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Release Date | 10 August 2009 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Strong | Frontal nudity | Occasional, mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Contemporary |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Original |
Play Length | Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes) |
Language | English |
Graphics | 320x240, 32-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 8,000 All Time; 5 This Month |
Miami is a rough town: Crime, drugs, humidity... but for an enterprising male prostitute, all that matters is satisfying the clients and getting paid. The life isn't as glamorous as it seems, though, as you'll soon find out by guiding our man through one crazy night.
This game was originally created for The Independent Gaming Source's Adult/Educational Competition, which won 2nd place. Please note that this game is intended for mature audiences (17 years or older).
edmundito | Design, Scripting, Addtl Dialogue |
Grundislav | Design, Art, Dialogue, Addtl Scripting |
SimonLoveridge | Music |
Indiana Jones™ and the Passage of Saints | Installer music |
Reon Quest Episode 2: Escape From Bully Island | Music Composition |
The Cat Lady | Voice acting |
m0ds | Additional Music |
6 Days a Sacrifice | Music |
A Christmas Tale DEMO | Everything |
A Christopher Jones Adventure | It wasn't me |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 | Music |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 | Music |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 | Music |
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 | Music |
AGS Coloseum Demo | Music |
Chance Of The Dead | Music |
Danny Dread is On Call | Music |
Downfall | Publishing |
Earwig is ANGRY! | Music |
I Forgot | Music |
Indy and the Crystal Cursors DEMO v1.2 | Design & coding |
Kinky Island DEMO | Design, coding, music & additional art |
Lif and the Treasure of the Tanones | Music |
Little Girl in Underland | Music & Voice Acting |
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams | Music |
Murder in the Mansion | Music |
Pizza Quest | Music. |
Reon Quest Episode 2: Escape From Bully Island | Music Production |
Saturday School | Glug Sound Effect |
Space Pool Alpha | Music |
Trilby's Notes | Music |
tzachs | Tween Module |
An amusing night in the pants of a male escort, you're bound to run into some weird puzzles (and weirder people). The worst that can be said is that there just isn't very much to do in the game and the subject matter may turn away younger gamers or people with good taste. If you're like the rest of us, though, you'll definitely give it a play!
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Showing 5 of 15 comments
'Back Door Man' is fantastic. The attention to detail--in every department--really moves me. I'm not in the habit of playing games that are done in a style pre-1999, I reckon...? But may develop an addiction thanks to this one! We need more properly adult-themed games in the Adventure community, IMHO.
So, to sum it up: story, sprites, music, dialogue/monologues, theme, playability... let's just say LOVE.
Thank you, developers. You've provided tonnes of fun and inspiration. I'd wanted to do a 'hooker' game a few years ago; it's good to know there are some others on the same page. :-)
2 cups seems unfair for a game that touches on a unique subject, and tackles it in a realistic yet offbeat way. The fact that your choices matter (similar to recent Telltale Games) is very interesting, especially since, in some cases, the "right" choice isn't that obvious.
Definitely recommended!
Finally got around to playing this. Fun concept. Multiple endings. Definitely worth a play.
Good concept of simple, but highly replayable discovering of male-whore´s hard life and dark alleys of modern society, respectively.
Very well done !!! Should have been an little bigger, but it falls in place with this game, to bad no speaking... but keep on working on this type of games, i'm really crazy about.
Really good !!!