Release Date 3 December 2014
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Mild | None | Strong
Operating System Windows
Setting Historical
Genre Investigative
Story Parody
Language English
Voice Acting
Graphics 800x600, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,223 All Time; 2 This Month


Now with Voice pack.

A mix of fact and fiction.

Contains sensitive content.

During 1888 a series of gruesome murders was committed in the East End by whom the police aptly named the Ripper.

The victims were all prostitutes and all had been sliced up and various organs removed.

The police chief asks if you would help with their investigations to root out this evil killer.

You accept and start delving into this tragic case of murder most horrid.

You begin by meeting the police chief at the mortuary to view the Ripper's latest victim: Mary Jane Kelly.

Check out police suspect reports, view victims autopsy reports...
Can you discover who the Ripper is and above all: can you catch him?

Start your journey into the Ripper murders and try to solve this historic nightmare.

Thanks to all those who helped make this game.

Slasher Creator, story, graphics and scripting.
10 Ways From Sunday Voice Acting
A Place in the Sun Testing
Bartolomeo, misled by circumstances, learns that appearances can be deceptive Testing, proofreading
Belly of the Beast Story, Creator and Scripter
Beyond Eternity episode 1 testing
Beyond Horizon Story, graphics and scripting
Blackudder: To doubloon or not to doubloon Everything except music
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Sound engineering support
Cave of Avarice Puzzle design, writing and testing
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park your Spaceship Testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Story, backgrounds and scripting
Create Your Own Game: Your Dreamy Christmas Everything
DarkForce: Peace among nations... Story, scripting and graphics.
Deadly Consequences! Creator, sprites, scripting, male voices
Desmond: The 'Thing' from another world! Story, Characters, Graphics and Dialogs
Dirandious Kroken Creator and Scripter
Distance no object Creator and Scripter
Dr. Chuckles' miniature world of madness. Scripting, dialogs
DSM: Are we alone? Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Ego in Planet of the Apes Testing
ELF: And soon the darkness... Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
ELF: The 4 Elements Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Elia, Ilaria & the Kids Having a Good Time at the Sea (or at least they try) Testing
Fallen Hero Story and scripting
Fashion Girl Everything
Fearaphobia Everything
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Testing and feedback
Finger of suspicion Story and scripting
Food Wars Creator and Scripter
Fred and Barney meet the future Everything
FrightFest: Dracula vs Frankenstein vs The Mummy Everything
Fritz Everything
Frozen Kingdom Everything
Generation Fun Everything
GHOSTCATCHERS Author, graphics and scripting
Gone Boat Fishin' Everything
Gone fishin' Creator, graphics and scripting
Groundhog Everything
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Game Tester
House of de Sade Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Hyde and Seek Game Idea and developer
Ice Station Zero Creator, writer and scripter
In search of Marina Story and Scripting
It's a Bugs Life Everything
Jason and the Golden Apple Everything
Jumpin'Jack: the bean powered kid Everything
Let's Cook: with Koala Story and scripting
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Story, Scripting, Dialogs, Implementation. Sound editor and Odd-Job man...
Mysteries of Peak Valley: Case 2 The White Lady Voice acting, testing
New Kid Gotta Steal Somethin' Testing
Night Witches: Women of the clouds Everything
Noah's Quest Everything
One spy too many... Everything
Perceptions Creator and Scripter
Pig in a poke Story and Creator
Quest for Ekoban Story, creator, scripter
Sandi Knievel: Stunt Rider Creator and scripter
Santa and the orphanage Everything
Scarecrow and his quest for a brain Everything
Skyfall Creator and Scripter
SLEUTH Voice acting
Sonic and friends in: Club House Everything
Speed Buggy: Manifold Destiny Playtesting
Splinter Story, Programming and various voices
Sprouts of Evil Everything
State of Mind Author and Creator
Stories of the unexpected: 'Until further notice' Everything
Stuck on you Creator and Scripter
Taste the blood of darkness Story, Creator and Scripter
The Campaign Of Daphne White Story, graphics and scripting.
The Condemned Creator, Scripter, Backgrounds and Sprites, sfx.
The Execution of Anne Boleyn Testing
The Gourmet Everything
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King Story, Creator, Scripter, Dialogs, Graphics, Animations.
The Man From Fugue State Alpha testing
The Rat Pack Do Cheesy Castle Everything
The Spider's Web Creator and Scripter
The Stinker Story and Creator
Tom and Jimi in: Blowout! Writer and Creator
Tomb Hunter: Ramitupem Creator, Story, Graphics and Scripting.
We'll meet again... Story and Creator
What a whopper! Creator and Scripter
When the worlds calls... Creator, writer and producer
When Time Stops Everything
Win a Million! Author and Scripter

Myshkin Music.
Black Morph Music and SFX
DarkForce: Peace among nations... Soundtracks.
Deadly Consequences! Music
Echo in the Clouds (Demo) Music
Eternal Chrysalis Music
Magic Owl Everything
Man Giving Up Everything
Number Rescue Music
Sisyphus Reborn Everything
Song Animals Everything
SPHONX Music (Game + Trailer)
Sphonx Tech Demo Music
Spot The Difference Music
The 4th Wall Music

Gurok Part Testing.
Lab Rat Maze! Maze Scripting
The Dark Plague Art and Writing
The Decorcist Scripting Help.
The Jimi Hendrix Case Programming, writing
The Surprisingly Short Adventure of Leopold Kettle Testing
Unexpected at the Rising Star Beta tester, script helper
Where Be Dragons? Everything

Adeel Part Testing and Voice of Jack
A Night That Wouldn't End Gamma Coding Help (v1.1)
AGS Rock, Paper, Scissors Scripting advice
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Play Testing
Banana Racer Testing
Moustache Quest Bug finder for v 1.2
Ponderabilia Game Tester
Space Cross: The BSG-Team Beta tester
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner Game Developer
What the f--k happened!? Testing

CaptainD Voice of Charles Davonport
A Landlord's Dream Brainstorming Help, SFX, Proofreading
A Sloth for Both Seasons Story, game design, voice acting, SFX, worst singing in history
AGS Cycles Everything
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Play Testing
Baldy's Adventure Play testing
Beyond Dream and Time Proofreading, Betatest
Beyond Eternity episode 1 Voice acting
BlindSweeper Everything
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting
Captain Disaster and The Two Worlds of Riskara DEMO Story, coding, SFX
Captain Disaster in Death Has A Million Stomping Boots (Demo) Game Concept and Design, some graphics, testing, voice acting.
Captain Disaster in The Dark Side of the Moon Story, game design, graphics, animation, sound effects. voice acting
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Lead Designer, VA, SFX
Cave of Avarice Writing and additional testing
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Buy a Used Spaceship Testing, proofreading
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park your Spaceship Testing
Colour Clash Everything
Columbus Lander Voice Acting and Testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Voice of Agent Malden
Daleks Coding, graphics, partly responsible for birth of 6 year-old daughter who provided the sound effects.
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator writing
DSM: Are we alone? Ideas collaborator and Beta testing.
ELF: And soon the darkness... Beta testing.
Eternal Chrysalis Story, Puzzles, additional Graphics, Pink Socks
Fanbots Sound, Design, Voice Acting
Feria d'Arles Testing
Finger of suspicion Voices of Lord Fairfax and the Butler
Flow Problem Everything
Football Game Testing
Indy Bones: The Book Of The Gods Additional ideas and Beta test.
Let's Cook: with Koala Tester
Lunar Lander Everything apart from music (freesfx.co.uk) and explosion sound effect (my young daughter)
M*A*S*H: Point n' Click adventure game Testing
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Twins voices
Mr Bear Teaches English Voice acting
Neofeud Voice Acting
Number Rescue Design, scripting, graphics, sound, voice acting
Play It Again: An Improv Point & Click Adventure Voice-Acting & Dialogue
Red Hot Overdrive Sound FX editing and brave testing
Sharky's 3: The Heist Testing
Shoaly You Can't Be Serious! (Deluxe version) Everything
Shoaly You Can't Be Serious! (MAGS version) Everything
SLEUTH Voice acting
Snow Problem Concept, coding, SFX
Sonic and friends in: Club House Additional ideas and Cartoon character will-writing service
Space Tunneler Coding, SFX, Graphics
Space Tunneler Deluxe design, coding, SFX, most graphics
SPHONX Story, Voice of Professor Nowicz, testing
Sphonx Tech Demo Story, Professor Nowicz\' Voice
Splinter Voices of the Tarks
Spot The Difference Design, Scripting, Graphics
The Hamresanden Chronicles II: The Black Prism Testing
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive Everything
The Cabin Testing
The Cat Lady Voice acting
The Cat Lady DEMO Voice actor
The Journey of Iesir Demo Writing and design
The Old Man and the Sea play testing
The Potion Master (MAGS version) Story / puzzles / sound design
The Rat Pack (Full version) Design, coding, voicing
The Rat Pack (MAGS version) Design, coding, SFX, testing
Thrymly disguised voice acting
Trails and Traces: The Tomb of Thomas Tew Voice Acting
Troll Song - Verse One - DEMO Story, Game Design, Voice Acting
Troll Song Verse One - Completely Stoned Story, Game Design, SFX, Voice Acting
Unexpected at the Rising Star SFX, Voice Starbuck + Deimos + Easter Egg
UNGA needs MUMBA dialogue editing, additional puzzle ideas, voice acting
Zid Journey (demo) Proofreading (English)

Mandle Part Grammar / spelling
AGS Awards: Backstage Pass Author
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots VA, Testing
Chronicle of Innsmouth English translation
Chronicle of Innsmouth - Mountains of Madness English Translation
Cold Hand Reef, The [MAGS] Testing
Columbus Lander Author
Crankosaurus Prime and the Blue Crystal Pursuit V1.8: The Fangs of Fortune Goat Milker and Mastodon Consultant
Danger Mouse Demo Testing & proof reading.
Deadly Consequences! Proofreading, text editing and beta tester
Donald Dowell and the Ghost of Barker Manor Proofreading and Text Editing
Dreams in the Witch House Proofreading, text editing, testing
Easter Encounter Author
Easter Island Defender Author
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Everything except sound effects and video
Indiana Jones and the Gold of Genghis Khan English translation, Proofreading
Kanji Gakusei Testing
Kathy Rain Testing
Let's Cook: with Koala Tester as well as his infant student Nao
Magic-8-Ball Author
My First Big Adventure Story,Coding,Graphics
Number Rescue Testing
Out of Gas Proofreading/Editing, Beta testing
Pickpocket RPG Author
Pod Dwellers
Predators Prey For Plants Author
Quest for Ekoban Tester
Rat Playing Game Author
Red Hot Overdrive Testing
Scary Maze Halloween 2016 Author
Shunday Author
Space Tunneler Testing
Space Tunneler Deluxe testing
Speed Buggy: Manifold Destiny Author
Stable Pete and the Joust (DEMO) Proofreading (not all text)
Strawman Bombing Disposal Author
T.O.T.S: Trick-Or-Treat Simulator Author, Coding, Graphics
Tales Text-editing, Play-Test, additional story content
Tales - Tech Demo Text-editing, Play-Test, additional story content
The Black Hand Gang Coding
The Clockwork Labyrinth testing, post production
The Condemned Lead game tester, spelling and grammar editor.
The Era-Gone Trail MAGS Author
The Garden of Hades testing
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King Bug Testing.
The Rotary Club (MAGS June 2017) Author
The Shaft Playtesting
The Smallest Points Author
The Visitor 3 Testing
The Weird Thing Under The Bed
Three Guys Walk Into Heaven Author
Thrymly disguised voice acting
Tomb Hunter: Ramitupem Testing and Grammar.
Trivial Pass You It Author
Unexpected at the Rising Star Voice Adama + Narrator, Beta tester
When the worlds calls... Play tester

Frodo Voice acting
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Playtesting
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Arden's Vale Beta testing
Barn Runner 5: The Forever Friday 5 Lead Playtester
Barn Runner Halloween: Fully Automatic Mojo Playtesting
Barn Runner: Pucker Factor Playtesting
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Playtesting
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Testing
Deadly Consequences! Voices of Rebecca and Queen Victoria, beta tester
DuzzQuest2 QA Testing
Finger of suspicion Voice of Morag the cook
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Playtesting
Fridge Follies betatesting, Scottish translation
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Everything (Creator, story, script, characters, dialgoue, graphics, etc) except music
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Scottish female voices
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Naked & The Ninja Scottish Translations
OSD Archipelago Adventures 1 Scottish Translations, Playtesting
OSD Moby GearWhaleDX Voice Acting
Outrage Dreamer Roads 4-3 [MAGS] Play Testing
SLEUTH Voice acting

Fitz Voice acting
Gray everything
Monty the Komodo Dragon everything
Neofeud Voice Acting
SLEUTH Voice acting
The Unprintable MAGENTA everything

DuckyLady Voice acting
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Voice of Agent Leech
Self Proofreading
THAT DAMN DOG! Barbara Schmenderson
Unexpected at the Rising Star Voice Athena + Anouncer

monkey424 Voice acting
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting
Chalkman Game art, story, scripting.. the full monty
SLEUTH Art, script, programming and reluctant voice acting
The Block Everything including the kitchen sink

David Techman Voice acting

HanaIndiana Voice acting

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Showing 1 of 1 comments

By Shadow1000 on 7 December 2014

JACK brings the player back to Victorian England on the hunt for the notorious Jack the Ripper. Playing as Detective Charles Davenport, follow clues, solve puzzles and use intuition (and your nose) to track down the infamous killer. I would describe this game as being slightly shorter than a medium-length game.

I feel that JACK is well worth playing for anyone who likes mystery style games who wants to play an almost medium length game. It's a bit easier than many comparable games, making it a great choice for players who are newer to the adventure genre.


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