Ratings |
Release Date 9 July 2008
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Training Game
Language English
Graphics 640x400, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,034 All Time; 3 This Month


Here, basically, is what the game is about: You are alone in your home when, suddenly, you are taken away to a strange place. You are constantly attacked by beasts. You have a weapon to fight the beasts, but, much to your horror, the laws of physics in this world are different from what you are accustomed to. You fire a missle at one of the beasts, but it veers off to one side.

You come to learn that there is an everpresent Flux that alters the way things behave in this world. As you progress in the game, you come to learn the nature of the Flux and to use it to your advantage. The object of the game is to escape from this world and return home.

Although the game does contain combat, completing the game is accomplished primarily through problem solving. Every object in the game is symbolic of something, and unlocking the symbolism is the key to the game. And, although Flux World has an alternate physics, you don't need to know any physics to play the game. Like everything else in the game, the physics is simply symbolic of something else.

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Showing 1 of 1 comments

By egamer on 9 July 2008

This is a very interesting, original game with a surprise ending. It's quite different from any other game I've played. The graphics are simple, but that doesn't detract from the gameplay. The category "Investigative" may be a bit misleading; it starts out like a cross between an adventure game and a 3rd person shooter, but there is a lot to figure out along the way, such as what the game is ultimately about. Perhaps that's why the game is categorized as "Investigative." If you're looking for another game just like (fill in the blank), try another game. But if you're looking for something interesting and original that will challenge your mind, then I highly recommend this game.


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