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Release Date | 29 October 2005 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | None | Mild |
Operating System | Windows |
Setting | Sci-Fi |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Original |
Play Length | Full Length Game |
Language | English |
Graphics | 320x240, 32-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 65,272 All Time; 24 This Month |
Extra Credits:
Kitoslav:Help with the story
CoyoteJack for complete grammar and spell fix (v. 1.2 and above)
Rui "Brisby" Pires:For 2nd Mirror (Forum section)
DeepHitz for another mirror and support
Sektor 13 | Scripting, Mixing sound and Music, grap |
Infinity String | |
Project Xenophobe | Graphics, Sound Import, Scripting |
RoN-The Outbreak | Adapted graphics |
Faithful to the show, and should be very enjoyable for fans.
Strong design and story, if a little unfocused in places. Recommended.
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Showing 5 of 16 comments
A great Stargate SG1 Fangame with some fun puzzles at the beginning, when you are back in the Stargate Center I got lost a bit but then it starts to get better again when you are on a mission again.
I recorded a longplay to be found here:
I really like Stargate: SG-1 which may slightly affect my love of this game, but in just about every way I can think of, this is a terrific adventure game. Thoroughly recommended, particularly if you're a Stargate fan of course.
Awesome adventure game, I really enjoied it!
Thanks Sektor 13.
Cheers from Italy :)
Very nice game. People using ffdshow must put the executable of this game on the exception-list, otherwise the game will hang without showing the AVI's
I really like that there are more options how to solve some puzzles.
I don't like Stargate show, but I loved that game. Overall amazing"