Ratings |
Release Date 28 May 2004
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Strong
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 21,909 All Time; 5 This Month


Ben Jordan is fresh out of college and has decided to become a freelance paranormal investigator. Join him on his first case in the Florida Everglades, searching for a mysterious creature known as "The Skunk-Ape."

The first in a series of many(?)

Grundislav Art, Writing, Scripting
A Golden Wake Art, Writing, Coding
Back Door Man Design, Art, Dialogue, Addtl Scripting
Ben Chandler: Paranormal Investigator!
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 1 Deluxe Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 2 - The Lost Galleon of the Salton Sea Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 2 Deluxe Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 3 - The Sorceress of Smailholm Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 4 - Horror at Number 50 Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 5 - Land of the Rising Dead
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 6 - Scourge of the Sea People Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 7 - The Cardinal Sins Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 8 - Relics of the Past Art, Writing, Scripting
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Warrior Within Case 1 - Wrath of the Skunk Ape Disapproves of this version of his game
Blue Lobe Inc. voice cameo
Carver Island 2: Mrs. Rodriguez's Revenge Creator
Crackwell Unhinged Backgrounds and Programming
Dumbass Drivers! DEMO Voice acting, death by dangerous driving
Fridge Follies Spanish translation
Granny Zombiekiller Demo Creator
Granny Zombiekiller in Mittens Murder Mystery Creator
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks! Coffee and Donuts
John Sinclair- Voodoo in London Ben Jordan Sprites
Lamplight City Writing, design, art, animation, coding
Limey Lizard: Waste Wizard! Voice and Testing
Little Girl in Underland Scripting, Sound, & Voice Acting
Narcoleptic Weight Loss Expert Voice acting
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 Voice (Jessica)
Oceanspirit Dennis's Holiday Havoc! Everything minus music
Owl Hunt Voice of Cedric
Porn Quest Creator
Shardlight Writing, Design, Coding
Tea For Two: A Detective Logan Case Voice Acting
The Adventures of Fatman Voice acting.
The Art of Dying Betatester
The coming of age - a Lorna Bains whodunit Additional Coding
The Crackwell Legacy nothing, idiot!
The Rebirth/The Reaper The Rebirth
The Samaritan Paradox Voice acting
The Secret of Carver Island Creator

Ghormak Music

AGA Additional Puzzle Design

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

This first entry into the Ben Jordan series lacks some of the polish of the later entries (hence the deluxe version). It is also the shortest, but Grundislav's enthusiasm carries through to make the game enjoyable.

Other Players Rated

95 votes

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Showing 5 of 14 comments

By Thanyx on 19 March 2016

Even though, the game doesn't seem to look that great, first time you start it, after few minutes I really started to enjoying it. When I finished I had to download another one from the series. And so should you! Best AGS games for me, for sure.

By Blu Aardvark on 28 November 2007

I found the puzzles logical, yet utterly unchallenging, although that might be in part due to the fact that I played through the Deluxe version first. The graphics, as in the rest of the early Ben Jordan series, critique themselves without need of further comment.

Again, I'd recommend it, if for no other reason than that it is part of a series that becomes positively awesome later on.

By uvaagsfan on 13 October 2007

Awesome... one of my favs from this site!

By Optimus on 24 June 2007

I have decided to play all the Ben Jordan series. It's only from the 3rd episode that I start liking them. The story in this one doesn't appeal to me and there is not much of an interesting plot or satisfying ending. Not bad for a start though..

By TheHidden on 16 July 2005

Hmmm... where should I begin ?

This game has something that reminds me of a Scooby-Doo Cartoon - at least the story could easily be found in one.

The music in this game is really good, but the backgrounds and sprites couldn't provide a scary or mysterious mood. The puzzles are very easy and there are to few items to interact with.

If you are happy with an interactive 20minute Cartoon- Rip-Off then this is a game for you - but IMHO it can not count as a serious adventure game.

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