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Release Date | 1 November 2020 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | Suggestive dialog | Mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Fantasy |
Genre | Comedy |
Story | Original |
Play Length | Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes) |
MAGS | |
Language | English |
Graphics | 800x600, 32-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 579 All Time; 9 This Month |
You're an evil wizard, and those bastardy bastard heroes have chased you to the top of your tower. And just before you locked yourself in your laboratory, their stupid spellhacking cheating bastard of a good wizard cast Continual Light on your eyeballs.
You are blind.
Before they bash the door in, you must touch, talk, taste, smell and listen your way around your lab to concoct a Continual Darkness spell to restore your sight. Hurry!
Gameplay: Sense your way through magical ingredients, implements and creatures. Hovering over an unseen item makes a ? ? ? appear until you identify it. And fortunately, you had a couple spells still memorized after your battle that may help.
As you identify thin…gs, a "memory" of what they look like will appear. Nothing should be too pixel-hunt-y, and the game tells you when you've found everything in the room.
Short, one room game, 15+ minutes playtime. Will include voice pack in near future.
Recommend windowed play and sound on. Thanks for playing!
HyperAnimated | Creator and dark wizard, stole & spliced all art & sounds. |
Chicken VS. Road | Arts, Words, Codes, & Hoopla! |
Damsel | Writing, Programming, Sound Effects |
Not My First Apocalypse: Stormpuncher | Creator, stolen art masher, dimension crimer. |
Stop | Everything! |
Use It All (Or Forget Your Ball) | Original idea |
Whack-A-Soul | Everything |
Whack-A-Soul | Everything |
Worlds Literally Collide | Everything! |
Very original in its execution, and fun, yet challenging to play.
September 2024
I never thought I'd have so much fun cooking a recipe blindly as an evil wizard.Despite the whacky premise, the game is very fair and playable. Recommended!
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Showing 5 of 6 comments
Had a great time with this, very cool unique gameplay!
This game is amazing!
When I read the description, I expected a lot of pixel hunting, but good indications through mouse over help to avoid this. Besides, the bulk of the game takes places once you've figured out what everything is, so while the character might not be able to see, the player is.
For a one room game, this game has a lot of quirky characters and the main character is actually really likeable. The humour is great, giving me a couple of chuckles from the characters and one sequence made me laugh throughout (you'll probably know which one when you get there).
The puzzles are varied and logical, making it possible to proceed without too much difficulties but still offering a nice, balanced challange. The beginning of the game, where you need to figure out what everything is, could be a bit more challanging. Just trying every interaction (touch, smell, ...) with each hotspot will reveal what they are sooner or later. I'm sure there's room for more interessting puzzles here, but this is really only a minor critique.
This game is well worth the about 30 minutes it will take you to complete it. Great game.
This game has so much great humor, wich I think is also its strongest point. But I also liked the idea of probing around in the dark to find things..with your tongue.. Fun game, would play again :-)
I was looking forward to play this one and see how the idea of playing the blind was done. Loved it!
It was fun to not only to touch, but taste, smell... :D
I enjoyed the story, graphics and puzzles. But the "bro" talk, kind of ruined immersion for me.
Well done! Definitely play this game, a truly MAGS winner!
Very original game. I didn't expect I would have so much fun playing an evil wizard. All the objects are hidden and yet there's not really any pixel hunt.