New (horror) film with Edward Furlong and Shelley Duval...

Started by KyriakosCH, Sun 06/11/2022 00:23:25

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Not going to lie, this looks bad.
Which sucks, because I like both those actors. Duval was really intelligent in her youth, before she was psychologically maimed in that Shining film :(
Furlong, likewise, he had a good run in the 90s.
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!


Edward Furlong is in it? 

I'll be back!   :wink:

(sorry, it had to be said)


I like him. But he doesn't look healthy :/ He is only 2 years older than me but looks decades older.
Too bad, he certainly had an awesome run in the 90s, with (after T2) American History X and a few indie-like movies.
Iirc people took advantage of him and I do wish him the best.
(the worst is the low quality of this new movie, he can find far better people to work with and he should try to)

Tbf, though, it's not like many of the 90s teen stars still are around.
This is the Way - A dark allegory. My Twitter!  My Youtube!

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