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Release Date 8 June 2006
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Drama
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 8,276 All Time; 2 This Month


Entry for the fourth One Room One Week competition. A very short and simple game.

You play a criminal of some sort, and you need to escape the authorities.

Ishmael Design, story, art, scripting
_Access Music
Alone in the Night Music
Barely Floating Scripting & Writing
Deflus Technical Demo Scripting help
Escape From Lurrilous
Lone Case 2: Scars Music
Pixel Hunt Beta testing
The Island Story, puzzles, graphics
The McReed Case
The McReed Case: Interrogation BETADEMO Game Creator
Tomb of the Moon Design, story, scripting, music

Vel Music
Recess 2 Everything else
Recess talkie Creator
The Hamlet Team Captain, writer and some other stu
The Shivah Music
Who wants to live forever? Just about anything else

Awards & Reviews

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8 votes

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Showing 5 of 7 comments

By Marion on 30 October 2008

I'm sorry it's so short, because I like the gameplay, the first person view, the GUI... We don't see games like that very often with AGS. Nice try !

By Andy on 1 September 2008

The setting is gripping, the music is intense, and the gameplay is....short n easy.

It is always nice to see a different style of game in the ole AGS archives and I enjoyed this game albeit rather short.

By Honeydew Huey on 12 April 2008

I enjoyed this little game. There's a certain quality to first-person adventure games that is very likable. The graphics are nicely done and appropriate. The music suits the game as well.

I have a few minor criticisms. The lack of interactivity -- basically just clicking on stuff -- could have either been better handled or replaced with a more conventional select-action, do-it-on-object approach. And for whatever reason, the music had moments of skipping during the intro -- this happened across a few instances of running the program, not just incidentally.

But overall, I enjoyed this snack-sized game and I'd recommend it for a quick play ;).

By uvaagsfan on 5 October 2007

I disagree with alot of the negative comments... I didn't think the design of this game was bad by any means... I liked the first person deal. My only complaint is it being too easy.

By Acme on 29 August 2007

I sorry to say that this offering is not up to the standard of other games from AGS. It is too easy and has no depth of story at all.
it took less than five minutes to complete and relied too much on a move counter to effect the game. I'm sorry to be so negative but this game just doesn't cut the mustard.

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