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Release Date | 22 March 2013 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Strong | Explicit dialog | Mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Other |
Genre | Comedy |
Story | Fan Game |
Language | English |
Graphics | 320x200, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 819 All Time; 2 This Month |
Paul returns for the final part of the Reality Check Trilogy. It is up to Paul to help 10 RoN characters to manipulate the future!
Retro Wolf |
HYDRATE | Developer |
Lydia and the Mystery of Nellreno Manor | Some of the other stuff (forgot which) |
Moustache Quest | |
No Monkey's Banana | |
Rackham | Developer |
Reality on the Norm: Reality Check | |
Reality on the Norm: Reality Check 2 | |
Reality on the Norm: Reality Check 4 DEMO (Cancelled) | |
RotN: The Case of the Muffin Diver | |
SLEUTH | Voice acting |
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner | Co Game Developer |
Your Grace |
Report as Broken |
Showing 1 of 1 comments
A very good conclusion to this new trilogy of RON games. A few of the puzzles had me stumped for a bit, but I wasn't so befuddled that I gave up on the game. And I'm glad I didn't. This small trio of games has reminded me why I used to love the RON games so much. Certainly worth a look if you like the old Reality On The Norm adventures or if you're a fan of small, fun games in general.