The MSPaint game

Started by Scid, Sun 20/07/2003 04:07:58

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Quote from: Smarty on Fri 17/11/2017 08:12:45
A Dragon eating a human.
That was fun.

How about a Space Monkey?

Ben X

The monkey is being chased by a missile and, in tribute to Tardigrades, is attempting to warp out of danger.

Next: the poster for Back To The Future 4.


Coming soon to a cinema near You!

Next: Terminator - The Musical

The Last To Know

Next: Drunk mall santa


"And what would you like for Christmas little boy?"

Next: All I want for Christmas is <insert whatever here>


A Happy New Year!

Next, please: The Pâté-Salami Model.

(edit: changed image host)

Ben X

Next: winter in the summer



Next: A new musical instrument.


Introducing: The Kablooieâ,,¢!

"It's like a Kazoo, but not really. 1/5"
-Some guy

Next up, a single mug in the middle of a dangerous event.


Lions are hard to draw!

Next up: something excessively bloody

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