Ratings |
Release Date 3 February 2012
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,398 All Time; 1 This Month


Oh no! Someone has locked you in the barn - can you escape using only the stuff you find inside?
Find your way out in this colorful, childfriendly escape-the-room game.

This game was part of the AGS Bake Sale, where we collected money for Child's Play. If you like the game, why not donate a few bucks to the charity of your choice?

cat Story, graphics, coding
9 Months In VA, Testing
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us Voice of Fraka
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Organizing and hosting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 Organizing and hosting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Organizing, Production, Hosting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Organizing
Apfelmännchen Story, graphics, coding
Apple Farm Everything
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Testing
Black Sect Remake testing and additional graphics
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Testing
Cave of Avarice Puzzle design, writing and coding
Cornelius Cat in: How the Cat Saved Christmas Game design, hand-crafted assets and implementation
Cornelius Cat in: The Uncontrollable Pest Game design, hand-crafted assets and implementation
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator character design, cursor design, voice acting
Dust to Water (DEMO) Voice of Gragh
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Testing
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Testing and feedback
Head over Heels Story, graphics and coding
Kanji Gakusei Concept, graphics and coding
Mr Bear Teaches English Concept and coding
Oh du lieber Augustin Gamedesign, writing and coding, German translation
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Sheep Quest Story, graphics, coding
Tales help on early version of the game
Tales - Tech Demo German Version Proofreading
The Bum German proofreading
The hunt for Goldbeard Background art
Toffee Trouble in Creamville Game design, writing, coding, German translation
UNGA needs MUMBA voice acting

Ponch Testing, chief baker
2034 A.C. (After Canada) (MAGS) Lead Knob
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Lead Knob
9 Months In Testing, Bake Sale Master
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! Stunt Cow
Ancient Aliens - The Roots of Sound Additional Game Design and Testing
Barn Runner 1: The Armageddon Eclair
Barn Runner 2: Wreck The Halls
Barn Runner 3: Don't Jerk The Trigger of Love
Barn Runner 4: The Prick Who Came In From the Cold
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 1
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 2
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 3 Head cheese
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 5 Big Cheese
Barn Runner Halloween: Fully Automatic Mojo The Big Cheese
Barn Runner: Pucker Factor Big Cheese
Barn Runner: The Mayor's New Dress Big Cheese
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Big Cheese
Bière Américaine (MAGS) Lead Knob
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Bolt Action Executive Vice President of Beta Testing
Chance Of The Dead Testing
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit V1.8: The Fangs of Fortune Head Sheep Wrangler
Darkness and Denim (MAGS) Big Cheese
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator sound seeking
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Brought the Party to the Wagon Team
Fridge Follies concept, dialogs, scripting
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Game Tester
Hubris - a Popular Pub Pastime Testing
Night and Day (RON) Testing
Oceanspirit Dennis Gets Textual The good sprites
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope A victim of assets theft
Oceanspirit Dennis: Pirates on the Poopdeck!
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Art, Sounds, Voice (LPR)
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Naked & The Ninja Grand Gaming Poobah
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Terror of the Ice Princess Playtesting and general loafing about
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Project Lead
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Game Creator
OSD: The Wet Spot Design and Line Casting
Outrage Dreamer Roads 4-3 [MAGS] Big Cheese
RAM Ghost Object Donation
SLEUTH Voice acting
Tales From A Forgotten Tavern (MAGS)
THAT DAMN DOG! Motivator
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing, Bake Sale Organizer

tzachs Testing
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Technical Support
9 Months In Story, Design, Coding, Animations, VA
Back Door Man Tween Module
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver Randomizer help
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Viewport Wrangling
Blue Lobe Inc. tween module
Oceanspirit Dennis 2
OceanSpirit Dennis 2 beta Fanfare
Oceanspirit Dennis 3D [MAGS] fanfare theme
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope The shameful game maker
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Sounds
Patchwork Tween module
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Robolution Story, scripting, graphics, some music
Sphonx Tech Demo Tween Module
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner Tween Module
THAT DAMN DOG! Design, Story, Programming
The Energizer Everything.
The Quest For The Holy Salsa Story, Scripting, Animations, etc.
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still Story, scripting, music, graphics.
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Bake Sale Soundbyte

raeff Music, testing
Apfelmännchen Testing
Cornelius Cat in: How the Cat Saved Christmas Photography, testing and moral support
Cornelius Cat in: The Uncontrollable Pest Photography, testing and moral support
Head over Heels GUI and puzzle help, sounds
Kanji Gakusei Music and testing
Oh du lieber Augustin Music and testing
Toffee Trouble in Creamville Testing, proofreading

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Chunky, colorful graphics, and a jaunty tune, complement this gentle, and kid-friendly, "Escape the Room" experience.

Other Players Rated

5 votes

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Showing 2 of 2 comments

By Cassiebsg on 3 September 2020

Played this along time ago, and loved it so much that got my son to play it. He loved it as well... :)

By Ponch on 10 April 2013

A very fun little game, perfect for the younger gamer in your life. I am very proud to have playtested it.


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