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Release Date | 7 November 2014 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | None | Occasional, mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Other |
Genre | Other |
Story | Other |
Play Length | Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes) |
Language | English |
Graphics | 320x240, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 627 All Time; 2 This Month |
subtitle: nigredo
an interactive story
A stone fits in and out of its underworld bound soul.
st. | author (2014, Nov) |
ChessBoard | author (2014, Jul) |
Sleeping Beauty | author (2018, Apr) |
The Can | author (2013, May) |
The Dream Job, ep.1 | author (2014, Apr) |
The Furthest Station | author (2015, Feb) |
There | author (2015, Jan) |
Report as Broken |
Showing 1 of 1 comments
I am puzzled by this one. You play a rock inside a cave and you interact with various elements/things/animals (a bigger rock, a frog, water, etc.).
I didn't get the gist of it but the interactions/dialogues were interesting enough.
I yet have to finish it, I guess this could be a good pick for you if you are into experimental games.