Release Date 26 July 2019
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Mild | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Voice Acting
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 755 All Time; 7 This Month


Take on the challenge and preserve both the species, and humanity's fragile sense of self-worth, in this retro-inspired point and click adventure game.

- Traditional point'n'click game-play
- Retro-inspired visuals and art
- New, original soundtrack by http://jothmusic.com/
- Full voice acting by four talented voice actors
- A dark sense of humour
- Math!
- Extra wriggling

Now also available on itch.io:

WHAM Design and Production. Voice of Mind Maggot.
A Place of Significance Story, Art, Development
Alien Cow Rampage: Orion Needs Your Milk! testing
Anna's Quest Vol. 1: Winfriede's Tower Tester
Big Blue World Domination [MAGS] Design and Production
Captain Disaster in: Death Has A Million Stomping Boots VA, additional grpahics
Cold Hand Reef, The [MAGS] Design and Production
GNRBLEX (MAGS version) Design and Production
He Watches (DEMO) Design and Production
Infection - Episode 1 - The Ship Design and Production
Infection - Episode 2 - [Demo] [REMOVED] Design and Production
Of the Essence [MAGS] Design and Production
One More Fathom Design and Production
RAM Ghost Object Donation
Sinking [OROW] Design and Production
Submerged - LaSol (MAGS) Design and Production
Technobabylon - Part 3: In Nuntius Veritas Testing

Awards & Reviews

Pick of the Month

November 2020

- "What's the cute animal behind the glass?" - "It's a GNRBLEX, also known as a mind maggot. - "Why the nickname?" - "You don't want to know..." WHAM's delightful abomination now comes with quality voice overs and improved graphics. An instant classic! The download link will take you to the

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Text Language: English
Filesize: 500,000 kB

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