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Release Date | 10 October 2023 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | None | None |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Contemporary |
Genre | Comedy |
Story | Original |
Play Length | Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes) |
Graphics | 640x480, 16-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 214 All Time; 17 This Month |
A simple Point & Click adventure game that takes place in a small town in northern Canada.
Jermaine_GameDev | Game design, art, music, writing, assets |
Big trouble in little river | Game design, art, music, writing, assets |
Tarnos12 | Programming/scripting and all work in AGS engine |
Big trouble in little river | Programming/AGS work |
1 kB |
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Showing 3 of 3 comments
An enjoyable short puzzle game. The dialogue is funny at times. Puzzles were a little easy but humorous enough to keep it fun and interesting. Good visuals too.
This is a charming investigation game. I liked how the puzzles/tasks spin out from the people in the small town and their relationships. Also good graphics and animation. Well worth a go.
The game is hosted on itch.io
There's currently no download.
Also it's my first game so be gentle with me ;-)