Ratings | | x5
Release Date 7 April 2005
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Mild | Suggestive dialog | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 22,351 All Time; 1 This Month


"The Great Stroke-Off" Adventure Game!
Brought to you by Team:
*** Old School Point n' Click ***
(ATC Deluxe Edition Winners)
This game is heavy on the "humor" side of things, with a variety of wacky characters, interesting scenes to explore, and an amusing, unique and interesting storyline.

The setting of the story takes place in a type of small "Amusement Park" called "Stickz & Ballz". The main attraction of the park is the Mini-Golf Course (thus the Stickz & Ballz name), as well as a Haunted House of Mirrors and a Video Arcade, plus a large shop with snacks and souvenirs as well as more areas to explore.

The main character in the game that the player will control, goes by the name of Ned Flobolid.

Ned (who is around 16 years old) is working during his "summer-break" at the "Stickz & Ballz" amusement park, which is owned and operated by his Uncle Ernie. His parents gave him the choice to either work there for his Uncle during the summer, or to attend tutoring lessons at summer-school. So, Ned choose to work at the amusement park.

The story takes place during the day of "The Great Stroke-Off Competition", in which teams are competing to win the trophy. During the opening scenes of the game, Uncle Ernie will tell Ned "Half of a Proverb", and make it as a riddle for Ned to solve. So, in the course of the game, Ned will also find the "answer to the riddle of the proverb" as well.

Ned will have to do various tasks, solve various puzzles (some a bit bizarre), and interact with a few other characters in the game as the story unfolds.

At one point during the game, Ned can choose to help and befriend one of two opposing teams (One team being a group of "Nerds" and the other team a group of "Punks"). Deciding on which team Ned decides to help win the competition, will decide on what different puzzles Ned may have to solve as well as affecting the direction of the story.

*Note: This game should run fine on most versions of Windows.

Barbarian Programming,Story, Narration,Puzzles
Bob Goes Home Deluxe Beta Tester
Dark of Night Game creator
Elevator, Rise from the Abyss Game Creator
Escape From Evergreen Forest Game Creator
Knight Quest for the Golden Ring Programming, Story, Puzzles.

HillBilly All Artwork
Earl Mansin: The Breakout Graphics, story & script
Merry Christmas, Alfred Robbins Story & graphics

Eigen All Music

Gord10 "Drunken Violent Bums" Video Game.
A Short Nightmare Author
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game 2009 - Source Code Scripting,graphics
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game Remix Scripting Sound and Original graphics
Are We There Yet? 2 producer
Asporia: Hidden Threat Scenario, 3D levels, scripting
Lost Answers Author
Lost In The Nightmare - Demo 3D mapping, scripting
Lost In The Nightmare 2: Unforgettable Memories Demo 1 Author
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Producer/Story
Lost in the Nightmare: 'Save Our Souls' Author
Rufus story the Ahmet's AGS Fight Game module
Self Author
Triangle Head's Adventure Programming, arts and story
Utopia of a Tyrant Author

.. Devlpmnt.Mesg. Forum & Ideas

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2005 Nominee

AGS Awards 2005 Nominee

Best Animation
Best Background Art
Best Character Art
Best Music
Best Non Player Character

AGS Panel Rating

Other Players Rated

26 votes

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Showing 5 of 6 comments

By foxyfox666 on 9 February 2009

Hello, my name is Joel, from the french AGS forum.
I want to translate your game in french.
If you agree, send me an email to this address:


and I contact you. Thank you. :)

By Snaezycorangeio on 23 October 2005

Could've been better.... a lot better.

By jkohen on 22 October 2005

An excellent game by all means.

The music is great, dialogs are pretty good (albeit the balls "joke" gets too silly and you'll be reading it a lot), the GUI is really usable and the graphics and the animations are one of the best I've seen in an AGS game: they're well drawn, very appropriate for the intended atmosphere and, above all, their meaning is in all cases clear.

No pixel hunting on this one, and there's even re-playability (there are two ways to finish it).

Note to the author: Although I liked the GUI, I think that changing the order of the actions for no good reason is very counter-productive.

By Bless on 6 July 2005

Pretty good game, it wasn't very difficult, but the story line was really well done. I would recommend it to people who like the story more than the puzzles. Alternate endings was a good idea, gave me a bit more gameplay.

By Oliver Rull on 2 June 2005

Very good game. I love the story, graphics and animations, and and of course lets not forget the music. The animations really gave so much to the game. And the graphics show that they don't always have to be very complex, simple can be VERY good too. Awsome game. I hope to see more games by Old School Point n' Click

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