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Release Date | 1 December 2015 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | None | None | Occasional, mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Historical |
Genre | Horror |
Story | Original |
MAGS | |
Language | English |
Graphics | 640x480, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 844 All Time; 3 This Month |
Humor / horror point & click game, made in one month for the MAGS (november 2015).
Play as Victor, a difformed servant who will have to search for various ingredients for a potion, asked by his beloved Cybele the priestess. He will have to face the monsters around to collect them, and maybe earn the love of the woman he devoted his life to...
Available in English and French.
Marion | character design, programing |
** DELETED GAME ** | programming, graphics |
** DELETED GAME ** | story, programming, graphics |
** Deleted Game ** | Story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME ** | story, programming, drawings |
** Deleted Game ** | story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | story, programming |
** DELETED GAME** | Story, programming |
**DELETED GAME** | Story, graphics, programming |
A la Recherche de Dread Mac Farlane | programming, story, graphics |
Before the Dark Crystal 2 | graphics, story, programming |
Captain Hook and the Lost Girl | story, programming, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | story, graphics |
Dread Mac Farlane | Story, graphics, programming |
Dread Mac Farlane (v2) | Story, programming, graphics |
Harry Potter RPG | Programming, story, graphics |
Harry Potter RPG | story, programming, graphics |
Katura's Chronicles - TAO | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES - The Legend of Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
KATURA'S CHRONICLES 2 - Chaelle | Story, programming, graphics |
La Légende d'Eikos | story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 1 - La Légende d'Eikos | Story, graphics, programming |
Les Chroniques de Katura - Partie 2 - Chaëlle | Story, graphics, programming |
Looking for Dread Mac Farlane | story, programming, graphics |
Nina Tonnerre | story, programming, drawing |
Nous, les Mortifer | story, characters, code, graphics |
SHAI-LA OF THE SITH | Story, Programming, Graphics |
Wendy Whedon | Story, graphics, programming |
Wendy Whedon (Trilogy) | Story, graphics, programming |
Thebroch | idea |
Atavismus | project leader |
Archeos | Story |
Cryo | Game design, art, coding and SFX |
Don't Drink the Pink | Testing |
Dustbowl | Code |
Lema Sabachthani | beta test |
U-ROPA | Story |
Yo Riso | project leader, graphics, animations, sounds |
Billbis | graphics |
A Cat's Night 2 | MODULE ShowInteractiveAreas |
Lema Sabachthani | Developer |
TREX and Muscle SAM: A New Kickstart! | ShowInteractiveAreas MODULE |
You rock, Topus! | Backgrounds and scripting |
Hanakin | graphics |
Star trek Mission | Author |
Stargate SGC | Author |
Stargate Solitaire | Author |
Creamy | animation |
A Night in Berry - long version | Everything but music |
A Place in the Sun | Testing |
A Sloth for Both Seasons | Story, game design, coding, character graphics and animation, French translation |
Adventure: Welcome to the Genre | Character cameo |
Black Morph | Code and game design |
Bob Escapes | Everything |
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) | Story, code & characters |
Bustin' the Bastille | Story & Code |
Dislocation | Graphics and animation |
Finger of suspicion | Voice of Pierre Ferere |
Foggy dawn | Everything |
Hjarta | Testing |
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers | testing |
Kathy Rain | Testing |
Lost & Found | Everything |
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! | French Translation |
Oh du lieber Augustin | Gamedesign, art and animation, French translation |
Paper Planes | Everything else |
Suspicious mind | Story and code |
The Aspirox case (L'Affaire Aspirox) | English translation |
The Cradle | Scripting, idea, puzzles |
Unexpected at the Rising Star | Portrait Enhancements |
You rock, Topus! | Characters and scenario |
Kitai | coding |
Bustin' the Bastille | Phylactere module improvements |
Foggy dawn | platforming module |
Lema Sabachthani | FichierParametres module |
Report as Broken |
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