Ratings |
Release Date 1 November 2009
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Drama
Story Fan Game
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 4,381 All Time; 3 This Month


Crewman John Fischer is a recent graduate of Starfleet Academy assigned to the USS Newton, a
Constitution-class vessel currently tasked with performing scientific surveys in Sector 004. On
the completion of his first week aboard his new assignment, John begins to realise that the reality
of life in Starfleet isn't all chasing hostile aliens and meeting strange cultures. In fact, it can be quite

No sooner does he log this gloomy summary than the ship is rattled by some unseen force that
disables many of the ships systems! Isolated and unaware of what is wreaking havoc on the Newton,
John must get to his duty station and help himself and his crew stabilise the ship.

Matt Frith Story, Scripting, Animations, GUI
Adventure: Welcome to the Genre Ruins background
All The Way Down Character Sprites
Among Thorns Art and programming.
D-List Diva Character art and animation
Feria d'Arles Pixel art and animation
Foundations Art and programming.
Living Nightmare Deluxe Testing
MINDBOGGLER a sparkly animation
Narcoleptic Weight Loss Expert Background and animations
The Day That Nothing Happened Testing
The Shortest Journey Art and Programming
The Surprisingly Short Adventure of Leopold Kettle Art and programming
Theropods Pixel Art, Additional Animation
Tomes: Layne's Discovery Walking Animations

Disco Additional Ideas and Animations

magintz GUI

AngelicCharon Testing

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

A solid first entry into what could be a very promising Star Trek spinoff series. Intuitive (if somewhat easy) puzzles and pleasant, simple-yet-colorful characters and backgrounds establish Newton as a bold first step in going where no man has gone before.

Pick of the Month

November 2009

Aaargh, sorry its late this month! Anyway, this month, Trekkies should be pleased with this offering from a collection of AGS forum veterans but game dev newbie-ish guys. Star Trek Newton is Star Trek, so yo'll have some idea of the universe but you're not dealing with a mainstream ship so don't expect lots

Other Players Rated

13 votes

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Showing 5 of 8 comments

By cat on 29 August 2010

Very good Star Trek game, fans will recognize many elements from the series. The simple graphics work well and there are lots of animations. The puzzles make sense and the interactions with the other characters are satisfiing. Good atmosphere.

By Steve Roderick on 20 July 2010

I'm very surprised at how good this game actually is. Sure there were a few glitches and the character animation isn't perfect and that looping background "music" gets annoying, but it is really well written, the graphics were simple but very effective, it's well paced and suspenseful with not-too-easy/not-too-hard puzzles to be solved.

It's quite short, being an episodic game, and it only leaves you wanting more... much more! I have full confidence that Chapter 2 will address the many technical issues of Chapter 1.

This series has the potential to be the most talked about game in the history of AGS. Great job! Very highly recommended.

Just an observation: I can assume that the game creator (or the playable character himself) are from the U.K. because they refer to a wrench as a spanner... very interesting.

By JimmyShelter on 9 February 2010

Could use some polish and user interaction improvements, but a very nice intro into what hopefully will become an interesting series.

It certainly felt like Star Trek.

By McBoy on 29 January 2010

Really enjoyed this game, would certainly recommend it and am looking forward to part 2.

One interesting thing is that this did not need to be a "star trek" game (although there is nothing wrong with it being so), so even if you are not a star trek fan you can enjoy this greatly.

By Jamol on 12 November 2009

Very well done. I enjoyed playing it and I'm looking forward to the next couple of episodes.
The small font made it a bit difficult to find the hotspots, and most of the puzzles were quite easy.
By the way, will there be a "you-touched-the-door-this-often-instead-of-just-walking-through-it"-counter in the next part?

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