Release Date 22 August 2011
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,134 All Time; 3 This Month


Version 5.0 coming soon. It will bring a lot more to the game and thus will be the best version so far. I'm looking into December Release so stay tuned.

*Recently I noticed 4.0 has been deleted for some odd reason and I don't think I have it on my PC anymore, version 5 shouldn't take that long so please bear with me.*

This version is called the "Feedback Beta"

This game is missing a lot of new stuff. I will add that in very soon however.

Feedback is Key! Please let us know what you think we can improve gameplay so that you may play this game a lot and have fun in the future by clicking the Mirror button to tweet to the @PMQnews to share your thoughts.

Do not let the game go idle for to long or it will crash. Press enter to open the Hub Menu. Press Z to change your character.

Thanx for Downloading. Your the best X3

Icey Game,Story,Art,Character design
[Into the series] Carrot Adventures PMQ game & story
[Into the series] Mythical Gambit
[Into the series] OceanSpirit Dennis EXTRA + everything else
[Into the series] PMQ Legends Everything
[Into the series] PMQ Spin-offs game & story2
[Into the series] Portable Knights: PMQ Game + Story design
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest everything
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest 2 2014 remake
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest 3 Director + Character Designer
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B1
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B2 Game & Character Design
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B3 game + art
AGS Coloseum Demo Game design, Character Design, code.
Concurrence (MAGS) Testing
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator voice acting, GUI design, character design
final fantasy XV fanmade
Mythical Gambit Flawless Fatality Game & Art
Mythical Gambit Tales of the OceanSpirit[Demo] all
neku's new trip (chap1) story
neku's new trip[complete book] game & story & art(1/2)
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OceanSpirit Dennis 2 beta
Oceanspirit Dennis 3D [MAGS] Game design
Oceanspirit Dennis: Rise of the Spirit[Demo] Game
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld story & game
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Inspiration, Voice (OSD)
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Playtesting
OSD LAST BOSS Dennis Returns 1.5 HD ReMIX ART, VA
OSD Last Boss DX DX version/ART/coding
OSD Sorta 99% 著名 [MAGS]
OSD vs Cloud Strife Everything
OSD: The lost world[FULL] Story

Loney Childress Music

Ali beta testing
9 Months In Smooth Scroll Module
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us English proof read
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Background Graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Background Graphics
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module
Cart Life Smooth Scrolling & Parallax Scripting
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator artistic direction, background art, animation
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Additional Puns
Feria d'Arles Additional writing and design
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake SmoothScrolling & Parallax Module
Jack Trekker - Somewhere in Egypt Smooth Scroll Module
Magic Owl Smooth Scrolling & Simple Parallax module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Graphics, Dialogue, Scripting etc.
Song Animals Parallax Module
Stediddy in IP1; Employment Making the game work & voices
The Cat Lady Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module

monkey0506 DLC feature scripting
! Scripting Advice
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum Countdown module
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver Randomizer help
CGA games screensaver Playlist v1.1 module
Dakota Flashlight Module
Diamonds in the Rough Additional scripting
Featherweight Scripting help
Heed Testing
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok Additional coding
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Character Control Module (also strazer)
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! Programming, design, dialogues
Living Nightmare: Freedom Flashlight
Mysteries of Peak Valley: Case 2 The White Lady Flashlight module
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Creation, Compilation, Voice (Santa)
Palette Quest Everything
Palette Quest 2.0 Everything
THAT DAMN DOG! Playlist Module
The Samaritan Paradox Steam intergration
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still Character Control Module.
Trance-Pacific Beta-testing

Moogle assisting with net setup.

Crimson Wizard debuging
! Testing
A Christmas Nightmare Scripting
A Night in Berry - long version Double click module
AGS Cameras Tech Demo Script
AGS Rock, Paper, Scissors Scripting advice
All the Magical Things great beta testing
Blades of Passion: An Oceanspirit Dennis Adventure Voice acting
Camp 1 Testing
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator background art
Ego in Planet of the Apes Technical help
Featherweight Testing
Fritz ChangeWeight Module
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok Additional coding
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
Last & Furious Code
N.orth E.ast W.est S.outh scripting help
Night Witch Programming
One of a Kind [MAGS] Everything
Paper Planes Last & Furious source code
Pig in a poke ChangeWeight Module
Robo Quest v1.21 English Translation
Sarimento on Hyperborean Island Help with Verb Coin.
Sheep Quest Testing
The Journey Down: Over the Edge Testing
WOO - World of our own script

Monsieur OUXX proofreading

Square Effects Team Character Art

other feedback

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Showing 1 of 1 comments

By icey games on 21 October 2012

The new battle system is complete. All that's left is to import it into old battles and new ones.



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