Ratings |
Release Date 5 April 2013
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Setting Sci-Fi
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 320x240, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,176 All Time


On a tidally-locked world, the only way for resources to be moved under the deadly sun is by high-speed train. The management refuse to automate it entirely - after all, then there'd be nobody to blame when things go wrong - and it's been your uneventful duty for the past several years to see the train back and forth along...THE RAIL

So naturally, things are going to go wrong on your watch. Things like, oh, maybe a hijacking? And a little bombing? And how about 'all of the above'?


Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

The Rail is an interesting futuristic story of a train worker caught in the midst of a hijacking. Having to work his way out of captivity to take over the train and try to defeat his captors.

There are a few shortcomings in regards to length of gameplay, odd puzzles, some minor non-breaking bugs, and a difficult to read font. Overall I recommend this game to anyone wanting to kill a few minutes. It has an interesting concept and nice visuals.

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Showing 5 of 8 comments

By Tomags on 18 December 2022

Short but good game. Puzzles are nice and simple. Two different endings. Nice graphics, atmosphere and character design.

By elegantmechanic on 22 April 2013

Good stuff as usual from Technocrat, suggestive of a deeper world beyond the confines of the game in the same way that his Technobabylon titles are. Nice little moral choice built in to affect the game ending as well.

By Ponch on 10 April 2013

I would also like to see more tales in this game's universe. This is a very well done game with good graphics, solid puzzles, and some nice touches that hint at a much larger world beyond the confines of this train. Well done.

By Ryan Timothy B on 9 April 2013

I would love to see this game extended. There were a few issues that I wasn't as pleased with. The hydraulic fluid being "water" instead of mineral oil (rare to find just water nowadays - especially on a heated planet). Basically the whole lubrication puzzle left me with a bitter feeling. Hydraulic fluid would've acted much better than a hard oily substance mixed with "water". Anyway, good atmosphere overall. Make the sequel/prequel.

By Ilyich on 6 April 2013

An excellently written and designed game that feels like a part of something bigger, but also very complete by itself.

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