Release Date 21 January 2007
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Setting Historical
Genre Horror
Story Original
Graphics 640x400, 8-Bit (256 Colour)
Downloaded 3,394 All Time


When mechanized zombies overrun a peaceful English village and countryside, what is a proper young lady to do?

Step up to the challenge and save the day, of course!

Created Feb '04 for a MAGS challenge. 1-21-07: Please read the installation instructions; there is an error in the setup that hasn't been resolved, and requires a slight workaround. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Miss Felicia Delgado knew that it would not be considered at all proper for her to earn her bread serving as a doctor to her beloved village of Isleyshire. It would certainly be more appropriate for her to live the quiet, retired life of a young woman firmly set on the shelf. However, living such a life would require money-- which Felicia had not-- so*something* clearly needed to be done. And while she greatly enjoyed the company of the dashing, scientifically-inclined Lord Bright, she was not such a ninnyhammer as to pin any hopes upon him declaring himself in any form at all.

Her time would have been taken up entirely in concerns of that sort, had not a more pressing problem reared its head... in the form of bloodthirsty armoured creatures roaming the countryside, destroying homes and terrorising all in their path. Worse yet, it seems that Lord Bright may be involved-- or even responsible!

Can Felicia solve the mystery of the metallic monsters? Or will she be their next victim?

ElaineMc Graphics, story, music, coding.
Damsel Voice Acting and Beta Testing

Squinky Beta-testing. Thanks for all your help!

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Showing 2 of 2 comments

By Andy on 25 January 2009

Quite a compelling story! I like the in-depth descriptions used for Felicia when she is thinking about the stuff that is going on around her. This combined with the music made me feel quite edgy throughout the game, which I think is really good.

On a side note I did wonder if a zombie could indeed be used as a battering ram, cos I couldn't get out of that room.

By Peach on 2 August 2008

The game is very short, but it's worth playing.
I'm glad to see the creator is making a similar game and am looking forward to playing it!


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