Release Date 19 December 2004
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Play Length Demo
Graphics 320x240, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,734 All Time


Finally (speaking for myself that is) the first sort of official release concerning MRC2; this betademo that is.

No further commentary, apart from PLEASE report me the bugs and such, and give feedback on what you like and what you think I should change.

NOTE: Most of the inventory interaction replies are still missing.

Ishmael Game Creator
_Access Music
A Gunshot in Room 37 Design, story, art, scripting
Alone in the Night Music
Barely Floating Scripting & Writing
Deflus Technical Demo Scripting help
Escape From Lurrilous
Lone Case 2: Scars Music
Pixel Hunt Beta testing
The Island Story, puzzles, graphics
The McReed Case
Tomb of the Moon Design, story, scripting, music

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