The One Room, One Week competition originally did "what it says on the tin": a competition to create a game in one week that only had one room. However, definitions of week and room fell prey to such things as Timezones, pre-made resources, background-switching, scrolling rooms, etc. So now the week rule pretty much stands, but the one room rule is very flexible. The competiton keeps its snappy title, though.


Announced in May 2006, competition ran in the end of May (original thread lost, first page backed up here) by scotch

  • The highest scoring game for sound is The Heist
  • The highest scoring game for graphics is The Heist
  • The highest scoring game for writing is Heartland
  • The highest scoring game for design is The Heist
  • This OROW's Best Game is... The Heist by AJA and Mad Reizka.


Ran in January 2006 by scotch

  • The graphics award goes to Blackmail in Brooklyn (4.3)
  • The award for writing goes to Science (4.0)
  • The the best scripted game was voted to be Tomb of the Moon (4.1)
  • The best puzzles award goes to Tomb of the Moon (3.7)
  • Best music is awarded to Blackmail in Brooklyn (3.5)
  • overall winner by public vote is Tomb of the Moon by Ishmael and Pablo


Ran in July 2005 by scotch and AGA

  • Joint win by Anna by VinceXII and Alone in the Night by AJA


run by AGA in April 2005

  • Automation by MrColossal won every category and the overall thing