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The AGS Panel is a team of AGS forum veterans who play all of the games here, and give them ratings from one to five cups. The rating system is as follows:
1 Cup Not serious entertainment
2 Cups A reasonable game, worth a try
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4 Cups A great game, well worth your time
5 Cups An outstanding, must-play game!
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Apprentice I

by Herculean Effort Productions

Screenshot 1 of Apprentice I

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Download Options for Apprentice I

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File size: 6.4 MB
Downloaded: 42,707 times
Graphics: 320x200, 16-bit color
Operating System(s):


Game Genre:
Game Type:
Story Type:
Release Date:
12 Jul 2003
AGS Panel Rating:
Player Rating:
Rated 86% by the community (132 votes)Rated 86% by the community (132 votes)Rated 86% by the community (132 votes)Rated 86% by the community (132 votes)Rated 86% by the community (132 votes)
Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Short Game Can be completed within 30 minutes
Medium Length Game Takes at least 30 mins to finish
Full Length Game As long as a Sierra / LucasArts classic
Non-Adventure Game Using Adventure Game Studio for something else?!
Joke Game You know when it fits this category ;)
Demo Unfinished Games / Commercial Games
Training Game Games made just to try out AGS
<Category Not Set> Not yet categorised
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Content Advisory:
Bad LanguageNone
ViolenceOccasional, mild


Public Opinion

If you've played this game, why not help out and give us your votes?
132 people have rated this game so far:
Puzzles & Pacing:
Overall Enjoyment:

About this game

Mortimer "Pib" Pibsworth wanted to become a magician for as long as he can remember. He even sweeps floors for one. But today, something is different...

See the people who made this game and any other games they've worked on >>
Music, scripting, sound
Art, design, sound

AGS Awards Wins

Won, Best Room Art in an AGS Game 2003

Won, Best Character Art in an AGS Game 2003

Won, Best Animation in an AGS Game 2003

Won, Best Music in an AGS Game 2003

AGS Awards Nominations

Nominated, Best Game Created with AGS for 2003 2003

Nominated, Best Story in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Dialogue Scripting in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Player Character in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Supporting Character in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Gameplay in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Puzzles in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Sound Effects in an AGS Game 2003

Nominated, Best Scripting in an AGS Game 2003

AGS Panel Review

"A solid adventure game with a pleasing art style and a wonderful soundtrack. The deluxe version, however, is even better!"

23 people commented on this game (newest first):

Cute and good looking game, that reminds of the spirit of a good King's Quest... If it was doable in 30 minutes.

The puzzles are somewhat challenging for the scale of the environement, but you shouldn't spend too much time wondering what to do. I've liked it!
2015-05-29 05:07:46 by Pilpoilplante
The graphics were great. The story was fair, and the puzzles were difficult but logical.
2009-06-21 03:12:52 by gameguru
I'm new to the community. I honestly expected a much longer adventure, but this was marvelously done. I couldn't have asked for a better hour long adventure game.

I was very impressed with the humor! Makes me kind of jealous...maybe you wouldn't mind helping me out once my game is near completion in bulking out the script.

Two complaints-- navigating up and down the hill was next to impossible, and while the interface was very innovative, it was a hindrance. I found myself constantly right-clicking, hoping to change my verb faster. Also, the book inventory was interesting, but rather a hindrance as well, having to click the next button several times.

But good job! I hope my first game will be nearly this entertaining! (I'm definitely going for length, so hopefully the quality will come close to yours!)
2009-03-28 04:08:49 by Oddsea (oddsea)
The plot did not get to me, but Oh my gosh! what a way of using pixels
2009-02-08 21:28:11 by spanish_roboteer
Good plot, clever puzzles, nice sprites and backgrounds.

It could use some more jokes: the art style is light and clear, some items and puzzles are funny but the dialogs are a bit serious.

There is a minor bug (walking in the mountain) but overall, I think it is a really good game.

2008-12-03 21:01:55 by AsimosVagan
One of the best AGS games I've played. Even though its a little short, its definitly worth checking out.
2007-03-14 19:53:49 by cajunpepper
A great little game. It has nice graphics, interesting characters, good puzzles and is very funny. It doesn't have much of a story and is rather short but is still a fun game to play.
2007-01-27 04:50:54 by CapCase
Nice game, a bit short but the graphics are made well.
The ideas are very nice and funny, the dialogues too and has also a funny side ;)
2007-01-06 14:49:32 by Granknight
I've played this game a long time ago, maybe 2-3 years ago, one of my first point and click games to play. I love it. Amusing, great storyline, good interface and graphics. Worth downloading and I'm thinking about re-downloading it and playing it again.
2005-08-28 19:11:19 by CyreneQ
Apprentice is a fantastic AGs classic. The only gripe I have with this game is the length. It is frustratingly short when you really want to spend hours in Willowbean with Pib. Still, you can hardly complain when everything else about this game is so fine.

The graphics in Apprentice are superb, cute cartoony characters and a lush, bright land provide a feast for the eyes. The script is just as superb, with some of the funniest exchanges coming in the introductary scene between Pib and Lord Ironcrow. For such a short game, the creators have packed in tons of great lines and introduce us to five colourful characters who will return in the sequel. The music is predictable but pleasant, unlike many games which opt for the harshest and most annoying electronic sounds.

All in all, Apprentice is brilliant and I would have happily paid money for a game of such indisputable quality had it been longer. As it is, it amounts to just under an hour of gameplay but it's a hugely entertaining hour
2005-07-03 15:29:44 by madmanmunt
Oh, I have a few more things I want to say.

The music in this game is great! It has consistency and has as much a part in adding character to the game as the artwork.

One small complaint I have is with the game's interface. It would have been nice if I could cycle through the available actions with a key or a mouse click. The 1-4 action keys are nice, but being able to cycle through actions is also handy for times when I get stuck. Also, the inventory interface is rather poorly designed - you can't use the 1-4 keys with the inventory objects.

Anyway, this is a fantastic game. I don't see why games like 5 Days a Stranger (which is not that bad, mind you, but certainly not even close to the calibre of this game) are even put alongside of this one.
2005-01-16 20:42:26 by aRealAdventureFan
This is, by far, the best AGS game I've tried yet.

Unlike many AGS games where puzzle-solving just comes down to brute force trial-and-error, this game provides hints for every situation. There were a few hints that were a bit obscure - not so much about what to do - but how to go about it. The solution was right under my nose, but there was a part in the game where I got really frustrated and stuck for 15 minutes and had to stop playing and try again the next day with a fresh mind before I got it.

Aside from the clever puzzles, which by themselves should put this game in the AGS hall of fame, the game features stunning graphics and animation. The game has a truly commercial feel about it because every scene is alive because of a small amount of animation in each one. It only takes a few simple animations in every scene to bring each scene to life (water dripping, a person doing something, etc.), and the author apparently understood this to a great extent. My only complaint is that Pib looks a little inconsistent from the front and side views (he looks a bit too narrow - especially in the face - for the bulkiness implied by the front and back views). In any case, this is the best-looking AGS game I've seen so far. I've seen ones with better stills, but not with such dynamic scenes and characters.

The only problem is that it's really short. Also, the ending, while absolutely hilarious, would have been ten times more so if the character had to go through a series of dangerous situations rather than run a bunch of simple errands. You'll all see what I mean when you finish the game for yourselves.
2005-01-16 20:36:36 by aRealAdventureFan
We're going to make more games, nickel or not. :)
2004-08-27 21:47:10 by geoffkhan
If I send you a nickel will you make more games?
2004-08-19 10:44:17 by f
Excellent little game with a pleasant and magical atmosphere, beautiful backgrounds, original and interesting characters, nice music and it was well scripted, mainly the GUI.
Two thumbs up !
2004-02-28 12:31:10 by Dorcan
Awesome... simply AWESOME... I can't even think of ONE bad point to it. Well, maybe it's lenght... but if not for that, it would be the FIRST on my list, even over the commercial game I played... but since it's a bit short, Day of the tentacle stay up there ;) But you Grab the second place without hesitation! I hope this is only a prequel to a longer game!
2004-02-25 10:40:44 by Daelric (Jonathan)
A great game. :-)

It definitely needs a sequel though to explain the dream. :-)
2003-09-18 08:45:45 by Straston
Brilliant art and animations, great humour - great game... It's sooo short, though, but it may well be a good thing since it makes you crave all the more for its sequel!

BTW, what's the secret puzzle?
2003-09-18 04:24:07 by ratracer
So far the best released amateur adventure game I've played. Excellent music, although I found it slightly too repetitive. The secret puzzle video is bonkers. The first time it made me laugh, the second time it made me throw up.

Almost, I mean.
2003-09-04 06:58:48 by deadworm222
For everyone who does not want to give away his/her email adress here is the link after you entered the fields right: http://www.cryingflower.com/downloader/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/index.htm
2003-08-21 05:46:26 by Anonymous
I say this is one of the finest AGS games I've played so far. The humour is top notch, and the animations and the backgrounds are really professional. Make more games, for Pete's sake!
If they are all like this one, you'll go far!
2003-07-22 01:15:33 by Rincewind
This game is one of the best games I've played both amateura and commercial! It has all the qualities of a perfect game: art, animation, music, sound effects, funny dialogs and puzzles, and a great plot, even though it's short.
It is just great!
2003-07-15 16:08:25 by GinnyW
I put it up there with Pleurgburgh, KQ2 and the Uncertainty Machine. Yes, I know what I'm saying.
2003-07-12 01:26:32 by redruM
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