Favourite | |
Ratings | |
Release Date | 23 September 2007 |
Release Type | Freeware |
Content Advisory | Occasional, mild | None | Occasional, mild |
Setting | Contemporary |
Genre | Comedy |
Story | Original |
MAGS | |
Graphics | 320x200, 32-Bit Colour |
Downloaded | 14,435 All Time |
* Winner of the MAGS favourite of the year ("Maggies") 2007
* Winner of the MAGS competition for September 2007
* Nominated in the Best Short Game category in the AGS Awards of 2007
Vince is a stage hypnotist, and is close friends with Eve, a magician, and Nick, her assistant. They have just completed a long season and are now going on a long cruise to relax.
They soon discover something underhand is going on aboard ship. It's not just the ocean that smells fishy, and the cruise is going to be anything but relaxing...
(Ce jeu inclut une traduction française. Cliquez sur le lien "Visit website" ci-dessous ou "Website:" ci-dessus et lisez les instructions pour la version française….)
(Questo gioco include una traduzione italiana. Clicca sul link "Visit website" sotto o "Website:" sopra e leggi le istruzioni per la versione italiana.)
ThreeOhFour | Story, artwork and character animations |
paolo | Story, scripts, object anims, Italian |
monkey0506 | Beta-testing |
! | Scripting Advice |
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum | Countdown module |
Background Blitz Collection Screensaver | Randomizer help |
CGA games screensaver | Playlist v1.1 module |
Dakota | Flashlight Module |
Diamonds in the Rough | Additional scripting |
Featherweight | Scripting help |
Heed | Testing |
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok | Additional coding |
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake | Character Control Module (also strazer) |
IWWHIIWWHITOMIROTPG: The Game! | Programming, design, dialogues |
Living Nightmare: Freedom | Flashlight |
Mysteries of Peak Valley: Case 2 The White Lady | Flashlight module |
Oceanspirit Dennis: The Full Name Of This Game Won't Fit In The Subject Line!!1 | Creation, Compilation, Voice (Santa) |
Palette Quest | Everything |
Palette Quest 2.0 | Everything |
Pub master quest Legends v3.0 | DLC feature scripting |
THAT DAMN DOG! | Playlist Module |
The Samaritan Paradox | Steam intergration |
The Secret Plan 1- Running to stand still | Character Control Module. |
Peter Bear | French translation |
Beasts | everything but music |
How They Found Silence | French translation |
Lone Case 3: Showdown | Voice Actor |
The wife who wasn't there | French translation |
November 2007
Prepare to be mesmerized by the spellbinding Trance-Pacific. This game made its en-trance to the September MAGS competition count and won against 6 other worthy competitors. The rules for that month were "Innovation" and there certainly are plenty of those in Trance-Pacific. You won't be feeling very sleepy when you play this game and if you think I'm sayiong it's good,…
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Showing 5 of 21 comments
Innovation was the word of MAGS that month, and trance-pacific does not disappoint. Reading the instructions, I did find myself concerned that use of the Memo would be cumbersome, and I wasn't sure whether or not the game contained timed events, which as you can imagine would heighten one's concern regarding an unusual (unusually awesome!) inventory item that's clearly central to gameplay. Hurrah! No timed events and the Memo is an intuitive bit of kit.
This lovely little game was made in a month by just two gents, two gents, mind you who are innovating in a genre where controls can be uber-baneful, straightforwards, or worst case: inconsistent, leaving one experimenting and guessiong throughout. A month. Two people. Enjoyment magnified.
Nice visual framing, reasonable amount of dialogue, nicely devious puzzles, and a dose of 'realism' that makes for good immersion.
Was somewhat confused for a while by the semi-red herring 'Don't talk to things' line when you're trapped in the waiting area.
Anyway, very fun story, very fun game.
Very enjoyable, very innovative. It felt a little short and linear, but that is due to the short developments time allowed by the competition.
It's interesting to have companions with you the whole time, whom can offer insights or whom you must use for the puzzles.
There are a lot of descriptions for everything, some nice character interaction, even a red herring or two.
Then, of course, there's the Memo. An ingenious device that I only wish had seen more use. Just one thing - the character mentions that you should read the Readme to find out how it works, but there's a manual in your inventory as well, which doesn't tell you how to use it at all but is instead crucial to a puzzle. That caused some confusion for me because I kept trying to read it at the beginning of the game.
is a great game , the hypnotist is a incredible idea , nice puzzle and gui , i love the story and the characters
My only problem with this game is that it wasn't longer! It was incredibly, fantastically fun! And one of the most original plots I've ever seen.
Very well done. A worthy pick of the month. If the developers can spare the time, I'd recommend adding some audio to further enhance the high degree of immersion.