Ratings |
Release Date 18 October 2008
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Mild | None | None
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 800x600, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,444 All Time


After begin framed for something vague and inconsequential by a cartel of men with moustaches and stenographers a young, apparently Mexican, moron known to all as Stediddy has been told in no uncertain terms that he must seek out gainful employment or face some serious, if a tad unfocused, wrath.

And so you now join Stediddy as he approaches his interview, preparing to embark on a journey of Full Voice Acting, migs and megs of hand drawn graphics and multiple conclusions all in the hope that he will reach “The Good Ending”.

This is the first part of an episodic adventure for young Stediddy. It is not a lengthy jaunt but it is, hopefully, an entertaining one filled with clocks and confusion, mute men and misdirection, railroads and randomness all with the promise of Hot Girls to come.

uncle-mum Original concept, graphics and design

Ali Making the game work & voices
9 Months In Smooth Scroll Module
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us English proof read
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Background Graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Background Graphics
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module
Cart Life Smooth Scrolling & Parallax Scripting
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator artistic direction, background art, animation
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Additional Puns
Feria d'Arles Additional writing and design
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake SmoothScrolling & Parallax Module
Jack Trekker - Somewhere in Egypt Smooth Scroll Module
Magic Owl Smooth Scrolling & Simple Parallax module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Graphics, Dialogue, Scripting etc.
Pub master quest Legends v3.0 beta testing
Song Animals Parallax Module
The Cat Lady Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

A treatise on the foibles of seeking employment, wrapped up in a madness sandwich. Scribbled in pencil, it contains little gameplay, but is funny while it lasts.

Other Players Rated

5 votes

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Showing 4 of 4 comments

By uncle-mum on 7 March 2009

Finally an AGS review, I feel most honored (though it's scribbled in brio and not pencil, I do have my standards...)

By jkohen on 26 December 2008

Strange, indeed... that's nice.

However quite buggy for such a short game.

By lemon.head on 2 December 2008

this game is downright odd, but i appreciated that - it's a refreshing take on the genre. loved the voices, too. hope to see more!

By Marion on 30 November 2008



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