Release Date 27 June 2018
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | Frontal nudity | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Other
Story Other
Play Length Non-Adventure Game
Language English
Graphics Other, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 890 All Time; 1 This Month


You can still run the client and enter the online event hall, but since it was a one-time, live event, there won't be much interesting to do in there.
The 2017 AGS Awards celebrate AGS games released in 2017.

In an online, in-game ceremony (held 24. March, 2018), AGSers from all over the world met up to learn which games had won in the different categories.
Read more about the AGS Awards:
This game (except for some avatar resources) is open source, and the project is available here:

Snarky Coding, 2017 version
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Coding, 2016 version
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Coding, Production
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Coding, Production
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator animation, writing
Frantic Franko: Bergzwerg Gone Berzerk proof-reading, play-testing, beta-testing
GIGANT English Proofreading
The Cradle Day/Night Cycle module
The Hobbit: Rise of the Dragon King Gameboard Movement help.
The Samaritan Paradox Testing

cat Organizing and hosting
9 Months In VA, Testing
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us Voice of Fraka
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Organizing and hosting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Organizing, Production, Hosting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Organizing
Apfelmännchen Story, graphics, coding
Apple Farm Everything
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Testing
Black Sect Remake testing and additional graphics
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting & beta testing
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Testing
Cave of Avarice Puzzle design, writing and coding
Cornelius Cat in: How the Cat Saved Christmas Game design, hand-crafted assets and implementation
Cornelius Cat in: The Uncontrollable Pest Game design, hand-crafted assets and implementation
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator character design, cursor design, voice acting
Dust to Water (DEMO) Voice of Gragh
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Testing
Escape the Barn Story, graphics, coding
Feng Shui And The Art Of TV Reception Testing and feedback
Head over Heels Story, graphics and coding
Kanji Gakusei Concept, graphics and coding
Mr Bear Teaches English Concept and coding
Oh du lieber Augustin Gamedesign, writing and coding, German translation
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Sheep Quest Story, graphics, coding
Tales help on early version of the game
Tales - Tech Demo German Version Proofreading
The Bum German proofreading
The hunt for Goldbeard Background art
Toffee Trouble in Creamville Game design, writing, coding, German translation
UNGA needs MUMBA voice acting

Dualnames Coding, 2010-2013 versions
11-11-11 Cinémania Module
A Night in Berry - long version Fog module
AGS Awards Ceremony 2010 Coding/Background Art/Sound Effects
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Coding, 2010-2013 versions
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Original Code
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Original code
Among Thorns Music
Barn Runner: The Mayor's New Dress Music
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Music
Chance Of The Dead Testing
ColourWise Level Design
Cryo Testing
Dakota Game Design, Artwork, Coding, Music & Sound Effects
Disquiet Graphics/Coding/Story
Downfall Additional coding
Go North Music, Artwork, Coding, Design, 20GB RAIN
Go North 2 Music, Artwork, Coding, Design, Rain
Go North 3 Music, Artwork, Coding, Design, Snow
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Music, Art, Scripting
Indiana Jones and the relic of the Viking Music
Indiana Jones™ and the Passage of Saints Coding
Living Nightmare: Freedom Testing; code help
Lone Case 2: Scars Art and Programmer and Story
Lone Case 3: Showdown Programmer, Artist
Lone Case 4 - Epitaph Programmer, Art, Animation
Lone Case: Locomotive Breath Scripting, Code, Art, Animation
Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements Code Clean-up
Monkey Island: Carnival of the Damned Everything
NES Quest Beta Tester
Oceanspirit Dennis Gets Textual Music
Oh no not again! Everything
Primordia Coding & Crispin Lover
Procrastinator OROW Host
Red Hot Overdrive Music (Track 02)
Rock, Rock, Rock Sound and Music
Starship Poseidon(Part 1) Creator of All
Strangeland Programming
THAT DAMN DOG! Noise Module
The Cat Lady Interface programming
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Porting and additional programming
The Surprisingly Short Adventure of Leopold Kettle Music
Towel Day - H2G2 Based Game Art,Story,Scripting
Troll Song Verse One - Completely Stoned Programming
Until I Have You Music, Design, Coding
Winners Don't Do Drugs MAGS Winner (Booohh)
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing

Wyz Coding, sockets and IRC
∞ bit Music
AGS Awards Ceremony 2010 Coding/Plugin & Interface Author
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Coding, sockets and IRC
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 IRC module, Mac and Linux porting
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 IRC module, Mac and Linux porting
Desolate IniFile2 v1.0.0 module
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator writing
One Room everything
Only The Good Die Young joystick plugin
The Art of Dying Controller Plugin
This odd feeling Everything
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Testing

Andail Background graphics

Ali Background graphics
9 Months In Smooth Scroll Module
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us English proof read
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Background Graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Background Graphics
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module
Cart Life Smooth Scrolling & Parallax Scripting
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator artistic direction, background art, animation
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Additional Puns
Feria d'Arles Additional writing and design
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake SmoothScrolling & Parallax Module
Jack Trekker - Somewhere in Egypt Smooth Scroll Module
Magic Owl Smooth Scrolling & Simple Parallax module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Graphics, Dialogue, Scripting etc.
Pub master quest Legends v3.0 beta testing
Song Animals Parallax Module
Stediddy in IP1; Employment Making the game work & voices
The Cat Lady Smooth Scrolling & Parallax module

Daniel Thomas Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2016 Background graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Background Graphics
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Background Graphics
The Journey of Iesir Demo Art, animations, and project manager

Kastchey GUI graphics and AGS trophy
A Landlord's Dream Art, Design
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us Polish translation
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Graphics, Production, Intro Show (graphics)
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Organizing, Production, Graphics
Birdy Birdy Graphics
Blue Lobe Inc. pixel art
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots Promo Art
Content Dialog Check & Modify
Ego in Planet of the Apes Beach background
FALL translation, dialog check
Fanbots Art, Design
Here Be No Sirens Story, Art, Scripting
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
Space Tunneler Title Screen
Space Tunneler Deluxe title screen
Spot The Difference Graphics
State of Mind Backgrounds and Tester
Suspicious mind Graphics and dialogs
The Ancient Art of Staying Alive Title Screen and promo art
The Awakening Art
The Cradle Character art, animations, additional scripting
The Potion Master (MAGS version) Graphics / coding / additional puzzles and story design
The Rat Pack (Full version) Graphics
The Rat Pack (MAGS version) Artwork, testing
The Shaft Art, scripting, story, writing
Use It All (Or Forget Your Ball) Programming, graphics, additional puzzles
Wages of Darkness graphics and animation

selmiak Presentation animations
A Sloth for Both Seasons Background graphics, animation, SFX, German translation
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Presentation Animations
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Presentation Animations
AGS Mastermind Graphics
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Testing
Black Morph Graphics and game design
Blue Lobe Inc. beta testing
Bury Me in the Sand Animation, and testing
Dakota Testing
Danger Mouse Demo Testing.
Don't Push The Button Didn't push a button
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator background art
Echo in the Clouds (Demo) Environment animation, sound effects, additional writing
Ego in Planet of the Apes Space background
Eternal Chrysalis Programming, Graphics & Animation, SFX, Story, additional Puzzles, blingbling & blinkenlights
Feria d'Arles Testing
Hjarta Testing
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
In Bloom Beta testing
Indiana Jones and the relic of the Viking Backgrounds, sprites
Indiana Jones and the Seven Cities of Gold Demo
Kanji Gakusei Testing
Kathy Rain Testing
Maelstrom Obscura: Case 1 Cases Desktop Image, Newspapers, Loch particles
Rat Channel Tester
Red Hot Overdrive Testing and Green German Car sprtes
Robo Quest v1.21 German Translation
Sabotage on Noegato-Bas Coding / Menus / Stillscreens
SPHONX Story, testing
Sphonx Tech Demo Story
Sumatra: Fate of Yandi Testing and QA
Tales help on early version of the game
Tales - Tech Demo German Localization
The Art of Dying Betatester
The Bum German proofreading
The Journey of Iesir Demo Testing
The Mind [MAGS March 2020] Music
The Perfidious Petrol Station German Translation
The Samaritan Paradox Testing
The Shaft Playtesting
Troll Song - Verse One - DEMO Testing
Troll Song Verse One - Completely Stoned Testing
Wages of Darkness beta testing

Jim Reed MAGS trophies
AGS Awards Ceremony 2010 Ideas
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Original trophy design concept, MAGS trophies
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Original trophy design concept
Go North Went North
Go North 2 Inspiration
Go North 3 He sucked
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks! Beautiful Background Art
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Lead beta-testing
Last & Furious Art & Tech Ideas
Living Nightmare Deluxe Testing/ Up+Down walk cycle
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams Sprite Frames and Walkcycle
Operation: FORKLIFT Playtesting
Red Hot Overdrive Stunning Graphics and Design

m0ds Music

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