The Explain your Forum Name here...thread.

Started by Tiki, Tue 14/09/2004 02:36:26

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Mine comes from: "Yes, it's Superman - STRANGE VISITOR from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men!"  I was trying to think of a cool superhero related name for my "company title" (even though I'm a one-man company :)'s going to be a running gag in all my intro screens for future games I make.  In "Henchman" the O in VISITOR is the planet earth, and a spaceship goes crashing into it.  In the eventual "Chicken" game, the O is an egg that hatches.  In the eventual "Tourist", it's the lens of a camera.  So on.


Once uppon a time lived a kid. This kid was named Krasimir. It was a nice name but the kid wanted a cool nickname... So using his limited english-speaking skills the kid decided Krysis sounds fun. The kid grew up and the stupid name stayed. End of story...


Well, Krud was the name of the main character in a fantasy novel I'd started... X number of years ago... and when I got online, I started using that as my pseudonym.

However, I soon discovered that "Krud" (along with nearly every other four-letter combo out there) was not all that unique a monicker, so I appended it to read "Krudmonger", giving it a whole new connotation (no relation to the Poopsmith of Homestar Runner infamy.)


Well, there is a little bit of controversy for the origin of the name Smooth

Some would say that I got the name for saying just about the worst things in social situations.

Other would argue that I got the name when I shaved my head on a dare.

Even others would argue that the name comes from the fact that when ever I go fishing the water turns choppy. People would say that my resposne to the question " it's getting pretty rough out here" was always, "No way, it's smooth sailing" and that response would get us capsized or atleast wet our pants.

Choose what you want to believe, I sometimes got with #1 mixed in with a bit of #2. When I get drunk I tell #3 ( it's a better story). By the way, the "H" is capitalized because I modeled the sig off of Todd McFarlane's.
There is nothing, NOTHING ointment can't cure!


My name is utterly random.

I'm told there is an anime character with the name I use but i've never seen the anime nor do i remember what it was called.

Another place I saw Allustar was a mistyping of the Aluminum material called Alustar.. which is very close.

I've had other nicks like Ieremiou (Greek form of my real name), OddworldEx (from the game Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (one of my favorite games)), astrospy002/008 (two nicks of which I had combined several interests : Astronomy, Spy Agents, and the infamous license to kill numbering), I've had a few others pop up here and there for other reasons but are not very memorable.


Binky because of Death's Horse in Discworld, Binky the clown from Garfield, and because you can never take someone called "binky" entirely seriously.

Captain, because "binky" is always taken as usernames and there's nothing I loathe more than having to put random numbers afterwards. Plus the authoritarian tone clashes nicely with Binky.

My real name is Archduke Conflabulator Pestilute Spork IV but that takes a bit too much time to type in.

A Lemmy & Binky Production

Steel Drummer

I'm composing the music for this game:


Krazy was just the name of this idiotic rabbit character I used to draw.

Don't draw him much anymore but I guess I liked the name.
My Stuffs:


Lol thats a great character make an adventure with him, please!

Well my sotry began long long ago.. I got the internet and it started
first it was for the sake of trying of having a kewl name...

Frost  Then i realised not that kewl (This is when i made naimated cursor movies like jumping man in sig) But I did aliens and demons and stuff! They were great! Anybory have them?? Please i lost all of them :(

Phsyco Puppy Well I was still young and well always doing the crazy stuff just made sense
Occult  I became older and drew mostly evil stuff and so on...
Afflict   Well I guess this is really just a matured Psycho Puppy. :)

af·flict  (-flkt)
tr.v. af·flict·ed, af·flict·ing, af·flicts
To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on.

I like the mental suffering more :)

Peder 🚀

I only had 4 names as I can remember:

Reven (the name I registrered with) : This is what I called myself before in my bands.... (I dont use it anymore though).

Assassination : I made games under Assassination Entertainment before, thats why that name.

M I E: I changed the name I made games under, but change it quick to W H E (White Hawk Entertainment.)

I decided to use what I use now;

Peder Johnsen: that is my name...


My avatar is Ben from Full Throttle. He was the leader of the Polecats.  8)
Currently Reading: Soldier of the Mist
Last Read: Stardust [+++]
Playing: Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Recently Played: The Dig [+++]


Scorpio because its my star sign and phoenix because i liked the sound of it!. simple as that!!.  ;D


Coolest chara EVER btw (Ben that is)

Mine comes from a song I wrote ("Sister Cheeba", which is occasionally used as my full nick elsewhere), which was in turn inspired by the Donnas song "everybody's smokin' cheeba" , which should give some idea of its meaning to anyone wondering ;D

Aside from the obvious connotations, I just liked the way it sounds.
ST Episode One Production thread (WARNING: Adult content)


I came across this thread today and I am bored so I figured i would bore everyone with the meaning of my screen name:
     It is actually pretty obvious and simple; I graduated from college with a minor in fine arts and I love to paint, draw, etc...also, I am a bit of a freak by most standards (and my major was i know a little about "standards")...and there you have it Artphreak (I used ph rather than f because it seemed snazzier)
     The story behind my avatar is also very is one of my (currently six) tattoos, on my right arm/shoulder that i designed with the tattoo artist.
"Art is when I get up in the morning, but my definition ends know it doesn't seem fair, I spend my whole life creating something I can't even define."
-Ani DiFranco


my name TIMLUMP
is because of 2 reasons
firstly:my name is TIM and i'm lazy
secondly:when I typed my real name into geocities my web host, it said not available but TIMLUMP2001 is, so its stuck.

I also go by the name of TAD if you see me online gaming.


My surname is of course the name of the famous text adventure. Also, in other forums, (Like the World of MI forums) I go by the name of Adventure_Knight. (Its because the manual calls the hero of Atari Adventure just a ''knight''.)



Anyone who's seen Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" will immediately recognize my name as the host of the Mad Tea Party.
Anyone who's read the actual book by Lewis Carroll ("Alice's Adventures in Wonderland") will probably be a bit confused as the host was really the March Hare, and the character my name refers to was simply named Hatter (or 'Hatta" in "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There").

Anyone who's not read the book or seen the movie would probably be wondering what I'm talking about.

"Mad-Hatter" describes me well enough... We're all mad, and I wear hats... from time to time.... (we're going to pretend the definition of a hatter is one who wears hats)

Thinking back on it, I should have just chosen the name from Douglas Adams'  "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish":

Wonko the Sane
"I have books on philosophy, religion, and politics, therefore everything I say is precise and accurate. That being said, the fact that I've never read so much as the first page of any of these books should not only be ignored, but disregarded entirely."

eddie hitler

my forum name is the name of a character played by adrian edmonson in my fave comedy show entitled bottom.


Hokay, kids! Here goes! ;D

I'd say my name is pretty obvious. One of the instruments I play is the trumpet. But the silver ones are better than the gold ones. And I'm such a nerd about it, I either use that name, or trumpet_nerd.

I need a life.
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


At uni I was doing a marketing subject and we needed a company name, so I came up with CMonkey, because I was learning C at the time, and... was monkeying around with it, so to speak. It was about that time I found AGS and signed up on the AGS forums.

Sometimes I also go by the names Blue MnM, chameleon, and lollygobble. I kinda wish I could pick one and stick with it, but every time I find one taken somewhere I make up a new one.

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