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Release Date 17 June 2003
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Fan Game
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 29,917 All Time; 20 This Month


A sequel to the original Zak McKracken game.

It could have been such a nice day. Zak's favourite movie is on, most of the work on his novel is done, and Sushi seems to have survived her long stay in the sink quite nicely. Still half asleep, Zak gropes for the mailbox key and wanders down the stairs. Wow, a lot of mail again, he thinks to himself. However, next to the usual advertising for Monolith Burger, this time it also includes a letter from the distant Bogota. Suspecting no evil, Zak opens the envelope. As he reads the first few lines, he loses control of his face...

The game is available in English, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Norwegian.

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Showing 5 of 11 comments

By heltenjon on 7 March 2022

I'm divided. It's fun to revisit the characters and get some of the humour in a new story, but I feel it's too dependent on the player knowing the original in order to know what to do. There are a couple of pixel hunts and cumbersome travelling from location to location looking for something to do, or a character to try giving all your items. You also have to accept that there only exixts one available shovel in the world, and that you need to spend thousands of dollars travelling the globe in order to achieve the means to grab said shovel. On the other hand, at least Zak now has unlimited money.

I'd say it's a well done game that's a bit too dependent on exploration for my taste.

By Marion on 10 November 2008

I love the first Zak Mc Kraken game, and I enjoyed playing with him again. But the puzzles and the dialogs were truly not enough worked.

By Klaz on 14 April 2008

Overall, I didn't enjoy this much. This game, unlike the original Zak McKracken, is quite linear and short. The story is quite typical (Rescue your girlfriend, quite a departure from the original and bizarre plot of the first game) and the puzzles were easy. However, I found that some dialogs were quite good.

By Gab on 28 May 2006

The Game seems to be programmed by a very young person... There was no story-line, no atmosphere. The puzzles were pointless an you got no hints within the Game, what to do.
The grafics are very good. But you can see, that they are ripped.

By Radiant on 25 March 2004

Well, I'm sorry to say this but I was rather disappointed in Zak2. It lacked the atmosphere of Zak1 where you could just start by messing around with things (finding your remote, paying your phone bill, buying LOTS of things at the store etc). There are many things visible on-screen that aren't hot spots (such as the shredder switch near the sink, and all items on the left shelf of the store). And there are far too many standard responses ('it doesnt seem to open' etc), and sometimes you don't even get a response at all. Finally, all older LucasArts games have some sort of keyboard control (i.e. QWE/ASD/ZXC for the nine commands would do it) this would improve playability.
In my opinion this simply doesn't live up to the name of Zak.

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