Release Date 9 August 2015
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Language English
Graphics 800x600, 8-Bit (256 Colour)
Downloaded 1,087 All Time; 1 This Month


Version 2 now has speeded up visor 'look at' text.

As Captain James Dirk you are on a peace mission to the planet Kaliput to represent Earth and to hand over Earth's 'Peace Among Nations' policy and to discuss galactic politics with the federation's ambassadors in the hope of reaching amicable peace agreements.

However, the USS Thunderchild, gets hit by a rogue asteroid just before it lands on Kaliput and the USS Thunderchild crash lands and the crash breaks Captain Dirks legs and he is unable to attend this vital meeting.

He entrusts his faithful droid KP29 to hand over Earths 'Peace Among Nations' policy to the ambassadors.

After KP29 boards the meeting craft: the Nostromo, it soon unravels that a rebellion to overthrow the Federation and disrupt the 'Peace Among Nations' meeting by using evil alien death eggs is in progress.

Can you thwart this evil rebellion before all hell breaks loose all over the cosmos?

* Uses DirectDraw..

Feedback welcomed.........

Slasher Story, scripting and graphics.
10 Ways From Sunday Voice Acting
A Place in the Sun Testing
Bartolomeo, misled by circumstances, learns that appearances can be deceptive Testing, proofreading
Belly of the Beast Story, Creator and Scripter
Beyond Eternity episode 1 testing
Beyond Horizon Story, graphics and scripting
Blackudder: To doubloon or not to doubloon Everything except music
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Sound engineering support
Cave of Avarice Puzzle design, writing and testing
Clotilde Soffritti in: Never Double Park your Spaceship Testing
Conspiracy: Below-Zero Story, backgrounds and scripting
Create Your Own Game: Your Dreamy Christmas Everything
Deadly Consequences! Creator, sprites, scripting, male voices
Desmond: The 'Thing' from another world! Story, Characters, Graphics and Dialogs
Dirandious Kroken Creator and Scripter
Distance no object Creator and Scripter
Dr. Chuckles' miniature world of madness. Scripting, dialogs
DSM: Are we alone? Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Ego in Planet of the Apes Testing
ELF: And soon the darkness... Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
ELF: The 4 Elements Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Elia, Ilaria & the Kids Having a Good Time at the Sea (or at least they try) Testing
Fallen Hero Story and scripting
Fashion Girl Everything
Fearaphobia Everything
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Testing and feedback
Finger of suspicion Story and scripting
Food Wars Creator and Scripter
Fred and Barney meet the future Everything
FrightFest: Dracula vs Frankenstein vs The Mummy Everything
Fritz Everything
Frozen Kingdom Everything
Generation Fun Everything
GHOSTCATCHERS Author, graphics and scripting
Gone Boat Fishin' Everything
Gone fishin' Creator, graphics and scripting
Groundhog Everything
Headbanger's Heaven - A Rock & Roll Adventure Game Tester
House of de Sade Creator, Writer, Graphics, Scripting.
Hyde and Seek Game Idea and developer
Ice Station Zero Creator, writer and scripter
In search of Marina Story and Scripting
It's a Bugs Life Everything
JACK Creator, story, graphics and scripting.
Jason and the Golden Apple Everything
Jumpin'Jack: the bean powered kid Everything
Let's Cook: with Koala Story and scripting
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Story, Scripting, Dialogs, Implementation. Sound editor and Odd-Job man...
Mysteries of Peak Valley: Case 2 The White Lady Voice acting, testing
New Kid Gotta Steal Somethin' Testing
Night Witches: Women of the clouds Everything
Noah's Quest Everything
One spy too many... Everything
Perceptions Creator and Scripter
Pig in a poke Story and Creator
Quest for Ekoban Story, creator, scripter
Sandi Knievel: Stunt Rider Creator and scripter
Santa and the orphanage Everything
Scarecrow and his quest for a brain Everything
Skyfall Creator and Scripter
SLEUTH Voice acting
Sonic and friends in: Club House Everything
Speed Buggy: Manifold Destiny Playtesting
Splinter Story, Programming and various voices
Sprouts of Evil Everything
State of Mind Author and Creator
Stories of the unexpected: 'Until further notice' Everything
Stuck on you Creator and Scripter
Taste the blood of darkness Story, Creator and Scripter
The Campaign Of Daphne White Story, graphics and scripting.
The Condemned Creator, Scripter, Backgrounds and Sprites, sfx.
The Execution of Anne Boleyn Testing
The Gourmet Everything
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King Story, Creator, Scripter, Dialogs, Graphics, Animations.
The Man From Fugue State Alpha testing
The Rat Pack Do Cheesy Castle Everything
The Spider's Web Creator and Scripter
The Stinker Story and Creator
Tom and Jimi in: Blowout! Writer and Creator
Tomb Hunter: Ramitupem Creator, Story, Graphics and Scripting.
We'll meet again... Story and Creator
What a whopper! Creator and Scripter
When the worlds calls... Creator, writer and producer
When Time Stops Everything
Win a Million! Author and Scripter

Myshkin Soundtracks.
Black Morph Music and SFX
Deadly Consequences! Music
Echo in the Clouds (Demo) Music
Eternal Chrysalis Music
JACK Music.
Magic Owl Everything
Man Giving Up Everything
Number Rescue Music
Sisyphus Reborn Everything
Song Animals Everything
SPHONX Music (Game + Trailer)
Sphonx Tech Demo Music
Spot The Difference Music
The 4th Wall Music

Stupot Grammar and spell checking.
Cross Stitch Casper testing
Dreams in the Witch House testing
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Testing and feedback
GIGANT Play Testing
Hen Man: Origins Game design and art
Kanji Gakusei Testing
Minifeg: The search Beta testing
Noughts & Crosses Everything
Power Nap Game design, art and story
The Art of Dying Betatester
The Samaritan Paradox Testing
Tile Puzzle Everything

MyEakinBack Play Testing.
Beyond Eternity episode 1 Story, puzzles, artwork, coding
Hjarta Testing

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By Andy on 15 January 2021

I found this game to be quite funny with some good puzzles, nothing too challenging. You play the part of a robot who has some special abilities to help you on your way. There is a point in the game where you can make a choice and depending on your choice the story goes slightly differently.

There is room for expansion (animations/the robots journey at the beginning), but there are still quite a few cutscenes and my favourite part was the cameo of the guy who can swing a massive ball around on the chain (I forget what he is called).

All in all, recommend playing

By indiegamehunt on 22 August 2015

Slasher, this and your last 2 games have been just fantastic. Is there a way I can contact you? Or you could email me: paul at gamejolt dot com

By Michael2968 on 21 August 2015

This was a fun science fiction game that I think most people would enjoy.

By SilverSpook on 14 August 2015

Great game, Slasher!

I liked all the gags, visual and otherwise. I actually thought the "Evil Cabal" scene was pretty properly mock-80's, with, I believe, 80's Saturday morning cartoon characters whose names have been erased from my mental hard drive.
Kind of in the vein of the bad guys from Man Borg.

Maybe do what IAMJASON did and add a word-speed to the options screen for those of us, like me, of short attention span.


By Mandle on 14 August 2015

Another very nice game from Slasher Games!
A real sense of accomplishment is felt upon completion and the puzzles are humourous and quite devious at times.
Great effort!


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