Release Date 10 December 2023
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Sci-Fi
Genre Drama
Story Fan Game
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Languages English, French
Graphics Other, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 133 All Time; 6 This Month


FULL STORY ! HISTOIRE COMPLETE !This game is a remake of my first game, Shai-la of the Sith, with new gameplay and a reworked story that takes into account the works released since then in the Star Wars universe.Shai-la is a young girl who worked on the construction of the first Death Star during the Imperial era... until the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, spotted her thanks to the Force he sensed in her. She becomes his apprentice and discovers her new life and her new powers.- Explore many different planets, meet many characters from all the movies !
- Mini-games (skippable) : use your powers, fight your enemies, make your lightsaber, race with your speeder bike, pilot a TIE fighter !
- Full story, in 5 episodes.****Programmed with Adventure Game Studio.
Characters created with The Sims 4 and ripped from the games "Star Wars: Force Arena" and "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes", posed with Akeytsu.
Music: Star Wars OST by John Williams and Michael Giaccino - Star Wars games OST.
This game uses characters created with "The Sims 4" for purely creative purposes, and is in no way affiliated to Electronic Arts.

********************************************Ce jeu est le remake de mon premier jeu Shai-la du Sith, avec un nouveau gameplay et une histoire retravaillée en tenant compte des oeuvres sorties depuis dans l'univers de Star Wars.Shai-la est une jeune fille qui travaillait à la construction de la première Étoile de la Mort à l'époque impériale... jusqu'à ce que le Seigneur Noir des Sith, Dark Vador, la repère grâce à la Force qu'il sentait en elle. Elle devient alors son apprentie et découvre sa nouvelle vie et ses nouveaux pouvoirs.- Explorez de nombreuses planètes différentes, rencontrez de nombreux personnages issus de tous les films !
- Mini-jeux (passables) : utilisez vos pouvoirs, combattez vos ennemis, fabriquez votre sabre laser, faites la course avec votre speeder bike, pilotez un chasseur TIE !
- Histoire complète, en 5 épisodes.****
Programmé avec Adventure Game Studio.
Personnages créés avec les Sims 4 et rippés des jeux "Star Wars: Force Arena" et "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes", posés avec Akeytsu.
Musiques : OST Star Wars par John Williams et Michael Giaccino - OST Star Wars TIE Fighter.Ce jeu utilise des personnages créés avec le jeu "Les Sims 4" dans un but purement créatif, et n'est en aucun cas affilié à Electronic Arts.

Marion Story, Programming, Graphics
** Deleted Game ** Story, graphics, programming
** Deleted Game ** story, graphics, programming
** DELETED GAME ** programming, graphics
** DELETED GAME ** story, programming, graphics
** DELETED GAME ** story, programming, drawings
** DELETED GAME** Story, graphics, programming
** DELETED GAME** Story, programming
** DELETED GAME** story, programming
**DELETED GAME** Story, graphics, programming
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Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Visual novel in several short chapters. Recommended for Star Wars fans, who will undoubtedly find this atmospheric and well researched. There are skippable mini games spread throughout, though these are of the easy variety. Puzzle lovers and classic adventure purists may look elsewhere, as the focus here is storytelling, not providing a challenge.

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Showing 5 of 7 comments

By Marion on 27 July 2024

​SHAI-LA OF THE SITH - Star Wars fangame.
The Comics version in PDF format, based on screenshots from the game, is available for those who can't or don't want to play the game ! (Thank you Anamoon ​for the english gameplay video !)

By Marion on 8 February 2024

FULL GAME AVAILABLE ! 5 episodes, English / French ! Complete story.

By Marion on 26 January 2024

Episode 4 available ! :)

By Marion on 13 January 2024

Episode 3 available ! :)

By heltenjon on 2 January 2024

I love how this story is told in different ways in several games. It's fan fiction, but takes its time to make it fit with the Star Wars worlds. The mood is spot on. Looks gorgeous, well written. The genre is visual novel, albeit with skippable mini-games. Recommended for Star Wars fans and VN lovers. Puzzle hunters may be excused for this one.

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Text Languages: English, French
Filesize: 110,000 kB
Last Updated Date: 4 February 2025

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