Ratings |
Release Date 6 January 2008
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Mild | Frontal nudity | Strong
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Horror
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x240, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 7,675 All Time; 4 This Month


The deluxe version of Lost in the Nightmare, my 2005 released game.

Features of the deluxe version:

*A new level!
A terrifying extra level will be available to play when you finish the game with the good ending.
Some of the events on this new levels are depended on a decision you make, so it is a replayable level.

*Revisioned graphics
Changed the shadow/highlight and hue/saturation values and adding some extra filters like Diffuse Glow. And remade some of the scenes.
I wanted to give a dark, film-noiristic but still dreamy ambience to the game.

*New scenes and extra endings:
I have decided to add more scenes inside the game.

And two extra endings; one of is a death sequence and the other is a secret ending for saving the campers.
*Bug fix: Many major and minor bugs are fixed! I should have done this so earlier.
*Proofread: The game script is proofreaded by Jonathan Anson.
*More music: Now I have used some tracks of some of my favourite metal bands, like Rammstein. I can say the tracks I used went very well with some scenes of LitN.

Are you ready for this? Then step into the dark world of Lost In The Nightmare and face your darkest dreams..

An 'interactive horror adventure' by Ahmet Kelesh, with pre-rendered 3D graphics and cutscenes with cinematical camera pitches.

Pre-rendered 3D backgrounds taken from the Half-Life engine are used in Lost In The Nightmare. I'm preparing the HL maps with Valve Hammer Editor by myself and using modified versions of the textures and models of the mods like They Hunger, Medieval World.

The main character is Burak Guney, a private dedective who used to work for the police. You are hired to find three university students who got lost in a forest near the Karabalta Town while camping. They have been lost for 3 months and the police couldn't find any clue what happened to them. You'll stay in Karatas Hotel during your investigate. But soon you will learn that something is wrong with this cursed town....

Gord10 Author
A Short Nightmare Author
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game 2009 - Source Code Scripting,graphics
Ahmet's AGS Fight Game Remix Scripting Sound and Original graphics
Are We There Yet? 2 producer
Asporia: Hidden Threat Scenario, 3D levels, scripting
Great Stroke Off!, The "Drunken Violent Bums" Video Game.
Lost Answers Author
Lost In The Nightmare - Demo 3D mapping, scripting
Lost In The Nightmare 2: Unforgettable Memories Demo 1 Author
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Producer/Story
Rufus story the Ahmet's AGS Fight Game module
Self Author
Triangle Head's Adventure Programming, arts and story
Utopia of a Tyrant Author

Eniena Proofreading

Mozesh Betatesting
Coyote Episode I: The Mexican Creative input, Betatesting
Deflus Technical Demo Sprite and portrait art, cutscenes, story
Horror Hospital Incomplete Demo Design
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Beta test
Self Beta testing

Ubel Betatesting
Buna Wants Beer Everything except music.
Chalk's Quest Everything except music.
Craft Of Evil Simple Save/Load Module
Deflus Technical Demo Background art, GUI design, scripting, story
Educating Adventures of Girl and Rabbit Graphics, programming, design, writing
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Beta test
PiXiA: Rainbow of Havoc Voice Actor
Tomb of the Moon Art
Unbound Simple Save/Load Module

hedgefield Betatesting
15 Minutes Designer, developer, and artist
A Date in the Park Testing & suggestions
Coyote Episode I: The Mexican Design, Graphics, Coding, Sound
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Beta test
The Majestic Conspiracy demo Story, Graphics, Scripting, Sounds, Puz
TREX and Muscle SAM: A New Kickstart! Another Savegames with Screenshots Module

SSH Credits module
10 Ways From Sunday Credits module
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Simple Snow Module
9 Months In Credits Module
A Day with Michael Yes/no, Credits, Save/Restore Module
A Night in Berry - long version Description, zoom and credits modules
Agent Trinity - Episode 0 - The Ultimatum Description module
AGS Awards Ceremony 2008 Compilation
Alba the Explorer: Princess Marian part V pretty much everything
All Pigs Deserve to Burn in Hell Description and Credits module
Awakening of the Sphinx DEMO Everything
Bolt Action Description, Credits, and Pixel Perfect Collision Module Supplier
Brothers & Wreckers (demo) Credits module
Buccaneer Scripting help
Bustin' the Bastille Description, Credits and Pixel Perfect Collisions modules
C.U.T.E. The Marvellous Adventures of Princess Marian part VII The whole bally lot
Christmas Quest 3: Santa's Little Help Desk Additional support
Craft Of Evil Credits Module
Dakota Credit Module
Darkness and Denim (MAGS) LEC Template
Diamonds in the Rough Additional scripting
Fallen Angel Credits Module.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Remake Hypertext/GUI Portrait/QBSpeech
Lost & Found Description module
Lost In The Woods Save Game and Yes/No Modules
Magic Owl Simple snow module
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! Beta Testing / Musical Continuity
OceanSpirit Dennis: A Ray of Hope Credits Module
Operation Save Blue Cup Credits Module.
Pixel Hunt Writer, Scripting, Voice acting
PMX: The Magic Hat Writing, graphics
Princess Marian and the Fountain of Unicorns most of the work
Princess Marian IX: The Phantom of the Ballet Everything
Princess Marian VIII: Snowfight almost everything
Princess Marian XI: Light re-leaf Programming
Princess Marian's Pigeon Pinger Everything
Roast Mother Goose Yes/No, SaveGame, Quit Modules
Robolution Starwars scroller Module
Rock, Rock, Rock Design, Programming, Modules
Scared Stiff Save/Load & Quit Modules
Secret of Hutton: Special Edition MultiResponse Module
Snakes on a Plane the muthalovin lot
SSH's Walkcycle Generator Everything
STRANDED Save/Load, Yes/No Modules
Suspicious mind Description module
Tempus Fugit Credits, Save/Load, and Yes/No Modules
THAT DAMN DOG! Credits Module
The Adventures of Princess Marian
The Adventures of Princess Marian II: Mother's Day
The Cat Lady SmoothScrollInv module
The Dark Cave: Adventure of Princess Marian IV everything
The Energizer Walkcycle generator
The Seven Doors Save Game and Yes/No Modules

Joe GUI module
CGA games screensaver help
Kill Joseda (2D shoot'em up) Almost Everything
Nedy's Adventure: The curse of Vera Deluxe Everything else
SAW - 1st part Scripting help
SAW 2 Additional code
SAW Deluxe (Remake) Programmer

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Showing 5 of 8 comments

By Michael2968 on 20 October 2014

This is an interesting and very dark game.

By donkeymilk on 19 August 2013

Trying to download but mediafire says it needs to repair download,and it doesn't!

By donkeymilk on 19 August 2013

Should i play the original version first?
Or just go straight for this updated version?

By Austin on 7 June 2008

Another thing I forgot to mention, some of the text goes by far too fast. I've also come across several glitches related to conversation. When I was talking to Polat near the end of the game, he asked Burak if Tanner had told him he defended Yachin. Burak said no, even though I had already had the conversation with Tanner where he tells Burak he did. After the second nightmare, I went to the hotel and talked to the woman there. Afterwards, I left, talked to Tanner and came back to the motel, and the entire conversation repeated.

By Austin on 6 June 2008

Let me state that I have only played the deluxe version, and I have only gotten the best ending, so I can't compare this game to the original version or judge the entirety of it.

The proofreader did a very poor job, and I have to question whether he actually made any effort. There are tons of grammatical errors, and more than a few sentences have words missing from them.

I agree with other users in regards to the game being an interactive movie. The gameplay is extremely limited and quite frankly, boring. As others have said, I think the navigation system could be better. The graphics are gritty, which fit the atmosphere of the game, but they lack detail and sharpness that prevents the game from being as scary as it could be.

The music is pretty good in most respects, but the rock music in the game is completely inappropriate for a horror game.

The story itself is pretty good. Certain parts feel akward, such as Burak's second nightmare, but overall it's well done. I felt tense playing the game, and often wondered what would happen next. You have a lot of potential, you just need to work on your presentation.

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