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Started by Baron, Sat 21/03/2015 02:01:18

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>> grab weird guy's tail and tie it around his legs


Quote from: selmiak on Wed 13/05/2015 23:21:08
>> grab weird guy's tail and tie it around his legs

Ohhhhhh that's gooooood...

and then:

>>Rip out a handful of chest hair and then kick him backwards down the stairs (warn Larry first). Get the shoe, look in the hole, look up to see where the water is dripping from, and then go down the stairs...


Jimmy quickly ties the thug's tail around his legs, and then kicks him backwards down the stairs.  He forgets to warn Larry first, but his companion seems to have wandered off anyhow.  He does remember to retrieve a handful of chest hair from the thug before he falls, however.  Jimmy also retrieves the lady's slipper (it's red), looks in the hole (the cockroaches have built a city similar in scope and architecture to ancient Rome), and examines the source of the leak (it appears to be dripping from one of many battle-axes embedded in the ceiling above the landing).



Quote from: Frodo on Fri 15/05/2015 03:11:38
>> Take battle axe

I'm thinking it might be embedded in the ceiling...

So...head down the stairs to the next fun-filled area while doing a quick inventory tally...


Quote from: Mandle on Fri 15/05/2015 07:05:20
Quote from: Frodo on Fri 15/05/2015 03:11:38
>> Take battle axe

I'm thinking it might be embedded in the ceiling...

So...head down the stairs to the next fun-filled area while doing a quick inventory tally...

One of them is embedded in the ceiling.  But we can see another one in the wall next to the stairs. 


Hmmmm possibly, but I think the white curve under it is to indicate that it is spinning upwards through the air. Just my read on the picture though. So yeah:

>>if it is possible to get the axe then definitely get it!


Unfortunately Le Brûte's awesome battle axe is embedded in the ceiling above the landing.  The impact, however, has caused several other battle axes to come loose and fall!  Now Jimmy can have his pick!

Jimmy and Larry together are carrying:  loaded revolver (minus several bullets), 3 spare bullets, regurgitated case notes, wallet, woman's earring, blanket/cape, empty duffel bag, charm necklace, old poker chip, 1/2 used purple lipstick, feeler wand, wallpaper, severed arm, latex duck stockings, tobacco pipe, bowler hat, $45 in unmarked bills, nagging burden of guilt, tuft of chest hair, woman's red shoe.


Wrap the villain in the Blanket and stuff a Latex Duck Stocking in his mouth, grab the pick-axe looking axe it might be more useful.



Jimmy grabs a battle axe and proceeds down the stairs to the second level.  There he hears the muffled grunts of an oaf trying to escape, the sound of a fountain gently running, and the sounds of someone kicking sheet aluminium resonating down the hall.


After that exciting action sequence, it's time for some lucrative product placement a cold, refreshing drink. Investigate nearby vending machines.

Fingers crossed for some Onion Cola (Larry Vales shout out, baby! := )


>> Pull Larry out from behind the potplant. Ask him to sniff around for clues. Search Le Brute...


>> Help Larry get untangled from the plant. Investigate the plant.
There are those who believe that life here began out there...


You try to extract Larry from behind the plant, but he says he's not finished yet.  The sound of the fountain becomes more intense, then sporadic, then finally tapers to a drip.  In the mean time, Le Brûte slithers off to safety, no doubt in some subterranean lair, to regroup.  The sound of frustrated pounding on aluminium continues to resonate down the corridor, seemingly coming from the direction of the vending machine.  As soon as Larry is ready you decide to proceed in that direction.


Lol @ Larry :=

>> Go to vending machine
>> Try to use poker chip in vending machine


ROFL!!! So both characters have now taken a pee since the game started. Larry had a tad more control than Jimmy though it seems... (laugh)

By the way...

>>Have Larry sniff Jimmy's trousers to see how they are holding up smell-wise and then dart down the corridor to the vending machine area as already mentioned...


After determining that each other's trousers smell acceptably, Larry and Jimmy proceed to the vending machine.  There they meet a Dame of Dangerous Disproportions who is attempting to assault the vending machine.  Jimmy attempts to circumvent her fury and insert the antique poker chip into the machine's coin slot, but ends up kicked in the face.  Perhaps a more artful approach is required?


Hmmm, this is a delicate situation alright. Maybe with a little charm and convincing, she'll stop.

>>Peel the wallpaper.


Hotel Exotica is bringing sexy back, I see. :=

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