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Release Date 25 October 2003
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Drama
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 10,484 All Time


'Who wants to live forever?' is a drama game. It also features a digital soundtrack which can be downloaded at http://www.lumpcity.co.uk/~vel/Musicpack.rar *Edit* 20.12.2003 : There is a new digital music pack released. Download from the link above
All who are expecting cheery and funny game will be disappointed. It is a deep, tragic and dramatic one.

It features:
15 rooms
5 characters
3 alternate endings
30 minutes long soundtrack

Pet Terry Music

Vel Just about anything else
A Gunshot in Room 37 Music
Recess 2 Everything else
Recess talkie Creator
The Hamlet Team Captain, writer and some other stu
The Shivah Music

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2003 Nominee

AGS Awards 2003 Nominee

Best Music in an AGS Game

AGS Panel Rating

Other Players Rated

24 votes

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By azerty on 14 January 2009

Very short game: 4 puzzles.
It is more an animation than really a game.

By SSH on 5 January 2004

Needs some proofreading in the text, but it is an "interesting" game. I like the journal feature: and interesting way to present puzzles. Its atmosphere (but not graphics) kind of reminds me of Syberia. But its philosiphising seemed somewhat vague, reminding me of the latter Matrix movies.

So, Vel, keep trying and improving!

By Vel on 8 November 2003

The link now works.

By Vel on 7 November 2003

Do not download - it is a false link that will take you to another game. If you want to d/l the game, go to http://www,geocities.com/veliarts/wwtlf.html

By Migs on 4 November 2003

Interesting game, with a clear tragic tone as the description implies. The characters are well-designed, although the dialogue is not believable, and needs some serious work. The music fits the mood quite well. The artwork is about average for an amateur AGS game.

It would be nice to be able to skip through some of the scenes, especially the credits where the author seems to like seeing his name in writing a little too often. All in all, this is a game worth looking at since it's short, and won't take up too much of your time. The author has clearly improved his skill since "Recess," but there are, still better games out there.


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