What grinds my gears!

Started by Mouth for war, Thu 24/09/2015 13:43:15

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Try looking for the one called "Dental tape" instead of "Dental floss". It's a bit hard to find where I live, but it's the one my teeth don't tear apart.


Easy, heltenjon


Obviously it also makes you laugh insanely ("lachstark") - and others to wear sunglasses :-)

å le eller ikke le, det er spørsmålet, ikke sant?


By "hard to find" I meant I may not find it in the first shop I look for it. Luckily, I won't have to order it from anywhere.


German mail-in voting, 2025

Granted, they had to rush it this time. But it's not like this is their first time. They have been sending these out to millions of people every four years.
It's also kinda funny how the number is above and below the barcode, almost like they expect people to be too stupid to fold and insert the paper correctly but then fuck up the alignment this badly themselves.
I can only assume that they somehow ended up using the wrong template on accident, because some elections use bigger/more ballots and thus larger envelopes so the boxes are not always in the exact same spot.


Uh, I don't get the point... :-\



Maybe something digital then?
(To be clear, this UI is fine imo)

The elderly client sees this on their iPhone while on the phone with me and they don't know how to proceed. I tell them to look for boxes to check so they can allow the connection.
They keep tapping the greyed out button and keep mentioning the red box at the top.

How do we fix this? Is there even a way to fix this? I occasionally design UIs for small projects so this really grinds my gears. You also get to hear how complicated everything has become, naturally.

(This was a guy who accidently deleted his entire WhatsApp chat history with his girlfriend but had no idea how)

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