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Release Date | 14 July 2009 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | None | Frequent, strong |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Sci-Fi |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Fan Game |
Play Length | Non-Adventure Game |
Languages | English, French |
Graphics | 640x480, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 3,801 All Time; 5 This Month |
Marion | story, programming, graphics |
** DELETED GAME ** | programming, graphics |
** DELETED GAME ** | story, programming, drawings |
** Deleted Game ** | Story, graphics, programming |
** Deleted Game ** | story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | story, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, programming |
**DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
A la Recherche de Dread Mac Farlane | programming, story, graphics |
Before the Dark Crystal 2 | graphics, story, programming |
Captain Hook and the Lost Girl | story, programming, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | story, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | Story, graphics, programming |
Dread Mac Farlane (v2) | Story, programming, graphics |
Freak Chic | character design, programing |
Harry Potter RPG | Programming, story, graphics |
Harry Potter RPG | story, programming, graphics |
Katura's Chronicles - TAO | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES - The Legend of Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES 2 - Chaelle | Story, programming, graphics |
La Légende d'Eikos | story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 1 - La Légende d'Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 2 - Chaëlle | Story, graphics, programming |
Looking for Dread Mac Farlane | story, programming, graphics |
Nina Tonnerre | story, programming, drawing |
Nous, les Mortifer | story, characters, code, graphics |
SHAI-LA OF THE SITH | Story, Programming, Graphics |
Wendy Whedon | Story, graphics, programming |
Wendy Whedon (Trilogy) | Story, graphics, programming |
Stee | help with translation |
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound | Additional Game Design and Testing |
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound | English Grammar and proof reading |
Cold Meat | proof reading |
Mechanismo | English translation editor |
The Perfidious Petrol Station | Testing |
A very interesting and often fun take on the Star Wars universe, complete with combat and some rudimentary puzzle solving. Unfortunately, some of the events required to move the story forward are obscure, some of the ripped graphics do not mesh well together, and the combat can become repetitive, though none of this should keep fans of Star Wars and creative adventure games from giving this a try.
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Showing 5 of 8 comments
This is a great game. Something out of the usual: it is a combat rpg with small puzzles as an excuse to unfold the story of the protagonist.
It is true that there is some grinding involved (I think I god addicted to the medpacks with this game). Actually the puzzles are simply oriented to decide what skills to prioritize during your progression in order to progress. And that is a good idea, I think.
Superb graphics, music and atmosphere, and a long interesting story, I recommend it.
I don't normally like rpgs, but I love Star Wars and good stories, so I played through the whole of this and had a good time. It's true that some grinding is required to level up (which is why I prefer adventures to rpgs), but not more than expected from a game of this type.
I suspect the panel comment must be about the first version of the game, seeing as this one has all original art. Looking good, too.
Good game, but needs some fixes.
-It has at least one show stopping bug that prevented me from finishing.
-English translation needs work.
-Grinding through enemies was tedious (too many credits needed to advance quests).
+Art was good
+Story was pretty good, but I didn't get to finish due to a bug in the Colosseum on Geonosis
This is a pretty good game. The graphics are great, the story and character development are good, but I have unfortunately not been able to finish it due to a bug. Also the monster grinding to level up is a bit tedious.
The English translations could use some work too, but the main idea is conveyed appropriately most of the time and is not confusing. I suggest finding a native English speaker who also speaks French to collaborate with you on the translations (as a linguist I would suggest this 2 person method for any translation).
2 Bugs I have found:
-The enemy's sprite fails to spawn in the Sith Temple if you leave (including getting killed) and then go back in. The combat still works, but there is no graphic for your opponent.
-In the gladiator ring on Geonosis the second/third opponent doesn't load after the screen transition, making you stuck in the arena. For me this happened only after defeating all monsters the first time.
I have not played the game all the way through because this last bug stopped me in my tracks, but I would finish it if it gets fixed, I want to know how the story ends. :)
Broken link fixed.