Ratings |
Release Date 30 July 2016
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Story Original
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,700 All Time; 5 This Month


Strapped to a medical tank in a seemingly abandoned facility with no recollection of what had happened, Subject #16 must find his way to escape this dreadful place and locate his Masters in order to survive.

luisdementia Story and music

Kastchey Art
A Landlord's Dream Art, Design
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us Polish translation
AGS Awards Ceremony 2017 GUI graphics and AGS trophy
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Graphics, Production, Intro Show (graphics)
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Organizing, Production, Graphics
Birdy Birdy Graphics
Blue Lobe Inc. pixel art
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Promo Art
Content Dialog Check & Modify
Ego in Planet of the Apes Beach background
FALL translation, dialog check
Fanbots Art, Design
Here Be No Sirens Story, Art, Scripting
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
Space Tunneler Title Screen
Space Tunneler Deluxe title screen
Spot The Difference Graphics
State of Mind Backgrounds and Tester
Suspicious mind Graphics and dialogs
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive Title Screen and promo art
The Cradle Character art, animations, additional scripting
The Potion Master (MAGS version) Graphics / coding / additional puzzles and story design
The Rat Pack (Full version) Graphics
The Rat Pack (MAGS version) Artwork, testing
The Shaft Art, scripting, story, writing
Use It All (Or Forget Your Ball) Programming, graphics, additional puzzles
Wages of Darkness graphics and animation

Grok Scripting and sounds

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Lovely stuff. Despite a few hotspot issues, this well-paced atmospheric sci-fi short leaves you wanting more.

Other Players Rated

11 votes

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By CaptainD on 28 August 2016

With more polish this could be exceptional. Cracking atmosphere.

By Riaise on 4 August 2016

The story and atmosphere of this game is really quite unnerving and creepy. Some of the gameplay is hindered by small hotspots, and there is a general feeling that the game could have been more polished, but overall this is very decent game.

By WHAM on 4 August 2016

Apart from some hotspot and exit indicators missing or being slightly unclear, this game was quite impressive! It could do with a bit more polish, but that can be said for pretty much all MAGS games, so I can't hold that against it.

The feeling of wandering about the ruins of a dead civilization is one of my favourite sci-fi tropes and Awakening does a damn fine job of capturing that sense of dread, the unknowable threat and the curiosity that drives one on to discover more.

Very well done, and my favourite game of this month's entrants.

By Michael2968 on 2 August 2016

I really enjoyed this game and I would love to see more from this game creator in the future.

By Mandle on 2 August 2016

Hauntingly beautiful and very cinematic. I liked the unusual interface that combined inventory items on dialog choices. That was very cool. I had problems sometimes with other interfaces however and they need some polish to kill all the glitches. The story was quite good, although also something that has been done many times before. This is not always a bad thing I feel though as long as something new is brought to the table. I'm not 100% sure if it was in this case, but the cool touches like a main character sprite that changes appearance and even walkcycle to project his current situation and mood are impressive. The effect I loved the most however was the tracks appearing in the snow in the last cutscene. The visuals were amazing in all cases. The music was incredible (created by the author I believe). Overall: An amazing visual, audial, and cinematographical experience, but lacking just a tad in gameplay and user-friendly interface.


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