Release Date 31 December 2012
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 949 All Time; 6 This Month



The Dawn Sword has transformed into a magical clone of Dave, together the two must take down the Troll Lord in this spin-off quest.

Note this game has absolutely nothing to do with the other PMQ games I make/made. This game sorta follows the events of the real world in 2012.

Icey Game & Character Design
[Into the series] Carrot Adventures PMQ game & story
[Into the series] Mythical Gambit
[Into the series] OceanSpirit Dennis EXTRA + everything else
[Into the series] PMQ Legends Everything
[Into the series] PMQ Spin-offs game & story2
[Into the series] Portable Knights: PMQ Game + Story design
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest everything
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest 2 2014 remake
[Into the series] Pub Master Quest 3 Director + Character Designer
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B1
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B3 game + art
AGS Coloseum Demo Game design, Character Design, code.
Concurrence (MAGS) Testing
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator voice acting, GUI design, character design
final fantasy XV fanmade
Mythical Gambit Flawless Fatality Game & Art
Mythical Gambit Tales of the OceanSpirit[Demo] all
neku's new trip (chap1) story
neku's new trip[complete book] game & story & art(1/2)
Oceanspirit Dennis 2 Game
OceanSpirit Dennis 2 beta
Oceanspirit Dennis 3D [MAGS] Game design
Oceanspirit Dennis: Rise of the Spirit[Demo] Game
Oceanspirit Dennis: Scourge of the Underworld story & game
OceanSpirit Dennis: Scourge of the underworld HD
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Inspiration, Voice (OSD)
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Playtesting
OSD LAST BOSS Dennis Returns 1.5 HD ReMIX ART, VA
OSD Last Boss DX DX version/ART/coding
OSD Sorta 99% 著名 [MAGS]
OSD vs Cloud Strife Everything
OSD: The lost world[FULL] Story
Pub master quest Legends v3.0 Game,Story,Art,Character design

bicilotti Testing

Peder 🚀 Testing
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us hosting
Archeos Music
Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt (PnC Remake) Testing
Cryo Coding, lead tester
Don't Drink the Pink Testing
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Publisher
Earl Bobby is looking for his Balls testing and hosting
Earl Bobby is looking for his Shoes Hosting
Fallen Angel Everything.
Go North Port, Design, Mumble
Heaven, Hell and the Neitherworld Technical help and hosting
Masters of Sound Hosting
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Beta Testing / Hosting
NES Quest Beta Tester
Operation Save Blue Cup Everything.
Red Hot Overdrive Music (Track 04)
The Art of Dying Betatester
Trapped In A Building Everything.
Where did Sam go? Scripting, GUIs, cursors, INV items.

Ghost SFX
10 Ways From Sunday BASS Template
2034 A.C. (After Canada) (MAGS) Playtesting & Icons Hosehead
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Icons & Playtesting
4 of Clubs beta testing
A-Mused [MAGS January 2014] Lightweight BASS Template
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Auditorium graphics, cutscenes
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! concept, design, graphics, scripting
Annie Android: Automated Affection Testing, Scripting help
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Additional art
Bustin' the Bastille BASS template
Chance Of The Dead Everything
ColourWise Strips & Sprites
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator animation, object design, GUI design, background art
Hubris - a Popular Pub Pastime Scripting, Graphics
Indiana Rodent: Raiders of the Lost Cheese Sprite art
Medieval Prisoner beta testing
Oceanspirit Denise: Heroics In The Nick Of Time! fully responsible
Once Upon A Crime Everything
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
Postman's Quest: Not Rain Nor Sleet Nor ARMAGEDDON Lightweight BASS 2.0 template
RAM Ghost Design, Scripting, Graphics
Red Hot Overdrive Cow Donation
Shifter's Box - Outside In Testing
Sinking [OROW] testing
Tales help on early version of the game
Tales - Tech Demo German Version Proofreading
The Bum German proofreading
The Visitor Testing
The Visitor 2 Scripting help
Towel Day - H2G2 Based Game Some Testing
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing, Bake Sale Splash Screen

Khris Bugfix
All Gone Soon 2 AltKeyboardMovement module
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver Randomizer help
Bernard's Room story, puzzles, scripting, additional graphics
Bustin' the Bastille Dynamic Sprite Rotation module
Deep Hope Scripting help
Diamonds in the Rough Additional scripting
Falco - Lighting strike in town festival Script supervision, Scrolling Dialogs Module
Featherweight Scripting help
Floaty Rog' Everything
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 2 - Commotion story & puzzles
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 40 - Trapped in the cellar v.3.1 English Translation
N.orth E.ast W.est S.outh scripting help
Sarimento on Hyperborean Island Help with Verb Coin.
The Decorcist Scripting Help.
The Lost Prince Of Lorden - Part 1 Scripting Help.
The Secrets of Jesus Scripting Help
You rock, Topus! AltKeyboardMovement module

geork Bugfix

Square Enix music

Bump of Chicken ゼロ

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