Pick of the Month - February 2025

Beach Belly Bloodbath

Game Summary

Writin' - Morbiose | Spritin' - UrgUrgUrg A point and click game inspired by B-Sci-Fi, B-Surf Movies and 90s Lucasarts! Created for Team Quimbly's Bloated Belly Jam! using Adventure Game Studio. Currently only contains an 'Act One's worth of content but we'd love to pick dev up again in the new year and finish the story
By: UrgUrgUrg & Morbiose

Justification for Choosing

Three playable characters, each with their own brand of funny stupidity and (lack of) skills, try to investigate a case where the player immediately understands more than the protagonists. I liked this game. It's funny, well written and designed, and sports very nice graphics, too. Recommended. Warning: for adults only.

AGS Award Winners

Whispers of a Machine

Whispers of a Machine

Winner of 8 awards 
Whispers of a Machine is a Sci-Fi Nordic Noir that tells the story of Vera, a cybernetically augmented detective in a post-AI world, who ...
King's Quest II+ VGA

King's Quest II+ VGA

Winner of 6 awards 
King's Quest II was the sequel to the original King's Quest game designed by Roberta Williams. Several people were discontented with this ...
5 Days a Stranger

5 Days a Stranger

Winner of 5 awards 
Get in, get the loot, get out... that's how it usually goes for master cat burglar Trilby. But after he breaks into the supposedly vacated ...
The Marionette

The Marionette

Winner of 5 awards 
Martin is a bachelor and sculptor struggling to make a living in the city. One evening he finds in his mail a strange white envelope, ...

Most Recent Games

Pepper Odyssey

Pepper Odyssey

11 February 2025 
Pepper Odyssey is an RPG about surviving a shipwreck in an unruly outlandish island. Plot: A pepper merchant is shipwrecked in a remote ...
Learn Romanian Day1

Learn Romanian Day1

10 February 2025 
You learn how to introduce yourself in Romanian. Part 1 of a longer series.


1 February 2025 
You are Cole, an adventurer from a family of treasure hunters, and you arrive to find a note - which takes you to explore the mysterious ...
Skrexeval's Quest (MAGS)

Skrexeval's Quest (MAGS)

31 January 2025 
Story: You are Skrexeval of Banmarist, a yeoman of the (space) middle ages who dreams of the chance to become a knight and kiss a maiden ...

Recent Comments

Skrexeval's Quest (MAGS)

Skrexeval's Quest (MAGS)

15 February 2025 at 21:42 GMT 
Kara Jo Kalinowski: "Very reminiscent of the early King's Quest games - with a few of the frustrating aspects of those games as well. This month's MAGS theme had the games..."
Bière Américaine (MAGS)

Bière Américaine (MAGS)

15 February 2025 at 21:37 GMT 
Kara Jo Kalinowski: "A simple sliding tile puzzle with not much room to move around, in which you also need to work out the order to put the tiles in. Has some humor at ..."
Learn Romanian Day1

Learn Romanian Day1

15 February 2025 at 07:28 GMT 
Kara Jo Kalinowski: "

Hey, I haven't played this game, but I don't think that this was meant to be marked as a MAGS game.



11 February 2025 at 13:17 GMT 
heltenjon: "MAGS entry that follows the theme very well, and the point this time is to break the rules and tease the player. Be prepared for a big labyrinth...."