
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 09/07/2020 08:46:54
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 01:32:09
Conspiracy of Songo.

Yippee   :grin:

You cracked the case of Songo, and won victory to the next round.   :cheesy:


I knew I had played this game, just couldn't get the name.  I was convinced it was a three-word title but for some reason "Perils of Poom" kept popping into my head even though it was blatantly wrong.

Well done heltenjon!  Don't let KyriakosCH put you off posting another AGS game if you want to  :-D  (Or a game that was only ever released on the Oric Amtos, but that may never be recognised...)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 11:58:29
Okay, here goes:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 09/07/2020 12:38:00
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 12:55:08
Yes, but which one? (Or was only one of them called that?)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 09/07/2020 13:02:52
Questprobe featuring The Hulk?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 09/07/2020 14:19:54
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 09/07/2020 09:51:46
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 09/07/2020 08:46:54
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 01:32:09
Conspiracy of Songo.

Yippee   :grin:

You cracked the case of Songo, and won victory to the next round.   :cheesy:


I knew I had played this game, just couldn't get the name.  I was convinced it was a three-word title but for some reason "Perils of Poom" kept popping into my head even though it was blatantly wrong.

Well done heltenjon!  Don't let KyriakosCH put you off posting another AGS game if you want to  :-D  (Or a game that was only ever released on the Oric Amtos, but that may never be recognised...)

You got the middle word right.   :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 09/07/2020 17:46:06
Quote from: Pogwizd on Thu 09/07/2020 13:02:52
Questprobe featuring The Hulk?

Yes, that's correct!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 10/07/2020 11:12:04
A cropped image so it's not too easy :) :
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 10/07/2020 12:11:04
SQ1 Sarien Encounter?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 10/07/2020 13:13:59
No, but you're on the right path.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 10/07/2020 14:21:27
I know I've seen this before. Can't be SQ2. Maybe Manhunter NY or San Francisco?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 10/07/2020 15:00:34
Nope, none of these. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 10/07/2020 22:10:02
Captain Disaster: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 11/07/2020 09:04:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 23/07/2020 12:29:38
Same image, but not cropped:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 23/07/2020 17:14:29
So we’ve got second generation Sierra art coupled With third generation Sierra point n click. This must be an AGS game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 23/07/2020 17:26:32
Leisure suit Android?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 23/07/2020 17:30:54
Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 23/07/2020 17:14:29
This must be an AGS game.

It is indeed!

Quote from: KyriakosCH on Thu 23/07/2020 17:26:32
Leisure suit Android?  :=

That one truly cracked me up : )
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 28/07/2020 19:28:17
Well, I have no idea which game it is...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Wed 29/07/2020 00:11:31
Sweatsuit Sammy in the Sauna of Salamanders?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Jack on Wed 29/07/2020 00:28:17
Polyester Peder in the Country of the Casino Critters?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 29/07/2020 04:09:49
Police Quest 3000: Sonny Bonds Waiter in a Cyborg Martini Bar?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 29/07/2020 09:20:11
No (hahaha), no, and no.

According to the stats this game's been quite popular recently. I guess statistics lie.

I'll try to post another image during the day but if you've had enough of it, we can skip this round.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Wed 29/07/2020 14:13:18
Perhaps it's that Space Quest IV.5 ? Haven't played it myself yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 29/07/2020 16:04:54
No, but SQ is the right series.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 29/07/2020 17:27:34
Space Quest:  Son Of Xenon? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 29/07/2020 18:10:26
Correct! Frodo you seem to be the only one able guess "my" games, it's third in a row.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 30/07/2020 01:13:17
Quote from: Pogwizd on Wed 29/07/2020 18:10:26
Correct! Frodo you seem to be the only one able guess "my" games, it's third in a row.

Cos you have good taste in games.   :grin:

Here's the next shot. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 30/07/2020 01:31:09
I don't know it...
Also, why is Slash playing the bass?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 01/08/2020 19:00:21
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Thu 30/07/2020 01:31:09
I don't know it...
Also, why is Slash playing the bass?  :=

Cos Slash is a multi-talented god.   :grin:

Here's the next shot. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 02/08/2020 12:49:41
I've seen a review of this game at some time in the past but no way I could remember the title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 02/08/2020 14:45:05
Orphanarium?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 02/08/2020 14:56:36
Nope   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 05/08/2020 17:53:57
Nobody knows this fantastic game?   :cry:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 08/08/2020 14:10:14
It does look very cool - but no, I don't know it. Might dl it if it is AGS.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 08/08/2020 18:15:08
Nope, it's not AGS. 
It's still a spookily brilliant adventure game though.   :wink:
Sadly, it seems to be extremely under-rated.   :cry:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 11/08/2020 06:27:29
I doubt anyone knows it  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 11/08/2020 11:48:01
Someone must know it.   :cry:

Between this pic, and the last pic, you know exactly who the Big Bad is. 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 11/08/2020 12:16:50
Baron Par Ballon Monte Scull?  8-)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 11/08/2020 12:42:29
Hmmm... almost.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 13/08/2020 09:22:39
I give up, it's Voodoo Kid.   :undecided:

Next shot should go to Kyria since he's the only one that bothered to make a guess.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 13/08/2020 13:22:03
Trust me, it's not that no one bothered. We just had zero idea! (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 13/08/2020 13:23:21
By the way, you used Voodoo Kid in this thread two years ago!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 13/08/2020 13:31:34
Thanks, Frodo.

I will think of something and post.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 13/08/2020 19:45:28
Should be the easiest ever :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 13/08/2020 20:44:49
Ah now this one I do know, North vs South.  Great game, had it on the ST!

I had no idea at all about Vodoo Kid  :-[
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 13/08/2020 20:56:16
Correct ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 14/08/2020 20:34:51
If you know this one (and if you do, you'll know it instantly) - I dare you to get the theme tune out of your head!!  (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 14/08/2020 20:40:59

(This is how it looked for me though :-D)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 14/08/2020 20:58:50
Speccy version I take it, Laura?

Did it still sound like this?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 14/08/2020 21:21:39
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 14/08/2020 20:58:50
Speccy version I take it, Laura?

Did it still sound like this?

Hahaha, polyphony? On the Speccy? lol :-D

THIS is how it sounded like... Behold, the BEEP command in all its glory:

This is one of the very very very few games that still held up for me when I played it decades later on an emulator. The progression system in particular was fantastic!

I'll post something later tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 14/08/2020 22:10:05
Alright, more 8-bit classics it is.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 15/08/2020 00:19:57
Marco Polo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 15/08/2020 09:11:59
Taipan! Absolutely adored that game on the Speccy!  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sat 15/08/2020 09:59:28
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 15/08/2020 09:11:59
Taipan! Absolutely adored that game on the Speccy!  ;-D

Oh wow, and I even made sure to show a not-too-obvious screenshot, hahah. Yeah, it was a fantastic game! I remember that my tiny brain was amazed at the time at how complex it was with all the trading and the strategies you had to come up with to buy stuff in one place and sell it somewhere else in order to make a profit, buy better ships and hire more crew (although you always had the possibility to just clobber them over the head and drag them to your ship, lol), as well as how many different factors and resources you had to juggle. I sank a LOT of hours into this one.



Alright then! Over to you again, Captain :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 17/08/2020 20:54:33
Ah Laura that's a game I can never forget!  Pity I wasn't much good at it but still a cracking game.

Okay apologies if this one is too easy (probably) or if I've posted it in the past (also fairly probable though I don't specifically remember it):

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 17/08/2020 23:12:26
Looks like a Defender clone. I think you might have done this one before.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 17/08/2020 23:14:28
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 17/08/2020 23:12:26
Looks like a Defender clone. I think you might have done this one before.

Ride like the wind,
fight proud, my son  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 23/08/2020 17:02:49
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 17/08/2020 23:12:26
Looks like a Defender clone. I think you might have done this one before.

I checked and it appears I did - way back in 2014!!!

Since no-one looks like they're going to get it I'll just tell you - Bandits At Zero - and find a new one...

It seems that I've never posted this glorious oddball before:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 24/08/2020 02:02:46
LOL! I was about to google the character "Ray Power" and then had a moment of clarity. Cool name for a main character though. Probably been used.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 24/08/2020 03:02:26
I know that one - Escape from the planet of the robot monsters. I could never get very far because the slanted isometric perspective + standard four keyboard arrows never aligned properly in my brain. I received the game as part of a boxed ‘Tengen’s EGA Arcade Hits’ as a birthday gifts when I was maybe 10, and it also included games like APB and Hard Driving.

If CaptainD confirms that guess to be right, and I’m pretty sure it is, someone else can take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 24/08/2020 10:10:54
Yep that's the game, pretty tough and very strange but good nonetheless!  ;-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 25/08/2020 05:32:37
Yeah, pretty much anything published by that Tengen was out there!

Anyone can take my turn if they would like to jump in.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 25/08/2020 09:06:08
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 25/08/2020 09:45:39
This must be the HD remake of Sonic of Hedgehog!

Hehe. Advertising your own game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 25/08/2020 10:09:15
Come on, Ben X! That's just cheap and lazy ( ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Tue 25/08/2020 12:41:05
Dammit, I did a search in this topic for "clockwork" and that didn't come up! Oh well, I thought it would be super-easy anyway. Yes, it's Lair Of The Clockwork God. Your go, Lorenzo!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 25/08/2020 13:08:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 26/08/2020 01:17:02
Is it that no man's land thing?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 26/08/2020 05:36:47
Prey (2006)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Wed 26/08/2020 14:10:08
Quote from: Click'd on Wed 26/08/2020 05:36:47
Prey (2006)
Correct! Good game, the flying parts were a bit of a bore, though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Wed 26/08/2020 20:20:25
I can't think of anything good, next round is up for grabs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 26/08/2020 20:44:36
Let's go.


Edit: just realized that the previous image I posted can be found through google image search, so I uploaded a new one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 27/08/2020 03:34:25
^A beach of human rights?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 09:00:11
Is it Everything?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Thu 27/08/2020 09:13:59
Quote from: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 09:00:11
Is it Everything?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ben X on Thu 27/08/2020 09:42:01
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Wed 26/08/2020 20:44:36
just realized that the previous image I posted can be found through google image search, so I uploaded a new one.

I hope no one here is using image search!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Thu 27/08/2020 10:33:15
Quote from: Ben X on Thu 27/08/2020 09:42:01
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Wed 26/08/2020 20:44:36
just realized that the previous image I posted can be found through google image search, so I uploaded a new one.

I hope no one here is using image search!

Hope not! "You cheated not only the game, but yourself" and all that :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 12:47:00
First picture didn't look familiar (you cleverly hid the distinctly-shaped characters), but the second one clearly is Jazzpunk (the font and the weird tech).

I do look up pictures, but only in the way that I type in the name of the game to confirm I'm right and I'm not posting wrong answers. Nothing like tineye or similar.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Thu 27/08/2020 12:55:05
Quote from: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 12:47:00
First picture didn't look familiar (you cleverly hid the distinctly-shaped characters), but the second one clearly is Jazzpunk (the font and the weird tech).

Correct. In fact, my next screenshot was going to be a much more obvious reference to the shape of the characters:


I don't usually find supposedly "funny" games funny at all, but this one had me crying with laughter at times. I hope there's a sequel at some point, but I'm also afraid it won't live up to the original.

You turn again, then!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 13:01:50
Gah! I KNEW that I recognised that art style! The font in particular put the title on the tip of my tongue!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 13:08:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 13:25:18
That appears to be the main character from Hob!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Thu 27/08/2020 13:26:11
Quote from: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 13:01:50
Gah! I KNEW that I recognised that art style! The font in particular put the title on the tip of my tongue!

Seems like the Vestigial Leprechaun stole your tongue :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 13:32:37
Quote from: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 13:25:18
That appears to be the main character from Hob!
Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 13:41:47
Gosh, I almost feel bad for guessing it so quickly! That game has such lovely artwork though, it really stuck with me.

Here's my one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 13:53:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Thu 27/08/2020 17:36:29
That is spot on! I think all of the loading screen art in Distrust is phenomenal.

Your turn again!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 18:05:10
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 27/08/2020 18:53:45
Hmm is it Saints of Rage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Thu 27/08/2020 20:21:14
Nope, that's just a hint.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 28/08/2020 00:34:15
Saints of Rage 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/08/2020 01:01:46
Is it one of those "Virtual Game Arcade" things where you can walk around and play different arcade games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 28/08/2020 01:12:41

Same game, I swear. Also, the pixelation was not made by me but it's a filter that gets applied when your character wears nothing.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 28/08/2020 07:48:20
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 28/08/2020 07:48:55
Quote from: morganw on Fri 28/08/2020 00:34:15
Saints of Rage 2?

(laugh) (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 28/08/2020 07:49:46
I haven't played it, but is it X-COM 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 28/08/2020 08:34:30
It's not.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 28/08/2020 08:52:32
I'm 99% sure it's one of the Saints Row games but I have no clue which one... I'm guessing one of the later ones because they got progressively wackier. Is it Saints Row 4?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Click'd on Fri 28/08/2020 10:24:33
It is. This would have been clue #3:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 28/08/2020 11:07:31
Ah, the wackiest of them all! Great choice! Here's a throwback to my childhood, I just recently completed this game after trying since I was in primary school...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 28/08/2020 11:09:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 28/08/2020 11:25:32
Exactly right! I finally killed that damn Mongoose just yesterday.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Fri 28/08/2020 11:54:16
I never played the single-player campaign because I absolutely suck at FPS (FPSs? FPSes?), but from time to time I'd play Capture the Flag mode against my then-flatmates :)

I don't have anything right now, so do you want to have another go at it? I feel bad for having guessed it so quickly :-D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 28/08/2020 12:00:12
The multiplayer was great fun, I have fond memories of a gang of us youngsters passing the controllers back and forth between us!

Here's another with a distinct art style, it will probably be guessed quickly but I love it too much not to post it:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 28/08/2020 15:04:07
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 28/08/2020 15:08:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 28/08/2020 15:11:41
Correct, Mandle! Technically it's Westerado: Double Barreled which was the enhanced Steam release.

If anyone hasn't heard the main theme to this game, it is a whopper:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 30/08/2020 11:44:20
Sorry, I will get a new image up tomorrow. Very down and out from the heat today.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/09/2020 00:10:22
Oh dammit. I completely forgot about this. Someone take over please. Sorry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 06/09/2020 08:48:30

Take it!  (laugh)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 06/09/2020 19:32:15
This is just so obvious, so I'd rather don't put my answer here.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 06/09/2020 19:38:04
Not obvious to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 20:23:54
Come on, it is snow bros :)
Cool coin op.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 06/09/2020 20:27:18

Yeah, a funny type of action-plattform!

Up to you, KyriakosCH!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 20:30:33
Ok, another easy one (for our generation, at least...)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 06/09/2020 21:47:06
I'm guessing "rainbow" is the keyword here. Rainbow Bros?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 22:00:02
Not bros, but should be easy enough to find the rest of the title now :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 06/09/2020 22:06:33
Rainbow Boy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 22:19:31
Νο, it is "Rainbow" followed by a type of landmass.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 06/09/2020 22:37:45
Ok, this is getting interesting :)
Rainbow Land?
Rainbow Valley?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 23:42:59
A more isolated type of landmass :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 06/09/2020 23:48:58
Rainbow Island
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 06/09/2020 23:49:24
Correct :)
Rainbow Islands, to be exact.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 09/09/2020 16:33:38
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 09/09/2020 18:22:10
Maybe the reworked version of Downfall/The Catlady?
No idea otherwise :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 12/09/2020 17:54:44

The Pickman's model? I remember a game about...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 13/09/2020 08:34:29
None of those... next pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 13/09/2020 10:55:43
The blur event?  (roll)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 13/09/2020 22:56:30
Phantom of the Opera?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 14/09/2020 15:52:10
Nope to all:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 14/09/2020 17:28:07

So many long rooms... it is a cinematic game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 15/09/2020 03:00:35
Quote from: TheFrighter on Sat 12/09/2020 17:54:44

The Pickman's model? I remember a game about...


A good guess, actually! The set-up in the first pic did resemble that game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 15/09/2020 05:14:38
Possibly the cutscene backdrops from a game in the Wing Commander series?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 15/09/2020 06:43:58
Nothing yet... a small hint: All these crops are from the same ingame screen.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 15/09/2020 20:57:30
Is that the base from modern XCOM?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 15/09/2020 21:58:16
Quote from: lorenzo on Tue 15/09/2020 20:57:30
Is that the base from modern XCOM?

Sure is! Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 17/09/2020 19:58:10
I didn't recognize it until you said that the images all came from the same in-game screen.

Sorry it took me a while to post a new screenshot:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 17/09/2020 21:03:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Thu 17/09/2020 21:40:29
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 18/09/2020 01:51:30
^Correct. Actually simply googling blocks^amiga or similar would lead you to a Pushover let's play.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 18/09/2020 08:28:39
Yes, it is, indeed, Pushover. Your turn, morganw!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 18/09/2020 19:44:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 18/09/2020 23:04:09
Or K240, ie Utopia II.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Fri 18/09/2020 23:24:56
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Fri 18/09/2020 23:04:09
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 18/09/2020 23:38:56
Ok, open floor, if anyone wants to post the new pic :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 20/09/2020 09:57:18

OK, maybe you never heard of this game... but it's easy enough to guess:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 20/09/2020 12:12:28
Ok, I've never seen that game before but basing on the character's portrait, it looks like a game based on a Silvester Stallone movie, Alpinist?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 20/09/2020 12:17:01
No, hold on... I meant the Cliffhanger. The Alpinist was the Polish translation of the title :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 20/09/2020 12:47:18
Ah yeah I think you’re right. I was going to guess a movie franchise as well, but I couldn’t think specifically of that one (I thought maybe judge Dredd or...maybe even Predator).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 20/09/2020 18:12:16

You are right Pogwizd, it is indeed Sylvester Stallone in all his pixel glory!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 20/09/2020 20:02:22
Hmm... that first level on the video looks really dull in my opinion... :D

That game reminded me of that one, though:


Anyone? :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 21/09/2020 16:26:33

Silmarils really produced some nice-looking (and often downright odd) games.

I'm out of ideas at the moment, anyone can take my go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Mon 21/09/2020 18:02:44

Yeah, either I was too young to play it or Colorado was a bit odd indeed. I would always die pretty quick into the game and then respawn in a random place on the map not knowing what to do...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Thu 01/10/2020 19:07:12
Here's a classic I've been replaying recently.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: JackPutter on Fri 02/10/2020 16:00:10
I don't recognise the scene but those character models look to be straight out of Deus Ex!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 03/10/2020 11:12:42
Quote from: JackPutter on Fri 02/10/2020 16:00:10
I don't recognise the scene but those character models look to be straight out of Deus Ex!

I was thinking the same thing, but I've played that game through like a dozen times and don't remember such a location either.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 05/10/2020 20:28:39
Is it...
GAMMA: 1.000000?  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Kweepa on Mon 05/10/2020 21:18:53
I think that's the girl's name. She must be a robot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Fri 09/10/2020 02:47:06
I think I accidentally skipped all the cutscenes for that game, but it looks every so slightly like Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Fri 09/10/2020 23:02:46
No one has it yet.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 10/10/2020 12:01:14
Can you share another screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Sat 10/10/2020 16:33:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: brewton on Sun 11/10/2020 08:40:15
Quote from: morganw on Sat 10/10/2020 16:33:39
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Wed 14/10/2020 18:50:05
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Wed 14/10/2020 23:06:56
Golden Eye?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 15/10/2020 01:38:05
I think I remember this. Can you pause time in it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Thu 15/10/2020 02:23:10
I've seen that before, don't remember the name though. In my mind it was some sort of Robocop kind of deal going through office buildings. But unfortunately I haven't enough memory of where I saw it to find it again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 15/10/2020 07:14:10
It looks like this flash game I played where space/time are linked. The enemies and their bullets don't move unless you do, which was a cool dynamic. I can't for the life of me remember the name though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Thu 15/10/2020 07:22:20
Oh it's definitely not SUPERHOT
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 15/10/2020 07:31:25
Oh wow nicely done. Yeah that’s what I was thinking.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Thu 15/10/2020 10:23:03
It's Robocop 3 for DOS, Amiga and Atari ST!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Thu 15/10/2020 15:00:48
God dang it! I thought it was a Robocop game and looked up a list of all of them and didn't see anything that wasn't a platformer up until the era of textured 3D stuff. Robbed, robbed I say!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: morganw on Thu 15/10/2020 16:23:10
Quote from: CrashPL on Thu 15/10/2020 10:23:03
It's Robocop 3 for DOS, Amiga and Atari ST!
It is indeed.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 17/10/2020 11:17:14
Yeah, I was too young to play it when it was released, but I eventually caught up with most of the 90's classics. :D

Speaking of...


(had to crop it a bit, because it would be way too obvious)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 17/10/2020 11:20:37
Little Big Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CrashPL on Sat 17/10/2020 11:37:37
That was quick. :D Yeah, it is LBA indeed!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 17/10/2020 12:27:37
Yeah there's no mistaking that style. I love LBA!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 17/10/2020 13:44:43
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 17/10/2020 12:27:37
Yeah there's no mistaking that style.
I know, right? I mean I've never played it myself but I would recognise it everywhere :D

Ok, one of the most original games I've ever played:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 17/10/2020 22:34:13
Princess Maker

PM2, maybe.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 17/10/2020 22:45:09
Indeed, it's PM2 :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 18/10/2020 04:31:09
Considering it's a massively popular game series (not as popular in the west probably) it couldn't be mistaken

Don't have anything in my mind atm, so anyone can steal this space.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 21/10/2020 18:14:05

Steal it!  :P

Let' see if someone remember this...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 21/10/2020 18:56:04
Hmm... is that the second part of Runaway?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 22/10/2020 18:00:16



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/10/2020 18:53:40
So Blonde
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 23/10/2020 09:09:41

Correct, Creamy!

Labeled as "the womanized version of Escape from Monkey Island!"  (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 23/10/2020 21:23:24
QuoteHmm... is that the second part of Runaway?
It was released about the same time IIRC. Yet it probably didn't fare so well.

Steve Ince of Broken Sword fame has written dialogs for So Blonde.

New pic:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 28/10/2020 21:45:59
It was featured on a very big bundle this year. And it's good.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Thu 29/10/2020 00:20:35
If it was the very big bundle, that really doesn't narrow it down that much.  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Tue 03/11/2020 23:29:09
QuoteIf it was the very big bundle, that really doesn't narrow it down that much. 
Yes it was. I started with a small clue.

Here's another one: in this game, the number of coins that you collect directly affect your surroundings.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 13/11/2020 09:05:09
I am afraid we will need a bit more hints.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sat 14/11/2020 11:41:40
QuoteI am afraid we will need a bit more hints.

It's better NOT to catch the coins.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 14/11/2020 11:53:39
Quote from: Creamy on Sat 14/11/2020 11:41:40
QuoteI am afraid we will need a bit more hints.

It's better NOT to catch the coins.

Why not?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 14/11/2020 17:47:18
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 28/10/2020 21:45:59
It was featured on a very big bundle this year. And it's good.

I saw this game on Kickstarter, but I can't for the life of me, remember what it was called.   :confused:
It had some Chinese influence, with the Chinese cat, Maneki.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 17/11/2020 05:06:16
Sunflower?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 22/11/2020 11:47:39

        I am afraid we will need a bit more hints.

    It's better NOT to catch the coins.

Why not?
That's the main game mechanic. Rising Dusk is advertised as an anti-coin collection platformer.See these black blocks with "12" written on them? They disappear if you catch 12 coins.

Anybody can propose a new game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 27/01/2021 18:09:34
Ok, let's play again...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Wed 27/01/2021 19:13:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 28/01/2021 18:49:17



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 30/01/2021 17:51:12

Well, I'll try to make it more clearer...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 31/01/2021 14:11:17
Is it Wordtris?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 31/01/2021 18:31:45

How did you guess it?  :-D

Yes, it's Wordtris for the SNES! It's different from the DOS version for the circus setting and the cool soundtrack!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Sun 31/01/2021 19:03:55
Is it Caverns of Kafka?

Oh, wait. KyriakosCH hasn't posted a question yet.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 31/01/2021 19:24:39

Ok, here is another Amiga game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 31/01/2021 20:02:00
It Came from the Desert!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 31/01/2021 20:03:00
You are next ^_^
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sun 31/01/2021 20:06:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 01/02/2021 01:26:39
Space Quest IV

Though my favourite games are SimSim and Boom.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Mon 01/02/2021 08:45:16
The description for Boom and SimSim were hilarious. But I had to put this screenshot, as the previous game was It Came from the Desert. ;)
Your turn, Gilbert!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 01/02/2021 09:05:27
I think I'm being bad here...  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 01/02/2021 17:12:01
The old guy reminds me of something.
This is an adventure game?
Can't be Gabriel Knight 2 (unless the image has suffered massive downgrading)
Maybe 7th Guest? (I have played neither, btw)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 01/02/2021 17:39:24
No, but there are connections with the last two games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: VampireWombat on Mon 01/02/2021 17:43:59
Definitely not the 7th Guest.

I'm going to guess Harvester. I've only played a few minutes of it, but such a scene wouldn't feel out of place.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 01/02/2021 20:10:25
^It might be that, I mean when I saw the "It Came for Dessert" pic I immediately thought of Harvester (due to the nice cake scene).

It's obvious that the girl which only had her spine remain, died from natural causes: "Son, you can't live without your spinal cord; nothing unnatural about it"  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 02/02/2021 01:55:13
This one is a bit tricky, or, this is not at all tricky.

Like I mentioned, it has connections with the last two games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 06/02/2021 10:28:31
Seems I've killed this.
Anyway, take my words in my last post.
This is tricky because I bet most people here haven't even seen this game (and it was my intention in choosing this game).
However, it is also not at all tricky because as mentioned, it was related to the last two entries. In fact, it was extremely heavily related to one of them.

I may post another screenshot later.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 06/02/2021 11:12:02
Some obscure space quest/fan-made or not?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 06/02/2021 13:16:40
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 06/02/2021 13:41:37
Some obscure AGS game with "It came from" in the title?  :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 06/02/2021 13:51:31
Half of this sentence is correct.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 06/02/2021 18:19:35

What a trick! It's It Came from the Desert for TurboGrafx CD!  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 07/02/2021 05:09:23
Yeah! You're correct. It's the TG16 version of It came from the desert!

This version is so obscured that I bet nearly no one has seen it.
lt is not at all tricky because it's the exactly same game(or a port, or a remake) in a previous entry, but I think most people will lose it since it was TOO straightforward.

This version of the game changed all the cutscenes into ugly FMVs. At least its framerate was smooth as far as I remember. I've never completed it but I've heard that this version had some serious balancing issues, that some of the action sequences were next to impossible to beat.

Anyway, TheFrighter, you're next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 07/02/2021 06:02:03
At least it looks better than that ridiculous old amiga500 western game :D (iirc "The Town with no Name")
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 07/02/2021 17:38:44

Ok and now something very easy, this is probably one of the most brilliant game of the last 15 years:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 08/02/2021 12:57:16
Well that is Plants Vs Zombies.

And I will agree... It is one of the best games I have ever played.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 08/02/2021 16:47:31
Argh - I swear I was going to guess that and then thought 'nah, too obvious'.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 08/02/2021 18:27:05

What episode of PvZ? ...ok, just kidding!

That game was sure a shock in tactical/strategic gaming, and it's already a cult!

Up to you, Mandle!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 09/02/2021 15:19:52
Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 08/02/2021 18:27:05
That game was sure a shock in tactical/strategic gaming, and it's already a cult!

Figuring out how to survive the night time levels and the roof levels was some of the best fun I've ever had in gaming.

New screenie coming soon below:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 09/02/2021 15:22:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 09/02/2021 15:40:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 09/02/2021 15:49:11
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Tue 09/02/2021 15:40:54

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 12/02/2021 14:47:09
A hint then: That is not a still shot from a cutscene of the game. That is how beautiful the ocean actually looks in real time.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 12/02/2021 14:55:11
Sea of Thieves?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 13/02/2021 12:50:16
Quote from: Pogwizd on Fri 12/02/2021 14:55:11
Sea of Thieves?

Arrrrrrr! Over to ye!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sun 14/02/2021 11:18:44
A new game for you guys:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 14/02/2021 11:21:51
Looks very good, but I don't know it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 16/02/2021 13:04:17
A subtle hint: the name of the game rhymes with... Mandle (provided I pronounce it properly).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 16/02/2021 14:00:56
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 16/02/2021 13:04:17
A subtle hint: the name of the game rhymes with... Mandle (provided I pronounce it properly).

Then it's most likely something something candle.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 16/02/2021 14:29:52
Actually, it's nothing nothing Candle.
Back to you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 16/02/2021 20:47:28
Randal's Monday?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 17/02/2021 17:28:10
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 16/02/2021 14:29:52
Actually, it's nothing nothing Candle.
Back to you.
Wait, does that mean the title was "Candle"?  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 17/02/2021 18:03:41
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 17/02/2021 17:28:10
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 16/02/2021 14:29:52
Actually, it's nothing nothing Candle.
Back to you.
Wait, does that mean the title was "Candle"?  ???

Ack, when I looked at the game, I think you're right. 
I took the clue to mean that it was something else that rhymed with 'Mandle', but not candle.  Hence, Randal rhymes.   :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 17/02/2021 22:17:14
Yes, the title of the game is Candle and I thought Mandle guessed it. I probably gave it away a bit too quickly... but hey :)
I am sorry if my last post was a bit confusing.
Also, if you never played Candle you should give it a go - imo it's a perfect combination of a platformer and a point'n'click :)

Edit: I've got nothing to do with the developers of the game - I just really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 23/03/2021 21:09:47
Bump   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 24/03/2021 07:00:07
Ernie Jenkins Gets A New Hip?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 24/03/2021 09:17:39
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 23/03/2021 21:09:47
Bump   :smiley:

I've been meaning to do the same but you were faster : )

Isn't that KGB?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/03/2021 11:29:35
Quote from: Pogwizd on Wed 24/03/2021 09:17:39
Isn't that KGB?

Yep.  Otherwise known as Conspiracy.  Over to you.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 24/03/2021 22:19:59
I've always wanted to play it, but I heard it's really hard. Like, even the watch in the bottom right-hand corner matters, as apparently you need to do certain actions at the specific time.

I'll post a new game tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 25/03/2021 14:54:31
I am guessing this one might be easy:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 25/03/2021 16:23:41
I'm pretty sure that's from Jones in the Fast Lane. I used to love that game!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 25/03/2021 16:28:06

Quote from: lorenzo on Thu 25/03/2021 16:23:41
I used to love that game!

Same here. I remember that back then the title was a real mystery to me and my friends, so we would simply call it "A Game of Life".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 25/03/2021 16:45:51
Haha, I'm pretty sure I didn't know what the title meant either.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/03/2021 18:39:11
Commander Keen...4? Either that or Keen Dreams.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Thu 25/03/2021 18:57:51
Yes, it's Commander Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle, showing the mooning easter egg in the Pyramid of the Moons! ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 27/03/2021 10:16:21
I love this game:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Mon 29/03/2021 12:14:58
Is that a GameBoy game? Or is it from the thingy arj0n is currently making a port from (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 29/03/2021 19:32:56
Oh yeah they do look similar. Not arj0n’s project ~ this is indeed a GameBoy title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 30/03/2021 09:10:33
Box image:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 30/03/2021 15:04:14
First time I've seen the box cover on this.
Um... Minesweeper?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 30/03/2021 19:42:14
Attic Attack?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Tue 30/03/2021 20:44:22
It's obviously "Game Boy", it's even written on the side. It was a lot of fun: it featured a boy in a game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 31/03/2021 05:35:11
Quote from: lorenzo on Tue 30/03/2021 20:44:22
It's obviously "Game Boy", it's even written on the side. It was a lot of fun: it featured a boy in a game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 31/03/2021 05:36:18
No correct answers yet!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 31/03/2021 08:43:39
Well... I just cheated and looked at the release list (,%C2%B2%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%BC%C3%A3%C6%92%C3%A3%C6%92%C5%93%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%BC%C3%A3,%C2%A4%C3%A3%C2%AE%C3%A3,%C2%B2%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%BC%C3%A3%C6%92%C3%A3,%C2%BF%C3%A3,%C2%A4%C3%A3%C6%92%CB%86%C3%A3%C6%92%C2%AB%C3%A4%C2%B8%E2%82%AC%C3%A8%C2%A6%C2%A7) of gameboy games and searched for "SNK".
Turned out they only published one game on that system(according to that list) and that's it, so I'll skip this.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 31/03/2021 18:20:42
Perhaps the game that killed SNK? Must not have been very popular, so I'll just throw in the towel.

The game is called Dexterity. Quirky, but the mechanics of the game were solid and offered a lot of variation that kept each round fresh. Here's a playthrough:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 31/03/2021 18:21:18
Alright, I think we all know this one?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 31/03/2021 21:03:24
Isn't that a Sid Meyer's game, Black and White?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 01/04/2021 01:09:46
Yep! Your go. ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Thu 01/04/2021 09:52:51
And me, that thought it's was "the Hunch of Notre Wolf!"  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 01/04/2021 17:15:26
Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 01/04/2021 01:09:46
Yep! Your go. ;)
Surely he loses points for calling it a Sid Meiers game. It's a Peter Molyneux game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 03/04/2021 11:33:21
I remember being disappointed with how easy that game was :) Anyone?


Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 01/04/2021 17:15:26
It's a Peter Molyneux game.

I remembered from first reviews of the game that all the credit went to one person and for some reason I assumed it was Sid Meyer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 12:00:32
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Sat 03/04/2021 12:20:50
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 12:00:32
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Must be sleep deprivation because for a second I thought you were asking me a genuine question :)

No, but it's also based on a cartoon character.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 19:32:24
Quote from: Pogwizd on Sat 03/04/2021 12:20:50
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 12:00:32
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Must be sleep deprivation because for a second I thought you were asking me a genuine question :)

Where is she??! >:(

(laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 05/04/2021 17:05:09
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 19:32:24
Quote from: Pogwizd on Sat 03/04/2021 12:20:50
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 12:00:32
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Must be sleep deprivation because for a second I thought you were asking me a genuine question :)

Where is she??! >:(

(laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
She's at home self-isolating. Where do you think she is?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 07/04/2021 09:29:56
The rooms in this game are really small, so I had to chop off a bit of the screenshot not to reveal the main character(s).


Quote from: Danvzare on Mon 05/04/2021 17:05:09
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 19:32:24
Quote from: Pogwizd on Sat 03/04/2021 12:20:50
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 03/04/2021 12:00:32
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

Must be sleep deprivation because for a second I thought you were asking me a genuine question :)

Where is she??! >:(

(laugh) (laugh) (laugh)
She's at home self-isolating. Where do you think she is?  (laugh)

I hope she is instead of, say, wandering about without a facemask.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: dayowlron on Sun 11/04/2021 23:45:37
for some reason that art style looks kinda like an Inspector Gadget to me.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 15/04/2021 05:15:11
Another screenshot please
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 16/04/2021 14:52:05
Quote from: dayowlron on Sun 11/04/2021 23:45:37
for some reason that art style looks kinda like an Inspector Gadget to me.

Correct! The full title is: Inspector Gadget: Mission 1 â€" Global Terror!

Over to you :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 16/05/2021 17:31:42

If Dayowlron don't mind I'll kick the can again!

I found this game same weeks ago, it's unique:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 19/05/2021 17:23:21

So, nobody try to guess. Well, it's Echochrome

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 19/05/2021 18:34:47
^It looks really cool!!!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 21/07/2021 18:09:59
Can anyone name it? (If you remember this screenshot but can't name the game, go ahead and use Google. Even then I think it will prove a challenge!)

Edit: the screenshot is a bit creepy, so let me stick it behind a spoiler.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 21/07/2021 21:23:33
^It likely is not Sanitarium, but it does remind me of it :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 22/07/2021 03:44:21
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Wed 21/07/2021 21:23:33
^It likely is not Sanitarium, but it does remind me of it :)

No, but around the same time. I'm not sure how widely circulated the game was, but the developers were definitely known and had a pretty solid following online. The art style, even in the small pic I posted, is unmistakable if you know them.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 23/07/2021 22:22:49
It has a rather strange (and distinctive) artstyle...
Is it PC or console?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 24/07/2021 13:10:04
It’s PC freeware. I’ll post another pic as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 24/07/2021 15:58:38
I don't know. The art style looks like a game from Bloodlust software. Is it one of their pong games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 25/07/2021 08:22:06
Quote from: Gilbert on Sat 24/07/2021 15:58:38
I don't know. The art style looks like a game from Bloodlust software. Is it one of their pong games?

No, but yeah you nailed the team behind it. Definitely their lesser known title - I can’t find screenshots online and have to make my own! (I’m on my phone now so can’t post another one right now. Will try later when I’m back to my PC.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 25/07/2021 13:53:40
Consider that their artist is now here (;u=5726) (though he's mostly moved to Unity now) there are definitely someone who could recognise it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 25/07/2021 15:18:49
Quote from: Gilbert on Sun 25/07/2021 13:53:40
Consider that their artist is now here (;u=5726) (though he's mostly moved to Unity now) there are definitely someone who could recognise it.

Haha I actually PM'ed Bavolis on the chance they'd get a kick out of this thread. (laugh)

OK another screenshot. I'll pass on the title tomorrow if no one gets it:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 26/07/2021 20:31:41
Conan the scyscraper librarian?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 27/07/2021 15:31:53

I remember a Troma fangame by BloodLust,  but I'm not sure about the title... Terror Firmer?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 27/07/2021 18:57:04
Quote from: TheFrighter on Tue 27/07/2021 15:31:53

I remember a Troma fangame by BloodLust,  but I'm not sure about the title... Terror Firmer?


That’s it exactly. Well done!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 28/07/2021 16:55:22

Ha! I remember the movie better than the game! Who knows if LLoyd Kaufman ever played it?

Well, let's try another game inspired by a b-movie:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 28/07/2021 21:56:22
He would have been a hilarious Doctor John (Gabriel Knight I)  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 29/07/2021 07:43:24

Errata corrige!
The game is not inspired from a movie, indeed a movie was realized after the game!


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 29/07/2021 10:03:35
Alright I definitely don’t know it. No way I’d forget a screenshot like that!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 29/07/2021 17:06:32

More cast:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 30/07/2021 17:45:17

Ok, the main charachter:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 31/07/2021 08:44:30

Not a try?

Well, let'see if now you guess...  (laugh)


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 31/07/2021 10:49:59
Don't pay attention to those casuals. The game has to be Fox Hunt.  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 31/07/2021 14:30:34

Incredible! How did you guess?  (laugh)

The game was an interactive movie for playstation, mac and windows. Starring in the game Andrew Bowen, Rob Lowe and George Lazenby!
Later the producer used the FMV footage for a theatrical movie adding some scenes with Gary Coleman!
Bizarre thing, the movie was distribuited in many countries except the U.S.!

Here's the full movie in italiano dubbing:

Up to you, KyriakosCH!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sat 31/07/2021 23:21:51
Anyway, here is one. Should be easy :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 01/08/2021 02:31:31
Tora he no Michi, AKA Tiger Road.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 01/08/2021 04:14:59
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 01/08/2021 14:03:42
Don't have anything in mind at the moment. May post something later, but if anyone feels like it can steal this spot as they like.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 29/08/2021 12:44:08
*pokes thread*   :cool:

Who recognises this game? 

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Mon 30/08/2021 11:01:14
The gfx style seems similar to Harvester.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 30/08/2021 16:29:55
Not Harvester.   :smiley:

If you look closely, you can see his shoe in the lift.   :shocked:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/09/2021 14:18:29

Maybe a screen of the Map would help?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ponch on Fri 03/09/2021 02:35:17
William Shatner's TekWar? Blade Runner? Dock Runner?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/09/2021 21:13:18
Nope.  Nope.  Annnnndddddd.... Nope!   :tongue:

The local night club

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Fri 03/09/2021 23:10:51
Microtime's Animal
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 04/09/2021 01:42:18
That's it.  One of the most bizarre games I've ever seen!   :shocked: :cheesy: :grin:

Your turn.   :wink:

Quote from: arj0n on Fri 03/09/2021 23:10:51
Microtime's Animal
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Sat 04/09/2021 15:12:47
Who recalls this game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 04/09/2021 19:02:17
Last Half of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Sat 04/09/2021 21:06:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 07/09/2021 17:47:21
Doesn't ring a bell. Looks like a C64 game...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 07/09/2021 20:16:29
It looks like a certain area in Loom but I think that's not it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 09/09/2021 07:26:27
It has a bit of a loom feeling indeed, but no

This game was released on multiple systems.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 09/09/2021 08:31:39
a hint: this game will keep you in good spirits

and another screeny:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 09/09/2021 13:42:22
Uh... Gold Rush?  ???
Or maybe Caren and the Tangled Tentacles?  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 09/09/2021 13:55:20
Uh... nope
and nope
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 16/09/2021 14:58:06
No one?  8-0
Alright, another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 16/09/2021 17:11:58

Ugly monsters, uh? Could it be Personal Nightmare?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: arj0n on Thu 16/09/2021 21:41:41
It could, but is not  :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 30/10/2021 18:30:31
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 22/11/2021 21:55:10
*casts 'Revive'*

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 23/11/2021 11:06:23
Hang on a minute... Is that a Polish game called "KsiÄ...żę i Tchórz" (The Prince and the Coward)? In some other countries I think it was called  Gallador or sth like that?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 23/11/2021 13:25:33
Quote from: Pogwizd on Tue 23/11/2021 11:06:23
Hang on a minute... Is that a Polish game called "KsiÄ...żę i Tchórz" (The Prince and the Coward)? In some other countries I think it was called  Gallador or sth like that?

Yep, that's it.  It came to GOG ( recently, and I fell in love with it.   :grin:

Your turn. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Tue 23/11/2021 18:18:42
I think an actual fantasy writer was hired to write the story for it. Do you find it hard? My brother had a big box edition when it came out. I remember giving it a go at least twice and getting stuck pretty early on : )

I'll try to post sth soon.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 23/11/2021 20:02:54
It was hard, but really enjoyable.  And it had some hilarious moments in it.   :cheesy:
I wrote a Walkthrough for it, so if you want the link, just let me know.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 24/11/2021 04:12:36
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 23/11/2021 20:02:54
It was hard, but really enjoyable.  And it had some hilarious moments in it.   :cheesy:
I wrote a Walkthrough for it, so if you want the link, just let me know.   :smiley:

Oh nice, I'd be interested in that walkthrough Frodo! I purchased it recently due to it receiving an English translation, and the fact that it reminded me of Discworld at first glance. I'm looking forward to playing it but was worried I would end up getting frustrated if I got stuck, so your walkthrough will be greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 24/11/2021 06:18:33
Quote from: josiah1221 on Wed 24/11/2021 04:12:36
Oh nice, I'd be interested in that walkthrough Frodo! I purchased it recently due to it receiving an English translation, and the fact that it reminded me of Discworld at first glance. I'm looking forward to playing it but was worried I would end up getting frustrated if I got stuck, so your walkthrough will be greatly appreciated!

Here ya go (    :grin:

You're in for a treat - it's such a great game.  Really love the Grave Digger's animations at the start, when he sticks his tongue out.    :cheesy:

I hadn't heard of it, before it arrived on GOG.  But when I read about it, I'm so glad it got an English translation. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 24/11/2021 21:39:20
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 24/11/2021 06:18:33

Here ya go (    :grin:

Thanks Frodo. I might use it as well.

Here we go:

As a kid, I suffered nightmares because of that game. It's not a horror, though ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Wed 24/11/2021 22:01:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/11/2021 06:27:32
Carmen Sandiego?

Edit: the ‘where in time’ version of the game
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 25/11/2021 09:40:23
Quote from: heltenjon on Wed 24/11/2021 22:01:19

No, the game's universe isn't really tech oriented. It has more of an adventure/Indiana Jones' vibe imo.

Quote from: milkanannan on Thu 25/11/2021 06:27:32
Carmen Sandiego?

Edit: the ‘where in time’ version of the game

No, but it's a very popular franchise.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 25/11/2021 10:05:50
Something to do with Atlantis? (Given the big non-existent continent to the west of Australia)

Or is that "Libraria" or something, considering the big scales on it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 25/11/2021 10:10:40
Quote from: Pogwizd on Thu 25/11/2021 09:40:23
Quote from: heltenjon on Wed 24/11/2021 22:01:19

No, the game's universe isn't really tech oriented. It has more of an adventure/Indiana Jones' vibe imo.

Ah! This is how Hacker looked like, apparently:

Perhaps it's a DuckTales game, then?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/11/2021 10:11:56
Is it some game called ‘Maiden Voyage of the Eagle’ or something like that? I remember the ship being named ‘The Eagle’.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 25/11/2021 12:24:22
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 25/11/2021 10:05:50
Something to do with Atlantis? (Given the big non-existent continent to the west of Australia)

Or is that "Libraria" or something, considering the big scales on it?

Lol, I didn't even notice it, until you pointed it out. I am not sure how this place was called in the game, but it definitely was the last stop, where the main character and his nemesis would check who collected more gold.

Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 25/11/2021 10:10:40
Perhaps it's a DuckTales game, then?

Yup, it's a DuckTales game. The full title is DuckTales: The Quest for Gold. And I wasn't kidding. The levels with the mummy jumping out on you were really close to giving me a heart attack.

Over to you, heltenjon :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 25/11/2021 13:46:03
Okay, let's try this:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Thu 25/11/2021 14:01:59
I was thinking Dragonsphere at first, but then I noticed these lions in the corners. Are they the Scottish lion rampart?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 25/11/2021 17:02:12
Looks kind of like Maddog Williams, but I know it’s not that.

Jeez, where were these games when I was a kid! I can tell from that screenshot I would have loved that!  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Thu 25/11/2021 18:49:05
Ah, been a long while since I've played this one!

Conquests of Camelot: A Search for the Grail
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 25/11/2021 21:14:01
Quote from: josiah1221 on Thu 25/11/2021 18:49:05
Ah, been a long while since I've played this one!

Conquests of Camelot: A Search for the Grail

Yes, that's it! One of the first games I played on a PC, probably back in 1990, it's remarkable because of the point system. Many puzzles had multiple solutions, but if you chose to be violent or sinful, you could end up with finding the Holy Grail and not being worthy of taking it. I also loved that the help system was to talk to Merlin.

More screenshots for those who thought it looked interesting:

Josiah, you're on.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 26/11/2021 01:28:25
I thought that's QFG3 at first (but that'd be too easy).
I never played either of QFG3 and Conquests of Camelot (only seeing some screenshots of QFG3) and didn't realise these two games are so close in theme. If not comparing the screenshots of both games to see that they're really different, you'll bet lazy Sierra just reused backgrounds on both games!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 26/11/2021 01:41:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 26/11/2021 05:41:42
Simon The Sorcerer?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 26/11/2021 06:00:49
Odd thing is that I've never played this game but I've often seen screenshots of it and recognised its art style, so I went to Mobygames and check the screenshot section of that certain game and indeed that's the one.

I do not want to answer this, but I'm sure a number of people here should be able to get the correct answer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 26/11/2021 07:45:32
One of the Discworld games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 26/11/2021 08:18:02

Yes, the first! I remember that morbid graphic style!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 26/11/2021 16:19:18
I would recognize Rincewind anywhere...  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 27/11/2021 03:26:46
Discworld it is! One of my favorites  :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 28/11/2021 02:35:27
I guess I am up?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 28/11/2021 20:09:38
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 28/11/2021 02:35:27
I guess I am up?

I'm not picky, go for it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 14/12/2021 16:44:16
Oops, completely forgot about this so someone else please take over.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 14/12/2021 18:50:28
Take it!  :-D

This is somewhat related with the last pic...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 15/12/2021 03:06:50
That would be Blazing Dragons, another classic fav of mine. :) I always found it strange though that it was only released on Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn, especially with it being an adventure point and click game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 15/12/2021 08:11:38

Got it,  Josiah1221! A very funny adventure where the dragons are heroes and the men are villains!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 17/12/2021 04:04:54
And another game that is somewhat related to the previous two games. :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Fri 17/12/2021 10:15:00
Isn't it The Prince and The Coward again?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 17/12/2021 10:17:38
It's Galador (  I had that on the previous page.   :smiley:
Did you find the Walkthrough helpful at all?   :smiley:

Have another shot, Josiah.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 18/12/2021 03:11:26
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 17/12/2021 10:17:38
It's Galador (  I had that on the previous page.   :smiley:
Did you find the Walkthrough helpful at all?   :smiley:

Have another shot, Josiah.

Haha, sorry. It's been a very stressful week and my mind is frazzled. Haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Hopefully once things calm down after the holidays I can dedicate some time to it. Looks very promising and right up my alley!

Let's try this again...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/12/2021 04:12:49
ohhhhh, is that Cruise For A Corpse or something like that? I know I have played it. AGS game, right?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 21/12/2021 08:16:28
There Is No Game   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 21/12/2021 10:38:08
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 21/12/2021 08:16:28
There Is No Game   :wink:

Ahhhh, yes of course.... I haven't played it but I watched Mostly Walking play it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 22/12/2021 00:11:26
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 21/12/2021 08:16:28
There Is No Game   :wink:

Good job! I played through it for the first time recently, such a wild ride! Highly recommended.
Over to you!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 22/12/2021 03:45:23
I loved it to.  It's so bizarre!  And that Narrator is just the BEST!   :cheesy:   Did you break his Welcome Screen?    :grin: 

Next game...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 22/12/2021 13:22:31
Looks like Syberia.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 22/12/2021 13:41:05
Looks like you are correct.

Such beautiful backgrounds in that game. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 22/12/2021 19:40:01
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 22/12/2021 13:41:05
Looks like you are correct.

Such beautiful backgrounds in that game. 
I've never even played the game. I just remember it from that time I read about it in a book about adventure games.
Those beautiful backgrounds are quite memorable.

Next game:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 23/12/2021 00:13:41
Resort Tycoon or something like that?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 23/12/2021 12:43:07
Quote from: Mandle on Thu 23/12/2021 00:13:41
Resort Tycoon or something like that?
This game doesn't have "Tycoon" in it's name, but you're on the right track.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Thu 23/12/2021 23:16:01
Sim Resort?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 24/12/2021 10:08:39
One of the Tropico games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 24/12/2021 17:06:11
Nope, and nope.
Here's a hint: It's the third (and so far final) entry in a series of casual games.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 24/12/2021 17:30:46
Hmm I don’t think it is a third instalment in anything, but is it Starside?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 26/12/2021 14:43:15

I think I might have gone for too obscure of a game here.  :-\
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 27/12/2021 16:54:13
Looks pretty polished. I’m surprised no one knows it.  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 27/12/2021 17:02:11
I still don't know what it is but I would be very surprised if it wasn't available from Big Fish Games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/12/2021 08:45:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 27/12/2021 17:02:11
I still don't know what it is but I would be very surprised if it wasn't available from Big Fish Games.

Hahaha... the purveyors of stimulating hidden-object "adventure" games?!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 28/12/2021 13:36:14
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 28/12/2021 08:45:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 27/12/2021 17:02:11
I still don't know what it is but I would be very surprised if it wasn't available from Big Fish Games.

Hahaha... the purveyors of stimulating hidden-object "adventure" games?!

They also have time management games which are often good (on the casual side, but still good) - this reminded me of one of those games I played a while back, I used to get sent loads for review when I ran a gaming blog. I stopped reviewing for one publisher who had games there when they suggested I could copy-paste text they sent me if I didn't have time to do my own review...  >:(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 28/12/2021 16:17:52
Quote from: Mandle on Tue 28/12/2021 08:45:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 27/12/2021 17:02:11
I still don't know what it is but I would be very surprised if it wasn't available from Big Fish Games.

Hahaha... the purveyors of stimulating hidden-object "adventure" games?!
So true. Although those hidden-object games have become more and more like adventure games in recent years. They have more in common with Myst than the "Where's Waldo" gameplay they used to have.

Also, speaking of Big Fish Games, you're right about this being on there. Although it's quite unique in there if you ask me. More like a simplified Tycoon game than one of the usual Time-Management games.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 28/12/2021 19:48:26
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 28/12/2021 13:36:14
I stopped reviewing for one publisher who had games there when they suggested I could copy-paste text they sent me if I didn't have time to do my own review...  >:(

Hahaha, yeah, it seems some game publishers view reviewers as a source of free advertising and, as long as they send them a free review copy, that the reviewer has an obligation to write a good review.
Recently, on The Escapist game site and Youtube channel (the current home of Yahtzee) they had an issue with Sony. Sony used to send them free review copies without them even requesting them but then, after a less than glowing review, emailed them saying "We do not like the tone of your latest review so we will not be giving you access to free review copies of our products in the future."
An email which The Escapist had the journalistic integrity to immediately expose.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 30/12/2021 22:23:21
Be The Richest? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 01/01/2022 17:49:36
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 30/12/2021 22:23:21
Be The Richest? 
Close enough.
The game's name is actually Be Richest.
Your turn.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 02/01/2022 15:39:58
Probably an easy one...   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 05/01/2022 16:06:56
Anyone?   :sad:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Wed 05/01/2022 16:46:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 05/01/2022 19:23:16
Nope.  But thankyou for guessing. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Thu 06/01/2022 18:59:42
Please share another screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 07/01/2022 00:55:03
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/01/2022 08:25:46
Something about the interface reminds me of Dragonsphere so I'm wondering if Microprose made any more graphic adventures, but I still have no idea what game this is, sorry can't even guess!  :(
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Fri 07/01/2022 09:20:06
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 07/01/2022 08:25:46
Something about the interface reminds me of Dragonsphere so I'm wondering if Microprose made any more graphic adventures, but I still have no idea what game this is, sorry can't even guess!  :(
They did...but this definitely isn't Rex Nebular, which is the one I can think of at the moment.

I haven't played this game, as I can't recognize these locations, but I _may_ have played a demo of it or seen a rolling demo of some sort if it was on a coverdisk/disc back in the days.  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/01/2022 10:48:02
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 07/01/2022 09:20:06
They did...but this definitely isn't Rex Nebular, which is the one I can think of at the moment.

Ah... looking this up and seeing if they in fact did make another has led me to the answer, I think.

Is it
Return of the Phantom
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 07/01/2022 17:46:01
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 07/01/2022 10:48:02
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 07/01/2022 09:20:06
They did...but this definitely isn't Rex Nebular, which is the one I can think of at the moment.

Ah... looking this up and seeing if they in fact did make another has led me to the answer, I think.

Is it
Return of the Phantom

You are correct.   :smiley:

The game is rather easy, but I still love it anyway. 

Your turn. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 07/01/2022 21:52:04
I feel that I slightly cheated to find the answer, but I suppose some UI recognition and detective work was involved...

Okay next screen from a game I enjoyed quite a bit, hope it hasn't been featured before:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 08/01/2022 03:56:42
Looks a little too polished, but is it Alone in the Dark 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 09/01/2022 13:53:50
Nope, not that one I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sun 09/01/2022 22:52:36
Is it a Sherlock Holmes game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/01/2022 08:49:12
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 09/01/2022 22:52:36
Is it a Sherlock Holmes game?

No - but a famous detective is involved. (His name is not in the title of this game however.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Mon 10/01/2022 09:31:48
Ahhhh, Poirot?

Death On The Nile?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/01/2022 09:42:41
Poirot - yes
Death on the Nile - no

I'll post another screenshot later but not able to right now.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/01/2022 21:05:25
Since Poirot has already been named...




Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Tue 11/01/2022 03:45:21
Murder On The Orient Express?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 11/01/2022 06:22:16
ABC Murders
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 11/01/2022 08:27:45
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 11/01/2022 06:22:16
ABC Murders

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 12/01/2022 15:47:17
Next one

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 12/01/2022 21:00:06
Had to do some digging for this one, been many years since I played it.

Emily Enough: Imprisoned
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 12/01/2022 22:10:43
Quote from: josiah1221 on Wed 12/01/2022 21:00:06
Had to do some digging for this one, been many years since I played it.

Emily Enough: Imprisoned

That was quick.   :cheesy:

Yep, it's Emily Enough.   :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 13/01/2022 07:52:11

Eh! One of the first AGS games I played, if not the first!  8-)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/01/2022 20:53:17

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 14/01/2022 21:44:44
Hmm... the style looks wrong for one of the Ankh games, so I don't know.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 14/01/2022 23:10:18
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 14/01/2022 21:44:44
Hmm... the style looks wrong for one of the Ankh games, so I don't know.

I was also thinking Ankh.  But I didn't want to guess, cos I just had a turn.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Fri 14/01/2022 23:46:55
Not Ankh.

I'll post another screenshot tomorrow if no one gets it before then. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 15/01/2022 03:51:30
The Time Machine or possibly Labyrinth of Time?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 15/01/2022 19:25:07
Neither of those, but good guesses!

Maybe another location will help...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sat 15/01/2022 20:30:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Sat 15/01/2022 21:51:56
The Brothers Three and the Quest for the Lampshade Hats?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 16/01/2022 05:34:25
Quote from: Mouth for war on Sat 15/01/2022 20:30:19

That's the one. :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Sun 16/01/2022 22:07:28
Let's see how fast someone cracks this one then! :D

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 16/01/2022 22:56:23
Monty on the run
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 17/01/2022 03:57:39
Little Computer People or possibly Dangerous Dave?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 17/01/2022 16:11:37
Volcan is right :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 17/01/2022 17:23:52
I guess it's my turn.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 17/01/2022 17:40:52
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 17/01/2022 19:16:21
Quote from: Mouth for war on Mon 17/01/2022 17:40:52

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 17/01/2022 19:21:54
Is there a picture??   ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 17/01/2022 19:30:13
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Mon 17/01/2022 19:21:54
Is there a picture??   ???

Do you see no picture?

Here a link of the picture: (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Mon 17/01/2022 19:31:35
Quote from: Cassiebsg on Mon 17/01/2022 19:21:54
Is there a picture??   ???
I can see it just fine.(But don't know the game.) is the pic link.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 18/01/2022 08:34:59
Final Fantasy Legend?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 18/01/2022 16:23:45
Quote from: milkanannan on Tue 18/01/2022 08:34:59
Final Fantasy Legend?


Here another picture.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 19/01/2022 04:34:10
Another clue?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 19/01/2022 05:46:08
One of the Megaten: Devil Children games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 19/01/2022 15:02:55
Quote from: Gilbert on Wed 19/01/2022 05:46:08
One of the Megaten: Devil Children games?
You're getting closer.

There is a release in north america under a name.

What is it?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 20/01/2022 04:27:41
One of the Last Bible games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 20/01/2022 05:17:28
Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 20/01/2022 04:27:41
One of the Last Bible games?

That is right.

Now which one? It has a different name than the Last Bible.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 20/01/2022 08:29:37

Huh! I love the Megami Tensei universe, but I completely miss this one!  :-[

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 20/01/2022 12:59:22
Quote from: Volcan on Thu 20/01/2022 05:17:28
Now which one? It has a different name than the Last Bible.

But I don't know! Because I have played none of these games. I've only played the original Megaten on Famicom, the PCE port of Shin Megaten, and also a bit of the GBA era Devil CHilden.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 20/01/2022 16:39:06
Game Gear version. Japanese only.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 11/02/2022 08:48:32
Bump (afraid I have absolutely no idea what the game is but don't want this thread to lay dormant!)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 11/02/2022 15:47:49
Here the last clue.


This game was released in America under an english name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 11/02/2022 17:52:10

But it didn't already guessed?

Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 20/01/2022 04:27:41
One of the Last Bible games?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 11/02/2022 18:20:41
Nobody gives the english name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 12/02/2022 05:03:32
Not every one would play the English versions of games though.
For example, if a game is originated in Japanese people here will prefer playing the Japanese version over the English one.
(e.g. No one here will call Biohazard Resident Evil. Even when we're playing the US version we still call it Biohazard.)

And Last Bible is already the English name of the original version.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 12/02/2022 14:57:17
Nobody has found the english title.

I never saw The Bible title in the stores.


Here a new one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 10/03/2022 21:37:31
Is that bottom screenshot from Baulder's Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 10/03/2022 23:20:05
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 10/03/2022 21:37:31
Is that bottom screenshot from Baulder's Gate?

You misspelled the name.

You're getting close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 11/03/2022 13:53:31
But you knew which game I meant. 

Okay then.  Is it Baldur's Gate?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 11/03/2022 14:21:42
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 11/03/2022 13:53:31
But you knew which game I meant. 

Okay then.  Is it Baldur's Gate?

That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 12/03/2022 01:03:12
Here's the next game.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 22/03/2022 20:02:54
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 22/03/2022 21:28:51
Secret Files: Tunguska?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 22/03/2022 21:44:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pax Animo on Tue 22/03/2022 21:55:12
Looks like a cross of syberia, tomb raider and broken sword but I'm sure it's none of them.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 23/03/2022 01:43:51
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 22/03/2022 20:02:54

An AGS game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: eri0o on Wed 23/03/2022 01:50:50
The Longest Journey?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 23/03/2022 13:42:58
Sorry, none of the above.  And it's not an AGS game.   :smiley:

Although it's nice to see some guesses.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Wed 23/03/2022 14:06:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 24/03/2022 12:20:53
Not Dreamfall. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 24/03/2022 12:54:47
Is anyone close? Or close-ish?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 24/03/2022 13:16:04
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: eri0o on Thu 24/03/2022 13:28:07
Still Life?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 24/03/2022 18:56:05
None of the above.   :smiley:

Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 24/03/2022 12:54:47
Is anyone close? Or close-ish?

I would say, Still Life or Secret Files are kinda similar. 
And before anyone guesses, it's not actually any of the Still Life or Secret Files games.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: eri0o on Fri 25/03/2022 15:30:39
Is it some extra stuff in Lost Horizon?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 25/03/2022 15:52:09
Quote from: eri0o on Fri 25/03/2022 15:30:39
Is it some extra stuff in Lost Horizon?

Sorry, no. 

Let's go down to the beach.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 29/03/2022 15:55:21
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 04/04/2022 03:32:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 04/04/2022 04:35:55
A Gabriel Knight game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 04/04/2022 05:23:09
Nopesie   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Tue 05/04/2022 05:41:31
This looks like something I would have already played but at the same time it seems so unfamiliar. Looking forward to someone finally figuring it out!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 09/04/2022 17:25:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 09/04/2022 17:48:10
An adventure game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 09/04/2022 17:59:09
Could you narrow it down?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Sat 09/04/2022 18:50:42
An adventure game from the 2000s? :D

I don't think I've played, but I'm sure I've seen at least one of the locations, but I can't remember the title.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sat 09/04/2022 20:17:16
This one has been driving me crazy, finally stumbled upon it looking through the database, fortunately it was on the first page so I didn't have to look far, lol.

Anyway, it's 15 Days.

I was right that I haven't played it but the graphic style is very reminiscent of the Animation Arts games (Lost Horizon and Secret Files) released around the same time which I really enjoyed.
Looks like this one didn't get a very good rating though, probably why I never played it. I'm guessing you have played it, what are your thoughts on it, worth checking out?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 10/04/2022 00:16:28
Quote from: josiah1221 on Sat 09/04/2022 20:17:16
This one has been driving me crazy, finally stumbled upon it looking through the database, fortunately it was on the first page so I didn't have to look far, lol.

Anyway, it's 15 Days.

I was right that I haven't played it but the graphic style is very reminiscent of the Animation Arts games (Lost Horizon and Secret Files) released around the same time which I really enjoyed.
Looks like this one didn't get a very good rating though, probably why I never played it. I'm guessing you have played it, what are your thoughts on it, worth checking out?

Glad you can finally put your mind at rest.    :smiley:
Yes, it's 15 Days.  You can get it from GOG (

I don't understand the low ratings - I loved it!  It's a really good game.  And you get to play as different characters, and see the same situation from different prospectives.  Definately worth checking out.    :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: eri0o on Sun 10/04/2022 00:56:36
Quote from: josiah1221 on Sat 09/04/2022 20:17:16
I was right that I haven't played it but the graphic style is very reminiscent of the Animation Arts games (Lost Horizon and Secret Files) released around the same time which I really enjoyed.

It's really similar looking right? It was so weird that it looked familiar but the actual things pictured were unknown! Glad you figured it out!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 10/04/2022 19:41:41
Quote from: Frodo on Sun 10/04/2022 00:16:28
Quote from: josiah1221 on Sat 09/04/2022 20:17:16
This one has been driving me crazy, finally stumbled upon it looking through the database, fortunately it was on the first page so I didn't have to look far, lol.

Anyway, it's 15 Days.

I was right that I haven't played it but the graphic style is very reminiscent of the Animation Arts games (Lost Horizon and Secret Files) released around the same time which I really enjoyed.
Looks like this one didn't get a very good rating though, probably why I never played it. I'm guessing you have played it, what are your thoughts on it, worth checking out?

Glad you can finally put your mind at rest.    :smiley:
Yes, it's 15 Days.  You can get it from GOG (

I don't understand the low ratings - I loved it!  It's a really good game.  And you get to play as different characters, and see the same situation from different prospectives.  Definately worth checking out.    :smiley:

Awesome, that's great to hear! I'll definitely check it out then. :)

Quote from: eri0o on Sun 10/04/2022 00:56:36
Quote from: josiah1221 on Sat 09/04/2022 20:17:16
I was right that I haven't played it but the graphic style is very reminiscent of the Animation Arts games (Lost Horizon and Secret Files) released around the same time which I really enjoyed.

It's really similar looking right? It was so weird that it looked familiar but the actual things pictured were unknown! Glad you figured it out!

No kidding, it was really making me question my sanity, lol. Thanks!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Sun 10/04/2022 20:00:58
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/04/2022 04:15:30
I don't know what it is, but it looks interesting.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 20/04/2022 03:25:34
Here's another.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 20/04/2022 09:58:57

Don't tell me it is Beyond a steel sky?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 15:38:18
Lost echo? The demo was promising.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 20/04/2022 17:55:18
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 15:38:18
Lost echo? The demo was promising.

It is Lost Echo.,490876/ (,490876/)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 19:12:06
Anyone can take my turn since I can't upload a picture right now.

Volcan, out of curiosity: did you like Lost Echo?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: josiah1221 on Wed 20/04/2022 20:00:41
Lost Echo it is! Over to you Creamy... er Volcan.

I thought it was a great game, a beautiful traditional point and click adventure with a cool and mysterious story to unravel!

Oh, thanks again Frodo for the 15 Days rec. I just picked it up from GOG for .99 cents!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 20/04/2022 20:04:41
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 19:12:06
Anyone can take my turn since I can't upload a picture right now.

Volcan, out of curiosity: did you like Lost Echo?

I never play it.

I checked the name on Mobygames and I found it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 20/04/2022 20:19:36
Quote from: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 19:12:06
Anyone can take my turn since I can't upload a picture right now.

Volcan, out of curiosity: did you like Lost Echo?

Here we go
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 20/04/2022 23:47:27
QuoteI thought it was a great game, a beautiful traditional point and click adventure with a cool and mysterious story to unravel!
Thanks for your feedback josiah. I'll definitely play Lost Echo when I have more time. In my last post I mistakenly assumed Volcan had submitted it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 21/04/2022 13:01:18
Josiah, hope you enjoy 15 Days.   :grin:

Volcan's game is Shard Of Inovar.  I have fond memories of playing that on the Spectrum many years ago. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 21/04/2022 13:36:00
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 21/04/2022 13:01:18
Josiah, hope you enjoy 15 Days.   :grin:

Volcan's game is Shard Of Inovar.  I have fond memories of playing that on the Spectrum many years ago. 


You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 24/04/2022 11:48:41
How's it hanging?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 24/04/2022 12:02:10
Torin’s Passage?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 24/04/2022 13:10:14
Quote from: milkanannan on Sun 24/04/2022 12:02:10
Torin’s Passage?

That was quick.  Yep, you got it.  Over to you.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 24/04/2022 18:01:14
Torin's passage.

I clicked on the link from my email.

I didn't know it was already answered.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 25/04/2022 09:10:44
Quote from: Frodo on Sun 24/04/2022 13:10:14

That was quick.

There’s no mistaking that absolutely horrid interface.  (laugh) Cool, I’ll have a game up in an hour… 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 25/04/2022 18:11:57
Argh - I don’t think I’ll be back to a desktop anytime soon. I so rarely win these things, but I don’t want to hold the thread up. Someone else take my turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 26/04/2022 08:33:22

Take it!   :-D


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 26/04/2022 08:55:51
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 26/04/2022 18:11:43
Quote from: TheFrighter on Tue 26/04/2022 08:33:22

Take it!   :-D



The OP asked for a screenshot from an adventure game.

Or it's off-topic.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 26/04/2022 18:48:50

Is it so? We posted different type of games previously...  ???

Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 26/04/2022 08:55:51


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 26/04/2022 19:25:33
Quote from: TheFrighter on Tue 26/04/2022 18:48:50

Is it so? We posted different type of games previously...  ???

I don't know.

All screenshots I see in this thread are from adventure games unless I missed some screenshots.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 26/04/2022 19:26:21
Quote from: TheFrighter on Tue 26/04/2022 08:33:22

Take it!   :-D


Monty Python's Flying Circus
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 27/04/2022 08:12:00

Got it!  ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 19:32:34
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 27/04/2022 20:23:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 27/04/2022 20:35:14
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 19:32:34

My eyes!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 20:38:54
Quote from: Pogwizd on Wed 27/04/2022 20:35:14
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 19:32:34

My eyes!

My eye! the game? Nope.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 20:44:03
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 27/04/2022 20:23:24
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 27/04/2022 21:31:22
Thats Kult by Exxos and a dev calling himself ‚Arbeit von Spacecraft‘  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Pogwizd on Wed 27/04/2022 21:37:16
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 20:38:54
My eye! the game? Nope.

If that was the title, it'd have been very appropriate.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 21:38:02
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 27/04/2022 21:31:22
Thats Kult by Exxos and a dev calling himself ‚Arbeit von Spacecraft‘  8-0

That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 27/04/2022 22:02:38
I should get half a point for getting 3 of the 4 letters in the game's title.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Thu 28/04/2022 02:23:34
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 27/04/2022 22:02:38
I should get half a point for getting 3 of the 4 letters in the game's title.  :-D
Here's your half a pint, Cap'n. *Hic!*
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 29/04/2022 07:56:42
Sorry for the delay.

This is one should be pretty easy
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 29/04/2022 08:32:24
No idea what that is but pretty sure I'm having nightmares tonight...  8-0
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 29/04/2022 09:53:46
Quote from: Pogwizd on Wed 27/04/2022 21:37:16
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 27/04/2022 20:38:54
My eye! the game? Nope.

If that was the title, it'd have been very appropriate.
Nah, that doesn't do the game any justice - the graphics were quite pleasing for the time. And even for a CGA conversion, much details have been preserved. The game itself is cryptic and unfair to be honest and only the visual kept me going. Here're some details, in case you're interested in a strange adventure game experience:

Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 29/04/2022 08:32:24
No idea what that is but pretty sure I'm having nightmares tonight...  8-0
Wait until you'll read about the game's title :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 29/04/2022 13:50:46
Hmm... it looks like a ZX Spectrum game to me.  :-\
Is it The Evil Dead?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 29/04/2022 14:43:11
Speccy: yes, Evil Dead:  no
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 29/04/2022 15:11:15
Quote from: abstauber on Fri 29/04/2022 07:56:42
Sorry for the delay.

This is one should be pretty easy
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 29/04/2022 16:00:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 30/04/2022 22:39:52
Does this ring a bell?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 01/05/2022 12:12:09
Looks like a Jet Set Willy clone, but I don't recognize the game.  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 02/05/2022 13:44:52
Here's the game's cover - now this should not take you too long ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 02/05/2022 14:33:55
Soft and Cuddly

I can't find it on Mobygames. (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 02/05/2022 14:59:44
You got it.

At least it has a Wikipedia Entry.

Maybe the game violates some policies of Mobygames  :-X
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 02/05/2022 20:06:53
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 03/05/2022 08:26:34

A rebus with optical illusions?  ???

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 03/05/2022 13:19:23
It's one of mini-games.

The whole game is an adventure.

Here another clue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 03/05/2022 14:52:51
One of the Zork games?  Zork Zero?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 03/05/2022 15:47:30
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 03/05/2022 19:27:53
What's on the note?   :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 04/05/2022 00:53:25
I know this is an odd choice, but is it a cutscene from one of the Dungeon Keeper games? (I think he burns up after reading the note?)

If not, maybe one of those Sherlock games?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 04/05/2022 12:47:26
Sorry, no.  It's not Dungeon Keeper or Sherlock. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 04/05/2022 13:15:55
Quote from: Frodo on Tue 03/05/2022 19:27:53
What's on the note?   :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 04/05/2022 16:48:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 08/05/2022 15:03:50
Let's go for a taxi  ride.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Snarky on Sun 08/05/2022 15:37:52
It's Fate By Numbers, but given that I'm currently hosting both the Film and TV guessing games I hope someone else can do the next game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 08/05/2022 15:53:10
It is indeed Fate By Numbers.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 08/05/2022 19:07:40
(Tried to jump in but something went wrong.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 10/05/2022 15:58:44
OK got one:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 10/05/2022 19:04:01
 Castle of the Winds
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 10/05/2022 19:59:15
Haha yeah too easy. Your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 10/05/2022 21:28:44
What is this game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 15/05/2022 22:46:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 16/05/2022 00:38:47

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 16/05/2022 19:38:02
Another text adventure, cos I like text adventures.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 16/05/2022 21:29:30
The Black Sanctum

It's the same publisher than Trekboer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 16/05/2022 22:22:00
Quote from: Volcan on Mon 16/05/2022 21:29:30
The Black Sanctum

It's the same publisher than Trekboer.

That was quick.  Yep, back to you.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 17/05/2022 21:18:42
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 18/05/2022 07:54:18

A Carmen Sandiego game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 18/05/2022 13:49:37

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 19/05/2022 19:45:52
Hey, a c64 game!

The Mask of the sun
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 19/05/2022 23:40:32
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 20/05/2022 10:15:37
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 20/05/2022 13:34:09
The Inheritance: Panic in Las Vegas
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 20/05/2022 13:36:48
yup, that's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 20/05/2022 13:57:14
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 20/05/2022 17:28:09
Garfield's Great Adventure?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 20/05/2022 17:41:24
No mention of Garfield, Jon and other Garfield universe.

Just a cat.

Here another clue:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 21/05/2022 19:53:28
The Incredible Shrinking Man Adventure
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 21/05/2022 22:22:25
Yes it is.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 23/05/2022 13:04:49
Sorry for the delay:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 24/05/2022 05:17:24
Pokemon N, F and T  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 24/05/2022 23:25:16
Hunchback: the Adventure
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 26/05/2022 19:14:47
hehe, great guesses :D

Here's the next hint

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 26/05/2022 19:39:17
It kinda reminds me of Rampage.  Except, in that game, the monsters don't attack each other.   :cool:

Rampage 2?  Rampage Online? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sun 29/05/2022 19:58:19
It's pretty new release from 2021 and more like a character mode mortal combat clone, if that makes any sense :)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 29/05/2022 20:01:05
Rampage:  The Mortal Kombat Years?   :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 30/05/2022 12:47:36
The dev is called "Pirates of Zanzibar", the publisher is

Now this shouldn't take you too long :)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 30/05/2022 14:00:10
Monstro Giganto.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 30/05/2022 17:16:15

Ah, if I'm not wrong it's a brand new game for the Commodore64 emulators!  8-0

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 31/05/2022 20:29:50
Yup that's it.

It also works great with real hardware - just bought it last weekend :)

Volcan, your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 02/06/2022 04:32:35
My turn ...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/06/2022 13:17:23
I've not played Lunatix for a while.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 02/06/2022 13:31:13
You win.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/06/2022 14:34:48
This will probably get guessed straight away.   :grin:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 02/06/2022 15:36:58
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 02/06/2022 14:34:48
This will probably get guessed straight away.   :grin:

You're right, someone will guess it straight away.
It's The Hobbit, specifically the 2003 game adaptation.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 02/06/2022 16:09:01
Hehe.  Sierra's The Hobbit is the BEST Hobbit game around.   :grin:

You're up, Dan. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 02/06/2022 18:24:13
This one should be a lot more difficult:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 02/06/2022 18:59:35
Dino Crisis?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 03/06/2022 05:29:02
Resident Evil?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 03/06/2022 05:30:08
Or maybe Gabriel Knight 3?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 03/06/2022 09:21:53

Clock tower?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 03/06/2022 12:35:16
Some good guesses, but all wrong.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/06/2022 12:45:06
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 03/06/2022 13:02:23
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 03/06/2022 12:45:06
That's right!  :-D
Your turn.

By the way, how did you manage to figure it out? Have you played it before?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/06/2022 15:34:17
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 03/06/2022 13:02:23
By the way, how did you manage to figure it out? Have you played it before?

Yeah, I used to have a PlayStation.   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 03/06/2022 16:06:16
Permanent Daylight
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 03/06/2022 16:50:52
That's it.  I need to pick harder games.   :tongue:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 03/06/2022 22:12:41
At first glance I only had "Intoxicated Bunny" in mind and totally forgot about the game's actual title.

Anyway, here's the next
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 04/06/2022 03:29:54
Buck Rogers.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 04/06/2022 14:19:45
If it's not that, could it be...shoot, I forget the name. Old Amiga game where you infiltrate a space station run by an alien species that's green. Am I on the right track? I'll try to remember the name.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 04/06/2022 21:00:41
almost - but without the alien species.

But pretty close.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 05/06/2022 06:48:27
Is the name of the game the empire or faction (or whatever) that you’re trying to infiltrate? If so, I think I know it but just have to track down this name! Was actually quite a popular game way back when.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 06/06/2022 09:07:22
Hmm.. perhaps you are on the wrong track.

Here's another screen.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 07/06/2022 14:41:17
A star wars game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 08/06/2022 08:00:16

here's a less distracting screenshot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 10/06/2022 08:53:45
another hint:
This game is considered to be one of the worst titles released by its publisher.

and here's one more screenshot
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 10/06/2022 12:51:38
Something to do with Moonraker?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/06/2022 12:53:39
Oh wait is this SDI by Cinemaware? Your hint gave me the idea.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Fri 10/06/2022 13:01:41
Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 10/06/2022 12:53:39
Oh wait is this SDI by Cinemaware? Your hint gave me the idea.

Oh hell yeah! It is! Well played! I remember the cover being that Star Wars space window!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 10/06/2022 15:52:45
I've never actually played it but as soon as I saw that second screenshot it made me think "looks just like Defender of the Crown - but on a space station"... which should have given me a clue really  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Sat 11/06/2022 08:52:55
We have a winner!

CaptainD got it.

If anyone considers playing it I highly recommend a trained version, the time limit and the overall difficulty is brutal. Back then I only played the flying bit and pretended it being Star Wars  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 18/06/2022 16:20:36
Sorry about the delay, been away for a few days.

No idea if this one's been done before...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 18/06/2022 17:28:04
Chase H.Q.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 18/06/2022 19:57:36
Well that didn't last long! Over to you...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 18/06/2022 23:34:18
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 21/06/2022 09:27:08
Er... dunno, Lords of Midnight maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 21/06/2022 13:55:14

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 21/06/2022 14:15:50
Is it called simply ‘Knight Games’?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 21/06/2022 15:57:25
Nope. Try again.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sat 09/07/2022 22:49:06
The Quest?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 10/07/2022 00:20:19
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 10/07/2022 22:32:49
Keeping on the theme of text adventures...   :smiley:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Mon 11/07/2022 00:01:52
Knight Orc?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 11/07/2022 01:49:32
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Mon 11/07/2022 03:32:05
Ingrid's Back?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Babar on Mon 11/07/2022 03:51:02
The silly puns and fantasy theme make me think Companions of Xanth

...but I'm not sure the old graphics match
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 11/07/2022 09:54:14
Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 11/07/2022 03:32:05
Ingrid's Back?

Right series, wrong part. 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/07/2022 10:31:42
Was the first one called Gnome Ranger?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 11/07/2022 12:23:25
Quote from: CaptainD on Mon 11/07/2022 10:31:42
Was the first one called Gnome Ranger?

It was indeed.  And that's what this is.  Your turn, Captain.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/07/2022 15:56:24
Not sure if I would have got that without heltenjon's input!

Well... not sure if I've ever done this one before, but...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 11/07/2022 18:02:28
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 11/07/2022 20:26:33
Well that didn't last long!

I considered whether not including the GUI would fool people into thinking it was a kung-fu game, so I left it in. Would that have made any difference to you? This screenshot is from the Atari ST version, I have more memories of it on the Speccy personally.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 12/07/2022 15:00:07
My turn
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 12/07/2022 15:55:57
Is it Leopard Lord?
Not that I've ever heard of it before  (laugh)

oh - and if so: is it any good?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 12/07/2022 16:34:50
The gfx could use some work  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 12/07/2022 17:51:20
Quote from: abstauber on Tue 12/07/2022 15:55:57
Is it Leopard Lord?
Not that I've ever heard of it before  (laugh)

oh - and if so: is it any good?

You win.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 13/07/2022 09:15:44
Okay, which game isn't too keen about Saint Bernard Dogs?
Edit: oops sorry, I already asked for this game.
Give me a second to find a new one

--- here we go:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 13/07/2022 15:52:12
Too easy.

Cobra Mission
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 13/07/2022 18:27:50
It sure is - you turn  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 13/07/2022 23:02:04

Quote from: abstauber on Tue 12/07/2022 15:55:57
Is it Leopard Lord?
Not that I've ever heard of it before  (laugh)

oh - and if so: is it any good?


I played few minutes and get boring fast.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Wed 13/07/2022 23:47:17
I know this game. Not that I have ever played it but I used to read certain articles by Richard Cobbett  :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 14/07/2022 06:20:43
Looks like something made with the Wasteland engine, so it must be Fallout!
Fountain of Dreams?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 14/07/2022 07:21:42
Yes. Here is the Saturday Crapshoot review ( I was referring to.
It won't inspire you to play the game but it's funny.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 14/07/2022 13:36:52
Quote from: Gilbert on Thu 14/07/2022 06:20:43
Looks like something made with the Wasteland engine, so it must be Fallout!
Fountain of Dreams?


Fountain of Dreams is the correct answer.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 15/07/2022 06:30:56
I don't have anything in mind atm, so anyone can steal this spot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 17/07/2022 16:14:48
Nobody wants to play?

Here we go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 18/07/2022 03:43:49
Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 18/07/2022 03:46:18
You win.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 19/07/2022 19:24:52
Sorry this will be easy. Didn’t want to hold the thread up.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Tue 19/07/2022 21:43:39
You might say it's easy, but I have no idea what I'm looking at...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 19/07/2022 21:58:47
Quote from: milkanannan on Tue 19/07/2022 19:24:52
Sorry this will be easy. Didn’t want to hold the thread up.


I certainly know who made it, that style is unmistakable.

I suppose the game is Hylics? (going by the people having the characteristic head).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 20/07/2022 02:56:59
That’s the one. Your go!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 20/07/2022 06:05:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Wed 20/07/2022 10:04:20
Day of the Tentacle? Although I thought that was pretty US based.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sinitrena on Wed 20/07/2022 12:08:38
Cruise for a Corpes?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 20/07/2022 19:00:12
Quote from: Sinitrena on Wed 20/07/2022 12:08:38
Cruise for a Corpes?

Correct  8-)
Cruise for a Corpse, by Delphine.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sinitrena on Thu 21/07/2022 08:46:58

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: glurex on Thu 21/07/2022 09:13:54
The dark eye?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Sinitrena on Thu 21/07/2022 14:53:53
Quote from: glurex on Thu 21/07/2022 09:13:54
The dark eye?

I'll accept this answer as correct, due to some really weird naming with this game. Full title: The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav. Other games exist in the world of the Dark Eye, though, and I think none of them use Dark Eye in the title, not even the sequel to Chains of Satinav. It's complicated.

Anyway, over to you, glurex.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: glurex on Thu 21/07/2022 19:47:32

( (
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 21/07/2022 19:57:06
*sticks hand up*   Ooh!  Me!  Me!  Pick Me! 

Igor:  Objective Uikokahonia

Love that game.   :cheesy:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: glurex on Thu 21/07/2022 20:56:25
Correct!  :-D
You are the next one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 21/07/2022 22:42:20
I'm just hanging around.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Thu 21/07/2022 23:54:06
^ A fan-made, ridiculously low-budget remake of Broken Sword1?  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 22/07/2022 01:07:26
Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 22/07/2022 02:04:14
No to both.   :smiley:

EDIT:  Now I want to play all the Broken Sword games again.   :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Fri 22/07/2022 19:47:29
Escape from Delirium?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 22/07/2022 21:48:07
Teen Agent?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 22/07/2022 21:53:48
Quote from: Mouth for war on Fri 22/07/2022 19:47:29
Escape from Delirium?

That's it.   :smiley:

The way he's hanging from the rope like that, I was hoping someone would fall into my trap, and guess Monkey Island.   :tongue:

Your turn Mouth For War   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Mon 25/07/2022 20:17:53
Haha I think I actually posted Escape from delirium a long time ago in this thread so I remember that scene clearly! :D Ok here we go

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Mon 25/07/2022 21:10:07
This is one of the Project Zero / Fatal Frame games. Possibly the third one, The Tormented?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mouth for war on Tue 26/07/2022 20:03:50
Haha that was fast. Correct! :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 27/07/2022 08:23:26
I think this is going to be one of those "if you know, you know" games that you either recognize from a single screenshot or not at all.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 27/07/2022 12:27:20
I think I have seen this before. Was it made with AGS?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 27/07/2022 12:40:37
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Wed 27/07/2022 12:27:20
I think I have seen this before. Was it made with AGS?

Nope. Unity, if I'm not mistaken.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 05/08/2022 22:05:09
Another screenshot please?   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sat 06/08/2022 16:26:16
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Ian Aloser on Sat 06/08/2022 16:33:51
I have absolutely NO idea.
I somehow like the graphics and the mood …..
Been thinking about it ever since you posted the first screenshot ……
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Laura Hunt on Wed 10/08/2022 17:21:58
Since it doesn't look like anybody has a clue, it's Earthworms.

Whoever feels like it, feel free to grab the next round.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Wed 10/08/2022 17:37:52
Looks like a really good game.
Where can I buy it DRM-free?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 19/08/2022 18:37:09
QuoteWhoever feels like it, feel free to grab the next round.

Then it's mine! MINE!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: lorenzo on Fri 19/08/2022 19:05:24
Milkmaid of the Milky Way? I'm sure it's not, but it's the only game I can think of with milkmaids.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 19/08/2022 20:23:26
Over the Alps?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 19/08/2022 22:41:51
QuoteMilkmaid of the Milky Way? I'm sure it's not, but it's the only game I can think of with milkmaids.
No but that's a good one.

QuoteOver the Alps?
No. It looks like a nice interactive story.

The first picture was a red herring  :P

Maybe this will help you more:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Mon 22/08/2022 19:02:41
It's a game for little girls that was physically released in 1997. You could call it an interactive storybook.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 26/08/2022 20:34:07
Ok, time to move on.

The game was Zero Zero by the late Theresa Duncan. She released 2 other children games before this one: Chop Suey (1995) and Smarty (1996).
They're quirky and adorable.

Following a successfull Kickstarter campaign (, they were made available to play on browser by Rhizome ( Too bad it's jerky - on my computer at least.

The next round is up for grabs.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 30/08/2022 03:21:20

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 03/09/2022 14:20:18
One of the Ultima games? 5 maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 03/09/2022 23:27:10
Not even an Ultima game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 04/09/2022 04:58:46
Escape From Hell?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 04/09/2022 22:29:32
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 15/09/2022 17:00:44
Sorry for the delay, I've been busy.   :smiley:
Anyway, who recognises this little gem?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 15/09/2022 17:35:20
Hmm... Ozzy Mandril and the Quantum Playwright? I may not have got the name quite right.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 15/09/2022 17:57:27
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 15/09/2022 17:35:20
Hmm... Ozzy Mandril and the Quantum Playwright? I may not have got the name quite right.

Wow, that was quick!    :cheesy:

Now, should I be really mean, and tell you to put the *EXACT* title?   *rubs hands menacingly
Or should I just tell you that the 'Mandril' isn't necessary?   
Decisions, decisions.   :tongue:

Hehe, just kidding.  Over to you, Captain.  Well done.   :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/09/2022 16:19:45
I knew I recognised that screen and Will Shakespeare pushed me in the right direction!  ;-D

I played it many years ago but at the time I thought it was the most impressive freeware adventure game I'd ever seen. Pretty sure I never completed it though and was never quite sure if the "insert disk" message you got at one part of the game was a joke or because the game wasn't actually finished?!

Anyway let's see if anyone knows this one...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 16/09/2022 16:55:43
Ooh, excellent game, Captain.   :grin:
I'm not going to name it because I just had a turn.  But I really enjoyed playing it.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 16/09/2022 23:53:37
Mad Dog Williams?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 22/09/2022 20:03:01
Not Mad Dog. Much, much more recent.

Here's another screenshot:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/09/2022 20:37:23
It's the famous Lankhor classic, the Eruption Without!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Thu 22/09/2022 20:57:00
Indeed, it is The Corruption Within, me being a little sneaky as I was the writer / designer for that game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 22/09/2022 21:01:03
Quote from: CaptainD on Thu 22/09/2022 20:57:00Indeed, it is The Corruption Within, me being a little sneaky as I was the writer / designer for that game.

Hats off to the writer \ designer.   :cool:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Thu 22/09/2022 23:00:30
My turn then?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 23/09/2022 08:30:22

Maybe a Castlevania game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Fri 23/09/2022 21:28:47
Quote from: TheFrighter on Fri 23/09/2022 08:30:22Maybe a Castlevania game?

No, it's an adventure game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 25/09/2022 03:10:51
Perhaps Dragonsphere?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 25/09/2022 03:27:19
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Creamy on Sun 25/09/2022 09:02:13
That's Goetia.
You play as a spirit - the white orb - investigating events of the past in an abandoned mansion.

Well done Frodo.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 25/09/2022 17:54:41
Sorry, I don't have anything at the moment.
Who wants my turn?   :smiley:
Title: Re:
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 26/09/2022 08:40:29

Take it!  (laugh)

An old game:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 26/09/2022 19:08:53
Police Quest 1 or 2?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 27/09/2022 07:53:54



Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Tue 27/09/2022 13:22:11
A cut scene from Ancients: Death Watch?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 27/09/2022 18:17:09

No, but...


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 30/09/2022 17:50:14

Nobody try to fight?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Fri 30/09/2022 18:05:53
Oh, it's a Christian game. I haven't played it, but don't they have titles like "Soldier of Light" or "Soldier of Faith"? Purely guessing here.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sat 01/10/2022 07:49:51

Good grief, Heltenjon! I'll be more direct:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Sat 01/10/2022 11:42:58
 (laugh) I have no idea if that means I'm miles off the mark or not. But okay, I'll make up some more generic titles and see if one sticks.

The Sword of Truth!

The Shield of God!

The Knight of Heaven!

The Secret Agent of the Lord: Mysterious Ways - Wetworks III
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 01/10/2022 18:25:26
Solider of...Fireworks?

Crusader 3000?

Alternative History: King Baldwin Kicks Leprosy's Ass?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 02/10/2022 09:06:05
Quote from: milkanannan on Sat 01/10/2022 18:25:26Solider of...Fireworks?

Seems a good game to realize... but not.  (laugh)

I'll try a more subtle hint:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 07/10/2022 08:40:13

Do you want it greater?


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 07/10/2022 10:45:18
duh.. Bible Adventures for NES?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 07/10/2022 15:17:49
Captain Bible in Dome of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 07/10/2022 17:43:16

How do you guess it, Volcan?  (laugh)

You name it, you win!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 07/10/2022 18:21:30
So I could submit a title screen and people would answer something else. (laugh)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 10/10/2022 10:50:17
Okay I don't have any real idea but to keep the thread going I'll stab a guess at the original Rogue.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 14/10/2022 00:22:02

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 26/10/2022 19:52:21
Hm, that looks sort of cool - but I don't know it...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 29/10/2022 12:35:48
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 30/10/2022 01:59:30
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 29/10/2022 12:35:48Daggerhell?

Nope. It's a DOS game.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Sun 30/10/2022 01:59:31
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 29/10/2022 12:35:48Daggerhell?
(laugh)  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Sun 30/10/2022 08:56:50

Blade runner? (just guessing)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Sun 30/10/2022 11:10:37
Quote from: Volcan on Sun 30/10/2022 01:59:30
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 29/10/2022 12:35:48Daggerhell?

Nope. It's a DOS game.


That looks like a dalek, so maybe it is called Dr. Who or something of that variety?  8-)

Then again, at this resolution, any generic robot would look like a dalek.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Mon 31/10/2022 07:39:19
You could be right KyriakosCH, so...

Quatermass? (it used daleks if I remember well)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 01/11/2022 19:08:16
Quote from: TheFrighter on Sun 30/10/2022 08:56:50Blade runner? (just guessing)



Quote from: TheFrighter on Mon 31/10/2022 07:39:19You could be right KyriakosCH, so...

Quatermass? (it used daleks if I remember well)



Here a screenshot from Atari 800.

I'm surprised Commodore 64 does not have this game. Vic 20 has.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: heltenjon on Tue 01/11/2022 20:16:41
I found it with Google, but I consider that cheating, so I won't post an answer. Apparently the High Tollah pictured in the last screenshot was a jab at the ayatollah regime then taking power in Iran.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 02/11/2022 14:06:32
Is it "Datestones of Ryn"
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 02/11/2022 16:51:41
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 02/11/2022 14:06:32Is it "Datestones of Ryn"

No. You get closer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 03/11/2022 09:53:22
StarQuest: Rescue at Rigel
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 03/11/2022 14:54:15
That's right.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 04/11/2022 09:28:08
Nice - that was quite fun hunting it down.

I'm not sure if we already had this one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Fri 04/11/2022 17:22:54
I think The Last Half of Darkness?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 04/11/2022 20:44:23
Yup, that's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Fri 04/11/2022 23:40:08
I watched a let's play of it. I guess it makes sense to decapitate someone just to take his shovel :D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Mon 07/11/2022 23:06:16
Quote from: KyriakosCH on Fri 04/11/2022 23:40:08I watched a let's play of it. I guess it makes sense to decapitate someone just to take his shovel :D

Haha I remember doing that and thinking, "What?! Really - that's the solution?!"

I can't think of anything, so anyone can jump in and take my turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 08/11/2022 08:51:49

Well, you probably never heard of this game but a single pic should be enough to guess:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Tue 08/11/2022 09:37:39
What I don't get about Popeye (who iirc is based on a real sailor) is how he can smoke from the other side of his (drawn) mouth. Very Picasso-esque  :=
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 09/11/2022 00:45:50
Popeye 3: WrestleCrazy
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 09/11/2022 08:17:07

Correct, Volcan!  ;)
No idea why they took the Popeye license (or perhaps they didn't) to make an intergalagtic wrestling game...

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: KyriakosCH on Wed 09/11/2022 08:52:24
At least it wasn't Lucky Luke  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 10/11/2022 23:03:50
My turn eh?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 11/11/2022 01:31:01
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 11/11/2022 02:43:53
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 16/12/2022 21:25:31
Giiiillllbbbbeeeerrrrtttt... it's your turn.   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 17/12/2022 04:13:57
Oh. Sorry.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 17/12/2022 04:45:23
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 17/12/2022 05:09:52
Hehe. Got you tricked.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 18/12/2022 18:31:51
I feel like this is a background for a brawler. Rampage 2000 maybe?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 19/12/2022 05:26:51
No. It's not a brawler.
And you indeed control that plane.
And and that is indeed the plane in After Burner.
But the game is not After Burner.
And before you try to reply After Burner II, After Burner III, ABC (After Burner Climax) or whatever, no, it is not an iteration of the After Burner series.
It's also an official arcade game, not a fan game or an indie game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 19/12/2022 16:19:22
Sky Target
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 19/12/2022 17:58:11
IIRC the plane is an F14 Tomcat, though no idea what other games use it - since the only similar style game I can think of right now is G-Loc, I'll guess that.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 20/12/2022 07:50:29
No. Not G-Loc or Sky Target. (G-Loc is sometimes considered to belong to the same (meta)series as After Burner, so it's definitely not it.)

More hints.
This is indeed another game developed by the same people who made After Burner in Sega (the AM2 division), so it is official.
And it's NOT a shooter game (so it's not Space Harrier, which was originally proposed as a fighter jet shooter and some of the console versions let you play as a (non F-14) jet).
And no, it's not a rhythm game either, so it's not one of those Hatsune Miku games (with the arcade version also developed by AM2 and has scenes ripped directly from ABC in one of the songs).

I'm reluctant to post another screenshot atm, as it would be dead giveaway (as long as you know this game, since it's a bit obscure among those 3-D coin-ops developed by AM2).

Will post another screenshot if still no one gets this in a while.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 20/12/2022 18:13:41
An Outrun hack.

They replace the car with the plane.

Again, pure guessing.

 (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 21/12/2022 05:32:02
Big hint: You have the genre right.
But it's not Outrun and it's not a hack.
This is what will really happen in the game.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 04/01/2023 12:01:23
Is it Power Drift?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 04/01/2023 15:43:06
Quote from: abstauber on Wed 04/01/2023 12:01:23Is it Power Drift?

Finally someone recognises it.
It's a (kart) racing game, and being able to control a F-14 on the street is no joke and not a hack:
(Hmmm. Seems that embedding YouTube video at specific time doesn't work for me. Just start at around 5:40.)
As long as your performance is good enough after selecting certain courses your kart will transform into this plane in the extra stage (and will transform into the bike from Hang On if you choose the other courses).

Your turn, Abstauber.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Fri 06/01/2023 12:14:40
I actually played this on MAME over 20 years ago, even though the emulation speed wasn't great at the time.

Anyway - anyone recognizes this?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 09/01/2023 13:13:22
here's another one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 15/01/2023 01:41:31
Hmm don't recognise either. Can you post a third screenshot?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 16/01/2023 09:06:08

This one's from MS-DOS, the ones before were from Amiga and Spectrum Next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 16/01/2023 14:07:44
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Mon 16/01/2023 15:55:04
yup, that's it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 16/01/2023 23:23:38
Here we go.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Wed 18/01/2023 15:18:45
Demon Stalkers
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 18/01/2023 16:21:43

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 19/01/2023 08:12:22
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 19/01/2023 08:46:14
Laura Bow?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 19/01/2023 09:03:45
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Thu 19/01/2023 11:14:44
Les Manley in Search for the King?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Thu 19/01/2023 12:10:45
Nope as well... but both games are way more fun than the one I'm looking for.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 24/01/2023 10:38:50
now with a bit of UI
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 24/01/2023 14:00:54
A personal nightmare
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: abstauber on Tue 24/01/2023 20:27:10
yup that's it!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 24/01/2023 22:58:06
Here we go.


I see I can post again. I had problem with the forum with Cleantalk.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 23/02/2023 22:49:56
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 05/03/2023 21:07:26
Dream Phone: The Adventure Game?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 05/03/2023 21:52:22

Here another screenshot.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 25/04/2023 16:03:28
I looked up "EGA Isometric game" on Google, and I think I might have stumbled upon it.
Is it Street Fighting Man?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 25/04/2023 16:13:56
You won.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Wed 26/04/2023 15:17:31
Alright, hopefully this one isn't too difficult.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 30/04/2023 20:09:40
Sorry no idea!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 01/05/2023 05:47:52
Looks like a Touho game, but I'm not familiar with the series to name which game it is.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 01/05/2023 19:12:07
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 01/05/2023 05:47:52Looks like a Touho game, but I'm not familiar with the series to name which game it is.
You're on the right track, but you're going to have to give me the specific entry. Either the number or the subtitle.

(And don't worry, I know most of the entries look similar, so I've made sure to choose a game where even someone who has never played it, can differentiate it from the other games in the series.)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 01/05/2023 22:01:19
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Tue 02/05/2023 14:03:46
Quote from: Volcan on Mon 01/05/2023 22:01:19Phantasmagoria of Flower View
That is correct. Your turn.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 19/05/2023 00:44:57
My turn

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 19/05/2023 13:40:46
Looks like Q*bert, but the characters are a bit weird (not that the characters in Q*bert aren't weird).
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 08/06/2023 15:05:59
Here another hint.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 16/06/2023 19:06:58
I really feel that no-one's going to get this one!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 17/06/2023 05:54:34
I was actually able to figure it out by looking for Q*bert variants in MOBYGAMES, but since I cheated I'll just skip this round.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 17/06/2023 19:46:10
Yeah I think I got it by cheating as well,
Bert and the Snake
, but I hate posting an answer when I've had to cheat to get it!!  :grin:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 17/06/2023 23:07:00
Quote from: CaptainD on Sat 17/06/2023 19:46:10Yeah I think I got it by cheating as well,
Bert and the Snake
, but I hate posting an answer when I've had to cheat to get it!!  :grin:

That's right.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 18/06/2023 19:43:19
Did you edit your post @Volcan? I'm sure I first saw it as saying "Your turn, cheater."  (laugh)

Anyway... easy one now (maybe?) - the character is easily identifiable but what's the name of the game?

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 25/06/2023 15:00:22
Ski Free: Garfield Edition?  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 25/06/2023 17:10:42
Garfield: Winter's Tail?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 25/06/2023 18:14:34
Quote from: Volcan on Sun 25/06/2023 17:10:42Garfield: Winter's Tail?

We have a winner!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 28/06/2023 21:42:16
I have this one on my computer. The gameplay is not good.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sun 02/07/2023 09:37:14
Sorry no idea. Looks like a Doom clone or similar, early 90s I'd guess from the graphics, or later but deliberately retro in style.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Sat 15/07/2023 22:06:43
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 16/07/2023 11:03:43
Ion fury?
One of the countless Doom mods that exists?

We need more hints!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sun 16/07/2023 13:17:41
Reminds me of a Mac shooter from the 90s with aliens that looked like praying mantes. Can't remember the name though.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 16/07/2023 14:42:36
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Galen on Wed 02/08/2023 19:44:38
Is that a GBA or DS title?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 03/08/2023 20:25:12

It's windows and you can find it at microsoft store.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: milkanannan on Sat 26/08/2023 12:24:32
I don't know it. I am, however, certain this game would give me motion sickness. (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 27/11/2023 15:23:21
Since this thread seems to have died, I would like to revive it with a nice and easy one to begin with. A game I really loved on the Speccy many years ago (and have probably posted before sometime).

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 27/11/2023 15:41:26
Paper Boy?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Mon 27/11/2023 15:47:35
Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 27/11/2023 15:41:26Paper Boy?

Indeed! All-time classic.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 28/11/2023 00:48:41
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Tue 28/11/2023 06:02:46

Bite me if isn't Double Dragon - the movie!

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 28/11/2023 10:51:08
A bit nitpicking here. AFAIK this game is indeed based on the movie but it's not really called "The Movie" (maybe a nick name to distinguish it from the original game, or was released somewhere on the globe with that name?), just called Double Dragon like the original game, to create as much confusion as possible. (They're not even the same genre!)

Surprisingly, this game isn't really bad.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 29/11/2023 08:46:50

Yeah, better than the movie!  :-D

Sorry for the kanji:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 29/11/2023 08:51:33
I know what this is because I own this console.
But I'll just wait a bit so other people may have a chance to guess it.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 29/11/2023 08:55:10

I don't see the image on my computer... Do you see it?  ???

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 29/11/2023 10:26:52
Actually I could see it when using a very old version of the Opera browser (before they ditched their own Presto engine and moved to Chromium) at work.

But it's not showing when I use Chrome at home. I am able to view it if I copy the image URL in a new tab though.
BTW the image link spoiled everything as the game's name is shown in the filename.

Another nitpicking: The texts are not Kanji. They're Hirakana.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Wed 29/11/2023 15:11:12
Quote from: Gilbert on Wed 29/11/2023 10:26:52Another nitpicking: The texts are not Kanji. They're Hirakana.

More nitpicking: It's Hiragana and Katakana, with the Katakana replacing some words that would normally be written using Kanji (though mae is written in Hiragana again) :P
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Wed 29/11/2023 18:29:46

Got it, I don't say kanji again!  :-[

Another pic:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: cat on Thu 30/11/2023 17:12:21
Don't be worried, this is just my pet peeve ;)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Thu 30/11/2023 18:25:33

Well, I continue:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 30/11/2023 18:50:00
That looks incredibly familiar... wait... I know that game!
And I can't find the name of the game.  :~(

Still, I can describe it for the next person (who's hopefully better at googling than me) to look up.
I'm pretty sure it's a SNES game, and in it you have to take pictures for a tabloid while moving along the level. I remember encountering it in a YouTube video about a bunch of obscure games.
I shall keep searching until I find it's name though.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 01/12/2023 00:59:18
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 30/11/2023 18:50:00I'm pretty sure it's a SNES game,
No, but the rest of the sentence is correct:
Quoteand in it you have to take pictures for a tabloid while moving along the level.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: TheFrighter on Fri 01/12/2023 09:00:37

Because Danvzare get so near I declare him the winner!

The title is Gekibo: Gekisha Boy also kown as The Cameraman or Polaroid Pete!

Technically is a shooter game but you don't have to kill anyobody!

Your turn, Danvzare!  ;)

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 03/12/2023 13:15:36
Quote from: TheFrighter on Fri 01/12/2023 09:00:37Because Danvzare get so near I declare him the winner!

The title is Gekibo: Gekisha Boy also kown as The Cameraman or Polaroid Pete!

Technically is a shooter game but you don't have to kill anyobody!

Your turn, Danvzare!  ;)


Aw thanks.  :-D
I'll try and make this next one easy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 03/12/2023 16:09:45
Jazz Rabbit 2
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 04/12/2023 16:09:57
Quote from: Volcan on Sun 03/12/2023 16:09:45Jazz Rabbit 2
Close enough. It's actually Jazz Jackrabbit 2.  (laugh)

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Mon 04/12/2023 17:32:47
Quote from: Volcan on Wed 28/06/2023 21:42:16I have this one on my computer. The gameplay is not good.

It was Block Craft 3D Pixel Strike.

Here the new one.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/12/2023 17:37:37
Is it The Elderscrolls: Arena?  ???
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 07/12/2023 21:46:01
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 10/12/2023 14:27:30
Quote from: Volcan on Thu 07/12/2023 21:46:01That's right.

You turn.
I can't believe I got that right. That was almost a complete shot in the dark. I suppose those ten minutes of me trying out the game and being unable to escape the dungeon, left a bigger impression on me than I thought.

I wonder if this game has been done before?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sun 10/12/2023 15:15:44
(Don't know whether I spelled it correctly.)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sun 10/12/2023 23:09:53
Quote from: Danvzare on Sun 10/12/2023 14:27:30
Quote from: Volcan on Thu 07/12/2023 21:46:01That's right.

You turn.
I can't believe I got that right. That was almost a complete shot in the dark. I suppose those ten minutes of me trying out the game and being unable to escape the dungeon, left a bigger impression on me than I thought.

I wonder if this game has been done before?

Yeah. You can't go further without reading the manual of Elder Scrolls Arena.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Mon 11/12/2023 16:41:24
Quote from: Gilbert on Sun 10/12/2023 15:15:44Ecstatica
(Don't know whether I spelled it correctly.)
Correct. (And yes, you spelt it correctly.)
Your turn.

Quote from: Volcan on Sun 10/12/2023 23:09:53Yeah. You can't go further without reading the manual of Elder Scrolls Arena.
Surprisingly it wasn't the copy protection that prevented me from making progress. It was the sheer difficulty.  :-[
I had the exact same problem with Daggerfall as well.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Tue 12/12/2023 00:51:38
I don't have anything in my mind at the moment.
Maybe later in the day.
If any other people have some ideas, feel free to steal this spot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 13/12/2023 16:07:56
My turn I guess ...
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Wed 13/12/2023 18:41:23
That's an old one!

I remember something on the ST called "Universal Battle Simulator" - I never played it (and yes I realise the screenshot is CGA) but for some reason that's what I thought of as soon as I saw your screenshot.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: CaptainD on Fri 15/12/2023 21:34:04
Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 13/12/2023 18:41:23That's an old one!

I remember something on the ST called "Universal Battle Simulator" - I never played it (and yes I realise the screenshot is CGA) but for some reason that's what I thought of as soon as I saw your screenshot.

Actually I think it was called "Universal Military Simulator".
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 05/01/2024 12:31:16
Is it Empire?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 05/01/2024 15:28:04
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 05/01/2024 12:31:16Is it Empire?
Yes it is.

Your turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 05/01/2024 17:05:40
It definitely wasn't easy trying to look up old RTS games. I wasn't even sure if it was in fact Empire, since it was Empire Deluxe that I initially found, and those extra colours nearly made me overlook it.   (laugh)

Let's see how quickly someone can figure this one out.  :-D
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 07/03/2024 04:56:41
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 05/01/2024 17:05:40Let's see how quickly someone can figure this one

Hey Dan. 

Is it some variation on Solomon's Key? 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 07/03/2024 17:54:17
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 07/03/2024 04:56:41
Quote from: Danvzare on Fri 05/01/2024 17:05:40Let's see how quickly someone can figure this one

Hey Dan. 

Is it some variation on Solomon's Key? 

The game is basically a blatant copy of Solomon's Key, but with selectable characters, multiplayer and a level editor. It isn't called Solomon's Key though.

Here's some more screenshots to help:

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Fri 08/03/2024 13:27:08

QuoteThe game is basically a blatant copy of Solomon's Key, but with selectable characters, multiplayer and a level editor. It isn't called Solomon's Key though.

It's not called Solomon's Key?


Solomon's Metal Lock Opener?   :wink:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Sun 10/03/2024 16:13:37
Hmm, this is a toughie!   :confused:

Another screenshot please?   :smiley:
And is the name Solomon's... something?  or is it completely different?  :confused:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Mon 11/03/2024 00:52:43
I've cheated and used reverse image search so it doesn't count.
Turn out this game is very very obscure.
The only relevant page was in Korean, it showed a Korean name on the title screen but had an English name inside bracket, which I didn't even know whether it's the correct English title  (or whether the game was released in the west).

BUT the company name was in Chinese, so after further research, I found that this was an old Taiwanese DOS game (and the company is still around doing well), but the original Chinese title was completely different.

Anyway the name I could find are:
恰哥與肥佬 (Original Chinese title, translate to somewhat like "handsome guy and fat guy")
Pocket Runner (Shown from the Korean page)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 14/03/2024 19:16:43
Quote from: Frodo on Sun 10/03/2024 16:13:37Hmm, this is a toughie!  :confused:

Another screenshot please?  :smiley:
And is the name Solomon's... something?  or is it completely different?  :confused:

Sorry that I missed this.  :-[

Here you go:
The only other images I'll be able to give now, are of other levels.

Also "Solomon" does not appear in the name at all.

And here's a hint. While I can't find a copyright date, it seems the game came out in 1998. I'm basing this on the "last modified" date of the files (which ranges from 22/05/1998 to 19/11/1998), the other games it's typically packaged with in Warez CDs (where I was able to find a copy thanks to the Internet Archive), and on the version of DirectX  that it recommends on the back of the CD case (which I managed to find an image of online).

Quote from: Gilbert on Mon 11/03/2024 00:52:43I've cheated and used reverse image search so it doesn't count.
Turn out this game is very very obscure.
The only relevant page was in Korean, it showed a Korean name on the title screen but had an English name inside bracket, which I didn't even know whether it's the correct English title  (or whether the game was released in the west).

BUT the company name was in Chinese, so after further research, I found that this was an old Taiwanese DOS game (and the company is still around doing well), but the original Chinese title was completely different.

Anyway the name I could find are:
恰哥與肥佬 (Original Chinese title, translate to somewhat like "handsome guy and fat guy")
Pocket Runner (Shown from the Korean page)

Heh, you found it.  :-D
Also it's a Windows game not a DOS game. But other than that, you've got everything spot on. The game was never released in the west to my knowledge. (Well not officially at least. Does piracy count?)

Although now I'm not sure if I should give you the turn. I mean, you did do a lot of research and it is a VERY obscure game.

I'll let you and Frodo decide.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Thu 14/03/2024 21:53:14
Gilbert should get the turn.  He found the correct name.   :smiley:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Fri 15/03/2024 11:20:22
Quote from: Frodo on Thu 14/03/2024 21:53:14Gilbert should get the turn.  He found the correct name.   :smiley:

Your turn Gilbert.  (nod)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Fri 15/03/2024 13:17:30
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 14/03/2024 19:16:43Also it's a Windows game not a DOS game.
Actually the Korean page (and some Chinese forums) I've found mentioned using a specific launcher build of DOSBOX to run it, so it should be a DOS game (it might have been released also for Windows though).

It is possible that whatever war digital distribution service you got it from already had the game bundled with the launcher so it seemed to work seamlessly as a Windows app.

As I was literally cheating I initially didn't want to take the next turn, but considering how obscure this game was I think it could take forever to move on.

Anyway, next one:
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sat 16/03/2024 20:51:45
Quote from: Gilbert on Fri 15/03/2024 13:17:30
Quote from: Danvzare on Thu 14/03/2024 19:16:43Also it's a Windows game not a DOS game.
Actually the Korean page (and some Chinese forums) I've found mentioned using a specific launcher build of DOSBOX to run it, so it should be a DOS game (it might have been released also for Windows though).

It is possible that whatever war digital distribution service you got it from already had the game bundled with the launcher so it seemed to work seamlessly as a Windows app.
Nope, it's definitely 100% a Windows only game. I did find a version of it which came with a special version of DOSbox with Windows 95 pre-loaded onto it (which is probably what you found). But that was the second version of the game I found (the Korean version), which I only looked for because I wanted the CD music (the first version I found, had cut out the music and FMVs for space reasons).
The original version I found was on the Internet Archive and it was the original Taiwanese version, and it was on a Warez CD that predates DOSbox by around five years. Both versions are clearly Windows games.
You just have to throw in a DirectDraw wrapper and it works perfectly. (Although you can run it without a wrapper if you don't mind some major graphical glitches.)
I've found no evidence that there was ever a DOS version. (By the way, what kind of DOS game requires DirectX? Pictures of the back of the CD case on what I can only assume is some sort of Chinese knockoff eBay, clearly says in English that it requires DirectX 5.)

Oh, and I've also extracted the Korean version from that virtual DOSbox harddrive in case you're wondering. It's exactly the same as the Taiwan version, except one of the files has a slightly newer "last modified" date. But only by a few weeks. It's the file that contains the intro logos.

By the way, if you removed the FMVs and the music, the game would still require around 20 floppy disks. So I can say with absolute certainty, that there isn't a mythical DOS version sold on floppy disks. So if there was a DOS version, it'd have to be packaged on the same CD as the Windows version, which there isn't. So I think you're just getting confused because you saw that it's been bundled with DOSBox, and didn't realize that it's a special version of DOSBox that's being used to emulate Windows 95 and a disc drive with a CD in it (to get the CD music working).
By the way, if you want proof of what I'm saying, I can send over the game. You don't have to take my word for it.

(Sorry for the long reply. I just thought it was best to state everything.)

As for the screenshot. Is that Dragon Quest VIII?
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Sat 16/03/2024 21:56:32
I never tried the game so I'm not sure, but if you're sure that it's a Windows game that it probably was, or also possibly a hybrid game that contained both DOS and Windows versions on the same disc.

I just don't understand the floppy part. There is no corelation between DOS and floppy disks. A LOT of DOS games came in CDs.

Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 16/03/2024 20:51:45As for the screenshot. Is that Dragon Quest VIII?
Correct! That's fast, in memory of the great Sugiyama Koichi and Toriyama Akira.
Your turn is next.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Sun 17/03/2024 11:38:41
Quote from: Gilbert on Sat 16/03/2024 21:56:32I never tried the game so I'm not sure, but if you're sure that it's a Windows game that it probably was, or also possibly a hybrid game that contained both DOS and Windows versions on the same disc.

I just don't understand the floppy part. There is no corelation between DOS and floppy disks. A LOT of DOS games came in CDs.
Yep, I'm absolutely certain it's a Windows only game (as certain as the sky is blue and the world is round).  (nod)
I bet if you download that version you found, you'll see that it's a Windows game.
I suppose there is the possibility that like you said, it's a hybrid game with both DOS and Windows versions (like GTA and Dungeon Keeper), but I've not found anything to suggest that's the case.
As an example, this site here ( lists it as a Win 9X game, with no DOS version listed. It's also where you can download that DosBox version with Windows 95 preloaded onto it. It's a bit of a pain to figure out how to do it though if you can't read Korean, but I managed to figure it out, so I'm sure you could.
So yeah, you shouldn't assume a game must be a DOS game just because some people got it running on DosBox. There are plenty of forks of DosBox, some of which are made to play Windows games.  (nod)

As for why I brought up the floppy part. I know that a lot of games back in the day used to release the DOS version on floppy disk and the Windows version on CD, with them both being sold separately (I think that's the case with Sim City 2000). So I just thought that I'd bring up that it was unlikely to have a DOS only floppy disk version due to how big the game is (it's small, but still nearly 30MB), meaning that if there was a DOS version, it'd probably have to be on the CD with the Windows version (like GTA and Dungeon Keeper). And since I can't find any CDs with both a DOS version and a Windows version (only a Windows version), then presumably there isn't a DOS version.

That being said if you manage to find and download a DOS version, please send it my way.  (nod)

Quote from: Gilbert on Sat 16/03/2024 21:56:32
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 16/03/2024 20:51:45As for the screenshot. Is that Dragon Quest VIII?
Correct! That's fast, in memory of the great Sugiyama Koichi and Toriyama Akira.
Your turn is next.

I think I've had my turn long enough. And I don't have any games in mind. So I'll let someone else have it.  :-D

I'm glad I was able to instantly recognize Dragon Quest VIII though, despite having not managed to finish the game.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/03/2024 00:12:39
If Dan doesn't mind, I'll nip in here with the next screenshot.  :smiley:

Who recognises this top-down adventure? 


(Could someone remind me how to add images please?  I can't get it to work properly.   :confused: )

EDIT:   Thanks, HeltonJon 
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 19/03/2024 01:27:25
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Tue 19/03/2024 14:52:40
Quote from: Volcan on Tue 19/03/2024 01:27:25Cult?

Wow, that was fast!   :shocked:

Yes, it is indeed Cult.  Cult 1 & Cult 2 are fun wee games.   :wink:

Your turn, Volcan.   :smiley:


Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Tue 19/03/2024 17:29:51
My turn you say?

Here we go.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 20/03/2024 00:46:13
/me went check. It's called Robotrek in the west.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 20/03/2024 02:18:19
That's right.

You turn.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 20/03/2024 02:44:02
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Wed 20/03/2024 14:21:36
Might and Magic.

I have this game on my computer.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Gilbert on Wed 20/03/2024 16:51:43
Now, that is fast.
It was supposed to be tricky, because this console version was never released in the west.
This game was the sole reason I decided to have that console instead of the other two competitors (the Super Famicom and the Mega Drive) and it was indeed the best choice.

Anyway, your turn!
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Thu 21/03/2024 03:27:17
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Mandle on Sat 23/03/2024 08:08:59
Slenderman: The 12 Pages?

Although it looks like a meta thingy.
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Sat 23/03/2024 15:05:55

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Frodo on Mon 22/04/2024 14:50:59
Quote from: Volcan on Sat 23/03/2024 15:05:55Nope.

Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Volcan on Fri 17/05/2024 03:25:11

It's like Pac-Man in secret level in Wolfenstein 3d.

If you take a dot, all ghosts turn blue and you can eat them.

The game will finish if you take all papers from the wall
Title: Re: Name the Game
Post by: Danvzare on Thu 19/09/2024 13:57:28
I'm fairly sure I've seen this game in a Youtube video which talked about all of the 3DS eShop games, back when the online store closed down. But I don't have a couple of hours to find the exact video. So a quick glance around will hopefully have to suffice.

It it by any chance Escape From Forest?
Or maybe Dementium - The Ward?