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Release Date | 6 April 2015 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | None | None | Occasional, mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Fantasy |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Fan Game |
Play Length | Medium Length Game |
Languages | English, French |
Graphics | 800x600, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 1,523 All Time; 6 This Month |
English :
Take control of a young Gelfling captured by the Skeksis, and survive in the Crystal castle until you find a way out.
The security slider show you when you please the Skeksis or not : be careful not to upset them, or this will be a game over !
- Right click to look at something
- Left click to walk and interact with something or someone
Read it online on webtoon : https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/before-the-dark-crystal-fanfiction/list?title_no=991681
Découvrez ma page Tipeee ! :) https://fr.tipeee.com/marion-poinsot
Français :
Entièrement dessiné et animé à la main,
ce jeu d’aventu…re en point&click est un fan-game du film “Dark
Il vous permet d’incarner une jeune Gelfling capturée par les Skèksès,
qui devra survivre dans le château du Cristal jusqu’à trouver une
opportunité de fuir.
La jauge de sécurité vous indique quand les Skèksès sont satisfaits ou
non de votre travail : attention à ne pas les mettre trop en colère, ou
vous finirez esclave à vie et le jeu prendra fin !
– Clic droit pour observer un élément
– Clic gauche pour marcher et interagir avec quelqu’un ou quelque chose
A lire au format webcomics sur Webtoon : https://www.webtoons.com/fr/canvas/before-the-dark-crystal-fanfiction/list?title_no=991677
Marion | graphics, story, programming |
** DELETED GAME ** | programming, graphics |
** DELETED GAME ** | story, programming, graphics |
** DELETED GAME ** | story, programming, drawings |
** Deleted Game ** | Story, graphics, programming |
** Deleted Game ** | story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | story, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, programming |
**DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
A la Recherche de Dread Mac Farlane | programming, story, graphics |
Captain Hook and the Lost Girl | story, programming, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | story, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | Story, graphics, programming |
Dread Mac Farlane (v2) | Story, programming, graphics |
Freak Chic | character design, programing |
Harry Potter RPG | Programming, story, graphics |
Harry Potter RPG | story, programming, graphics |
Katura's Chronicles - TAO | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES - The Legend of Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES 2 - Chaelle | Story, programming, graphics |
La Légende d'Eikos | story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 1 - La Légende d'Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 2 - Chaëlle | Story, graphics, programming |
Looking for Dread Mac Farlane | story, programming, graphics |
Nina Tonnerre | story, programming, drawing |
Nous, les Mortifer | story, characters, code, graphics |
SHAI-LA OF THE SITH | Story, Programming, Graphics |
Wendy Whedon | Story, graphics, programming |
Wendy Whedon (Trilogy) | Story, graphics, programming |
Report as Broken |
Showing 5 of 7 comments
Read it online on webtoon : https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/before-the-dark-crystal-fanfiction/list?title_no=991681
You can now download the PDF comics version of the game, for those who can't or don't want to play the game !
I don't play video games but I watched a playthrough! It's so beautiful to look at! I loved it very much, fantastic job!
Is this on steam too?
An enchanting game, quite puzzling at the beginning, then pretty A->B afterwards, but I love the context in which it is written, and how it plays out.