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1 Cup | Not serious entertainment |
2 Cups | A reasonable game, worth a try |
3 Cups | A good game, worth playing |
4 Cups | A great game, well worth your time |
5 Cups | An outstanding, must-play game! |
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Predators Prey For Plants
by Ross Kevin Moffat (AKA Mandle)
(Click image to zoom)
Click icons below image, or press left and right arrow keys to change images.
Left click image or press up key to zoom in; right click image or press down key to zoom out.
Click 'X' or press ESC to close.
Short Game | Can be completed within 30 minutes |
Medium Length Game | Takes at least 30 mins to finish |
Full Length Game | As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic |
Non-Adventure Game | Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?! |
Joke Game | You know when it fits this category ;) |
Demo | Unfinished Games / Commercial Games |
Training Game | Games made just to try out AGS |
<Category Not Set> | Not yet categorised |
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Public Opinion
About this game
G'day,This game was created by Ross Kevin Moffat (AKA Mandle) for the July 2016 Monthly Adventure Game Studio (MAGS) contest.
The game is a simple simulation of the predators/prey/plants relationship.
At the moment there is no way to either "win" or "lose"...It's basically just a sandbox where you can explore the various interactions of wild animal and plant populations.
Observing the fluctuations of the different populations should give you some first-hand experience with the concepts of dwindling resources, boom-and-bust in plant and animal populations, and even extinction in extreme cases.
BROWN pixels are DIRT: All animals and plants CAN spread into DIRT areas.
BLUE pixels are WATER: All animals and plants CANNOT spread into WATER areas.
GREEN pixels are PLANTS: PREY need PLANTS to survive and spread. PREDATORS can also spread into PLANT areas.
YELLOW pixels are PREY: Herbivores...PREDATORS need PREY to survive and spread.
RED pixels are PREDATORS: Carnivores...Top of the food chain but will soon die without herbivores to prey on.
The panel controls are:
S or f5 to open the Save Map window.
L,R, or f7 to open the Load Map window.
Q,Ctrl-Q, or ESC to open the Quit Game (or continue) window.
The in-game controls are:
Left Mouse Click to draw on the map.
Right Mouse Click to change the draw cursor's colour.
Scroll Wheel Up/Down to change cursor size from 1-10 pixels.
The TITLE SCREEN at the start of the game is an actively running map. To change to a different map and start playing it you will need to either delete the TITLE SCREEN map bit by bit (yawn) or hit L or f7 to open the Load Map Screen where you will find a few sample maps as well as an ALL BROWN map, an ALL GREEN map, and an ALL BLUE map to start drawing on.
The game cannot be paused while running and you can draw on the screen at any time regardless of the scanning progression of the calculations.
You can pause the game if you need to step away from it for a moment by opening the save game, load game, or quit/confirm window, and then hitting the CANCEL or PLAY button when you are ready to continue.
If you leave the game running it will run forever. You can come back an hour, day, week, month, or year later and it will still be running your map.
As this game was made fast and rough in only a few sittings it is lacking many features that one would probably expect, such as population counters, graphs of growth and decline, etc etc. but even in this crude state I feel it could be useful in a classroom situation where cycles of boom-and-bust in nature, and/or extinction are being studied, or even just for your own personal study of such.
The game is 100% FREEWARE and was created on the also free ADVENTURE GAME STUDIO engine, which was created by Chris Jones.
I, Ross Kevin Moffat (AKA Mandle), give full permission to you to freely (but only for free) redistribute this game as you see fit.
I hope you have a fun, interesting, and/or learning experience.
The mirror is the original game file before I heard that some people had problems loading the game...
The main link is the new updated version that is attempting to fix those issues...
This game's threads
AGS Awards Nominations
Nominated, Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS 2016
AGS Panel Review
"A fun, clever simulation and interesting use of AGS. No real gameplay to speak of though."
7 people commented on this game (newest first):
But mainly to say that I'm pretty sure the issues with the game crashing on start-up for some users has been fixed (I hope)...
Life finds a way...
I agree with everything kumpel said ;)
At the moment I am waiting for the carnivores to get over a small path to an island where herbivores are eating the plants but never get to fully let them extinct. This invasion seems to take a lot of cycles.
Here are some features I would love to have (but very likely never get :P):
- option to speed up and slow down time. maybe also revert time ;)
- data, data, data. I want population numbers, scales, balance diagrams :D
- I thought about temperature changes and how the animals could get over water in very cold moments of the simulation and die out in very hot moments, that could also shrink the water areas.
- someone mentioned human influence. That would be amazing to watch small groups of modern people spread out with a click from the maps edges, hack down plants, hunt both animal kinds and build big areas of concrete (cities), change the water lines and so on :
Sadly it's not much of a game in it's current state, so while impressive as a technical feat, it's not very engaging over longer periods of time. What I feel it lacking is the ability to create something unexpected and unique like in the "game of life", something that behaves unexpectedly and suddenly transforms the map in some way.
As it stands it is a real-time interactive simulation/sandbox of the predator/prey/plants relationship.
The interface might be a tad confusing, so please read the above instructions or the READ ME in the game folder.
But once understood I think the controls should be pretty easy to use.
May your packs, herds, and forests thrive, and avoid extinction!