Ratings |
Release Date 29 January 2005
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Voice Acting
Graphics 320x240, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 16,732 All Time; 2 This Month


This is the first part of the Earl Bobby trilogy.
It is a short point and click adventure about an old scottish earl who lives in an old castle in the scottish highlands, and maybe about the sense of life...

It is deep midnight in the scottish highlands and Earl Bobby is wandering nervously around. He knows that he has an important conference the next day. That's why he needs his shoes. He can't leave the house without his shoes.

You will have to solve some freaky puzzles to finally find them. In the end there is a surprise waiting for you.
Help Earl Bobby to find his Shoes in his own castle!

Le Woltaire Game

Ieremiou english proofread
_Access Bugspotting

Peder 🚀 Hosting
[Into the series] Shogin Crystal Legends B2 Testing
A Second Face - The Eye of Geltz is Watching Us hosting
Archeos Music
Black Sect 2: The Cursed Crypt (PnC Remake) Testing
Cryo Coding, lead tester
Don't Drink the Pink Testing
Earl Bobby is looking for a Loo Publisher
Earl Bobby is looking for his Balls testing and hosting
Fallen Angel Everything.
Go North Port, Design, Mumble
Heaven, Hell and the Neitherworld Technical help and hosting
Masters of Sound Hosting
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Beta Testing / Hosting
NES Quest Beta Tester
Operation Save Blue Cup Everything.
Red Hot Overdrive Music (Track 04)
The Art of Dying Betatester
Trapped In A Building Everything.
Where did Sam go? Scripting, GUIs, cursors, INV items.

Awards & Reviews

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37 votes

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Showing 5 of 9 comments

By MrEdwardNigma on 8 January 2011

If you ask me, this game is just right. I love it when a fairly spartan room like this can manage to fill up the main character's inventory, with items no less that both make sense where they are found and can often be used in more ways than one.

I love that the scenery is being used fully, and the graphics, while basic, did the job very well. there were also a fair deal of animations, and the humour of the game worked well. All in all, worth a tip of my hat. Bravo, sir.

By Ascovel on 7 November 2010

Short, crazy, rough around the edges, visually stylish, humorous and, while it lasts, a lot of fun.

The only real annoyance was a large number of missing responses to the hero's actions.

By twinmoon on 14 April 2008

The voice acting alone makes this worthwhile!

By Acme on 30 November 2007

Not a bad game, though why someone would try to make such an ambitious game in three days eludes me. I did enjoy the humour but thought that this was an opportunty missed. The game was well balanced but could have been longer.

By uvaagsfan on 17 October 2007

Cute little game.. enjoyed ending sequence..

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