Ratings |
Release Date 1 September 2006
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 3,811 All Time; 2 This Month


Princess Marian sets out on her biggest adventure yet, to make a new magic hat. This is the longest Princess Marian game, with the most gameplay, making it a "proper" game. It is also the 10th game in the series (hence the X)

SSH Writing, graphics
10 Ways From Sunday Credits module
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Simple Snow Module
9 Months In Credits Module
A Day with Michael Yes/no, Credits, Save/Restore Module
A Night in Berry - long version Description, zoom and credits modules
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum Description module
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Compilation
Alba the Explorer: Princess Marian part V pretty much everything
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Description and Credits module
Awakening of the Sphinx DEMO Everything
Bolt Action Description, Credits, and Pixel Perfect Collision Module Supplier
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Credits module
Buccaneer Scripting help
Bustin' the Bastille Description, Credits and Pixel Perfect Collisions modules
C.U.T.E. The Marvellous Adventures of Princess Marian part VII The whole bally lot
Christmas Quest 3: Santa's Little Help Desk Additional support
Craft Of Evil Credits Module
Dakota Credit Module
Darkness and Denim (MAGS) LEC Template
Diamonds in the Rough Additional scripting
Fallen Angel Credits Module.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Hypertext/GUI Portrait/QBSpeech
Lost & Found Description module
Lost in the Nightmare: 'Save Our Souls' Credits module
Lost In The Woods Save Game and Yes/No Modules
Magic Owl Simple snow module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Beta Testing / Musical Continuity
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope Credits Module
Operation Save Blue Cup Credits Module.
Pixel Hunt Writer, Scripting, Voice acting
Princess Marian and the Fountain of Unicorns most of the work
Princess Marian IX: The Phantom of the Ballet Everything
Princess Marian VIII: Snowfight almost everything
Princess Marian XI: Light re-leaf Programming
Princess Marian's Pigeon Pinger Everything
Roast Mother Goose Yes/No, SaveGame, Quit Modules
Robolution Starwars scroller Module
Rock, Rock, Rock Design, Programming, Modules
Scared Stiff Save/Load & Quit Modules
Secret of Hutton: Special Edition MultiResponse Module
Snakes on a Plane the muthalovin lot
SSH's Walkcycle Generator Everything
STRANDED Save/Load, Yes/No Modules
Suspicious mind Description module
Tempus Fugit Credits, Save/Load, and Yes/No Modules
THAT DAMN DOG! Credits Module
The Adventures of Princess Marian
The Adventures of Princess Marian II: Mother's Day
The Cat Lady SmoothScrollInv module
The Dark Cave: Adventure of Princess Marian IV everything
The Energizer Walkcycle generator
The Seven Doors Save Game and Yes/No Modules

Dave Gilbert Beta testing
Ben Jordan: Paranormal Investigator Case 1 Deluxe Receptionist (Voice)
Bestowers of Eternity - Part One Creator
Blackwell Deception Design, programming
Blackwell Epiphany Writing, programming, voiceover directing
Blackwell Legacy, The Coder/Designer/Writer
Blackwell Unbound Design, coding, writing
Eyes of the Jade Sphinx
Gemini Rue Voice Directing & Casting
Hard Space: Conquest of the Gayliks! Pragmatic Puzzle Suggestions
He Watches (DEMO) QA/Testing
Kathy Rain VO Recording & Direction
Limey Lizard: Waste Wizard! Voice, Testing and Support
Mind's Eye Tester
Primordia Publisher, Voice Actor (Hansel Rossumbuilt, Scraper)
Reality-on-the-Norm: Cold Storage Testing
Reality-on-the-Norm: Stuck at Home Testing
Reality-on-the-Norm: The Postman Only Dies Once Author
Reality-on-the-Norm: The Repossessor (2014) Original story & design
Resonance Voice acting direction
Shardlight Producer
Strangeland Publishing & Voice Work
Tea For Two: A Detective Logan Case Voice Acting
Technobabylon Almost certainly some stuff
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Publishing and voice direction
The Shivah Writing, character animations, coding
Two of a Kind design/dialog/coding
Unavowed Writing, design and programming
Whispers of a Machine Voice Direction
Zombie Attack (BAKE SALE) Bake Sale Organizer

SinSin Beta testing

Nikolas Beta testing
A Tale of Two Kingdoms Music
A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Deluxe Edition Music
Diamonds in the Rough Music, sound effects, sound engineering
Heart of Abraxas music and sound effects
Resonance Music, sound
What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed Music, Sound

stepurhan Beta testing

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5 votes

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Showing 2 of 2 comments

By Erenan on 5 September 2006

Good work, SSH. I liked this game very much.

By CosmoQueen on 4 September 2006

Very cute game. Not very long and the puzzles wern't that hard but still very enjoyable =)


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