Release Date 8 January 2010
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Strong
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Horror
Story Original
Play Length Demo
Language English
Graphics 640x400, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,195 All Time; 5 This Month



The long-in-the-making demo of Infection - Episode 2 - The station.

Mike awakens in a strange environment, clad in a hospital robe and surrounded by none but the dead. What madness has gripped the people here, to cause such mayhem?

It's time to find out...

Minor bugs (mostly misplaced or missing text) squashed and new version uploaded on 10.01.10

Remember to check out Infection - Episode 1 - The ship at: http://www.bigbluecup.com/games.php?action=detail&id=1019

WHAM Design and Production
A Place of Significance Story, Art, Development
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! testing
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Design and Production
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots VA, additional grpahics
Cold Hand Reef, The [MAGS] Design and Production
GNRBLEX (Final Version) Design and Production. Voice of Mind Maggot.
GNRBLEX (MAGS version) Design and Production
He Watches (DEMO) Design and Production
Infection - Episode 1 - The Ship Design and Production
Of the Essence [MAGS] Design and Production
One More Fathom Design and Production
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Sinking [OROW] Design and Production
Submerged - LaSol (MAGS) Design and Production
Technobabylon - Part 3: In Nuntius Veritas Testing

ferrara Music

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Text Language: English
Filesize: 5,672 kB

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