Ratings | | x1 | x12
Release Date 5 November 2004
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | Suggestive dialog | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Full Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 8-Bit (256 Colour)
Downloaded 29,434 All Time; 6 This Month


Bluff City is a town of unusual people, with unusual abilitles. Tim and Tiffany Walters are fraternal twins, born and raised in Bluff City. After a traumatic childhood (which they don't talk about), they became extremely close and depend on each other for everything. To pay the bills, they have opened a Private Investigator business. Their current case is to locate a mysterious crystal. The price of failure? Only the end of the world. (more details on the game page)


Timothy Walters - Special Power: Levitation

Tim acts like an older brother to his sister Tiffany, despite the fact that he was born three minutes after her. He is strangely overprotective of her, and is constantly making sure that she's okay. He is very moody, often depressed, and looks at the world through jaded, cynical eyes. His one joy comes from listening to rock music. He is particularly fond of KISS; he has all their CDs and has even met some of the members.

Tiffany Walters - Special Power: Talking to Animals

Tiffany is cheerful, happy-go-lucky and childish. Not only is the glass constantly half full for her, but it's also pink with smiley faces drawn on it. She is obsessed with stuffed animals, of which she has many, and believes that she can always get her way by saying "Please!" often enough. Tiffany is always trying to get her brother Tim to have fun, which usually consists of a game of Candy-Land.


This game was originally made for the AGS Team Competition, which ran for six weeks in the summer of 2004. The team consisted of BerserkerTails, Dart, Scotch, Yoke and myself. We managed to make the deadline, but decided that the game was still too empty and full of bugs to justify an official release. Three-and-a-half months later, it's sweet and sparkly and ready for public consumption. Creating this game has been a fantastic experience. We all hope you enjoy it.

Dave Gilbert design/dialog/coding
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 1 Deluxe Receptionist (Voice)
Bestowers of Eternity - Part One Creator
Blackwell Deception Design, programming
Blackwell Epiphany Writing, programming, voiceover directing
Blackwell Legacy, The Coder/Designer/Writer
Blackwell Unbound Design, coding, writing
Eyes of the Jade Sphinx
Gemini Rue Voice Directing & Casting
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks! Pragmatic Puzzle Suggestions
He Watches (DEMO) QA/Testing
Kathy Rain VO Recording & Direction
Limey Lizard: Waste Wizard! Voice, Testing and Support
Mind's Eye Tester
PMX: The Magic Hat Beta testing
Primordia Publisher, Voice Actor (Hansel Rossumbuilt, Scraper)
Reality-on-the-Norm: Cold Storage Testing
Reality-on-the-Norm: Stuck at Home Testing
Reality-on-the-Norm: The Postman Only Dies Once Author
Reality-on-the-Norm: The Repossessor (2014) Original story & design
Resonance Voice acting direction
Shardlight Producer
Strangeland Publishing & Voice Work
Tea For Two: A Detective Logan Case Voice Acting
Technobabylon Almost certainly some stuff
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Publishing and voice direction
The Shivah Writing, character animations, coding
Unavowed Writing, design and programming
Whispers of a Machine Voice Direction
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Bake Sale Organizer

YOke coding/character art/character animation

BerserkerTails character/character animation/music

Dart Background art/character art
The Hamlet Betatesting

scotch Background art

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2004 Winner

AGS Awards 2004 Winner

Best Gameplay
Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2004 Nominee

AGS Awards 2004 Nominee

Best Animation
Best Background Art
Best Character Art
Best Dialogue Writing
Best Game Created with AGS
Best Music
Best Non Player Character
Best Player Character
Best Programming
Best Puzzles
Best Story
Best Use of Sound

AGS Panel Rating

Pick of the Month

November 2004

Originally designed for the 2004 AGS Team Competition, this game was released this month, some 3 months after the originally planned release date. However, the final product was well worth the wait, this game is of a high quality that wouldn't have been possible in the Competition's

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114 votes

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Showing 5 of 9 comments

By Michael2968 on 23 August 2015

This is a pretty fun game that I think most people who like a game with some comedy in it would enjoy.

By Recluse on 21 July 2007

Very interesting characters, completely believable dialogue, plenty of blue cup jokes.

The only issue I had was sometimes during scaling the sprites would show at a higher resolution than the background. While this makes the sprites more recognizable, it makes them "pop" off the background a little too much for my tastes.

Overall, a wonderful game I would recommend to anyone!

By paolo on 24 March 2006

Hurray! I've completed this game at last. I downloaded it once before and got completely stuck very early on. I'm glad I gave it another chance. Great game!

By stellalie on 16 January 2006

It was nice. What a great job!! I really love the dialogue that acually express each character's view towards the problem.

By Sythe on 8 December 2005

Reasonably good point and click. Fairly easy in parts and not without the occasional bug here and there (be sure to save between puzzels).

Its interesting to note the obvious influence of Sam and Max in this game. Both games had two characters; abstract graphics in parts and a place map sort of environment which is not so common in other point and clicks. The story line is fairly similar to 5 days a stanger, another obvious influence.

All in all I'd say this game was rather unorginal but still a good play. The puzzels were interesting but not difficult and fairly shallow.

The interface also needs work.

7/10 - Thank you for the game, keep up the good work!

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