Ratings |
Release Date 1 February 2010
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Drama
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 320x240, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 4,914 All Time


Our hero awakens in a strange world, tethered to strange machines, unsure of how he got there and if he wants to go back...

"It's like being pulled from a dream by the scruff of your neck." - Hood

Conceived, drawn, scored and scripted in 48 hours

Calin Leafshade Writing, Scripting, Music, Sound
~airwave~ - I Fought the Law, and the Law One Sound, testing
All The Way Down Programming
All The Way Down Other Voices
Eternally Us Writing, Scripting, Voice, Sound and Music
Lema Sabachthani SpriteFont plugin
Life Scripting
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams Voice Acting
Oceanspirit Dennis's Holiday Havoc! Coding Goddess
Patchwork SpriteFont plugin
Primordia Voice Actor (Ever-faithful Leobuilt)
The Ever Beginning Tale Everything Except,
The McCarthy Chronicles: Episode 1 Writing, Scripting

ThreeOhFour Art
! Graphics, Scripting, "Story"
[Into the series] Carrot Adventures PMQ Art style tutorial
[Into the series] Portable Knights: PMQ Style
^_^ Game Design
<3 Game Design
~airwave~ - I Fought the Law, and the Law One Game design
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Music
A Walk in the Park Beta-Tester
Aeronuts proof-reading
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Cursors and trophies
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Annie Android: Automated Affection Graphics, Story, Scripting
Awakener Graphics, Scripting, Story
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Testing
Blackwell Deception Sprite animation
Blackwell Epiphany Art (backgrounds & character sprites)
City (Demo) Graphics, Story, Scripting
Corner's Shiny (2013 edition) Awesome spritework
Dinner for Pigeons Testing
Eternally Us Graphics, Animation, Gameplay Design
Featherweight Graphics, Scripting, Story
Heed Graphics, Story, Scripting
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Art Contributions
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! Artistry, puzzle design, testing
Man Boy vs Doctor Sock Graphics, scripting, story
Night of the Testicle Guest artwork
Oceanspirit Dennis 2
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope A victim of assets theft
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld test game & templet
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Art, Voice (Krusty)
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Australian Translations
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Shardlight Backgrounds, Animation
Shifter's Box - Outside In Scripting, Graphics, Story, Design
Shoot, I Got Abducted! Graphics, Animation, Design, Programming
Spaceman in Space Creator
Technobabylon Graphics
The Art of Dying Betatester
The Charnel House Trilogy Graphics
The coming of age - a Lorna Bains whodunit Additional Coding
The Journey Down: Over the Edge Testing
The Rebirth/The Reaper The Reaper
The Search for Oceanspirit Dennis Art for Dennis
This City at Night Story, artwork
This City at Night - DEMO Story, graphics
Towel Day - H2G2 Based Game Some Testing
Trance-Pacific Story, artwork and character animations
Unavowed Art

LRH Testing
Cryptic Game design, Programming, Writing
I Forgot Code, Story, Background Art, Animation
Living Nightmare
Living Nightmare Deluxe Music, Story, Scripting, Graphics
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams Game, Writing, Scripting etc.
Living Nightmare: Freedom Coding, Graphics, Writing
Tomes: Layne's Discovery Scripting, Story, Art, Some Music

xenogia Testing
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams Voice Acting and Rain Effects

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

This game has beautiful graphics, as you'd expect from Ben.
It's very short and is missing a real purpose. With very few interactions and easy puzzles.
Definitely worthwhile in playing if you have a few minutes to spare though.

Other Players Rated

22 votes

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By Ascovel on 21 October 2010

Seems like I found this short game much more impressive and accomplished than most people.

The main sci-fi plot and the way the a.i. character is used might be a bit cliche, but I found both the atmosphere and the relationship between the main humanoid characters really enjoyable. Actually probably those 2 characters, the color palette, and the open ending are the elements that make me remember Hope fondly and as a game worth playing.

Also, incredibly polished for a 48 hours effort.

By bicilotti on 16 August 2010

Underdeveloped, but graphics & music make up for that. Dialogue is "uneven" (some important NPCs talk way less than it would be reasonale, some the other way around) but well written.

Play it!

By Biges on 24 April 2010

Extremely short and easy game, I'd say even demo game, with a very nice graphics. I reminds me of The Dig :)

By JimmyShelter on 9 February 2010

Graphics almost made up for the easy puzzles, unoriginal story and short game play.

Nice game, but it could have been much more. Looking out to future collaborations!

By Sinsin on 6 February 2010

A well put together little classic well done guys :)
set a whole new standard in quick games
Loved it


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