King Simulator 2013

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King Simulator 2013 is a community roleplaying game administered by WHAM on the AGS forums. The following is a glossary of people, places and things to help us all keep track of who's who and what's what.


Name Picture Description
King of Grimdark King of Grimdark The player character -us! Apparently he is the twin brother to the late evil king, whom he overthrew in a revolution. He likes to party hard until the treasury is depleted, so needs careful watching when he gets drunk or gets his purse out. He is single, and doesn't appear to have an actual name.
Annabelle Annabelle the Cow The highest-prize cow of a peasant village, gift of goodwill from some DIRTY PEASANTS. Annabelle currently resides in the unkempt castle garden.
Cat Cat the Farmer Representative Representative of the farmers. She speaks in a colloquial kind of down-home manner, and is not much for palace protocol.
Construed of the Grimm Family Construed of the Builder's Guild Head of the builder's guild. He's the go to guy if we want to build anything.
Dennis of the Frostsea Family Dennis of the Trader's Guild Head of the trader's guild, although they do not appear to be currently trading with anyone, nor do they apparently have any recollection of where places are or what we used to trade with them....
Jester Jester Our royal chief minister, grand vizier, chief advisor and most trusted companion. He's also pretty weird and has a kind of shifty/sinister look to him. But, heh! We're a trusting sort of monarch, so it's all good (for now....).
Jib Ali-Gharzab of the Guaravana Family Merchant of the South A merchant from the south who offers ever-changing wares for sale, and is open to buying stuff from us. His expertise is negotiating the "shifting roads....past the sand-pits, deadly snakes and vicious scoprions as well as the wily naga-people who so love to ambush travellers" between the midlands (presumably Grimdark) and the southlands, of which the Emirate of Turbanistan is the pre-eminent polity.
Lancelot Sir Lancelot A "straight and true" knight who serves us loyally, with his 20 men, for the price of 5 gold coins per year. He will serve us so long as our rule is just and fair.
Mandarb Mandarb of the Guild of Graftsmen Head of the craftsmen guild. Contact him if you ever need something specific or special produced.
Shadowy Traveller Shadowy Traveller & Perveyor of Prophesy A mysterious figure who has prophesized that bad times are a-comin'. Specifically: "Before long your kingdom will be beset by dangers untold, and it will be your task to ensure your people are ready." These dangers will come from every direction (east, west, above, below), but remain as yet unnamed. HOWEVER, on the fourth day of our rule an object will come into our possession "which will grant you the assistance of myself and others like me. Be wise and use it well, unlike the one who reigned over this land before you, for wasting such power might see your reign come to end sooner than you think." (WHAM, POST #84)