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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:
1 Cup Not serious entertainment
2 Cups A reasonable game, worth a try
3 Cups A good game, worth playing
4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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The Digital Spell

by jrp

Screenshot 1 of The Digital Spell

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Download Options for The Digital Spell

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Windows version  Download Link  Report Link

File size: 2.5 MB
Downloaded: 7,004 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Story Type:
Release Date:
26 Sep 2002
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 85% by the community (17 votes)Rated 85% by the community (17 votes)Rated 85% by the community (17 votes)Rated 85% by the community (17 votes)Rated 85% by the community (17 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageOccasional, mild
ViolenceOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
17 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

If I remember correctly, because I wrote the story a while back, you play as a pair of mages sent to find this powerful enchantment called The Digital Spell. As the title suggests, this has something to do with magic and technology, but the take is not like we've seen in games like "The Longest Journey", and such. Here magic and technology coexists, harmoniously (I believe... as I told you, I don't remember).

It is a kind of universe like the ones found in the pages of Heavy Metal magazines, but without the adult situations. I've been meaning to write a game like that, but despite my intentions, they always end up being PG, or PG-13 at the most. Anyway, I'm rambling. The thing is that the game has an atmosphere that reminisces those sci-fi European comics, but it has a slight irreverent tongue I cheek humor. A mixture I'm sure you are not used to, but one I hope you'll enjoy.

The game itself is not like most adventure games. The idea came after re-playing Lucasart's "Loom". In particular, getting to figure out how to play it is the first puzzle. But don't worry, it's not that hard (nor is the game nearly as hard as Exile).

10 people commented on this game (newest first):

This game starts with a very nice idea for an interface and a promising history, but there is no exploration of the characters or thickening of the plot and the end comes too suddenly. Had the puzzles been good, maybe I'd give this a better critique, but I found them to be really bad.

The background art is very good, but the author doesn't say whether he drew them or not. Given that the chracter sprites are obviously ripped, I had to give the visual an average score. You should credit the artists/copyright owners at least.
2007-02-25 19:46:59 by jkohen
An old time game, back from when my older brother was still in the forums... but I only figured it all out a few days ago. I am very impressed with the whole spell thing, it was a very interesting game.
2005-11-16 19:13:49 by King_Nipper
this RAWKS!
2004-03-05 12:13:49 by PUNKerELLA
Really good game - had me stumped for a while with the spells! Couldn't figure out how to get them! Would love to see a sequel. :)
2003-11-15 13:44:20 by Kediri
Interesting little game with a wonderful and innovative interface highlighting the experience. The use of swiped sprites worked well in the game, too.

My sole complaint was with atmosphere -- it seemed like it should have been a dark, gritty, futristic kind of affair, yet there was obviously humour in the game that seemed a little out of place (in my opnion, anyway... though some of it was pretty funny). Not a problem so much as it was unexpected, though.

Quite good overall for a short game, even if we're left hanging a bit.
2003-11-05 17:44:29 by Ozwalled
Wow, there's one really game! Unique and very intuitive interface, stunning graphics, cool characters, what more can you wish for?
2003-11-04 08:39:40 by Isegrim
By far the "coolest" game I've played from the AGS site thus far! Interesting and Original interface. Very good story, cool characters, and an atmospheric world. Just wish it had been longer.
2003-09-29 00:42:10 by Ryvvn
I love this. It has a deep atmosphere, a very unique interface and interesting characters. The nicest AGS-Game I playes so far.
2003-07-18 12:01:14 by Totoro
Hehe... to answer Joel's question, then you should buy it... You can get it quite cheap from everywhere these days... Just search gametz.com ;)

I'll try the game later.
2003-04-05 16:59:51 by jannar85
Hi! love you game!
I remember playing LOOM a long time ago.
Do you have a copy of loom? Could you please email me a copy of LOOM? I'd really love to play it once more. can't find it anymore on the store shelves...
my email is med80091@nus.edu.sg
Thanks so much!
2002-10-24 08:25:23 by Joel
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